Cathedral Life 02-19-15 - The Cathedral of St. Andrew

Newsletter of the Cathedral of St. Andrew - Honolulu
Cathedral Life
Thursday, February 19, 2015
"Pa`akai a Malamalama"
(Salt and Light)
Reflections from the Dean
Lent is Designed to Get Your Attention!
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!
Maybe that opening sentence got your attention. I hope so. The season of Lent
is designed to get our attention. As a friend said to me, "Lent should dispose us
to alertness to the details of the neglected aspects of our lives." I think Lent
should most particularly focus our attention on the care of our souls!
Mary Oliver, the celebrated North American poet, in her eulogy to her life-long
partner Molly Cook, reflects on "the notion of attention" as an important
feature of life and relationships. We are called to turn to aspects of our lives we
both take for granted and struggle. This can involve (among other things) our
prayer life, our learning to love those we find difficult to love, and our need to forgive as well as to be
My wish for each of you is to have a Holy Lent. That would mean that you could explore the some of the
spiritual and theological issues in your life. I invite you to join us on Wednesday for our 2015 Lenten
program that may allow you to explore the critical question of Holy, the life and death of Jesus and how
this means something vital for our lives.
The schedule is as follows:
5:30 pm
Evensong, Sermon & Holy Communion
6:15 pm
Light Supper & Lenten Program
8:30 pm
If you're free during day, you can join us for any of these regular scheduled events:
9:30 am
The Dean's Book Club (with me and group of book lovers)
10:30 am Bible Study led by Mtr. Susan
11:45 am Holy Eucharist with anointing for healing
12:15 pm Wednesday Noontime Concert
Mahalo Nui Loa
Awakening to Witness
Daily Reflections From Ash Wednesday to Easter
We invite you to use this booklet of daily reflections by a diverse
group of theologians, lay and clergy from across the Anglican
Awakening to Witness - Daily Reflections From
Ash Wednesday to Easter (140 pgs)
(Distributed with permission.)
Dean Walter+
Deadline Extended!
Donations for St. Paul's Church in Saipan
Are Still Being Accepted
There is still time to clean out our closets and get together old t-shirts, etc. to
send to Saipan. There is a box at Aloha Hour after every service for you to
drop off clothing. We hope to have our donations blessed on sometime in the
next few weeks and mailed out soon afterward. Please kokua with this
worthwhile project!
If you have any questions, please contact Barbara
Service,[email protected].
Daughters of the King
Monthly meeting on the first Sunday
The Order of the Daughters of the King® (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women in Episcopal, Anglican,
Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Churches dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. All
members make a commitment to Jesus as Savior, and promise to follow Him as Lord of their lives. The
Daughters of the King is not just an organization of members who attend meetings, the DOK is an Order
-- a community under a religious rule of Prayer and Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at
Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and
evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her
"Na kaikamahine o Kaleleonalani o ka Haku," The Queen Emma Chapter of the Daughters of the King at
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, meets monthly for prayer and study on the first Sunday following
the 10:30 am Sunday service. For more information, contact Rose Mary Thompson
at [email protected].
Becoming the Story We Tell Small Groups Continue in Lent
Sunday Adult Formation
9:20 - 10:10 am in the Von Holt Room
Opening the Prayer Book: (Jan 18th - Mar 15th)
Join us for the next several weeks as Walter and Susan facilitate a discussion on Episcopalians
being "People of the Prayer Book." It will be practical, offering tips on how to find your way around
the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), but also ripe with why we do - what we do! You're encouraged to
bring your own Book of Common Prayer if you have one. (We will also have copies to borrow.) Even if
you missed earlier sessions, you can join us at any time.
Feb 22nd: Living a Eucharistic Life. Dean Walter facilitates discussion on
Westerhoff's Eucharist chapter and why living as Eucharistic people
matters. Close the class with an instructed Eucharist; pointing out the
meanings of the priests' movements, why some do gestures differently, and
what they are trying to communicate in the liturgy. Here - we will try to
open an awareness in the richness of our Eucharistic prayer.
Our weekly conversations will refer to John Westerhoff's book, Living Faithfully as a Prayer Book
People. For those who want to purchase a book, we will have them there for $10.
Click here for additional details.
