FAIRVIEW NEWS Fairview Baptist Church February 17, 2015 This Sunday at Fairview 8:30 & 11:00 AM Guest Speaker: Dr. Bob Sizemore February 22, 2015 at 6:00 PM For New Deacons Christine Maurer and Steve Kintzel Alan’s NEWS! FROM THE INTERIM PASTOR The Fairview Worship Choir and Orchestra has just begun work on our “Spring Musical”. The title is “Experiencing God” and is based on the Bible study written by Henry Blackaby, and Claude King. If you are not a member of the Worship Choir and would like to join us for this presentation, come join us on Wednesday nights from 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm. Our orchestra rehearses on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 pm. We are in particular need of a rhythm guitarist for a couple of songs in the musical. This Sunday will be an exciting day in the life of Fairview. Dr. Sizemore will be preaching in both the 8:30 and 11:00 am services. Sunday evening we will be ordaining Christine Maurer and Steve Kintzel as our newest deacons. We will also honor Dona Shreve and declare him a “Life Deacon.” Please continue to be in prayer for our Pastor Selection Committee. When: April 17-19th Where: Charlottesville, VA Cost: $50 A weekend of worship and mission activity in the Charlottesville area. The host church is University Baptist Church. We only have a limited number of spaces available, so sign up now to make sure you get a spot. We won’t be able to go without female chaperones, so please let Alan know if you are available to help us. Children’s Sunday School Celebration To celebrate how well our K-5th grade students have been remembering to bring their new backpacks each week, our Sunday School kids and their families are invited to a free pizza lunch at the Central Park CiCi’s pizza on March 8th. We’ll plan to meet there around 12:30 and enjoy some time of fellowship and pizza. Need your input I look forward to seeing you Sunday. Willard Character and integrity are vital in the lives of Christians. Society has perverted the true meaning of Christian living. Join an upcoming 3 week Bible study where we will learn God’s truths from the book of Titus about righteous living and being equipped to stand for truth in this fallen society. What: Titus Where: Fairview Baptist Church, Room 213 When: Tuesday’s, March 10, 17 & 24 from 6-8:00 pm Who: A co-ed class, all are welcome Save the date of: March 21, 1-3 pm at River Club. Enjoy Chocolate with Friends. Special Guest Speaker: Aimee Hardy If anyone has the DVD study: Anointed, Transformed and Redeemed or any other Women’s DVD Bible Studies...please return it to the church office. Thank you. Sheri Gay Page 2 Fairview News I’m looking for input from families of children and youth. Specifically, what topics or issues do you find challenging within your family, and where can we be of assistance? As I look to provide more workshop opportunities, I’d like to make sure your needs are being addressed. If you would like to anonymously submit some ideas, please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J69PS5J to share your thoughts. Awana Update Our Wednesday night Awana club has been going great! Each week, it is such a joy to see all of the kids here learning scripture and having fun. Thanks to all of our Awana leaders who continue to work to make this such a success. Our next Awana store is on February 25th, which is also our Patriotic Theme Night. Dress up in your best red, white, and blue clothes, or some other patriotic outfit for the night. Hope to see you there! Parents, you are always welcome to join in with the adult Bible study and prayer time in the Sanctuary. Calling all kids who will have completed the 3rd through 5th grades by this summer. We’re heading to Eagle Eyrie (Lynchburg, VA) July 29 through Aug 1, for a safe, fun, mission-focused week of camp. The cost is $150, but the church has some financial assistance available if that is a concern. Sign up in Mrs. Bonnie’s Sunday School room or during T&T on Wednesday nights. Hooked on Books Club Schedule March 12th meeting Discussion on Still Alice April Meeting—The Book Thief Our Middle and High School students are invited to a week of camp at Averett University (Danville, VA), July 20 – 25. The cost is $200, but the church has some financial assistance available if that is a concern. We would love to have you come with us! Sign up on the youth bulletin board just outside of Fellowship Hall on the basement level. February Christmas Child Collection Small Stuffed Animals & Dolls Financial Report for Charlotte Street 2/15 Weekly Amount Given $ 20,846.00 Other summer camp opportunities Weekly Amount Required $ 14,369.25 Our sister campus at River Club is also heading to camp this summer. If you are not able to join us at Charlotte Street on the dates listed above, please consider signing up to go with the children’s or youth ministries at River Club. They are participating in Centrifuge camps (Children: CentriKid July 13-17 and Youth: June 22-27. Contact Marcie or James for more info. Total Amount Given $102,004.35 Total Amount Required $100,584.75 Amount Over Budget $ 1,419.60 VBS Decorations Crew Need Do you have planks of plywood sitting in your garage? Would you like to begin your Spring cleaning now by making a donation toward VBS decorations? The VBS Crew is in need of plywood to make a Jeep, directional signs and cut outs for doorways. Please contact Christine Maurer at [email protected] or 540-848-4718. Attendance Sunday School Charlotte Street River Club Total 100 194 411 605 Sunday School High Attendance Youth & Agape Classes SERVANTS OF THE WEEK—February 22 Bus Driver—Art Blankenship 8:30 Ushers: David Robinson, John McLeod Linda Lambert Food Pantry 11:00 Service Ushers: Kelly Curtis, Randolph Hart, Stuart Sullivan The food pantry provided assistance for thirty-two families (104 people) this past Saturday. A big thank-you to all the volunteers, including three young ladies from River Club, who braved the elements to help out—you truly are our Valentines! 