HRS NEWS Holy Rosary Catholic School, 1303 S. Green River Rd., Evansville, IN 47715, Ph: 477-2271, Website: Dear Parents, Students and Staff, Tomorrow for Good Friday, we will begin our day with the Stations of the Cross in church at 8:10am. We will conclude the school day with a special Good Friday service and Veneration of the Cross beginning at 1:30pm in church. Throughout the day we will make an extra effort to be quiet and reverent in honor of this most holy day. You are welcome to join us tomorrow for these services. April 2, 2015 Next Newsletter: April 16, 2015 The Holy Rosary School Newsletter is published approximately twice a month and posted on our website. Deadline for articles for the Newsletter is Wednesday by 3 p.m. Yesterday we distributed our extended school days information by email and by hard copy sent home with students. If you have not already reviewed the information, please be sure to do so as soon as possible. If you did not receive the information, please let us know and we will send another copy. Our extended days plan begins this coming week on Monday, April 6th. Because of the extension of the third quarter, report cards are going home on Friday, April 3. In addition, if we have not yet received a pre-registration form from your family to indicate if you will be enrolling at Holy Rosary next year, a form will be included with your child’s report card. Be sure to check backpacks this weekend! Follow us on Twitter @HolyRosaryEvv! Box Top Contest– April 6-17 Start sending in those box tops and labels! Congratulations to 7th grader, Max Bishop, who competed in the Indiana State Geography Bee on Friday, March 27th in Indianapolis! Max made it to the top 25 in the state! Wow! Way to go, Max! What an accomplishment! Beginning Monday, April 6th, send your child to school with their box tops and labels. There will be a bucket outside of the school office Please know of our continued prayers for our Holy Rosary Family of Families. May you all feel the wonderful blessings Christ brings as we celebrate His rising on Easter Sunday and every day! If the whole school collectively fills the bucket, they will earn an extra FREE DRESS day! The contest runs April 6-17. God bless our Holy Rosary Family of Families! For all His children, Joan Fredrich ☺ . Page 2 HRS NEWSLETTER NEWS FROM AROUND THE SCHOOL Summer Camp Registration Now Open! Are your kids looking for fun field trips and exciting activities this summer? Register for Holy Rosary’s Summer Camp! Camp begins May 26 and runs through July 24, 7am to 6pm daily. See the enclosed registration form for complete information. Hop-N-Ing Pledge Reminder Please have pledges/donations collected in your child’s Hop-N-Ing envelope and returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, April 6. In appreciation of our student’s efforts, K-4 students will receive FREE DRESS on Friday, April 17! Thank you for you support of the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center! State Archery Results Congratulations to the Holy Rosary archers who competed at the state competition last month! A total of 2,106 archers competed from 3rd grade to high school seniors. This was the single largest youth archery even in Indiana ever. Stefanie Springer and Allen Rudolph both scored a perfect round. Hayden Schneider, Stefanie Springer, Jenna Biggs, Grace Patterson, Jacob Flittner, and Ella Goffinet all recorded new personal high scores. In addition, Hayden’s score of 276 out of 300 earned 2nd place in the state among all 4th and 5th graders! He will compete at the national competition in May. Good luck, Hayden! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Apr 3 Apr 6 Apr 10 Apr 15 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 22 Apr 26 May 3-8 May 22 Make Up Day for Feb. 17 Make Up Day for Feb. 18 Spring Pictures– FREE DRESS Spirit Dress K-4 FREE DRESS for Hop-N-Ing Day of Joy Retreat for 2nd Graders making First Communion First Communion– Pictures and Dress Rehearsal (2nd Grade) First Communion (2nd Grade) HR Student Art Show on display Make Up Day for February 19 ISTEP Schedule Spring 2015 ISTEP+ Multiple Choice Assessment: April 27-May 6 (Grades 3-8) Way of the Cross On Good Friday, April 3, 2015 the Catholic movement Communion and Liberation will sponsor a Way of the Cross beginning at the Four Freedoms Monument in Downtown Evansville and concluding at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. We will begin at 3:15 pm and will reflect on the path that Christ followed for our redemption. The event should finish before 5:00 pm. Please join us for this public opportunity for prayer. If you have questions, please contact Fr. Alex Zenthoefer at [email protected]. School Tool Box will once again be our online ordering option for back to school supplies. You will be able to… Archery Team Members: Claudia Bonilla, Ivy Snowden, Allen Rudolph, Maggie Krutchen, Stefanie Springer, Hayden Schneider, Jenna Biggs, Ella Goffinet, Piper Barlow, Maria