HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH HIGH WEST STREET, DORCHESTER www.holytrinitycatholicchurchdorchester.org.uk Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. John Rice Deacon: Rev. Nicholas Thompson Parish Sisters: Sister Alphonsa D.S.F.S. Sister Mini D.S.F.S. Sister Raji D.S.F.S. The Presbytery & D.S.F.S. Convent Holy Trinity Parish Centre, Culliford Road North, Dorchester DT1 1QG. Tel: 01305 251976 (Presbytery) 01305 264355 (Convent) St. Mary’s Catholic School, Lucetta Lane Dorchester DT1 2DD. Tel: 01305 262258 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Psalter Week 1 Scripture Readings – Genesis 9:8-15 Psalm 24 1Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15 Sunday 22nd February Holy Mass – 8:30am – For the People of the Parish Holy Mass – 10:30am – Mary Nicholson - Intention Monday 23rd February No Holy Mass Tuesday 24th February Morning Prayer – 9:20am/Holy Rosary -9:35am Holy Mass – 10am – For all at St. Mary’s School Divine Mercy Rosary Wednesday 25th February Morning Prayer – 10:50am/Holy Rosary – 11:05am Holy Mass – 11:30am – Fr. Chacko - Intention The Divine Mercy Rosary Thursday 26th February No Holy Mass Friday 27th February Day of Abstinence Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – 9am Morning Prayer – 9:15am/Confessions – 9:30am – 10:30am Evening Prayer – 4:20pm/Benediction – 4:35pm Holy Mass – 5pm – Maria & Wackaw Watras – Intention Stations of the Cross – 5:30pm Saturday 28th February Morning Prayer – 8:20am/Holy Rosary - 8:35am Holy Mass – 9am – Mark. A. Watras – Intention The Divine Mercy Rosary Confessions – 10:30 – 11:30am A BIG THANK YOU – I would like to thank everyone who turned out last Sunday for my sixtieth birthday party at the Parish Centre. I really enjoyed the day and was delighted to have so many of you with me to celebrate the gift of life given to me by our loving God for the last sixty years. Thank you also for all your cards and presents and for all the prayers and Holy Masses that have been and will be offered for my intentions – that means so much to me. Special thanks to Geoff, Meddy & Michelle Markham and to the Sisters and to to all who helped to arrange and prepare for the day. So many also helped out on the day and provided the lovely food. I want to thank you all for making it such a special occasion for me. God bless you and your families. ANOTHER INVITATION TO BE WITH JESUS - Next Friday, 27th February, the Most Blessed Sacrament will be Exposed throughout the day from 9am to 4:45pm. You are warmly invited to come to the church to adore Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and to spend time in His presence to deepen your faith and your love for Him. You are also invited to come before Him to pray for the needs of the Church and the world and for your own needs and intentions. Come also to express sorrow for sins committed against His Most Sacred Heart (Confessions will also be heard during this time) and to pray for the conversion of sinners. Jesus will certainly bless all who come to Him in this wonderful Sacrament - in the words of Pope Paul VI, - Just as you cannot be exposed to the sun without receiving its rays, neither can you come to Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament without receiving the Divine Rays of His Grace, His Love, His Peace. Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is, God with us, day and night. He is in our midst. He dwells with us full of grace and truth. He restores morality, nourishes virtue, consoles the afflicted, strengthens the weak. (Mysterium Fidei). Please sign the list at the back of the church if you can promise to attend for a particular hour as someone has to be present during the whole period of Exposition. Thank you. THE DIVINE MERCY ROSARY – During Lent we will be praying the Divine Mercy Rosary before Holy Masses on Sundays and afterwards on weekdays. This devotion was given to the Church by Jesus through St. Faustina and the prayers are offered in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world and are thus very fitting for the Lenten season and as part of our preparations for Easter. LENTEN LUNCHES – Lenten Lunches in the Church Hall commence next Wednesday 25th February, after Holy Mass at 11:30am. Proceeds will go to the Catholic Women’s League Relief and Refugee Fund and to the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales. ST MARY’S SCHOOL – We welcome the children (Years 3&4) staff, parents and helpers to Holy Mass in the church next Tuesday 24th February at 