The Accolade Vol. LXXXIX No. 8 Chaplain’s Report Msgr. Charles Parry “What are you giving up?" was the question posed to my brothers and me as children at the beginning of Lent each year. Whether it was television, sweets, ice cream or soda, it was a choice to be made and a challenge to embrace. Whether adults or children, the denial to self of certain things that we enjoy is good for the soul. It increases the strength of our will. It is all too common today to hear the words "I couldn't help it" when one is caught in some indiscretion or sinful activity. Desiring to excuse all responsibility, what it really means is that one's will power was so anemic and weak that it was unable to resist wrongful behavior. A weak will is the devil's best friend and our own worst enemy! To strengthen the will is to gain selfcontrol. Rather than drawing it into whatever pleasures appear before it without hesitation, to control the will is to be able to direct it away from evil and toward the good - to be able to better resist temptation. The stronger the will, the better it is under our personal direction and control. Personal holiness, inner satisfaction and true happiness are the consequence of doing what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord. Let us work and sacrifice so that the will power and the ability to choose the good might be strengthened in the days of Lent that will soon be upon us! Grand Knight’s Report Jeff McMullen (301) 809-0260 [email protected] As you know we are holding the Bull and Oyster Roast a little late this year. It was a difficult decision to delay it but we wanted to be sure that we had everything ready to properly honor our community and neighborhood heroes. We will be having the annual Bull and Oyster Roast on Saturday, February 28th starting at 4:00PM in the Cardinal Room. We need to have a great turnout so be sure to relay the information to as many people as possible, hope to see you there. You’ll Never Walk Alone! There has been a lot of whispering going on about the possibility of starting a Friday night bingo. While I’d say we are ready to start, we have a few things to take care of, the first item is notifying the membership of our intent; so here it is. We intend to start hosting bingo on the second Friday of each month, in order to do this we need to authorize the expenditure of funds. The money will be used to purchase the supplies needed to startup the program. We will be having a brief discussion on the subject followed by a vote during the Business Meeting on Thursday, February 12th, anyone interested in this program are urged to attend. While on the subject of money, I have been informed by our Financial Secretary Don Tallmadge, that the annual dues are coming in at a much slower than normal rate. This is of great concern to all of us who depend on the timely submission of dues in order to plan and pay for the events as well as the maintenance of the Hall and paying our other bills. If you have already paid your dues, we’d like to thank you, and if you haven’t please send your dues in as soon as you are able. Please join me in congratulating this month’s Knight of the Month: Paul Carroll . Paul stepped in as our Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet cashier. He greets each person or family group with a smile and a kind word. Paul has a long history of support to our Council. Thank you, Paul, for your time and support. District Deputy’s Report Romeo Paternoster, PGK (301) 509-0236 [email protected] Brothers all, hope you all are faring this winter weather ok. As long as it holds up, we'll enjoy the Super Bowl party, Shrove Tuesday pancakes and all the regular happenings at the Hall. One of the functions I'm involved with in the other Councils is their churches and their well-being. St. Mathias is having a tough time with their Catholic school, both in the enrollment and finances. Fr. Milton Jordan, Council Chaplain and State February 2015 Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus of Maryland has been in touch with PGK Steve Kemp and together we are working to help St Mathias School hopefully overcome this situation, more details will follow. Last month at the Hall, Frank Italiano, PGK, PFN coordinated another visit from 42 students from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. With the help of Rob Van Rite, PGK, Dave Willet, Joe Massimini, PGK, FDD and Ray DeVous, PFN, we fed them Wednesday night and Thursday morning before heading downtown for the Right to Life March, thanks again to all for the help. I hope to have more Brother Knights help out and participate in the things we do at the Hall and everywhere we