Conference Day 1 March 18, 2015 Time Location 1 8:00am-5:00pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8:00am-5:00pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00am Welcome to LTRC + Intro to Messick Lecture Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:00am Messick Memorial Lecture: Susan Brookhart Churchill Ballroom Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Sponsored by ETS TOEFL 10:00-10:35am 10:35-12:00 Break Churchill Court Group Photo Churchill Ballroom Paper Session 1 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B Gu, Yan, & Tian: Impact of an International English Proficiency Test on Young Learners— Voices from learners and parents Tsagari & Vogt: Assessment Literacy of Foreign Language Teachers: Research, Challenges and Future Prospects Llosa, Malone, Wei, Donavan, & Stevens: Comparability of writing tasks in TOEFL iBT and university writing courses: Insights from students and instructors Wagner, Chen, Park, Stone, & Jang: Evaluating and Revising a Reading Test Blueprint through Multiple Methods: The Case of the CELPIP-G First presenter is the session chair 10:35-11:00 1 12:00-1:30pm 11:05-11:30 Gu & Hsieh: Distinguishing features in scoring young language students’ oral performances Chapman: Task equivalence in writing assessment: which task features can and should be controlled? Fan & Song: Impact and consequences of university-based assessment in China: A case study Elwood & Petchko: Development and Validation of a Placement Test for a MultiPolar Graduate Institute 11:35-12:00 Sawaki & Koizumi: Japanese students’ and teachers’ perception and use of score reports for two large-scale EFL tests Salamoura, Guetterman & Khalifa: Enhancing test validation through rigorous mixed methods design features Nakatsuhara, Inoue, Berry, & Galaczi: A multifaceted study using web-based video conferencing technology in the assessment of spoken language Brau & Brooks: Testing the right skill: the misapplication of reading scores as a predictor of translation ability Lunch Restaurants in and around the hotel LAQ Editorial Board Meeting 1:30-3:00pm Poster Session Rossetti Mountbatten Lane Session Chair: Yong-Won Lee Poster presenters are required to set up by March 17 – after the opening reception, but no later than 1pm on March 18. 2 3:00-4:25pm Paper Session 2 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B 3:00-3:25 Iwashita & Vasquez: Features of discourse competence in IELTS speaking task performances at different band levels Phakiti: Structural equation models of calibration, performance appraisals, and strategy use in an IELTS Listening Test Qian: Applying Academic Vocabulary Lists to Validating Test Contents Dunlop: Eye tacking of learner interactions with diagnostic feedback on French as a Second Language skill reports 3:30-3:55 Youn: The interlocutor effect in paired speaking tasks to assess interactional competence Cai: Producing actionable feedback in EFL diagnostic assessment Harsch & Hartig: C-tests outperform Yes/No vocabulary size tests as predictors of receptive language skills Ballard & Lee: Enrique, Díaz Moreno & Baten Suvorov: Test-takers’ Use of Visual Information From Context and Content Videos in the Videobased Academic Listening Test Kramer & McLean: Comparing aural and written receptive vocabulary knowledge of the first 5k and the AWL Fleckenstein, Leucht & Köller: B2 or C1? Investigating the equivalence of CEFR-based proficiency level classifications 4:00-4:25 Challenges of Blended Learning Assessments in Network-Limited Areas 4:25-4:50pm Break How Young Children Respond to Computerized Reading and Speaking Test Tasks Churchill Court 3 4:50-6:20pm Symposium Session 1 Churchill Ballroom Fox, Baker & Laurier, Mellow & Begg, Zumbo & Maddox, Slomp, & Turner Testing as social practice: Canada and context in construct representation, test interpretation, and arguments for consequential validity 6:30-7:30pm Mountbatten Salon Professional Event #1 Publishing in Language Assessment Chair: Guoxing Yu Special Sponsor: Higher Education Press Guoxing Yu, Executive Editor, Assessment in Education (Taylor & Francis) Liz Hamp-Lyons, Editor, Assessing Writing (Elsevier) James Purpura, Editor, Language Assessment Quarterly (Taylor & Francis) April Ginther, Co-Editor, Language Testing (Sage) Fred Davidson, Distinguished Editorial Adviser, Language Testing in Asia (Springer) 4 Conference Day 2 March 19, 2015 Time Location 1 8:30am-5pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8:30am-5pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00am Announcements Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:00am The Davies Lecture: Alister Cumming Churchill Ballroom Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Sponsored by British Council 10:00-10:20 Break 10:20-11:45 Paper Session 3 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B Symposium Session 2 Papers Papers Symposium Papers 10:20-10:45 Colby-Kelly: Assessing the unobservable: Can AFL inform on nascent learning in an L2 classroom setting? Volkov & Stone: Empirically Derived Rating Rubric in a Large-Scale Testing Context Zhang, Shen, & Huang Ma: Chinese Students’ Test Preparation for Success on Highstakes English Language Tests Saito: Junior and Senior High School EFL Teachers’ Practice of Formative Assessment: A Mixed Method Study Wu & Wu: Constructing a common scale for a multi-level test to enhance interpretation of learning outcomes 10:50-11:15 Assessment for Learning (AFL): Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Writing Classroom Bai: A Students’ Perspective in a High-stakes Test: Attitudes, Contributing Factors and Test Performance 5 11:20-11:45 11:45-1:30pm 1:30-3:00pm Winke, Lee, Walter, Weyant, Thirakunkovit, & Yan: What does the Cloze Test Really Test? A Replication with Eye-tracking Data Margolis: