‘Like a friend dropping in’ S NUE WSLET F FEETOT TTE LE RK TER O F TH E Y EARR OF 2009/2010/2011/2013/2014 2 20 200 00 00 09/2 09/20 09/ 09 9//20 9/2 /2 20 01 201 013 01 13/ 3/20 3 /20 014 0 14 14 Twenty-seven years of Parish Record... all the Community News... February 2015 TAKING THE NEW YEAR IN THEIR STRIDE ...see inside cover ELMSWELL FIRE STATION NEWS... see page 9 ELMSWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN... see page 11 FUNDRAISING GALA NIGHT... see pages 24 & 25 Published on the first Friday of every month by the Elmswell Amenities Association Reg. Charity No. 304879. 1,761 copies delivered free to households and to businesses in the community. A volunteer enterprise entirely supported by advertising. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS EDITORIAL Our editorial is designed to inform and to encourage debate. If you wish to comment, please do so via the office at Gobblins on the industrial estate behind the Fox or via email at; [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit any such contributions that we may use in a subsequent edition. GET CARTA Although our Prime Minister famously failed to translate the phrase, ‘Magna Carta’, when asked in a recent TV interview, we all know it means, ‘Great Charter’, from your actual Latin. But...so what? Well, this bit of paper, this ‘Charter’, sort of kickstarted democracy as we know it. Only ‘sort of ’, because it took England and its people from one very bad way of running things - the King was always right and his word was, literally, the law - to not-quitesuch-a-bad arrangement whereby 25 barons (who had captured London as a sort of protest) had to be consulted on laws governing the country. There were a few other bits, all but a very few no longer referred to. However, buried deep in the text, there was one that said: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned or stripped of his rights or possessions or outlawed or exiled ...except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land. This was the beginning of the establishment of legal principles and of people’s rights. In 1215 this didn’t mean much to the majority of the population. They were ‘unfree’, peasants. But from this platform, by good luck or good judgement or both, we have developed a democracy which has allowed peace and stability envied by many, emulated by more. When we read of the brutalities which attend the election process in some developing nations, of the intimidation and the violence, of the corruption and the vicious and open abuses of the most basic human rights, we should be grateful. We should savour the deep-rooted respect that our election system engenders, knowing that we can effect a change of government through the power of a grubby little blacklead pencil tied to a portable wooden polling booth by a bit of string. We may lament the stranglehold of the party system and the lack of real choice in areas where one of the parties is well dug in. But it is the choice of the people that this should be so. That choice can be unwise. The recent biographies and reflections on the life of Sir Winston Churchill catalogue the vagaries of the electorate. The ‘greatest leader this country has known’ was, more than once, humiliated and rejected at the ballot box. Furthermore, the sophistication of advertising and, more recently, the phenomenon of social media has made wise choice the more difficult. And where does ‘power’ lie these days anyway? When Apple can make £12 billion + in the last 3 months by selling a few telephones, they firmly place themselves above many national economies – and they are still only worth a quarter of what Bill Gates has in the bank. As the Bard tells us, ‘money doesn’t talk, it swears’, so he who has the money... But we can relax! For, on May 7th, we have the chance to choose new decision makers. At parliamentary level where no-one will take your bet on the outcome. At district level where there’s a chance of an upset to the balance of power – but where the current financial and political climate is severely tying the hands of the elected members. And at parish council level where the world’s your oyster and where we can choose from our neighbours the ones who could, should, and currently do make a difference to our lives. The current lot haven’t done badly at all. They have managed, against the odds, to keep Elmswell high on the agenda of many of the other authorities they deal with so that our streetlights remain in good and improving condition, our potholes are filled at least as fast as everyone else’s and the Police liaise effectively. They have interpreted the village mood and aspirations wisely and managed finances so that facilities such as new allotments, play areas at Crown Mill and Clay Field, the green cemetery and the dramatic success of The Blackbourne have been achieved cost effectively. They have stayed ahead of the game in terms of establishing a Neighbourhood Plan and seem to keep pace with the ever-changing Government diktats on Planning. But they could do better. They will have to do better. The game is changing. The feature which helped define and shape Elmswell over the past 100 years - the Bacon Factory - exerts an influence beyond its working life. The development of the site, 38 acres of it, will change the face of Elmswell for good or ill. The chance of the gain of a relief road avoiding the ever-busier railway crossing is attractive to many, but the spin-off needs careful control and adept handling across a range of disciplines...the Planners, the County Highways Officers, the community infrastructure agencies such as social care, health and education all have to be persuaded to bat for Elmswell. NEW YEAR’S DAY WALK Once again, some 70+ souls braved the first day of a new year by joining the regular monthly walkers for a 5 mile ramble in and around Elmswell. For the first time in the recent history of the event, Dick Burch didn’t lead the way round – he was unwell but the crowd, in fine spirits as they gathered around the village sign, wished him a speedy recovery. But tradition was otherwise observed when the amazing Mr & Mrs Wells, fresh from hosting the New Year’s Eve party at Blackbourne, dutifully arose at 3.00am to put a joint of pork in the oven which they then served to the walkers, along with apple sauce, hot punch and whisky chasers at the half-way point in Wetherden. Jane Heselden’s pictures record a smashing occasion. Thanks to Alan and Linda for their extraordinary efforts, and to Peter Edmonds who stood in for Dick Burch who has gingerly bounced back and will lead the next walk (sorry, no pork rolls) on 15th February. This is the job of the parish council which we will elect on Thursday 7th May. It goes without saying that we should all vote. Not to do so is to lose ones moaning rights; leave it to others to decide but don’t complain if the result isn’t to our liking. What is needed is people of calibre and commitment to stand up front and seek to serve at this crucial juncture in Elmswell’s development. We have been unusually lucky in recent years in finding folk with a wealth of experience, many of them still testing that experience day-to-day in a job of work. From carpet cleaner to child minder, from locksmith to veterinary nurse, from solicitor to tractor driver...all have been able to bring common sense and a real world perspective. The age range , again, is younger than many other councils... but no-one under 40, no-one with children of school age, 60%+ male...it could be a better cross section of our community. There is a wealth of information available on the process of standing for and serving on a parish council. The degree of commitment is a personal choice. There are councillors who throw themselves into projects which take up a lot of their time, there are councillors who join in the litter picks etc, and there are councillors who turn up at the monthly meeting and feel they’ve done their bit. It’s an imperfect system – back to good old Winnie: ‘Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” It might be time for you to give it a try? Your Newsletter Fact File Our deadlines are important. It takes longer than you think to put the magazine together – despite our magnificent printers! Please help by sending us your contributions – the more the merrier – on time, and by email if at all possible. For the next 6 months we need copy by: February 24th March 24th April 21st May 26th June 23rd July 28th ...and don’t forget you can view and buy most of the photographs in the magazine - and a whole lot more - by visiting the ’Elmswell Gallery’ site www.elmswellgallery.com or ask at the Memorial Library or ring us on 241841. Your editors: Jean Barker, Maggie Bushell, Peter Dow Published on the first Friday of every month by the Elmswell Amenities Association Reg. Charity No. 304879. 1,774 copies delivered free to households and to businesses in the community. A volunteer enterprise entirely supported by advertising. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS. Your Newsletter has been published by the Elmswell Amenities Association (Registered Charity No 304879) on the first Friday of every month since 1986. The advertising administration and the printing are handled professionally – otherwise the whole enterprise is voluntary, including our team of 36 distributors. The costs are covered by advertising, so, please, support our advertisers, and do mention us if and when you use them. Last year the magazine made a contribution of £10,936.00 to the Association’s funds – all of it directed to improvements in the village. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES People who paint/draw are their own biggest critics and one of the hardest things to do is to actually stop and finish a piece of art – we always seem to want to add one more line/ brushstroke and sometimes “overdo” our work – so it is nice when someone else tells you that your picture looks good. I am going to try and include a piece or pieces of art each month for the magazine – although sometimes the photography is nowhere near as good as the artwork! Denise Lawrence Secretary –Elmswell Art Club 01359 245207 Young Girl with a Dove (after Picasso) by Maureen Bagnal ELMSWELL ART CLUB With Christmas over and the New Year under way it is time to make our resolutions and possibly start a new hobby! Why not take up painting or drawing? Elmswell Art Club is an inexpensive, friendly club which welcomes new members. At just £2 per session (refreshments included) there can be no better way to enjoy a morning and make new friends. We meet every Tuesday morning (9.30am to 12.30pm) at the Wesley Centre. Whether you are a novice or an experienced artist either looking for help, tips or inspiration – come and join us! What amazes all of our members is the diversity of styles and varying mediums (pencil, pastel, oils, acrylics and watercolours) which appear on the blank sheets of paper/canvas each week. We are looking forward to arranging an exhibition at the end of May which will show off (and sell some of!) the work which has been produced. indiscriminate use of antibiotics. We voted, almost unanimously for ending F.G.M. During the last part of the evening, Peter Goodrich and Terry Gardner, from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee, came to show us the first draft of a questionnaire, which they have drawn up to obtain the views of village people about future plans. They have obviously spent many hours designing this and wanted to know what we thought about the content of the questionnaire. There was lots of discussion about the questions and the way they were presented, so they definitely received some feedback! It is really vital that people of all ages, in every household, have their say and complete the questions, so that they influence the way that the village will be developed. This development will definitely happen, because we are a sustainable village. Also, if we demonstrate that we have a Neighbourhood Plan, the village automatically receives a greater share of the money paid by developers to Mid Suffolk. In February, we are looking forward to a talk about printing by Ed Wilson, which should be very interesting. St Ives, Cambridgeshire byJohn Welford ELMSWELL W.I. Janet welcomed us all to our first meeting of 2015 – Rachel is still in New Zealand. She gave us some dates for future activities: 20.1, Scrabble at Anna’s; 23.1, Craft Group at Sylvia’s and 6.2, at Liz’s; 6.2, Park Farm, Soup and Natter Lunch and 17.3, Golf Club Dinner. Next, we had to decide on which of the seven Resolutions we were going to vote for, for this year. These were the issues: gender discrimination, a government tree-planting programme, improving public access to defibrillators, removing the distinction between personal and nursing care, reducing public and personal food waste, ending female genital mutilation (F.G.M.) and curbing the (N.B. The days are getting longer and Spring will soon be here!) Rosie Collins 01359 241652 You Say... one of the responses to last month’s editorial Whatever the reason for celebrating Christmas, it is just an excuse to spend, spend, spend. I spotted my first Easter egg of the season on Boxing Day! THURSTON TYRE & EXHAUST CENTRE HANKOOK PERFORMANCE TYRES APPOINTED STOCKIST ALL MAKES SUPPLIED & FITTED 195/65-15 HR BUDGET TYRE FROM £38.00 175/65-14 HR BUDGET TYRE FROM £29.95 Price inc new valve, balance & VAT B STARIE MOTOR ENGINEERS EST. 1976 WE ALSO SELL CAR CLEANING PRODUCTS – WIPER BLADES- SCREEN WASH DE-IONISED WATER – CAR BATTERIES AIR FRESHENERS – ENGINE OILS – GEAR OILS BRAKE FLUIDS – ANTI-FREEZE – TOOLS – SPARK PLUGS AND MUCH MOREALL AT REASONABLE PRICES WE EVEN SELL MID SUFFOLK WASTE BAGS VISIT US AT UNIT 7 THURSTON GRANARY STATION HILL THURSTON IP31 3QU OPENING HOURS: MON – FRI 8AM – 6PM SAT: 8.30AM – 4.OOPM NOW OPEN UNTIL 8.00PM ON FRIDAY ALL MAKES CARS - VANS - PETROLS - DIESELS EXHAUSTS – SERVICING - REPAIRS - FAULT DIAGNOSTICS FULL SERVICE FROM £98.50 MOT TEST + INTERIM SERVICE FROM £99.50 1 CALL 01359 232653 01359 232114 [email protected] Carpets Upholstery Curtains Hard Floors call Peter on 01359 241577 email: [email protected] ServiceMaster West Suffolk Little Acre, Ashfield Road, Elmswell IP30 9HJ DOMESTIC APPLIANCE SERVICES REPAIRS SALES GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO WASHING MACHINES • COOKERS • FRIDGES • TUMBLE DRIERS • DISHWASHERS • ETC WE COVER IPSWICH • STOWMARKET BURY • STANTON • DISS • EYE • DEBENHAM • WOODBRIDGE AREAS AND HAVE BEEN IN THE TRADE FOR OVER 20 YRS. WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE DOMESTIC APPLIANCE SERVICING ASSOCIATION. WE HAVE NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES ON DISPLAY INCLUDING AEG • BOSCH • BENDIX • BELLING • CREDA • DYSON • ELECTROLUX • FRIGIDAIRE • HOOVER • HOTPOINT • PHILIPS • SERVICE • ZANUSSI ETC TEL. SHOP (01449) 780398 Visit our showroom at Finbows Furnishers on B1113 at Bacton S E RV I C E S maintaining helpful solutions All household + Property Maintenance Flat Pack Furniture Assembly I have lived locally for many years, I am reliable, fully insured and offer quality work at reasonable and affordable rates. If you have a job that needs doing – however small – just give me a call. I love the jobs you hate! Commercial work also undertaken Nothing is a problem, I can offer the solution. Grass cutting, Strimming + Hedging Driving WE ALSO SELL REFURBISHED APPLIANCES OF A HIGH STANDARD COMPLETE WITH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE YOU MAY ALSO TRADE IN GOOD CLEAN EQUIPMENT • BUILT IN OVENS AND HOBS SUPPLIED • ENQUIRE NOW MONDAY - FRIDAY 9.00 - 5.00 SATURDAY 10.00 - 2.00 SUNDAY & BANK HOLIDAYS CLOSED SERVIS : HOTPOINT : INDESIT : TRICITY : BELLING : HOOVER : CREDA : PHILLIPS • • • • D K Appliances Limited Call Richard on 01359 245101/07926 132717 • T Y R E S • E X H A U S T S • B A T T E R I E S • C L U T C H E S Diagnostic Testing • Car & Light Commercial Service & Repair Specialist • General Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs on All Makes and Models • MOT Preparation and Repairs • Recovery, Collection and Delivery Service FOR A PERSONAL SERVICE AT A COMPETITIVE RATE PLEASE CALL ON Tel: 01359 245 998 Mob: 0780 5604793 Unit 3 The Old Coach Yard - Grove Lane Ind. Est. Elmswell IP30 9HN NO VAT! Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:30 Sat 8:30 - 1:00 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Appointment Not Always Required • CAMBELT • HEAD GASKETS Thedwastre Place, Station Hill, Thurston, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 3QU Local, honest, friendly, reliable family run business offering car and light commercial vehicle repairs:Class 4,5 & 7 MOT’s and repairs, diagnostics, tyres, cam belts, exhausts, batteries, brake overhauls, local recoveries, servicing on all makes and models, Members of the www.goodgaragescheme.com NO WORK IS CARRIED OUT WITHOUT FULL CONSENT FROM THE CUSTOMER We cover all plumbing and heating aspects including, boiler changes, rads, heating systems, hot water cylinders, vented and unvented, water softners and general plumbing. We are registered to work on oil, natural gas and pressurised cylinders. Services from only £49.50 Open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday CoTel : 01359 230536 Mob : 07808 508864 e ur t www.davidmartinmotorengineer.co.uk Fre tion e car sy [email protected] lec l o c ELECTROLUX : ZANUSSI : JACKSON : BENDIX Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services ELECTROLUX : ZANUSSI : JACKSON : BENDIX SERVIS : HOTPOINT : INDESIT : TRICITY : BELLING : HOOVER : CREDA : PHILLIPS M: 07769 902100 T: 01359 242718 2 • B R A K E S • W E L D I N G • S U S P E N S I O N • T U N I N G CLUBS AND SOCIETIES ELMSWELL GARDENING CLUB Could there be a non-gardening gene? If so, I think I have it! But as a long-standing member of the Gardening Club I am ever optimistic it may be overcome. My idols are Alan Titmarsh and Monty Don where every word and muddy gesture that drips from them is inwardly digested. Their words are the magic seeds by which my garden will become the Hanging Gardens of Elmswell – the 8th wonder of Suffolk. Maybe not. It seems so effortless – just do as they say and you can’t possibly fail. At Gardening Club we have a range of experts giving us talks. One memorable talk included a rose pruning session with an expert from Peter Beale Roses. Equipped with a demonstration fence holding various roses, he proceeded to snip the branches back to buds with sharp secateurs. Then smiling triumphantly he asked for volunteers. Are you joking? Clumsy ineptitude should not be exposed to the masses – but various members stepped forward and received plaudits for their expertise. With a head filled with bent-over laterals and tied-in trusses – failure was not an option! Rambling roses across my bare fence would be a worthy project. Installing a multitude of wires threaded through ringed screws - I was ready for my rambler. The photo accompanying my plant showed masses of cream roses – it didn’t show the thorns! But in April the rose was planted and tied expertly into the lower length of wires. A month later it went berserk; masses of growth had to be tied onto all four horizontal lines of wire. The rambler found every fence knot hole and brutishly pushed into a neighbour’s garden. It sported four small cream roses. Hardly the profusion seen in the photograph. Wrestling matches with the rambler dominated the summer months. It had all the characteristics of the 100-year hedge which surrounded Sleeping Beauty. Alas, during the last secateurs foray, I over-balanced against this monster and was crucified on the thorns. My only escape was to slither out of my thorn-held tee-shirt and run for the house. Needless to say an axe was my next gardening implement. Undeterred, a clematis seemed a good idea, but I was given a thoughtful birthday gift - a climbing rose with thorns like mini-daggers! My New Year resolution must be to concentrate and try harder! So I shall be eager for our first meeting of the New Year on Tuesday, 17th February, 7.30pm, at the Blackbourne, when Michael Warren will take us ‘Through the Year with a Horticultural Photographer’. Our meetings are extremely informal, social and friendly with many members eager to give advice and learn from our expert speakers. Our membership is still only £13.00 per year, but if you would like to sample our offerings – nonmembers may attend for £3.00 per session. If you would like to join us, come along, or if you require further information please contact Nick Chamberlin on 242601. Carole Curtis ELMSWELL OVER 55’s CLUB After another successful year we will meet again on Thursday February 26th at 7 00pm at the “Blackbourne” when we will be entertained by “Brian of Note” ,meetings will then continue every two weeks throughout the year with transport from the regular points en route to the hall.Further events already booked will be listed in the “Whats on Section” of the Newsletter until i have completed the card which includes 22 meetings or outings which takes a lot of time and effort before i can get it printed. Hopefully the card will be available by the next meeting. I am looking forward to you all returning to the club along with hopefully some new faces.if you need further information contact me (241002) or any committee member. Diann ELMSWELL MILLENNIUM HISTORY GROUP The first meeting of the New Year was held in the Wesley Hall on Thursday 12 January. Our speaker for the evening was Derek Palgrave and his subject was ‘Interpreting Signs, Symbols and Trademarks’. This illustrated talk took us back to Egyptian Hieroglyphics, through signs used in Alchemy, symbols of religion, the military, trademarks to advertise various products, jurisdiction and the railways. Before people learned to read symbols were used to communicate and through the years especially in religion they have been used to illustrate the pilgrim’s journey, for instance, the scallop shell which speaks of St James of Santiago de Compestela. This was, as usual with Mr Palgrave a well researched and illustrated talk. Our February meeting will be held on Thursday 12 February at 7.30pm in the Wesley Hall. The speaker is Edward Martin and his topic ‘Henslow of Hitcham: The Life, Influence and Legacy of Darwin’s Tutor’. Henslow(1796-1861) was a Botanist, a clergyman and mentor to Charles Darwin. Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to our World War 1 Exhibition in April, please see the feature elsewhere in the newsletter, with details of a competition for children. For more information about the Millennium Historyy Group please go to our website www. elmswell-history. org.uk or telephone Stella Chamberlain on 01359-242601. M.O.T. DUE Require a quick reliable service ? M.O.T. classes 4 and 7 tested. Tests available for all types of cars and vans up to 3.5 tonnes gross. Local collection service available. Also repairs and servicing available on request. D A BEVAN THE WORKSHOP GROVE LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ELMSWELL PHONE 01359 241158 / 244421 3 01284 763413 [email protected] FREE QUOTATIONS NO JOB TOO SMALL! Domestic Scaffolding Commercial Scaffolding Industrial Scaffolding -VYHMYLLX\V[LVUHU`ZJHɈVSKPUN WYVQLJ[WSLHZLJHSSVYLTHPS\ZVU! Tel: 01359 242689 ,THPS!QZZJHɈVSKPUN'SP]LJV\R *VU]LY]H[VY`(JJLZZ,_[LUZPVUZ*OPTUL`9LI\PSKZ(SS9VVÄUN>VYRZ >PUKV^Z9VVÅPULZ7HPU[PUN+LJVYH[PUN7SHZ[LYPUN+0@7YVQLJ[Z 73<:4(5@469, =PL^V\Y^LIZP[LMVYTVYLPUMV! ^^^QZZJHɈVSKPUNS[KJV\R 4 ...A BONE TO PICK... Safe way home A microchip allows local authorities, veterinary practices or rescue centres to scan your lost dog or cat and find your contact details, which will be stored in a database. Elmswell Safer Neighbourhood team are currently seeing an increase in the Number of dog incidents reported where dogs are not being kept under proper control . The following is a list to remind people of possible offences should they fall foul of their dog being out of control both in public and private. Our pets are one of the family and losing them is a devastating experience. Ensuring your cat or dog has a microchip gives you the peace of mind that, should they get lost, you can be quickly reunited. Dogs Act 1871 - if a dog is found to be dangerous and not kept under proper control in a public place or on private property, a dog control order or destruction order can be applied for via magistrates. Each year, more than 100,000 stray dogs are found, but only about half of these are reunited with their owners. To help tackle this problem, a new law is coming into force – from April 2016, all dogs in England must be microchipped. Collars and name tags are required by law but these can fall off, whereas a microchip is a permanent and effective way of finding your pet. Thanks to microchips, more than 10,000 people were reunited with their lost pet between April 2013 and March 2014. Microchipping is a quick, simple and pain-free process. A vet will implant the chip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, underneath the skin between the shoulder blades like an injection. All you need to do is book an appointment! Once you have had your dog or cat microchipped, it is essential that you keep your contact details up-to-date so you can always be contacted if your pet is lost. 01359 241761 Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 – applies to four specific breeds of dog including the type of dog known as the ‘pit bull terrier’. Control of Dogs Order 1991 – this required that every dog, while in a public place, wears a collar with the name and address of its owner inscribed on it. tables, bookcases, sideboards, dressers, garden furniture Nigel Brinkley 12 Eastern Way Elmswell IP30 9DP Tel 07752 239481 Email [email protected] The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 – this makes it an offence not to clear up after a dog that fouls on land in designated public areas. Animal Welfare Act (2006) – this Act introduces the new legal concept of a ‘duty of care’, which means that people are now legally obliged to ensure the welfare of the animals in their care. Countryside Code – the countryside is a great place to exercise dogs, but it remains the dog owner’s duty to ensure this is done without causing irritation or nuisance to local residents and the public. A dog does not have to be kept on a lead on a public pathway as long as it is under close control. Section 68 of Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (2005) – from April 2008 local authorities have sole responsibility for providing a stray dog service. As of 6th April 2016 ALL dogs will need to be micro chipped. TO THE Je suis Darcy DOG FOULER – WE ARE WATCHING We would like to inform all of our fellow dog walkers in Elmswell of the death of our loveable friendly Norfolk Terrier, Darcy on 12th