St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church 445 N. Main Street • Sellersville, PA • 9090 February 15, 2015 Highlights of our PARISH OFFICE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT 445 N. Main Street, Sellersville, PA 18960 We, the people of St. Agnes Parish, are a Catholic community that: OFFICE HOURS • worships God • spreads the Good News of Christ • serves those in need The Parish Office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM (closed from Noon to 12:45 PM) or by Appointment. MASSES (*) Saturday Vigil: 5:15 PM Parish Office 215-257-2128 Sundays: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 (Noon) Parish Office Fax 215-257-4561 Weekdays: 8:00 AM (Monday-Friday) Saturdays: 9:00 AM Pastor Holy Days: Vigil-5:15 PM, 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM * Rev. Jeffrey M. Stecz (x111) (* schedule changes for New Year’s Day and Deacons Ash Wednesday) Deacon Harry Tucker Deacon R. Lyle Benner ROSARY: Mondays–6:30 PM-Adoration Chapel; Saturdays-8:00 AM-Church Director of Religious Education CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP: Tuesdays—7:00 PM (Chapel) Ms. Anne D. Hayes (215-257-1811) Business Manager ST. JOHN PAUL II ADORATION CHAPEL: Chapel is open all week Mrs. Kathleen S. Raub (x116) until Midnight on Saturday and re-opens Sunday at 2:00 pm. Parish Secretary Ms. Rosemary Makovec (x110) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) (*) Director of Liturgical Music Saturdays: 8:30-8:50 AM / 4:00-4:45 PM Ms. Catherine Kasnel (*) Schedules differ around Christmas and Easter Coordinators of Youth Ministry SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Arrangements are made in advance. Contact the Deacon Lyle & Donna Benner (x160) Parish Office to obtain a copy of the Baptismal guidelines (including who can be E-mail: [email protected] Godparents) and information on arrangements. The Lord’s Cupboard Ms. Tracey Pressley (x161) St. Agnes-Sacred Heart School (SASH) Ms. Margaret Graham, Principal 215-822-9174 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with the priest at least six months prior to the date of the wedding. This is to allow adequate preparation for this Sacrament. Pre-Cana classes or Engaged Encounter Weekends are required. Contact the Parish Office to obtain information on arrangements. United Way of Southeastern PA Identification Code for St. Agnes Service Association - #1918 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK/HOMEBOUND: We urge parishioners who are seriously ill or facing surgery to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick prior to admission to the hospital. PARISH MEMBERSHIP Welcome to our parish family. Our faith community invites all its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. New members and families should register as soon as possible at the Parish Office. MINISTERS OF COMMUNION bring Holy Communion to those confined to their home. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. LETTERS OF ELIGIBILITY FOR BAPTISM and CONFIRMATION: A letter of eligibility is asking for a priest to sign and acknowledge that the person is 16 years of age or more, confirmed and married in the Catholic Church and celebrating the sacraments regularly. This person must be registered and an active member of the parish for at least six (6) months. Page 2 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 WELCOMING COMMITTEE Attention Saint Agnes Parishioners! The Welcoming Committee extends a warm greeting to new and current parishioners. We seek to invite you to feel more a part of our faith community by providing you with helpful information about our parish organizations and committees. For more information, please call Rachel Plaska at 215-453-9818 or Donna Bell at 215-453-8472. DONUT SUNDAY Please join us after the 8 AM and 10 AM Masses on Sunday, February 22 in the parish social hall for Donut Sunday hosted by our Hospitality Committee. (weather permitting!!) TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The leper will dwell apart, making an abode outside the camp (Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46). Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32). Second Reading — Do everything for the glory of God; be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1). Gospel — The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 The Altar Candles in the Adoration Chapel for the Week of February 15 are in Memory of Frank & Josephine Nizio (Donated by Georgie Werner) St. Agnes Church #225 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Names are added to the list of Prayers for the Sick upon request from the individual or from the sick person's family. Please pray for: Missy Kuban, Mary Ann Gill, Michael Druchala, Joseph Connor, Eleanor Stecz, Lena Dorsi, Charlie Hafler, Ruth Hacker, Karl Altomare, Thomas Meehan, Marge Prisnock, Richard & Marlene Laverick, Brayden Zackon, Jason Hamburger, Donna Mongrandi, David Moyer, Rachael Behn, Paul Bennis, Margaret Davis, Jordan Stone, Walter Lewis, Pat Malolie, Marlene Kramer, Margaret Graham, Madelyn Turock, Craig Cullison, James Dewald, Josephine Schiavone and Dan Lezoche When the Lord has answered your prayers, please notify the Parish Office so we can remove that person's name from the list. Pope Francis’ Quotes “Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone.” “Jesus is not a figure from the past: he continues now and always to light the way for us.” Twitter 2/6,2/8 Pro-Life Corner In the way I treat others I am showing how much I value their lives. If I show care, concern and respect in my relationships, I am breathing life into these relationships. Am I doing this in all my relationships? Pastoral Council Meeting Our next Pastoral Council meeting is this Thursday, February 19th at 7 PM in the Social Hall Meeting Room. Page 3 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Pastor’s Corner . . . We are about to begin a new Lenten journey this week. It’s a great time to step back, not just today, but throughout the whole season of Lent (40 days) to examine our lives and our relationship with the Lord. What we see as we get introspective and are honest before the Lord may not be the best version of ourselves. We may not like everything we see. I found the words on HOLINESS of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI very encouraging, “Holiness does not consist in not making mistakes or never sinning. Holiness grows with capacity for conversion, repentance, willingness to begin again, and above all with the capacity for reconciliation and forgiveness.” Holiness is not unattainable, as if it is a star we cannot reach. Holiness is something very real. Holiness is an encounter with God who is all holy. Holiness is cooperating with the grace of the Holy Spirit and seeing with new eyes, living with hearts on fire for love for the Lord, and knowing that we can place our trust and hope in the Lord. We have much to be thankful for, but most especially for God’s willingness to let us begin again, and again, His ability to forgive time and again. Let us begin again, let us be holy!!! My prayers that this Lenten Season is a time of drawing closer to God who is holy so that we can be holy. Know that you my St. Agnes family are fondly remembered daily in my prayers. If you need to contact me, please call the Rectory or e-mail me at: [email protected]. You can also follow me on Twitter: @frjeffstecz. I am here to serve you. In Christ, Father Jeff St. Agnes Church #225 Congratulations SASH Cheerleaders Our SASH Cheerleaders competed at Nationals in Disney World last weekend and we are happy to announce that they placed 7th in their heat, 9th in the nation, and 1st in the entire northeast!!!! We are so proud of our SASH girls and their coaches!!! St. Agnes Youth Group St Agnes Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm. Meetings are in the Youth Room on the first floor of the Convent. All Youth in Grades 9 through 12 are welcome. For information, please contact: Deacon Lyle Benner at [email protected] Tech Track . . . Blog – Our parishioner, Michael Bollinger, who is in the seminary, is keeping a blog. Check it out: http:// Attention Night-Owls !! Our Adoration Chapel is in need of two night adorers - Monday at 2:00 am (immediate) and Tuesday at 2:00 am (beginning March). If you can help, call/ text Sue at 215-983-9701. Have You Remembered St. Agnes? Remember St. Agnes in your prayers first and foremost (parishioners, staff, deacons and pastor). May we continue to be nurtured in our faith so we can be leaven for the world. Remember St. Agnes in your support of time, talent and treasure. Volunteer time for your parish using your gifts so we can continue the mission of the Church. Remember St. Agnes weekly and in your will so we can continue the mission of Christ and His Church. Contact Fr. Jeff Stecz or Kathy Raub (Business Manager) for more information. Page 4 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 St. Agnes Church #225 CONSULTATION ON THE FAMILY This past weekend, you heard how the Catholic Charities Appeal impacts on the most needy in our Greater Philadelphia Area. Because of your generosity, special education students are given the tools to succeed, the homeless are given a safe place to eat, sleep, and get back on their feet, students in rough neighborhoods are given a safe place to learn, and retired priests who have spent their lives caring for others, receive the medical attention they need in their final years. Thank