11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching English: Building Skills for Regional Cooperation and Mobility Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 27 February 2015 Friday 8.00 - 8.45 8.45 - 9.00 9.00 - 9.10 9.10 - 9.55 Room 2.4 Featured Sessions Workshop A writer's perspective on getting published in ELT journals Paper Paper Developing reading habit An investigation into through reading comprehension international students’ experiences studying EAP in a joint venture university in China Paper A Rasch validation of the Listening Vocabulary Levels Test (LVLT) Paper Developing autonomous learners in Japan: Practices and reflections Paper Developing extensive reading strategies: A case study of ten Indonesian EFL learners at STKIP Muhammadiyah Bogor Paper The use of a digital tool, WriteToLearn, in the Indonesian EAL classroom: Essay and summary writing tasks Featured TWEED Andrew Dennis ACQ 3 HERUJIYANTO Antonius GLO 1 LEE James ASS 1 KRAMER Brandon, MCLEAN Stuart & BEGLAR David PED 4 STROUPE Richmond PED 5 HARYONO Rudi PED 13 DRAJATI Nur Arifah Paper Autonomous learning through listening for a business administration study program at an Indonesian polytechnic MORNING TEA (Catering Area) Paper Paper Paper Investigating teachers’ attitudes Analytical rubrics or scoring Features of academic writing in toward different English holistically: Which is better? Vietnamese students’ research pronunciation variations: A case proposals and the effectiveness study of Quang Binh university of intensive training Paper Impacts of the writing project on the attitudes and performance of EFL students at the COERR language skills center Paper The utilization of English hedges as writing strategy for L2 learners: A case study of writing ACQ 1 RINI Nur GLO 2 NGOC LAN Hoang Hoa PED 7 NGUYEN Thi Thu Ha & EDWARDS Emily PED 8 HUM Chan & SRUN Sotith PED 14 WIDIAWATI Yogi Paper An investigation on learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of learners’ reticence at Banking Academy of Vietnam Paper Indonesian EFL students’ perception of teacher language use of L1 in L2 speaking classes Paper Validating peer feedback: Student attitudes to learning "guild knowledge" and evaluative skills PED 9 SALWA Salwa PED 15 BLACKSTONE Brad 11.05 - 11.35 10.35 - 11.00 Workshop 2 “Burning questions” about doing research Featured BURNS Anne 3 Featured STROUPE Richmond 12.15 - 13.00 Sociolinguistics Paper Impact of technical communication course on academic writing skills of selected engineering students ASS 3 CAYAO Erlinda & ASUNCION Risa ACQ 2 WONG Roxanne (SOC) Paper Gender stereotypes in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: A systemic functional analysis LUNCH (Catering Area) Second Language Acquisition Language and Ideology (IDE) Language Assessment (ASS) (ACQ) Paper Effectiveness of teaching grammar with the use of dictogloss for non-English major students: An action research Paper Language and ideology in the media: A case study from Australia D 13.05 - 13.35 ASS 2 NGUYEN VAN Chuong ra 11.40 - 12.10 Workshop Paper Getting published: Advice from Cross-cultural trials the Language Education in Asia editors 4 Room 2.3 Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED) ft 10.00 - 10.30 1 CamTESOL and UECA Regional Research Symposium Registration and Seating Arrival of VIPs Opening Ceremony OPENNING PLENARY SESSION (Symposium Hall) Action research: What is it and what is its status in doing research? by BURNS Anne (Symposium Hall) Room 1.1 Room 1.2 Room 1.3 Room 2.1 Room 2.2 Second Language Acquisition Language and Globalization Language Assessment (ASS) Second and Foreign Second and Foreign (ACQ) (GLO) Language Pedagogy (PED) Language Pedagogy (PED) PED 1 HOANG Thinh Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED) Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED) Paper Vietnamese primary EFL teachers’ assessment practice: Implications for teacher development and language planning Paper Applying a whole language approach in teaching reading and writing in Universitas Islam Indonesia Paper Primary English teachers’ perceptions of the practice and effectiveness of a CLIL approach in the Vietnamese context SOC 2 ONG Chyi Ann & LIM Aaron Kuok Xian ACQ 4 NGUYEN Hang IDE 1 KENNY Zoe ASS 6 NHUNG Pham Thi Hong PED 2 SADIQ Nizamuddin PED 11 TRUONG Thi Thanh Nga Paper Language power-based communication: Politeness strategies of Indonesian Katresnanisme as seen in students’ paper writing Paper Supporting ESL learners in the Yangon community with their pronunciation and dictionary skills Paper Teachers’ beliefs and practices of English-Chinese codeswitching in Chinese higher education Paper Involving students in the assessment process to promote English language learning Paper Mismatch between classroom language use and real world needs: Job interview interactions Paper Students’ attitudes to learning English for agriculture in preparation for the Asian Economic Community (AEC) Paper World English norms in the EFL classroom: Teacher attitudes SOC 3 HERUJIYANTO Antonius ACQ 6 HTAIK Khin Myo IDE 2 LIU Fangtong ASS 4 BERRY Rita PED 10 TEOH Mei Lin PED 12 MOEUK Socheat & NGUON Samol SOC 5 BALASUBRAMANIAN Chandrika Paper Learners'' explanations of their request formulations: An introduction Paper The co-construction of teacher response to student writing: Secondary and tertiary instructors in Macao Paper Connection digitally: Peer mentoring as a startegy to engage ASEAN researchers Paper Diverse views of power relations in interaction and their application for EFL teachers SOC 4 ACQ 5 IDE 3 ASS 5 PED 6 PED 3 SOC 1 LIM Aaron Kuok Xian & CHANG Kwok Fai HA Xuan MA Sin I Miranda & LEE Alice MENG Channy & KEA Leaph LE THI Kieu Van, TRAN Hoang BROOKES Darren, THIEL Dang & PHAM THI Kim Ngan Teresa & EDWARDS Emily 13.40 - 14.10 5 14.45 - 15.45 14.15 - 14.40 Paper 6 Language shift from Hokkien dialect to Mandarin among youths in Klang: Language choice in domains and language attitudes 15.50- 16.35 AFTERNOON TEA (Catering Area) Paper Paper Perceptions of Cambodian ELT Some key issues in designing practitioners in using ESP syllabus at tertiary level standardized tests as part of practice and assessment CLOSING PLENARY SESSION (Symposium Hall) Current L2 research and its impact on teaching and learning by RENANDYA Willy (Symposium Hall) TAKITA Fuyuko Important Information Lost and Found The Lost and Found desk is located at the Registration Desk. First Aid (cuts and bruises) A first aid kit and staff trained in basic first aid are available at the Registration Desk. ra Medical Emergencies • Sokhapheap Thmey Clinic (Local Standard and Pricing) 016 996 616 (#AA19-20 St. 99) • SOS International Medical Centre (International Standard and Pricing) 023 216 911 / 012 816 911 (#161 St. 51) *They are the sole providers in Cambodia of Emergency Evacuation • Royal Rattanak Hospital (Khmer and English speaking) 023 991 000 #88, Confenderation De La Russie (St. 110) ft Volunteers A feature of the CamTESOL conference is the large number of friendly volunteers from various universities and language schools in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. • Volunteers in Orange T-shirts can answer your general conference questions. • Volunteers in Blue T-shirts can assist with IT problems. Language Education in Asia Language Education in Asia Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2010-2013) is available free of charge to all conference participants. The publication is online at http://www.camtesol.org/index.php/publication The Conference Program Committee encourages presenters from CamTESOL 2015 to submit their full papers for consideration for publication to [email protected] Items on Sale: ASEAN Intergration and the Role of English Language Teaching is an LEiA special edition and is available for purchase at the CamTESOL Secretariat booth next to the Registration Desk priced at USD 15. D CamTESOL T-shirts Limited edition CamTESOL T-shirts are available for purchase at the CamTESOL Secretariat booth next to the Registration Desk priced at USD 5. 