St. Mark’s Episcopal February 19, 2015 901 W . Emery St. Dalton, GA 30720 OFFICE: 706-278-8857 Like us on Facebook at St. Mark’s Dalton From the Priest-in Charge WEBSITE: CONTACT INFO FOR PRIEST-IN-CHARGE: Rev. Beth Royalty 651-253-5920 cell 706-229-0425 home [email protected] Dear Friends: Lent is one of the special gifts that the Church in her wisdom gives to us. It is not in the Bible, but evolved in the very early church as a way for converts to prepare for Christian Baptism. Lent gives us permission to take a few weeks to de-clutter our minds, our hearts, our heads and maybe our health to make way for more time between us and God. It is certainly a time of penitence, and as the Call to a Holy Lent that is read at every Ash Wednesday service says, a time that we can engage in a number of disciplines, such as “self-examination and repentance, prayer fasting, and self-denial… reading and meditating on God’s holy Word…” The idea is to be intentional about creating space to work on ways in which we can draw closer to God and to claim the notion that God remembers us in our frailty, our weakness, our sin, and still shows mercy and compassion in God’s forgiveness and love. God desires to shower us with overwhelming love; Lent is a time when we can experiment with running toward that love and all that it calls from us in response, instead of running away. I hope that you can connect to worship and formation opportunities at St. Mark’s this Lent, or find other disciplines that are meaningful to you in these next six weeks. Easter is on April 5. We have forty days and nights to travel in a pilgrimage of prayer and holy disciplines toward that Empty Tomb. I invite you to the observance of a holy Lent. Beth+ THE BULLETIN BOARD PAGE 2 Christian Formation Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade children are using the Whirl curriculum . The Sixth through Eighth grade students will continue lessons in the re:form – Ancestors curriculum. The Senior High Class will continue a series of lessons focusing on: “Characteristics of a Spiritual Life”. This Sunday we will be considering Lent & how we can commemorate the solemnness of Lent while still spreading the Good News of the Resurrection. EYC will meet at 5:00 pm. on Sunday, February 22. The Youth Prayer Breakfast will not meet Friday, February 20 at Panera’s at 7:15 am. Keurig Chronicles Keurig Chronicles will meet in the library - all adults are invited and welcomed. Preschool Registration Preregistration for the 2015-2016 school year for all interested persons is underway and going well. If you would like to register your child, please contact Ellen at [email protected]. Peter's Free Wheelin’ 5K Plan to join in the fun on Saturday, March 7 at St. Mark’s Church. Last year, the event brought the community together to celebrate not only the life of Peter Andersen but to celebrate all children. It was a very joyous occasion. This year we have added a 1 mile fun run that takes place before the 5K. My Team Triumph will participate again- pairing disabled individuals with able bodied "angels". We are currently looking for sponsors for the 2015 race. We accept any amount but sponsors with donations $100 or over will be listed on the t-shirts. Sponsorship forms are available at the church or from Ellen. It is very easy to sign up to participate in the race and we welcome all ages and ability levels. We have forms at the church or sign-up is available using the link found on Facebook or the church website: Registration is at 7:30 am; Fun Run, 8:30; and 5K, 9:00. If you would like to volunteer to help the day of the race, please contact Thierry Urbain - [email protected] or Phil Reisz - [email protected]. STEWARDSHIP REPORT Giving for February as of 2/15/2015: Pledge: Plate: Total giving for Feb. M-T-D Budgeted: Difference: $ 17,511.00 $ 818.00 $ 18,329.00 $ 17,923.50 $ 405.50 Y-T-D Budgeted: Y-T-D Received: Difference: Line of Credit: $ 43,330.50 $ 42,090.10 $ (1,240.40) $ 0.00 Thank you for your generosity and support for the work of God here at St. Mark’s! February 22 - 28 Fabeka Rodriquez Paul Johnson Kathi Reisz Jack Setters Chris Brown Gary Keeble, Jr Butch Hicks THE BULLETIN BOARD PAGE 3 LENT AT ST. MARK’S Sundays in Lent – 8:00 am – Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 am – Christian Formation for all ages. Especially for Adults: “Give it Up!: A Lenten Study for Adults”. This book will invite us to think of ways, even in the midst of very busy lives, we can find times for retreat and contemplation by creating spaces in our days. We will examine through scripture, reflection and discussion the things that crowd our days, lend noise to our lives, and might have become barriers to connection with our interior lives, our spiritual selves, and God. 11:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II with Chancel Choir/Organ 5:30 pm - Soup Suppers and Study (Study will be 6:15 – 7:30 pm) Gather for a simple supper of soup, salad and bread and then stay for a study of the Beatitudes. Using “Blessed are You: The Beatitudes of Jesus in Scripture and in Life”, we will examine the Old Testament roots and context of the Beatitudes and explore the contemporary implications of those powerful words. This study requires pre-registration, and a cost of $13.00 will cover the curriculum workbook for each participant. PLEASE EMAIL REV. BETH AT [email protected] IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REGISTER. Minimum 8 people needed for this class to be scheduled. Wednesdays in Lent: 7:30 am – Book Study of Barbara Brown Taylor’s “Learning to Walk in the Dark”. Beginning Wednesday, February 25, we will gather at The Perfect Cup on W. Crawford Street to discuss the issues raised in this newest offering from Barbara Brown Taylor. (Note—this was originally scheduled on Thursday mornings.) 