Monthly Newsletter - the Winterstown United Methodist Church

12184 Winterstown Rd
Felton, PA 17322
Contemporary Worship
Sunday School for All Ages
Traditional Worship
We’re on the Web!
Keith Schmuck - 717-244-1334
Cell - 717-850-6117
Day Care Director
Abby Streett
Office Fax
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 3:00PM
Bulletin Deadline
Wednesday by 10:00AM
Newsletter Deadline
15th of each month
[email protected]
Our Staff
“Jesus answered them: It is not the healthy that
need a doctor, but the sick; I have not come to
invite virtuous people, but to call sinners to
~ Luke 5:31-32
Winterstown United
Methodist Church
Lent is the season of the church when special
attention is given to the movement of mind and spirit
known as repentance. In popular usage and in many dictionaries, repentance is
equated with self-reproach. Being penitent means being remorseful for
misdeeds. The biblical concept of repentance, however, runs much deeper than
that, Repentance is not just “feeling sorry”, but turning back to God. This is
consistent with the Bible’s view that sin is not so much a particular act of
wrongdoing as a state of alienation from God.
There is a prayer of confession which we have prayed from time to time,
which, in part, goes like this: “We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost
sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts …
We have left undone things which we ought to have done, and done things
which we ought not have done.” In the teaching of Jesus the root cause of sin in
putting anything or anyone ahead of God on our schedule of concerns.
The Bible lays down only one condition for repentance: the sinner must
acknowledge, without rationalization or self-justification, that he has drifted away
(Continued on page 2)
Volume 2, Issue 3
March 2015
In this issue:
A Note from the Pastor
United Methodist Women
News and Notes
Birthdays and Anniversaries
(Continued from page 1)
(Continued from page 18)
from God and turn back contritely to re-establish the close Child-to-Father relationship which
has been impaired by inattention or disobedience. God does not require the penitent sinner to
grovel in remorse or to make amend.
This is made abundantly clear in the New Testament’s classic story of repentance,
Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son. In this famous parable, a son defies his father’s authority,
demands his inheritance in advance and leaves home to live it up in the big city. After he runs
through all his money, the prodigal son is driven by hunger to return home, hoping his father
will forgive him, at least to the extent of taking him on as a hired hand. He has no hope of
being accepted as a son and heir.
But the father in the parable - who represents God - does not wait for his erring son to
crawl back in humiliation. When the returning son is yet “a long way off” his father recognizes
him, runs out to meet him and flings his arms around him in a “welcome home” embrace.
As in all of Jesus’ parables, the point is simple and clear: God’s forgiveness is not
grudgingly extended. He rushes out to meet the returning sinner and offers him, not
punishment or scolding, but a loving welcome.
Praise God that he welcomes us home!
~Pastor Keith
Winterstown United Methodist Women
concert has been cancelled because we could
not get enough interest to house the choir.
The next Dig In day will be held on Saturday,
May 9, 2015. We will no longer be supporting
the Sierra Leona Project. We have decided to
take on a personal project in supporting Kari
Kinard as she goes back into the mission
Nurture: No report.
Growing Friends: They met on January 22,
2015. They have added five or six more
children since the beginning of the year. Abby
attended a conference, and it was very
educational and beneficial.
Bible Quiz
When the Pharisees complained about the noisy crowd praising
God as Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, what did he say
would shout out if the people were silent?
A. The stones
B. The trees
C. The palm branches
D. The donkey
Answer: A (See Luke 19:40.)
~Ella Jane Hess, President
Calendar Updates: We will try to get Kari
Kinard to speak one of the last two Sundays
in April.
All meetings in the church except for the
SPPR meetings are open meetings and can
Finance: We received and reviewed the year- be attended by anyone.
end 2014 reports.