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching English: Building Skills for Regional Cooperation and Mobility Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 28 February - 01 March 2015 Saturday Morning Page 1 7.15 - 8.15 8.15 - 8.20 8.20 - 9.10 9.20 - 10.05 Room A224 A301 Featured Speakers / Various Methodology (MET) A303 Methodology (MET) Workshop IELTS: Can you ask that? Workshop Classroom patterns that help students develop oral fluency, confidence, and mastery Workshop Four activities I wish I knew when I started teaching Paper Grouping strategies to promote cooperative learning Paper An investigation into alignment of Lexile scores and analytical rubrics TES 7 CREWES Geoffrey MET 6 BALLOU Kevin MET 19 GRIFFIN Michael MET 22 LI Yee Lin RES 3 RES 20 WONG Roxanne LE Dinh Tung Paper Teacher’s challenges and strategies in ELT Paper Challenges of teaching English to large multilevel classes at tertiary level in Vietnam, and suggested strategies Paper A four-skills EFL course for Japanese university learners based on learning styles MET 5 NGUYEN THANH Dung RES 1 RAJ Swati Paper English and graduate employability in Malaysia Paper Emotional intelligence, anxiety and the EFL classroom LP 5 PILLAI Stefanie MET 15 MET 2 BALASUBRAMA ÇOKSEZEN NIAN Chandrika METEL Nurdan 12.25 - 13.15 4 Workshop The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP): Overview and potential applications for Cambodia Paper Effects of selfregulated strategies instruction on Thai EFL students’ argumentative writing RES 5 DANDEE Warinthon Workshop A trendy proposal: Will you cooperate with me? Paper CLIL lesson design: Using the 4Cs framework Paper A needs analysis study for the development of English courses for undergraduates: A case study of a Cambodian university Paper EFL teachers' belief, knowledge and practices in using dictionaries in their classes Paper EAP learners’ perceptions and confidence of using online discussions Paper Computerassisted writing fluency exercises for the university ESL classroom Paper Facebook in supporting students’ English self-directed learning RES 9 SUTISNA YANTO Elih & WACHYUDI Kelik TEC 10 TEC 5 FEENSTRA RYCZEK Caitlin & GILLIS Matthew Dawn MORNING TEA (Catering Area) Workshop Paper Paper Gender-based Facebook in Developing differences in teaching and courseware to motivation in learning English help elementary high-level ESP at Tay Bac school students courses University understand motion prepositions Paper Skills and grammar: How do they go together? How can we teach them? How can we assess them? A311 A312 A412 Curriculum and Material Development (CMD) Teaching Writing (WRI) Teaching Writing (WRI) Workshop Integrating critical thinking skills into English language Instruction Workshop Organizing thoughts: Writing paragraphs with lower level English students Worrkshop Developing fluency through timed writing TEC 13 CMD 24 MUTIARANING CARROLL RUM Ira & Michael RIFA'I Ahmad CMD 16 ECHELBERGE R Andrea WRI 15 ANDERSON Rheanne & DITYATEVA Yuliya WRI 6 TANNER Paul Paper How can Moodle, an elearning platform, help our students learn? Paper Developing English for dressmaking for students of dressmaking department Workshop A new approach to teaching the five-paragraph essay Paper Effectiveness of integrating pair work and group work in learning writing skills Paper Bridging cultures: Motivating shortterm teachers and long-term students by means of intercultural exchange RES 11 TEC 14 KHVTISIASHVIL NGUYEN Duc I Tamrika An TEC 7 ENI PUSPANDARI Lusia & HARLIANI Susi TEC 16 HARADA Kunihiko MET 7 RES 2 TRI Hoang Dang KHAT Korop CMD 1 PICART David CMD 5 WAHYUDI Asis WRI 1 KERNER Thomas & PHON Socheat WRI 7 LE Thanh Nguyet Anh Paper Effects of using pre-reading scaffolding on students’ reading comprehension in EFL/ESL classrooms Paper Introducing Balinese myths to senior secondary school students as short story seeds in narrative writing classes Workshop From Malaysia to Michigan to Mekong : Lessons learnt from a technologicallyimpaired teacher Workshop Digitally interfacing the classroom: Beneficial and simple tablet technology for the educator Paper Implementing computer assisted language learning (CALL) via Moodle Paper Changing learner behavior through designing English course in the education for sustainable development (ESD) context Workshop Dull lessons no more: Adapting and supplementing required classroom materials Workshop Bringing structure and joy to academic writing Paper Examining the composition writing competency of PUP grade seven students for improving teaching writing methodologies RES 6 ENG Mouy RES 12 I GUSTI AGUNG PARAMITHA Eka Putri & PUTU Rusanti TEC 15 NADARAJAN Darshini TEC 9 BUCHANAN Ryan L. TEC 17 GIANNOTTI James Paul CMD 2 MAM Socheath & KHLEANG Sovann CMD 6 STACY Adrienne WRI 2 TKACH Patreshia WRI 8 GEPILA Emejidio Jr. Paper Making the leap to a paperless workflow with student work: Benefits and drawbacks Paper Designing English course for Using society in East Java Indonesia Workshop Enhancing regional communication at the Model United Nations Workshop Building students’ writing habits from writing for learning, to writing for writing Worrkshop Fostering English writing skills through informal assessment tools TEC 18 DESLOGE Patrick CMD 3 SARMI Ni Nyoman CMD 8 ADAMSON Calum WRI 3 NUOM Rada & SENG Sacha WRI 9 KHLAING Reaksmey Pich Paper Cognitive modeling in the teaching of writing Paper Highlighting and illustrated metaphors as written corrective codes to mark teenage learners’ essays Lunch (Catering Area) Paper Workshop Paper Investigating the Adapting TV Effective effects of game shows for integration of question classroom technology in generation activities language strategy on learning English majors’ reading comprehension and question quality Paper Coaching strategies for a graduate TEFL reading course Workshop Using debate as a teaching tool to enhance speaking skill in the classroom Paper EFL pre-service teachers’ Experiences: Problems and their strategies for their solution MET 50 MET 21 MET 3 CHAN Virak & ABD KADIR SAVAGE WRIGHT Wayne Zaharilah, SAAT Orlando Roslimah & MOHD RASHID Nirwana MET 8 YOSHIDA Haruyo & MALCOLM Bruce RES 40 SANDA Silfi RES 8 ABRAR Mukhlash RES 13 NGUYEN Loan & LE Thi Hang TEC 2 TRAN LE Bao Tran TEC 11 ALHOSNI Mahmood Paper