A monthly publication for the parish of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Cocoa, Florida Serving Brevard County since 1878 MARCH What’s inside? The View from the Corner Office ................................... 2 Coffee Hour Guild ................ 3 Sunday School..................... 3 St. Mark’s Prayer Team ....... 3 The Order of St. Luke .......... 3 Central Brevard Sharing Center .................................. 3 Schedules ............................ 4 Home Communion ............... 4 Birthdays .............................. 5 A potluck of people .............. 5 Calendar .............................. 6 Academy “Joi-full” News ..... 7 Special Dates....................... 8 2015 Indulge for Lent? Rather than sacrificing something for Lent — especially something easy and spiritually insignificant, such as chocolate — Patty Kirk, in Guideposts magazine, suggests finding new ways to indulge in God’s presence. Surely one can do this by having extra devotions or attending Lenten worship services. But Kirk offers these ideas: • Spend time outdoors, sensing God’s magnificence. • Spend time with others, extending generosity and compassion. Remember Jesus’ promise that when you care for others, you care for him (Matthew 25:31-46). • Pray for the “little things,” coming before God in childlike trust and feeling peace. • Watch attentively for God’s answers to prayer, and receive them as reminders of his presence. • Turn anxiety into prayer. As you frame concerns as prayers and entrust them to God, you “sacrifice” the tendency to wallow in worry. St. Mark's Spring Fling Yard Sale - March 27 and 28 St. Mark's first annual "Spring Fling Flea Market" will be held in Thursby Hall March 27 - 28. (There will be an opportunity to attend a special "Gala Preview" on Thursday, March 26!) The proceeds will be used to "Raise the Roof" and help pay for much needed roof repair and replacement here at St. Mark's. We are looking for gently used items that you and your friends are willing to donate to be included in the sale. Questions? Peta Adovasio 2015 Lenten Study DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS MARCH 8, 2015 "FIELDS OF BLOOD: Religion and the History of Violence" by Karen Armstrong February 24 – March 24, 2015 6:00 – 6:30 PM Potluck 6:30 – 7:30 PM Study Tuesdays in Thursby Hall Questions or concerns? Please contact Susan Blakeslee: [email protected] or 321.504.1134. The View from the Corner Office Father Jerry Beaumont 325 Wilkinson St. #321 Chelsea MI 48118 [email protected] It is fairly safe to say that at some time or other we all have received a warning. Perhaps one of the best known warning is that supposedly given to Julius Caesar. I am sure you know it: "Beware of the ides of March, Caesar!" For many years the Latin Club of the University of Michigan posted a memorial to Julius mid-March in the Ann Arbor News. Now, while this may have been a 'nice' touch and Shakespeare would certainly approve, the fact remains that Julius apparently did not take notice or act upon the warning! The teachings of Jesus may not be construed as 'warnings' in the strictest sense of the word but certainly are indications and models for our lives and conduct as His followers. There are numerous examples which could be cited as to how we should treat our fellow humans, animals, the earth itself. We are admonished to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated. How if asked we should help another with offering our own cloak. This I find as a rather interesting "warning" because under Roman Law (Lex talionis) a Roman soldier could order you to carry his shield or pack and you could not refuse. As for going the extra mile, that fell under the same edict. We all know how Roman Law worked: You do things my way or suffer the consequences! Jesus offered each of us by way of His teaching and example the means to live a better life. The world would be a much more peaceful place if we followed Him more closely. We would truly see ourselves as our neighbor's keeper without expecting reward of any kind! We are now in the season of Lent which in past years placed a heavy emphasis on "giving up" something. For many it was a time of fasting, giving up meat on Fridays and examination of personal sins. We have come to the place where we still need to take a close look at our lifestyle but also to seek