you for your support of the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal and Give Hope to those who need it most. In addition to using the donation envelope that you received directly from the Archdiocese, you can also make a secure payment, pledge or gift online at: Your help is needed. In preparation for the Synod of Bishops meeting in October in Rome, questions are being disseminated and collated. The consultation requires a thoughtful reading and reflection on this document (Lineamenta) and a response to questions that accompany it. This document can be found in English at The questions concerning the family can be found online and completed electronically at by clicking on the link “Consultation of the Clergy and Faithful for 2015 Synod of Bishops in Rome.” Responses to the questions are to be returned by Monday, March 9, 2015, to this designated e-mail address, [email protected]. All responses will be collated and form a general response of the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to assist with the preparation for the 2015 Synod of Bishops. Thank you for your time and interest in this consultation. Let us pray together for the greater proclamation of the Gospel and its reception among us on Christian family. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 Four Stages of Prayer Course Is your prayer life in a rut? Are you longing to connect with God in prayer? The season of Lent is the perfect time for a revival! Susan Brinkmann, OCDS and the Catholic Life Institute is offering a 5-week course on the four stages of prayer based on the teaching of St. Teresa of Avila. Classes include instruction (and practice!) in mental prayer, meditation, contemplation, and more. Discover the Catholic contemplative tradition in all its glory! Classes will be held on Thursday evenings in the parish hall from 7:00 - 8:30 pm from February 26 to March 26. Cost for the 5-week course is $35 per person. Visit to register or call/ text Sue at 215-983-9701. Come along on our Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer with Amazing Angels and Super Saints. VBS is planned for June 22 through June 26. We are excited as we plan our adventure and ride with some very interesting characters and stories. Registration forms will be available soon. We are asking adults who are interested in participating as Crew Leaders to contact the Commander, Tamara Markley, at [email protected] for more information. We’ll need solid planning so we can have a Smooth Ride! Don’t let the ride start without you. Don’t miss the fun! Grand View Health Hospice Grand View Hospice is looking for caring people willing to share their time with this important volunteer training program. Training includes instruction in hospice philosophy, listening and communication skills, the experience of death, dying and grief and practical information needed to assist patients and their families. The free six week course begins on March 2 (6:30 pm8:30 pm). If you are interested in this rewarding volunteer experience, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Carlene Meyers at 215-453-4149 to schedule an interview. Page 5 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 FAST AND ABSTINENCE AND OTHER ACTS OF P ENANCE FOR LENT The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, February 18, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light. All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended. All are encouraged to participate in Operation Rice Bowl which has aided countless hungry persons here in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and our world. Rice Bowl kits can be found at all exits of the Church. ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES AM and 7:30 PM (Blessed Ashes are imposed during the Mass) (* No 5:15 PM Mass or Stations of the Cross on Ash Wednesday) St. Agnes Church #225 SASH SCHOOL NEWS Financial Aid Applications for the 2015-2016 school year through BLOCS are available on line now. BLOCS is a Financial Aid Program for families of students enrolling in Pre-Kindergarten-12 in a participating Catholic School including SASH. Please visit for more information or call Stephanie Saveriano at 215-822-8403 Travel with Deacon Tucker to Italy Deacon Harry Tucker will be the Chaplain on a trip to Italy Regular. Where: Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Assisi, Venice Trip Dates: October 17-22, 2015 Cost: $3,699.00 Airfare and ALL-Included To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online at 9:00 DAILY LENTEN MASSES Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 5:15 PM Mass Saturday: 9 AM Mass STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM in the Church starting February 25. Can You Help ? We are looking for someone