UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Planning and First Draft of Not Achieved Consultation the HR with COGTA Strategy & SALGA lack of capacity in the Human Resources Department HR Manager has been appointed and target will be actioned in Quarter 2 75 Staff Procurement procurement Not achieved capacitated and processes process up skilled on underway accredited skills training programs by June 2015 lack of capacity in the human resources department HR Manager 25 Staff has been capacitated and appointed up skilled on and target accredited skills will be training actioned in programs by Quarter 2 June 2015 ANNUAL TARGET Q1 ACTUAL ANNUAL BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Draft HR strategy was submitted by HRM to GM Corporate Services. Final draft will be circulated to HOD's prior to tabling at Council meeting scheduled for 28 January 2015. Achieved n/a n/a R0 Corporate Services Minutes attendance register (Q1,2) Draft Report(Q3), Adopted Report and council resolution 22 staff have attended Bid Committees (MFMA) [US 337061] Achieved n/a n/a R 150,000 Corporate Services Attendance register certificates. Q2 ACTUAL Planning and Preparation MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MTO1 MTO2 To ensure an effective and efficient HR systems that addresses Human Resources within the municipality Review and adopt HR Strategy by 30 June 2015 n/a Reviewed and adopted HR Strategy To develop staff and ensure Capacitate and up-skill 75 staff on effective service delivery through accredited skills Training training programs n/a 75 Staff capacitated and up skilled on accredited skills training programs Review and adopt HR Review and strategy by 30 June 2015 adopt HR Strategy by 30 June 2015 Number of staff capacitated and up skilled on accredited skills program MTO3 To establish an efficient and Link satellite offices to the network effective IT system unit within Umdoni: which is compliant and enhances service delivery n/a Linked 3 satellite offices to Number of linked satellite Link 3 satellite the network by March offices to the network by offices to the 2015 March 2015 network By March 2015 MTO4 To establish an efficient and effective IT system unit within Umdoni: which is compliant and enhances service delivery Re-design municipal website n/a Redesigned Municipal website Re-design municipal website by March 2015 MTO5 To improve HR policy framework that is in line with SALGA best practices and legislation Review and adopt HR policies n/a Reviewed and adopted 2 Human Resource policies Number of Human Resource policies reviewed by March 2015 MTO6 To improve HR policy framework that is in line with SALGA best practices and legislation Develop and adopt 2 Human Resource policies n/a Developed and adopted Human Resource policies Procurement processes advertised and appointed service provider achieved Re-design municipal website by March 2015 Procurement processes advertised, received quotations however the service provider has not yet been appointed not achieved Review 2 Human Resource policies by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Number of Human Develop and Resource policies adopt 2 Human developed and adopted by Resource June 2015 policies by June 2015 Page 1 of 8 n/a n/a 4 staff attended course on updates to GRAP Standards. Register is not to hand but has been requested from Training Provider. Implementation phase 0 Not achieved It became Process will be apparent fast tracked and that the appointment of original supplier will be tender fast tracked in process was the third not going to quarter. deliver the desired solution and therefore a advertiseme nt was done as a RFP instead R 560,000 Corporate Services Advert, network diagram awaiting to readjust Implementation readjustment the municipal phase budget due to budget to the fact that enable for the quotations project to be submitted funded after advertisemen t were all above the amount budgeted for 0 Not achieved All of the A budget respondents adjustment has quoted at been requested higher than in early January budget. and we hope that this will be agreed and confirmed by end of January. R 35,000 Corporate Services Advert, new website designs Draft HR policy and consultation to Local Labour Forum and Management Committee 0 Not achieved R0 Corporate Services Council Resolution and adopted Human Resource policy n/a n/a n/a Policies have Policies will be been tabled at LLF reviewed and MANCO in and February 2015. consultation to Local Labour Forum and Management Committee n/a R0 R0 Corporate Services Council Resolution and adopted Human Resource Policy UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE ANNUAL TARGET ACTUAL Fill 1 critical posts by 30 September 2014 0 Not Achieved MTO7 To ensure effective and efficient Performance Management within the municipality Fill of critical post n/a Filled post critical post of General Manager: Corporate Services Number of critical post filled by September 2014 MTO8 To ensure effective and efficient Performance Management within the municipality Review PMS Framework n/a Reviewed and adopted PMS Framework Review and adopt PMS Framework by July 2014 Review and Reviewed and PMS adopt PMS adopted PMS Framework Framework by Framework adopted in July 2014 by 30 July July 2014 2015 Develop and adopt Communication Strategy by December 2014 Develop and adopt Communication Strategy by December 2014 MTO9 To ensure effective and efficient Develop and adopt Communication internal and external Strategy