RI Theme 2014-15 “Light Up Rotary” The Rotary Club of Stevens Point [WI] PO Box 908, Stevens Point, WI 54481 Club 2673 District 6220 February 11, 2015 Rotary Club of Stevens Point Welcomes Katie Young, Anderson Law Graduate UW-Madison Law School highest honors— Member of the law school‘s Order of the Coif, originally from Antigo ‗Women‘s Fund of Portage County‘ Program Arrangements: Tom Bertz GREETERS February 11th – ________________ Any Wednesday in February – 18, 25 FEBRUARY 2015 RI THEME – World Understanding Month Rotary International‘s 109th Year, Our Club‘s 97th – May 1st, 2014 Rotary International: www.rotary.org Polio UPDATES Daily - http://www.polioeradication.org/Home.aspx Rotary Basics – great site – check it out! http://www.rotary.org/EN/MEMBERS/NEWMEMBERS/ROTARYBASICS/Pages/TheOrganizationofRotary.aspx District 6220: www.ridistrict6220.org NEW - District Electronic Directory and Member information http://www.directory-online.com/Rotary/Accounts/6220/Newsletter/0/Rotary%20District%20620%20Directory%2020122013.pdf Our Club: www.stevenspointrotary.com UWSP ROTARACT – http://www.facebook.com/pages/UWSP-Rotaract/153776281332253 Morning Club – Greater Portage County www.portagecountyrotary.com Friday 7 a.m. @ Portage County Annex Building, Conf Rooms 1 & 2, 1462 Strongs Ave Rotary News & Views - - Of the Club and Otherwise G uests and Rotarian Visitors A nnouncements Visiting Rotarians o Fred Leafgren, Toronto Forest Hill. o Asst District Governor Area 6 – Pat Puyleart, Wausau Early Birds Kayla Rombalski – United Way Volunteer Center [Patti Cahill] Justin Anderson, Associated Bank Branch Manager, Stevens Point [has job of retired Suzanne Murphy] [guest of Jim Anderson but not related] RYE Japan Inbound – Kashio o Gearing up for mid-February RYE conference. o Went dining @1800 with host family – what a grand time at a great restaurant o Learning to cross-country ski and maybe will take a shot at downhill. o Kashio will be giving the program on February 17 with commentary about home and experiences here. No updates on John Billings -- a nice thank you note from Vickie for Rotary flowers sent to him at St. Joe‘s. New Flag Standard – replacing the old broken staff thanks to Chancellor Bernie Patterson, with Pres Dave raiding the kids sand box for the weight. Newest Member: Michael Faeth, Edward Jones [UWSP Adjunct Prof. History; ABD Un. Minnesota; grew up in Ohio] FOREIGN EXCHANGE INFORMATION NIGHT – SPASH, February 17, 5:00-7:30. Hosted by SPASH INTERACT and exchange students. Get you and your parents‘ questions about RYE [Rotary Youth Exchange] and other international programs – straight from the inbound and outbound students, former exchange students, Host Family panels, country presentations, Information Booths. Also learn about a new Rotary Program ‗New Generations Youth Exchange‘ which can be from a few weeks to three months with a wide variety of options for current and recent secondary school graduates, young professionals, even families. Check for your name on the program schedule – we have a number of ‗no programs‘ or ‗no program coordinator‘ - get your program arranged or take one of the empty dates [please let Dave or Dick know]. 2015-16 RI Theme: President-elect urges Rotary members to 'Be a Gift to the World'. Rotary International President-elect K.R. ―Ravi‖ Ravindran asked Rotary members to use their talents, expertise, and leadership to transform the lives of others when he announced his theme for the 2015-16 year, Be a Gift to the World, during the International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA. Read more about the theme- Read what incoming governors think of the theme Inbound RYE Fall 2015: o From Germany – Alexander Willeke, Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia. Born in Heidelberg, Germany. First host family in Amherst – need a 2nd. Alex father, a Rotarian, is a surgeon and mother‘s a physician. Older sister and brother. