South Florida Nationals Confirmation Packet February 21, 2015 th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Dear Coach, We are looking forward to seeing you at the South Florida Nationals. We know you will enjoy this wonderful venue in Ft. Lauderdale! Coaches choosing to change divisions less than 14 days but more than five days before the start of competition check-in will be subject to a $500.00 processing fee per performance division changed. To avoid this fee, all requests to change divisions must be received at least 14 days prior to the start of competition check-in. Spirit Cheer WILL NOT process division changes within five days of the start of competition check-in. Exceptions to these rules may at times be granted by the Tournament Director (new registrations, for example, may be treated differently), and may involve additional fees. If the number of members on your team changes, and as a result your team should be in a different division, for example, small instead of large, it is the coach’s responsibility to request a division change. Changing of Division or the Order of Performance After Competition Check-In Has Begun Teams that perform out of order will be assessed a penalty and be subject to division change fees as outlined above. All team members should be prepared to perform in their scheduled time slot. If it is necessary to alter the order of competition because a team is not ready to perform, that team will be assessed a penalty and fees at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Your team may be subject to disqualification, penalty points, and additional fees for competing with more members than you registered and paid for, please be sure we are aware of all additions to your team(s). We want to wish you the best for this event! We hope you enjoy the changes that we have made to help ensure your best performance of the year. Sincerely, The Spirit Cheer Staff th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Spirit Cheer Event Check List □ Verify Performance Times: Please go to to see your estimated performance times. If you foresee a conflict or if there are any other problems with the performance schedule, please email Mia at [email protected] in our office IMMEDIATELY. Be sure to check the website often for updates to the performance schedule. □ Event Check-In: All coaches must check-in at the Event Registration, located just outside Hall A at the Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center on Saturday beginning one hour before doors open. It is during check-in that you Receive the number of credentials that correspond to your number of pre-registered competitors and coaches Receive the most up-to-date performance schedule Turn in all paperwork. Note: any team that does not have at least one coach check-in during the specified time is subject to disqualification and no refund will be issued. □ Distribute Credentials Efficiently: The coach of each team must arrive first to pick up all shoe tags for competitors and all wristbands for coaches. Please do not have team members arrive before the coach, as they will not be able to enter the performance hall without their shoe tags. Once the tags have been picked up by the coach, please arrange a time to distribute them to all competitors and coaches OR leave a representative outside the performance hall to meet team members as they arrive. ***Event staff will not be available to track down a coach for any competitors left waiting outside without a shoe tag. □ Warm-Up Check-In: All teams will need to check into Warm-Ups one hour before their scheduled “Compete” time. Please see the diagram below for an example of how the warm ups will run. Spirit Cheer can only guarantee 30 minutes between performances for crossovers. □ Study Convention Center Map: Please study the enclosed “Convention Center Layout Map” – by doing so you will understand how your competitors will move through the warm-up system and practice areas (follow numbers on the map) prior to and after their performance. □ Be sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions: By reading this section completely, you will have most of your questions answered before you even ask them! th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Frequently Asked Questions General Q: A: When should the coach/team arrive at the Convention Center or Arena? Teams and coaches should report to Check-In during times designated on the “Spirit Cheer Event Check List”. Q: A: Where do we go to check-in? What if we have questions during the event? Event Check-in will be located just outside Hall A throughout the weekend and will serve as the check-in point for coaches, as well as the information booth for the remainder of the weekend. Please consult the representative at this table with all your event questions. If they don’t know the answer to your question, they’ll have the means to find someone who will. Q: A: What is the charge for Convention Center parking? The Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center parking is connected to the Northport Parking Garage. $3 / 0-1 hours $6 / Up to 5 hours -- $1 per hour thereafter up to daily maximum $15 daily maximum Q: A: What is the easiest and most economical way to feed my squad? Concessions will be available inside the Convention Center. Q: A: What do we do in the event of an emergency? Please use 911 for all medical emergencies outside of the Convention Center. For emergencies located inside the convention center, there will be EMTs on-site. Q: A: How do our spectators purchase tickets? Tickets will be available for purchase at the event. Q: A: Can we use a credit card to purchase event tickets? No. The ticket booth is set up to accept CASH ONLY. Competition Q: A: Are spotters provided for All Star teams at competitions administered by Spirit Cheer? No. Spirit Cheer will not provide additional spotters at our events. The guidelines of the USASF, outline the number of spotters that are required to safely perform the various stunts and pyramids that are choreographed into routines. Since we follow these guidelines, squads