12:15 pm – Holy Eucharist and the Laying of Hands for Healing Women’s Lenten Retreat – March 13 - 14: “NOURISH YOUR SOUL” All women are invited to take part in this year’s Lenten Retreat. We will gather at The Wren’s Nest in Dalton on Friday, March 13 at 5:30 for fellowship, good food, and time to reflect on those things that nourish our souls. Saturday’s activities begin at 9 am and continue throughout the day, ending in a time of reflection and Holy Eucharist at 4:30. In between we will have choices of yoga, acupuncture, massage, art, hiking, walking the labyrinth, a special time of flower arranging, making prayer boxes, writing prayers, and simply visiting with new and old friends over lunch and sitting together. If you crave quiet time to journal or read or meditate, you will be able to find a quiet corner to sit and rest. Register by Tuesday, March 10 by calling the Rev. Beth Royalty at the church office (706)278-8857 or emailing her at [email protected]. Retreat cost is $40.00. A Lenten Choral Evensong – Sunday, March 8 at 4:30 pm Come join us in this uniquely beautiful Rite I service replete with ancient plainchant and the resplendent music of Thomas Tallis, Edward Bairstow, Richard Farrant, Thomas Mudd, and many more. This Evensong will be led by the Chancel Choir of St. Mark’s. “Turn Around Sunday Last Week” Last Sunday, February 15, was the last Sunday after The Epiphany, and World Mission Sunday in our national Episcopal Church. We began a new thing at the 11am service, in response to God’s call to each of us to go back out into the world after Eucharist. The post-communion prayer on page 366 of The Book of Common Prayer says, “And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.” After the work at the Altar is done, we are to get out of the church, to enter back into the world, to do our work. Starting last Sunday, as the Crucifer and Cross head back down the aisle leading the choir and clergy and Lay Eucharistic Ministers away from the Altar, the congregation is asked to physically turn around, as the Cross passes them, and face the doors leading out into the world. When the dismissal is given, the congregation is facing the one giving the dismissal, instead of having their backs to her or him. The Opening Hymn in our service is commonly called the Processional. Now, our closing hymn becomes a Processional as well as we process out into the world. The rubric in the bulletin will read, “We turn to follow the Cross as we prepare to go out into the world in peace.” Thanks to you all for being willing to try something new – an “experiment” in worship that will help us all be more intentional about the mission of God. PAGE 4 THE BULLETIN BOARD Church Staff February Sunday, February 22 - Lent 1 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 am Christian Formation 11:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 pm EYC 5:30 pm Lenten Supper 6:15 pm Lenten Study Program Monday, February 23 10:00 am Quilting for Others Wednesday, February 25 7:30 am Book Study at “Perfect Cup” 12:15 pm Healing/Holy Eucharist 5:00 pm Canterbury Ringers 6:00 pm St. Cecilia Choir 8:30 pm Chancel Choir Sunday, March 1 - Lent 2 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 am Christian Formation 11:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 pm EYC 5:30 pm Lenten Supper 6:15 pm Lenten Study Program Priest-in-Charge The Rev. V. Beth Royalty Director of Music/Organist Adam Burnette Financial Administrator Angela Palmer Parish Administrator Nancy Bell Preschool Director Ellen Andersen Webmaster Sue Killcreas Vestry Administration Alicia Alderman - Sr. Warden [email protected] John Schwenn [email protected] Christian Formation Brenda Hoffmeyer [email protected] Finance Tom Minor [email protected] Missions Cindy Michaels [email protected] Chris Stearns [email protected] Parish Life Beth Haney Bennett [email protected] Pastoral Care Alicia Alderman Property & Grounds Andrew Hull [email protected] Stewardship Chris Stearns Welcoming Mike Andersen [email protected] Worship John Schwenn PAGE 5 Intercessory Prayer List – February 2015 (Parishioners indicated by *) *Walter Arms Estrella Avila Jim Lord *Ron Arnold Lynn Bailey Hannah Locke and family *Ben Blackburn Teresa Bennett Ann Lumpkin *David Blackburn Mae Blessing Bridget McClure *William Brammer Angie Boykin Vikki Brown McMillan *Charlotte Bryant Ava Bramlett Bud McNally *Jon Burchfield Margie Bruner Debbie Melton *Jeanne Burr Mary Bucy Esme Miller *Patti Cole Eva Burchfield Teresa Mitchell *Carey Craig Mark Burnette Martha Painter *Ray Elrod Marita Cantrell Suzie Palmer *Melba Greene Richard Carvajal Tim Palmer *Bowen Halverson Judith Catalano Mary Elizabeth Paris *Jake Harrison Linda Chase Susan Phinney *Martha Hoole Jeri Cotnam Merilyn Ridley *Cathy & John Houser Mindy Cox Larry Roth *Josephine Jaconetti Virginia Cross Rosa Sanderson *Bill Jenkins Jaye Anne Creswell Alice Sarrett *Debbie Jones Faith Cuaresma Davis Sarrett *Phyllis & Steve Jordan Fran Ellis John Sewell *Judy Knight Turner Fordham Betty, Jim & Taylor Smoot *Tess Little Evie Gadette Travis Stewart *Kim Miller Betty Garman Terese *Alice Oosterhoudt Janet Goodroe Bailey Underwood *Norma Sanders Dinkins Grange Justin Watson *Bernadette Smith Shirley Gribble Nathaniel Wernsing *Meg & Pete Smith Chase Hair David Whittle *Pat and John Sportiello Grayson Hall John Wild *Virginia Weaver Edward C. Hoy Kathy Williams *Andrew Wood Howard Hull Hugh Wilson Hyde Family Joanne Yorgen Billy Jones Tian Justman Katherine Kelehear Jim Killcreas Peggy Krumlinde
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