The impact of action research on teachers' professional development: Exploring the key issues Workshop Bring the world into your classroom Paper Cognitive impact of musical training: Benefits for second language learning Paper Teachers’ strategy for the implementation of the 2013 curriculum for English language teaching Paper English in the United Arab Emirates: Innocuous lingua franca or insidious cultural Trojan horse? Paper Investigation on college freshmen reactions to English communicative activities and how their teachers cope Paper A-peer-ance is everything: Utilizing student ideas for improving a sequence of online peerreview activities Paper Evaluation of some computerassisted language learning software used in some universities in Vietnam Paper Developing critical thinking skills through an academic writing course Workshop Enhancing the Help Our Writing (HOW) program to support low literacy background EAL learners MET 4 GRAINGER Paul MET 9 FERREE Caroline RES 25 RES 10 KENCANAWATI SOLLOWAY Dewi Anthony RES 14 LIN Ho-hui TEC 3 GRANT Sean TEC 12 LE Phuong Anh CMD 4 RITA Ritsuko CMD 9 WRI 4 BYRNE Helen & BIDAL Jay SOCKHILL Margret Workshop Adapting the course book: Maximising opportunities for communicative practice 13.15 - 13.45 Paper Grand Token helps language teachers deal with learners' behaviour problems Paper A generous pedagogy: Building skills for teachers beyond a single methodology 13.55 - 14.25 5 Using Technology (TEC) Curriculum and Material Development (CMD) ft MET 28 MET 43 THRESIA Fenny MUSTOFA Mutmainnah, Zainollah & HAIRI Sohibul Paper Research on ESP blended learning and computermediated practice in a Vietnamese context through Moodle D 11.55 - 12.25 3 MET 29 BRUHN Dieter Using Technology (TEC) ra 11.15 - 11.45 10.45-11.15 2 Workshop Paper Interactive games Integrating local and activities culture to promote character education in teaching writing Using Technology (TEC) Research-based Research-based Research-based Stream (RES) Stream (RES) Stream (RES) 10.15 - 10.45 1 Methodology (MET) A302 Registration (Registration Area) and Seating (Conference Hall) Arrival of VIPs Opening Ceremony (Conference Hall) OPENING PLENARY SESSION (Conference Hall) Building English language skills for international mobility by RENANDYA Willy (Conference Hall) A304 A305 A306 A307 A308 A309 A310 PD 11 MET 1 EDWARDS Emily HOLLOWAY & BURNS Anne Ryan WRI 10 MAI Minh Tien Please turn over for the rest of the day’s program --> 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching English: Building Skills for Regional Cooperation and Mobility Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 28 February - 01 March 2015 Saturday Morning Page 2 7.15 - 8.15 8.15 - 8.20 8.20 - 9.10 9.20 - 10.05 Room A415 EAP and ESP (EAP) EAP and ESP (EAP) Paper A focus on disciplinespecific literacy with higher level pre-sessional EAP Paper Developing 21st century academic literacies through “blended” project-based learning 10.15 - 10.45 11.15 - 11.45 Teaching Young Teaching Young Teaching Teaching Teaching Learners Learners Speaking (SPE) Reading (REA) Reading (REA) (YL) (YL) Workshop Using picture books to teach writing Workshop Phonics and reading: Making the connection Paper “Fight” or “flight”: Anxiety in the EFL university “conversation” classroom Workshop Efforts to develop a free online reading resource for learners and teachers YL 21 YL 11 SCRIMGEOUR MOHD NOR Karyn Nooraini SPE 1 REA 4 BURDEN Peter MILLINGTON Neil Paper Blended: Collaborative planning for online ESP program design Paper The interaction strategies employed by an English teacher in an elementary school EFL classroom Workshop Enhancing language learning through multiculturalism Paper English presentation skills of Thai graduate students EAP 22 LEONARD Constance EAP 4 KAMPOOKAE W Parima & JURY Karen YL 16 NURHAJATI Diani YL 4 MADDOCKS Sadie SPE 6 REA 13 SUKITKANAPO ROWE Simon RN Thitibhada Paper Teaching postgraduate research students how to manage interaction with a supervisor Paper Collaboration between English language and engineering faculty in a project-based learning class 10.45-11.15 2 Workshop Writing research papers as a social event 11.55 - 12.25 3 A417 Paper Extensive reading topics of interest for EFL students Language Policy (LP) Paper Approaches to culture in Asian and European EFL classrooms: National ideals and realities Testing (TES) Workshop Assessment in text books: Adapting tasks to suit the needs of your students Workshop “Learning-bydoing” activities for the TEYL classroom Grammar (GR) Paper Introducing the European Language Portfolio into a Japanese university REA 6 LP 2 TES 3 IND 8 LIM Lady & SAWYER Mark BAGOT Marion GORRINGE CHHENG Sokly Andrew MORNING TEA (Catering Area) Paper Paper Challenges of “Have you ever English seen an teachers in airport?” EFL educating young students in Muslim learners Japan and their general knowledge of typical TOEICrelated settings Workshop Navigating the news: Media English for the classroom LP 3 FAJARYANI Nunung & FAILASOFAH Failasofah TES 1 BECCE Nicolangelo Paper Increasing students’ English reading motivation through selfdrawn picture books Workshop Sharing speeches: Collaborative learning Paper Mobile-based extensive reading Workshop Effective inclass reading activities for university students with an intermediate level of English Paper Constructivist language teaching in national secondary schools in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study Workshop A workshop on activities for promoting learner autonomy Paper Cora Almerino’s Cebuano Visayan Poetry: English translation E203 E205 E304 E305 Vocabulary (VOC) Motivation (MOT) Professional Development (PD) Program Management (PRM) Paper Lexical complexity of L1 AND L2 students in online discussion Paper Are two heads better than one in reading?: A pilot study of cooperative learning in the EFL reading classroom Workshop Professional development through lesson planning VOC 7 ESTEBAN Ivie MOT 3 PD 9 PRM 6 SUNAMIJACKSON John COTE Travis & BURDEN Kyoko MILLINER Brett Paper Should we teach vocabulary as semantically related or unrelated sets? Paper The influence of short-term study abroad on motivation for language learning Paper Peer partnerships: A fresh perspective on teachers observing teachers Paper English as a lingua franca: From policy to practice in a Japanese university Paper Easing the transition to university: A framework for early identification of struggling students VOC 9 ALBAQSHI Jalal & ALSHAKHS Alaa MOT 12 TSUKAMOTO Miki, MINEYAMA Nanami & HIRAHARA Nanako PD 8 WIEBUSCH Fiona & GORMLEY Liam PRM 5 SWENDDAL Joel Workshop Hands-on grammar instruction: Explaining mass nouns through studentcentered activities Paper A new way of teaching English idioms of emotion Paper Chinese identity and ESL class participation Paper Blended learning for preservice teacher education and training in the Indonesian EFL context Paper Low cost tips for improving quality in your ELT centre GR 4 OWEN Krista VOC 1 TRAN Tien MOT 4 SCHUPPISER Rada Roxana PD 2 SANTOSA Made Hery PRM 10 BAGOT Marion Paper Compilation of the learner bilingual corpus and its use in class Paper Fukudai Hero: First report from a video-gamelike