Jan 18th: Introduction to the Prayer Book (S)
Jan 25th: Living as a Story-Formed and Pilgrimaging People (W)
Feb 1st: The Daily Office tour (S)
Feb 8th: Living as a Prayerful People (W)
Feb 15th: Living into our Baptism (S)
Feb 22nd: Living a Eucharistic Life (W)
Mar 1st: Living a life of wholeness and health (S)
Mar 8th: Living as a reconciled and reconciling people (W)
Mar 15th: Approaching our death (S)
(S) = Susan+
(W) = Walter+
It's not too early to consider how you might enter into a Holy Lent this year...
May we suggest that an important part of that preparation starts with worship and fellowship with one
another. In joining with your Cathedral Ohana, you join the universal church in preparing our hearts for
the resurrection joy of Easter.
Wednesday Evening's Lenten Program (Feb 25th - Mar 25th)
Between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, we will offer a 5-week Wednesday Evening Lenten Program
that explores the drama and tensions of Holy Week (Passion Crossing Points). As we've done in years
past - our program of a light soup supper and teaching will be enclosed in worship, before and after.
To help us get a better idea of our "headcount" on food preparation for the Soup Supper, please email
the office (or sign up under the Aloha Tent) if you plan to attend
([email protected] ). But even if you haven't signed up - come!
5:30 pm - Evensong, Sermon and Holy Communion with a reflection
6:15 pm - Lenten Soup Supper and Program
8:30 pm - Sung Compline
Lenten Program: "Passion Crossing Points"
In these five sessions, the clergy will guide us in exploring how individuals can intentionally join the
church's annual journey through the Pascal Mystery. Our discussions will investigate how each of us
might open up and explore the "crossing points" of Jesus' Passion with the passion in our personal and
communal experience. The first week introduces the series and lays the foundation of our approach into
the mystery of our union with Christ in the liturgies of the Holy Week. The last four weeks of the series
will specifically explore the meanings of the three days of the Triduum - Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.
Lent I - (Feb 25th) Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday (Overview of the Passion)
Lent II - (Mar 4th) Maundy Thursday (the Triduum opens - Foot Washing)
Lent III - (Mar 11th) Maundy Thursday (the Triduum opens - The Meal)
Lent IV - (Mar 18th) Good Friday (the Triduum continues - Crucifixion)
Lent V - (Mar 25th) Easter Vigil/Easter (the Triduum concludes - Resurrection)
Honolulu Symphony Chorus to Honor John Renke
St. Andrew's Cathedral Organist and Director of Music, John Renke, will be honored at this year's
Honolulu Symphony Chorus "Vivace!" celebration.
The 14th annual gala banquet and silent auction, Vivace! Carnival de Brazil, will be held on Saturday,
March 7, 2015, at 6:00 pm at the Honolulu Country Club. The Dale R. Noble award will be presented to
John Renke for his significant contributions to the musical life of Hawaii. Simon Crookall, the Executive
Director of the Hawaii Opera Theatre, will be the guest speaker at the banquet.
In 1978, the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra desired a chorus of the size and caliber needed to perform
major choral works with the orchestra, and organized the group known as the Honolulu Symphony
Chorus. In 1995, this chorus reorganized as the Oahu Choral Society (OCS), and remains an
independent, nonprofit corporation.
John is on the Symphony Chorus Advisory Board and has worked closely with Artistic Director Esther Yoo
in program development. He has been the organist for many Symphony Chorus performances at the
Cathedral and other venues. He is the Dean of the Honolulu Chapter of the American Guild of Organists,
and enjoys collaborating with many of the cultural and academic leaders of the Honolulu musical scene.
As the Director of Music at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, John has done much to fulfill the Cathedral's
desire to be a dynamic presence in the cultural life of Honolulu. Under his direction, the Symphony
Chorus, local schools and universities, and performing ensembles from around the world have
experienced the unique acoustics and beauty of the Cathedral, bringing stunningly beautiful
performances to Hawaii. The St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir, composed of choral scholars and volunteer
singers, is considered one of the premier choral ensembles in Honolulu.
Please join us for this opportunity to honor John and to support the Symphony Chorus. Tickets may be
purchased at the Symphony Chorus website, Proceeds from this gala event
support of the Honolulu Symphony Chorus.