communication n/a Adopted Communication Strategy MT10 To ensure effective and efficient internal and external communication n/a Compiled and adopted Annual Report Compile and adopt the Annual report Fill 1 critical posts by 30 September 2014 Q1 ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED n/a Compile and adopt the Compile and Submit draft Draft 2013/2014 Annual report adopt the 2013/2014 2013/2014 Annual report by March 2013/2014Ann Annual report Annual report 2015 ual report by to AG submitted to March 2015 AG in August 2014 REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN position has response been from the advertised office of the and MEC is recommendat beyond the ion letter for municipality' appointment s control has been forwarded to the MEC and awaiting response ANNUAL BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN GM Corporate Services commenced duty on 01 December 2015 n/a n/a n/a R0 Corporate Services copy of the advert and signed Appointment letter n/a n/a R0 Planning and Development Adopted PMS Framework, and Council Resolution R0 Corporate Services Council Resolution and adopted Communication Strategy R0 Corporate Services Council Resolution, signed minutes of the oversight Committee and the annual report Department of Human Settlement Funding Community Services Happy letters, photographs, minutes of HSC, registers for housing hand over Incorrect review the recording of SDBIP to align the quartely targets for aech targets quarter which is not aligned to te annual target Department of Human Settlement Funding Community Services Close out report and completion report and signed progress reports Negotiations with UCCSA regarding the land ownership Item to be taken to Council regarding the letter received offering Umdoni to purchase the land Department of Human Settlement Funding Community Services Signed Proof of submission Q2 ACTUAL n/a Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Develop and Adopt Communication Strategy by December 2014 0 Not Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Build 100 houses 101 houses completed Achieved o Not Achieved Original Communication documents strategy has submitted been designed was not to and will be acceptable presented to standards Council in March GM has had 2015. to do extensive review of the document as a result. n/a n/a BASIC SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE BSD1 To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated Construct and Complete 400 houses for Umzinto Slums Clearance Houses 3&6 BSD2 To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated Refurbish 302 units at Riverside Park 6 BSD3 To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated BSD4 To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated Coordinate meeting to Attain permission from the owner to develop (Rural Housing Project Phase 3: Amahlongwa ) 1 Coordinated meeting to Coordinate meeting to Coordinate Attain permission from the Attain permission from the meeting to owner to develop (Rural owner to develop (Rural Attain Housing Project Phase 3: Housing Project Phase 3: permission Amahlongwa ) by June Amahlongwa ) by June from the owner 20152014 2015 2014 to develop (Rural Housing Project Phase 3: Amahlongwa ) by June 2015 BSD5 To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated Appoint Implementing Agent for Stage 1 for Ingonyama Rural Housing Project 2 Appointed the Implementation Agent for Stage 1 for Ingonyama Rural Housing Project) Submission of Tranche 2 1,2,4,5,7,8,9 Application to the MEC for Rural Housing Project Phase 2( Amalangeni,Amandawe and Amahlongwa) by 31 October 2014 Constructed and Number of houses Construct and completed 400 houses by constructed and completed Complete 400 June 2015 by June 2015 houses for Umzinto Slums Clearance Houses by June 2015 Refurbished 302 units at Riverside Park by June 2015 Number of units refurbished by June 2015 Refurbish 302 units at Riverside Park by June 2015 Tranche 2 Project Application for Rural Housing Project Phase 2 submitted to MEC by October 2014 Submission of Tranche 2 Project Application for Rural Housing Project Phase 2 by 31 October 2014 Submission of Tranche 2 Project Application for Rural Housing Phase 2 by 31 October 2014 Appointment of Implementing Agent for Stage 1 for Ingonyama Rural Housing Project by December 31 2014 Appointment of Implementing Agent for Stage 1 for Ingonyama Rural Housing Project by December 31 2014 Build 100 houses 102 houses built, 269 foundations Achieved Refurbishme nt of doors, windows, electrical, bumbling 0 Not Achieved Incorrect review the Refurbishment recording of SDBIP to align of doors, the quartely targets foe windows, targets which aech quarter electrical, is not aligned pumbling, wall to te annual plaster target Project Packaging of Tranche 2 Application for Approval 0 Not Achieved n/a n/a Progress report The Development al rights agreement was sent to UCCSA for perusal. Awaiting feedback Achieved n/a n/a Progress report A progress report of a meeting held on 17 November 2014 was submitted Achieved n/a n/a R0 Community Services Minutes of meetings and attendance register Tender advertised The tender was advertised on 10 July 2014 in the ilanga and Mercury with the closing date of 8 August Page 2 of 8 2014 Achieved n/a n/a Service provider appointment 0 Not Achieved Still within the SCM Process The Bid Adjudication recommended to the Accounting Officer dated December 2014 Department of Human Settlement Funding Community