Prayer Concerns: Foot and Rhada Gladfelter,
New Business: We reviewed the 2015 Derroll McGinnis, Elaine McGinnis, Charlene
ministry goals. Six task forces were created Emenheiser, John Marsteller, Kristi Love, and
and Leadership Team Members assigned as our church and congregation.
leaders. Additional members of the task force
will be selected by the leader. Patty Gingrich The meeting was closed with prayer by Pastor
will chair a task force to evaluate the needs Keith.
and services needed for our children. Ann
Daugherty will chair a task force to design,
implement, and administer a survey to the
congregation to learn their spiritual gifts,
talents, interests, and hobbies so that when a
Icy roads kept us from meeting in February, and so we will try one more
time for our "Call to Prayer and Self Denial" observance. Remember that a special
offering is taken at this service. March 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., Deb Shultz will be the
program leader for a condensed "Call to Prayer" service. The March program,
"Welcoming Women in All Stages of Life" will be presented by Ella Jane who is also
serving as hostess.
We look forward to seeing some new faces at our March meeting. Come and learn
about our passion for women, children and youth all over the world.
need arises, we will know who is best to
handle the situation. Ross Anderson will be
asked to chair a task force to plan a
stewardship program. Ann McGinnis will be
asked to chair a task force to implement a
communication team to develop a
communication plan. Terry Mee will chair a
task force to assist in implementing spiritual
growth opportunity for our church. Corey
Grove, Jay Beaver, and Bill Lowe will lead a
task force to research opportunities for church
consultation and evaluation.
payment for January and send the rest as a
Leadership Team Meeting principal payment. It was agreed upon that any
December 4, 2014
check $1,000 or over will require a second
signature, which will be the head of trustees.
Attendees: Pastor Keith,
Terry Mee, Ann Daugherty, Pastor Keith thanked the committee for their
Patty Gingrich, Jay Beaver, support.
Bill Lowe, Gabe Hildebrand,
& Corey Grove
Leadership Team Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2015
Pastor opened with devotions from Max
Lucado’s, “Grace.”
Present: Pastor Keith, Jay Beaver, Dick
Daugherty, Ann Daugherty, Corey Grove,
Staff Parish: Lorrie Yodzis and Amy Smith are Buddy McGinnis, Terry Mee, Gabe
doing well. Amy needs to get bonded.
Hildebrand, and Patty Gingrich
Outreach: We are gearing up for the Live
Nativity. Care packages to college students
have been sent. Shining Light Ministries is
doing well. All the money collected this
weekend will go to Landon, the son of a
teacher at Winterstown School, and Christa
Cubbage, daughter of Chris who attends our
church, young cancer patients. All 40 names
from the Angel Tree have been taken and gifts
Devotions were led by Buddy which included a
DVD presentation, Christian: It’s Not What
You Think by Andy Stanley – Are we
Disciples, or are we Christians?
The December meeting
reviewed and approved.
Trustees: A meeting with held for the
committee to select a chairman, Dick
Daugherty, vice-chairman, Steve Coby, and
Nurture: No report.
secretary, Kathleen Shaffer. They will be
working with Abby in the daycare to get ready
Terry Mee reported that the new heating/ for their inspection.
cooling unit is installed and working.
SPRC: Amy is now fully working on payroll
Growing Friends: Everything is going well. The with a little help from Connie. There is a
count is down a little.
$500,000 bond coverage on all employees.
Approval was given for Lorrie to get some
Trustees: Last meeting minutes were read. online Access training. The committee met
Richard Jackson has resigned as a trustee. with the District Superintendent regarding a
Glenn Huson will be asked to take the new pastor.