Laroia-Nguyen, Jacob Flittner, Grace Patterson, Nicholas Flittner, and Nathan Springer. Coaches: Bill Daily and Brande Springer. Order online & customize your child’s supply list to your needs Have it delivered free of charge to your home ($50 minimum order) Order up to 3 weeks before school starts - ordering begins May 1st. Watch for upcoming details! Page 3 HRS NEWSLETTER NEWS FROM AROUND THE SCHOOL Vanderburgh County Vaccine Awareness The Vanderburgh County Health Department, in partnership with Deaconess Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital, ECHO, EVSC and 4-C, have come together to explore vaccine awareness. If you are interested, please complete the survey available at the following link: The information you provide in this survey is completely confidential and should take only 5 minutes or less to complete. Thank you for your time and participation. Memorial Athletic Summer Camps Memorial High School will host a variety of athletic camps this summer for both boys and girls. Registration is now posted online via>Athletics>Summer Camps. Check it out as you make your summer plans! Middle School STEM Camp The Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education and SwISTEM Resource Center is excited to launch the Middle School STEM Innovation Camp during the summer of 2015. This camp will offer incoming 6th-8th grade middle school students the opportunity to "Think Outside the Box" by exploring a variety of techniques and activities from across multiple STEM disciplines in an engaging week-long day camp experience on the campus of the University of Southern Indiana. Participants will walk away inspired to continue their pursuit of a solid STEM Education and with a more defined understanding of career possibilities involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For more information, visit https:// Just Thinking This month’s series addresses the following questions: What are some of the ways in which issues of faith, family, and psychology overlap? How does the merge between these areas affect our daily lives? How can improvement in one area lead to improvement in another? March’s Just Thinking takes a closer look at just how issues of religion/spirituality, family, and psychology share many similar messages. The 4-part series,The Union of Faith, Family, and Psychology: Reuniting Old Friends challenges the often held notion that research and beliefs, especially with psychology and faith, lead to different outcomes and advice. Increasingly, many sources of evidence suggest that messages from all areas point to similar benefits and risks. Articles addressing this topic include the following: “The Double Helix of Faith and Family” “Turning Faith and Works Inside Out: A Psychologist’s Perspective” “The Insidious Role of Pride in Our Own Psychological Downfall” “Financial Stress: Auditing Our Money Woes” Article link: Series link: I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interest. Jim Schroeder, Ph.D. St. Mary’s Center for Children HOLY WEEK & EASTER Wow, it is almost time to put away the PURPLE for another season. We are in the midst of Holy Week. This is the holiest week of the whole Church year. Holy Week commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday); his gift of the Eucharist (Holy Thursday); and his suffering, death (Good Friday), and Resurrection (Easter). Holy Week is a time of final preparations and great anticipation. Our long-term preparations of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent will continue but with greater intensity. It is a perfect week to take time and really prepare our hearts, minds and homes for the amazing gift of God’s mercy that comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus. MAKE THIS WEEK COUNT! Holy Week Schedule Tuesday, March 31st Wednesday, April 1st Bob Barnett – parent Heather Barr - parent School Stations of the Cross 8:10 a.m. in Church School Passion & Veneration Service 1:30 p.m. Church Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 p.m. in Church Holy Saturday - April 4th Easter Vigil Service 8:00 p.m. in Church Easter Sunday – April 5th 7:00 a.m. Mass At Holy Rosary 8:30 am. Mass At Nativity 10:30 a.m. Mass At Holy Rosary (overflow seating available in the Parish Hall) 12:30 p.m. Mass in Spanish At Nativity Sam Newcomb - K Heather Barnett – parent/cafeteria staff School Prayer Service 8:10 a.m. in Church 6th Grade Retreat 12:45 Church & Parish Hall Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. in Church Good Friday - April 3rd Erin Hurt – parent/TH teacher 4th Grade Retreat 12:30 Church & Parish Hall Holy Thursday - April 2nd Did you know that 10 of the people who are being baptized or received into full communion with the Catholic Church at Holy Rosary on Saturday night have a school connection? Please pray for those who join us in faith. Chrism Mass At St. Benedict Cathedral 5:30 p.m. We are looking for food donations and volunteers for the Easter Vigil Reception on