westminster presbyterian church February 22, 2015 First Sunday in Lent 10:30 am How you love us, God of rainbow promises! You gather us up in your arms, simply to hear our deepest hopes; you wipe the dust of the wilderness out of our eyes so we can see the kingdom; you teach us those ancient ways which offer new life for each of us. ____________ Coming Into God’s Presence ______________ • • Life of the Church * call to worship Leader: We come, so God might open our eyes, People: that we may discover the wonders surrounding us; that we may embrace the joy deep within us. Leader: We gather, so Christ might widen our hearts, People: that we may hear the sounds of brokenness around us; that we may sing the melodies of hope. Leader: We are here, so the Spirit might teach us the ways of humility, People: That we may walk that street named Enduring Love; that we may wait at the corner called Faithfulness. * hymn #56 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above * Please stand as you are able. mit freuden Zart prayer for Forgiveness We admit we are hesitant to walk to Jerusalem and beyond with you, God of Glory. In a world where we worry about tomorrow before enjoying today, we race by your moments of silence, of learning. In that flood of worries, which can overwhelm us, we may miss that assurance that you have not cut us off from your grace. In the deserts of our desires, we may ignore that feast of hope, of joy, of life you offer to us. Forgive us and have mercy on us, Gentle Guardian of our souls. In humility, may we offer our lives to others. In love, may we share your grace with everyone we meet. In hope, may we wait for you all our days, as you come to us in the life and joy of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Please continue in silent confession. assurance of PARDON In this place we find God’s word, God’s way, God’s love, God’s forgiveness. What more do we need to sustain us as we continue as pilgrims along the Way? In every wilderness, on every road; in every moment, in every life; in every journey, in every heart, we receive the daily bread we need – God’s hope, God’s mercy, God’s joy. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven. Amen. * GLORIA PATRI (Hymn #733) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be; world without end. Amen, amen. * PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. anthem Lord, Have Mercy arr. by Kirland Westminster Choir; Emily Bramblett and April Wright, soloists ___________________ Hearing God’s Word _____________________ • • A Time with the CHILDREN Children of any age are welcome at the front of the sanctuary for the Word Interpreted for Children. Then those age 4 through 2nd grade may meet their teacher at the back of the sanctuary for Sunday Celebration, a time for Bible stories and crafts. Parents, please pick up your children in room 115, near the Greenview entrance, following worship. On Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, Sunday Celebration does not meet, so that our children may join the Body of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Reading from the Gospel Mark 1:9–15; pew Bible, pages 34–35 in the New Testament This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. reading from the Hebrew Scripture Genesis 9:8–17; pew Bible, page 7 in the Old Testament. SERMON “The Promise” Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth. (Gen. 9:11) * hymn #252 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days land of rest ________________ Response to God’s Word __________________ • • * Affirmation of Faith Ignoring God’s commandments, we violate the image of God in others and ourselves, accept lies as truth, exploit neighbor and nature, and threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care. We deserve God’s condemnation. Yet God acts with justice and mercy to redeem creation. In everlasting love, the God of Abraham and Sarah chose a covenant people to bless all families of the earth. Hearing their cry, God delivered the children of Israel from the house of bondage. Loving us still, God makes us heirs with Christ of the covenant. Like a mother who will not forsake her nursing child, like a father who runs to welcome the prodigal home, God is faithful still. —A Brief Statement of Faith Moment for Mission One Great Hour of Sharing; Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Marjorie McRoberts OFFERING OF self AND SUBSTANCE Please pass the friendship pad and sign your name. We welcome all here in worship with us. Please join us next Sunday also: Christian education for all ages is at 9:15 am, and worship is at 10:30 am, with coffee and conversation before and after worship. Offertory Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. prayers of the people and the lord’s prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. * hymn #372 I Then Shall Live * Going Forth to Serve Leader: Let us go now, as God’s people. People: May God open our eyes to the wonders of creation and the joy we can offer to those we meet. Leader: Let us go now, as followers of Jesus. People: May he open our ears to the cries of the broken, to the words of hope which others offer to us. Leader: Let us go now, as those filled with the Spirit People: To be signs of God’s promise to the world. * BENEDICTION . . . and all of God’s children say, “Alleluia! Amen!” finlandia This Week’s News • • Today is the Blue Out! Many of us are wearing blue today: a PDA mission trip t-shirt, a blue shirt, a blue hat, a blue flower . . . We’re joining congregations around the country in telling the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) story of “hope out of chaos.” One Great Hour of Sharing