Web 10 - 19 February 2015 CHARLEMAGNE BUILDING 26-27 FEBRUARY 2015 BRUSSELS OVERVIEW Day 0: 25/2 Side sessions IEA, Oesterreichs Energie, EFFIES, EH&P- EHPA, EGEC, Cogen Europe Welcome cocktail (organised 14:30-18:00 19:00-22:00 by third parties) Day 1: 26/2 Registration & Welcome 9:00 - 10:00 GASP Plenary Session – Opening 10:00-13:00 MANS Workshop 1 Heating and cooling: a vision for 2050 14:30-17:30 JENK Workshop 2 Heating and cooling for industry 14:30-17:30 GASP Workshop 3 Boosting new finance for energy efficiency investments 14:30-17:30 GASP Plenary session: workshop debrief 17:30-18:00 Networking Cocktail 18:00-19:30 (organised by the Commission) Day 2: 27/2 Registration 8:30-9:00 GASP Workshop 4 Heating and cooling for buildings 9:00-12:00 MANS Workshop 5 The technology challenge 9:00-12:00 JENK Workshop 6 Building heat markets 9:00-12:00 GASP Conclusions & Way forward 12:00-13:00 1 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 25 February 2015 Side events relevant to the Conference's theme organised by stakeholders at the Charlemagne Building 14:30-16:00 1) Sustainable urban energy systems: The flexibility and benefits offered by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and efficient District Heating and Cooling (DHC) – organisers: CHP and DHC Working Group of Clean Energy Ministerial in cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA) – Alcide de Gasperi Room The workshop will bring together participants, from industry, governments, international organizations and academia, who are interested to promote CHP, as well as efficient DHC for a more sustainable and integrated energy system. Based on keynotes presentations we will arouse discussions about CHP/DHC future trends and overcoming the barriers for further deployment of sustainable urban energy services and systems. Speakers: - Pentti Puhakka, MEE, Finland - John Dulac, CHP Collaborative, IEA - Eva Hoos, Policy Officer, European Commission - Pasi Muurinen, City of Tampere, Finland - Jannis van Zanten, AEB Amsterdam To register: [email protected] 2) Local Best Practices of Secure and Low-Carbon Heat: CHP as a Pathway to 2030 – organiser: Oesterreichs Energie (Association of Austrian Electricity Companies) - Sicco Mansholt Room CHP using different fuels represents the backbone of today’s efficient District Heating and Cooling systems. In combination with diverse heat sources (e.g. biomass, solar thermal, geothermal, waste to energy, waste heat from industries etc.) it ensures the secure and lowcarbon supply of heat for citizens all over Europe. Through the use of CHP Europe’s energy security is increased and the emissions of CO2 and other air pollutants are substantially reduced. The flexibility of CHP installations is further increased by the development of integrated storage systems. The event will provide best practice examples from Austria on efficient, renewable and low-carbon heat supply. The current challenges and drivers for high-efficient CHP and its role in the future energy system will be discussed and presented. 2 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 Speakers: - Paul Rübig, MEP, Member of the ITRE committee of the European Parliament: “Boosting Europe’s Economy and Securing Sustainable Energy Supply: Myth or Reality?“ - Anne-Malorie Geron, EURELECTRIC, Head of Unit Energy Policy & Generation: „CHP as part of the energy transition“ - Susanna Zapreva, CEO Wien Energie GmbH, Oesterreichs Energie Deputy Spokesperson Generation: „Integrated Energy Solutions for the Benefit of Europe’s Citizens – the Vienna Model and other Best Practice Examples from Austria“ - Marco Wünsch, Project Manager Prognos AG: „CHP: Long-term Perspective and Current Economic Situation“ Moderator: Sonja van Renssen, Journalist, Energy Post To register: http://eventmaker.at/oesterreichs_energie_akademie/secure_and_lowcarbon_heat_for_european_citizens 3) Boosting the energy-efficiency services market in Europe – organiser: European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) - Lord Jenkins Room Energy-efficiency services are offered in many Member States, however the energy-efficiency services market needs incentives to be fully developed in the EU-28. The session will provide an opportunity to discuss the state of the energy-efficiency services market in the EU, show that energy-efficiency services are key to cost-effective energy savings, to Europe’s competitiveness and successful energy transition towards renewable heating and cooling. The speakers will share best practices from across the EU and explore policy options to unlock the full potential of energy-efficiency services while addressing regulatory and non-regulatory barriers. Speakers: - Valérie Plainemaison, Secretary General, EFIEES - Paolo Bertoldi, the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission - Jakub Tobola, Deputy Commercial Director for Development, Veolia Czech Republic - Roberto Borghini, Marketing Director, Cofely Italy - Gregory Sanchez, Commercial Director, Veolia Belgium - Paul Hodson, Head of Unit C3, Energy Efficiency, the European Commission Moderator: Hughes Belin, Journalist, EnergyPost.eu To register: please send an email to [email protected] with your name, surname, company/organization and nationality 16:30-18:00 3 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 4) Sustainable local thermal energy systems the case of heat pumps and district heating – organisers: Euroheat & Power and European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) - Lord Jenkins Room The side event will discuss the combination