out that which we can do for others, to perhaps take the opportunity to read, study and learn more about the Bible, Jesus and the early companions of Jesus. What you might ask can I do during this Lent? Well, for example, you could pick up the telephone and call someone who is on the Prayer List and simply let the person know that you were thinking about them. You might go the library and ask the librarian for some suggestions regarding a book on a specific individual mentioned in the Bible. Seek out someone with whom you haven't been in contact for a while. The possibilities are endless! The Hebrew greeting is I think delightful, translated roughly as follows: Peace be to you which is answered with and to you be peace. Isn't that which Lent helps us achieve? May you enjoy a Holy Lent. PAX, Fr. Jerry+ PS: I appreciated all of the e-mail and Facebook birthday greetings, thank you. JFB+ 2 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 Coffee Hour Guild The COFFEE HOUR GUILD is growing. A number of people have joined the Guild which supplies simple Sunday morning treats. The guild has five (5) teams, one for each Sunday of the month. You are invited to join a Coffee Hour Team for the Sunday of your choice. Sandy Baldwin is available to answer any questions and to sign up volunteers. You may also contact her by phone, 321-253-8601 or by email, [email protected]. Thank you to those who have signed up so far: FIRST SUNDAY MONTHLY Clarice Costello Jennifer Quimby Vicki Stewart Judith Gonzalez Lynne Mims Joi Robertson SECOND SUNDAY MONTHLY Patti Praetorius Dianne Kinser Fred Woelk Jane Peltz Liz Schorr THIRD SUNDAY MONTHLY Carol & John Bowers Pat O’Brien Fred & Lou Prudhomme Fran Lake Jean Bowden FOURTH SUNDAY MONTHLY Judith Gonzalez Vicki Stewart Chuck Drummond Shirley Cardin FIFTH SUNDAYS + Substitute Shirley Cardin Carla Jones Marla Glover Coffee Makers: 8 AM = Ed Stucke & 10 AM = Sandy Baldwin Sunday School Sunday School welcomes all children ages 3 and up who are toilet trained and comfortable being in the Sunday School room without a parent. Miss Vicki has an informational form for all parents to fill out. The classroom opens at 9:55 AM. Children are brought into the service to rejoin their parent at the Peace. We need safety scissors for Sunday School. If you have a spare pair or two, please give them to Vicki Baughan. We promise not to run with them. St. Mark’s Prayer Team The telephone Prayer Chain has been updated to an telephone/email Prayer Team so more people have the opportunity to participate as their schedule permits. If you want to join the Team or have a prayer request, please contact Carolyn at the church office: [email protected] or 636-3781. The Order of St. Luke OSL (The Order of St. Luke the Physician) members are available during Communion on Sundays and Thursdays for prayers of intercession and healing. Central Brevard Sharing Center Thank you for your continuing support of The Central Brevard Sharing Center. Suggested items to share: canned meats and fruit, peanut butter and jelly, pasta, spaghetti sauce, powdered milk, instant mashed potatoes, oatmeal (individually packaged), rice, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles. They also welcome unused toiletries, tooth paste and tooth brushes. 3 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 Schedules MARCH 1 2 LENT MARCH 8 3 LENT MARCH 15 4 LENT MARCH 22 5 LENT MARCH 29 PALM SUNDAY APRIL 5 EASTER DAY LAYREADERS 8:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Blakeslee Barber Lector, OT Blakeslee Lector, Epistle Adovasio 8:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Bisbey Borger Lector, OT Bisbey Lector, Epistle Scott 8:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Costello Wright Lector, OT Costello Lector, Epistle Duff 8:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Barber Blakeslee Lector, OT Barber Lector, Epistle Norman TENEBRAE SERVICE 8:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Wright Costello Lector, OT Wright Lector, Epistle Pekar 10:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Hickman Mims Lector, OT Hickman Lector, Epistle Acolyte, PC ALTAR GUILD/ FLOWER GUILD 1 USHERS* 8:00 AM Stevens 10:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Brown Schorr Lector, OT Brown Lector, Epistle Acolyte, PC 10:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Anstey