The Kanawha Reporter, Thursday, February 12, 2015 Page 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET ESTIMATE Form 631.1 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 - ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 KLEMME City of The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Budget at on 3/2/15 at Proceedings: Klemme , Iowa CITY HALL 6:30 The Budget Estimate Summary of proposed receipts and expenditures is shown below. Copies of the the detailed proposed Budget may be obtained or viewed at the offices of the Mayor, City Clerk, and at the Library. The estimated Total tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on regular property . . 9.53184 The estimated tax levy rate per $1000 valuation on Agricultural land is . . . . 3.00375 At the public hearing, any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. (641) 587-2018 TERRY MEINTS phone number City Clerk/Finance Officer's NAME Budget FY 2016 (a) Re-est. FY 2015 (b) Actual FY 2014 (c) Revenues & Other Financing Sources Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Property Taxes-Levy Year Net Current Property Taxes 1 2 3 76,378 0 76,378 81,000 0 81,000 81,478 0 81,478 Delinquent Property Taxes TIF Revenues Other City Taxes Licenses & Permits 4 5 6 7 0 0 47,903 250 0 0 44,000 250 0 0 43,027 363 Use of Money and Property Intergovernmental 8 9 2,100 68,800 1,100 75,670 2,709 66,043 Charges for Services Special Assessments 10 11 155,000 0 160,000 0 143,757 0 Miscellaneous Other Financing Sources 12 13 36,000 0 19,000 0 16,524 0 Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources 14 15 0 386,431 7,000 388,020 0 353,901 Public Safety Public Works 16 17 52,600 145,600 42,300 141,400 46,837 111,583 Health and Social Services Culture and Recreation Community and Economic Development General Government Debt Service Capital Projects Total Government Activities Expenditures Business Type / Enterprises Total ALL Expenditures 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2,600 114,947 6,000 80,200 0 0 401,947 98,100 500,047 2,430 77,500 0 66,100 0 0 329,730 68,500 398,230 2,175 74,826 0 78,185 0 0 313,606 62,258 375,864 Transfers Out Total Expenditures/Transfers Out 27 28 0 500,047 7,000 405,230 0 375,864 Excess Revenues & Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures/Transfers Out 29 -113,616 -17,210 -21,963 Beginning Fund Balance July 1 30 293,943 311,153 333,116 31 180,327 293,943 311,153 Expenditures & Other Financing Uses Ending Fund Balance June 30 Published in the Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 KLEMME CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Monday February 2, 2015 The Klemme City Council met at the regular meeting on Monday February 2, at 6:30 PM, Council Chambers, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Blank. Present: Abele, Davis, Crotty, Welsh and Trampel. Absent None. Addition to the agenda was the possibility of changing council meeting start time to 6:00 p.m. After some discussion it was tabled until next meeting. Abele made a motion to accept the agenda. Crotty seconded the motion. Motion carried. Trampel made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Abele made a motion, with a second from Crotty , to approve the payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried. The Sheriff’s Report was reviewed. Mike Goodwin with Mort’s Inc. presented the council with information on a City Pump & Well Inspection Program that they are offering. Would be a Ten Point Annual Inspection with an introductory price of $147.00 plus Trip charge one way per well, with a reduced price for additional wells. Council was asked to bring their thoughts to the next council meeting. Davis made a motion to appoint Jean Pringnitz to the Library Board. Abele seconded the motion. Motion carried. Davis made a motion to accept City Clerk Rout’s vacation request. Welsh seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kenneth Weiland, Public Works Director, was present at the meeting. Weiland informed the council that he was in contact with the insurance company, after the last council meeting about city parts on private property and we are covered. He still has not heard back from either company on price quotes for the waterplant. The Clerk and Council did a final review of the proposed budget for Fiscal 2015/2016. Abele made a motion to set March 2, 2015 at 6:30 PM at the City Hall to be the date, time, and place for the public budget hearing. Crotty seconded the motion. Motion carried. Abele made a motion, with a second from Davis , to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. Colleen Rout, City Clerk/Treasurer Income for Feb.General: $12,742.45; Road: $4,554.63; Water: $5,621.93. Colleen Rout, City Clerk Attest Mayor CITY OF KLEMME-BILLS TO ALLOW FEBRUARY 2 , 2015 SALARIES GROSS NET Colleen Rout-City Clerk 1,275.00 1,101.60 Terry Meints -Financial Advisor 300.00 259.20 Kathy Olthoff-Library 1,857.50 1,434.88 Kenneth Blank-Mayor 110.00 101.59 Gloria Hasenwinkel- Library 154.40 133.40 Donna Weiland -Janitor For City Hall 257.50 222.48 Ken Weiland-Public Works 4,368.00 3,239.97 Reliance State Bank-Withholding 1,736.47 Treas. St Of Iowa-Withholding 232.00 IPERS-Withholding 1,213.39 OTHER BILLS Waste Management Of N. IA -Garbage & Recycling 1,680.00 Hancock Co. Sheriff-Monthly Fee 1,690.00 C0mmunication 1-Library 20.22 C0mmunication 1-City Hall 43.16 C0mmunication 1-Water 78.32 C0mmunication 1-Museum 30.30 Alliant Energy-General 1,856.04 Alliant Energy-Water 700.81 Black Hills Energy -Natural Gas 1,115.54 Scott Ginapp-Sewer 80.00 Tom Thorson-Water 75.00 Amazon-Library 235.56 Book Look-Library 452.67 Baker & Taylor-Library 132.09 Staples-Library Supplies 10.00 Cash-Library Postage 100.00 Agsource-Sewer 1,000.00 Hawkins-Water Supplies 15.00 Mid-America Publ. Corp.