Outreach: The minutes from the last meeting
Finance: Conference payments are behind for were reviewed. The Nativity proceeds were
Connectional Ministries and Clergy Support by distributed to Servants, Inc. and Red Lion
approximately $19,000 at this point. Pastor will Community Services. The canned goods were
address the congregation concerning this on distributed to Covenant Food Pantry. We
Sunday. There is $5,155.11 in the Capital/ collected $2,663.86. Care packages were
Building Expansion Account. These are sent to ten college students from our
designated contributions. It was agreed to congregation. The Uganda Children’s Choir
keep $800 in the account for the interest
(Continued on page 19)
ministry started as an outreach to the community by
Winterstown U.M. Church 3 years ago. As we prayed, God
opened doors for us to receive clothing donations and other
household items that could be used to help families in need
in the communities around us. What started on a small
scale has now grown into a much larger ministry and we
found ourselves in a position where we had to rent a
warehouse at the rear of 401 East Locust Street in Dallastown in order to give us the needed space
to carry on God’s work.
Donated items are sorted, sized, folded or hung and then displayed in such a way to make
it easy for shoppers. Items are minimally priced in order to cover operating expenses for the ministry
such as warehouse rent, utilities, supplies, etc. Extra money throughout the year is then designated
for various outreach projects by the Shining Light board members. We have had the privilege of
helping a local missionary, 2 cancer patients, New Life for Girls, Back to School Fun Day and a
Drive-Through Nativity as well as several thousand people who have entered our doors over the
past 3 years. God even provided a way for us to share stained or torn clothing to be turned into
pocketbooks for chronically ill children through “Caitlin’s Smiles” and quilts for babies in hospitals.
Our mission is to reach as many people as possible and share with others what God so freely gives
to us!
Our work hours at the warehouse are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30
p.m. We are open to the public as an indoor yard sale 6 times throughout the year, but anyone who
needs us at ANY TIME throughout the year can call Pat Beck at 244-0239 or 818-2189 to make
arrangements for a private appointment. Families who cannot financially afford the minimal prices
we use on our items are given what they need with no strings attached. We let them know they owe
us nothing but they can give back to others by sharing a random act of kindness with someone else.
As you can imagine, there is much work that needs to be done and we are in need of many
volunteers to keep this ministry moving forward. It is not difficult work and there is always a job for
anyone…from the youngest to the oldest! If you are interested in volunteering or know of anyone in
need, we would love to have you get in touch with us! Helping people in need and seeing the faces
of appreciation of those we help goes beyond what words can express! God loves us all and He
wants us to share that love with the world…so send it on!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing this letter to share the great news that we will
be getting a full time pastor come July. I am excited to announce
that our next pastor will be Mitch Galloway, along with his wife
Carol. Mitch is currently ministering at the 4th United Methodist
Church in York. Mitch and Carol have two grown children and
several grand children. With a new pastor there comes change.
Yes, I said it, change. Nobody likes change, but the only thing in
life that is constant is change, and change is not all bad. It can be
good. We need to have open minds, because change can bring
renewing of souls. Change can bring about personal transformation. Change in the church
can bring about new ministries. Most important of all, change might help us to better fulfill
our Mission: Reaching, Loving, and Serving to create disciples for Jesus Christ. For after all,
that is the real reason we are here! The purpose of this church is to reach outside of these
walls, to people who are in need, to people who are searching for something more, for
people who are lost, who do not know the love of Jesus Christ . It does not matter if you
prefer traditional worship, or contemporary worship; we are all here to worship Jesus, and to
fulfill his will. For far too long, petty things have gotten between us and God! We have
allowed silly things get in the way of God’s will! The Bible warns us of these things in
Romans 16:17-18
17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put
obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away
from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own
appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
We have to stop the obstacles that get in the way of ministry here at Winterstown.
We are very fortunate to be getting Mitch. Praise be to God for that! For this is our last
chance with a full time pastor, unless we can stop letting the petty things get in the way of
God’s Will. For we should not be striving to be Christians, but disciples in Christ, by living out
the command Jesus gave us in the book of John: 13:34-15
34A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love
one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one
So Let us move forward, and be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
God Bless,
Corey Grove
Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair
March 1 - Second Sunday in Lent
March 6 - World Day Of Prayer
March 8 - Third Sunday in Lent
March 8 - Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 8 - Scout Sunday, 10:30AM
March 12 - SPRC, 7:00 p.m.