Weekly Worship Schedule
11:45 pm Holy Eucharist for The Cathedral of St. Andrew and St. Paul's Church
(in Parke Chapel)
12:15 pm Noontime Concerts in the Cathedral
Featuring the Cathedral's own musicians and guest artists from the community and around the world
under the auspices of the Director of Music
5:30 pm Evensong in the Cathedral
7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel
7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel
5:30 pm Vigil Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel
7:00 am Holy Eucharist
8:00 am Ka `Eukalikia Hemolele with the Hawaiian Choir
10:30 am Sung Eucharist with the Cathedral Choir
5:00 pm Changing Ringing of the Great Cathedral Bells
5:30 pm Choral Evensong
For information about all of the services, programs, and events at
The Cathedral of St. Andrew,
please click here to visit the Calendar of Events.
Choral Services on Sundays at 5:30 pm
All are welcome. Parking is free. Calabash offering gratefully accepted.
February 22
First Sunday in Lent - The Diocesan Choir
Godly Play
The Children's Gathering on the Square
Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00 am
The Loft at St. Peter's Church
The program takes place in The Loft at the back of St. Peter's Church, from 9:00 to 10:00 am on
Sunday mornings. It is appropriate for children who are curious about the bible stories that they hear in
church, enrolled in pre-school through the 4th grade of school. Older children are welcome to assist as
"helpers" or participate in "The ROCK" (Relationships, Outreach, Christ & Kids) program located in the
Sun/Son room at St. Peter's.
February 22. The Mystery of Easter (a.k.a. Lenten Puzzle). Today we have the story of the Mystery of
Easter. We hear this story just as Lent begins to remind us that a change is coming and that we are
about to enter another mystery. This time of waiting is like Advent, but it is even longer because the
mystery it prepares us for is an even bigger mystery - Easter! The 'story is really a puzzle of 6 pieces in
the shape of a cross to represent the 6 weeks of Lent. It is purple on one side, the color of waiting,
royalty, and seriousness. On the other side, the puzzle is white, the color of pure celebration! That is
the paradox of the season - it is both serious and somber but promises pure celebration in the
March 1. The Faces of Easter I & II. Today we will hear the first two stories in our seven-story series,
called "The Faces of Easter." We will remember Jesus' life and ministry through the Sundays of Godly
Play in Lent. The first story tells of the birth of a baby, born to be a king, but not the kind of king that
people were expecting. This king was called "The Word" and was born a wordless child. The second
story will remember how very human and how very divine Jesus was when he was a boy. In this story
from Luke, Jesus stayed in Jerusalem after a Passover pilgrimage with his parents and went to the
Temple to study with the priests there. Jesus' parents were understandably upset. Jesus answered,
"Why were you worried? Didn't you know I would be in my Father's house?" We wondered about these
stories together by bringing pieces of other Godly Play stories that we think are important to "help tell
the story." You might like to ask your child what they brought to the story today and why.
Prayer Request--Cathedral members and friends have asked for prayers for the following people:
Tallulah, Uli, Jeff, Roberta, Richard, Elaine & Dennis, Tim, David, Paul & Claire, Thelma, Ed, Elsie, Kendra,
Arlan, Jim, Cathie, Gayle, Lu, Hawley, Luisa, Elizabeth, Howard, Leinani, Wanda, Susan, and Ben.
For those within our church family living in places of peril,
especially Deacon Honey Becker.
Christ, look upon us in this city; keep our compassion fresh
and our faces heavenward lest we grow hard.
Pueo's Call
The news ripples through the house,
"A new baby's coming.
We're expecting!"
Hearts flutter and wonder, minds
wind around questions:
"When? How?"
Already the family constellation
shifts, making room, scooching over,
creating a place for someone new
forming, and being formed
deep in the womb of Love's mystery:
heart beating fast,
buds becoming fingers and toes,
a story in the making
by water and the Spirit.
Down from the attic
comes the basinet,
the baptismal gown, rattle and spoonall in preparation.
Little brothers, big sisters listening
to Pueo's call.