Services Appointment letter UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF BSD6 OBJECTIVES To ensure that the housing backlog is eliminated STRATEGIES/INPUT Appoint Implementing Agent for Umzinto Slums Clearance Housing Project Phase 2 WARD 3&6 MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE ANNUAL TARGET Appointed Implementing Appoint Implementing Appoint Agent for Umzinto Slums Agent for Umzinto Slums Implementing Clearance Housing Project Clearance Housing Project Agent for Phase 2) by March 2015 Phase 2 by March 2015 Umzinto Slums Clearance Housing Project Phase 2 by March 2015 Distribute 7 litres of Gel to Number of households 3900 3 900 households per distributed with Gel per households per month month month Q1 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED n/a n/a n/a RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Q2 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Department of Human Settlement Funding Community Services requisitions and report to portfolio committees 4035 Achieved n/a n/a 3m Planning and Development Requisition, Letter from Building Inspector and Invoice/ Payment Voucher Completion certificates BSD7 To ensure that all communities have access to energy sources Provide alternative energy BSD8 To ensure that all communities have access to energy sources Installation of High Mast Light 4 Installed High Mast Light by March 2015 Install High Mast Light by June 2015 Install High Mast Light by June 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R 500,000 Technical Services BSD9 To ensure that all communities have access to energy sources Installation of Street lights 6 Installed 10 Street lights Number of Street lights installed by March 2015 Install 10 Street lights by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R 250,000 Technical Services 1,2,7,9 Upgraded 5kms of internal gravel roads - Danganya, KwaMdasha, Moyeni, KwaMagwaza, KwaBhakajane, Blue Valley Road by June 2015 Number of km of roads upgraded by June 2015 Upgrade 5kms Implementati of internal on gravel roads(Dangany a, KwaMdasha, Moyeni, KwaMagwaza, KwaBhakajane, Blue Valley Road) 6km Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6,3 million Technical Services Progress report, completion certificates, close out report Construct Implementati River crossing on along Amahlongwe river (Gqolweni Bridge by June 2015 0 Not Achieved Appointed Contractr Achieved n/a n/a 7million Technical Services Progress report, completion certificates, close out report Achieved n/a consultants appointed on the 26/11/2014 Achieved n/a n/a 10 million Technical Services Progress report, completion certificates, close out report The service Implementation provider will Implementat be appointed ion started in the second on quarter 26/11/2014 Achieved n/a n/a 5 million Technical Services Progress report, the complete SWMP Achieved n/a n/a Community Services Progress report, the complete SWMP BSD10 To ensure provision , upgrading, Upgrading of internal gravel roads and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development BSD11 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Construct River crossing along Amahlongwe river (Gqolweni Bridge) 1&5 Constructed River crossing Construct River crossing along Amahlongwe river along Amahlongwe river (Gqolweni Bridge) (Gqolweni Bridge by June 2015 BSD12 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Rehabilitation of the Urban Roads 5&10 Rehabilitated 6Kms of Number of kilometer of roads at Scottburgh South roads rehabilitated by June and school circle 2015 BSD13 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Have a Storm water Management plan and attend to urgent interventions all Developed and adopted storm water management plan by June 2015 Develop and adopt Storm water Management by June 2015 BSD14 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Maintenance of Halls all 8 Halls maintained as per plan Number of halls maintained as per plan by March 2015 3900 households per month ANNUAL BUDGET REASONS FOR VARIANCE July-3359 Not Achieved only few To send out 3900 August -3431 people turned distribution households per Septemberup to collect notices month 3046 gel and timeously and contributing early to factors could enable be weather beneficiaries conditions to make and sending means to out of collect gel distribution notices late 6kms Designs completed Designs completed and the procurement process currently underway Develop and adopt storm water management plan by June 2015 Procure a Service provider to assist in drafting SWMP 0 Maintain 8 The advert Halls by March Advertisemen was placed on 2015 t completed all Municipal Notice boards with the closing date of 12 September 2014. Page 3 of 8 Not Achieved Delays in the SCM process Achieved n/a High level Implementation implementati supervision on required, the commenced municipality on has written to 17/10/2014 COGTA MIG requesting approval for high level supervision.A waiting response which has delayed commenceme nt of onstruction n/a n/a consultants appointed Service Provider appointed The service provider was appointed and the 8 halls were maintained 35,000 UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Procurement processes and Advertisemen advertisemen t and t procurement process finalised. Maintenance completed on 17 September 2014 Achieved n/a n/a Maintain First Procurement Aid room by processes and Advertisemen March 2015 advertisemen t and t procurement process finalised. Maintenance completed on 