Meers Lector, OT Anstey Lector, Epistle Acolyte, PC 10:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Meers Hickman Lector, OT Meers Lector, Epistle Acolyte, PC 2 3 4 2 1 8:00 AM Shawler 8:00 AM Pekar Jones 8:00 AM Bisbey Knodel 9:00 AM Belle Hickman 8:00 AM Shawler 10:00 AM Anstey COFFEE HOUR GUILD 1 HOME EUCHARIST* Barber Spearman 10:00 AM Davis 10:00 AM Williams 10:00 AM Wagner 2 3 4 Baldwin Anstey Hickman 9:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Borger Brown Lector, OT Borger Lector, Epistle Scott* *Epistle will be read by Lector 10:00 AM Lay Eucharistic Ministers Mims Schorr Lector, OT Mims Lector, Epistle Acolyte, PC 10:00 AM Anstey 5 1 Perdue *If you will be unable to serve your scheduled time, please trade days or call Beverly Jones, 639-7104. MARCH 1 2 LENT MARCH 8 3 LENT MARCH 15 4 LENT MARCH 22 5 LENT MARCH 29 PALM SUNDAY APRIL 5 EASTER DAY ACOLYTES Team 1 10:00 AM PC Co Mims FS Ca Mims SS J Mims CC R Finegan OSL H Finegan THURIFER Team 2 10:00 AM PC K Canada FS M Cole SS M Cassis CC K Davis OSL M Cassis THURIFER Team 3 10:00 AM PC C Jones FS M Baughan SS B Menyhart CC K Menyhart OSL Team 4 10:00 AM PC S Shamlin FS R Wagner SS X Robertson CC J McClure OSL TENEBRAE SERVICE THURIFER THURIFER Team 1 10:00 AM PC Co Mims FS Ca Mims SS J Mims CC R Finegan OSL H Finegan THURIFER BOAT BOAT BOAT BOAT BOAT 9:00 AM If you are unable to serve, contact Karen Shamlin at [email protected] or 212-8771. Home Communion If you or a member of your family would like to receive home communion, please contact Beverly Jones at [email protected] or 321-639-7104. We are an old established church. We go back to the founders of our country. We have a great Christian school in which young people are welcomed from all faith perspectives. We sing traditional hymns and hear beautiful music. The homilies encourage us to explore rather than explain faith. We push aside easy answers. We enjoy our fellowship. We meet interesting people. We view science as a partner, not an adversary. We share one bread and one cup. We share the joys and sadnesses that life presents and support each other on our journeys. We differ in belief, yet pray together! 4 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 Birthdays MARCH 1 5 Susan Kennedy Jean Coleman 6 Anita Strada 7 Charles Tornabene Billy Mims 9 Ann Duff Father Tom Gibson Ron Stewart 17 Bill Pierre 18 Wayne Cole Julie LeMaitre Kelly Privette 21 Matt Gunter Mary Lindholm Jim Wham Mary Adams Zackary Rife 11 Cassandra Jones 2 Alison Smith 12 Doris Heller 3 Dabney Davis Paula Pekar 14 Jean Yoches Lynne Mims 4 Thomas Guyton III John Porter Carmela Taglieri 15 Ryan Taylor 23 Liz Schorr Sally Harmon 16 John Bisbey Melinda Meers 24 Teresa Anstey 22 Cherie Elebash Peyton Elebash Rosina Kight Alexandra Pugliese 25 Robert Kenaston Jr. Ian Rankins 26 Tucker Lynn 27 Jacquie Allen Angelique Cassis Brianna Potter 30 John Macheras Please call the church office, 636-3781, to add your name to our birthday list. ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND ACADEMY Website: www.stmarkscocoa.org Website: www.stmarksacademy.org Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 4 Church Street, Cocoa, Florida 32922 Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Telephone: (321) 636-3781 FAX: (321) 632-9858 THE BISHOPS OF THE DIOCESE OF CENTRAL FLORIDA The Right Reverend Gregory O. Brewer THE PARISH STAFF The Reverend Thomas W. Gibson, Rector Academy Head– Joi Robertson Parish Musician - Tim Hartsfield Parish Life Coordinator – Beverly V. Jones Assistant Organist – Linda Cox Parish Administrator – Carolyn Hawkins Sextons – Dale Taylor, Shane Cassis THE VESTRY Father Gibson Sandy Baldwin Barry Brown Marla Glover Ray Knodel Nancy Loiselle Jane Perdue Steve Ridder Delores Spearman Richard Wagner A potluck of people Many congregations enjoy gathering for potluck dinners — meals largely unplanned, when people bring food to share. Usually, the main dishes, salads and desserts balance out. The fun is the variety mixing together on a plate and the surprise factor of what’s contributed. Churches and communities — even families — are potlucks of a sort, too. When groups assemble, each person contributes something unique and sometimes unexpected. When all is mixed together, the whole is truly greater than the sum of the parts. A beautiful balance often results: One is a good singer, the other writes well; some are strong leaders, others dependable team members; some are traditional, others innovative. Together, it’s delicious! Potlucks are sometimes called covered-dish dinners. But don’t keep your gifts “covered”! Share them because you’re a valued part of the whole. 