March 15 - Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 15 - 21 - Candy Making Week
March 20 - First Day of Spring
March 20 - Shining Light 8:00AM to 4:00PM
March 21 - Shining Light 8:00AM to 2:00PM
March 22 - Fifth Sunday in Lent
March 26 - Leadership Team, 7:00PM
March 29 - Palm Sunday
March 29 - Holy Week Begins
Sympathies to the family of “Foot“ Gladfelter who passed away on February 17.
Hospital Home - Eva Miller, Larry Mann, Gerry Seitz, Betty Saylor, Pastor Keith, Becky
Jones, Lois Arsenault, Bruce Grove, Terry Mee, Mike Herrick, Mike Budesheim,
Charlene Emenheiser, Dane Grove, Terri Cozad, Dorothy Strayer, Steve & Carol
Lutz, Overmiller Family, Tabitha Gilbert, Larry & Nancy Young, Janet Overmiller,
Derroll McGinnis, Elaine McGinnis, Heffner Family, Ruth Ann Groff, Linda Zeigler, Dan Kipp, Nancy
Church Family Extended - (Names will be removed after four weeks) Abby, Christa Cubbage,
Beth Watson, Kim & Brian Getner, Veda R., Flora Poulos, Jim & Ann Overmiller, Rev. Ira Keperling’s
Family, Jim Innerst’s Family, William Young, Kim Young, Tavien Schopf, Steve Poff, Kenyon Seitz,
Amanda Kornbau, Brenda Godfrey, Greg Innerst, Belinda Jackson, Perry Smith, Kim Thompson,
Sterner Family, Barbara Paules’ Family
January 15, 2015
The Pastor stated that the Uganda Children’s
Choir Concert has been cancelled because we
could not get enough interest to house the
Present: Terry Mee, Valerie Mee, Pastor Keith There will be a church group activity at the York
Schmuck, Pat Beck, Sam Kipp, Kristi Love, Ann Revolution Baseball game June 7, 2015 open
to anyone in the church and community.
McGinnis & Jay Beaver (chair)
Further details will be given. Ann McGinnis is
Opening Prayer was given by the Pastor.
chairing this activity. All profit will support the
We welcomed Kristi Love to the team. She Back to School Family Fun Day on Saturday
replaced Terry Saylor who moved out of the August 15, 2015.
area and is no longer attending the church.
We will be holding Dig-In Day on Saturday May
9,2015. Applications will be available in the
Minutes were approved.
narthex or office by the middle of March. We
Pastor stated that Angie Markel has resigned still need to work on the transportation side of
from the team. She was under the impression it the program to make it more visible to the
was a one year term. We will be in search of a congregation.
Special Offerings: 5th Sundays
The team has a heavy heart and concern for March - for Dig-In
things in this world. We are asking for prayer May - Kari Kinard Mission Field
for bloodshed and world-wide terrorism to August - Back to School Fun Day
cease, for folks who are enduring Christian November - Local Christmas Gifts for
persecution and for continued safety for law Winterstown Elementary
enforcement agencies who are needlessly
being murdered because of strife and unrest We will no longer be supporting the Sierra
Leone Project. We have decided to take on a
among communities.
personal project in supporting Kari Kinard as
We are considering holding a Christian concert she goes back into the Mission Field.
outdoors in September as an Evangelistic
Easter Breakfast will be provided following the
opportunity for the community.
Sunrise Service.
Pat reported that Shining Light will be setting
The 2015 Planning Retreat Goals have been
the openings for the 2015 season.
presented and the Nurture and Outreach
The Nativity proceeds will be distributed to Teams have been given the task to develop a
Covenant Food Pantry. We collected Jr. Youth Fellowship and three Family
Activities. The first one is a Game Night held on
Care Packages have been sent to the 10 February 27, 2015. The Outreach Team will
College students from our congregation prior to provide snacks for all. Kate Anderson’s group
finals week. We received a thank you from will organize the games for the evening. Kristi
some of the students and that they were truly Love will send out invites to the kids on the
database from Back to School Day.