can…until next month, see you around. Deputy Grand Knight’s Report Dave Buckley, PGK2 (301) 390-0595 Those Brother Knights, family members and friends who attended the Council’s successful Super Bowl Party enjoyed the down to the last minute game on the Knights Room’s big screen TV. I want to thank Jim Seidleck, FDD, PGK for stepping up and manning the door and collecting the entrance fee as people came in. Thank you to Bill Schaffer for running the various pools and coordinating the payouts to the winners. Finally a superb menu of food to satisfy all who attended was prepared by Jim Nelson and his faithful assistant John Curreri. Thank you to Jim and John. I would like to see this Council membership support extended to our Bull and Oyster Roast on February 28th.. Congratulations to the Family of the Month for January: Bob and Mary Anne Long. Bob and Mary Anne have been either working wherever needed or attending this Council’s functions for years. Please congratulate Bob and Mary Anne when you see them at the Hall…probably working another function! Have You Gotten Your Copy Yet? Friday Night Bingo Report The January issue of the Columbia Magazine contains a picture of Steve Adamczyk, the State Deputy of Maryland. In the picture he is joining Archbishop Lori and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in presenting the 500th Knights of Columbus purchased Ultrasound machine to a Pregnancy Center in Baltimore. These Ultrasound machines save the lives of at least two unborn babies each week in the state of Maryland. It has been proven that nothing sways a potential mother to carrying her baby to term more than seeing the face of that unborn child. These Ultrasound machines are powerful tools in the cause for Life. The State of Maryland is looking to put their 14th Ultrasound machine into a clinic in Frederick. We are hoping to raise some funds to help with this endeavor by sending contributions to the Ultrasound fund in exchange for SD Steve’s autograph. Joe Massimini, FDD, PGK meets with the State Deputy several times a month and can deliver your copy of Columbia to him for his signature. Just give him your Columbia magazine at a meeting or put the magazine in the Trustee’s box along with your contribution. Joe will get the magazine to Steve for his personalized signature. If you don’t have a copy of the magazine, just get him your contribution. He has plenty of copies of the magazine just ready and waiting to be autographed. The Friday Bingo will run once a month. The initial startup costs will be about $1,500 for paper and door prizes to include gift certificates and daubers. The funding for the evening will include the money to have a bank at the start of the evening for both the kitchen and the admissions table. That money will be $4,000. We will be using sign-up tickets which are a self-contained game where you sell the entire box of tickets and have your profit in hand before you award the big prize for the game. We will need lots of help on the floor to sell these sign-up tickets starting at 6:00PM on each Bingo night. For help, in addition to the sign-up people, who will double as floor people, we will need two people to work the admissions table, two people to sell special games on the floor, a caller, a cashier, an evening chairperson, and a person to organize and run the sign-ups for the evening. In return we are projecting gross profits of $2,500 for an evening with 100 people playing Bingo. Youth Activities Report Joe Massimini, PGK, FDD (240) 997-0402 [email protected] The Basketball Free Throw contest will be on Saturday, February 21st at the Bowie City Gym. We will open the competition at 1:00PM and keep it open until 3:00PM. We will shoot off all ties at 3 and present awards immediately afterwards. We are in need of volunteers to work this popular event. If you can spare an hour or three, please contact Joe Massimini or Greg Sava to tell them you are available to work the event. We need people to help with registration, judging, and organizing the children. We could also use some folks to help with retrieving balls, so if you know of anyone who can help with that, please contact us. This event will be a District 3/32 event with the State Free Throw contest happening on Sunday, March 15th from 12:30 until 3:00PM at the School of the Incarnation in Gambrills, Maryland. Peace! Golf League Report Bill Schaffer (410) 721-2932 [email protected] Brother Knights, as always we need more golfers. The Golf kick-off meeting will be Tuesday, March 10th, at 7:30PM at the Hall. (You need not attend to join, but you will meet some of your fellow golfers.) We play with a 100% handicap so don't