to go to Grandview Hospital to distribute Holy Communion to Catholic patients on a weekly basis. If you can spare a few hours on a Monday or Tuesday and are interested in helping, please call JoAnn at 215-5705413. Thank you. Host a Family Thousands will visit for this international event from September 22-27, 2015. You can open your home and host a family or an individual. It is easy to sign-up online. Be a part of this historic event and learn more at or email us at [email protected]. To register or to learn more, please visit: Page 6 FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. — 1 Corinthians 10:31 St. Agnes Church #225 OFFERTORY COLLECTION AND ELECTRONIC FUNDS GIVING February 8, 2015: $12,214.40 February 9, 2014: $10,570.93 COLLECTIONS THIS WEEK (02-15-15) First Collection: In Support of the Parish Second Collection: None COLLECTIONS NEXT WEEK (02-22-15) First Collection: In Support of the Parish Second Collection: Care of the Aging and Infirm Priests of the Archdiocese Saturday, February 14 5:15 PM + Susanne Balsamo Sunday, February 15—Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM + Deceased Members of the Doll and Iacono Families 10:00 AM + Tillie Keliher 12:00 PM + For the Deceased Members of the Msgr. Long Knights of Columbus Council Monday 8:00 AM - For the Intentions of Mimi Pratte Tuesday 8:00 AM + Albert Guerra Ash Wednesday 9:00 AM - Living & Deceased of the Parish 7:30 PM - Living & Deceased of the Parish Thursday 8:00 AM + Rosalie Guida Friday 8:00 AM - For the Intentions of James McCool, Sr. 5:15 PM + Deacon Donald Kretsch Saturday, February 21 9:00 AM + Joseph J. McGonigal 5:15 PM + Joseph & Rose Cassell and Ed, Betty and Butch Wasser Sunday, February 22—First Sunday of Lent 8:00 AM + June Martin 10:00 AM + Antonio, Maria & Mary Schiavone 12:00 PM + Joseph, Andrew & Frank Makovec SASH CYO Spring Registration is OPEN SASH CYO spring registration is now open for all spring sports. If your children are interested in playing baseball, softball, or track & field, please register now at We are looking to have a JV and Varsity team in all sports this year, so any child in 5th – 8th grades is welcome to play at SASH. SASH CYO provides a fun and competitive atmosphere and all our games are local. If you have any questions, email John Gallagher [email protected]. SASH CRUSADER FOOTBALL The SASH CRUSADER Football team will open registration in May this year. The football team is looking for children in 5th and 6th grades for JV football and 7th and 8th grades for Varsity football. There is no weight limit in CYO football. Email questions for football to [email protected] SASH CYO Board needs you!! If you are able to give back to your parish community, please consider helping us! We have openings for all positions on the board. Volunteering your experience and talents can help our parish CYO continue to grow. Please contact Christina Altopiedi [email protected] for more information. We would like to thank GVMP—GRAND VIEW MEDICAL PRACTICE for placing an Advertisement in our Sunday Bulletin. A Family Tradition of Service Family Owned and Operated Since 1948 BETTY MEIER STEELEY FUNERAL HOME James D. Steeley 87 NORTH MAIN STREET SELLERSVILLE, PA 18960 (215) 257-4622 FUNERAL DIRECTOR MISS PETRINA'S PIANO STUDIO KUSTOM KLEAN Where Fingers Dance and Music is Fun Lessons Age 4 to Adult Petrina Strothers, Parishioner 519 Branch Rd., Perkasie HOME & OFFICE 215-257-3584 • Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. A KUSTOMIZED KLEANING SERVICE W/ A PERSONAL TOUCH Julie Camburn, Our Local Neighbor 267-236-6050 NICK DeMAIO Insurance & Financial Services 621 W. Market Street, Perkasie 215-258-0900 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Serving PA, NJ & DE $650 OFF 10% OFF 215-639-8500 JOBS OVER $2000.00 Follow us on: CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE 10% OFF INSPECTION AAA COSMETIC INC. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Expert Basement Waterproofing Basement Remodeling Mold Remediation & Odor Removal Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Crawl Space Water Proofing Financing Available SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT LIFETIME WARRANTY Licensed & Insured 1-855-435-6009 Check out our reviews on: CARE, COMFORT & COMPANIONSHIP UNDER ONE ROOF Senior Care Community GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 • • • • PRIVATE & SECURE STUDIO UNITS 24 HOUR CAREGIVING ON-SITE REHAB THERAPISTS SHORT TERM OR TRIAL STAYS AVAILABLE 340 FARMERS LN. SELLERSVILLE, PA • 215-257-6701 • WWW.HIDDENMEADOWSONTHERIDGE.COM Contact J.E.M.’s Sparkle & Shine Professional Cleaning Services for a free estimate! • • • • • SCATTON’S House Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Laundry Bathroom & Bedroom Cleaning Heating & Cooling, Inc. SPECIALIZING IN HEAT PUMPS AIR CONDITION AND GAS HEATING John Maurer, Parishioner 215-760-1301 | MASSAGE FOR RELAXATION AND PAIN MANAGEMENT 267-664-2874 Alexis Christy, L.M.T. Lic #MSG000082 MIKE DETWILER Parishioner 215-855-6144 [email protected] Chimayo Gallery The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. & Gift Shop The Affordable & Eclectic Shop for Our St. Agnes Families Art • Gifts • Unusual Finds Quality Guaranteed Free Est. • Fully Insured Kevin M. Zahner 528 West Market Street Parishioner Family PERKASIE 267-733-5012 Sellersville, PA 267-404-2407 215.587.5650 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS ~ OPEN SUNDAYS ~ Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call this week John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 extension #161 225 St. Agnes Church, Sellersville, PA (I) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • Bernard Suess & Sadler-Suess Funeral Homes Bernard Suess Funeral Home 606 Arch St., Perkasie, PA 18944 Jeffrey F. Gahman, Supervisor 215-257-2144 Sadler-Suess Funeral Home Bernard H.Suess, Funeral Director Michael L. Kuhnert, Funeral Director Pennridge Family Eye Care Complete Examination • Contact Lens Specialist Low Vision • Full Service Optical JOHN D. KNOUSE, O.D. – ERIN FAHNESTOCK, O.D. Rts. 313-174 N. Main St., Dublin 249-EYES Hoffman & Sons Concrete Contractors Concrete Work • Backhoe Service Snow Removal • Hardscapes Retaining Walls • Decorative Stamped Concrete Jay Hoffman • Parishioner 215-257-5880 W R I G H T Carpet Vinyl Ceramic S IT U VIS DAY TO C O M P A N Y, I N C . BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLAN Gourmet Food & Housewares: Organic & Gluten Free 205 N. Main St., Sellersville, PA 267.354.1756 Wed-Sat 10am-6pm GASOLINE • KEROSENE • MOTOR OIL * For Home & Industry * Automatic Degree * Day Deliveries McELHARE’S SERVICE CENTER 93 S. MAIN ST. MAIN & PARK AVE. SELLERSVILLE, PA 18960 215-257-2726 SINCE 1956 STATE INSPECTION • NEW EMISSIONS • BRAKES ALIGNMENT • TIRES • GENERAL REPAIRS 215-249-0182 Fireplace Equipment Barbeque Supplies Wood & Coal Stoves 105 S. Main St. • Dublin, PA J.C. Steinly, Inc. Office 817 Market St. , Perkasie 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Parishioners of St. Agnes 257-2739 or 257-2060 An A Andrea ndrea M. Gorman, LPN Holistic Wellness Therapist Certified Reflexologist Education Speaker with Bayada Educ Home Care Our Our Local Loc Neighbor (2 Blocks from St. Agnes) 2 267-218-5137 6 149 West Main St. Silverdale, PA 18962 We've moved! Come visit us at our new location! PA HIC #029045 215-723-4636 RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS GRATES & GRILLS Wood 33 North Main St., Telford, PA 18969 Wendell G. Waddell, Supervisor Tom Hamburger owner Residential & Commercial visit us at 215-257-9380 TOM HAMBURGER PENNRIDGE ANIMAL HOSPITAL Upper Bucks Orthodontics BUILDERS INC. HIC # PA010400 JEN HELLER VMD • BETH MEHAFFEY VMD Always caring FOR and ABOUT your pet. 1419 Ridge Road • Perkasie, PA ROBERT A. AZARIK D.M.D. M.D.S 267-272-9996 1300 North Fifth St., Perkasie, PA 18944-2293 215-257-8011 Board Certified Orthodontist Office 215 257 9708 Mobile 215 205 0372 [email protected] 37 N. Main Street Perkasie, PA Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted Parish Member FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! See What COLOR NAMI of Bucks County IS HERE TO HELP Can Do For You! To i n q u i r e a b o u t t h i s wo n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y, c o n t a c t u s a t John Patric k Publishing Company ( 8 0 0 ) 3 3 3 - 316 6 If you or someone you know struggles with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, BPD, Co-occuring mental illness and substance abuse... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! • Attend Our FREE Support Groups and/or Forums • Take Our FREE Education Classes (Starting in the Fall) Bucks County Voice on Mental Illness • Call Our Helpline 1(866) 399-NAMI (6264) • JTM Contracting FREE INSPECTION Kitchen & Bath • Home Renovations/Remodeling Interior & Exterior Trims - Replacement Doors - Etc. Licensed & Insured Joe McMahon, Parishioner 267-377-9126 ASSOCIATES IN HEARING — HEARING AID SPECIALIST — Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale 215-855-4217 #225 St. Agnes Church, Sellersville, PA (B) F. Craig La Rocca ATTORNEY AT LAW Elder Law Planning • Medicaid Applications Estate Administration • Estate Planning Wills • Trusts• Financial Powers of Attorney Healthcare Powers of Attorney • Living Wills PA Lic. #006806 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 215-427-1727 215-412-7300 John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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