have already incorporated the proper number of spotters into their routines. And since these spotters are familiar with the flow of the routine, their capacity for inadvertent interference is greatly reduced. th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Q: A: What are the dimensions of the performance floor? Cheer teams will have a 54’ X 42’ (9-strips of foam) floor on which to compete (spring for all-stars). Q: A: Can I bring my music on a CD? Spirit Cheer encourages the use of MP3 players in lieu of CDs to avoid the risk of skipping. However, a CD player will be provided, but some players will not play all custom-burned CDs. So please have at least 2 backup CDs. Also, please be sure your CD is clean (free of lint, fingerprints, etc) and free of scratches. Custom-burned CDs are not studio quality and may therefore be subject to skipping due to small scratches. Q: A: What is the procedure for wearing the nationals’ shoe tags and wrist bands? These credentials identify you as a competitor or as a coach; therefore they must remain on for the duration of the event. These credentials grant you access to all performances and also into the warm-up area. NOTE: If a shoe tag or wrist band is lost or destroyed, you may be required to buy a ticket to watch or compete at the competition. Q: A: What do I do if my nationals’ shoe tag or wrist band breaks? In the unlikely event that this happens, you must bring ALL pieces of the original to event Check-In in order to receive a new one. Otherwise, you may be required to buy a ticket to watch or compete at the event. Q: A: When do we receive Score Sheets and/or Judges’ Comments? Deduction sheets will be available approximately 5 minutes after each team competes. Score sheets will be made available immediately following awards. Score sheets can ONLY be picked up by coaches of their teams. Any score sheet not picked up by the conclusion of the tournament will be discarded and only summary information will be available for coaches after the event. Q: A: Do we have to have our team picture taken? While it is not required, it is in your best interest to do so, as each team will be given a copy of this team photo. This photo fits nicely into the frame on your awards plaque (received during awards ceremony on Saturday). Q: What is your PHOTO/VIDEO Policy? Spectators are welcome to photograph/videotape any and all performances from spectator seating! Please keep in mind that all cameras must be handheld. Cameras MAY NOT be placed on a tripod as they are a tripping/traffic hazard. Cameras with removable lenses will not be allowed in the arena for the safety of the athletes. Those spectators wanting to order pictures or an event DVD may do so at the Universal Event Photography booth in the vendor area. A: th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Q: A: What do we do with our items (duffle bags, make-up, etc.) once we enter the warm up room? We prefer that you make plans to store all personal items with some parents or spectators out in the arena (not backstage). Many times bags are left unattended and unsecured and we have had some items come up missing. Please plan ahead and have someone in your traveling party watch all your items and the belongings of your team members as your team moves through the practice areas and on to performance. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Q: A: Does your staff ensure that all practice and performance surfaces are secure? Yes, the event staff makes a thorough check of all equipment before the event begins. However, through normal use during the event, it is possible that the status of the floors may change. While, we make every effort to make periodic checks, ultimately, you are responsible for looking over all practice floors, spring strips, and the performance floor for any defects before making use of the floor. Q: A: Will Spirit Cheer be implementing new “cross velcro lines”? Yes, these additional Velcro lines will serve two purposes. They will help to ensure that the foam panels remain tightly adhered to each other AND they will give your athletes additional points of reference to keep formations clean and precise {Please see page 11 for more information}. Q: A: Do coaches pay to come to this event? Up to two free coaches per team are allowed for each team of a given organization. Any additional coaches must pay the $50 coaches fee. Q: A: Why would I pay the additional coach fee? The additional coaches’ fee grants the coach admission to all performances for the event and also grants access to the warm-up room. If there are coaches in your organization that are not covered by the Free Coach policy but do not need to be in the warm-up room, it would be more economical for those coaches to simply pay the spectator price of admission. Q: A: What is included for coaches that pay the additional coach fee? a) access to all performances; b) access to the warm-up room; c) free commemorative gift (if any). Awards Q: A: Where will the awards ceremonies take place? All awards ceremonies will take place on the main floor throughout the day. Please see the event schedule for details. Q: A: Does each team competitor receive a medal? Yes. All participants receive a medal. th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Q: A: Who gets awards? Every team receives awards at Spirit Cheer. Every TEAM that competes receives a plaque. The top 3 teams receive a placement plaque and national championship teams receive a banner. All team plaques have a team picture frame incorporated into the plaque to accommodate the free team photo given to each team. Individual team members for the top three teams will receive medals. Q: A: What happens if my team is the only team in a division? We realize that you come to nationals looking to compete. Therefore we do make division combinations where appropriate. However, should a combination not be reasonable, there is still something to shoot for… your score will be compared against those of the same level for our LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIPS AWARD! Hotel Tracking