worry about “will you fit in?” You do!! We basically have 3 nine-hole leagues and you can play in all three. The Tuesday afternoon K-flight starts around 4:30PM. The Thursday morning Y-flight starts around 8:00AM. The Thursday afternoon C-flight starts around 4:30PM. All the leagues will start after Easter (April 7th & 9th), and run for 20+ weeks. Cost will be the same as last year. (9-Holes $13 to walk, ride $19) We could use new members on all these flights, especially the Tuesday K-flight, Come on out!!! Have You Had That Talk With Your Family? Ray DeVous, PFN (301)641-8054 [email protected] My Brother Knights all…have you spoken to your family about your wishes for your end of life? We have had several Brother Knights die and their family did not know to contact the Council or what their Degree membership entitled them to! The ACCOLADE is a Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council # 2577 newsletter that is published and distributed monthly to Members. Correspondence should be mailed to the editor at the Council address or emailed to [email protected]. All articles are due, a month in advance of distribution, at the Program Directors Meeting. Articles received after the 10th of the month cannot be guaranteed to be published. Motion of Intent It is moved that Sacred Heart Council establish a Friday evening Bingo, to include funding the evening, purchases the paper, and providing incentive prizes for the evening. This motion will be voted on at the Business meeting on Thursday, March 12th. In Memoriam Membership Activities Report James P. Leonard George Riddle (410) 721-6104 [email protected] Kenneth E. Mohr, HL We will be having our next Membership Blitz at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Sunday, February 22nd. The Masses are 8:00AM, 9:30AM, and 11:00AM. The Church will be holding a Welcoming Social for new parishioners after the 11:00AM Mass in their Hall. I will have a table set up down there for us to do some socializing and recruiting. There will be coffee, donuts, and refreshments. Please come down to one or maybe all the Masses and help us bring in some new members to our Council. Any questions, feel free to give me a call. Josephine Tobin, Widow of John Tobin, Mother-in-Law of G. Fred Robinson, HM Joyce G. Kenney, Widow of William Kenney Sick and Memorial George Vincent (301) 249-6399 Sick or Recovering Brothers Calvin Blake, Jr. Charles “Mike” Bronder, HLM Joe Brust Tom Burtis, PGK, HLM Jim Conley Mark Davis Tony DePaul, HLM Richard Ednock, HLM Buck Garner, HLM Al Golato, HLM John Hanna Chuck Kinzie John Kylus, PGK, HLM George Messenger, PGK, HLM Frank Murphy Tom O’Connor, Jr. Richard Padgett, HLM Rocky Seppi Dave Thomas, HLM John Vorce Sick or Recovering Relatives Marion Brunner, Widow of Art Brunner, PGK Louise Calmon, Wife of Gene Calmon, HLM Claire Carroll, Wife of Paul Carroll, HLM Audrey Conley, Wife of Jim Conley Mary Cullen, Wife of Bob Cullen Joanne O’Malley, Wife of Jack O’Malley Mary Peterson, Daughter of John Curerri Eva Poiaini, Wife of Claudio Poiani, PGK, PFN Eileen Prevo, Wife of Bill Prevo Kathy Salvemini, Wife of Tony Salvemini, PGK, PFN, FDD Lorraine Sotack, Wife of Steve Sotack Elizabeth Stone, Wife of Tony Stone Brian Stone, Son of Tony Stone Theresa Vita, Daughter of Bill Vita Sacred Heart Council#2577 Charity Fund Joe Massimini, FDD, PGK (240) 997-0402 [email protected] The Sacred Heart Council #2577 Charity Fund is ready to receive your tax deductible contributions. At this time we are providing funds to the Council Scholarships including the College Scholarships and the Seminarian Scholarships. In the past Sacred Heart Council has provided scholarships to Father Dan Carson, Father Chris Seith, and Father Rob Wells. We are hoping to continue the Seminarian support by the Council through the Charity Fund and your contributions. For a detailed report on how your Charity Fund is working, please come to the monthly business meeting. If you would like to contribute to these worthy causes, please contact Kevin Kylus, PGK or Joe Massimini, FDD, PGK. All contributions will be acknowledged with a letter that can be used for tax purposes. Peace! Family Activities Report Alex Simpson (443) 745-6727 [email protected] My Brother Knights and Ladies, last month's “Family Knight Out” was a SMASHING success! Please keep supporting and bringing your friends and family! February’s Family Knight Out will be held on Friday, February 20th from 5:30PM until whenever you want to leave. We will be serving salad, authentic Italian ravioli in tomato sauce and dessert! It will be fun for all ages and the price is right: $8.00 for teens and up, $4 for 3-12, and children under 3 are FREE! Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected] with family name and number of adults/kids attending by Tuesday, February 17th. We had a huge success at kebab night, LETS KEEP IT GOING! We will be having our famous Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet from 9:00AM to Noon on Sunday February 8th. The price is: $8.50 adults…$5.00 children (6 – 12YO) and a family max of $24.00. You are asked to spread the word about this Family Breakfast Buffet to your family, neighbors, fellow Church parishioners, and coworkers! Community Activities Report We ask that these Brother Knights and their relatives be kept in your daily prayers. If you know of a Brother Knight or a member of his family who is sick or recently deceased, please contact me so that we may include them in our prayers. Also we need your help managing the sick and recovering list. So when someone has recovered or wishes to remove his or her name please call me at (301) 2496399 or email me at: [email protected]. Bill Fish (301) 809-6706 [email protected] Our next Blood Drive will be held on Monday, March23rd from 2:00 – 7:30PM at the Hall. Make an appointment to donate by calling the Red Cross at 1-800RED-CROSS. Your unit of blood donated can save up to three lives. At our Monday, January 12th Council Blood Drive, we had 25 units of blood donated. The Red Cross’s Regional Manager was at the Blood Drive and thanked the Council and the Knights of Columbus Order for our long history of support and donations to this life saving cause and the Red Cross. The Blood Drive dates for the rest of 2015 are: March 23rd, May 18th, July th 13 , September 4th, and November 9th from 2:00 – 7:30PM. These are all Mondays! Mark your 2015 calendars now! Pro-Life Report Rob Van Rite, PGK (301) 910-4524 [email protected] The Super Bowl of the Pro-Life movement is the annual MARCH FOR LIFE on the National Mall (12th Street, Washington, DC). Though I have watched (and supported) the effort for many years, this year was a first for me. I gathered up my Arctic torso hood, gloves, and multi-layered clothing to walk with the students of John Carroll University (JCU) which our Council sponsors every year. For me the event started the day of their arrival: the 21st of last month. I had journeyed to the Hall after a triumphal bowling session at Crofton Bowl, full of enthusiasm and expectation. Judging from the faces of the young pro-lifers getting off the bus, there were plenty of those same sentiments going all around. After they were settled and welcomed, District Deputy Romeo Paternoster and his kitchen stalwarts served up pizza and refreshments. The following morning a tasty breakfast was also provided. (I have found my prayers are more fervent when accomplished on a full stomach.) Anyway, the time came, and we boarded the bus to take us to the massive rally in the Nation’s capital. From the limited vantage point I had, I could see that many people and groups had braved the weather’s rigors to make a statement for life. Inspirational speakers one after another touted the successes of the pro-life movement to the raucous approval of the thousands in attendance. Usually, I don’t like crowds . . . but this group, I liked just fine! I highly endorse this experience for my Brother Knights who are still ambulatory. I would like to offer my special thanks to Erin Valencia, a student at JCU, through whose intercession I was allowed to ride inside the bus instead of the roof! Vivat Jesus! Fraternal Activity Report Frank Italiano (301) 213-7491 [email protected] Brothers and Sisters who walk in the footsteps of Fr. McGivney: Looking about the welfare of your brothers and sisters in Christ is FRATERNITY. Including their family and your circle of friends means that you care. Do you care? When was the last time you contacted an “old friend” to determine how they are doing. Have they had problems; how is their health; how many new grandchildren; have they been on a trip lately? This is what they call friendship. Short message…dwell on it. Happy Birthday to the babies of February: Patrick Carrette (01), Carmen Gannotti (02), Carl Letwinsky (02), Robert Surette (03), Donald Mellin (04), Edward Gorsky (05), Tyler Bryant (06), Steven DeGeorge (06), William Dziwura (06), Gerald Markey (06), Emil Sikorsky (06), Joseph Valenti (06), John Coffman (07), Donald Kinsley (07), Martin Mendoza, Jr. (07), Frank Rose (08), Bradley Voight (08), James Maloney, Sr. (09), William Mecca (09), Ronald Holmquist (10), Thomas Jacobs (11), Anthony Mastromarino (11), Frank Danowski (12), Calvin Blake, Jr. (14), John Canter, Sr. (14), Neil Baldwin (15), Daniel Jordan (15), Joseph Brust (16), Jason Holley (16), William Sheehan (16), James Golato (17), Dennis Doyle (18), Thomas Conahan (19), David Geary (19), Jeffrey Scheidhauer (19), Joseph Moxley (20), John Olson (20), Louis Rodriquez (20), Ward Hostetler (21), Wesley Hubbert (21), Mark Mercanti (21), Eugene Schacher (22), Michael Baden (23), Paul Newman (23), Denis Mulligan (25), Joseph Woods (25), Michael Carpenter (26), Joseph Komsa (26), Don Tallmadge (26), Harry Wannemacher (26), John Sondberg (27), Thomas Clabby, Jr. (28), Douglas Parks (28) and Kevin Kylus (29). Church Activities Report Neil Baldwin (410) 353-8673 [email protected] There will be a First Friday Mass and Mini-Supper on February 6th at 7:00PM. The menu will be: Corn chowder, Tuna salad Rober’ on a croissant roll, French fries, and Dessert. The cost is $7.00. On Wednesday, March 4th, the Sacred Heart Council will be hosting the local clergyman to a dinner of appreciation for all of their sacred services. In communion with this event, all are encouraged to show some act of personal gratitude for those who have given their lives for the good of the Church. Spending time before the Eucharist, taking advantage of the Sacraments, offering them gifts or even kind words: there are many ways in which to show them they are appreciated by their flock. Through this dinner, the Council seeks to make this appreciation known and to serve as sign of service to them and their needs, building more blocks of mutual respect and union of faith in the Lord and love for the local communities. Council Activities Report Fraternal Benefits Report NaciemCra Yousif (240) 476-1159 [email protected] The laws and rules of our Order, as well as state (provincial) laws, specify that the Knights of Columbus may accept insurance applications only from Knights of Columbus members. As a member, you may apply for insurance on yourself, your wife and your dependent, minor children. The Order’s Board of Directors has taken action, though, to assure that a Brother Knight’s widow maintains the right to purchase additional insurance for a limited time. This can be of great benefit and comfort to those we leave behind. This “right to apply” is available only to the widows of insured members. If a member has not availed himself of our top-rated life insurance program, or purchased an annuity or long-term care policy, this benefit is not available to his widow. But if the member was an insured member, his widow has the right to apply for additional insurance on her life and on the lives of the member’s minor children. This right can be exercised for up to one year following the Order’s receipt of proof of the insured’s death. Know two things. First, I’ll assist your widow and children in any way possible if you should die, both with your Knights of Columbus insurance and any other life insurance you may have. Second, I’ll provide them my best professional advice and service, to assure that they continue to have adequate insurance protection. Let me first apologize for the confusion with the Bull and Oyster Roast. The event is NOT cancelled; it has been postponed to Saturday, February 28th, 2015. Please see the advertisement on the back page of this Accolade for full details. The reason for the postponement was to ensure that the event is a success for our community and our Council, given the new and inexperienced leadership in this event (namely me). The annual Bull and Oyster Roast honoring PG County Police and Fire & EMS Departments is a big and very important event. Tickets are printed out and will be sold by Donnie Restly, Ray DeVous, and myself. Fliers will be made available so that word can spread around, but your support by spreading the word around will be very helpful. Thank you for your understanding and patience with me for this event. Bob Conroy Memorial Bowling Tournament Brother Knight Bob Conroy was a kegler in the Wednesday Night Knights League at Crofton Bowling Center. Bob passed away recently and the Council would like to honor his memory by having a bowling tournament bearing his name. Who: All bowlers and other Knights of Council #2577 What: Single Elimination Bowling Tournament (Price to be determined. Will cover bowling, prize fund, and awards banquet) When: February 15th 2015: Show time 1100AM for processing. . .12 Noon: Start time Where: Crofton Bowling Center on Rt. 450 East Why: To honor the memory of Bob Conroy, boost camaraderie and fellowship Award Banquet: Will be held at the Hall following the Bowling Tournament. Call John Canter, FICF, (301) 261-3231 or Stephen Clites, FICF at (240) 375-1372. State Council Report Stephen J. Adamczyk, State Deputy Supreme