HOLY TRINITY, DARLINGTON Sunday 15th February Sunday Next before Lent Sunday 22nd February Lent 1 8.00am Holy Communion Nick Barker 10.00am Parish Eucharist Hymns 190, 590, 379, 310, 252 1 Peter 3:18-22 Calvin Shreeve __________________________________ Mark 1:9-15 Catharine Wigram We offer a warm welcome Intercessions Gordon Tough to any visitors who are here with us today. Celebrant/ Preacher Nick Barker Do stay for refreshments after the service. 4.00pm Puppet Group 6.30pm Evening Prayer For those with hearing aids – there is a loop system Hymns: 606, 654, 572 If you use the gift aid envelope in the pews please Gen.2:15-17, 3:1-7; Rom.5:12-19 Gill Black complete the details. Then we are able to claim the tax on Psalm 119:17-32 your gift. Otherwise it is like loose collection. Leader Nick Barker Holy Trinity has its own WEBSITE on which the Pew Sheet is put every week and the diary every month. Please visit it at www.holytrinity-darlington.org.uk Twitter @trinitydarl www.facebook.com/holytrinitydarlington SCHOLARS LUNCH TODAY! FEBRUARY SPARE CHANGE: St Teresa’s Hospice Nick is at Stockton Parish Church this morning 8.00am – Andrew Wigram ASH WEDNESDAY is this Wednesday. There will be a service at 7.15pm with the imposition of Ashes. 10.00am – Parish Eucharist Hymns 144, 684, 516, 34, 279, 188 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Sarah Bradshaw Mark 2:23-3:6 Pauline Dunn Intercessions Pauline Huntley Celebrant/ Preacher Andrew Wigram LENT HOME GROUPS: Thursday evening in the vicarage on Praise Him – Songs of Praise in the New Testament and Tuesday afternoons at Andrew & Catharine Wigram’s with the theme of Faces Of Poverty. All welcome. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church 6.30pm - Evening Prayer Hymns: 538, AMR 55, 190 1 Kgs.19:1-16; 2Pet.1:16-21 Calvin Shreeve Psalm 2 (99) Leader Nick Barker 6.30pm - Youth Group @ 32 Skeldale Grove Ash Wednesday 18th February 2.00pm Mothers’ union 7.15pm Eucharist with imposition of ashes Thursday 19th February 9.30am Thursday Eucharist (NB) Saturday 21st February 10.00am Lent Deanery Morning Prayer for the sick: John Pearson, Eva Cummings, Brenda Preston, Liz Blackman, Michael Bishop, David Ruddock, Ken Barron, Lyn Metcalfe, Sheila Temple, Paddy Robinson Recently died: William Barker Years Mind (Sunday) Feb 15 Beatrice Clarke, Ian Farnley; 16 Margaret Watt, George Harrison, Alf Chatell, Ken Parkinson; 17 Charles Clarke; 18 Thomas Cummings, Albert Theakston (Thurs) 19 Ronald Clark; 21 Jacintha Kent, Stewart Williams, Ernest Crumble, Callum Davies-Parkinson, Keith Hayton BREAK FOR LENT – Every Monday in Lent at 10.30am in St Cuthbert's Church beginning on 23rd Feb. Would you be able to help serve coffee and provide scones for 9th March? Please see Katherine. LENT DEANERY MORNING – join Judy Hirst on Saturday 21st Feb. at Sadberge Village Hall, 10am12.30pm as she explores the theme of her book ‘Struggling to be Holy’. Revision ELECTORAL ROLL - Anyone not on the roll who is resident in the parish or been worshipping in Holy Trinity for 6 months is invited to join electoral roll. POETRY EVENING -Wednesday 11th March at 15 Greencroft Close at 7.15pm. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – Friday 6th March at the Salvation Army in Thompson Street East (No. 9 bus to Springfield would get you there!) Prepared this year by the women of the Bahamas. "COME AND SING FAURE'S REQUIEM” at Holy Trinity on Sat 28th Feb. Workshop for singers 2.30pm - 5pm Performance being offered "in a spirit of prayer for Lent" at 7pm. To join the singing please contact the organizer at [email protected] If you wish to join the combined choir to sing JOHN STAINER'S THE CRUCIFIXION on Sat 21st THE REAL EASTER EGG – place your order on the list March at 7 pm at St Cuthbert’s Church – list at back in church. Please see Mary Grimes for more info. rehearsals will be on Friday 6th, 13th and 20th March in addition to a full rehearsal on Saturday 21st March Brownies and Guides are collecting SAINSBURY’S from 4:30 – 6 pm. Please sign the list at the back of ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS. Please put on the table at church. the back of Church for collection. Thank you.
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