We are still evaluating the potential to have We still need to plan the Camping Event in May
Holy Week presentation depicting scenes that and an Outdoor concert in the fall.
would tell the story of the week’s activities.
Terry Mee closed the meeting with prayer.
Next meeting will be April 9, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.
MARCH 2015
“John The Baptist Testifies of Jesus”
John 1:19-34
Ella Jane Hess
“Another Advocate”
John 14:15-26
Vince Anderson
“The Spirit of Truth”
John 16:4b-15
Terry Mee
“The Spirit of Peace”
John 29:19-23
Diane Schmuck
“The Son of David”
Mark 11:1-11
Vince Anderson
(Lesson is not in the new quarterly or the prior one.)
Some of the things that your apportionments supports
Health and Welfare
The United Methodist Church is in mission in
more than 125 countries.
Children, youth and family service
Community service ministries
Hospitals and health-care ministries
Ministries for persons with disabilities
Older adult ministries
903 Mission personal supported through
the General Board of Global Ministries
135,000 United Methodist Volunteers in
103 United Methodist - related community
centers and other national mission
7 Two year colleges 82 Four year colleges
institutions in 35 of United States,
10 Universities
13 Theological Schools
Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
1 Professional School 10 Pre-collegiate Schools
68 Crusade Scholars
550 Relief and refugee workers
Taken from the March 2, 1992 minutes of Ad Council:
"Rhada Gladfelter reported from the Young Adult Class that money
from the candy project went to purchase a TV and a new typewriter for
the church. This class has already purchased a VCR. Ralph Saylor of
the Usher Committee met with the Worship Committee and it was
recommended that all men ushers wear coats and ties, and women wear dresses."
The above happened 23 years ago when Rev. Jack Landis was our pastor.
~Ella Jane Hess, Historian 5
Community Easter Egg Hunt &
Bunny Brunch
Saturday, April 4, 2015 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Preregistration greatly appreciated!
“Here comes Peter Cottontail….” and
he’s calling all children, up to the age of 12, to
come join him for an “eggstra” special morning of
fun at our annual Easter Egg Hunt and Bunny
Brunch here at Winterstown United Methodist Church on Saturday, April 4, 2015, at 9:30 a.m.!
This event is not only for our church families, but will be opened as an outreach to the
community as well…so invite your friends! We will have a short time of storytelling, a visit and
brunch with the Easter bunny himself and, of course, the much anticipated egg hunt with
goodies! Don’t forget your basket! The egg hunt will be held in the field as we did last year, so
wear appropriate shoes as well! In order to properly prepare for the day, we would appreciate
preregistration of as many children as possible; however, this form can also be filled out on the
day of the event as well. Completed forms can be placed in the offering plate or turned into the
office at your convenience. Please one child to a registration form. Forms are on the table in
the Narthex.
If you can contribute any wrapped candies to insert into our plastic eggs for the
children, we would greatly appreciate it, as we are praying for a HUGE turnout! Your donations
can be placed in the designated box in the Narthex by Sunday, March 29, 2015. If you have any
questions, please feel free to call Kristi Love (717-873-4514), Heather Grove (717-324-8284) or
Pat Beck (717-244-0239) with any questions.
You may know that St. Patrick used shamrocks to teach about
the Trinity, but did you know these other facts about him?
St. Patrick wasn’t Irish. (His parents were Roman citizens living in
either Scotland or Wales.)
He was kidnapped and sold as a slave at age16. After escaping
six years later, he joined a monastery in England.
March 17 is the date of St. Patrick’s death, not his birth. He died in
461 A.D.
The color originally associated with St. Patrick is blue, not green.