© 2015 Daniel Benedict. Written in
anticipation of Karen Berry's baptism at Easter
and our privilege of preparing and welcoming
her second birth by water and the Spirit (John
3:5). I heard a pueo (owl) call just as I was
getting ready to write.
The First Sunday of Lent
Enrollment of a Candidate for Baptism
If baptism is the occasion of new birth, then
the cathedral community is expecting! Karen
Berry was admitted as a catechumen last
Sunday, starting an intentional time of
apprenticeship for living among us as
a Christian. This Sunday, at the 10:30
am Eucharist, Karen will be enrolled for baptism
at the Easter Vigil. As a Cathedral, we have the
privilege and responsibility to accompany her
on this journey to the font and entrance into life
lived in union with Christ and the church. When
she is "enrolled," Karen will become a
"candidate" for baptism. Even if you attend the 7 or 8
amEucharist, we invite you to get to know and pray for Karen.
We may soon have another person journeying
toward baptism.
In addition, two members, Ann Reimers and Eve
Morley have asked to prepare to reaffirm their
baptismal covenant, and they will be Enrolled for
Lenten Preparation on Lent I also. Let us journey
with them by our prayers and our encouragement. Their enrollment will be a separate rite, since they
are already baptized.
If you attend the 10:30 am service, you'll notice the "Dismissal" at every Sunday in Lent. These persons
and their sponsors or companions, and catechists will be dismissed after the enrollment to go and
reflect on the gospel's call to live more deeply into our Christian understandings and practices.
If you desire baptism or reaffirmation of baptism and want to prepare during the coming weeks, please
talk with one of our priests.
Graphic design used with permission. Hermano Leon Clipart.
Notes, Reminders, Deadlines
Go online and check your Cathedral membership information and giving at:
Meetings With the Dean. If you would like to meet with the Dean, theVery Rev. Walter
Brownridge, please send an email
to [email protected]. Please include a brief description of the
subject matter and any additional details, such as upcoming deadlines or timeframes,
links to supplemental information, and your preferred meeting dates and times.
Pledge or Donate Online. This is a great way to submit your pledge or donate to a
favorite Cathedral fund.
Cathedral Life E-News. If you would like to receive the Cathedral Life E-News, please visit our website
at to sign up to receive these weekly announcements.
Deadline for Submissions. The deadline for submissions is Monday by noon for that week's ENews. Please submit announcements via email to [email protected].
Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Wednesdays at 12:15 pm
"Noontime Concerts" features guest artists as well as the Cathedral's own musicians in performances of
chamber and choral music, and organ recitals on the Cathedral's acclaimed Aeolian-Skinner organ. The
half-hour concerts are now on Wednesdays at12:15 pm. You are welcome to bring lunch. Admission
and parking are free--although donations are always welcome!
February 25: Ryan Klein, oboe - With Karol Nowicki, baritone, Lindsay Groves, cello,
and John Renke, organ
March 4: Organ Recital by John Renke - Music for the Season of Lent
John R. Renke, Canon for Music
Clergy, Staff, and Chapter
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop of Hawai'i
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Dean
The Rev. Susan R. Sowers, Associate
Program Staff
John Robert Renke, Canon for Music
Administrative Staff
Jeanette Redmond, Administrator/Office Manager
Natasha Dator, Dean's and Parish Secretary
Karol Nowicki, Administrative Assistant
Lindy O'Shea, Bookkeeper
Eric Banaticla, Sexton
Mabel Gallegos, Saturday Sexton
2015 Stewardship Campaign Team
Matt Brown, Simon Crookall, Andrew Jackson, Linda Oba
The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, President
The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Vice-President
Leianne Lee Loy, Senior Warden
Stanley Yon, Junior Warden
Elizabeth Conklin, Treasurer
Catherine Lowenberg, Clerk
Class of 2016
Andrew Jackson, Priscilla Millen, Ann Reimers, Kathy Xian
Class of 2017
Elizabeth Conklin, Paulette Moore, Harry Spiegelberg
Class of 2018
Angela Gough, Richard Harris, Catherine Lowenberg
Diocesan Representatives
Class of 2015: The Rev. Brian Grieves, Ms. Felicidad ("Fely") Miller
Class of 2016: The Rev. Irene Tanabe, Mr. Steve Mitchell
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 524-2822
[email protected]
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