January. Darcy, 18 months old, died from internal injuries sustained during an attack by a long haired black dog on the green at Pightle Close. We do not know the other dog’s breed, its name or that of its owners. The Police are pursuing the incident. YOU !! Our fear is that, unless this dog is muzzled, it could attack another dog or seriously injure a child or an adult. If you have any information on the dog or owners please contact Sandra & Tony Wright Orchard House, Hawk end Lane Tel. 242065 Custom Made Furniture Environmental Protection Act 1990 – if a dog barks to such an extent that neighbours are significantly affected and a statutory nuisance is caused, the Council can take legal action against the dog owner to abate the nuisance. Owners of these breeds have to comply with certain legal requirements, including having their dog registered, neutered, micro chipped and tattooed. C:\Users\lester\AppData\Local\Mic rosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\FS0PQ6MB\P oster - dog fouling.docx These posters have appeared in and around Eastern Way. They suggest, very effectively, that dog owners do have to be aware of their responsibilities and of the possible consequences otherwise. P H Peckham Plumbing and Heating Engineer 214650 • 24 HOUR CALL OUT 28 Eastern Way • FREE Estimates Elmswell • Tel. 01359 240958 Mob. 07802 642884 Corgi Registered Solid Fuel, Oil or Gas • Email: [email protected] Bathroom Suites Designed and Installed • Water Softners Fitted • Tiling • Boilers Serviced Gas Safe Register No 214650 5 Do you need help with? back and neck pain • sports injuries • occupational injuries • • joint problems • women’s health problems • rehabilitation Woolpit & Stowmarket Physio an established practice with a professional team of skilled & experienced chartered physiotherapists please contact us at Woolpit: 01359 241304 Stowmarket: 01449 776097 www.woolpitandstowmarketphysio.co.uk • accessible clinics in both Woolpit and Stowmarket • registered with all major insurance companies HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED A CAREER IN CARE? Mears are one of the UK's leading domiciliary care providers delivering care services at home to over 20,000 older people. Join our friendly team in Bury St Edmunds, Thurston, woolpit, Elmswell & all surrounding villages • Flexible working hours • No experience necessary, full training given • Opportunity to complete your NVQ 2 in health and social care • Competitive rates of pay For more information and to apply please contact Shelly on 01449 676440 9am to 4pm. 6 AROUND AND ABOUT you just want to come down and talk about the services we provide or how you can get involved in helping the library then please do just drop in. ELMSWELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY And there is a further note for your diary – following last year’s hugely successful cheese and wine evening, we are holding another. And because the Rioja was the most popular drink of the night, it is Spanish themed! 2015 is already a busy year for Elmswell Library and its hardworking friends group, ELF. And to say thank you to our customers for all their support we decided to hold a fun day for the children, similar to last year’s National Libraries Day celebration – but this year it’s all about our favourite literary wizard, Harry Potter. A national Harry Potter Night set Elmswell’s Sunday officer Hannah Sibley thinking and she has been busily organising a day of magical fun and frolics on Saturday, February 7th. A Taste of Spanish Wines and Tapas, with local wine expert Bob Stopp hosting once more, will be at Elmswell Library on May 1st at 7:30pm. Tickets will be £12.50 and available soon from the library. We look forward to sharing another fun evening with you. Also, advance notice of closure for the whole of the Easter weekend. Due to a system shut down for essential works in Suffolk County Council, all libraries in the county will close from Good Friday through to Easter Sunday. Elmswell Library is also closed on Mondays so will shut at 7pm on Thursday, April 2nd and not open until 10am Tuesday, April 7th. We thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter. From 11-12:30 you are welcome to come along, there will be cakes and drinks, games and crafts and hopefully we will have the best decorated library walls in the county. We have been visiting the local primary schools to ask the children to design a witch or wizard hat for us, and they have been using their imaginations to come up with lots of wonderful ideas. The prize for the best design will be a £10 Waterstone’s voucher, with second and third prize winners receiving vouchers for free CDs, DVDs or games from the library. Elmswell Library is open Tuesday and Thursday 10am-1pm and 2-7pm, Wednesday and Friday 2-5pm, Saturday 10am-1pm and Sunday 10am-3pm. We look forward to seeing you soon. Once again, fancy dress is encouraged, but if Emma Yarrow NEW ADOPTER IN ELMSWELL We’re pleased to welcome local resident and Parish Councillor, Mike Friend, as the new Station Adopter for Elmswell station. Mike has been doing a great job keeping the station tidy and emptying the bins on a regular basis. As an active member of the local community, Mike is the perfect bridge between railway and community. &+,/'5(1¶6 &203(7,7,21 ZZZHOPVZHOOKLVWRU\RUJXN )RUPRUHGHWDLOV7HORU 7RFRPPHPRUDWHWKH*UHDW:DU¶VWK$QQLYHUVDU\ZK\QRWHQWHURXUFRPSHWLWLRQIRUXQGHU¶V" PRIZES GALORE ! 6XJJHVWLRQVIRUFRPSHWLWLRQHQWULHV&/26,1*'$7()ULGD\WK0DUFK 0DNHRUSDLQWSLFWXUHRIDSRSS\LQDQ\PHGLXP&RQVWUXFWPRGHORUGUDZSLFWXUHRID::DHURSODQH :ULWHSRHWU\RUSURVH±GLDU\HQWU\IURPWKHWUHQFKHVSDUHQW¶VOHWWHUWRVRQQXUVHFDULQJIRUWKHLQMXUHG .QLWVHZRUHPEURLGHUFORWKLQJIRUDVROGLHUVDLORU'HVLJQPDNHDSRVWFDUGZLWKSLFWXUHVRIKRPH WINNING ENTRIES WILL BE DISPLAYED DW+,6725<*5283¶V(;+,%,7,21³(/06:(//0(025,(6RIWKH*5($7:$5´ Sat-Sun 11-12th APRIL 2015, 11am-4pm - WESLEY HALL, School Rd, Elmswell 7 A&C FENCING and GARDENING We do regular contract or one-off jobs… hedging, grass cutting, tree trimming & felling, concrete bases & patios, fence erection and repairs, garden clearance and maintenance. No obligation quotes Contact Andy 01449 674093 077487 85197 Fully insured, 24hr call out, council approved contractor and over 35 years in the industry All aspects of tree surgery, landscaping and fencing undertaken Call for a free estimate & advice T: 01359 241958 M: 07891208710 M: 07850046504 E: [email protected] Visit our website for information about our company and the work we do www.wjarvistreeservics.co.uk 8 AROUND AND ABOUT ELMSWELL FIRE STATION NEWS Hello everybody, It has been a reasonably quiet time for shouts on station at the time of writing, although between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve we had 9 calls, helping to a total of 163 incidents for 2014. Last year we have raised another serious amount of money for village charities through our monthly bingo nights (2015 dates are in the what’s on section) and a special thanks as ever to the very generous customers at the Co-op on Christmas Eve, who helped us raise a staggering £1551! If you have ever wondered what we do with all the money we raise, every year, we invite local charities & organisations to apply for a share. The lucky recipients will be invited to our presentation evening in March. If you think your organisation or charity would benefit from a donation from us, then please drop us a few lines, stating what you intend to do with the money, then send it to the fire station in Elmswell for the attention of Watch Commander Hawes or, alternatively, e-mail the addresses below, preferably before the end of February. Thanks for taking the time to read. Please take extra care on the roads, especially this time of year and don’t forget to check your smoke alarms at least once a week. FF Mark Proctor Tel. 07900346498 Email. [email protected] or [email protected] ELMSWELL SLIMMING WORLD GROUP One of the busiest times at The Blackbourne is when Slimming World meets every Tuesday for 2 sessions at 5.30pm & 7.30pm The group has lost 312 stone 11lb this year. 43 members have achieved their target weight & lots of members have seen huge health improvements from being able to be more mobile to now being free of diabetes. The group supports pregnant & breast feeding mothers towards having a healthy pregnancy and it is recommended by both the diabetic association & the royal college of midwives. You Say... one of the responses to last month’s editorial Just read the latest newsletter which you produce each month. A thoroughly enjoyable read and I wish you all a Happy New Year. However, in the words of Lt. Columbo, “Just one more thing...” In the article about Christmas celebrations and the worship of the sun on the opening page, Lennon and McCartney had nothing to do with ‘Here Comes the Sun’; it was written and sung by George Harrison. Just thought I’d let you know. 9 The Slimming World system allows you to lose weight without weighing, measuring & counting everything in sight. There is loads of free foods to enjoy - for example steak & slimming world chips and many members still enjoy a daily bar of chocolate. A very successful year was recently marked and celebrated at the Christmas party, party games, delicious food and, of course, Christmas jumpers. Group members are extremely supportive and encouraging of each other, and the weekly sessions are fun – two reasons, it seems, for the success. More details from Becky on 07837 688284 Lee Brand Plasterer HAYWARDS – SOLICITORS – • Conveyancing & Energy Performance Certificates • Divorce, Separation, Childcare, Adoption and all other Family/Matrimonial problems including Collaborative Law • Wills, Probate and Inheritance • Elderly Client Care Tel: 01359 245924 Mobile: 07927 519909 Email: [email protected] Re-skims New Builds CAR PARK AVAILABLE FOR USE BY CLIENTS AT OUR OFFICES AT 7- 9 TAVERN STREET, STOWMARKET Artex Ceilings/Walls Flattened Telephone: (01449) 613631 Insurance Work email: [email protected] www.haywards-solicitors.co.uk Free Estimates Coving TONY FISHER • • • • • • • • PLUMBING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 24hr Emergency Callout Bursts, leaks, blockages etc. Bathroom/shower installation Tanks/cylinders/radiators Tiling floors/walls Painting & Decorating General DIY jobs Garden Maintenance The Old Tea Room Veterinary Surgery The Level Crossing, Elmswell Opening Hours:8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday Consultations by Appointment Tel. 01359 241761 Tel. 01359 242556 Mobile 07758327743 Please call in to see our full range of pet supplies, including flea treatments, worming tablets, pet shampoos, pet food, and many other accessories for the routine care of your pet Reliable & Friendly Service! 24 Hour Emergency Service 01449 613130 PAUL SCASE Home Improvements Painting Interior & Exterior Painting Carpentry • Using the best named paints to give you a professional finish • Wardrobes made to your design • Colour charts provided to give you the best choice of colours • Floor to ceiling, wall to wall Excellent Rates Tel: 01359 241051 Mobile: 07745 250440 10 ELMSWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Your Neighbourhood Plan Group is keen to talk to as many residents as possible as it puts together questions for the questionnaire which will form the basis for the Plan. Millennium History Group, Village sports clubs, and Village youth groups. The programme continues, and any group that may have been overlooked is welcome to be in touch and have their say. As part of this consultation, a programme of visits to village clubs and societies has produced some changes to the questionnaire and generated much interest as well as some searching questions, all of which will inform the Group’s thinking as the Plan gradually emerges. Visits so far have include the Art Group, evening WI, Carpet Bowls, Christians Together, Woolpit Health Centre, The next Steering Group meeting will take on board all of the comments received and agree the final draft of 3 questionnaires ready to go to the printer. A general household questionnaire will go to all 1700 households, a business questionnaire will be distributed to all businesses in the village and a youth questionnaire will principally be circulated via Elmswell and Thurston schools. The questionnaires are entirely confidential. They are administered by Community Action Suffolk and their software allows for in- depth analysis. As the whole exercise is computer based, responses on line will be very much encouraged. Written responses will have to be manually inputted so that the system can handle them. To encourage as many people as possible to have their say, there will be a draw for which everyone who responds will be entered. The prizes will be Co-op vouchers with the first one out of the hat winning £100.00.The group has a website - http://www. elmswellneighbourhoodplan.org. uk/ also accessible by scanning the QR code and general enquiries or comments are welcome at the email address contactus@ elmswellneighbourhoodplan.org.uk. WEBSITE Facebook ‘likes’ are invited by scanning FACEBOOK The group is made up of the following members who can all be contacted by email: Marian Abbott Philip Blissett Julie Cole Peter Dow Peter Edmonds Mary Feeney Terry Garner Peter Goodridge Sarah Mansel Fred Pallett Shaun Pratt Ann Richards Jane Storey [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM NEEDS... • Fabulous range of