5 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 Calendar MARCH SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Potluck 6:30 Lenten Study 10 AM - 5 PM Spring Arts and Crafts Fair 7:00 PM Choir 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 10 AM Healing and Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Potluck 6:30 Lenten Study 3 LENT 8 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:55 AM Sunday School 10 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II 10 AM - 5 PM Spring Arts and Crafts Fair 10:35 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 16 17 18 19 10 AM Healing and Holy Eucharist 4 LENT 8 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:55 AM Sunday School 10 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II 22 Academy St. Patrick's Potato Feast Lunch 23 Academy 1:30 PM Dismissal Professional Development 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Potluck 6:30 Lenten Study 7:00 PM Choir 24 25 8 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:55 AM Sunday School 10 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Potluck 6:30 Lenten Study 6:30 PM Vestry 7:00 PM Choir 11 AM - 10 PM Spring Praise Fest Riverfront Park 10:35 AM Bible Study 5 PM Movie In the Park + Food Trucks 26 10 AM Healing and Holy Eucharist 10:35 AM Bible Study 5 LENT 7 PM ST. MARK'S SPRING FLING YARD SALE PREVIEW GALA 27 7 AM - 4 PM ST. MARK'S SPRING FLING YARD SALE St. Mark's Episcopal Academy Spring Break: 3/23 - 3/27 29 PALM/PASSION SUNDAY 9 AM Tenebrae Service SATURDAY 7 10:35 AM Bible Study DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS 15 FRIDAY 6 10 AM Healing and Holy Eucharist 2 LENT 8 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:55 AM Sunday School 10 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite II 8 THURSDAY 5 30 31 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist PRAYER TO END EXTREME POVERTY "The world now has the means to end extreme poverty, we pray we will have the will." 6 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 28 7 AM - 4 PM ST. MARK'S SPRING FLING YARD SALE Academy “Joi-full” News Joi M. Robertson Head of School Developing the gifts and talents of students since 1954. Dear Parishioners, Our annual auction night is just around the corner! This is the Academy's biggest fundraiser of the year. Last year, we raised over $35,000 last year which enabled us to make some significant upgrades and improvements to the school. This year our event will be held on Saturday, March 7th at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel on Cocoa Beach. Our theme is all about following our dreams. It is the 75th anniversary of the cherished movie, The Wizard of Oz and we have chosen this theme in honor of fulfilling the dreams of our students. Please help them to follow their yellow brick road to success! 2 Church Street Cocoa FL 32922 321-639-5771 If you would like to attend the event, email [email protected] or call 639-5771 for more information on obtaining tickets. Alternatively, if you have an item that you would like to donate to the auction, please drop off at the school office at your convenience. Together we can make our children's dreams come true! Joi M. Robertson Head of School [email protected] Academy Spring Break: March 23- 27, 2015 7 THE MASTER KEY – MARCH 2015 The Master Key SAINT MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4 CHURCH STREET COCOA, FLORIDA 32922 THE MASTER KEY NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U S POSTAGE PAID COCOA, FLORIDA PERMIT NUMBER 124 MARCH 2015 If you want to be added to/deleted from St. Mark’s email list, please contact Carolyn at [email protected] Special Dates AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH MARCH 1, 2015 Second Sunday in Lent MARCH 8, 2015 Daylight-Saving Time Begins Third Sunday in Lent MARCH 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Lent MARCH 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Lent MARCH 29, 2015 Palm/Passion Sunday
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