FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 St. Edward Catholic Church 601 West C Street PO Box 758 Shelton Washington 98584 ~ (360) 426-6134 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Saturday February 21 Catholic Home Missions Collection 5:00 p.m. Mass +Isabel DelaCruz 6:00 p.m. Family Night/Lenten Trivia 6:30 p.m. Spanish Choir Sunday February 22 Catholic Home Missions Collection 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Mass 9:30 a.m. Youth French Toast Breakfast 9:45 a.m. CE Classes 11:30 a.m. Misa en Español Monday February 23 6:30 p.m. Youth Ministry 7:00 p.m. Guatemalan Prayer Group Tuesday February 24 12:00 p.m. Mass +Mary Bergman 4:30 p.m. REACH 6:00 p.m. Spanish Baptism and Spanish RCIA 6:30 p.m. Bible Timeline 7:00 p.m. Spanish Choir Wednesday February 25 12:00 p.m. Mass Int of the Johnstone Family 1:00 p.m. Bible Timeline 6:00 p.m. Mass +Sharon Hall 6:30 p.m. Soup Supper Overview of Survey 6:30 p.m. Prayer Group Thursday February 26 12:00 p.m. Mass +Steve Stirnaman 6:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. RCIA-Commandments 1 & 3 7:30 p.m. Spanish Choir Friday February 27 8:30 a.m. Mass +Steve Stirnaman 6:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross-English 7:00 p.m. Benediction 7:15 p.m. Stations of the Cross-Spanish 8:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group Saturday February 28 4:00 p.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. Mass +Andrew Lemmei 6:30 p.m. Spanish Choir Sunday March 1 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Mass (Family Mass) 9:30 a.m. Coffee Hour 9:45 a.m. CE Classes 11:00 a.m. First Sacraments Family Meeting 11:30 a.m. Misa en Español FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 ST. EDWARD PARISH SELECTED TO PARTICIPATE IN NATIONAL STUDY! St. Edward Parish has been selected to participate in a national study of vibrant parishes conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute! Please help us participate by completing a 10-15 minute survey online. The survey will be emailed to you by [email protected]. The survey will only be available from February 17 to March 10 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on what efforts the parish is doing to help you grow. All responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to Fr. Belisle and our Pastoral Plan Committee as we plan ahead and try to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results in May/June at which time, we will share what we have learned with the entire parish. There will be opportunities to complete the survey after daily and Sunday Mass and you can obtain a paper copy by contacting Susan at (360) 426-6134. The survey may be taken at computer stations in the Social Hall during the French Toast Breakfast this weekend. INSTITUTE COLLECTION FOR CATHOLIC HOME/BLACK AND INDIAN MISSIONS By virtue of our baptism into Christ Jesus, we are all missionaries, beginning with our own families and parishes. Like the Apostles, we are encouraged to reach out to our brothers and sisters in faith, love, and sacrifice. We invite you to help build our Mission to the Missions by supporting the Black and Indian Mission Collection this weekend. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT STAFF FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE OFFICE (360) 426-6134 FAX (360) 426-6231 Pastor-Fr. Ronald Belisle Fostering Stewardship As A Way of Life STEWARDSHIP TIME & TALENT SALUTE We tip our hats to Mr. John Robertson who must carry trash bags in his pockets!! Thank you John for picking up the garbage around our Church! Ext. 201 [email protected] Senior Priest-Fr. Richard Parle Deacon Bill Batstone [email protected] STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The Lenten practices of prayer, repentance, and almsgiving, are also practices that lead us to Stewardship. Christian Education - Mary Chapman Ext. 300 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry-Ramiro Rocha Parish Office-Susan Roettjer Music Director-Skylar Carroll Ext. 200 [email protected] 360-877-6675 [email protected] Administration-Jeanne Shouse Maintenance-Joe Zimny Ext. 202 [email protected] Ext. 203 [email protected] Ext. 500 [email protected] Custodial and Maintenance-Tom Bart SCHEDULE Reconciliation Sat 4:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning English 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. Misa en Español 11:30 a.m. Weekday Masses Tues-Thurs 12:00 p.m. Mass and Morning Prayer Fri 8:30 a.m. Visitation of the Sick First Fridays Office Hours Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER The youth will be sponsoring a French Toast Breakfast on Sunday, February 22nd. All proceeds will go to help offset the costs for our Jr. High youth to attend the Rally in Seattle. We need everyone’s support. BONUS OFFERING! The parish survey may be taken at computer stations in the Social Hall during the French Toast Breakfast! COMING EVENTS February 25 February 27 March 7 March 8 March 14 March 20 March 27-29 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 Mass at 6:00 p.m. followed by Soup Supper (will continue every Wed thru March 25th) Stations of the Cross English 6:30 p.m., Benediction 7:00 p.m. Spanish 7:15 p.m. (will continue every Friday thru Lent) Centering Prayer Workshop Daylight Savings Time 2:00 a.m. Debbie Dimitre-Storyteller sponsored by Altar Society Parish Fish Fry followed by Youth Stations Light of the World Retreat Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper 6:30 p.m. Good Friday Solemn Liturgy 6:30 p.m. Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m. Easter Mass 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. English, 11:30 a.m. Spanish CENTERING PRAYER We need those times of prayer when we listen in silence, not just with our ears, our eyes, our minds, but more with our hearts, with our whole being. This is Contemplative Prayer or prayer of the heart. It is prayer of being. Our tradition has passed down to us simple ways of entering into this prayer. Today, one of these traditional ways is called Centering Prayer. Mary Solberg, commissioned to teach by Contemplative Outreach is presenting an introductory presentation that covers the basics of Centering Prayer on Saturday, March 7th in the Social Hall. Registration begins at 9:30 AM with the session beginning at 10:00, concluding at 3:00 PM. Please bring a brown bag lunch and coffee and tea will be available. Please join us as we deepen our relationship with God through Centering Prayer. Contact Mary Chapman for more information. 2 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 PRAYERS PRAYER CHAIN WHAT’S YOUR CATHOLIC IQ? Catholics are encouraged to receive the sacrament of ___ during Lent to prepare spiritually for Easter. (a) anointing of the sick; (b) holy orders; (c) confession; (d) matrimony If you have a special need for prayer please call one of the ladies listed below and they will start the chain of calls, which will give you support in your time of need. Marilyn Earsley [email protected] Sandy Harris [email protected] Bernadine Robertson [email protected] PRAYER PARTNERS Next weekend we will have the final names of youth who need a PRAYER PARTNER. These youth are enrolled in the 1st Reconciliation/1st Eucharist and the Catechumenate program. We are asking parishioners to take a name and become a prayer partner for that youth. We have approximately 59 youth who need your prayers! Thank you! SICK LIST Do you know of an aged or ailing person who would like to receive communion at home? We will be leaving people on the sick list for approximately three weeks, then removing them. If you have someone you would like back on the list please feel free to contact the office. Rick Anderson Christa Bentley John Bigger Lucia Giancolo Lucas Gonzales Alan Hanson Brandy & Myia Bodyfelt Nancy Hausser Aaron Booy Isabell Henao Celeste Bordeaux Walter Horton Jud Brooks Martha & Tim Tyler Brown Johnson Bill Bruce Mary Johnson William Burke Leo Kaiser Rebekah Chapman Diane Knisley Jackie Conklin Debbie Krumpols Mel & Ross Crampton Mary Lambert Jo Debruler Roger Letourneau Amy Domgaard Veronica Lindenselser Debra Donohue Lisa & Mike McCormick Jane Dormuth Susan Merriman Lorraine Duggan Kaytlin Melvin Brooklyn Dunn Randy Middleton Carol Dunaway Sandy Morrison Janie Earl Teresa Noecker Kathy Easley Dale Nye Kandice Ewing Fr. Dick Parle Lynn Forrester Chuck Pierce Marilyn Feist Rikki Puetz Beverly Frank Ally, Ella & Tammy ST. JOSEPH FEAST DAY In observance of the Feast Day of St. Joseph (March 19th), we have begun our food drive. If you and your family are in a position to donate nonperishable food items, boxes will be available in the church vestibule, in front of St. Joseph’s statue and the Education Building. FYI: Needed items include: Top Ramen, instant oatmeal, chili, ravioli, pork & beans, fruit cups, energy bars, microwaveable mac & cheese, fruit juice, tuna, etc. LENT The children in CCD will be participating in different activities during this Lenten season. There will be projects, service opportunities and Lenten involvement such as the Rice Bowl, Stations of the Cross, prayer groups and Reconciliation. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are central themes during Lenten observances and we would like to see all the children involved. Please make sure your child attends Mass and CCD so they can experience and celebrate this important season. Thought for the day: The Creator thinks enough of you to have sent someone very special so that you might have lifeabundantly, joyfully, completely and victoriously. – Anonymous ANSWER TO THE IQ QUESTION (c) Canon law requires Catholics to receive confession once a year to confess their mortal sins (CIC n. 989). Putvin Mary Reller Brandon Roberts Shannon Rothschild Archbishop Sartain Antonette Savoie Evelia Serrano James & Linda Simms Ryan Simons Hazel Simpson Kye Simpson Larry Simpson Marguerite Simpson Jenneka Smith Stephanie Stephens Rochelle Stork Joan Towner Barbara Uchytil Jane Trotzer Valley Ignacio Velasquez Frances Warnes Larry Warren Jack Wells Doreen Wood Shantelle Zimny Del Zorn JUNIOR HIGH RALLY We have begun registration for the up-coming Jr. High Rally that is being held on March 7th in Seattle. This rally is open to all 6th through 8th graders. This daylong rally is a great way for our junior youth to participate with other youth throughout the Archdiocese. They will gather to sing, pray, share a common faith and HAVE FUN. If you need more information or are interested in chaperoning, please contact the education office or Colleen Delgado. PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING THEIR COUNTRY Bill & Sam Wirstrom (OK) Pat Kealy (KY) Morgan Smith (IL) James Woodward (Iraq) Tom Kealy (CO) David Martin (USN) Ian O’Sullivan (KY) Sean Kealy (SC) Elizabeth Milliken (Qatar) Mitchell Reynolds (Kuwait) Joshua Holloway (Afghanistan) Michael Wirstrom & Bonnie Yoakum (New Mexico) Matt Weivoda, Nathan Keith & Karl Merz (US Army) Alex Blakley, Jodie Hartman, & Kristopher Chapman (TX) Raymond J. Mundigler, Gary Grubb, Paul Joseph Cote & Melissa Fredson, Zach Zuroweste & Sophia Kinnaman (VA) Stephen Gardner, Teresa Gardner-Wenner, Peter Gilroy, Carl Cox, Derrik Truax, Adam Chmielowski and Laura Kent (WA) To add names to the Honor Roll, please call Susan. SWEATSHIRTS & T-SHIRTS FOR SALE The Youth Group has sweatshirts and t-shirts for sale. Contact the education office for details. T-shirts - $16 Sweatshirts - $35 REST IN PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of Pat Brown, Laverne Love, Joan Eaton, Esteven Carrillo and Florinda Cardonas. YOUTH MINISTRY Contact Colleen Delgado [email protected] 3 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 VEA SEÑOR ALREDEDOR DE SU ALTAR SEGUNDA LECTURA 1 Pedro 3, 18-22 Lectura de la primera carta del apóstol san Pedro Hermanos: Cristo murió, una sola vez y para siempre, por los pecados de los hombres; él, el justo, por nosotros, los injustos, para llevarnos a Dios; murió en su cuerpo y resucitó glorificado. En esta ocasión, fue a proclamar su mensaje a los espíritus encarcelados, que habían sido rebeldes en los tiempos de Noé, cuando la paciencia de Dios aguardaba, mientras se construía el arca, en la que unos pocos, ocho personas, se salvaron flotando sobre el agua. Aquella agua era figura del bautismo, que ahora los salva a ustedes y que no consiste en quitar la inmundicia corporal, sino en el compromiso de vivir con una buena conciencia ante Dios, por la resurrección de Cristo Jesús, Señor nuestro, que subió al cielo y está a la derecha de Dios, a quien están sometidos los ángeles, las potestades y las virtudes. Palabra de Dios. LISTA DE ORACIONES Por el Alma del Señor: Rosendo Pimentel-Olguin PRIMERA LECTURA Génesis 9, 8-15 Lectura del libro del Génesis En aquellos días, dijo Dios a Noé y a sus hijos: “Ahora establezco una alianza con ustedes y con sus descendientes, con todos los animales que los acompañaron, aves, ganados y fieras, con todos los que salieron del arca, con todo ser viviente sobre la tierra. Ésta es la alianza que establezco con ustedes: No volveré a exterminar la vida con el diluvio ni habrá otro diluvio que destruya la tierra”. Y añadió: “Esta es la señal de la alianza perpetua que yo establezco con ustedes y con todo ser viviente que esté con ustedes. Pondré mi arco iris en el cielo como señal de mi alianza con la tierra, y cuando yo cubra de nubes la tierra, aparecerá el arco iris y me acordaré de mi alianza con ustedes y con todo ser viviente. No volverán las aguas del diluvio a destruir la vida”. Palabra de Dios. EVANGELIO Marcos 1, 12-15 Lectura del santo Evangelio según san Marcos En aquel tiempo, el Espíritu impulsó a Jesús a retirarse al desierto, donde permaneció cuarenta días y fue tentado por Satanás. Vivió allí entre animales salvajes, y los ángeles le servían. SALMO RESPONSORIAL Salmo 24, 4bc-5ab. 6-7bc. 8-9 Tus senda, Señor, son misericordia y lealtad, para los que guardan tu alianza. Señor, enséñame tus caminos, instrúyeme en tus sendas, haz que camine con lealtad; enséñame, porque tú eres mi Dios y Salvador. Después de que arrestaron a Juan el Bautista, Jesús se fue a Galilea para predicar el Evangelio de Dios y decía: “Se ha cumplido el tiempo y el Reino de Dios ya está cerca. Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio”. Palabra del Señor. Tus senda, Señor, son misericordia y lealtad, para los que guardan tu alianza. Recuerda, Señor, que tu ternura y tu misericordia son eternas. Acuérdate de mí con misericordia, por tu bondad, Señor. © 1999 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica Derechos reservados a favor de OBRA NACIONAL DE LA BUENA PRENSA, A.C. Apartado M-2181. 06000 México, D.F. Orozco y Berra 180. Santa Mariá la Ribera. © 1970 Comisiòn Episcopal Española de Liturgia © 1972 SOBICAIN. Derechos reservados. Tus senda, Señor, son misericordia y lealtad, para los que guardan tu alianza. El Señor es bueno, es recto, y enseña el camino a los pecadores; hace caminar a los humildes con rectitud, enseña su camino a los humildes. RINCON DE RAQUEL Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado “Invócame en el día de la angustia: Yo te libraré y podrás glorificarme.” -Salmo 50:15 Tus senda, Señor, son misericordia y lealtad, para los que guardan tu alianza. Venga a un retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™y entregue sus penas a Nuestro Señor. El lo sanará y podrá glorificar al Señor para siempre. HAMBRE DE UNA VIDA MEJOR Nuestra jornada con Plato de Arroz de CRS comienza en Tanzania, ¡donde una simple soya está cambiando vidas! ¿Qué acciones puede tomar esta Cuaresma para cambiar vidas—en casa y en todo el mundo? El retiro confidencial en español se llevará a cabo: abril del 2015 Para mayor información, deje un mensaje confidencial: Marisela 206.450.7814 ¡Con amor eterno te he amado! El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la agencia de Catholic Community Services. 4 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT OUTREACH Blessing Cards Community Meals Homebound Communion REACH Shari Petri Mike Wallace Fr. Belisle Fr. Belisle FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 ORGANIZATIONS Altar Society Margaret Brown 490-2194 Kathleen Anderson [email protected] Coffee Hour Frank & Gail Rothschild 427-7844 Funeral Receptions Pat Wojcik 432-0389 Library Charlie & Janetta Roberts 426-6134 Rosary Guild Jackie Martin 360-432-8204 REACH The group will meet Tuesday in the Christian Ed. Building at 4:30 p.m. We begin planning for the Light of the World Retreat. We invite all who have been touched by this remarkable moment of grace. All are welcome as we strive to grow into a true faith sharing community. Do you know of a parishioner that has an interesting story to tell? St. Edward Altar Society Presents DEBBIE DIMITRE As Four Women of the Bible “Bent over Woman” “Mary Magdalene” “Woman with Flow of Blood” “Woman at the Well” COMMUNITY MEALS We need volunteers to help provide for our increasing community’s hungry! This is a very important ministry and we need our community’s involvement. We are facing an average of 70 to 100 meals a night and these include an increase of families. If you are interested in helping provide a dish or helping with the set-up or clean up please sign up in the church narthex or contact our coordinator, Mike Wallace at 432- 8204 or Mary Chapman for more information. We serve meals on February 23rd, March 9th, 15th 23rd, & 29th. Saturday, March 14, 2015 1:00 pm $10.00 Pre-Sale or $12.00 at Door Tickets available at Parish Office Reception Following MIRRORS-MIRRORS-MIRRORS The Altar Society has mirrors for sale: 1 40” x 5’ $35.00 no frame 2 40” x 50” $20.00 each, no frame 1 25 3/4” x 21 1/2” with frame that says “God Bless This Home” $10.00 1 20” x 36” no frame, chip in one corner $5.00 1 36” x 36” no frame, $5.00 1 16 1/2” x 26 1/2” with frame $5.00 1 30” x 60”, no frame $15.00 1 30 1/4” x 24” with frame $10.00 The last three listed are hanging in Social Hall. To see the others, call 426-9996. HUNGERING FOR A BETTER LIFE Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives—at home and around the world? LENTEN REGULATIONS Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for Baptism or of renewal of Baptism at Easter. Fasting is to be observed by all eighteen years of age and older, who have not yet celebrated their sixtieth birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one's needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is observed by all fourteen years of age and older. On days of abstinence no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and abstinence, the parish priest should be consulted. 