English class in a Japanese national university Paper Building a community of teachers as active decision makers Paper L2 identity and overseas experience: The case of Japanese EFL learners VOC 2 MOT 5 HIDAI Shigeyuki LOMBARDI Ivan PD 3 MINEMATSU Aiko PRM 9 IGAWA Koji Paper Vocabulary activities for EAP undergraduates Workshop Harnessing potential: Motivation for professional development Paper Cambridge English teaching framework: Helping personalise teachers’ professional development Workshop Global perspectives on English across the curriculum: Experiences from Australia and Vietnam VOC 12 MACKAY Jon MOT 6 PD 4 HETTIARACHC PHAM Uyen HI Shyamila IND 1 GR 2 PETER Harrold SOLONVILLANEZA Kathleen Paper Mapping a CALL program onto the Common European Framework of Reference, Japan YL 6 Andriansyah SPE 11 ADAMS Carl REA 12 REA 3 LP 4 TES 9 MILLINER Brett WISAMITANAN CORPUZ Leah CARROLL & COTE Travis Diyaporn Michael D EAP 16 EAP 5 YL 1 ENGLAND Neil MALCOLM VU Thi Loan Wayne, HENNESSY Christopher & LEHNER Albert Paper Interacting with texts for nonnative speakers of English Lunch (Catering Area) Workshop Paper Paper Exploring Filipino EFLAdopting the stories: ESL pre-service IELTS model in Extensive educators’ assessing reading and conceptions of speaking ability literature circles teaching in of university ASEAN 2015 students in education Indonesia Paper English for Specific Purposes in the Lower Mekong Paper Building English fluency with readers theatre: From student to early childhood education teacher Workshop Information gap to promote children's interaction and communication Workshop The mirroring project: Teaching English pronunciation using video and effective speaking models Workshop Extensive reading activities to encourage learner autonomy EAP 7 THOU Narong YL 2 STAMPER Suzan YL 7 HOANG Duc SPE 20 REA 9 ECHELBERGE LEONARD R Andrea Constance REA 5 BUTLER Seamus & MURPHY Hannah LP 6 PAGUIO George & CERDA Roger Don TES 2 IND 4 KURNIATI Victa SEEX Adam & KUSUMA Adhi Paper Exploring environmental issues in an English teaching program: The case of the Adiwiyata School program in East Java, Indonesia Workshop Workshop Emerging Let’s get it intercultural started competence in teaching English to young learners: A pragmatic perspective Paper Teaching speaking: What's important? Paper Growth in reading sub skills over the first semester of university EAP study Workshop Interactive reading activities for a learner centered classroom Paper How internationalizati on policy initiatives affect students and teachers in higher education Workshop Designing more engaging assessment tasks for speaking Paper Fostering autonomous learning: What can be done in an English selfaccess center? EAP 8 APRIANTO Muchammad Chusnan YL 3 SABILAH Fardini REA 7 RUEGG Rachael & NAGANUMA Naeko REA 10 PILGER Kim LP 7 HASWELL Christopher TES 4 HTAIK Khin Myo IND 5 GR 6 MARZUKI Dony CRAIG & Elizabeth SAPTOPRAMO NO Hendro 13.15 - 13.45 12.25 - 13.15 4 Paper A touch of technology in genre-based approach to teach English for engineering students Indepentdent learning IND) ra EAP 1 EAP 6 ENGLAND Neil SWENDDAL Heather A416 ft 1 A413 Registration (Registration Area) and Seating (Conference Hall) Arrival of VIPs Opening Ceremony (Conference Hall) OPENING PLENARY SESSION (Conference Hall) Building English language skills for international mobility by RENANDYA Willy (Conference Hall) A418 A419 A420 E102 E104 E105 E201 EAP 2 MACHMUD Karmila & HASAN Jhems Richard 13.55 - 14.25 5 YL 9 SPE 17 AZHIGALIYEVA NETTO-SHEK Aigul Jo-ann Paper Learner modification of high-frequency nouns for academic writing PRM 8 MACKIE Rachel Saturday Afternoon Page 1 Room A224 A301 Featured Speakers / Various Methodology (MET) Methodology (MET) Paper A look at digital story in second language acquisition Paper Empowering differentiated instruction in teaching English literacy for students of split class in NBBS school Workshop Improv activities: Innovation for the language classroom TEC 1 FLORIS Flora Debora MET 16 ARYA Indhira Workshop Show me an IELTS 6, 7 and 8: An insight into language proficiency levels TES 11 CREWES Geoffrey A303 Methodology (MET) Paper Multiple intelligence theory with EFL learners' word recognition A304 Researchbased Stream (RES) A305 Research-based Stream (RES) A306 Researchbased Stream (RES) A307 A308 Using Technology (TEC) Using Technology (TEC) A309 A310 Curriculum and Curriculum and Materials Materials Development Development (CMD) (CMD) A311 A312 A412 Teaching Writing (WRI) Teaching Writing (WRI) EAP and ESP (EAP) Paper Sociocultural differences of communication that affects world Englishes at National Institute of Education, Phnom Penh Paper The analysis of students’ critical thinking on argumentative writing ability Paper The multiple roles of the L1 in EFL reading skill acquisition and evaluation Workshop Collaborative internet resources for teaching and learning English Paper The effect of using the iPad on students’ performance in writing: Pilot study report Workshop Incorporating an adventure communication program into the EFL classroom Paper Text analysis, genre, and teaching essay writing Workshop Pre-writing activities for a class in academic writing Paper Genre analysis of the conclusion sections of computer science research papers MET 24 MET 33 BUSSINGUER- LE Thi Tuyet KHAVARI Vivian Hanh RES 22 LEANG Tola RES 26 ARIEF Diana Ross RES 32 GILLIS FURUTAKA Amanda TEC 4 WISEMAN Cynthia S TEC 23 PATRONIS Marielle CMD 14 EADES Jeremy WRI 19 LOCKHART Charles WRI 16 CHENG Denis EAP 9 MCDONALD Michael Paper Enhancing English competence and study skills through cooperative learning Workshop Incorporating more communication in your lessons Workshop Nonverbal communication skills: An important key to improving cooperation and mobility regionally and internationally Paper Using a variety of writing correction techniques at an English medium university in China: What works best? Paper The application of processability theory in large speaking classrooms: A case study Paper The use of Collaborative Writing Plus in improving students’ skill in writing a descriptive essay Paper Social networking services, normalization, and second language acquisition Paper The effects of video clips plus text and selfregulated learning on vocabulary acquisition and speaking production Paper Improving pronunciation through reflective activities Paper IELTS academic writing: An evaluation of test usefulness from tertiary teachers’ perspective in Vietnam Workshop Teaching academic writing to university students Workshop Higher-order thinking skills as both a significant factor and crucial target in EAP task design MET 17 TRAN Nhi MET 26 COUZENS Gerald MET 34 RES 38 NITSCHE Pearl JONES Debra & WALLIS Tim RES 27 WIDYASTUTI Ima & SURWANTI Dita Workshop Experiential learning cycle and intercultural communications : Bringing culture learning into the monolingual classroom Paper Integrated skills: An approach to graph description Workshop Promoting language learners’ creativity through storytelling competition with visual aids Paper The coverage of sociolinguistic competence in developing English language lesson plans by English teachers in Indonesia