kitchen and bathroom suites on display in our extensive showroom • Contemporary to traditional all at competitive prices • From design to installation with the option of a full fitting service available • Contract Kitchens, kitchen doors and facelifts, supply only and to the trade • Easy access and free parking, open 6 days a week Mon - Sat COME AND SEE US AT TOT HILL, OLD A14, STOWMARKET. IP14 3QQ TEL: 01449 616065 Fax: 01449 616638 [email protected] KITCHENS • Free no obligation surveys 2 K2B BATHROOMS 11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] REMOVALS & STORAGE CALL WARD’S OF STANTON FOR A FREE QUOTATION ON: HOUSE MOVES, HOUSE CLEARANCE, OFFICE RE-LOCATION AND PACKING SERVICES. STORAGE AVAILABLE AT SECURE PREMISES. ALL FULLY INSURED. Office: 01359 251198 Mobile: 07976 353447 [email protected] www.wardsofstanton.co.uk • • • • • A local, family run business All aspects of Design & Marketing solutions: Õ&RUSRUDWH,GHQWLW\/RJR'HVLJQ Õ%XVLQHVV6WDWLRQHU\'HVLJQ Õ%URFKXUHDQG/HDìHW'HVLJQ Õ:HEVLWH'HVLJQ Õ6HDUFK(QJLQH2SWLPLVDWLRQ Õ(PDLO0DUNHWLQJ Õ6RFLDO0HGLD3UHVHQFH 3/8608&+025( Call: 01359 240408 Email: [email protected] www.spi-des-ign.co.uk 12 CHILDRENS PAGE Winter Fun Ice Art Create your very own garden ice art, look for natural objects in the garden or when out on a country walk. Put the objects into water in a cup or container. Pop them in the freezer until frozen. WINTER WORD SEARCH B O O T S C P C D K S Q C O A T Y D H R A L B O D S N K R D W P A N H D F E H E E O M A V I C E U W I N T E R M G L O V E S S F BOOTS SCARF COAT COLD HAT ICE GLOVES WINTER SNOW How does a Snowman get to work? What do snowmen eat for lunch? By icicle Ice Bergers Don’t forget to look after the birds this winter, why not make your own bird feeder. You will need: lard, fir cone, bird seed and string. • Mix the bird seed with the lard • Push the mixture into the fir cone • Put in the fridge overnight to harden • Remove from the fridge • Tie some string on to the top • Hang outside in the garden for the birds to enjoy 13 How do Eskimos make their beds? With sheets of ice and blankets of snow This page sponsored by ELMSWELL SPORT each. Unbeknown to us they actually charged their own supporters two euros to watch us. The U15s started well and their efforts were rewarded with 6 different players scoring, the game ended 6-2 to Elmswell ELMSWELL YOUTH FOOTBALL CLUB EUROPEAN TOUR For the third year running EYFC set off to conquer Europe over a weekend in October. The U14s and U15s and some parents set off from Blackbourne at five o’clock in the morning and made their way down to Dover to catch the ferry across to Calais. Breakfast on the ferry was welcomed as we had a smooth crossing over and a stretch of the legs We docked at Calais and set off for the three and a half hour drive down to Molenheide in Belgium, singing a few songs and stopping for a quick break half way. We arrived at Molenheide at 17:00 to be greeted by the park staff that had everything ready and waiting for us. A quick unload of the coach and we discovered that one of the boys had left his suitcase in the front room back home……. (Comments about that would not have happened if it was a coach of females, didn’t help) We found our chalets eventually (more than the driver did, it took him a hour to find his chalet) and was pleasantly surprised at the quality and comfort that they offered Everyone unpacked their kit and headed off to a three course dinner which consisted of soup starter and a choice of main or as many dishes as you could eat and ice cream for dessert. The meals would be a topic of conversation every day as the food was first class and would be topped off on the Sunday night when Derk the restaurant manager said that we he would be serving beef on Sunday. Sunday came and he served steak which went down rather well with the adults. A cup of Cocoa and off to bed for an early start the next morning Bacon butties was the order of the morning before venturing out to a local Belgium football side Beeart, with both teams playing a game 14 The U14s game was started and ended the same way with Elmswell dominating play and winning 7-1 in very wet conditions. Both teams enjoyed the hospitality by the home side after the games. The next day it was up early and over the border to play our next game in Holland against the opposition that we played two years ago SV Grosvek, with the U14s creating a record breaking 14-1 score line and the U15s winning 6-1 to keep their unbeaten record in Europe Why not give our chairman Linda Abbott a call 242224. For information about our social activities contact Brenda Begg on 242025. Many of our members have visited Hopton to watch the World indoor Bowls Championship and most of us continue to play indoors at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre. ELMSWELL BOWLS CLUB Well we are only a couple of months away from the start of a new bowls season; most of us are continuing to play bowls indoors at Stowmarket Leisure Centre. For those of you who have been watching BBC 2 on an afternoon we play very similar to the bowls played at Potter’s in Norfolk, just one thing different some/most of us are not performing at that level. We enjoyed the local hospitality then back to enjoy the swimming pool and flumes at the park followed by the best dinner of the tour..steak. The next morning it was time to clean the chalets out and pack our bags for the trip home. We then played on the hardest crazy golf course we have ever played on, but it could have been worse I could have had golf membership and play regularly and then get beaten by the wife… what say you Andy .T. A special thank you from all the Boys to their Mums and Dads for helping on the trip and Burleigh Travel for organising the weekend. Nick Chamberlain our groundkeeper has not been so active these past 3 or 4 months he deserves a rest but he will soon be seeking a team to continue to maintain the green through the winter closure, but to start to prepare the surround of the green and over the next few weeks to clean benches, tables making sure everything is ready for the start in early April. With the installation of the new trim trail situated on Blackbourne you could even do a few warm up circuits before you come to play bowls this will certainly flex the body, (I must try it sometime) During the closed season we shall be flexing our minds at our Annual Quiz on the 14th March, why not come along and meet some of our members. I am sure that the green will be as good as it was in the 2014 season. Sorry no photographs this month, but next month will bring to you our magnificent new Signboard, no one will be able to miss where we are. As with the football season that have transfer windows, Elmswell Bowls Club have an ever open ‘window’ and would welcome you at any time. You needn’t necessarily have played bowls before, don’t be shy give us a call. Michael Moore Sign of Things to Come Suff lk Chimney Sweeps Keep Warm & Safe All Year Round 30 For One Chimney £20 For Each Additional Chimney ELMSWELL ONLY 10% OFF YOUR TOTAL BILL * ICS Fill Member * * Fully Insured * * Certificate Given For Your Home Insurance * www.facebook.com/suffolkchimneysweeps Call Sam on 01359 240538 Or 07794 907248 ICS [email protected] 15 Maggie’s gg Musings g EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Although it may not happen as often as it used to, most people like receiving postcards from friends and family as a reminder of journeys made and holidays enjoyed. It is also a way of keeping in touch, without having to write a (long) letter. Postcards make colourful displays and, for those of us whose photography leaves a lot to be desired, it is a good idea to bring some of them home to keep for ourselves. In these days of the internet, however, we can have photos and live pictures sent to us before the holiday makers have actually left for home. This is reassuring for parents whose children are on gap years travelling abroad but may prove to be the demise of postcards in the future. in Paul a strong work ethic (more of which later). He went to the village school which was situated at the back of Pightle Close, set back from School Road and where Old School’s Court now is. The only remaining part of the school is where the playground was. Three generations of his family attended there: his mother Betty, his wife Gill’s mother Margaret, Paul, Gill and their daughter, Lorraine (for one year) until the new school was built at its present site. Betty was a school cook there too. Paul was in classes with Gill’s sisters and Gill’s family lived at the farm in Tostock (where they have the car boot sales now). They had to go to school by bus, which they caught at the Fox and Goose pub. Gill and Paul remember the teachers and headmaster who worked there: Mr. Kirby, who was the head, and Mr.Proctor both lived outside the village, but the other teachers, Miss Goddard, Mrs. Hurrell, Mrs. Monk and Mrs. Stanners lived locally. On Paul’s walk to school, he and his brother, David, would stop at the tin shop opposite the fire station to buy sweets. Gill remembers walking along the path by Hanover Court, where there were three shops, one of which was a wool shop. The shops are long gone and have been converted into a row of houses. The Village School, now Old Schools Court One resident of our village has collected postcards for many years now. Few of his postcards are in colour, they don’t feature countries abroad, but the majority have interesting messages on the back. Paul Peachey collects postcards of Elmswell, the village where he was born. We are lucky that he has shared some of his cards with us and they have been published in the newsletter, in the local press and on the Elmswell history site, evoking memories of the past for many people. A villager born and bred Paul was born at his maternal grandparents’ farm opposite the church at Bunker’s Hill, where his father worked. The work was hard and the hours long, and seemed to have instilled 7KLQNLQJRIH[WHQGLQJ\RXUKRPH 7 KLQNLQJR RIH H[WHQGLQJ\ \RXUK KRPH 0D\EHVRPHKRPHLPSURYHPHQWV 0 D\EHV VRPHK KRPHLLPSURYHPHQWV *LYHXVDFDOO ([WHQVLRQV &RQVHUYDWRULHV .LWFKHQV %DWKURRPV )XOO'HVLJQ6HUYLFH :HDUHDORFDOSURIHVVLRQDO %XLOGHU )ULHQGO\5HOLDEOH6HUYLFH :HDUHDORFDOIDPLO\UXQFRPSDQ\ZHZRXOGOLNHWKH &KDQFHWRJDLQ\RXUWUXVW ZZZZDWVRQVFEVEXLOGHPDLOVWHYH#VFZFRQVWUXFWLRQFRXN 16 Paul now has 160 postcards and many doubles, but there are still numerous postcards that he would love to get hold of. Needless to say, his favourite card is of his birthplace, Bunker’s Hill Farm. When I was talking to Gill and Paul about their experiences as they were growing up in the village, they were able to produce postcards to show what they were talking about or where buildings had been. We looked at postcards of the old school and they were able to explain where the different classrooms were. The pictures are particularly precious now that the buildings are gone. Mr Leeks’ Post Office and Grocery Store – now the butchers occupy the site. First signs of an entrepreneur? Paul’s first job was at twelve, when he became a paper boy for Mr. Leeks who ran the Post Office and store. He did this for about three years, delivering papers from Shop Corner along the Ashfield Road. Later on, he took on a second round, so he would come back and deliver to houses in New Road. He would start at a quarter to 7 and it would take him half an hour. Sometimes it was still partly dark when he left his home on Church Road to collect his papers. Probably not good on a cold, winter’s morning! At thirteen, he took a job working for Mr. Goodfellow, the butcher, who owned the buildings around where the present butcher’s shop is. On a Saturday, Paul would complete his paper round, go home for breakfast and then go to work at the butcher’s. He had a trade bike and he placed the wrapped up meat on the front and the back in a basket. He also had to carry a satchel, in which he put the money he collected. He remembers a particularly vicious dog at one of the houses where he delivered. One day, attracted to the smell of the meat, he managed to get free and bit into the back of Paul’s leg. After finishing his round, Paul would go back to help clean the butcher’s shop and wash the windows down. He also helped make the sausages and mince. At fourteen, Paul went to work for David Hawes at his family firm W.W.Hawes. He used to do bindery work, sweeping up paper, collecting up paper, wrapping up parcels and any other jobs that needed to be done. It was suggested that Paul should do an apprenticeship – in those days it took seven years – and this meant he had to attend Norwich City College on what was called block release. At seventeen he had to leave Elmswell, travel to Norwich and stay there all week, which must have been hard in a strange city, on his own and having to learn so many new things. By the second year Paul had a mini (the favoured first car for most of us!) and his mum was teaching him to drive, so he could drive to Stowmarket Station and come back each evening. On finishing his apprenticeship, Paul became an Administrator and then assistant Manager and did two years as a rep. He remembers his first company car was a beige Ford Escort 1.4. Having been trained so well, the time came when Paul felt ready to start his own business and he set up Falcon Print and Promotions with his partner. For six months he worked from home and then moved to St. John’s Street, then