5 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 SEE US LORD AROUND YOUR ALTAR JOURNEYSONGS PROCESSIONAL SONG: Hosea PREPARATION SONG: Save Your People HOLY: WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH #154 AMEN: LAMB OF GOD: COMMUNION SONG: On Eagle’s Wings O Beauty, Ever Ancient SENDING SONG: Led By The Spirit #884 THE LATINO CROSS In many churches in the spanish tradition, there is a cross that displays the symbols of Our Lord’s Passion and death. All the symbols have a basis in the scriptures. #529 Symbol · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · #364 #153 #158 #671 #739 #351 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 22ND Week I of the Psalter Sunday Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Monday Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Ps 34; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138; Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119; Mt 5:43-48 SAINTS ALIVE PRAYER GROUP The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17 Join us for Prayer Group on Wednesdays, at 6:00 PM in the Chapel. Enter thru the back Chapel door. Simbol Pitcher & bowl -Pilate's protest of innocence el cántaro de agua Rooster announces Peter's denial el gallo Lance / spear to open the side of Jesus la lanza Veronica's towel with image la toalla de Veronica Holy Grail / Precious Blood el caliz Judas' money bag el bolsa de dinero Sponge & vinegar la esponja y vinagre Dice wagering for Jesus’ seamless robe los dados Seamless garment la ropa sin costura Three nails los tres clavos INRI Inscription Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Ladder to remove the body la escalera Adam's skull uncovered in digging hole for cross el cránero de Adán Crown of thorns la corona de espinas Water from Jesus' side agua del costado de Jésus Whips used in scourging at the Pillar el latigo Sword Peter used to cut off Malchus’ ear la espada Severed ear la oreja cortada Tongs (to remove nails) / pincers las pinzas The pillar or column where Jesus was whipped la pilar Bundle of rods used in the whipping los azotes Purple cloak ropa purpura Reed scepter used in crowning with thorns el cetro Sudarium / burial cloth / shroud el sudario Judas’ money bag with 30 coins la bolsa de Judas Sacristan/Host B Bea Brown Sacristan/Host B Kevin Kealy Lector Emi McKay Lector Barb Herrick Lector John Robertson E. Min. Cup 1 Sandy Harris E. Min. Cup 1 Verne Bailey E. Min. Cup 1 Mercedes McGlothlin E. Min. Cup 2 Judy Harlow E. Min. Cup 2 Glenn Bell E. Min. Cup 2 Pat McCormick Deacon Cup 3 Bill Batstone Deacon Cup 3 Bill Batstone Deacon Cup 3 Bill Batstone E. Min. Cup 4 Rick Chapman E. Min. Cup 4 Diana Hupp E. Min. Cup 4 Tom Wallitner Server Grace Renecker Server Austin Severance Server Haley Cox Server TBD Server Sierra Severance Server Madison Cox Cantor Judy Lloyd Cantor Mary Pettibone Cantor Choir Accompanist Loren Lloyd Accompanist Dodie Vonhof Accompanist Dodie Vonhof Usher Luis Ramirez Usher Frank Rothschild Usher TBD Usher Buddy Smith Usher Gail Rothschild Usher Tom Bart Usher Paul Allard Usher Bernie Dorcy Usher Olene Steele Usher Sandy Morrison Usher Usher Bill Valley A/V Claire Voskuhl A/V A/V Gaspar Juan Russell Nesbitt 6 Sunday, March 1 10:00 a.m. Sacristan/Host B Vern Harris Sunday, March 1 8:30 a.m. Saturday, February 28 5:00 pm MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 21-22, 2015 ELSEWHERE VOCATIONS St Placid Priory is hosting a free Benedictine Vocation Discernment weekend, Feb. 28-Mar 1, for Catholic women interested in exploring their call to religious life. Kindly contact Sister Lucy Wynkoop at 360-4382595 or email [email protected] RACHEL’S CORNER Hope and Healing After Abortion Call me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” - Psalm 50:15 Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and give your troubles to Our Lord. He will restore you and you will glorify Him forever. March 6-8, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. Call 360-545-3149 for information and tickets Performances Saturday, March 14 at 2pm and 7pm Sunday, March 15 at 2pm Sunday, March 22 at 2pm Friday, March 27 at 7pm Saturday, March 28 at 7pm Sunday, March 29 at 2pm TICKETS $10.00 No Reserved Seating Not recommended for small children. 7
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