Saturday. Morning & Evening Volunteers needed. Contact Carol Ann 812-760-7738 /[email protected]/ 812-477-8923. Triduum Morning prayer Good Friday & Holy Saturday Morning (April 3-4) 9:00 A.m. C.D.T. (Evansville time) SAINT BENEDICT CATHEDRAL Giovanni di Paolo, Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1430-35) Evansville, INDIANA TAKE TIME GOOD FRIDAY AND HOLY SATURDAY TO PREPARE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST WITH THE MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH. People who pray are not wasting their time, even though the situation appears desperate and seems to call for action alone. —Pope Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est, no. 36 WAY OF THE CROSS Good Friday | April 3 | 3:15 pm Beginning at the Four Freedoms Monument and concluding at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in downtown Evansville Sponsored by Communion and Liberation The Cross is not an ornament that we must always put in the churches, there on the altar. It is not a symbol that distinguishes us from others. The Cross is mystery, the mystery of God who humbles himself, he becomes ‘nothing.’ He becomes sin. Where is your sin? ‘I don’t know, I have so many here.’ No, your sin is there, in the Cross. Go and find it there, in the wounds of the Lord and your sins will be healed, your wounds will be healed, your sins will be forgiven. The forgiveness that God gives us is not the same as cancelling a debt that we have with Him, the forgiveness that God gives us are the wounds of his Son on the Cross, raised up on the Cross. May he draw us towards Him and may we allow ourselves to be healed by him. - Pope Francis, April 2014 The Procession to Calvary, Pieter Bruegel Box Top Contest! Start sending in those box tops and labels! Beginning Monday, April 6th send your child to school with their box tops and labels. There will be a bucket outside of the school office. If the whole school collectively fills the bucket, they will earn an extra free dress day! You will have until April 17th to get them in! Spirit Wear Orders Holy Rosary PTO Officers Co-Presidents Heather Barnett 499-9307 Jennifer Flittner 499-2510 Treasurer Katie Schenk Spirit wear orders were sent home this week. We are still waiting on some from the printer. Those should be in by the beginning of next week and will be sent home with your child! Way to go HRS families! We raised over $10,000 towards our families tuitions shopping at Schnucks! Schnuck’s supports our school and the parish each time you swipe your eScrip Card. Need a card or have questions- contact Marietta @ 812-430-6961 “COME ONE, COME ALL” TO HOLY ROSARY SUMMER CAMP 2015 Come join us for a fun summer packed with many field trips, crafts, guest speakers, weekly themed activities and lots more. Camp begins Tuesday, May 26th through July 24th. We open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 6:00 p.m. Morning and afternoon snack are provided daily. Ages 4 and up or have already attended Totten Hall are welcome. Children are separated by ages. Lunch is provided on Mondays. Bring sack lunches Tuesday through Friday. Drop-ins are accepted if space available. All registration forms (on back) must be returned by Friday, April 17, 2015. More information will be sent to those who have registered. Prices: 5 Days: $95.00 per week for first child $85.00 per week for second child $75.00 per week for third child Drop-ins: $35.00 per day Each camper is required to pay an additional $55.00 non-refundable registration fee. This pays for all field trips, activities, crafts and one field trip t-shirt. Questions and registration forms may be emailed to Trina Virden or Susan Unfried at [email protected]. Holy Rosary Summer Camp Registration 2015 Family Last Name:_______________________________E-Mail________________________ Child’s Name: ________________________ Grade _______ Date of birth___________Size_________ Child’s Name: ________________________ Grade _______ Date of birth___________Size_________ _ Child’s Name: ________________________ Grade _______ Date of birth___________Size_________ Program Selected: _____ Daily _____ Drop In T-Shirt Size ______ Extra Shirt @ $7.00______ Parent Information Mother’s Name: Ms. Mrs: ___________________________________ Daytime Phone: _____________ Employer: ________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Mother’s Home Address: ___________________________City__________________ Zip ___________ Father’s Name: ________________________________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ Employer: ____________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Father’s Home Address: ____________________________City________________Zip______________ Names of those approved for child pick-up other than parents: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Information Please give the name and phone number of two people who may be contacted in case of emergency or illness, when the parent or guardian is not available. Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ In the event of illness or injury to my child, which in the judgment of the Holy Rosary After-School staff requires emergency treatment, my permission is granted to call the following doctors named, after attempts made to contact me by telephone have been unsuccessful: Doctor _______________________________ Phone ________________________________ Doctor ________________________________ Phone _________________________________ The hospital emergency room of my choice is ________________________________________ I hereby release the Holy Rosary After-School Care Program from any claim arising out of the doctor’s actions. All medical expenses shall be the parent’s responsibility. Parent/Guardian ________________________ Date ____________________ My child is allergic to the following: Medications: ___________________________________________ Foods: ________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________ *Please add other notes on back Holy Rosary & Nativity Parishes present Vacation Bible School June 8-12, 2015 9:00 – 11:30 Holy Rosary Campus Parents: _____________________________ Email: _______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Street City Phone: ____________________ Zip Emergency Contact: _______________________ Who can pick up your child(ren) from VBS: ____ Parent ____ Summer Camp ___ Other __________________________________________________________ name(s) and phone numbers _____ Child(ren) will stay for Holy Rosary Summer Camp the week of VBS. Children participating in HR Summer Camp the week of VBS will have their VBS registration fee paid by HR Summer Camp. Music and T-shirt fee is separate. All HR Summer Camp participants will be a part of VBS. Child’s Name Please include child’s last name if different Date of Birth & Grade during 2015-16 DOB Grade T-shirt Size Child sm (6-8) Child M – (10-12) Child Lrg (14-160 Adult S (34-36) Allergies & Medications Larger sizes available We are currently registering participants who are 3 years old through 11 years old. All participants must be potty trained. Older participants are invited to inquire about helping in one of the VBS areas. Student Volunteers who want “gizmos” from Imagination Station must pay $5.00 I would like to volunteer to help with one of the areas of VBS Bible Story Photography Snack Games Crew Leader Crafts I can help: Music & Skit M T W Registration TH F Preschool ALL VBS fee is $15.00 per child PLUS a $5.00 per family for a music CD (optional) and a $5.00 t-shirt fee per child (optional but must be paid at time of registration) Summer Camp Participants – Your VBS fee is paid by Summer Camp (music and tshirt is paid separate by the family). Children who attend SC part time will be assessed a per day fee on non-summer camp days if you attend VBS. Questions, please call Carol Ann at 477-8923 Please make checks payable to Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary Summer Social is fast approaching on May 14, 15 & 16. Here is how you can help us have another successful social. 1. Volunteer to help. Most shifts are only two hours and you get a FREE T-SHIRT. Sign-up forms are in the back of church, or call the Parish Office at 477-8923. AGAIN THIS YEAR – you can sign up by going online on the parish website – – then click on Holy Rosary Summer Social 2015. 2. Buy & Sell as many car/cash & quilt raffle tickets as you can. The raffles are our only way to make money should we get rained out and even if we don’t; they generate 65% of our revenue. Tickets were passed out at school, and are in the back of church, or fill out the order form you were recently mailed. (Buy before May 10th and get 7 for $100 instead of 6). 3. Spring Cleaning? The Silent/Chance Auction will take donations of any new or unused items – see trees in back of church for items needed, and if you have a creative side, Theme Baskets are always a hit! Contact Karen Baggett at 479-3908 for pick up or deliver them to the Parish Office. 4. Donations needed for games: - Mason Jars – filled with goodies for the Jazzy Jar Booth. Jars are in the back of church or you can provide your own. - Dime Toss – needs any type glassware or plastic ware. - Ring A Liter – 2 liter drinks (any flavors) - Candy Bar Wheel – Full Size Candy Bars - Wheel of Fun – any size stuffed animals - Cake Walk – sign up to bake or provide a cake. Sign-up forms are in the back of church or contact Trisha Smith at [email protected]. Boxes are provided. - Royal Flush & Crazy Ball – big plastic jugs of candy sold at Sams (participation prize). Please drop off at the Parish Office or you may leave them in the back of Church. Thanks in advance for helping make most all of our games expense free! 5. Calling all bakers and candy makers! The Sweets booth needs your donations of homemade or store bought goodies to sell. Homemade candy, especially chocolate and peanut butter fudge are popular items. Brownies, cookies, fruit, puppy chow & trail mix also sell well. Please place the items in sandwich sized or snack size baggies and bring them to the Sweets Booth during the Social or drop them off at the Parish Hall. Call Sylvia Groves at 490-6148 or 4993256 to volunteer to bake. Thank You! 6. Dessert Boxes for the nightly dinners will soon be available in the back of church. Please take some home and bring them back filled with a cake, pie, cupcakes or cookies for the dessert table. Call Mary Wolk at 402-0212 to volunteer. 