-Publication 79.28 Hancock Co Coop Oil-Fuel 500.17 Caterpillar Financial Services-Loan 1,363.92 Marco Inc-Maintenance/Copier 29.15 Iowa One Call 13.50 Mort’s Inc-Water Repair 322.50 LandfillOfNorthIowa -Annual Membership Dues 684.45 Jaspersen Insurance -Fee To Add Loader Attachments 22.00 Postmaster-Stamps 106.40 Kramer Hardware-Supplies 53.92 TOTAL 22,164.98 Published in the Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 • The Leader 7 Proceedings Proceedings Proceedings Public Notice CITY OF GARNER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2015 The City of Garner Council met in special session on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 6:30pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Mick called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. ROLL CALL-Present: Denny Drabek, Deb Schmidt, Tim Schmidt, George Smith, Lynn Smith, Absent: none. Motion by Denny Drabek, seconded by Lynn Smith to accept the agenda as printed, carried unanimously. CA Lansing reviewed corrections made to the proposed fiscal year 2015-2016 budget and maintenance fund allocations. He then shared the updated Capital Improvements Plan. Discussions continued regarding future projects including infrastructure upgrades, sidewalks/ trails, housing subdivision options and the anticipated High School addition/remodeling. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Kenton L Mick, Mayor Daisy Huffman, City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAROLD HALL, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11385 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Harold Hall, Deceased, who died on or about February 18, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe5thdayof December, 2014, the last will and testament of Harold Hall, deceased, bearing date of the 30th day of January, 1991, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that David Hall was appointed executor(s) of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Datedthis27thdayofJanuary,2015. David Hall Executor of estate P.O. Box 304 LakeHughes,CA93532 Ted Hovda Attorney for executor 395StateStreet P.O. Box 9 Garner,IA50438 Date of second pulbication: 11th day of February,2015. ProbateCodeSection304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11, 2015 Public Notice IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR HANCOCK COUNTY (Juvenile Division) ORIGINAL NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF D.B., A Minor. CAUSE NO. JVJV001050 TO: SCOT YOUNG, AND ALL PUTATIVE FATHERS OF A CHILD BORN ON THE 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015, IN LEMARS, PLYMOUTH COUNTY, IOWA: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that on January 29, 2015, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Hancock County, a Petition in Case No. JVJV001050, which prays for the termination of your parent-child relationship to a child born on the 15th day of January, 2015. For further details contact the Clerk’s office. The Petitioner’s attorney is Brian D. Jones, Siegrist & Jones, P.C., whose address is 94 Main Ave. North, Britt, IA, and whose telephone number is (641) 843-4451. You are notified that there will be a Hearing on the Petition to Terminate Parental Rights before the Iowa District Court for Hancock County, at the Courthouse in Garner, Iowa at 1:30 o’clock P.M. on the 20th day of February, 2015. You are further notified that the above case has been filed in a county that utilizes electronic filing. You are further notified that unless prior to said Hearing you serve, and within a reasonable time thereafter file, a written Appearance, Motion, or Answer in the Iowa District Court for Hancock County, at the County Courthouse in Garner, Iowa, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for information on electronic filing and Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16, division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings. You have the right to court appointed counsel pursuant to Iowa Code §600A.6A if you are indigent. NOTE: The Attorney who is expected to represent you should be properly advised by you of the service of this Notice. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (641) 421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942) STATE OF IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV001050 County Hancock Case Title IN THE MATTER OF DANE BECK THIS CASE HAS BEEN FILED IN A COUNTY THAT USES ELECTRONIC FILING. Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Notice contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from the court, you must file your Appearance and Answer electronically. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch website at http://www.iowacourts.state. and obtain a log in and password for the purposes of filing and viewing documents on your case and of receiving service and notices from the court. FOR GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC FILING, REFER TO THE IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16 PERTAINING TO THE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: FOR COURT RULES ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY IN COURT FILINGS, REFER TO DIVISION VI OF IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16: http://www.iowacourts. Scheduled Hearing: If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at . (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Date Issued 01/29/2015 10:44:46 AM District Clerk of Hancock County /s/ Beverly Templeton Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 4, and Feb. 11, 2015 GARNER-HAYFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS December 15, 2015 The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Garner-Hayfield Community School District was held on December 15, 2014, in the board room at the high school building at approximately 7:00 a.m. Board members present: Tusha, Toppin, Thiele, Zrostlik, and Roberts. Board members absent: None Motion by Zrostlik, second by Roberts, to accept the resignation and agreement for Brian Winkler effective Dec. 31, 2014. There being no further business to come before the board at this time, upon motion by Toppin, seconded by Thiele, and unanimously carried, the special meeting was adjourned by President Tusha at approximately 7:10 a.m. Patricia A. Schmidt Board Secretary Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Proceedings CITY OF GARNER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2015 The City of Garner Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Mick called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL-Present: Denny Drabek, Deb Schmidt, Tim Schmidt, George Smith and Lynn Smith, Absent: none. Motion by Lynn Smith seconded by Denny Drabek to approve the agenda as amended, carried unanimously. PUBLIC INPUT: none. Motion by George Smith, seconded by Lynn Smith to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows, carried unanimously. • Minutes–January13thregularandJanuary 20th special meetings • New Fire Dept Members: Travis Dodd, Chris Gerdes, Matt Hoeft, Ryan Ytzen • BeerLicenseRenewal–DollarGeneral Following a request from Bill Paulus, representing the Garner Golf Course Foundation, there was a motion by Tim Schmidt, seconded byGeorgeSmithauthorizingtheFoundationto spend a portion of their Capital Improvement funds towards the purchase of a 2008 fairway mower from TurfWerks for $18,750 and a 2008 golfcartfromMiller&Sonsfor$3,000,carried unanimously. Motion by Denny Drabek, seconded by Deb Schmidt to approve the December 2014 GarnerGolfCourseFoundationfinancialsandtheir 2015 budget, carried unanimously. Motion by George Smith, seconded by Tim SchmidttorescheduletheFebruary24thCouncilMeetingtoMonday,February23rdtoallow for attendance of the Iowa League of Cities Legislative Day, carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: Unauthorized tree removal letters Rusty Gourley and Jeromy Allen, V&K letter to Hentges & Sons regarding sinking trenchinHejlikField OTHER BUSINESS: Items discussed included: • Complimentsreceivedregardingsnowremoval Meetingadjourned7:13pm. Kenton L. Mick, Mayor Daisy Huffman, City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 CITY OF GARNER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2015 The City of Garner Council met in special session on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Mick called the meeting to order at 7:21pm. ROLL CALL-Present: Denny Drabek, Deb Schmidt, Tim Schmidt, George Smith, Lynn Smith, Absent: none. Motion by Denny Drabek, seconded by Lynn Smith to accept the agenda as printed, carried unanimously. CA Lansing continued to review the proposed fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Kenton L Mick, Mayor Daisy Huffman, City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET F. NUEHRING, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11397 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Margaret F. Nuehring, Deceased, who died on or about Janary 18, 2015: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe22ndday of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Margaret F. Nuehring, deceased, bearing date of the 4th day of June, 1998, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Marvin Nuehring was/were appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 22nd day of Janunary, 2015. Marvin Nuehring Executor of estate 1672 120th Street Kanawha, Iowa 50447 Earl W. Hill, ICIS PIN No: AT0003537 Attorney for executor EarlW.HillLawOffice 35 Main Avenue North, P.O. Box 301 Britt, Iowa 50423 Date of