to Moreton Hall and, twenty eight years on they operate from Woolpit Business Park. Ironically, Gill also worked at Hawes, although only for a year as she then went to work at Margaret’s, the hairdressers in the village. This was owned by Margaret Goodfellow – the butcher’s daughter – and began in a tin hut by the butcher’s, moving to it’s present site, which had been a cobbler’s shop. Gill worked there, married Paul and left to have their children, Lorraine and Michael. Many of Paul’s cards date back to the early 1900s and he patiently explained to me (brought up in London) how, when the roads were dirt, they had to be swept of horse droppings every day. His cards are fascinating as they are a record of how the village has changed and evolved over time. Gill and Paul can tell you so much about each of the pictures because, even if they don’t have a memory of it, they can recall what their parents and other people in the village have told them, whether it’s about the building or the people who lived or worked there. Whenever one of Paul’s cards is published in the newsletter, there is usually someone who will get in touch and let us know what they remember about it, and we do like to hear from you. Interestingly, Gill also collects postcards. Her collection is of Suffolk churches and she has 400 - there are over 500 churches in Suffolk so, between them, Gill and Paul have a lot of albums. We didn’t really talk about the prices that they paid but, as the cards become rarer, like anything that is sort after, they become more expensive. Something that also interests me is the postcards with messages on the back, such as the one of Elmswell Post Office. It provides a little snapshot from someone else’s life and I like seeing the beautiful handwriting as well. In past editions of The Newsletter, Paul has appealed for anyone who can help him add to his postcard collection. There are still many more he would like to track down and, if we all keep an eye out, we might be able to help him find them, especially as Paul plans to publish a paperback book on Elmswell postcards through the twentieth century when he retires. The start of Paul’s Postcard Collection Paul started collecting postcards 25 years ago when he met a couple on holiday in the Canary Isles. They were from Kent and the husband collected cigarette cards. There was an antique fair at Woolpit so they went there looking for cigarette cards with Paul, where he found two postcards of Elmswell. And, as it says in a newpaper article on Paul (BFP October 1996), just from that find ‘he was hooked.’ Since then he has travelled to fairs all over the country, Maggie Bushell from Carlisle to Birmingham , London to Plymouth, to name but a few. There are far less cards around now. Opposite the church on Bunkers Bury St. Edmunds and Hill – Paul’s family home was on Norwich have a fair the bend – now the site is bare. only once a year, so cards of Elmswell are pretty rare. This year, at the antique centre in Needham Market, Paul found a picture of Elmswell. A week later he got a card on Ebay. One of the postcards published in the newsletter came from Belgium, having been sent to France. This also came from Ebay. 17 .org.uk www MOT tesƟng facility available for all types of cars and vans up to 3.5 ton CollecƟon and delivery service on request Open: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm Saturdays, by appointment 01359 242420 07915 663547 or Find us at: StaƟon Road Industrial Estate, Elmswell, IP30 9HR · BRAKES · CLUTCHES · SHOCKS · SPRINGS · SUSPENSION · WELDING · CAMBELTS · · BRAKES · CLUTCHES · SHOCKS · SPRINGS · SUSPENSION · WELDING · CAMBELT · MOT TESTING · MOT PREPARATION· DIAGNOSTICS · REPAIRS · SERVICING · WINTER CHECK · EXHAUSTS · BATTERIES · BULBS MOT TESTING · MOT PREPARATION· DIAGNOSTICS · REPAIRS · SERVICING · WINTER CHECK · EXHAUSTS · BATTERIES · BULBS Established 1987 Tel: 01284 760345 Visit us: www.langleysconservatories.co.uk Great prices on our top quality products for 2015. Why come to Langleys for your home improvements? Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Over 25 years trading in the area Apprenticeship trained fully employed fitting teams Insurance backed deposit registrations Insurance backed guarantees Proud to be members of the Consumer Protection Association for the last 13 years We have a huge range of bespoke products We only use the highest quality products We have an extensive portfolio of work we are happy to showcase We do not pressure sell! We send quotes to customers and wait for them to respond to us With us you will NEVER have someone trying to sell on the night! No pretend calls to the boss to give additional ‘discounts’. With us our first price is the price! There has never been a better time to invest in our A rated energy efficient windows and doors! Our expertly installed products will help improve the efficiency and comfort of your home. Not only that with a huge variety of designs and finishes available we can enhance the appearance of your property.Langleys have been trading in the Bury St Edmunds area for over 25 years and offer our customers the best in products as well as installation and after sales service. Come to the local company with a proven track record. To learn more please take a look at our web site www.langleysconservatories.co.uk Contact us today on 01284 760345 or email [email protected] Proud members of the Consumer Protection Association for over 13 years! 18 PALMERS BAKERY Est. c1752 Traditional Family Bakers & Confectioners “Two hundred years of Experience” Baked Daily in Ancient Brick Ovens by Craftsmen with local ingredients HAUGHLEY WOOLPIT STOWMARKET (Station Road opposite the Parish Church) 01449 673286 01359 242700 or 01449 613088 @KBDecorating Largest Stockists of Tiptree Jams & Marmalades in East Anglia Suffolk Honeys & James White Juices Butterworth’s Teas & Biscuits Free Range Eggs & Local Produce Freshly Made Sandwiches & Filled Rolls Designer Paints & Wallpapers from Little Greene, Designers Guild F&B and more Decorating, Glass & Building Centre “One of the Last Traditional Bakers in Suffolk” www.palmersbakery.co.uk ALSO AT Dettingen Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3TX 01284 762401 • www.kentblaxill.co.uk STANTON & MEREDITH ROAD - IPSWICH BRETTS of NEEDHAM MARKET FRESHFILLS of CLAYDON Arboricultural and Landscape Solutions All aspects of tree surgery Soft and hard landscaping Maintenance and lawn care Domestic & Commercial contracts Fully insured NPTC Qualified Green Scene Contact for free quotations and advice 01359 298141 / 07866 866880 [email protected] 19 Building, Garden and DIY Solutions... Then COMPANIONS could be for you! Machinery & Tools to Hire It is a club that meets fortnightly on a Friday at the Wesley Centre, School Road, Elmswell from 10.15am to 12noon. Come along and have a cup of tea/coffee, play games, scrabble, cards, bowls, etc. or just sit and talk. Transport can be provided. To find out more contact Linda Abbott tel. 01359-242224 or Buy Concreting • Breakers • Compaction • Diggers • Small Plant Preparing and Finishing • Decorating • Carpet and Cleaning • Drilling • Fixing • Ladders and Access • Towers • Garden, Lawn Care, Strimmers, Rotovators, Hedging • Fencing, Cutting and Grinding • Welding • Paving • Electrical • Hand Tools • Plumbing • Woodwork • Air Tools • Heating and Drying • Roof Bars and Boxes • Diamond Blades • Sanding Belts • Nuts, Bolts, Nails and those other difficult to find items. • • Unit 2F Williamsport Way Lion Barn Industrial Estate Needham Market IP6 8RW 113 Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, IP3 8EA CALL 01449 612632 CALL 01473 710035 www.brightacreshire.co.uk The Fox Elmswell Bar and Restaurant Fine Dining - Great Food - Great Beers Thai and English Menus - Eat in or takeaway Bar open seven days a week Food Tuesday - Sunday Lunch 12noon - 3pm Evenings 5.30pm - 10pm Sunday Roast From 12 noon – 5pm every Sunday £7.95 per head Choice of Chicken, Pork, Beef For reservation and takeaway please phone 01359 242908 01359 244662 Booking recommended 20 ELMSWELL FELLOWSHIP Christians Together in Elmswell (Secretary Jean Folkard 242099) On Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday 17 February) at 6pm at the Baptist Church there will be a Pancake Party. ST JOHN’S CHURCH Contact: Revd Peter Goodridge tel: 240512 email: [email protected] Sunday 8 February 08.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30am Parish Praise Sunday 15 February 10.30am Holy Communion CW Wednesday 18 February 7.00pm Ash Wednesday Service (Christians Together in Elmswell) Sunday 22 February 08.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30am Morning Service CW and into March...... Sunday 1 March 09.30am All Age Service 11.00am Morning Prayer BCP with Holy Communion BCP Friday 6 March 5.00pm Women’s World Day of Prayer Christmas at St John’s was as busy as ever! Our service of Nine Lessons and Carols was held on 21 December, with the singing of traditional carols and with Bible readings telling the story of Jesus’ birth. After the service there a seasonal buffet. Then on Christmas Eve there was a carol service especially for the young people ‘I can’t wait for Christmas’. This was well attended by children and their parents. Later in the evening we held our Christmas Communion Service. Christmas Day service was a happy time with families joining together to worship the newborn Child. Over the Christmas period we started a new venture – to support the Stowmarket Food Bank and we hope to continue with this throughout the year. Another event which we are trying this year is a series of Lent Lunches. These will be held in St John’s Church on six Wednesdays beginning on 18 February. We shall meet at 11.30am and eat at 12 noon – just a simple lunch, and the opportunity to make a donation towards the work of the Food Bank. Then on Friday 6 March in St John’s Church we shall hold the Annual Women’s World Day of Prayer Service. We shall meet at 4.30pm for tea and cake and the service will begin at 5pm. This time has been arranged with the hope that it will give an opportunity for more people to attend, whilst giving time for children to be collected from school – all are very welcome – men and women, boys and girls, young and old!! It’s not just an hour of prayer – this year it has been arranged by the Christian women of the Bahamas, with music and readings as well as prayers. We look forward to seeing you. The Friends of St John’s Church This year it is 20 years since we held our first Coffee Morning to raise funds for the Fabric of St John’s Church. Since then we have held numerous Coffee Mornings, Concerts, Art Exhibitions, Flower Festivals, Talks, Poetry and Puddings evening, Just Dessert evenings, Beetle Drives, Sausage Suppers, etc., etc. Our first event of this year is a Sausage Supper in the Church Room on Friday 27 February at 7pm. (Tickets £6.50). This is a popular event, so if you would like to come, please book early. Later on in the year we shall be holding a weekend of events - a concert, the AGM and Coffee Morning, a Festival depicting ‘Our Favourite Things’ and the Annual Service, with Clive Paine as our preacher. This will be during the weekend off 19-21 June – please look out for posters advertising future events. 13 remembering Fred Rush, a dear Dad,, Grandad, and Great Grandad, on his Birthday. 16 in loving memory of Ron Last. 19 treasured memories of Doris Towndrow. 21 remembering with love a dear sister, Katharine Howe, taken from us on 21st February 2008, never to be forgotten. Loving sister Audrey and brother Stan. 21 in loving memory of Evelyn Bloomfield, a dear Mum, Nana, and Gt. Nan, who passed away 4 years ago today. “Always in our thoughts”. Love from all the family. 27 Louise is 16 !!! I can’t believe it !!! Happy 16th Birthday. Lots of love from Mum x, Nan x, Storm x, Poppy x, Diesel x, and Pops x. All bookings and payments please to :Trevor Sadler, Abbots Warren, Church Road, Elmswell (Tel: 240908) CATHOLIC PARISH OF OUR LADY, STOWMARKET Parish Priest: Father David Finegan, The Presbytery, 29 Lockington Road, Stowmarket IP14 1BQ Tel: 01449-612946 E-mail: [email protected] MASS TIMES: Saturdays (First Mass of Sunday) St Mary’s C of E Church, Woolpit IP30 9QP 6.00 pm Sundays Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket IP14 1AW - 8.30 am & 10.15 am ST. JOHN’S CHURCH TOWER FLOODLIGHTING Holy Days Our Lady’s, Stricklands Road, Stowmarket - 8.00 am, 10.00 am and 7.30 pm You are invited to sponsor the floodlighting of St. John’s to help with the day-to-day running expenses of our parish church. You can choose to commemorate a personal event, an anniversary, or any other special occasion. Alternatively you can simply make a donation. For the winter months the lights will be on between 5.30 p.m. and midnight. A night’s floodlighting costs £5. Weekday services in the Parish are advertised at the front of Please make cheques payable to “ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, ELMSWELL”. FEBRUARY 2015 SPONSORSHIPS 4 in loving memory of my dear Dad, Geoffrey Dalton. 6 Geoffrey Sturgeon. “Remembering the best Grandad”. Love from Shaun & Shelly. 10 in loving memory of George Stiff. 10 remembering my Brother. Louise. 12 love and best wishes to Ted Rookard on his Birthday, from all his family. 13 in loving memory of Marjorie Ellen Manning. 