7. Attend the Social and invite your family and friends to do the same. Eat dinner here, either inside the cafeteria from 5-7:30PM nightly serving Family Style Fried Chicken or Pork Chop Dinners and all the fixings or Carry-Out is offered in the Parish Hall and even offers a DriveThru Service! The Food Booths open nightly from 5-10PM and offer all the great festival food – burgers, tenderloins, cheese fries, walking tacos, bar-b-que, nachos, funnel cakes, pizza, homemade sweets, Lemon Shake-Ups, Roy Boy Shaved Ice & More! Hope to see you there! 8. Finally, PRAY that we are blessed, once again, with great weather, plenty of volunteers and another successful Social! Advertising Opportunity for Businesses on our Summer Social T-Shirts The Holy Rosary Summer Social (the first one of the season) is fast approaching on May 15, 16 & 17 and once again we are looking for t-shirt sponsors. We were fortunate in the past to have given every volunteer (over 800) a t-shirt. This has been possible due to the support of our advertisers. The t-shirts are worn by our 800+ volunteers while they are working the three day Social and many will continue to wear them out and about for years to come. They are always a hot commodity. In addition, our sponsors are thanked in our newsletter and Parish website. Also, AGAIN this year we will thank our Title, Platinum & Gold Sponsors on our sign on Green River Rd. So, you will get a lot of BANG for your BUCK. The sponsorship levels are as follows: Title Sponsor Platinum Level Gold Level Silver Level Bronze Level Booth Sponsor(sign) $1,000.00 $500.00 $400.00 $300.00 $200.00 $100.00 There is a deadline of April 17th. If interested, please contact Christine Gilles at 477-8923 or [email protected] Thank you in advance for your support of our 2015 Social. We consider our Social to be one of the best in town and with your help and generosity, we can continue our tradition. Reitz Memorial High School extends a special invitation to our Feeder School Students to come see their production of The Addams Family April 9th, 10th, 11th @ 7pm April 12th @ 2:30pm Dress up as your favorite Addams Family Member and you will receive $1 off your ticket price! Tickets can be purchased in advance at Spring Masquerade Saturday, April 11, 2015 5:30 pm – Midnight Old National Atrium Tickets: $45 per person Beverages, Dinner, Dancing, Silent & Live Auctions Proceeds to benefit St. Benedict Cathedral School Spring Masquerade Make Your Reservation Today Individual Ticket: $45 Qty: ______ Reserve a table for eight: $350 Qty: ______ We’d like to donate a ticket for a teacher to show our appreciation: $45 Qty: ______ We are unable to attend, but please find the enclosed donation: $__________ Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Please note (if applicable) what grade your children are in: ____________________________________________________ Please list the names of those seated at your table: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Total amount enclosed: $ ____________ Please send this card and payment by April 6th to: St. Benedict Cathedral Attn: Spring Masquerade 530 S. Harlan Avenue Evansville, IN 47714 Call 812-‐204-‐3375 with questions. Please see reverse side for additional sponsorship opportunities. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurological condistion that affects the way a person experiences and interacts with the world. Most people with ASD don’t ‘appear’ disabled, but their condition causes them to see the world as a confusing, have impared social interaction, delayed & disordered language, repetitive behavior, and have restricted range of intersest. Until recently, many people with ASD would be sent to an institution, while today most can live with their families or communities. Early intervention, and consistent access to care can greatly improve the development of a child with ASD. To find out more information, visit Please join the fight against childhood cancer! GIVE HOPE. RUN. April 25, 2015 Burdette Park, Evansville, Indiana What is Happening? On Saturday, April 25, 2015, Evansville, IN will host the 5th annual St. Jude Give Hope Run 5K charity run/walk and Kids Dash benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to fight childhood cancer. The event will be held at Burdette Park starting at 8:00am. In 2014, nearly 1500 people participated in the St. Jude Give Hope Run, raising over $120,000. Our goal for 2015, with your help, is to raise $200,000 for the kids of St. Jude. . Why