second pulbication: 11th day of February, 2015. Probate Code Section 304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11, 2015 Proceedings Public Notice HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 26, 2015 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Greiman, Ron Sweers, and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: none. The minutes of January 19, 2015 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Greiman, seconded by Supervisor Sweers and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Accepted the 2013-2014 independent auditor’s report from Renner & Birchem, PC. Abatement of uncollectible taxes in the amount of $2,080.00 on parcel number 2601 2601150160 under the name of Grace Harriet Riekens. No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 1:47 p.m. by Supervisor Sweers and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on February 2, 2015. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Jerry J. Tlach, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 IN THE JUVENILE COURT FOR HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE TO: Tina Williams mother of H. C. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that case number JVJV001051 is a Termination of Parental Rights matter pending in this Court. You are further notified that a hearing has been sent in the District Courtroom of the HANCOCK County Courthouse, Garner, Iowa, on March 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM. You are further advised that you have the right to be represented at the hearing by counsel and appear in person; in the event you are financially unable to employ counsel, the Court will, upon application, appoint counsel for you. STATE OF IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV001051 County Hancock Case Title IN THE INTEREST OF HARLEY COSTNER If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at . (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Date Issued 02/03/ 2015 01:24:56 PM Clerk of Court of Hancock County Jeanne Zwald Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, Feb. 18 and Feb. 25, 2015 Iowa Department of Management ASSESSING JURISDICTION: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- PROPOSED BUDGET the service of this Notice. STATE OF IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV001055 County Hancock THIS CASE HAS BEEN FILED IN A COUNTY THAT USES ELECTRONIC FILING. Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Notice contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from the court, you must file your Appearance and Answer electronically. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch website at http://www.iowacourts.state. and obtain a log in and password for the purposes of filing and viewing documents on your case and of receiving service and notices from the court. FOR GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC FILING, REFER TO THE IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16 PERTAINING TO THE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: FOR COURT RULES ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY IN COURT FILINGS, REFER TO DIVISION VI OF IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16: http://www.iowacourts. Scheduled hearing If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (641) 421 0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942.) Date Issued 02/04/2015 10:39:44 A.M. District Clerk of Hancock County Beverly Templeton Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11 and Feb. 18, 2015 Public Notice ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT OF HANCOCK COUNTY Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. Steven D Gayken; Christina Gayken a/k/a Christina Ward, a/k/a Christina A Gayken; Parties in Possession; Unknown spouse, if any, of Steven D. Gayken; Unknown spouse, if any, of Christina Gayken; State of Iowa - Child Support Recovery Unit; State of Iowa - Child Support Recovery Unit, et al. Defendants. EQUITY NO: EQCV019365 Youarenotifiedthatapetitionhasbeenfiled intheofficeofthiscourtnamingyouasadefendantinthisaction.Thepetitionwasfiledon October29,2014,andpraysforforeclosureof PlaintiffsmortgageinfavorofthePlaintiffonthe propertydescribedinthisnoticeandjudgment fortheunpaidprincipalamountof$55,940.40, with 6.5% per annum interest thereon from March1,2014,togetherwithlatecharges,advances and the costs of the action including (but not limited to) title costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, as well as a request that said sums be declared a lien upon the following described premises from November 14, 2008, locatedinHancockcounty,Iowa: The West One Hundred (100) feet of the NorthHalf(N1/2)oftheSouthWestQuarter(SW1/4)ofBlockFive(5),inStubbins’ Addition to the Town of Britt, Hancock County, Iowa, commonly known as 365 2ndAvenueSouthwest,Britt,IA50423(the “Property”) The petition further prays that the mortgage on the above described real estate be foreclosed, that a special execution issue for the saleofasmuchofthemortgagedpremisesas isnecessarytosatisfythejudgmentandforotherreliefastheCourtdeemsjustandequitable. Forfurtherdetails,pleasereviewthepetitionon