21 Our Lady’s Church, in the weekly Newsletter and on the Parish Website www.ourladys-stowmarket.co.uk FEBRUARY IN OUR PARISH The Season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, 18th February, in preparation for Easter Sunday, 5th April. Catholics around the world will be marking Ash Wednesday with a fast and with abstinence from eating meat. Masses with the blessing sing and imposition of ashes will be celebrated in Our Lady’s Church, Stowmarket on Ash Wednesday at 8.00 am, 10.00 am and 7.30 pm. n Father David Finegan CRJ Accountancy Dementia We can help increase your knowledge and understanding of the condition and take practical steps to living better with it. The Village Solicitor & End of life issues It can be difficult to talk about death, dementia and terminal illness. We can help you have those difficult but important end of life conversations. The Tax and Accountancy Service for Small Businesses and Taxpayers Self Assessment, Tax Returns, Annual Accounts, Book-Keeping, Employed, Self-Employed or Starting a New Business For a free initial discussion without obligation call Clive Jenkins Tel 01359 230231 www.crjaccountancy.co.uk For legal advice and help with getting the very best out of growing old Home visits available Legal advice on: • • • • • • • • • Advance Decisions to refuse medical treatment Conveyancing Intestacy Inheritance Tax Lasting Powers of Attorney Mental Capacity & Dementia Probate Trusts Home Wills and business visits PRINTING FOR PLEASURE Elder House Chattisham Ipswich Suffolk IP8 3QE 01473 652354 Specialist magazine & newsletter printing 01473 652788 Contact us for a quote for your club or society Design • Litho & Digital Printing • Mailing [email protected] CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTATION - 01473 652354 Wayne Salmon Electrical For all your electrical requirements – Domestic, commercial and industrial. All work carried out to a high standard. Mobile 07843 302798 Phone: 01359 242145 22 Funerals We can help you write the eulogy, choose music and a venue to create a very special memorial service. Call Nigel George on 01449 737582 Email [email protected] Ageing with Optimism, Orchard Vale Borley Green Woolpit Suffolk IP30 9RW www.ageingwithoptimism.com All legal advice is provided by Nigel George T/A George and Co Solicitors who are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No. 326626 TOAD TIMES ELMSWELL FELLOWSHIP Food & Friends on Thursday February 12th at midday – for the older folk – a chance to meet other people and enjoy a nutritious meal at nominal cost. This is run in conjunction with Age UK. Phone Jackie on 245918 to book your place. CU at CU Club continues on Tuesdays at 6pm in term-time – games, quizzes, stories and craft for 5 to 11 year olds. Phone Tony on 241541 for more details. On Tuesday February 17th we are hosting a Christians Together in Elmswell Pancake Party at 6pm. Fun and games for all the parents and children. Phone Stephen on 01473 251193 for more information. ELMSWELL BAPTIST CHURCH As I write this, the horrific events in France are very much on people’s minds. These things don’t do much for the image of religion of course but are what can happen when people are brainwashed into extreme beliefs. The teachings of Jesus offer a completely different way, which if people followed, through a personal relationship with him rather than adherence to any institution’s dogma, would lead to a very different world to the one we live in presently. Another subject that won’t disappear from the news is the upcoming election in May. Last year’s commemoration of the start of the First World War has reminded us of the sacrifice paid by many to maintain our freedom and in the same period of history many women were campaigning hard for the vote. However low our opinion may be of the current bunch of politicians we do need to remember how hard our ancestors fought to have the right to vote and live in a democracy. We all have a duty to keep informed and cast our vote in May in a responsible manner. Our activities in the next few weeks are:- On Wednesday February 18th there is an Ash Wednesday Service at St. Johns organised by Christians Together in Elmswell at 7pm, all are welcome. The Ladies Friendship Group meets on Monday March 2nd at 7.45pm when Patsy Kemp is coming to offer more insights into life in Peru. Phone Margaret on 241541 for more information. ALL ladies are welcome. We are grateful to all those who come to lead our worship each week. Our preachers at our 10.30am services in the coming weeks are as follows:February 8th Stephen Spurgeon (All-Age Service) – Church 128th Anniversary February 15th Stephen Spurgeon February 22nd Kevin Moore March 1st Eddie Kerridge (inc Communion) A warm welcome is extended to all who wish to attend any of the above events. It is coming up to toad time again! Between end of February and early April, our toads will come out of hibernation and begin their long and hazardous journeys back to their breeding pools. One of the major hazards they will face is our roads – every year thousands of toads are killed on our roads. Can you help? For the last four years we have been helping toads cross roads near Badwell Ash and in Walsham-le-Willows. Last year we saved nearly 1000 toads at these sites. It was a mixed year for toads last year with us seeing quite a sharp decline at the Badwell Ash site, however a large increase at the Walsham-le-Willows site. . We have a great band of volunteers. However, despite our efforts we know we lost several hundred toads last year. The more volunteers we have the more toads we can save. Could you spare about two hours one evening a week for the 6 week period late February to early April? We are looking for help to patrol the Badwell Ash site and Palmer St in Walshamle-Willows. No experience is required – a short training session will be arranged and equipment can be provided. You will be working as part of a great team! Local drivers – we need your help too. Look out for the toad signs (see above – already up in the Badwell Ash site and due to go up in Palmer St shortly). The toads will be crossing after dark when the conditions are right – when the temperature is above 5/6oC and on damp/ rainy evenings. Please drive very carefully and as slowly as is safe. If you can safely stop or go round a toad please try and do so. Also look out for the toad patrollers! If you can help in any way, please contact: Visit our website at www.elmswellbaptist.org.uk , email [email protected] or telephone any of the numbers in this text for further info. Ann Richards on tel: 01359 240279 or e-mail: [email protected] Tony Frances Bee on tel: 01284 828284 or e-mail: [email protected] STOWMARKET SKIP HIRE Suppliers of 2, 4, 6 & 8 Yards Skips 1 Tonne Waste Bags Hoggin, Topsoil & Hardcore PROMPT & RELIABLE SERVICE Weaver House Finborough Road Onehouse, Nr Stowmarket Mobile: (07860) 692733 23 YOUNG ELMSWELL As February arrives we’re all wrapping up warm at school and keeping busy. Topic Based Learning Each term, each key stage will focus on a topic which much of their learning will be based around. For our younger children this term those topics will be ‘weather’ for Reception classes and ‘China’ for Key Stage 1. For the reception classes weather will be built into their maths learning with activities such as recording temperatures, keeping daily weather records and measuring rainfall. In literacy they will be taking weather based stories (such as The Wind & The Sun and the Snowman) and discussing what they like and don’t like, the characters and even writing their own version of the stories. In Understanding the World they will be learning about significant events in history – Grace Darling, Scott of the Antarctic and Noah’s Ark For Key Stage 1, China will be the basis of their learning. They will be discovering what it’s like to live in China and comparing it to their own lives in the UK and will be looking at Chinese culture including this month’s Chinese New Year. Colchester Castle Lower Key Stage 2 are enjoying learning all about the Romans this term and visited Colchester Castle at the end of January to extend their learning. The children enjoyed using some of the castle’s new interactive displays, found the tour of the Roman vaults fascinating and loved the castle’s Roman Circus! Year 5 & 6 Primary School Sportshall Athletics On Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th February our Upper Key stage 2 pupils will be participating in Sportshall Athletics at Thurston Community College with other primary schools from the area. The Sportshall Primary Programme is recommended and endorsed by England Athletics and provides the ideal format in which to introduce young people to athletics and multi-skills competition. The programme specifically introduces young people to competition in a fun team based format supervising children at lunchtimes, assisting in the lunchroom with packed lunches and school dinners and putting tables and chairs away after lunches. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. DBS checks are required. If you are interested please contact the school office on 01359 240261. News from FRESCH Our first committee meeting of the year reported a successful end to 2014 with two Christmas Parties enjoyed by all age groups across the school. Bertie Basset proved to be a popular entertainer once again (Thank you Bertie) and Santa was a welcome visitor as always. Christmas Fundraiser Our Christmas fundraiser this year was cards, mugs and tea towels featuring the children’s very own designs. Over 100 families took advantage of the wonderful Christmas gifts and we raised £375 for the school. Purchases for the School Last year’s fundraising events have built up a nice little pot of money which can be used to buy new equipment or resources for the school. All teachers have been asked what their key stage would most benefit from and it looks like our Reception children will soon be taking delivery of some new ride-on toys (to replace those with missing wheels!) and some den building kits which whilst being lots of fun will also teach them about using their imagination, being creative and working together. Upcoming Events • Movie Night. For the older children we are planning a movie night in March. • Village Fun Run. 17th may. More details to follow. Schools Sports Partnership This term our specialist sports provider will be working with our reception children developing their basic PE skills in areas such as balance, hand-eye co-ordination and basic ball skills. Transition from Primary to Secondary School Whilst it is still several months before our Year 6 pupils leave us for the next chapter in their education at Thurston Community College, the transition process has already started. Staff and prefects from Thurston visited us at the end of January to talk about life at Thurston. At half term the children will be invited to Tuesday Club where they will be able to participate in taster sessions in English, Science, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, Drama and History. Midday Supervisor Vacancies We still have some vacancies for Midday Supervisors with immediate effect. This can be casual or regular hours from 12 midday until 1.05 p.m. Duties (on a rota basis) include 24 Next Fresch Meeting 11th Feb is the next committee meeting. We are always looking for new committee members and volunteers. You don’t need to be a parent of a child at the school – just keen on helping out, organising events and raising funds for the school. Mrs Jane Ash – 01359 240261. LITTLE ELMS Another exciting new year is upon us as we slowly get into some warmer weather we hope!!Our new website is up and running for you all to view and keep up to date with. Their are some parts still under construction which should be completed soon. www.littleelms.co.uk We are looking for someone who would be interested in covering school holiday times to work in our playrooms. The hours would within Monday’s to Friday’s and you would need to be at least level 2 in Childcare. If you are intersted please ring Melanie on 01359 240491. Dont forget we have holiday club running in the February break packed with activities such as pancake racing!! A few words from out Ladybird room: We would like to welcome all our new children and their families. We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and got all you wanted. This term we are looking at The Arctic and Winter as our theme. We have been investigating different ways of making flour,salt and cotton wool into snow scenes. We have been in the garden making music withthe saucepans and tins and wrapping up warm to play with the vehicles outside. After half term we will celebrate Chinese new year and pancake day. Leading up to Easter we will be looking at different types of British Birds. Thank you to all who bought raffle tickets and reindeer food, we made £97. Happy New Year !! ELMSWELL BABY AND TODDLER GROUP After a lot of hard work and dedication sadly Jen will be stepping down as chair, due to some good new she is expecting her second child in June extending her own beautiful family, Jen has written a few words. Since I have a baby due at the start of June, I’m going to have to step down as chairperson of Elmswell Baby and Toddler group during the spring. I have loved becoming more actively involved in the running of our group and I’m definitely going to remain an active member of the committee, hopefully for many years