AFTERNOON TEA (Catering Area) Paper Paper Workshop The use of Constraints The use of Facebook to hindering ICT interactive develop application in PowerPoint and students' English Hot Potatoes in English skills teaching and vocabulary learning to learning for ethnic minority junior high students at Tay school students Bac University MET 18 ADAMS Sarah MET 27 MET 35 RES 7 CONNORS Tim TRAN Thi Ngan NGUYEN Thi Bich Thuy RES 28 SUSILAWATI Endang RES 34 PHASUK Boontham TEC 6 BUI Thi Thu Hien & NGUYEN Thi Phuong Mai Paper Pedagogical and cultural considerations on using a handy song collection for teaching listening subskills in EFL classes Paper Getting students to act: A pragmatic analysis of teachers' directives Paper Intercultural communication in Japanese learners of English across learning contexts Paper The effect of extensive reading on students’ reading comprehension at an elementary level Paper The use of 'one stays the rest stray' technique in teaching reading comprehension in an Indonesian EFL secondary school Paper Students’ perceptions of an English study program in designing and using blogs for their learning TIS 5 BUI Thi Cao Nguyen MET 20 ALCUDIA Fina Felisa MET 30 MET 36 RES 23 BOSIO Emiliano LIANDO Nihta & PHAM Thi LAMBE Livianni Thanh Thuy RES 29 NGUON Setha RES 35 TEC 21 DEWI Mayang ARIFIN Zainal Sari Nirmala & DARMA Noviga Workshop Vietnamese English teachers’ perceptions of world Englishes in English language teaching contexts in Vietnam Paper Implementing modified roleplay to improve speaking ability of eleventh graders of SMA NU 1 Gresik Paper Is explicit error corrective effective? A meta-analytic review Workshop Running activities effectively at a lower secondary school in Cambodia Paper The impact of presentation formats on English listening comprehension at tertiary education Paper Towards guidelines for curriculum design in English language teacher education in Cambodian universities Paper The development and application of an online independent APA learning platform for efficient referencing skills learning RES 43 TRAN Hao MET 23 QOMARIYAH Nurul & PRASTIWI Chyntia Heru Woro MET 31 MILLER Paul MET 37 RES 24 RES 30 LAK Vouchny & MIFTAKH Fauzi WICAKSONO SIN Pheara & PUJIAWATI Bayu Hendro Nia RES 36 EK Somalux TEC 22 TEC 27 FOUNG Dennis WYLE Christopher 14.35 - 15.05 6 A302 PUB 1 BARTER Tristan Workshop RAFT in enhancing students' reading and writing ability Paper Some benefits of peer teaching in EAP writing classes at Vietnam National Economics University 16.55 - 17.25 D 9 Paper EFL collaborative learning in a Vietnamese university: Perceptions and experiences of students and teachers 17.35 - 18.05 10 RES 33 WIGATI Fikri Asih & RISATYAH Anisa TEC 20 TEC 24 CMD 13 CHIRNSIDE ABDURRAHMA HUNTLEY Alex & SASAKI N Ayyub Helen Daniel CMD 17 WRI 11 SETYANINGRU TRAN Thi M Rina Wahyu Phuong Thao WRI 17 MONDEJAR Michael EAP 10 TRINH Ngoc Anh Workshop Putting the pieces together: Using word strips to create text Workshop Impassioning reluctant writers through a daily critical thinking programme Paper Teaching the writing process: There is more to writing than just words Paper How the difference between ESP in ASEAN and ESP in the EU should inform needs analyses: A Timor Leste perspective CMD 20 ADAMS Keith WRI 12 BROWN Erina WRI 18 OLDENSKI Thomas EAP 11 MATTHEWS Tony Paper Integrating character building into English teaching and learning practice: To kill two birds with one stone Paper Regional studies EFL courses: Making content comprehensible for English learners Paper Metacognitive strategies in writing for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Examination Paper Text and pixels: Recreating a story visually Workshop Joint construction of text as an effective stage in genre-based academic writing instruction CMD 15 RETNOWATI Nanik CMD 21 KINGHORN Oliver WRI 13 CORREO Cynthia WRI 20 YAPO Jerry EAP 12 DORNEMANN Nicolas Paper Using response templates as a study strategy for the TOEFL test Paper Regulating constraint and freedom in taskbased language teaching Paper Metaphors of time in English and Vietnamese lyric poems: A study from a cognitive approach Paper The effect of instructional model and learning style on writing skill Workshop Seeing things in a new way: Critical thinking in the EAP classroom CMD 26 RATES Patrick CMD 22 BUDAIRI Ahmad WRI 14 NGUYEN THI Quyet WRI 21 NISA Baiatun EAP 13 KENNY Zoe Paper Emphasizing the “why”: Foregrounding curricular objectives in an EAP teaching culture ra 16.15 - 16.45 15.45 - 16.15 8 Paper Motivating university students to learn English through the power of social media Paper Integrating local potential in conducting English for young learners class in primary schools in Indonesia ft 15.15 - 15.45 7 Paper Teachers’ perspectives on a genre-based approach in teaching English at a private university in Karawang, Indonesia TEC 25 CMD 7 VININDITA SWENDDAL Citrayasa & Heather MRIA Wulandari Paper Using e-books in university language programs Please turn over for the rest of the day’s program --> Saturday Afternoon Page 2 A413 EAP and ESP (EAP) 14.35 - 15.05 6 A416 Teaching Young Teaching Young Learners Learners (YL) (YL) A417 A418 A419 A420 E102 E104 E105 E201 E203 E205 E304 E305 Teaching Speaking (SPE) Teaching Reading (REA) Teaching Reading (REA) Language Policy (LP) Testing (TES) Independent Learning (IND) Grammar (GR) Vocabulary (VOC) Motivation (MOT) Professional Development (PD) Program Management (PRM) ELT in the Mekong (MEK) Workshop Teaching specialized subjects in English: An efficient way for student teachers of chemistry to improve at university Workshop Low cost language games to give your primary school English class laughter and energy Paper Using local arts to practice English words on a very young learner: A research on large classrooms in Indonesia Paper Teaching and encouraging speaking using charades and mime Workshop Paper Helping lowThe action or intermediate skill of reading level students achieve reading fluency and confidence: Reader's Theatre EAP 17 NGUYEN Thi Bich Hien YL 10 LYALL Alison YL 20 NOVITA Dewi & SYUKRI Muhammad SPE 16 REA 8 MOHD HAKIM WONG Mark Zubaidah, ABD Hwai Ping KADIR Zaharinah & NADARAJAH Malathy Workshop Some key issues in designing ESP syllabus at a tertiary level Workshop Shut Up! Practical techniques for managing a noisy class Workshop Visual literacy in the young learner classroom EAP 14 LE THI Kieu Van, LY Hanh Nguyen & NGUYEN THI Diem Phuong YL 12 YL 22 QUARTERMAIN PERSEY David David Paper Making difficult texts accessible: What to do when you can’t change the textbook! 