17 September 2014 Achieved n/a n/a ANNUAL TARGET Q1 ACTUAL ANNUAL BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Appointment of Achieved in Service Quarter One Provider Achieved n/a n/a 52,000 Community Services Requisition, signed completion Letter from Building Control Officer and Invoice/ Payment Voucher Appointment of Achieved in Service Quarter One Provider Achieved n/a n/a 37,000 Community Services Requisition, signed completion Letter from Building Control Officer and Invoice/ Payment Voucher Q2 ACTUAL BSD15 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Maintenance of Beach facilities 5 2 restrooms and 2 change Number of restrooms and Maintained 2 rooms maintained by June change rooms maintained restrooms and 2015 by June 2015 2 change rooms maintained by June 2015 BSD16 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Maintenance of Beach facilities 5 Maintained First Aid room by March 2015 Maintain First Aid rooms by March 2015 BSD17 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Maintenance of Beach facilities 5 Upgraded Scottburgh Beach Parking by March 2015 Upgrade Scottburgh Beach Parking by March 2015 Upgrade Scottburgh Beach Parking by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 100,000 Technical Services Completion certificate BSD18 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Informal economy 6 Constructed and completed Informal Traders Stalls by March 2015 Construct and complete informal traders stalls by March 2015 Construct and complete informal traders stalls by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 350,000 Planning and Development Completion certificate BSD19 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Umzinto Slums Clearance Project 6 Constructed Ablutions for informal settlements Construction of Ablutions informal settlements by March 2015 Construction of Ablutions informal settlements by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 150,000 Technical Services Completion certificate BSD20 To ensure provision , upgrading, and maintenance of infrastructure and services that enhances economic development Construction of Ablutions in Scottburgh CBD 5 Constructed Ablutions for Scottburg CBD Construction of Ablutions Scottburg CBD by March 2015 Construct Ablutions for Scottburg CBD by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 500,000 Technical Services Completion certificate Review LED Strategy by 31 March 2015 Review LED Strategy by 31 March 2015 Not Achieved Draft Terms of reference developed Draft Terms of reference to be submitted to the Bid Specification Committee Inception report and Draft Status Quo 0 Not achieved There was a TOR to be delay in the finalized by the finalization Bid Specification of the Terms Committee and of Reference advertised by the third quarter. 250,000 Planning and Development Inception report, Attendance register, Advert, Council Resolution and Final reviewed Strategy Achieved n/a n/a Adopt SMME and Cooperative support plan 0 Not Achieved Draft plan To be adopted in circulated to March 2014 internal departments for comments R0 Planning and Development Council Resolution and plan The The Facilitate Committee Committee meetings with was not will be Land Owners established established in due to the the second resignation of quarter the LED Manager 0 Not Achieved lack of LED Manager to capacity be appointed in withing the Quarter 3 Planning and Development Department due to the resignation of the LED Manager 0 Planning and Development Lease agreement, attendance register, signed MOA Scottburgh Beachfront Development and detailed designs were approved by Council in December 2014. Achieved 1million Planning and Development Council Resolution, Detailed Design Report, minutes of PSC meetings LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LED1 To create an enabling environment for economic growth and development Review LED Strategy all Reviewed LED Strategy LED2 To create an enabling environment for economic growth and development Develop SMME and Co-operative support plan all Approved SMME and Cooperative support plan LED3 To create an enabling environment for economic growth and development land Acquisition for Agricultural development all LED4 To create an enabling environment for economic growth and development Scottburg Beachfront Development 5 0 Approve SMME and Co- Approve SMME Draft plan Draft plan operatives supported plan and Cosubmitted to submitted to by 31 December 2014 operatives MANCO and MANCO and supported plan Portfolio Portfolio by 31 committee committee December 2014 for for recommendat recommendat ion to EXCO ion to EXCO Coordinated meetings to Coordinate meetings to Coordinate secure land for agricultural secure land for agricultural meetings to development with development with secure land for Traditional Authority, Traditional Authority, agricultural state land and private state land and private development owners by June 2015 owners by June 2015 with Traditional Authority, state land and private owners by June 2015 Approved Scottburgh Beachfront Development Detailed designs and concept plans by September 2014 Procurement processes Approve Scottburgh Beachfront Development and detailed designs by September 2014 Approve Scottburgh Beachfront Development and detailed designs by September 2014 Establish Forum internally Adoption of Detailed Design 0 Not Achieved Draft Designs Not Achieved Public Scottburgh presented to Comments Beachfront the public for closed on the Development comments 