Info Q: A: Why are you requesting our hotel information for this event? Facility dates and space are always at a premium. In order to try to secure dates and space that work well for our customers, we must demonstrate to the Convention and Visitors Bureau for a given city that our event has a significant amount of economic impact on the hotels, shopping, etc. The CVB looks at the hotel room nights booked for a given event as its primary indicator. Q: A: Can’t the hotels simply run a report for the CVB? Yes, they can and they do. But we have found that the report they run is invariably flawed. In fact, we were in danger of not being able to book any convention space one year at another location because the hotel reports were so dismal. After many hours of research and a lot of phone calls to our customers, we were able to document that each hotel had under evaluated the number of hotel room nights our customers had booked – one hotel reported almost 900 room nights fewer than had been purchased. Please do take a moment to discuss with your organization and complete the HOTEL TRACKING INFO sheet and bring it with you when you report to championship checkin. Your assistance in this matter will go a long way toward helping secure dates and space that will foster many successful years for this competition. THANK YOU! Departure We care about your experience at Spirit Cheer and would be happy to listen to any suggestions you might have so that we can be sure to deliver the best competition experience in the industry! If you have any thoughts on how we can improve, please reply to the email you receive after the event. Be safe traveling home. We look forward to seeing you and your teams next year in Ft. Lauderdale, FL! th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 Hotel Information Request Tournament Housing Service is excited to bring you Partner Perfect Hotels--great hotel rooms plus a rebate for your program. Our new program rewards YOU for staying in our partner hotels by giving your program back $5.00 for every room night you book! You can also earn FREE coaches rooms and it's as easy as clicking a button! All Teams coming to Spirit Cheer events are required to book through THS and stay in a partner hotel. We have made it easier than ever-- as well as an exciting fund-raiser for your team! Benefits of the Partner Perfect Hotels Rebate Program: $5.00 per room night booked and utilized will be paid back to your team! For every 15 nights booked and paid you receive your 16th night FREE (at participating hotels) We have negotiated the best rates at the best hotels. All you have to do is decide which hotel fits your needs! You can make changes to your rooming list and manage your room block as needed on-line and your Room types are GUARANTEED! For those teams that book individually instead of as a group, you can still earn $5.00 per room night back for your team by simply noting your team name at the time of reserving your room. All individual reservations will still get credited to your organization for the rebate. (Please note- for individuals booking separately there must be at least 5 rooms booked with the same team name to get rebate back for team). Event name: South Florida Nationals Number of teams with your Group: ______________________ Number of teams attending event: ________________________________________________________ Hotel Name(s) # of Rooms # of Nights Rate Did you book together as a group or as individuals? ___________________________________________ If a Group please provide contact name_____________________________________________________ How did you book your reservations? (circle one) Phone Internet Travel Agent When selecting your hotel what was most important to your group? (circle one) Price th Hotel Chain Location 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 2015-2016 Spirit Cheer Events Showdown in OTown Nationals Orlando, FL December 12, 2015 (Tentative) Beast of the East Winter Nationals Atlantic City, NJ January 16-17, 2016 Best of the Northwest Nationals Tacoma, WA February 13-14, 2016 South Florida Nationals Miami, FL February 20-21, 2016 Motown Madness Detroit, MI March 18-20, 2016 All-American in conjunction with the American Open Orlando, FL March 4-6, 2016 Minuteman Mass Nationals Worcester, MA April 10, 2016 (Tentative) *Dates are subject to change. Please check often for final 2015-2016 event dates. th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 ALL STAR TEAM ROSTER About the USASF The US All Star Federation (USASF) was founded in 2003 with the core principle of making All Star a safer sport by establishing fair and consistent rules and competition standards. The organization credentials coaches, certifies safety judges, sanctions events and maintains and adjusts (as needed) safety guidelines, all with the goal of providing the safest possible environment for cheer and dance athletes to train and compete. We are a not for profit corporation established in Tennessee and are governed by Bylaws, officers, a Board of Directors, and 15 standing committees. The day to day operation of the USASF is handled by full time, part time, and volunteer staff. Athlete Membership Started August 1, 2014 A new, comprehensive and streamlined Athlete Membership program began with the 2014-15 membership season. An annual Athlete Membership fee of $30 for all athletes began August 1, 2014. Athlete ID is EASY Step 1: Prior to attending your first event in the 2014-2015 season, register all cheer and dance athletes by entering information in member profiles at Athlete birth certificates will be uploaded to USASF secure serves for birthdate verification by USASF staff. Once birthdates are verified, birth certificate files are digitally destroyed and not stored on any server. Step 2: Create and print USASF Official Event Rosters for each team prior to each event and submit to event producers at the event. th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113 th 118 NW 14 AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 x 113
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