donations collected during the season of Lent support PDA in its work with disaster survivors around the world. See the Mission Highlight for more information. Communion is served next Sunday, March 1. You’re invited to bring a loaf of freshbaked bread to worship next Sunday and on the first Sunday of each month, which we’ll deliver the following Wednesday to the members of Riverside Community Gathering, as a way of sharing the grace and love of the Lord’s table with them. Sunday worship leaders are great, aren’t they? If you’ve ever thought you might like to show your discipleship by leading in worship, do we have an opportunity for you! Today, at 11:45 am–12:15 pm in the sanctuary, Rev. Judy offers training to both potential and current worship leaders. You will learn how to use the microphone; how to read scripture effectively; how to keep the flow of the service going; as well as having any other questions or concerns addressed. We hope to have a cadre of lay leaders be available for the awesome joy of helping us all give glory to God. Italian Cuisine Night is this Saturday, February 28. Hors d’oeuvres and fellowship begin at 6 pm; dinner starts at 6:30. Cost is $8 per person; correct change will be appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you there! Wishing to learn more about the Presbyterian church, and specifically Westminster’s ministry and mission? Rev. Shipman invites you to attend an Inquirer’s Class on Sundays, March 8 and 15, at 9:30 AM in her study. She will cover some basic information, and other topics will be generated by questions from the group. Those who wish to join this church will be received into membership during worship on March 22. Please call Rev. Shipman if you need further information (734-761-9320). Session meeting minutes from the January 20 and February 9 meetings are now available in the fellowship hall entry. Meeting highlights are published monthly in The Link, and minutes are always available in the church library. ____________ Opportunities to Serve Others _____________ • • Hurricane Sandy recovery continues – with your help. Westminster members and friends are invited to take part in a mission trip to Point Pleasant, NJ , April 12–18, sponsored by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Find out more on the mission bulletin board or contact Katherine Simpson ( ). Cost is $200. Habitat House of Faith welcomes Westminster workers of all skill levels, April 24 and 30, and May 1, 14 and 30. Contact: Ron Fairchild. Detroit summer mission trip, July 12–17: We’ll lead the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church fine arts camp; we’ll work with Central Detroit Christian for lasting neighborhood renewal; and more. Come for the week, or for a day or two. Contact: Greta Buck ( ). Mercy House Sunday meals: Our youths will coordinate the March 22 meal; sign up on the mission bulletin board to help that day or other times. Contact: Katherine Simpson. Ecumenical Center and International Residence needs drivers for events, plus support in other ways for residents. Sign up at www.ecir.org. Riverside birthday cake ministry: Bake a birthday cake for 50 on the first Wednesday of August, September, November or December of this year. Contact: Katherine Simpson. Your thoughts: Did you enjoy writing and giving scriptural Valentine’s cards? Would you like to help plan our next Servant Sunday? What are your thoughts on ways we as a congregation can reach outside our church community to embody Christ and bring the Kingdom of God to neighbors? Please contact any member of the Mission Committee with your ideas: Greta Buck, Ron Fairchild, Marjorie McRoberts, Bill Sharp (elder), Katherine Simpson (elder), Kay Tuttle or Roger Vance. Mission Highlight: One Great Hour of Sharing – Sharing Resources and Changing Lives. Again this year, Westminster will participate in One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) during the season of Lent. A gift to OGHS provides relief to those affected by natural disasters, food to the hungry, and helps to empower the poor and oppressed, providing critical support to the following ministries: • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance • Presbyterian Hunger Program • Self Development of People Last year Westminster members generously gave $3835 to OGHS. We’ve set this year’s goal at $4150. We’ll mark our weekly progress by singing a corresponding “percent” of “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Please give generously to support these worthy programs, using designated envelopes in the pew racks. Adult Learning Holey, Wholly, Holy: A Lenten Journey of Refinement Two class groupings have formed, one meeting on Sundays at 9:15 am (room 30, lower level) and the other on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm (library; led by Joe Neely and Ned Simpson). Lent can be a time for reflection and self-examination, and this book is meant as a companion for such a journey, leading us closer to Christ and to greater acceptance of the grace offered in the resurrection. Books and workbooks are available for purchase in the public office. The workbook is not required, but likely helpful. Both are available in print and digitally from Amazon. Old Testament Bible study is studying Song of Songs, interpreted in many ways and considered by many to be an allegory of God’s love for the church. Sundays at 9:15 am in room 32 on the lower level; Tom Brown leads. Women’s Bible study group is reading An Altar in the World, by Barbara Brown Taylor, the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 1–2:30 pm. Please contact Alice Chambers. Thursday book group begins February 26 to discuss An Altar in