30 of August and detailed 2014 hence designs will there was a be approved delay in the in October finalization of 2014. the document to Page 4 of 8 incorporate comments n/a n/a n/a UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF LED5 OBJECTIVES To implement EPWP (Expanded Public Works Programme) STRATEGIES/INPUT Promote labour intensive construction MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE all Create jobs through capital projects Number jobs created through capital projects 280 jobs by June 2015 WARD ANNUAL TARGET Q1 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED 70 38 Not Achieved REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ANNUAL BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE Q2 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN provision of ensure 70 jobs for provision of Quarter 1 32 jobs when would have Gqolweni been Bridge achieved if commences Gqolweni Bridge construction commenced timeously 70 70 Achieved n/a n/a EPWP funding Technical Services 1 The LAC was Not Achieved Due to the To hold 2 LAC scheduled for lack of in Q2 18 August attendance by 2014 the however due stakeholders to lack in the meeting attendance set could not the meting continue could not proceed. 1 Not Achieved LAC Committee members were not available To hold one meeting per month commencing in February 2014 5000 Community Services Achieved n/a n/a 30 000 Community Services Copy of advert and report of Portfolio committee Achieved n/a n/a 50 000 Community Services List of beneficiaries GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Advert,TOR,min utes of meetings, Minutes and attendance register GG1 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Local Aids council meetings all Hold LAC meetings Number of LAC meetings held by June 2015 Hold 4 LAC meetings by June 2015 GG2 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Provide support to HIV/AIDS organization all Provided support to 3 HIV/AIDS organizations by December 2014 Number of HIV/AIDS organizations supported Provide support to 3 HIV/AIDS organizations by December 2014 Call for proposals The advert calling for proposal was placed on all Municipal Notice Board with the closing date of 16 September 2014 Achieved n/a n/a Award and provide support to 3 organizations GG3 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS all Provided support to people living with HIV/AIDS by December 2014 Number of people living with HIV/AID supported by December 2014 Provide support to 100 people living with HIV/AIDS by December 2014 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 GG4 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Disability support all Distributed 10 wheelchairs Number of wheelchairs Distribute 10 by March 2015 distributed by March 2015 wheelchairs by March 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 40 000 Community Services Minutes of Portfolio and hand over register GG5 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Elderly citizens programme all Elderly Citizen sporting Number of Elderly Citizen 8 Elderly Selection to clubs to participate with 3 participating in Golden Citizen sporting be done codes on Golden Games Games by September 2014 clubs to together with participate with District 3 codes on Municipality/ Golden Games Games held in by September One Event 2014 The selection took place on 23 July 2014 at the Park Rynie campsite with games being held on 29 and 30th July 2014 Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 50 000 Community Services Minutes and attendance register of Elderly citizens GG6 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Support Programme for OVC's all Supported 100 Programme for OVC's (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) by December 2014 Number of OVC'c supported by December 2014 Support 100 Programme for OVC's (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) by December 2014 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Programme for OVC's 100 Achieved n/a n/a 50 000 Community Services Report and list of beneficiaries GG7 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Disability support all Hold Disability sport day Disability sports day held by March 2015 Hold Disability sport day by March 2014 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 150 000 Community Services Team list and report GG8 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Women's month programme all 1 women's month programme held Number of women's month programmes held by August 2014 Hold 1 1 Women's women's month programme programme by held August 2014 Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 150 000 Community Services Attendance register and progress report GG9 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Gender Programmes all Umkhosi Womhlanga Reed Dance Programme held Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35,000 Community Services List of attended, report to portfolio committee GG10 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Assisting Applicants with bursaries all 4 Applicants assisted with Number of applicants full bursaries assisted with full bursaries by Jan 2015 Assist 4 Applicants with full bursaries by Jan 2015 n/a The women Month programme was held on 22 August 2014 at the The Royal reed Dance took place on 4-7 September 2014 which was attended by 143 maidens n/a n/a n/a n/a Advertise requesting applications Advertised. Closing date 31 December 2014 Achieved n/a n/a 240,000 