SERVICES DURING THE WEEK Tuesday 08h00 13h15 Wednesday 08h00 13h15 Thursday 08h00 18h00 Friday 08h00 13h15 NEXT SUNDAY: 1 March 2015 07h30 09h30 St Alban’s Cathedral “BY SERVING GOD AND BY SERVING OTHERS WE TRANSFORM LIVES” Morning Prayer Said Eucharist Morning Prayer Said Eucharist Morning Prayer Said Eucharist Morning Prayer Said Eucharist 22 February 2015 – 1st Sunday in Lent Before the Service – Talk to God During the Service – Allow God to talk to you After the Service – Talk to each other SAID Eucharist SAID Eucharist Processional Hymn Introit Hymn Kyrie Collect 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gradual Hymn Gospel Sermon Chorus Sermon Creed Prayers Peace & Peace Chorus Offertory hymn Theme: Second Sunday in Lent 1st reading – Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 2nd reading – 4:13-25 Gospel – Mark 8:31-38 Psalm 22:23-32 Warden on duty 07h30: Ms Dimakatso Mokgatle Councillors on duty 07h30: Ms Thuli Mashishi / Ms Zuzi Golimpi Warden on duty 09h30: Ms Shirley Skenjana Councillors on duty 09h30: Ms Thuli Mashishi / Ms Khathija Okeke Telephone: 012 3227670 Fax- 0123227671 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website address: Banking details: Name of Account – St Alban’s Cathedral Account Number – 010 626 816 Name of Bank – Standard Bank Branch Code – 010045 Dean Assistant Priest Deacon Churchwardens Alt Churchwarden Verger Sunday school Organist Flowers Readers Sides person Servers Social Dev Committee Compassionate Comm Mothers’ Union AWF Bernard Mizeki Youth Choir The Very Revd Allan Kannemeyer Revd Lazarus Mokobake Revd Bruce Smith Mr Kutelani Mulaudzi Ms Dimakatso Mokgatle Ms Shirley Skenjana Mr Albert Wright Mrs Nonto Sibiya Mr Ronnie Jones Mrs Patricia Mothupi Mr Kutelani Mulaudzi Churchwarden Mr Alex Nyokong Mrs Sheila Mtshali Ms Pototo Sangoni Mrs Nobulali Nhantsi Ms Shirley Skenjana Mr Phuti Mashamaite Ms Phinky Makololo Mrs Patricia Mothupi Communion Music Cell: 073 164 4799 Cell: 082 342 1037 Cell: 083 632 4910 Cell: 082 840 0881 Cell: 082 496 4715 Cell: 073 195 6780 Cell: 078 632 1997 Cell: 073 248 5294 Tel: 012 654 5884 Cell: 082 260 2171 Cell: 082 840 0881 Cell: Cell: Cell: Cell: Cell: Cell: Cell: Cell: 073 064 6334 083 656 8460 082 966 7646 082 389 7782 073 195 6780 081 829 1073 072 889 6820 082 260 2171 Recessional Hymn Glorious things of thee are spoken Christ is the world’s light English - Said AMNS 172 AMNS 440 Genesis 9:8-17 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Forgive our sins as we forgive AMNS 362 Mark 1:9-15 BMMG The Revd Bruce Smith English - Said Albert Wright BMMG O Jesus, I have promised AMNS 235 Have faith in God, my heart AMNS 372 BMMG Spirit working in creation Choir (CEL 142) Dear Lord and Father of mankind SOF 79 Rock of ages, cleft for me SOF 448 Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus AMNS 135 Praise to the Holiest in the heights AMNS 117 Collect God of our salvation, your bow in the clouds proclaim your covenant with every living creature: grant us your Spirit, renew us in our baptism and make us faithful stewards of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. THE SICK AND THOSE IN NEED: Lehlohonolo Ntja, Sylvia Bowker, Emma Mashinini, John Mojapelo, Gladys Ndlazi, Dorrie Nuttall, Judith Oca, Nokwazi Phakade, Noluyolo Ramadi, Revd Canon Siphiwo Ntsaluba, Reginald Ndlangisa, Jane Motsepe, Simon Modise, Zenobia Jacobs, Ishmael Legodi, Godfrey Williams and all those living with HIV. NOTICES CALENDAR OF EVENTS 23 February – Parish Church Council Meeting – 18h30 28 February – Labyrinth Prayer Walk – 10h00 28 February – Lay Ministers Meeting – 12h00 01 March – Baptism Preparation 2nd Session 08 March – Annual Vestry 15 March – Baptism Preparation 3rd Session 15 March – Admission of Wardens and Councillors WELCOME A warm welcome to Fr Lulamile Ngesi who was licensed by the Bishop to assist in priestly ministry at the Cathedral. Fr Ngesi is married to Linda and they are blessed with three children. Fr Ngesi hails from the Diocese of Port Elizabeth and is working as a Chaplain in the South African Navy. LENT COURSE, WEDNESDAYS DURING LENT This is an invitation to join the Lent Course on Wednesday evenings in the Cathedral during the Season of Lent. The Lent Course will have as its theme Conversations and Encounter with Christ, which is the Diocesan Synod theme for the next three years. LABYRINTH PRAYER WALK FOR THE CITY. SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY, 10H00 This is an invitation to participate in a Labyrinth Prayer Walk for the City. The Labyrinth Prayer Walk for the City is an initiative to help cement the place of the Cathedral in the city. It is part of our missional priorities or what we believe God is calling us to. This is how it will work. After a short briefing, participants will team up in two’s (or more) and walk to the designated landmarks, pause at each, and offer prayers for the work that takes place there and the people who are working there. Names and a prayer focus will be provided. The walking of the prayer labyrinth will constitute a praying presence in the city. Groups will walk different routes and visit different landmarks with the same purpose. The prayer walk will conclude with groups returning to the Cathedral at an agreed time for concluding prayers at the Cathedral. The prayer walk will take between 45 minutes and an hour to complete. HOME BIBLE STUDY GROUP IN PTA NORTH Those who are interested to join a home-based Bible Study group in Pretoria North are invited to sign up by putting their names on the clipboard at the back of the church. BOOKS FOR SALE Anglican Prayer Book – R180.00 Hymn Ancient and Modern Revised – R320.00 Where do we look for Jesus: LL Ngewu – R100.00 LECTIONARIES Lectionaries are available at the back of the church from the Churchwardens / Councilors’, and it’s available to purchase for R20 a book. SPEEDPOINT The Cathedral is now in possession of a Speedpoint machine which enable members of the congregation to make donations, pay pledges, or contribute to the collections by using debit or credit cards. Members who want to make use of this facility should approach the churchwarden on duty before or after worship.
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