to come! Our little group is so very valuable to the parents and carers in Elmswell and I am passionate about keeping it going, so that Mums, Dads, grandparents and children can meet, make friends and enjoy belonging to a community. We will need to hold some elections to vote in a new chairperson, and this is an ideal time to invite all our members to consider whether they’d like to join our committee, either as a general member, or as the chairperson. Anyone can put themselves forward to be the next chairperson, whether they are already a committee member or not. We are always keen to have more help, energy and ideas, and by joining the committee you are able to put your ideas forward for future trips, events, crafts and fundraising. There are four named positions (chairperson, treasurer, nearly new sale coordinator and secretary) on the committee, but it is essential we also have several general committee members to keep the group running smoothly. Speak to any of the committee members to find out more about how you can help, or contact me directly by emailing [email protected]. On Tuesday 10th February we will hold our Annual General Meeting, g at 7:30pm at The Fox pub. During this meeting, we will hold the election for the new chairperson (so if you’d like to take up the position, you need to have put yourself forward by then!), discuss the upcoming Nearly New Sale (Saturday 21st March) and any other business. Everyone is welcome to attend – the more brains, the better! Thanks, Jen Donations We would like to thank the chairman, Philip from carpet bowls for his generous donation of all the play dough tools and cutters, which have been put to good use by the children making some lovely creations on our craft table, also thank you to Laura for the boxes of baby toys donated these have are greatly appreciated, also thank you to Laura for the boxes of baby toys donated these have been greatly received and put to good use with the children. Nearly New Sale It›s that time again! Our Nearly New Sale is nearly here. Saturday 21st March at the Blackbourne Hall in Elmswell from 11am - 2pm, a sign up sheet will be out on session morning for helpers, and again we will be looking for cake donations for our cafe, which can be dropped at the hall on the morning of the sale between 9-10am. If you can offer a few hours during the day between 8am- 5pm to help with the running of the day but don’t attend the group please ring Claire on 07709160045 all volunteer’s appreciated. This coming sale will be for Spring, Summer Items, so if your having a clear out and would like more information on how to become a sellers please contact Jo on 07814461060 or email: elmswell. [email protected] Craft Dates Mon 9th February Valentine craft and Happyland Wed 11th February Valentine craft and jigsaws Mon 16th February Make your own crown Wed 18th February Button flower collages Mon 23rd February Colouring books and stickers Wed 25th February Sensory play with dry rice Mon 2nd March Painting colourful fish Wed 4th March Happyland Mon 9th March Mothers’ Day Craft Wed 11th March Mothers’ Day Craft Mon 16th March Cornflour goop! Wed 18th March Colouring books and stickers Mon 23rd March Happyland Wed 25th March Cornflour goop! Mon 30th March Stencils and crayon rubbings Date’s For Diaries Wed 1st April Painting – butterflies AGM Meeting - Tuesday 10th February 7.30pm Elmswell Fox Mon 6th April Sticking – make a crazy face Nearly New Sale - Saturday 21st March 11am 2pm Blackbourne Hall Wed 8th April Stencils and crayon rubbings Our pictures show the delighted recipients of two delightful cheques – each made out for £1,530.00. The money was raised at a gala night at Blackbourne organised by Sue and Peter Hughes, Elaine Pitt and Val Burch. The intention was to benefit 2 charities - The Brain Tumour Society and Ilh.UK which supports those with intracranial hypertension. Donations and help came from many quarters... notably HC Wilson Transport, Thomas Ridley Cash & Carry, ACS Aromatics and the Elmswell fire Crew, but many dozens of others were generous with their support, including the top local pub & club group 23X who played without charge. It was a great evening, reminiscent of the days of regular village dances. The £3,060.00 already handed across was not the final total which will be announced in the March Newsletter. A fantastic effort and congratulations to all who helped make it happen – particularly Sue, Peter, Elaine and Val. 25 ELMSWELL PARISH COUNCIL T H I S P A G E I S P U B L I S H E D A N D F U N D E D B Y E L M S W E L L P A R I S H C O U N C I L Full Council is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Monday monthly, excepting August and avoiding bank holidays. The January meeting took place in the Chamberlayne Hall annexe at Blackbourne on Monday 19th with 10 of the 11 councillors present, along with the Parish Clerk, District Council Ward Member Cllr Mrs Sarah Mansel, County & District Councils Ward Member Mrs Jane Storey, PC Neil Brown, and 9 members of the public. This report is compiled from that meeting by the Parish Clerk and edited by the Council’s Editorial Board which is made up of the Council Chairman, Cllr David Barker, the Council Vice-chairman, Cllr Mrs Marian Abbott and Cllr Mike Friend, elected to do so by his peers. It seeks to cover some of the more interesting or significant items thought to deserve wider public attention. Included, where appropriate, are matters reported to the meeting by external bodies such as the Police and Ward Members or as raised at the meeting by members of the public. Further background and reference to subsequent events are included where relevant. The Minutes of recent Parish Council meetings and Committee meetings, together with the agenda for the next meeting, when published, are available on line at www.elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk, in the Memorial Library and from the Parish Clerk by arrangement. Bound copies of older Minutes are lodged with the Suffolk County Records Office in Bury St. Edmunds. The most recent Minutes, from the November Council meeting, as approved at this meeting, are posted in the community notice board at the Co-op. County Council In a written report, Cllr Mrs Jane Storey raised awareness of forthcoming topics for debate at SCC being the future of the Suffolk Records Office and the setting up of a West Suffolk Operational Hub. Mid Suffolk District Council Cllr Mrs Sarah Mansel tabled a written report which included the news that Babergh and Mid Suffolk are one of just 21 councils across the country to have secured the right to borrow from the Government’s Additional Housing Revenue Programme. The resulting loan of £35.5m will allow for the construction of 60 affordable homes across both districts by 2017. Dog & litter bins Charges made by Mid Suffolk District Council for the emptying of dog and litter bins were introduced in 2012 at £15.00 & £10.00 respectively per year per bin. Elmswell has 19 dog bins and 26 litter bins. The Clerk reported on the latest increase in these charges to £30.00 & £25.00, a total charge of £1,230.00 on the parish precept transferred from the District Council precept. Police PCSO Steve Pendergast and PC Neil Brown tabled a report recording 13 reported crimes over the past 8 weeks. During this time 70 telephone calls were logged covering public concerns regarding road related offences, alarms, highway disruption, road collisions, suspicious circumstances, harassment and concerns for safety. They reported that the recent SNT meeting held at Elmswell had identified 2 priorities for particular attention, the theft of heating oil and outbuilding burglaries. BMA The Blackbourne Management Association, which comprises user-groups and representative Councillors, manages the Council owned facilities at the community complex at Blackbourne. The Secretary, Cllr Peter Edmonds, reported on its most recent meeting at which it had been agreed that the new defibrillator unit should be sited on the wall of the new extension at Blackbourne, adjacent to the car park and immediately under the automatic floodlight. The Meeting also asked the Secretary to amend the Conditions of Hire so as to accord with the Council’s wish to ban sky lanterns and externally launched helium balloons from the Blackbourne Meadow site. Association member Tony Garner has undertaken to refurbish some of the chairs which, having served since the original hall opened some 14 years ago, are showing signs of wear. Bier shelter plaque The Clerk reported on the successful unveiling of the commemorative plaque at the Council’s refurbished bier shelter at the cemetery. The scheme to restore the Victorian building was driven by Cllr Ann Richards who had secured the funding largely by public subscription. The plaque acknowledges the contributors. Planning The Meeting agreed to support applications for further works at Street Farm, a listed building, and for a horse walker at Elmswell Park Stud. It noted the granting of permission for a replacement garage at The pastures, Ashfield Road, for a conservatory at Kiln Farm Cottage, Kiln Lane and for work to protected trees at St John’s House, Church Road. The Parish Council had not objected to any of these applications and had supported an application at Tirole House, Church Road for the severance of part of the rear garden and the erection of a bungalow with separate vehicular access. This has been refused by Mid Suffolk, the Planning Authority, on grounds which included that the proposal would cause material harm to the character and appearance of the area and be inconsistent with national policies requiring that development responds to local character and reflects the identity of its surroundings. Neighbourhood Plan grant aid The Clerk reported that he had been successful in obtaining a grant of £5050.00 from the Community Development Foundation towards the cost of producing the Neighbourhood Plan which he was co-ordinating. The Plan process, advised by Mid Suffolk District Council and Community Action Suffolk, has made rapid progress. The Steering Group, made up of representatives of village organisations 26 and of individuals with a wide range of appropriate skills and experience, is currently consulting with the members of village clubs and organisations throughout the community towards refining the questionnaire that will go to all households. The questionnaire responses will form the basis of the community’s view to be reflected in the Plan. Once approved the Plan will form part of the statutory Planning Policy which will control development in the village until 2040. Newsletter congratulations Councillors agreed that formal congratulations should go to the volunteers who produce The Elmswell Newsletter which is, for the 5th year in the past 6 years, declared to be the Newsletter of the Year by the Suffolk Association of Local Councils. The magazine, published by The Elmswell Amenities Association, is entirely supported by advertising and returns a healthy financial surplus each year for the Association whose funds are entirely dedicated to the community. There are some 40 regular volunteers who help to produce over 1700 copies each month, distributed free of charge to households and businesses, a service which has been provided, with increasing success, for 28 years. Audit Town and parish councils are the most heavily audited of all 3 tiers of local government. They are required to conduct a formal annual check themselves on their procedures and finances, to submit to a detailed audit by an external agency, in Elmswell’s case this is currently the Suffolk Association of Local Councils, and all of this is double-checked by a Government appointed external auditor, currently BDO LLP. The Council asked its Chairman, Cllr David Barker, its Vice chairman, Cllr Mrs Marian Abbott, and Cllr Mike Friend who was formally elected as a member of the Audit team by fellow councillors, to carry out its own Internal Audit for the current financial year. Their report was accepted by the Meeting as an accurate and balanced overview of the Council’s affairs. The examining councillors had had unfettered access to any and all of the Council’s papers, including accounts, registers and records held both electronically and in paper form. They found no cause for concern, noting 3 minor recommendations, only one with a cost implication, being the need for the purchase of a stand-alone payroll package. Precept Councillors agreed to set a precept of £109,171.00 to cover expenses and the cost of community development over the 2015 /2016 financial year. This represents a 1.49% increase on last year’s figure. Town & parish councils receive none of the Government grant aid which has allowed District, Borough and County councils to impose no such uplift. The average, ‘Band D’ council tax payer will be required to pay 2p per week more to cover the increase. Next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 16th February at 7.30 in The Blackbourne. The public are, as ever, welcome to attend all Council and Council committee meetings and the agenda will always offer opportunities for questions and comment. Agendas are published on line at www. elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk, on the Council’s notice board at Crown Mill and in the community notice board at the Co-op outside the Post Office. Enquiries on any or all of the above, or on any