11:00 Jr. Ushers: Annie Jordan & Ashley Proudfoot This month, the pantry is asking for donations of canned tuna. This is a very popular item, though not always available at the area Food Bank, so we need your help; any size, any brand will be greatly appreciated. Please place cans in the Feed My Sheep box downstairs or give them to Penny or Betsy. Wednesday Night Supper Menu for February 25 Manicotti, Green Beans, Fried Apples, Hot Rolls, Salad & Dessert Bar Kids: Chicken Nuggets & Tater Tots Coffee Break Hosts: Beverly Feeney Babies Toddlers / Twos: 9:30: Mary Schatz, Penny Withers 9:30: Ginny Holland 11:00: Mary Schatz 11:00: Betty Moyers Carole Spicer Jessica/Damon Lowery 3’s/4’s/early 5’s: 1st & 2nd Grade 9:30: Shannon & MJ Moyers, Anne Wilson Children’s Church: Valerie Wiss 11:00: Peter Schatz, Amy Landman, Youth Page 3 Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Charlotte Street Website: www.fairview-baptist.org Phone: 540-373-8377 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Permit No. 54 Fax: 540-373-9713 Interim Pastor, Willard Sawyer: [email protected] Minister of Children and Youth: Alan Stanton: [email protected] Church Administrator, Brad Hedrick: [email protected] Secretary, Beth Webb: [email protected] River Club Website: www.fairviewatriverclub.org Phone: 540-372-7880 Fax: 540-372-7899 Senior Pastor, Zac Ashley,- [email protected] Student & Connections Minister-James Bauslaugh; [email protected] Children’s Minister, Marcey Cramsey; [email protected] Steve Mudre-Minister of Administration; [email protected] Minister of Music & Worship- Ryan French; [email protected] This Week at Fairview Sympathy is extended to Donna Wells and family in the loss of her mother and to Elaine Worth and family in the loss of her sister. Oyster Roast Volunteer Information Thanks to all who have signed up to help with this year’s Benefit Oyster Roast which will be held March 7th at White Oak Equipment, 358 Kings Hwy. This is on Route 3 East near the Ferry Farm Walmart. We still need a few volunteers, particularly on Thursday morning March 5. And as always we can use more desserts. Signup sheets are on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. If you are volunteering or plan to do so, please take note of the following guidelines: All volunteers are required by the Health Department to wear hairnets or ball caps at all times. Please bring your own; if needed, we will have a limited supply on hand. For Saturday Afternoon volunteers, please park in the Ferry Farm Walmart parking lot. Shuttle bus service will be provided. Please allow time to arrive at White Oak Equipment at least 15 minutes prior to your shift. For the 1st shift, please be at White Oak Equipment by 2:15 pm. For the 2nd shift, please be at White Oak Equipment by 3:45 pm. Please check in with one of the volunteer coordinators (Teresa Smith or Art Blankenship) for coordination of your work assignment. Please be willing to be flexible in your work assignment as changes in worker needs may occur. For Saturday Morning Volunteers, we will be preparing the Oysters beginning at 9:00 am at Fairview at River Club located on Tidewater Trail in the River Club Shopping Center. You can park in the lot beside the church and enter at the rear of the building. For those bringing Desserts. Desserts can be home-made or purchased and should be easy-to-serve (cakes, cookies, brownies, fruit pies, etc.). Please NO egg-based, cream or custard pies or desserts; no refrigeration is available. Please deliver your desserts in disposable pans to White Oak Equipment between 9:00-12:00 am Saturday morning. Please continue to be in prayer for this event and for this year’s recipient Brad Hedrick. If you have any questions contact Frank McCarty or Art Blankenship. February 22, 2015 8:30 am Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service 12:30 Pastor Search Committee 3:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal Monday 7:00 am Micah Breakfast 7:30 pm Handbells Tuesday 9:30 am Golden Jubilee Choir 10:30 am Wilburn Gardens NH visitation 7:00 pm Precept Bible Study Wednesday 10:00 am Bible Study Regular Wednesday Night Activities Thursday 12:00 noon Brown Bag Bible Study Saturday Oyster Roast Volunteer T-Shirt Also, we will have T-shirts available for volunteers. If you would like to purchase one ($10), you can do so by contacting Billy or Paula Oehm or by completing the following form and delivering it to the church or placing it in the offering plate by this coming Sunday, February 22nd. Name_______________________________ Size:___________
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