Community Services copy of the advert, list of beneficiaries and report GG11 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Assisting unemployed youth all Unemployed youth trained Train 20 unemployed youth by June 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 100,000 Community Services Attendance register and report to Portfolio committee Number of women 100 young 100 young attended Umkhosi women to women to Womhlanga by September attend Umkhosi attend 2014 Womhlanga Umkhosi Reed dance by Womhlanga September Reed dance 2014 Number of unemployed youth trained Page 5 of 8 Nil Submit packaged business plan to DLDRD 3 102 UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE ANNUAL TARGET Q1 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Q2 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN n/a n/a GG12 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Holding Mayoral cup with 3 sports code all Mayoral cup with 3 different sports codes Mayoral cup held with 3 different sports code by June 2015 Hold Mayoral cup with 3 different sports code by June 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Team list completed for 1 code SALGA Games held on 11-15 December 2014 with cricket and soccer sport code Achieved GG13 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Rolling out sports codes all Rolled out 3 sport training codes by June 2015 Number of sport codes rolled out by June 2015 Roll out 3 sport training codes by June 2015 Roll out Training programme The three sports codes were Netball, Soccer and Athletics. Assisting Celokuhle and Zithokozise High Schools in preparation for their sporting events Achieved n/a n/a Roll out Training programme Nil Not Achieved GG14 To promote human rights and social upliftment of vulnerable groups Encourage the culture of learning through Dress a school child campaign all Scholars dressed with school uniforms Number of scholars dressed with school uniforms 192 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GG15 To ensure the provision of a safe and secure environment for all Umdoni residents Holding scholar patrol programmes all 15 Scholar patrol education programmes held by June 2015 Number of Scholar patrol education programmes held by June 2015 Hold15 scholar patrol training programmes at schools by June 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GG16 To ensure the provision of a safe and secure environment for all Umdoni residents Maintain law and order all Conducted Road blocks and speed timing exercises by inspecting vehicles Number of vehicles inspected by June 2015 Conduct Road blocks and speed timing exercises by inspecting 200 vehicles by June 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a GG17 To ensure an effective and efficient pro-active response to disaster management Disaster Risk Management all Conduct Fire drills and education awareness at schools 4 4 fire drills awareness programmes completed Achieved n/a n/a GG18 To ensure the provision of a safe and secure environment for all Umdoni residents Disaster Risk Management all Inspected 40 business premises per year 10 10 Achieved n/a GG19 To have functional Internal Audit Unit Develop and implement operational Internal Audit Plan identifying all the high risk areas all Approved Internal Audit Plan and Completed all Internal Audit projects Date of approval of Internal Audit Plan and Final Internal Audit Projects Jun- 2015 GG20 To monitor and address all Fraud Complaints Addressing Fraud complaints all Centralised and address 100% Fraud Complaints Percentage of fraud complaints addressed by June 2015 Address100% fraud complaints by June 2015 Review tool and register for each department Complains Register GG21 To ensure the effective Oversight Coordinating PAC and Ac meeting of Performance Audit Committee by June 2014 and Audit Committee n/a Co-ordinate PAC and AC meetings Number of PAC and AC meetings coordinated by June 2014 Coordinating 4 PAC and AC meeting by June 2014 1 GG22 To ensure efficient and effective communication all 4 IDP Mayoral izimbizos coordinated by November 2014 Number of IDP Mayoral Izimbizos coordinated by November 2014 Co-ordinate 4 IDP Mayoral Izimbizos by November 2014 n/a Co-ordinate IDP Mayoral Izimbizos Number of Fire Drills and Conduct 10 Fire education awareness drills and conducted by June 2015 education awareness at schools by June 2015 Number of business Inspect 40 premises inspected business premises per year RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE 135,000 Community Services Attendance register for sports council, list of winners benefited 100,000 Community Services Attendance register and report to Portfolio committee 150,000 Community Services Minutes and attendance register, list of beneficiaries. Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Community Services Letter from the schools visited n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Community Services Attendance register and report to Portfolio committee 1 1 Achieved n/a n/a n/a Community Services Minutes and attendance register, list of beneficiaries. n/a 10 10 Achieved n/a n/a n/a Community Services Letter from the schools visited n/a n/a Internal Audit report 1 Internal Audit report 1 Internal Audit Report 1 Achieved n/a n/a Office of the Municipal Manager Risk based internal audit plan 2014/2015, All Internal Audit Reports Achieved n/a n/a Deliberated at MANCO Deliberated at MANCO Complains Register Achieved n/a n/a Office of the Municipal Manager Fraud prevention register 1 Meeting Achieved n/a n/a 1 1 2 Meeting (PAC and AC) Achieved n/a n/a Office of the Municipal Manager signed minutes an attendance register n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 3 Mayoral Izimbizos were held in the first and second quarter. Not achieved The fourth Imbizo will not be held as per EXCO resolution. EXCO resolved to conduct three and not four Izimbizo n/a R 150,000 Corporate Services signed minutes an attendance register Review Risk Approved Achieved Register 14- 2014/2015 15, and Internal Audit Formulate Plan internal Audit Plan Page 6 of 8 Have planning Meeting held Meeting with on 20 school November principals for 2014 Dress a school child campaign n/a n/a Advertised Comprehensive for Hub Co- roll out of sports coordinators codes with the closing date of 9 December 2014 ANNUAL BUDGET UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF GG23 OBJECTIVES To update the community on the proceedings of the municipal services STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE Produce Municipal Newsletter all 2 Municipal Newsletters produced Number of newsletters produced by December 2014 ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Produce 2 Procurement quotation Municipal process from service Newsletter by provider December 2014 received to print newsletter Achieved n/a ANNUAL TARGET Q1 ACTUAL Q2 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED n/a 1 newsletter produced 0 Not achieved REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ANNUAL BUDGET Newsletter Document to be was published at the produced in end of January draft format 2015 by end of December 2014. This has been forwarded for typesetting and printing in January 2015. 20,000 RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE Corporate Services Copy of the newsletter GG24 To promote Disaster risk reduction Facilitating Advisory Forums n/a Facilitated 4 Disaster Advisory Forums by June 2015 Number of Advisory Forums facilitated Facilitate 4 Disaster Advisory Forums by June 2015 1 1 Disaster Advisory Forum held on 5 August 2014 Achieved n/a n/a 1 1 , 06 October 2014 Achieved n/a n/a 0 Community Services Attendance Registers and photos GG25 To promote Disaster risk reduction Hold Public and school disaster risk reduction awareness campaign all Hold public and school disaster risk reduction awareness campaigns Number of public and school disaster risk reduction awareness campaingsawarenesses campaign held Hold 12 Public and school disaster risk reduction awareness campaign by June 2015 3 3 awareness campaigns held at schools Achieved n/a n/a 3 0 Not Achieved Awareness campaigns are conducted with fire drills(GG17) review the SDBIP R0 Community Services School Stamps and Attendance register 8 Submission of 8 reports 8 Achieved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Procurement plans n/a n/a n/a n/a Commence Training Training undertaken in October Achieved n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Attendance Register n/a n/a n/a n/a Identification and obtaining prices pricing report completed Achieved n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Pricing Report FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND MANAGEMENT FVM1 To improve effectiveness and efficiency in procurement processes implementation of procurement plans n/a Implementation and monthly report backs of procurement plans Number of reports submitted by September 2014 FVM2 To improve effectiveness and efficiency in procurement processes training of Bid committees n/a Trained Bid committee members Number of Bid committee members trained by December 2014 FVM3 To improve effectiveness and efficiency in procurement processes Benchmarking of items n/a Ensure tariffs remain within inflation targeting n/a Develop tariff of charges % of tariff charges increased by May 2015 100% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Tariff of Charges FVM5 To ensure financial sustainability System driven reminders for debt and sound financial principles defaulters n/a Implementing debt recovery system Date of implementation 31-Dec-14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a implement debt recovery system debt recovery system implemented by October 2014 Achieved n/a n/a R0 Financial Services System Action Reports FVM6 To ensure financial sustainability and sound financial principles Development of templates/proformas for completion n/a Development of Asset Pro formats Date of development of Pro formats Mar-15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Documented asset pro formas FVM7 To ensure financial sustainability and sound financial principles Mid year budget assessment n/a Conduct detail performance analysis per department Date detail performance analysis conducted Conduct detail performance analysis per department by January 2015 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Completed Departmental performance report FVM8 To ensure financial sustainability and sound financial principles Ensuring the accuracy of budget provided n/a Budget Quality Certificates to be extended to Managers/Section heads Date of receipt of quality certificates May-15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Completed Quality Certificates FVM9 To ensure financial sustainability and sound financial principles Ensuring the accuracy of budget provided n/a Budget Preparation Guideline Date of completion of preparation guideline Mar-15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R0 Financial