The harp, not the shamrock, is the national symbol of Ireland.
Winterstown UM Outreach Team,
First, I would like to thank you very much for my
Christmas goodie box. It could not have arrived at a
better time than it did. Tyler and I were in the process of
moving houses in December. When the box arrived,
Tyler was at work and I was at the old house packing our
last things. All we had left was some things in my closet,
odds and ends in the kitchen and the fridge. He dropped me off that morning and went to work.
It was about 1:30-2:00 p.m. in the afternoon and I was so hungry. I looked in the fridge and all
that was left was water, condiments, out of date eggs, and an onion. I tried getting a hold of two
different friends for them to pick me up something to eat and bring it to me since I did not have a
car to go anywhere and I was starving (so I thought). Of course no one answered as they were
at work too. Just as I was getting ready to give up and lie on the floor and suffer the doorbell
rang. As I got up I heard someone drive away. When I looked out the mailman was pulling out
of the driveway and a package was on the porch. I brought it inside and opened it in the middle
of the living room floor since we had no tables, or couches left in the house. I was over joyed
when I opened the box to find food! I quickly tore the lid off the easy mac and cheese, filled the
water to the fill line, and put it in the microwave. As that heated I ate the whole Kit Kat and beef
jerky. When I heard the microwave go off I went back to the kitchen poured in the cheese and
went to get a fork out of the drawer to mix it. I opened the drawer and remembered and found
that I had already packed the silverware and sent it to our new house. That did not matter
however, I was so hungry I swirled it around in the cup until it was half mixed, went back to the
middle of the living room floor, and started pouring it into my mouth. I do not think I have ever
been more thankful than I was in that moment. Thank you again for your kindness!
Second, I would like to apologize for just now getting this thank you card sent. The
package arrived right as I was going into finals week, then I found out Tyler was getting
deployed and that I now had the opportunity to go home for Christmas since we both were
planning to spend Christmas together in Nebraska this year. Once I got home, Christmas came
so quickly then my Pa-Pa passed away, so it was rough break being home. I have made it back
to Nebraska safe and sound and finally have the opportunity to sit down and give you the thanks
you all deserve! Thank you again for the lovely Christmas goodie box, it was much appreciated.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and it was nice seeing you all when I was
home. Stay warm and safe this winter!
God Bless,
Morgan (Laird) Tress
When individuals join church, they are made aware of the covenant to faithfully
support the church with their prayers, presence, gifts and service. And if a member does not
want to commit, to live by that covenant, then our covenant has no purpose or power. And
this congregation can never be all that God wants it to be, if we are not committed to one
another, and if we are not coming together for the same purposes.
There is a general church covenant of a very basic level to protect the unity of the
church by acting in love toward other members, by refusing to gossip, by following the
leaders in fulfilling God’s vision; to share responsibility in the church by praying for its growth,
inviting the unchurched, and by warmly welcoming all who do attend; serve the ministry of the
church by discovering our gifts and talents, by being equipped to serve by the leadership, by
developing a servant’s heart; and to support the testimony of the church by attending
faithfully, living a godly life, and by giving regularly.
These covenants are not meant to intimidate or punish. They are statements saying
that these are the expectations of who we are and where we are going, that we might be the
very best we can be. Covenants are proposed to recognize that we be united with our
colleagues and the greater church, and together, we will be committed to the ministry before
Luke 9:51 “When the days drew near for [Jesus} to be taken up, he set his face to go to
That is to say that Jesus was committed to go to the cross to die for our sins. It was
part of his covenant with God the Father, and with us, the brothers and sisters in Christ.
When we enter into a covenant within the Church, we follow the commitment and direction of
our Lord. We do that because we know what is expected of us; we know the direction we are
going; we know that we are all committed to be the best Christians, the best group, the best
Church we can be. That is the covenant. And in your life, in our life together, may it be so.