Council matter, are invited through the Parish Clerk, Peter Dow at the Parish Clerk’s Office, Station Road, Elmswell IP30 9HR. telephone 01359 244134 email [email protected]. The office is situated on the Station Road Industrial estate, behind the Fox pub and right next to the railway line above Gobblins factory premises. It is open for business on weekdays from 9.00am – 5.30 pm, excepting Bank Holidays. The answerphone is monitored daily. It’s pretty windy out there! Do you need extra support during a power cut or do you know someone else that would need extra support? If so, sign up to the UK Power Networks register. Who can apply • Customers who are dependent on medical equipment • Customers who are chronically ill • Customers with a disability • Customers who are visually impaired or blind • Customers who are hearing impaired or deaf • Elderly customers • A nursing or residential home • Customers with young babies in household • Any other case that you would like us to consider By joining the register, you will receive: ◆ A priority phone number that you can call 24 hours a day ◆ A welcome pack with useful advice about preparing for a power cut ◆ Regular text message or phone updates during a power cut ◆ Extra support from the British Red Cross Police Connect Police Connect is a messaging service connecting you to the very latest policing news for your area via e-mail, text or phone. There is no charge for this service - all messages you receive are free. You can register to receive information about the issues that most matter to you and be among the first to be alerted by police in the case of an emergency affecting your area. You can choose to receive regular updates on crime and public appeals, safety advice and meetings and events. There is the option to receive information about a range of specific interest areas – such as ‘rural’ or ‘rivers and coastal’ – as well as updates for business owners and news from your Police and Crime Commissioner. The choice is yours. How to register (via Suffolk Police Website) The simple online process takes only a couple of minutes and will ensure we have the most up-to-date contact details and preferences for you. Are you a previous Police Direct subscriber? Please note that your old username and password will not be transferred into this system. You will need to register as a new user by clicking on ‘Don’t have an account? T H I S P A G E I S P U B L I S H E D A N D F U N D E D B Y FOOTPATH WALK Our next walk starts, as usual, from Crown Mill, on SUNDAY 15th FEBRUARY beginning at 11.00 am Open to all comers & lead by Footpath Officer Dick Burch A couple of hours gentle walking on the footpaths in and around Elmswell Dogs on leads welcome – stout shoes recommended 27 CONTACTING YOUR LOCAL SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM (SNT) To speak to an officer from your local SNT, because they may well be out on patrol, the easiest option is to telephone the number 101, which is the new number across England and Wales for local police forces. You will then be told you are being put through to Suffolk Constabulary’s Police HQ, where you can speak to the operator and either ask to be put through to a particular officer, or to Mid Suffolk South Safer Neighbourhood team office. As an alternative you can email them directly through the following link: Email: [email protected] E L M S W E L L P A R I S H C O U N C I L What’s On in Elmswell ? To be included in our events diary make sure you send separate notification of your announcement. For a full year’s calendar of what’s booked at Blackbourne, please go to the Parish Council website at www.elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk - it might help you in planning dates for your events. February 2015 2 4 6 10 12 12 13 17 17 17 18 18 20 25 26 27 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm. Elmswell Exchange WI A New and Old look at the Isle of Wight (illustrated presentation by Chris Parfitt) “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Elmswell WI ‘Prints’ Ed Wilson we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Edward Martin: “Henslow of Hitcham - the life, influence and legacy of Darwin’s tutor” St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall 2.30pm. Beetle Drive Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: Through the year with Horticultural Photographer Pancake Party at Baptist Church 6pm Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am Ash Wednesday Service St John’s Church 7pm “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am Over 55’s club entertainment by “Brian of Note” Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 March 2015 2 4 4 4 6 6 10 11 12 12 12 13 17 17 18 20 21 25 27 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm Patsy |Kemp on South America Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am Elmswell Library Friends Committee Meeting commencing 6:30pm at the Library Elmswell Exchange WI Paper Modelling & Sculpture - Colin Hopper “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Women’s World Day of Prayer in St John’s Church 5pm Elmswell WI ‘The Ukulele’ Steve and John we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am Over 55’s club AGM Food ‹n› Friends at Elmswell Baptist Church midday Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Bob Malster: “Suffolk Millwrights” St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: Harbingers of Spring Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall 2.30pm. Talk on Elmswell by Peter Lester assisted by Derek Folkard Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Elmswell Baby & Toddlers Group Nearly New Sale Lent Lunch St John’s Church 11.30am Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 April 2015 2 9 Elmswell Exchange WI Members Meeting (our members provide their own programme) Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm Florry Heller on Pearls Elmswell History Group 15th Anniversary meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Report on our WW1 research findings into RFC Elmswell, and social effects of the war onto the Elmswell area and its inhabitants. 10 “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon 11 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm Rachel Andrews on Eye Care in Bangladesh. 11/12 Elmswell History Group EXHIBITION, Wesley Hall, 11am-4pm - “Elmswell & Memories of the Great War”. FREE ENTRY and refreshments. 17 St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am 21 Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: Hedgehogs and Wildlife Gardening 21 Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall 2.30pm. Bingo + Bring & Buy Stall 23 Over 55’s club music by Shipshape 24 “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon 24 Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 19 9 May 2015 1 6 8 11 14 12 15 19 19 22 29 5 9 11 12 16 16 18 July 2015 3 9 10 14 17 21 30 31 31 3 14 27 28 28 Holiday to Weymouth reservations now being taken Elmswell WI Members meeting we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Over 55’s club Outing Carvery Lunch and boat trip “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 September 2015 6 7 8 11 15 15 18 18 Ladies Friendship Group outing to Columbyne Hall and Gardens in Stowupland. Meet at chapel at 6.30pm. Phone Margaret on 241541 to book your place. Open to men as well. “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Elmswell WI ‘A journey to Citizenship’ Linda Scoles we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7pm A.G.M., then Speaker Mark Mower: “Crime on the Home Front – law-breaking in the two World Wars” St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall 2.30pm. Talk by Graham & Sandra Mack on ‘Letters from the 1st World War’ Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: Bats & Work of Suffolk Wildlife Bat Group Over 55’s club outing to Poppy Factory with Lunch and Tour “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Elmswell History Group – Annual Outing: To be arranged St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Elmswell WI Outing “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall. 2.30pm AGM - Strawberry Tea + Raffle Over 55’s club outing to Felixstowe “The Hut” “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 August 2015 11 Wine Experience. Spanish Wines and Tapas with Bob Stopp at the Library. Tickets available from the Library. Price £12.50 each. Elmswell Exchange WI Annual Meeting and Resolutions “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm Rachel Andrews on Eye Care in Bangladesh. Elmswell History Group meeting, Wesley Hall. 7.30pm, Speaker: Nick Sign: “John Winthrop of Groton, and the 1630 Expedition to USA’s Boston, Massachusetts” Elmswell WI AGM and Resolutions we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: Elmswild – Kiln Meadow Update Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Outing - To be arranged “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 June 2015 1 26 “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 25 25 26 Autumn Fayre - enquiries Peter Edmonds 241640 Ladies Friendship Group at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7.45pm Sue & Dave from Fresh Start on making soaps. Elmswell WI Harvest Supper we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Blackbourne. “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Gardening Club - 7.30pm Blackbourne Talk: From Mountain to Garden Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Outing - To be arranged St. John’s Ladies Lunch Group at The Wesley Hall. 11.30am Elmswell Exchange Social Club. Wesley Hall. 2.30pm Shared Lunch + Raffle “Companions” meet at The Wesley Hall 10.15am -12 noon Fire Crew Bingo session at Blackbourne Eyes down 7.30 Christian Aid Quiz at Elmswell Baptist Church at 7pm. Teams of up to 6. £7 per head including food. ..and at The Wesley Hall each week... Winters Academy children’s dance classes... Saturday mornings in term time 5-8 yr. olds 9.30 -10.30 9-13 yr olds 10.30 – 11.00 £4.00 per hour Every Tuesday 9.30am to 12.30pm Elmswell Art Club at the Wesley Centre Tell us more - telephone 241841 or email: [email protected] 28 For a friendly 01359 242942 M-F: 9-5 Sat: 9-2 and professional approach ✔ practical advice ✔ experienced staff family law ✔ personal service Burnett Barker Solicitors child care employment conveyancing personal injury Not just a pet food shop... ...we also carry a large stock of pet sundries, including wild bird and poultry feeds (01284) 701131 business advice have a well established aquatic department with both freshwater ϐǡ 3 Hatter Street Bury St Edmunds IP33 1LZ leases wills & probate trusts and tax Fax: (01284) 760310 Email: [email protected] licensing and are a local supplier of salt - tablets, granules and blocks for your dishwashers and water softeners. crime housing consumer issues Come and see our range of products today! debt advice Rear of the pharmacy, Station Road, Elmswell IP309HD F. G. BROWN – OPTICIANS BJW PLUMBING & HEATING Denmark House, 41 Bury Street, Stowmarket YOUR RELIABLE LOCAL PLUMBER Tel:- 01449 612812/674030 Boiler Servicing Central Heating Installation Maintenance & Repairs Bathroom Suites, Showers, Tiling Install Washing Machines/Dishwashers Burst/Leaking Pipes Water Softeners General Plumbing Needs As independent opticians we offer a more personalised eyecare service that you can trust for all the family including:Optomap retinal examination Colorimetry A wide range of competitively priced frames and spectacle lenses 200169 Contact lenses Prescription and non-prescription sunglasses GAS Safe registered 200169 BARRY WARD: 01449 616034/07734 872549 Your sight care is our priority Badminton courts available during the day @ £5.00 p.h. and to fit around evening bookings @ £6.00 ...call 244134 to register and book Regular meetings at Blackbourne Monday Wednesday Sunday Guides 6.30 – 8.00, Scouts 5.45 – 9.00 Jujutsu martial arts class 7.00 – 9.00 SOZO CHURCH 9.00 – 12.00 (3rd Sunday monthly) Youth Club 7.00 – 9.00, Zumba 6.00 – 7.00 Thursday Tuesday Beavers 5.15 – 6.30 Slimming World 5.30 & 7.30 WI (2nd Tuesday monthly) 7.00 – 10.30 Gardening club (3rd Tuesday monthly) 7.00 – 10.00 Brownies 5.30 – 8.00 Over 55’s 7.00 – 10.00 (2nd & 4th monthly) Friday Bingo (last Friday monthly) eyes down 7.30 BATS – Badminton & Table Sports – 7.00 – 10.00 FIT4ALL with Jo Butcher 9.30 – 11.00 To make a booking enquiry Call; 244134 Email; [email protected] a brighter approach There’s a tendency to regard estate agents as being ‘all the same’. The reality, however, is that some are simply more ‘switched on’ than others. 01359 234444 [email protected] allhomes.uk.com Encouraging young minds to reach their full potential Flexible childare for children aged 3 months to 8 years including After School and Holiday Club Open 8am to 6pm all year round (various sessions available) We offer 15 hours per week free childcare for all 3 & 4 year olds. Free Childcare available to eligible 2 year olds (please call the nursery for more information) Extra activities offered including Spanish Lessons, Yoga and Educational Visits Station Road Elmswell Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9HD For further information call: 01359 240592 or email [email protected] 2014|2015 www.streetfarmdaynursery.co.uk Printed by Printing for Pleasure 01473 652354
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