15.15 - 15.45 7 A415 EAP 15 YL 13 DENOK Lestari KL Sinat Paper Diverse views of power relations in interaction and their application for EFL teachers YL 23 ROBERTSON Clare SPE 5 REA 14 TAKITA Fuyuko HOANG An Paper Hidden curriculum in authentic assessment: Investigating EFL teachers’ awareness and readiness in Bali Workshop Modal auxiliary verbs: A historical perspective on common learner errors Workshop Developing communicative tasks from frequency lists to reinforce and contextualise high-frequency vocabulary Workshop Motivating Cambodian students to speak English at upper and lower secondary school Paper English language teaching in Singapore: What teachers believe and practice Paper Advantages of TAs in ESL classes: Research findings from International Pacific University Workshop Developing critical thinking skills through English for young learners REA 15 LP 9 MYINT Aye Aye DERRAH Rick TES 5 BERTACCO Lea & THIEL Teresa IND 6 ARTINI Luh Putu GR 7 GORMLEY Liam VOC 3 RANGOTT Ross MOT 7 YEAN Va PD 5 TEO Peter PRM 1 WALSH Anthony & OCHANTE Carlos MEK 1 ARNOLD Martha Workshop Using authentic texts with lowerlevel learners Paper Paper How to maximize participation through problem-based learning in a mixed-level English class Paper Students’ difficulties in grammar: Auxiliary verbs Paper Effective strategies to improve spelling of commonly used words Paper Motivational factors as a new method for teaching English Paper Exploring teaching beliefs for professional development Paper Change at short notice: Rapid growth and successful change management Paper Investigating Vietnamese EFL novice teachers’ cognitions and practices about language teaching and learning 16.55 - 17.25 17.35 - 18.05 10 Paper Initiatives through the application of fundamental ethics and values for effective language education in Malaysia REA 19 LP 8 KERFOOT Ben KOCHAPPAN Gerald IND 7 CARLSON Gordon Dale GR 8 VOC 4 PURWANINGSI SOK Daly H Dewi MOT 8 PUTRI Oktafia Rachmawati PD 6 ROGERS Briana PRM 2 GREEN Dan MEK 3 NGUYEN Ngo Workshop Teaching basic grammar through formula 33 Paper Integrating the use of Casio EW-2000 into teaching of four language skills in EFL classrooms Paper Motivational strategies for teaching and learning English: The Cambodian perspective Paper From action to ASEAN: An action research professional development project in Vietnam Paper Generating an English environment on campus Workshop Intergrate skill training English pronunciation in teaching language module for students of primary education department LP 10 TES 8 IND 9 PALLER Daniel MCLEAN Stuart NAGAO Akiko Leigh & KRAMER Brandon GR 9 SADIQ Nizamuddin VOC 5 MOT 9 PD 7 HIDAYAT Ferry ANG Yong Sing KESTER Jill & VU Sa PRM 7 WALSH Anthony MEK 2 XUA Phon Phan Paper Language use in the university: A clash of policies Paper Paraphrasing in integrated writing test task responses Workshop Teaching grammar visually without PC? Yes, you can Paper Language learning strategies used by the ESL public high school freshmen Paper Possible selves of multilingual East Timorese EFL learners in the Philippines Workshop Shared intentions: Constructing a meaningful framework for team teaching English Paper Culture shock and the early demise of the TESOL instructor Paper Potential of a mentoring programme for Cambodian English teachers AFTERNOON TEA (Catering Area) Paper Paper Paper Japanese Investigating Language teachers’ beliefs aural learning and perceptions vocabulary classrooms as of Ministryknowledge and communities of approved EFL its relationship practices textbooks with written receptive knowledge Paper Teaching reading comprehension to large ESL classes: Key issues and solutions Paper Using blogs to facilitate production in large, mixedlevel CLIL classes Workshop Using games in teaching English vocabulary to EFL young learners Workshop Have fun with pronunciation! Paper The use of concept maps to demonstrate understanding in a reading exercise Workshop Using extensive reading to improve reading comprehension among low-level students at Hanoi Pedagogical University Number 2 EAP 19 LONGCOPE Peter YL 17 DO Hang Uyen Thy SPE 7 WHITE Alison REA 18 REA 20 OWENS James NGUYEN THI Ha Anh LP 11 BESA Lynn TES 10 IND 2 LESTARI Santi VYE Stacey Budi GR 10 NAGASAKA Tatsuhiko Paul VOC 6 FERRIOLS Ayette MOT 10 QUINTO Edward Jay & CASTILLO John Christopher PD 10 COLLINS Peter J. & FINE Gary Scott PRM 3 MOBLEY ELKHATIB Noor MEK 4 HOLDEN Adrian & STORER Chris Paper Using innovative media and try to improve students’ vocabulary achievement: Action research at a kindergarten in Bali Paper How to teach English pronunciation Paper The Effects of pre-questioning on reading comprehension Paper Designing authentic reading materials to enhance motivation for business English learners at Foreign Trade University Paper Workplace English usage in Japan Workshop Studentgenerated tests as tools for test preparation Paper The features and syntax of Singapore English and implications for the classroom Paper Reading for writing as reciprocal reinforcement in vocabulary acquisition Workshop An investigation into theories of motivation and implications for ESL teaching Workshop Using SMART goals for professional development Paper Curriculum renewal: Turning teachers into project managers Paper Pseudoscience in EFL: Woo, is it hurting? YL 19 SUKADANA I Made Sukma Adisetiawan SPE 8 KADOOKA Kenichi REA 16 SOKHENG Panhchaleak & SETH Sofilta REA 1 NGUYEN Linh & TRAN Thi Thu Thao LP 19 TES 12 NIXON Richard GALLAHAR Nicole PD 12 KINSEY Jillian PRM 4 PITKEATHLY Adele MEK 5 FELLNER Terrence D 9 Workshop Vocabulary development in the YL classroom Paper Developing a reading text for EAP reading assessment: A collaborative approach ra 16.15 - 16.45 15.45 - 16.15 8 Workshop Workshop Teaching ESP Teaching for hotel staff: A younger learners study of pragmatics REA 11 RYAN Geraldine Paper Japan’s declining population: Public and private school responses ft Room Workshop Daring to develop learnercentred activities in the classrooms Paper Learner autonomy: What, why and how? IND 10 GR 11 VOC 8 MOT 1 TWEED TAN Ludwig Ai- ENGLISH Brian VU VAN Duy Andrew Dennis Kiang & MILLWARD Nicholas Sunday Morning Page 1 Room A224 A301 Featured Speakers / Various Workshop Teaching English with Bloom's Taxonomy: Activities to improve Cambodian students' thinking skills Paper Views from Vietnam: Student perspectives on best practices of independent learning Methodology (MET) A303 Methodology (MET) Paper Paper The reading Utilizing writing workout Pechakucha presentation in teaching EFL reading comprehension A304 A305 Methodology (MET) Methodology (MET) Workshop Cultivating critical thinking by using altered stories as motivators for language learning Workshop Sound foundations: Introducing students to the phonemic chart of English A306 A307 A308 A309 A310 A311 Curriculum and Material Teaching Development Writing (WRI) (CMD) Researchbased Stream (RES) Researchbased Stream (RES) Researchbased Stream (RES) Using Technology (TEC) Paper Scaffolding instructions in teaching business English writing to university students Paper Motivational factors to improve students’ speaking skills Paper Trace of revisited language typology based on motion events: Javanese spoken by English learners Workshop Using mobile phones to elicit student feedback Paper Implementing mainstream education in the English classroom Paper Using prompts and feedback to increase critical thinking during the writing process A312 A412 Teaching Writing (WRI) EAP and ESP (EAP) 8.30 - 9.00 11 Methodology (MET) A302 MET 12 COMBS Eva RES 21 MET 39 MARTINWIDJOJOKOE SIMPSON Taj SOEMO Eric Sulindra RES 27 RES 16 CHOEUN LESTIONO Leaksmy & EN Riski Chomrong TEC 28 MACLEAN George CMD 12 DITYATEVA Yuliya & SCHWARTZ Chelsea WRI 25 SOU Boramy Workshop Workshop Workshop