Factors Contributing to Fluency Ratings in Classroom-based Assessment Xu: Language assessment literacy in practice: A case study of a Chinese university English teacher Lunch ILTA Membership Meeting Churchill Ballroom Work in Progress Mountbatten Salon Session Chair: Lorena Llosa 3:00-4:25pm Papers Session 4 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Rossetti 3:00-3:25 Knoch, Macqueen, May, Pill, & Storch: Transitioning from university to the workplace: Stakeholder perceptions of academic and professional writing demands Papagergiou & Ockey: Does accent strength affect performance on a listening comprehension test for interactive lectures? Park, Dunlop, Boom, & Jang; Kim & Billington: Tackling the issue of L1 influenced pronunciation in English as a lingua Min & He: Examining the effect of DIF anchor items on equating invariance in Lidster & Shin: Developing and Validating AchievementBased 3:30-3:55 A mixedmethods investigation into the young learners’ cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in reading test 6 4:00-4:25 franca communication contexts: The case of aviation computer-based EFL listening assessment Assessments of Student Learning Outcomes in an Intensive English Program van Naerssen: Promoting Credible Language Assessment in Courts: Two Forensic Cases Saif, Cheng, & Rahimi; Yang & Wu: An Investigation into Cognitive Evidence for Validating a Visual Literacy Task in Listening Assessment High-Stakes Test Preparation Programs and Learning Outcomes: A Context-Specific Study of Learners’ Performance on IELTS 4:25-4:45pm Break Churchill Court 4:45-6:15pm Symposia Session 3 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Purpura, Waring, Hamp-Lyons, Green & Hill Stenner, O'Sullivan, Dunlea, Sandvik, & Geva Roles and needs of learning-oriented language assessment New Models and Technologies for Blurring the Distinction between Language Testing and Language Learning 7 6:30-7:30pm Mountbatten Salon Professional Event #2 Careers in Language Assessment Chair: Eunice Jang Ardeshir Geranpayeh, Cambridge English Language Assessment Jonathan Schmidgall, Educational Testing Service May Tan, Canadian Armed Forces Eunice Jang, OISE/University of Toronto Jake Stone, Paragon Testing Enterprises (University of British Columbia) 8 Conference Day 3 March 20, 2015 Time Location 1 7:30am-12:30pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8am-6pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00 Announcements Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:10 Cambridge/ILTA Distinguished Achievement Award: Tim McNamara Churchill Ballroom Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Sponsored by Cambridge English 10:00-10:20 Break 10:20-11:45 Papers Session 5 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B 10:20-10:45 Isaacs & Turner: Aligning teaching, learning, and assessment in EAP instruction? Stakeholders’ views, external influences, and researchers’ perspectives Huhta, Alderson, Nieminen, & Ullakonoja: Diagnostic profiling of foreign language readers and writers Roever, Elder, & Fraser: Validation of a webbased test of ESL sociopragmatics Deygers: The concurrent and predictive validity of university entrance tests 10:50-11:15 Van Gorp: Integrating task-based language teaching and assessment: towards a unified task specification framework Jin, Zou, & Zhang: What CEFR Level Descriptors Mean to College English Teachers and Students in China Ryu: Investigating a construct of pragmatic and communicative language ability through email writing tasks Bi: Modeling the relationships between construct-relevant and -irrelevant strategic behaviors and 9 lexico-grammar test performance 11:20-11:45 11:45-1:15pm 1:15-2:40pm Erickson: Large-scale Assessment for Learning – a collaborative approach Zhao, Jin, & Wang: Detecting evidence behind the College English Curriculum Requirements in China: A mixedmethods study Liu: Automated writing instructional tool for English language learners: A case study of WriteToLearn Ikeda: Investigating constructs of L2 pragmatics through L2 learners’ oral discourse and interview data Lunch LT Editorial Board Meeting Rossetti Papers Session 6 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A 1:15-1:40 Boraie (TESOL) Caudwell & O’Sullivan: Can planning at the functional level affect test score? Xi: Language constructs revisited for practical test design, development and validation Dunlea & Fairbairn: Investigating the impact of language background on the rating of spoken and written performances Wolf & Faulkner-Bond: A Review of the Content and Statistical Qualities of Three English Language Proficiency Assessments The construct of language assessment literacy as perceived by foreign language teachers in a specific context 1:45-2:10 Inbar-Lourie & Levi: Implementing formative classroom assessment initiatives: What language assessment literacy knowledge is required? 10 2:15-2:40 2:40-3:00 Break 3:00-4:30 Symposia Session 4 So, Zapata, Evanini, Tao, Luce, & Battistini: Development of innovative assessment tasks to measure spoken language abilities of young English learners Volkov & Stone: Analysis of NormReferencing Modifiers as a Component of Rating Rubrics Ginther, Yan, & Potts: The relationship between TOEFL and GPA: the case of Chinese students Mountbatten A Mountbatten B Rossetti Schoonen, Schmitt, Kremmel, Jarvis, & Segalowitz Wu, Qi, Han, Liu & Wei Weigle, Deane, Geranpayyeh, Suzuki, Davis & Ginther Vocabulary in assessment: what do we mean and what do we assess? 4:35-5:35 Debate Churchill Ballroom 5:35-5:45 Closing Churchill Ballroom 6:30-10:00 Banquet and Awards Hart House The Evaluation of School-based EFL Teaching and Learning in China Applications of automated scoring tools for student feedback and learning 11
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