of district energy networks and heat pumps as a highly efficient and cost-effective means of delivering low carbon heating and cooling to cities. European and national policy makers, representatives from industry, consumers, NGOs, local authorities and research institutes are invited to discuss the district energy-heat pumps approach and, more generally, the role of the heating and cooling sector in achieving the climate and energy targets and the opportunities and challenges that sector is currently facing. Speakers: - Frédéric Hug – Euroheat & Power - Henrik Lund – Aalborg University - Nicolas Monneyron - Cofely Reseaux - Dave Pearson - Star Renewables - Guus Van Gelder – Groenholland - Jonas Cognell, Smart Cities, Göteborg Energi AB To register: https://ehpa-ehp-sideevent.eventbrite.fr 5) Energy security, affordability and growth in the EU energy Union: the role of renewables – organisers: European Biomass Association (AEBIOM), European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) and European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) - Alcide de Gasperi Room In the framework of the future EU Energy Union, renewable energy projects keep developing, especially in the heat sector. In combination with energy moderation measures, these concrete initiatives answer the challenges the EU is facing today, including security and competitiveness. Renewables are part of the EU energy landscape today and have an essential role to play in the near and long term future. The objective of this side event is to present 3 concrete examples of switching from fossil fuels to renewable heat energy (geothermal, biomass, solar thermal energy) and explain how these contribute to the EU Energy Union objectives (including energy security and decarbonisation) whilst saving money and boosting jobs and investment. EC President Jean-Claude Juncker indicated his willingness for Europe’s Energy Union to become the world number one in renewable energy. This event showcases the excellent work already underway and demonstrates how Europe can take the lead. Speakers: - Pedro Dias, Secretary General, ESTIF - Benedek Javor, MEP - Elianne Demollin-Schneiders, Manager Centre, Expertise NEBER Zuyd 4 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 - Kristian Rehnström, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Business Development, Baltic Region & Finland, Fortum Heat division - Werner Weiss, AEE-INTEC Managing Director To register: http://form.jotformeu.com/form/50192169826359 6) Increasing energy efficiency in buildings for a competitive Europe - organisers: European Heating Industry (EHI) and the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) Sicco Mansholt Room The workshop will showcase the technology and market potential of this typically European industry, as well as highlight concrete regulatory challenges and opportunities to provide Europe’s buildings with ever-increasing heating efficiency. Points for discussion will include: - Facts & figures about the European building sector: the largest energy efficiency potential. - How can we make EU buildings more energy-efficient? - What are the business solutions to achieve more efficiency in heating and thus to contribute to achieve the EU energy saving goals? - Can energy efficiency policies in the building sector increase Europe’s competitiveness? Speakers: • Bendt Bendtsen, Member of the European Parliament (EPP, Denmark) • Rainer Schild, Vice-President Marketing and Sales, Heating Segment, Danfoss • Andreas Lücke, CEO, Federal Industrial Association of Germany for House, Energy, Environmental Technology (BDH). • Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) • Federica Sabbati, Secretary General of the European Heating Industry (EHI) To register, please send an email to [email protected] with your name, surname, company/organization and nationality, by 18 February 2015 cob. Side event relevant to the Conference's theme organised by stakeholders 13:30-16:00 Benefits of Decentralised Production of Heat and Power: householders and small energy users in the spotlight – organiser: COGEN Europe The purpose of this event, held alongside the European Commission’s Heating and Cooling Conference, is to share the latest findings and exchange ideas on how to spur the development of local, decentralised combined heat and power generation technologies. The event will provide first-hand information on the development of the micro-cogeneration market and set out the way forward for the sector. 5 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 The event will cover the following themes: • Heat and power flexibility challenges; • Achieving a cost optimal balance between heat supply efficiency and moderation of demand; • New business models needed for achieving a decentralised energy system; • Contribution of micro-cogeneration technologies to achieving the EU’s 2030 CO2, RES and energy saving objectives. A light lunch and welcome coffee will be provided from 12:30pm, at the Thon Hotel EU (Room: Netherlands 3), Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels, Belgium To register, please fill out this form. MORE DETAILS ON THESE SIDE SESSIONS INCLUDING SPEAKERS CAN BE FOUND IN THE "Detailed Programme" PART OF THE WEBSITE. 