the World, by Barbara Brown Taylor. All are welcome. Meets 1–2:30 pm , in room 118. This Week at a Glance The calendar is also online and is updated daily. Today, February 22 Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship; Sunday Detectives, 10:30 am Thursday, February 26 Thursday book group, 1 pm Friday, February 27 Morning prayer, 8 am Lay leader training, 11:45 am Saturday, February 28 Wednesday, February 25 Italian Cuisine Night, 6 pm Women’s Bible study, 1 pm Riverside Community Gathering, 4:45 pm Sunday, March 1 Wednesday Night Live!, 5:45 pm Sunday school for all ages, 9:15 am Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm Coffee, tea, lemonade and fellowship, 10:15–10:30 am and 11:30 am–noon Worship with Communion, 10:30 am Alpha, Omega and junior Disciples Dates to remember Check the Westminster web site for full schedule information. Wed, Feb 25 Wednesday Night Live! – Show and Tell Sun, Mar 1 Laser Tag, noon–2 pm Wed, Mar 4 Wednesday Night Live! – Arts and crafts Fri, Mar 6–Sun, Mar 8 Alpha retreat Sun, Mar 22 Camp Take Notice dinner prep and serve Sat, Mar 14 Children-Led Worship practice, 3–5 pm (6th graders only) Sun, Mar 15 Children-Led Worship Sun, Mar 22 Camp Take Notice Dinner prep and serve, 2–6:30 pm Prayer Requests arranged by deacon prayer group • • ADAM Nancy and Ken Brady, Jim Brady’s brother’s family Peter Shaw, Kay Tuttle and Gordon Larsen’s friend Gail Holleran, Connie George’s cousin and Shirley and Jim Brady’s neighbor Holli Winclechter, Leslie Williamson’s cousin DAVID Jasen Adams, Patty and Peter Quiroz’s grandson; Laurie and Jim Adams, Jasen’s parents Ralph Bolhouse Floarea Burnaz, Elvira Babcock’s mother Rev. Tharon Daniels, Eileen and Earl Fulton’s pastor in Arizona Jimmy Hill, Melissa Burkhart’s friend Sympathy to Gail Arnold on the death of her dear friend, Dale McClinton John McKeown Dave Patton, Connie George’s friend Bob Shier, Lisa Shier’s dad Jeral Shipman, Rev. Judy Shipman’s husband Robert Sykes, Molly Crankshaw’s and Martha Kloosterman’s father Cherie Vogler, Carol Hufnagel’s mother Walter Weikel, Dot MacArthur’s brother-inlaw JOHN Keith Begg, Virginia and Earl Begg’s son Gary Jackson, Carol and John Jackson’s son Cheryl Carpenter, Jeff Buck’s sister Steve Nehring, April Wright’s brother-in-law Juliana Celestino, Isaias Celestino’s mother Jim Shelton, Jennifer Young’s father Alice and Al Chambers Nancy and Merrill Tyler, Linda Brown’s parents Tanya Carr, Alice Chamber’s friend Cliff Gordenier, Ron Renfer’s brother-in-law Douglas Granowicz, Virginia and Earl Begg’s son-in-law Abigail Hermann, daughter of Greta and Jeff Buck’s friends Susan Wiedmeier Louise and Larry Woodruff Lynette Wright, daughter of Alice Chamber’s friend Jennifer Young MARY Angela Elizando, Damon Self’s mother Kathleen Menery, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend Mary Ellen Lloyd Laurie Orlow, Elizabeth Tidd’s sister-in-law Marcia McCay, Mary Ellen Lloyd’s friend Mary Rochette, Irene Rochette’s mother-inlaw Catherine McNabb, Joe Neely’s mother PAUL Ann Brundage Heidi Grebe, Carolyn and Don Fitch’s friend Don and Carolyn Fitch RUTH (none) FRIENDS Kaden, Susan and John Vandenberg Riverside Community Gathering guests prayer matters We offer four avenues for prayer support for you or a loved one: • Sunday printed worship guide (posted online as well, as a PDF) • rotating prayer list: individuals with continuing health concerns are added to the printed worship guide list several times through the year • prayer chain: prayer requests are emailed to 70 Westminster prayer warriors • confidential prayer requests may be shared with pastor and staff members To request prayers, please contact April Wright, deacon (761-9320 or ). You can also join our email prayer chain by contacting April. Please continue to share updates on those for whom we are praying for accurate postings. Emily Kerr and Zoe Melcher greeted you as you entered worship this morning. Barb and Randy Greschaw provided our sanctuary flowers in memory of Barb’s brother Bob Moellering. we welcome our visitors Children’s Ministries We’re grateful you’re worshiping with us today and hope you experience the comfort of God’s presence and love. Infant and toddler care is in room 106, near the Greenview entrance, 9 am–11:45 pm. Visitor information is available in the main entry, on the media center near the elevator and on our website. We extend a cordial invitation into our fellowship to all seeking a church home. We welcome into our membership all who love Jesus Christ and accept him as Lord. Please note your interest on the friendship pad at the end of each pew. hearing and vision assistance An usher will be happy to provide you with a wireless unit for hearing assistance or a large print worship guide. adult education, Youth events Details for today and coming weeks are in this worship guide and on our web site. SO W GR OW SH Sunday Detectives (grades 3–5) meets at 10:30 am on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in room 113 (near the Greenview entrance). Worship bags available in the main entry contain a variety of quiet-activity items to promote scriptural thinking while keeping young children happily occupied. events, calendar, building use Submit all news and events items to Marti Burbeck ( ). Submit all building use needs to Margaret Compton ( ). OW OW Sunday Celebration takes place during worship except on the first Sunday of the month. Please see the order of worship for details. westminster presbyterian church 1500 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 | 734-761-9320 | www.westpresa2.org Rev. Dr. Judy Shipman, Interim Pastor KN
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