St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital? St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas in 1962 in fulfillment of a promise to God, is one of the world’s premier centers for the research and treatment of pediatric cancer and other deadly childhood diseases. St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. St. Jude has increased the survival rates for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) from 4 percent before opening in 1962 to 94 percent today. St. Jude’s innovative research has also led to a dramatic increase in survival rates for children with many other types of cancer. St. Jude’s brain tumor science and technology are the cutting edge worldwide and St. Jude has the largest protocol-based pediatric brain tumor research program in the country. St. Jude is the national coordinating center of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium. Children from our Evansville community, all 50 states, and from around the world have come through the doors of St. Jude for treatment, and thousands more around the world have benefited from the research conducted at St. Jude — research that is shared freely with the global medical community. St. Jude is where doctors send their toughest cases, because St. Jude has the world’s best survival rates for the most aggressive forms of childhood cancers. How Can You Help? Form a team and walk or run with us! Your school will excite and engage your students and/or faculty by providing them an opportunity to participate in a truly inspiring community event. Registration for the 5K Walk/Run is $25 per person age 13 or older and includes an event T shirt and drawstring backpack. Each team member decides if they would like to be timed in the race. Children 12 and under can sign up for the Kids Kick Cancer Dash. Registration fee is $15. All those who participate will receive a T-shirt and race day pack. If you have people who are not able to be present on the day of the race, they can be virtual team members and still receive an event T-shirt and backpack with the above registration fees. Help us publicize the event by displaying our posters at school and distributing flyers to your students. Encourage your student led clubs to form a team and/or raise money as a service project. Host “free dress” or “Caps for Kids” for $1 donation. Many cancer patients lose their hair during treatment. Wearing a hat or baseball cap all day would serve as a reminder of these children. Organize a bake sale, car wash, school dance or other fun event and dedicate the funds raised to our St. Jude Give Hope. Run. Have a St. Jude / Defeat Cancer theme at a ball game. Accept donations and/or give a portion of the admission fee to our Give Hope. Run. The Evansville-St. Jude Connection In recent years over 65 children with cancer from the Evansville/Tri-State area have been treated at St. Jude. Even children treated at other hospitals have benefited from St. Jude as many treatment protocols are based on what is being done at St. Jude. St. Jude doctors and researchers freely share their knowledge with other hospitals around the world and are often consulted by doctors at other institutions. The Evansville St. Jude Give Hope. Run was started by St. Ben/St. Joe parishioners Craig and Katie Witsoe in 2011. The Witsoe family turned to St. Jude when their 3½ year old son, Sean, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Despite intensive treatment at St. Jude, Sean died in April 2010 just 2 days after his 5th birthday. In December 2012, lifelong St. John Newburgh parishioner, Memorial High School valedictorian and St. Jude patient Sam Featherstone brought awareness of the need for research for brain cancer to the Evansville area when he formed SamStrong: Search for the Cure. Unfortunately Sam died just a few days after his successful event at just 19 years old. We continue Sam’s mission of working for a cure. Please help! Statistics show that 1 in 285 people will have cancer before age 20. Every day 46 children in the United States are diagnosed with cancer and every day 7 children die from cancer. Cancer kills more kids than all other diseases combined. Research done at St. Jude is making a difference! St. Jude covers expenses not paid by health insurance and provides comfortable lodging for patient families. The daily operating cost of St. Jude is $2 million. This is a fun event the entire family can enjoy together. While getting exercise and raising money for one of the most respected charities, children will experience the joy of helping others. For more information or to register for the event, please visit If you have further questions or to learn more about SamStrong, please visit or contact Tammy Featherstone via email [email protected] or phone St. Jude representative Audi Chastain at (317) 587-0925 or [email protected]. “No child should die in the dawn of life.” Danny Thomas, founder
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