19:00 - 22:00 Heating and Cooling Welcome cocktail at the Bibliothèque Solvay Registration required 6 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 26 February 2015 10:00-13:00 Plenary session Opening The conference will comprehensively explore the heating and cooling sector, including its role in achieving the EU's climate and energy objectives. It will initiate debate and build consensus on how to ensure full participation of the heating and cooling sector – which accounts for half of the EU's energy consumption - in the energy transition It is the opportunity to discuss with European and national policy makers, representatives from industry, businesses and consumers' representative bodies, professional organisations, NGOs, local and national authorities, academia, research institutions and relevant international organisations, on the issues facing the heating and cooling sector. Session I: Facing the challenges, moving forward with the EU's energy transition Speakers: Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Jurijs Spiridonovs, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Economics of Latvia Peter Liese, MEP, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Monique Goyens, Secretary General, The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) Ligia Noronha, Director of Technology, Industry and Economics, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Chair: Dominique Ristori, Director General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy Session II: Heat in the service of the EU energy transition Speakers: John Dulac, Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA) Jean-Marc Jossart, Secretary General, European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) Fiona Riddoch, Managing Director, Cogen Europe Ulrich Schmidt, Chairman, European Heating Industry (EHI) Paul Voss, Managing Director, Euroheat & Power Chair: Marie Donnelly, Director, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy 6 Parallel Workshops 7 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 The main aim of the Conference is to generate debate amongst participants. Each workshop will be introduced by a few expert speakers, whose presentations will focus on communicating facts and issues rather than positions. The workshop will include sufficient time for debate. 14:30-17:30 Workshop 1 Heating and cooling: a vision for 2050 This workshop will set the scene and establish the facts on heating and cooling today versus the EU's medium and long term energy and climate objectives. The workshop will therefore present, firstly, the development of the different heating and cooling options under business as usual, to be contrasted to what will be necessary for the heating sector to be sustainable by 2050. It will look, secondly, at the role of heating storage option in conjunction with variable renewable energy sources, and possibly enabling higher deployment of variable renewable electricity. Lastly, it will explore the best suited solutions for the various European geographies and to thereby give ideas on how the Member States can make use of the potentials that their heating and cooling sectors offer. Speakers: − Prof. Hans-Martin Henning, Deputy Director, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE − Dr Frank May, CEO, Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG − Prof. Brian Vad Mathiesen, Program Director and Deputy Head of 4DH Centre Research Centre, Aalborg University Moderator: John Dulac, Energy Analyst, International Energy Agency (IEA) Workshop 2 Heating and cooling for industry Energy represents between 2% to 16% of the total cost of input for production but can be as high as high as 40% or more for energy intensive industries. A large proportion of this input is needed in the form of high and medium temperature heating and cooling, as well as space heating. Making industrial heating and cooling more efficient, low-carbon and renewable presents a considerable challenge, yet it is a necessary part of the EU energy transition. The session will examine heating and cooling needs, the available options and the challenges of decarbonising and improving efficiency in heating and cooling. It will also take into account the constraints that shape industry choices in the context of global markets. Speakers: − − − − − Gildas Barreyre, Solvay Energy Services, Member of IFIEC Pierre Eymery, Director for European Affairs, Veolia Jürgen Fluch, AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) Marcel Galjee Director Energy, Akzo Nobel Nicola Rega, Climate Change & Energy Manager, Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) − Chan Yeen, Senior Managing Consultant, ICF International 8 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 Moderator: Sonja Van Renssen, Journalist, Energy Post Workshop 3 Boosting new finance for energy efficiency investments Energy efficiency is a no-regret policy and the first fuel for the EU economy, yet substantial public and private investments are needed in buildings, industry and commerce to deliver the needed and economically beneficial reduction in Europe's EUR 400 bn annual import fuel bill. The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group Final (EEFIG) report results from 18 months of 120 participants studying this issue and contains key recommendations to policy makers and market actors. This session will feature the launch of the EEFIG Report, the inputs from leading Europe's financial institutions and experts followed by a discussion panel. The session will specifically focus on drivers of investment, providing insights from stakeholders, regulators and investors while reflecting on the investment needs discussed in previous sessions and instruments to address them in the various target sectors (buildings, industry/SMEs, district heating and cooling). Opening & closing speakers − Tatiana Bosteels, Head of