Council Report College Knights Continue Legacy of Cardinal O’Connor On Saturday, January 24th, young people from across the nation gathered at Georgetown University to participate in the 16th annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life. The conference provided the opportunity for hundreds of pro-lifers to participate in a forum of serious intellectual discourse, as well as the chance to connect with hundreds of like-minded participants from across the country. Through the keynote speech and the various breakout sessions that followed, participants not only gained the necessary intellectual tools to publicly defend human life at all its stages, but also had the priceless opportunity to develop new friendships in the pro-life movement. Participants left the conference with renewed hope, enthusiasm, and zeal. The Cardinal O’Connor Conference, the nation’s largest student-run pro-life conference, has a rich history with the Knights of Columbus. The conference was founded 16 years ago by Stephen Feiler, who was then Grand Knight of Georgetown University Council 6375. To this day, the O’Connor Conference has been sponsored by both Georgetown and Supreme Council. It’s important that I bring to your attention the fact that our Charity Fund account is getting low. We have already given out this year as much in funding as we have donations. Times are difficult and as we enter the colder months I fear we will be asked for additional help. I ask all Grand Knights, to please take this message to their Councils. If you have not distributed the envelopes for the Charity Fund, now is the time to do so! Please ask the Brother Knights to consider making a donation to those less fortunate. Fr. McGivney’s intent when starting the Order was Charity First. Speaking of colder weather…have you taken the time to check on your older members? If you have not seen the usual men at your meetings, where are they? Do they need a ride, do they assistance, and are they sick, can you bring over some warm soup? Again make it personal; wouldn’t you appreciate a call if you were homebound? How about a Council project to visit the sick or disabled (even the just weather disabled) and make sure their needs are being met. Ask your fraternal benefits advisor for assistance in this endeavor! On behalf of all the State Officers, Happy Valentine’s Day, to all the lovely ladies of the State. Dr. Ivan J. Nosacek, P.A. Family Foot Care John Canter, F. I.C. F. (301) 261-3231 Steve Clites, F.I.C.F (240) 375-1372 North Oak Professional Park 3006 Mitchellville Road Bowie, MD 20716 (301) 390-3338 - FAX: (301) 390-7738 Fraternal Benefits Advisors Annuities – Long Term Care Ron Treacy Four Legs Animal Hospital Dr. Natalia Nosacek Bassford 1329 W. Central Avenue Davidsonville, MD 21035 (410) 798-5222 A.M. BEST: A++ STANDARD & POORS: ASE Certified Master AAA Technician MD EmissionTechnician Hi-Tech Mobile Auto Care All Types of Repairs – Foreign & American 7110 Crain Highway Bowie, MD 20715 MD Route 450 & Route 3 301-262-0003 301-262-0004 Boswell Hall Cardinal Room Columbian Room Weddings, Meetings, Parties, etc. Call (301) 262-1041 (301) 352-6141 Fourth Degree News Tom Torrell, Faithful Navigator (301) 262-8062 St. John N. Neumann Assembly #1763 [email protected] As the month of February begins, we have passed the halfway mark of the Fraternal Year. Recruitment of new members is an important part of our mission. Like any organization, we need new members to sustain our growth and keep doing the good works we do. If you know of any 3rd Degree member who does not yet have their 4 th Degree, talk to them about the benefits of joining. The Exemplification of the 4th Degree will take place the weekend of April 10-12, 2015, at the Colony South Hotel and Conference Center in Clinton, Md., with the Exemplification taking place on Saturday, April 11th. As a reminder, all Fourth Degree members are invited to attend. Registration of new members can be done by filling out a Form 4, and the registration can be done online at It is very convenient since you can use a credit card to pay the fees, and it eliminates some paperwork, although a Form 4 must still be submitted to me or our Comptroller, Frank Italiano, PGK, PFN. We have until March 10th to get registrations in. I will be at the meetings on February 12th and the 19th and I will have Form 4’s and brochures available. Did you know that Presidents Day is a Patriotic holiday? George Washington’s Birthday was established as a holiday in 1885, and it celebrates the life and contributions of our first president; and General of the American Revolution. In some states the holiday is expanded to include that of Abraham Lincoln and is thus referred to as Presidents Day. It occurs on the 3 rd Monday of February, near both Presidents’ birthdays. Our next 4th Degree meeting will be held on Thursday, February 19 th, 8PM at Boswell Hall. Our next AWD meeting is Saturday, February 14 th, 10AM at St. Hugh’s Grenoble Hall in Greenbelt. All 4 th Degree members are invited to attend. McNamara Chapter News The McNamara Chapter of Grand Knights will have their monthly chapter meeting on Wednesday, January 25th at St. Columcille Council #5317 in Ft. Washington, MD. “The Best Laid Plans: will be discussed. Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights and Council Officers are urged to attend. KNIGHTS ROOM HOURS: February 2015 Sun Mon TUESDAY Tue 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Wed 1 Super Bowl 2 CWC/BA Mtg. 3 Bingo 7:00PM 4 Cornhole Party 4:00PM 7:00/7:30PM Bingo Team #5 6:30PM 1st FRIDAY Thu 6:00 PM - MIDNIGHT Fri Sat 5 York Club 11AM 6 Mass 7:00PM 7 12 York Club 11AM 13 14 20 Family 21 PDM 7:00PM 8 Family 9 Breakfast Buffet 9:00 – Noon 15 22 16 23 Membership Blitz at St. Elizabeth Seton Church 10 Bingo 7:00PM 11 Cornhole Bingo Team #1 6:30PM 17 Bingo 7:00PM 18 Cornhole Bingo Team#2 6:30PM 24 Bingo 7:00PM Bingo Team #3 25 Cornhole 6:30PM McNamara Chapter Mtg. at St. Comuncille Council #5317 in Ft. Washington, MD. Business Mtg. 8PM 19 York Club 11AM 4 Degree Mtg. 8:00PM Knight Out 5:30PM 26York Club 11AM 27 28 Bull and Oyster Roast 4:00 – 10:00PM Coming in Mar. 6 Mass 8 Breakfast 17 St. Patrick’s 20 Family Knight 23 Blood Drive 29 Palm Sunday Coming in Apr. 3 NO MASS 5 Easter 12 Breakfast th Social Mtg. 8:00PM Steve Mihaly, Bingo Director (410) 721-9014; Faris Kahwajy, Bingo Setup (301) 262-8674; Steve Dobrosielski, Bingo Coordinator (301) 262-6860 Feb. 10 Team #1 Ohlen Hunt (410) 793-0650 L. Josleyn J. McMullen K. Carroll B. Cartney, Jr. M. Mulroy R. Burkhardt Kitchen Team # 1 B. Benitez, Captain C. Hedley, Kitchen Prep T. Seppi M. Sonnefeld L. Sickels, Kitchen Prep Setup #1 J. Lienesch, Captain B. Schaffer E. Amey R. McElligott Feb. 17 Team #2 Gary Harash (301) 464-2335 A. Marmo R. Ideo R, Dacquel M. Mihaly L. Schumacher D. Achikeh G. Patterson Kitchen Team # 2 J. Mulqueen, Captain P. Heleen, Kitchen Prep S. Dougherty, Kitchen Prep W. Hubbert B. Prevo W. Hostetler J, Schablein. Setup #2 F, Kahwajy T. Wieber . J. McCloskey Feb. 24 Mar. 3 Feb. 3 Team #3 Team #4 Team #5 Mark Seidleck (410) 956-0195 Bruno Seppi (301) 249-7412 Jim Hannan (301) 464-0528 A. Dobson J. Seidleck M. O’Reilly R. Spargo B. Potts F. Hebert J. A. Seidleck C Leshinsky J. Ruzzi J. Brust J. Schmidt J. Rodgers J. Lyons J. Woodward J. Simpson D. Crosby C. Keplinger D. Parks R. Padro M. Scott G. Kiley R. Bonccelli Kitchen Team # 3 Kitchen Team #4 Kitchen Team #5 F. Italiano, Team Captain B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep R. Paternoster, Captain &Prep T. Looney P. Connolly R. Van Rite, Captain A. Saba D. Scholfield, Kitchen Prep T. Weiber, Kitchen Prep T. Wieber, Kitchen Prep A. Lopata. T. Ruthemeyer B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep M. Constantine J. Nelson G. Ratte, K.P. N, Yousif Setup #3 D’Orsaneo, Co-Captain J. Lonergan , Co-Captain C. Hedley Setup #4 T. Young, Captain B. Martin B. Kennedy Setup #5 R. McElligott B. Schaffer E. Amey Floor Substitutes: Bill Dziwura (301) 262-7278, Riick Foster (301) 262-5676, Bob Icaruso (410) 721-8211, Liam Benton (443) 336-6528, Mike Allen Kitchen Substitutes: Ken Urasek (410) 419-2486, Adel Saba (Cell (240) 381-4223, Home (301) 464-9244) The Accolade Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council #2577 6111 Columbian Way Bowie, MD 20715-4302 The Council’s webpage: and Accolade can be accessed on your camera equipped smart devices by using the QR Code application available for downloading where you download from. Using your phone’s camera and the QR Code application, click on the code above. The Maryland State Council webpage and their many activities details can be found at: Have you paid your 2015 dues? Sacred Heart Council #2577 Knights of Columbus presents their 19th ANNUAL PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER RECOGNITION NIGHT BULL AND OYSTER ROAST Saturday, February 28th, 2015 Boswell Hall, Bowie, MD Doors open at 4:00PM BAR OPEN 4:00 TO 10:00PM - FOOD SERVICE 5:00 TO 8:00PM DANCING 8:00 – 10:00PM BIG SIX WHEEL --- VEGAS MACHINE TICKETS – $35 (reserve a table of 8 or more and pay $30 per person) CHILDREN UNDER AGE OF 12 – $10 ALL YOU CAN EAT ON THE PREMISES CONTACT: Donnie Restly (301) 262-1041, Naciem Yousif (240) 476-1159 Ray DeVous (301) 641-8054
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