file in the clerk’s office. The Plaintiffs attorney isBrianR.Hazel,ofSouth&Associates,P.C.; whose address is 6363 College Blvd., Suite 100,OverlandPark,KS66211. NOTICE Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Martin H. Boomgarden, Deceased Probate No. ESPR011398 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Martin H. Boomgarden, Deceased, who died on or about December 25, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe22ndday of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Martin H. Boomgarden, deceased, bearing date of the 15th day of March, 2010, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Marvin Boomgarden was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 26th day of January, 2015. Marvin Boomgarden Executor of estate 653 4th Ave. SE Britt, Iowa 50423 James A. Wetterling, ICIS PIN No: AT0008398 Attorney for executor WetterlingLawOffice,P.C. 275 State Street, Garner, Iowa 50438 Date of second publication: 18th day of February, 2015. Probate Code Section 304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, February 18 and February 25, 2015 Form 673 Public Notice ORIGINAL NOTICE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR HANCOCK COUNTY (Juvenile Division) IN THE MATTER OF T.L.F., A Minor. CAUSE NO. JVJV001055 TO JUSTIN LANGEL, AND ALL PUTATIVE FATHERS OF A CHILD BORN ON THE 24TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015, IN SIOUX CENTER, SIOUX COUNTY, IOWA: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that on February 3, 2015, there was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Hancock County, a Petition in Case No. JVJV001055, which prays for the termination of your parent-child relationship to a child born on the 24th day of January, 2015. For further details contact the Clerk’s office. The Petitioner’s attorney is Brian D. Jones, Siegrist & Jones, P.C., whose address is 94 Main Ave. North, Britt, IA, and whose telephone number is (641) 843-4451. You are notified that there will be a Hearing on the Petition to Terminate Parental Rights before the Iowa District Court for Hancock County, at the Courthouse in Garner, Iowa at 9:30 o’clock A.M. on the 20th day of March, 2015. You are further notified that unless prior to said Hearing you serve, and within a reasonable time thereafter file, a written Appearance, Motion, or Answer in the Iowa District Court for Hancock County, at the County Courthouse in Garner, Iowa, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. You have the right to court appointed counsel pursuant to Iowa Code §600A.6A if you are indigent. NOTE: The Attorney who is expected to represent you should be properly advised by you of PUBLIC NOTICE Internal activities, admissions, employment, and housing are not based on race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, pregnancy or disability, in compliance with the Title VI of Public Law 88-352 the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Concord Care Center of ABCM Corporation 490 West Lyon Garner, IA 50438 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 THE PLAINTIFF HAS ELECTED FORECLOSURE WITHOUT REDEMPTION. THIS MEANS THAT THE SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY WILL OCCUR PROMPTLY AFTER ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNLESS YOU FILE WITH THE COURT A WRITTEN DEMAND TO DELAY THE SALE. IF YOU FILE A WRITTEN DEMAND, THE SALE WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL TWELVE MONTHS (OR SIX MONTHS IF THE PETITION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT) FROM THE ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS YOUR RESIDENCE AND IS A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING OR UNTIL TWO MONTHS FROM ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS NOT YOUR RESIDENCE OR IS YOUR RESIDENCE BUT NOT A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THE SALE. THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE WILL BE ENTITLED TO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY. YOU MAY PURCHASE AT THE SALE. You must serve a motion or answer on or before 18th day of March, 2015, and within a reasonable time thereafter file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Hancock County, at the county courthouse in Garner, Iowa.Ifyoudonot,judgmentbydefaultmaybe renderedagainstyouforthereliefdemandedin thepetition. Ifyourequiretheassistanceofauxiliaryaids or services to participate in a court action becauseofadisability,immediatelycallyourDistrict ADA Coordinator at 641-494-3611. If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942. By: CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Hancock County Courthouse 855 State Street, P.O. Box 70 Garner, IA 50438-1637 IMPORTANT: YOUAREADVISED TO SEEK LEGALADVICEATONCETOPROTECTYOURINTERESTS. Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, Feb. 18, and Feb. 25, 2015 Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Hancock County Assessor The Conference Board of the above-named Assessing Jurisdiction will conduct a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year budget as follows: Meeting Date: Meeting Time: Meeting Location: February 23, 2015 12:00 P.M. Board of Supervisors Office, Hancock County Courthouse, 855 State St., Garner, Ia At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of receipts and expenditures on file with the Conference Board Clerk. Copies of the Supplemental Budget Detail (Schedule 673-A) will be furnished upon request. Clerk's Telephone Number: Clerk's Name: PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY 641-923-2269 A FUND (Use Whole Dollars) 1. Assessment Expense 2. FICA 3. IPERS 4. Emergency 5. Unemployment Comp. 6. Tort Liability 7. TOTAL B Expenditures C D FYE 6-30-2014 FYE 6-30-2015 FYE 6-30-2016 Transfers Actual Re-estimated Proposed Out 260,656 357,304 290,305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260,656 357,304 290,305 0 Proposed taxation rate per $1,000 valuation: $ COUNTY NAME: Marianne Welsch E F G H Estimated Estimated Ending Fund Beginning Fund Estimated Balance Balance Other Transfers FY 2016 FY 2016 Receipts In 94,946 87,746 12,521 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94,946 87,746 12,521 0 0.33069 I Estimated Amount To Be Raised By Taxation 284,984 0 0 0 0 0 284,984 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- BUDGET ESTIMATE CO NO: Hancock Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 The County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year County budget as follows: Meeting Date: Meeting Time: Meeting Location: 41 March 2, 2015 10:00 a.m. Hancock County Board of Supervisor's Office, Garner, IA At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of revenues and expenditures on file with the County Auditor. A copy of the supporting detail will be furnished upon request. Average annual percentage changes between "Actual" and "Budget" amounts for "Taxes Levied on Property", "Other County Taxes/ TIF Tax Revenues", and for each of the ten "Expenditure Classes" must be published. Expenditure classes proposing "Budget" amounts, but having no "Actual" amounts, are designated "NEW". County Web Site (if available): County Telephone Number: 641-923-3163 Iowa Department of Management Form 630 (Publish) REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Taxes Levied on Property* Less: Uncollected Delinquent Taxes - Levy Year Less: Credits to Taxpayers Net Current Property Taxes Delinquent Property Tax Revenue Penalties, Interest & Costs on Taxes Other County Taxes/TIF Tax Revenues Intergovernmental Licenses & Permits Charges for Service Use of Money & Property Miscellaneous Subtotal Revenues Other Financing Sources: General Long-Term Debt Proceeds Operating Transfers In Proceeds of Fixed Asset Sales Total Revenues & Other Sources EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES Operating: Public Safety and Legal Services Physical Health and Social Services Mental Health, ID & DD County Environment and Education Roads & Transportation Government Services to Residents Administration Nonprogram Current Debt Service Capital Projects Subtotal Expenditures Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out Refunded Debt/Payments to Escrow Total Expenditures & Other Uses Excess of Revenues & Other Sources over (under) Expenditures & Other Uses Beginning Fund Balance - July 1, Increase (Decrease) in Reserves (GAAP Budgeting) Fund Balance - Nonspendable Fund Balance - Restricted Fund Balance - Committed Fund Balance - Assigned Fund Balance - Unassigned Total Ending Fund Balance - June 30, Proposed property taxation by type: Countywide Levies*: Rural Only Levies*: Special District Levies*: TIF Tax Revenues: Utility Replacmnt. Excise Tax: Explanation of any significant items in the budget: 3,234,667 2,046,282 0 0 89,848 Budget Re-Est Actual 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5,280,949 0 147,000 5,133,949 1,400 30,000 508,448 3,934,480 17,275 359,873 207,606 260,750 10,453,781 14 15 16 17 0 2,170,000 0 12,623,781 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5,173,480 133,000 5,040,480 975 32,000 504,361 3,735,463 18,000 334,593 210,125 181,075 10,057,072 5,041,231 0 194,889 4,846,342 2,596 37,472 579,978 4,046,816 21,241 359,505 235,438 314,452 10,443,840 2,245,000 1,980,000 12,302,072 12,423,840 1,952,787 351,105 441,962 586,567 5,270,300 483,446 1,063,020 14,500 0 555,000 10,718,687 1,609,634 400,588 554,416 547,303 5,181,300 442,228 1,159,674 11,200 0 560,000 10,466,343 1,573,833 378,888 502,406 499,546 4,956,903 393,639 896,959 415 0 590,113 9,792,702 29 30 31 2,170,000 0 12,888,687 2,245,000 1,980,000 12,711,343 11,772,702 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 -264,906 4,498,642 0 30,000 2,828,767 165,000 0 1,209,969 4,233,736 -409,271 4,907,913 651,138 4,256,775 30,000 107,000 30,000 2,570,113 51,000 4,361,642 4,498,642 2,256,800 4,907,913 AVG Annual % CHG 2.35 -6.37 11.39 -3.74 -6.21 8.36 3.11 10.82 8.86 491.1 -3.02 Proposed tax rates per $1,000 taxable valuation: Urban Areas: 3.75344 Rural Areas: 6.92456 Any special district tax rates not included. Date: 02-05-2015 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015
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