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP GARDENS is our Rotary Club‘s 100th Anniversary joint project together with sister cities of Rostov Veliky, Russia, and Gulcz, Poland; and, Partner City Estelí, Nicaragua of the Wisconsin- Nicaragua Partner Program. A description of the project and conceptual site plan are attached to the email with last week‘s bulletin. P rogram – PC Boys-Girls Club Director, Rotarian Kevin Quevillon The Boys and Girls Club and Y are in a really positive coexistence for the youth of Portage County. There are 8 current locations serving some 1300 kids in our area. There are nine full time and three part time employees with lots of help from UWSP students. Downtown site is open in later evening on Saturdays for teens. Most of the presentation was spent describing the new facility to be built adjacent to the current City Parks building and new PJ Jacobs middle school, a prime location the in the Goerke Park area with so many public facilities nearby – hockey, pubic skating, swimming pool, tennis and the former MSTC Campus which may become part of the UWSP complex. This will be the permanent center of B&GC activities R H affle – Sara Brish after years of trying had the winning ticket but not the big winner card. appy Dollars – Typos – last week Kathy Trachte was misnamed Kathy Stack – but her great tan was a dead give away from time in Mexico and with Jerry not Bob. Now apparently she is on the way to a family outing in the Bahamas. And the Four Way Test on the last page only had three point!! Another picture of Joe Leek on the beach from their new home hitting Face Book – rub it in Joe. $3 – Ann Huntoon – the 13th is the Grand Snow Ball fund raiser for CWSO; next week will be the youth composer showcase. $5 Jim Anderson – celebrating only granddaughter, and anniversary with only current wife. $2 Tom Bertz - #2 Badgers beat heck out of Indiana [bulletin editor‘s alma mater] and expected UWSP Pointers to rip River Falls. Jen Selwyn – working with SPASH Interact for foreign study Q&A Feb. 17th at SPASH – the evening event will feature current inbound and former RYE as well as students from many other countries; headed back to Mayo to get another reading on a headache problem. Sara Brish – won the raffle, this is their 13th anniversary, 4th in the club and daughter is six year old. Wish the morning club Happy 10 th Birthday on February 17th FEB 2015 17 World Understanding Month Greater Portage County [RCGPC]Charter Presented in 2004 by sponsoring club – Rotary Club of Stevens Point Jen Selwyn RYE Kashio RYE Program and perspective of Japan and Stevens Point Rotary International founded in 1905 on this date109 years ago Rotary Club of Stevens Point founding meeting; Chartered May 1st 1917 Rotary Club 18 23 26 25 MARCH 2015 4 7-8 11 18 25 APRIL 2015 1 Literacy Month; World ROTARACT Week Randy Zietlow PETS Jim Anderson Dave Kievet Jim Firminhac RI Magazine Month Arleen Gross & Mary Ann Krems - PC Alliance for Youth Pres Elect Training Itasca, Il Elizabeth Gosse, Central Wisconsin Juvenile Justice Ministry Ardie Lange 8 15 22 29 MAY 2015 Kathy Trachte John Billings Ken Schmidt Nick Abts International Convention Month 1 MAY 1917 6 13 May 15-17 20 27 JUN 2015 Rotary Club of Stevens Point Scholarship Chair [Committee] Dustin Fahney Chartered by Rotary International [sponsored by Rotary Club of Duluth] Rotary Club Scholarships to recipients from: Pacelli, SPASH, UWSP and MSTC Multidistrict: 6220, 6250, 6270 District Appleton Paper Valley Inn - Theme and agenda to be published later Governor‘s Conference Sara Brish Rick Reyer Rotary Fellowship Month -- INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION São Paulo, Brazil 3 6-9 Dave Morgan São Paulo 10 Austin Miloszewicz 17 24 Karen Thompson Pres Dave Marten Pres Cliff King São Paulo, Brazil - 6-9 2015 [May 29 – 1Jun, 2016 Seoul, Korea; Jun 10-14, 2017 Atlanta, GA] Cyndi Glodoski - she will be talking about long term care/short term rehab, including Power of attorney paperwork, our company and facility, and things to keep in mind when looking for long term care/short term rehab. Paul Harris Awards Presentation The End is the Beginning – Welcome to Officers of 2015-16 2015 Board Meetings - Monday 730 a.m. PC Library: Feb 16, Mar 16, May 18, Jun 15 The 4-Way Test Adopted by RI in 1943 Of the things we think, say or do --1 - Is it the TRUTH? 2 - Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3 - Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4 - Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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