10am. LENT FAST DAY – Friday, 27th February, is Lent Fast Day. It is a day when we are asked by the Church to fast and to make a donation to CAFOD who will use our offerings to help some of the poorest people in our world. Gift Aid Envelopes will be made available this weekend. Please Gift Aid your offering if you are a taxpayer. Please note that this year the Government will match pound for pound all donations to Cafod. This is a real opportunity to substantially increase our giving to the poor. Please be generous. CATECHISM FOR THE CHILDREN OF OUR PARISH – Every Saturday morning, in school term time, we offer to the children of our parish an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith. If you would like your child to attend these classes please speak to Sister Mini. HOLY HOUR / EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, COMPLINE & BENEDICTION Thursday, 26th February at 7pm at the Presbytery Oratory. HOLY ROSARY GROUP – The Group will meet on Tuesday, 24th February at 6:45pm in the Lady Chapel.\ BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - If you are not a Catholic and would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith please speak to Fr. John. CONFIRMATION CLASS –The next class will be at 7pm on Tuesday 24th February in the Parish Centre. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CLASS – Tuesday 24th February at 4:30pm in the Parish Centre. INVITATION TO THE INAUGURAL MASS FOR FR. GUY DE GAYNESFORD -The School of the Annunciation is delighted to announce the date for the inaugural Mass for Fr. Guy de Gaynesford as the new Rector. The Mass will take place on the 26th of February at 12.05pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Buckfast Abbey. All are invited to attend this Mass, and Fr. Guy would be delighted to see you in the Grange Restaurant if you would like to take lunch there after the Mass. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE – The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24th February at the Parish Centre. Holy Mass will be celebrated for all the members of the CWL and their families at 7pm before the meeting. RETIRING COLLECTION FOR DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES – Bishop Mark has asked all parishes in the diocese to take a retiring collection which will be used to help fund the total cost of the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. This collection will be taken this Sunday, 22nd February. HELP YOUR PARISH BY GIFT-AIDING YOUR WEEKLY OFFERINGS – If you are a tax payer, the parish can reclaim the tax you have already paid on the weekly offering you make to the parish. Last year we were able to reclaim over £6000 from the Inland Revenue. Please consider gift-aiding your weekly offering as it will cost you nothing and greatly benefit our parish. Contact Ian Pinnington on email: [email protected], or phone: 01305 263731. FLOWER ARRANGERS – We are still looking for volunteers to join our small but dedicated team. If you can help please speak to Fr. John. FOUNDATION GOVERNORS - ST MARY’S SCHOOL – We are currently looking for committed, practising Catholics, to join the Governing Body at St Mary’s School. If you are interested please speak to Fr. John. CAFOD GROUP MEETING– Next Friday, 27th February at 6pm in the Parish Centre. Please bring your diaries. IT’S WEDNESDAY – The next meeting will be on 25th February from 2-4pm. Call in for a cup of tea and a chat. Join the craft or Scabble groups if you wish. All are welcome. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – On Thursday, 5th March, there will a service hosted by the Baptists at the Dorford Centre at 10:30am and another at the Quiet Space in Poundbury at 7:30pm. PRAY FOR THE SICK – Amelia Holt, Rose Yardley, Malcolm Brown, Clare Hymas, Denise Chapman, Deirdre Norton, Margaret Fitzsimons, Mary Gaillard and Catalina Guden USE OF CHURCH TOILET DURING HOLY MASS – The church toilet should only be used during Holy Mass for a genuine and urgent need. WEEKLY COLLECTION – £835:61 Thank-you. BONUS BALL COMPETITION – Bonus Ball – 22 – Rollover THE HOLY FATHER’S INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY – (Universal) – That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. (Evangelisation) – That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. QUOTE FOR THE WEEK - Without prayer it is impossible to resist temptations and to keep the commandments. St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
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