Here is a statement of our fundraising and giving for 2014:
World Vision - Child Sponsor for Year and Christmas Gift
Candy Making - Gift Certificates
Souper Bowl Collection (Red Lion Community Services)
Money Collected from Christmas Play (Red Lion Community Services)
30 hour Famine (World Vision)
Winterstown UMC (Reimburse-Sierra Leone for Student Conference)
National MS Society - MS Walk (Money Collected)
National MS Society - MS Walk (10 large boxes of Candy)
United Methodist Children’s Home
Red Lion Area Community Services (Candy Donation)
Red Lion Area Community Services (assisted Christmas Gifts)
Red Lion Area Community Services (309lbs of food and cleaning Products)
Christmas Gift for Family
Group Magazine
Devo Magazine
Christian Book Store (teaching literature)
Church Source (teaching literature - Heaven is for Real)
Church Source (teaching literature)
Hal Leonard (Young Life Music)
Trunk or Treat (Cancelled - will keep for 2015)
Bibles and Cards for Graduates
Stop Hunger Now
LifeWay (Tracks for Track Sunday)
Treats for Day Care & Sunday School
Birthday Cards
Bowling Bash (United Methodist Children's Home)
Walmart (TV for Youth Room)
(Bolded items are things for the church to use)
COVENANT FOOD PANTRY - Pantry accepts food items in boxes, cans,
plastic containers or bags. No glass containers. Checks are payable to
Covenant Food Pantry. Thank you for your continued support. Contact
Betty Saylor or Alverta Forbush with any questions.
Open Meeting - Most meetings (namely - Trustees, Nurture,
Outreach and Leadership Team) are open to all members of the
church to attend (not just for elected members). If your have questions or are interested
in what is happening in a particular ministry area, feel free to attend any of the above
ministry area’s regularly scheduled meetings.
Candy Making - is coming fast. The week of March 16 to 20 the candy
factory will be working hard. Sr. Youth Welcomes all who can come and
help us. We will be working 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. This candy project
funds our youth ministry for the whole year. We hope to see you there!
Scout Sunday - Our celebration of Scout Sunday this year is scheduled for
Sunday, March 8 at the 10:30 worship service. During this service we will
recognize the Girl Scout, Cub Scout and Boy Scout units which are
supported by Winterstown UMC. We will also be awarding “God and Me”
and “God and Life” awards to a number of young people who have finished
the various courses of “God and Country”
Indulge for Lent?
Rather than sacrificing something for Lent - especially something
easy and spiritually insignificant, such as chocolate - Patty Kirk, in
Guideposts magazine, suggests finding new ways to indulge in God’s
presence. Surely one can do this by having extra devotions or attending
Lenten worship services. But Kirk offers these ideas:
• Spend time outdoors, sensing God’s magnificence.
• Spend time with others, extending generosity and compassion. Remember Jesus’ promise
that when you care for others, you care for him (Matthew 25:31-46).
• Pray for the “little things,” coming before God in childlike trust and feeling peace.
• Watch attentively for God’s answers to prayer, and receive them as reminders of his
• Turn anxiety into prayer. As you frame concerns as prayers and entrust them to God, you
“sacrifice” the tendency to wallow in worry.
401 East Locust Street (Rear)
Dallastown, PA 17313
(717) 244-1984 or 244-0239
Sr. Choir - is preparing for Easter. Our Cantata “Jesus Saves” will be
presented April 12, 2015.
Growing Friends Update
Want to plan a family fun night out? Want to help us raise
money with a fun fundraiser? Check out our Chuckie Cheese
night on Friday, March 20th! All you have to do is go and have
fun! Percent of profit made that night will go back to our center!
We are now enrolling for our 2015-2016 Preschool
Program. If your child (or if you know someone) that is 3 or 4 and looking for a preschool
send them our way! Children have to be 3 or 4 by August 31st and our program follows
the Red Lion School District. If anyone needs more information feel free to give us a call
or schedule a tour between 9-11:30.