Paper Workshop Paper Paper Paper Paper Workshop Workshop Paper Developing students’ ability to become autonomous learners Teaching intercultural communication skills in the EFL classroom Write it down! Dictation activities for the language classroom Developing a model of English language teaching integrating soft skills Task-based learning: A communicative lesson plan model The most effective feedback in improving students’ writing Multilingual teachers in a globalising world: What can they achieve? Using collaborative learning to improve the third semester students’ speaking achievement at Baturaja University Using studentgenerated images and video as a facilitator of metacognition Skill imbalances, knowledge activation and building confidence: Reflections on developing an ESP curriculum The reading games: Gamifying class activities makes everyone a winner Using word part analysis in teaching medical terms ft MET 55 NGUYEN Hung ra 09.10 - 09.40 12 MET 45 MET 49 IND 15 HENRY Travis HO Chharny & RADIN SRUN Kosal Benjamin IND 3 MET 46 STROUPE SNIDER Marie Richmond, RUNDLE Colin & TOMITA Koki Paper Workshop MET 13 SAJIDIN Sajidin MET 41 SOK Thida RES 31 LONG Chhengly & CHAP Vithur RES 17 SWAN Anne RES 39 LESTARI Yunda TEC 30 VON JOO Lucius & HALL Eric CMD 23 WRI 23 RUBYCZ Alex RASMUSSEN & SCHONKEN Deanna Tiaan Workshop Paper Workshop Paper Project-based learning and skill building: Vietnamese EFL learners’ perceptions Using formative assessment in the reading classroom Workshop Using Storybird.com to create digital narrative and collaborative writing to promote students’ learning Paper Teaching language through story telling TEC 29 NGUYEN Ngoc Anh CMD 25 WRI 24 WRI 27 CAROLINE YOUNG Mollie BRENNAN San San Nyunt Garth Workshop Workshop Win, Lose, or Draw: Lessons learned in designing an English board game Workshop Corpus-based feedback on Japanese university students’ English writing Paper CMD 28 DEAN Eric WRI 5 AKUTSU Sumie & AOKI Atsuko EAP 3 SHIMIZU Makoto Paper Paper Workshop Using Ten tips for innovative teaching large cooperative classes tasks for accelerating vocabulary achievement of the second graders of NBBS school Using Japanese literature to teach English Cooperative learning: A therapy for multi-level classes Dictation in the Teachable Code-switching language moments in the in ESP classroom task-based classes: From classroom the students’ and lecturers’ perspectives to actual practices YL 18 KADEK Dian Sri Pratiwi MET 51 TANAKA Kathryn MET 10 DANG Tram MET 14 BEAGLE Lynda Workshop Using practical techniques in teaching literature studies and short stories Workshop Paper Creating meaningful context comprehensibl e in the integrated skills lesson Setting the most appropriate material for a midwifery academy in Yogyakarta, Indonesia MET 11 THWE May Pale MET 38 MET 44 RES 15 KRISDIYANTA ENOCHS Ken GABATILLA Nugraha Cherryl 09.50 - 10.20 D 13 MET 56 ROSSMAN Matthew Paper The efficacy of using ideational frameworks to support ESL learners’ summary writing MET 42 RES 4 MARKIS Juliet, NGUYEN THI BLOCK James HONG Nhung & ROGERS Todd RES 18 RES 41 NGUYEN Kim LE DAO Tien THANH BINH An MORNING TEA (Conference Hall) Paper Paper Paper Teaching Language Pronunciation Using reading “emergent learning errors as a strategy to leadership” strategies and produced by strengthen language and communication preschool students’ behaviors to skills of fast teachers writing skills advanced learner learners in the students L2 classroom Paper Working with students to develop a list of recommended mobile apps for English learning Workshop Writing clearly in English for integration into international academic discourse Active and passive voices in biology 10.50 - 11.20 10.20 - 10.50 Workshop 14 Two little web apps: How to mobilise a writing lesson with GoSoapBox and Padlet MET 47 SWANNOCK Maggie Workshop Tricky simple sentences: An approach to teaching writing at sentence level EAP 20 NGUYEN Thi Bich Nha TEC 26 BROOKES Darren 11.30 - 12.15 12.20 - 12.30 MET 48 MET 52 POH Soon Koh KHATH Sothear RES 19 ARNOLD DATU Yerly & HARJANTO Ignatius RES 42 TUY Sopheak Reasey TEC 32 CRUDUP Leslie CLOSING PLENARY SESSION Creating engaging and dynamic classrooms by BRUHN Dieter (Conference Hall) Collection of Certificates of Attendance (Catering Area) Sunday Morning Page 2 Room A415 A416 A417 A418 A419 Teaching Young Learner (YL) Teaching Speaking (SPE) Teaching Speaking (SPE) Teaching Speaking (SPE) Language Policy (LP) Language Policy (LP) Paper The teaching of thinking: The question of emphasis A420 E102 E104 E105 E201 Independent Learning (IND) Grammar (GR) Vocabulary (VOC) Paper Time-related reliability of the reading section in internet-based TOEFL Paper Nurturing lifelong learning habits through English independent learning Paper The impact of applying timelines and CCQs on adolescent beginner learners’ attitudes towards learning verb tenses Paper The lexical approach to second and foreign language teaching and learning Workshop Developing listening skills through suprasegment als Paper Vietnamese students' language learning style preferences at Le Hong Phong High School VOC 10 NGUYEN Hong LIS 1 HORNESS Paul MOT 13 DOAN Phuong Thi Thu Testing (TES) Testing (TES) Paper Innovative characterbased English teaching strategies for grade 2 students in NBBS Paper Developing speaking instructional materials for introvert students Workshop Besides teaching direct phonetic symbols, what else can a teacher do to make pronunciation classes more interesting? Paper The impact of QNF on Indonesian curriculum for private universities YL 8 NI PUTU Ria Tirana Surastiani SPE 4 MUSTOFA Mutmainnah & HAKIM M. Arif Rahman SPE 3 SEREY Vathana & LAY Phallin LP 16 LP 17 PALUPI Risqi NETTO-SHEK Ekanti Jo-ann Ayuningtyas, MUFANTI Restu & ASIYAH Siti TES 16 ALSHAKHS Alaa & ALBAQSHI Jalal IND 11 NINA Inayati GR 12 NGUYEN Minh Dung Paper Paper Workshop Paper Paper Workshop Techniques of teaching reading for English literacy boost of first grade students of North Bali Bilingual School (NBBS) Interference Speaking to from the the world Chinese language and Chinese education system for English language learners The attitudes and practices of EFL instructors in relation to the teaching of non-standard forms A critique of the current climate of English language teaching in Japan Seven strategies for a TL-only classroom Paper Teachers’ and students’ perspective on progress tests in the EFL classroom Paper Toward independent learning: Learner diaries in a Japanese University EFL context Paper Workshop The teaching The power of of grammar collocation lessons in the ESL classroom: Studentteachers’ experiences E203 E205 Program Teaching Management Listening (LIS) (PRM) E304 Motivation (MOT) 8.30 - 9.00 11 A413 SPE 9 GRACEFFO Antonio SPE 13 SCOTT Lyn SPE 18 JACKSON Lachlan LP 1 CUMMING Brett Paper LP 14 TES 13 TSUKAMOTO CHENDA Mizuka Soviphea 09.50 - 10.20 IND 14 SANO Maho GR 13 ULLA Mark VOC 11 CORTES Ademir Workshop Workshop Paper Workshop Workshop Paper Paper Paper Paper Equipping young learners with learning to learn strategies by developing their metacognitive skills through reflection Questionnaire s as a way to encourage students’ speaking: Why, when and how Student conversation recording using smartphones: Results and reflection from both students and teachers The efficacy and success rate of ESL learners in pronunciation skill Outcomes of the NFL programs in enhancing English teachers’ knowledge, skills & methodology Testing the language competence? English teachers’ voices on exam policy The task: An often overlooked part of writing test preparation The role of culture plays in learnercenteredness Approaches to Vocabulary: teaching Use it or lose grammar to it! foreign language learners YL 5 HAZARI Samira SPE 10 VU Thi Lan Phuong LP 15 SPE 19 SPE 14 LP 12 SWEETLOVE PIENCENAVE VO Trang Thi MUKMININ Douglas S John Thuy Amirul Vincent TES 14 DAVENPORT Allen IND 12 GRAHAM Steven GR 1 BEGLAR David & NEMOTO Tomoko VOC 14 ASKIE Helen & BROWN Teresa Paper Speaking barriers and handling tactics of EFL learners Workshop Taking a classic speaking activity off the page and into our learners’ lives Workshop Paper Paper Vocabulary size and performance on integrated writing tasks SPE 12 BUSBUS Stephenie SPE 15 MOULTON John SPE 2 BIRD Julie “Small talk”: Strategies for managing individualized feedback in student-led discussion Paper Rethinking the objectives of English language education in the Vietnamese context 10.50 - 11.20 10.20 - 10.50 14 Paper The implementatio n of an innovative phonic approach for teaching English literacy to students of NBBS YL 15 NI PUTU Pebri Ariati 11.30 - 12.15 12.20 - 12.30 Paper Workshop The challenges of creating quasiimmersion at a university in regional Malaysia Effective use of Jamie Oliver's YouTube videos to improve listening and motivation of intermediate to advanced students PRM 12 PIPER Rebecca LIS 2 MELHUISH David ft YL 14 PUTU Novi Permata Sari D 13 ra 09.10 - 09.40 12 LP 13 TRAN Quoc Thao & DUONG Tham My MORNING TEA (Conference Hall) Paper Paper Paper Theoretical Why is Time audit arguments authentic projects: against assessment a Improving grades, and challenge for autonomous practical most EFL student time alternatives to teachers? A management them note for implementatio n of the 2013 Indonesian curriculum TES 15 FLYNN Patrick TES 17 DANTES Nyoman IND 13 SOWTER Andrew Is it better right or left? A branching direction and the processing of English relative clauses by Thai students GR 5 KIMURA Lugsamee Nuamthanom Workshop Paper Listen up! Cross training for improved listening skills The effectiveness of incentivization on encouraging classroom participation in Japanese university English courses LIS 3 WHEELER John MOT 11 WESTBY John & BEECH Philip Paper Workshop Students' evaluation of teaching: Perceptions and practice of TESOL teachers and students at Hue University, Vietnam Listening detectives: Helping learners decode the stream of speech Paper What’s your code? Going beyond learning styles VOC 13 PRM 11 PELOGHITIS TRUONG John Vien CLOSING PLENARY SESSION Creating engaging and dynamic classrooms by BRUHN Dieter (Conference Hall) Collection of Certificates of Attendance (Catering Area) LIS 4 HILL Ronnie MOT 14 GHANDEHARI Hengameh Poster Session Lobby Building A Sessions 8, 9 & 10: Saturday 16.15 - 18.05 Lobby Building A Sessions 8, 9 & 10: Saturday 16.15 - 18.05 MOT 2 Exploring bullying across borders OWENS Stephanie OBARA Diane CMD 11 PD 1 Going "paperless" and creating digital handouts REA 17 Motivating learning through a project work HTWAY Ohnmar Multimodal opportunities through classroom projects BONNER Euan & BREM Dana CMD 27 Using short stories for writing in EFL classes PRAMESTI Tri EAP 18 EAP 21 Utilizing an online database to scaffold academic research and essay writing MANNING Mark & NANNI Alexander MEK 6 The place of the English pronoun "you" in an Asian dialogue MONAJEM Sara GR 3 Grammatical errors in oral recount YOLANDA Alvina Improving students’ reading comprehension using Classroom Role Playing Game ROSALES Ma. Junithesmer, Mario Manuel III & Jinamarlyn MET 32 MET 40 WRI 26 Using web-based technology to enhance collaborative writing WADDELL Gary & PULLARP Vorodom TEC 8 Development and practice of a computer-supported collaborative system to prepare students for discussion KANO Noriko TEC 19 BROOKES Darren TEC 31 VOC 13 KWL-RICAI method in teaching poetry ROSALES Ma. Junithesmer, DOCTOR Mario Manuel III & DOCTOR Jinamarlyn Strategies for teaching critical thinking in an ESL context Volunteers A feature of the CamTESOL conference is the large number of friendly volunteers from various universities and language schools in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. • Volunteers in Orange T-shirts can answer your general conference questions. • Volunteers in Blue T-shirts can assist with IT problems. Lost and Found The Lost and Found desk is located at the Registration Desk. First Aid (cuts and bruises) A first aid kit and staff trained in basic first aid are available at the Registration Desk. Medical Emergencies • Sokhapheap Thmey Clinic (Local Standard and Pricing) 016 996 616 (#AA19-20 St. 99) • SOS International Medical Centre (International Standard and Pricing) 023 216 911 / 012 816 911 (#161 St. 51) *They are the sole providers in Cambodia of Emergency Evacuation • Royal Rattanak Hospital (Khmer and English speaking) 023 991 000 #88, Confederation De La Russie (St. 110) MOOEC analytics: The Massive Open Online English Course one year on Using videos taken from YouTube to develop listening comprehension for EFL university students DOAN An Hien Vocabulary size and performance on integrated writing tasks Language Education in Asia Language Education in Asia Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2010-2013) is available free of charge to all conference participants. The publication is online at http://www.camtesol.org/index.php/publication The Conference Program Committee encourages presenters from CamTESOL 2015 to submit their full papers for consideration for publication to [email protected] PELOGHITIS John D MET 25 Using a web application to practice speaking outside the classroom WILLIS Christopher & SERRANI Joseph The why, what and how of interactional competence for EAP learners: Syllabus and practice MARSHALL Nicholas SPE 21 The graphic organizer textbook approach: A learner-centered approach to textbook reading HAMILTON Chad ra CMD 19 A journey of Filipino English teachers: Identity issues in higher education in Japan DE VERA Lorna Velia & KATO Corazon Talam WORTH Alexander Edward CMD 18 Applying Dornyei's taxonomy of motivation in the ESL classroom Important information ft CMD 10 Poster Session Items on Sale: ASEAN Intergration and the Role of English Language Teaching is an LEiA special edition and is available for purchase at the CamTESOL Secretariat booth next to the Registration Desk priced at USD 15. CamTESOL T-shirts Limited edition CamTESOL T-shirts are available for purchase at the CamTESOL Secretariat booth next to the Registration Desk priced at USD 5. WARD Dale MET 53 Using sonnets in an ESL context KIPLING Lorraine MET 54 Using the knowledge processes to incorporate a multiliteracies pedagogy into the EFL classroom MOODY Joe & COLMERAUE Barton as of 28 February 2015 ft ra D
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