Responsible Property Investment, Hermes Real Estate − Jérôme Ladrière, Director of Strategy Development and Innovation, Dalkia − Ligia Noronha, Director, Division of Technology Industry and Economics, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) − Bill Rogers, Managing Director, Green Investment Bank − Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive, Climate & Strategy Partners − Gerassimos Thomas, Deputy Director-General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy − Moderator: Paul Hodson, Head of Unit for Energy Efficiency, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy The presentations will be followed by a Panel debate: − Tatiana Bosteels, Head of Responsible Property Investment, Hermes Real Estate − Manuel Duenas, Deputy Head of Division for Climate Change & Environment, European Investment Bank (EIB) − Katarzyna Dziamara-Rzucidlo, Advisor, Polish National Fund for Water and Environmental Protection − Stephen Hibbert, Global Head of Energy & Carbon Efficiency, ING Commercial Banking − Jérôme Ladrière, Director of Strategy Development and Innovation, Dalkia − Robert Pernetta, Policy Officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy − David Purdy, Director of Energy Efficiency Deployment Office, British Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) − Bill Rogers, Managing Director, Green Investment Bank Moderator: Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive, Climate & Strategy Partners 9 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 17:30-18:00 Plenary session Workshops debrief − Reports from the workshops by the moderators 10 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 27 February 2015 9:00-12:00 Workshop 4 Heating and cooling for buildings This session will examine the need to find ways to decrease demand and decarbonise heating and cooling in buildings. How to increase energy efficiency in the supply of heating and cooling? How to best choose, combine and balance policies and measures at building and district levels? How to ensure their synergies? Topics to be discussed include the role of district heating, the possible synergies with building renovations and strategies, as well as the best ways to find a cost-optimal balance for requirements in building and heating and cooling supply. Speakers: − Thomas Boermans, Unit Manager Buildings, Ecofys − David Connolly, Associate Professor in Energy Planning, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University − Dr Ing. Volker Kienzlen, Manager, Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur BadenWürttemberg GmbH (KEA) − David Wagstaff, Head of Heat Strategy and Policy, British Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Moderator: Sonja Van Renssen, Journalist, Energy Post Workshop 5 The technology challenge The session will provide an overview of the technology landscape for heating and cooling, analysing the current stock and identifying challenges, gaps and needs in order to increase its efficiency and accelerate market deployment. It will differentiate between solutions offered for space heating, space cooling in buildings and the requirements of industrial processes. It will also cover heat storage, district heating and cooling solutions and technologies for system integration with electric networks. The session will also debate the various deployment barriers and the possible instruments and solutions to overcome them. Speakers: − − − − − − − Giuseppe Bergesio, CEO, Iren Energia SpA Jonas Cognell, Senior Programme Manager, Smart Cities, Göteborg Energi AB Philippe Dumas, Secretary General, European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) Franck Lacroix, Vice President, European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) Federica Sabbati, Secretary General, European Heating Industry (EHI) Fabian Schmitz-Grethlein, Head of Unit Energy Generation, VKU, CEDEC 11 Web 10 - 19 February 2015 Moderator: René Kemna, Director, VHK Workshop 6 Building heat markets In some EU countries markets for heating and cooling are underdeveloped or not developed at all. Consumers lack information, advice and instruments to understand their options in terms of prices, technologies and solutions best suited to their needs. Heat markets are the most efficient in bringing customers together with providers of heat and cooling supply – they are a platform for offering a wide range of cost-effective choices. National and local authorities have a key role in creating the market framework and instruments, and ensuring that these help in achieving their energy efficiency and decarbonisation goals in buildings, cities and industries. Speakers − Ulrika Jardfelt, Managing Director, Swedish District Heating Association (DHC) − John Johnsson, Senior Advisor, PROFU − Jānis Mikelsons, Director of Economic Analysis Department, Public Utilities Commission of Latvia − Markus Rauramo, Executive Vice-President, Fortum − Walter Schmidt, President, The Association for Energy Cost Allocation (E.V.V.E) − Bernard Thomas, President, European Federation for Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) Moderator: Lily Riahi, Advisor on Sustainable Energy in Cities, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 12:00 – 13:00 Conclusions and the way forward − Reports from the Workshops by the moderators − Dominique Ristori, Director General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy Chair: Paul Hodson, Head of Unit for Energy Efficiency, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy 12
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