Our preschool program teachers are preparing for our yearly art show. We are in
need of the following supplies: magazines, plastic beads, wall paper (can be scraps or
used rolls), buttons, 2 liter (larger than typical water bottles but a little smaller than a 2
liter), and plastic bottles with lids (that have smooth sides). Anyone wanting to check out
our talented children, plan to attend our open house Friday, April 17th 6pm-7:30pm. All
donations can be dropped off at the daycare office door. Thank you!!!
Communication is key :) feel free to email Abby anytime at
[email protected]. Thank you for all you do!!!!!
Have a lucky blessed month ~ Miss Abby
March 20-21, 2015
May 1-2, 2015
June 12-13, 2015
September 4-5, 2015
November 6-7, 2015
December 4-5, 2015
Fridays 8 am – 4 pm & Saturdays 8 am – 2 pm
Larry & Linda Anderson
Matt & Danielle Latimer
Tiffany & Troy Myers
Julie & Tim Krone
Keith & Ellen Hostler
Valerie Mee
Butch Zumbrum
Doug Lillich
Bill Hess
Chase Overmiller
Carissa Koons
Lynn Herbst
Esther Kreeger
Chris Coby
Gabriella Gladfelter
Nancy Young
Alexandra Gladfelter
Jacob Saylor
Jack Shaw
Anna Saylor
Keith Schmuck
Barb E. Taylor
Vince Anderson
Matt Coby
Bryson Krone
Julie Frey
Steve Lutz
Stacey Strine
Doris Edwards
Brenda Shaw
Ryan Baker
Jeff Emenheiser
Sarah Houseman
Any corrections or omissions to Birthdays or Anniversaries please call the office (244-1984)
and leave a message or write a note and place in the offering plate.
The season of Lent lasts for 40 days plus Sundays, from Ash Wednesday on February 18 until
Easter on April 5. It is a time of reflection and repentance, a time of preparation in order to “go
to the cross” with Jesus in anticipation of his defeat of sin and the glorious celebration of his
resurrection on Easter morning. May your Lenten journey be filled with the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit as we prepare ourselves for the gift of life, given to us by Jesus with His sacrifice on
the cross. Below is the Lenten schedule for 2015.
Feb 22
Mar 1
Mar 8
Mar 15
Mar 22
Mar 29
Apr 2
“The Rainbow of Promises” Genesis 9:8-17; Mark 1:9-15
“Lord, it’s Hard to Forgive” Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Luke 6:27-38 (Holy Communion)
“The Affirmation of Denial” Genesis 17:1-10, 15-19; Mark 8:31-38
“God So Loved”
Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:1-21
“Forgiveness And Death” Hebrews 5:7-10; John 12:20-23
“The Messiah Comes”
Zechariah 9:9-12; Mark 11:1-11
(Palm Sunday)
“Go and Prepare”
Psalm 22; II Corinthians 5:14-21; Mark 14:12-26
(Maundy Thursday Holy Communion)
Apr 3 “Seven Last Words”
Isaiah 53; Luke 23:33-34, 39-43; John 19:25-27
Mark 15:33-34; John 19:28, 29-30; Luke 23:46
Apr 4 Bunny Brunch & Easter Egg Hunt for all children, 9:30 a.m.
Apr 5 EASTER: The Resurrection of our Lord and Savior
6:30 a.m. Sonrise Service at the Cemetery
“Who Will Roll the Stone Away?”
7:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast in the All Purpose Room
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Communion “Seeing is Believing”
I Corinthians 15: 19-26; John 20:1-18
10:30 a.m. Resurrection Worship with Communion “Seeing, Believing, Living”
I Corinthians 15: 19-26; John 20:1-18
Apr 12 10:30 a.m. Senior Choir Easter Cantata “Jesus Saves“