Services Completed budget preparation guide. Source funding for Park Rynie Precinct Plan 10 Package business plan to Source funding for the development of the Park Rynie Precint Plan and submit to DRLDR n/a n/a n/a Achieved n/a n/a 0 Planning and Development FVM4 To ensure financial sustainability and sound financial principles Train 15 Bid Train 15 Bid committee committee members by members by December 2014 December 2014 Benchmarked 30 common Number of common items Benchmarked Benchmarked items benchmarked by 30 common 30 common December 2014 items by items by December 2014 December 2014 CROSS CUTTING INTERVENTIONS CC1 To facilitate an integrated approach towards planning for urban and rural communities Package business plan to Package Source funding for the business plan to development of the Park Source funding Rynie Precinct Plan and for the submit to DRLDR by June development of 2015 the Park Rynie Precinct Plan and submit to DRLDR by June 2015 n/a n/a Page 7 of 8 Package Draft Business Business Plan Plans Drafted and submitted to GM PD on 19 November 2014 Submit packaged business plan to DLDRD UMDONI MUNICIPALITY MID YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 MID- YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2014/2015 IDP REF CC2 OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES/INPUT WARD all MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE/OUTPUT Conduct Land audit KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR/UNIT OF MEASURE Conduct Land Audited by April 2015 ANNUAL TARGET Conduct Land Audited by April 2015 Q1 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/N OT ACHIEVED Procurement processes 0 Not Achieved n/a n/a To facilitate an integrated approach towards planning for urban and rural communities Conduct Land audit CC3 To facilitate an integrated approach towards planning for urban and rural communities Review Umdoni Town Planning Scheme all Review Umdoni Town Planning Scheme CC4 To facilitate an integrated approach towards planning for urban and rural communities Adopt SDF (Spatial Development Framework) all SDF adopted (Spatial development Framework) CC5 Monitoring and management of proposed buildings and buildings under construction Ensure compliance with National Building Regulations all Assess building plans below 500m² within 30days Turnaround time to assess 30 days per building below 500m² building plan 30 days CC6 Monitoring and management of proposed buildings and buildings under construction Ensure compliance with National Building Regulations all Assess building plans above 500m² within 60days Turnaround time to assess 60 days per building above 500m² Building plan CC7 Monitoring and management of proposed buildings and buildings under construction Inspection of properties all Inspect 1728 properties by June 2015 Number of properties inspected by June 2015 CC8 To ensure effective waste management within the municipality Implementation of IWMP all Source funding to Implement 3 projects Number of project implemented Review Umdoni Town Review Umdoni Planning Scheme by June Town Planning 2015 Scheme by June 2015 Review and Adopt SDF by July 2014 Review and Adopt SDF by July 2014 Inspect 1728 properties by June 2015 Jun-15 Advertise for Draft SDF public finalised will comments be out for Public comments in October 2014. n/a REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN The project The Dip will will be be amended implemented and the in the necessary 2015/2016 procedure financial year will be to followed. incorporate Vulamehlo municipality since they have not started with this exercise n/a n/a REASONS FOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ANNUAL BUDGET RESPONSIBLE PORTFOLIO OF DEPARTMENT EVIDENCE Q2 ACTUAL ACHIEVED/ NOT ACHIEVED Inception report and Draft Status Quo 0 Not Achieved First draft completed First Draft Completed Achieved n/a n/a R260 00 Planning and Development minutes of PSC meetings, Draft Status Quo,Reports Delay in the Draft drafting of specifications specification will be finalised by end of January 2015 300,000 Planning and Development Advert,TOR,min utes of meetings, Council Resolution and Final Land Audit Report Not Achieved There was a Appoint the delay by the new service service provider to provider to final the SDF submit the amended SDF n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R 300,000 Planning and Development minutes of PSC meetings, Final SDF Report and close out report 39 days Not Achieved Waiting for Allocate strict comments time frames from other to departments Departments and feedback within 7 days 30 days 24 DAYS Achieved n/a n/a n/a Planning and Development report to portfolio committee, register of plans 60 days 19 days Achieved n/a n/a 60 days 40 DAYS Achieved n/a n/a n/a Planning and Development report to portfolio committee, register of plans 432 755 n/a n/a n/a 432 758 Achieved n/a n/a n/a Planning and Development report to portfolio committee, inspection register of Funding Approved or M.O.U signed Approval for one project received Funding Approved or M.O.U signed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Technical Services Page 8 of 8 Not Achieved Department Target not to of be Environment quantitative al Affairs due to the approved one fact that project and approval of approval and funding for implementati projects is on of projects beyond our does not rest control with Umdoni Municipality business plan and proof of submission
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