OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE OFFERTORY - Trumpet Voluntary HYMN 769, vs.1-3 - For Everyone Born CHARGE & BENEDICTION William Boyce FOR EVERYONE BORN BENEDICTION RESPONSE (11:00) - Go with Us, Lord TALLIS CANON Congregation sings: Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and every coming day, that in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you. POSTLUDE - Prelude and Fugue in E minor J. S. Bach The Silent Prayer is from 50 New Prayers from the Iona Community and the Confession from the Iona Abbey Worship Book. HEARING AIDS, LARGE PRINT BULLETINS & BIBLES AVAILABLE FROM USHERS. THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: Heather G. Shortlidge; Liturgists: William L. Hathaway, Elizabeth Cassidy (8:30), Gordon Duvall (11:00); Time with Children: Miss Good; Ushers: Charlie & Trudy Coker (8:30), Doug Steele & Dianna Young, Paul & Marjorie Murphy (11:00); Greeters: Nancy Parker (8:30), Leanne & George Kreis (11:00); Acolytes: Avery Morrison (11:00); Godly Play: Sharon Wiegand (8:30), Agnes Cobbum, Holly Moring , Natalie Vowell (11:00); Communion Servers: Jim & Ellen Reinig (8:30), Teresa Porath, Liz Schilder, Mark Moran, Pat Foye, David Hancock, Pam Mussenden (11:00); Welcome New Members: Heather Shortlidge (8:30), Helen Krone (11:00). WILLIAM L. HATHAWAY, PASTOR HEATHER G. SHORTLIDGE, ASSOCIATE PASTOR ROBERT W. MUCKENFUSS, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MELISSA (MISS) GOOD, DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S & YOUTH MINISTRY JAMES G. KIRK AND MARYLA K. MEAGHER, PARISH ASSOCIATES THE NATIONAL NAVAL MEMORIAL OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) AN EARTH CARE CONGREGATION OF THE PC (USA) PARTNER WITH EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF THE CZECH BRETHREN, CZECH REPUBLIC 171 DUKE OF GLOUCESTER STREET, ANNAPOLIS MD 21401 [email protected] / WWW.ANNAPOLIS-PRESBYTERIAN.COM PHONE: 410-267-8705 / FAX: 410-268-9643 First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland February 22, 2015 – 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship First Sunday in Lent PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Those who are able, please stand; bold print in unison. PRELUDE - Andante Samuel Wesley SILENT PRAYER Forgive us Jesus, when we cling to the familiar; block the possibilities; insist on the old ways. Forgive the fears that bind us to the past. Teach us instead to trust the Spirit’s leading; risk new expressions; offer this day in worship. Knowing your love is there on every path. NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Recognition of New Members - (see insert) (Please sign the Greeter Pad and pass it along your pew and back again.) CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - The Glory of These Forty Days ERHALT UNS, HERR CALL TO WORSHIP If you come in uncertainty or confusion, in anger or anguish, this time is for you. If you come in silent suffering or with hidden sorrow, this time is for you. If you come and do not know why or what for, this time is for you. For Christ comes with forgiving words as well as challenging words that offer us all good news. This is the time and this is the place to tune our hearts to God. HYMN 506 - Look Who Gathers at Christ’s Table PRAYER OF CONFESSION O God of life, eternity cannot hold you, nor can our little words catch the magnificence of your kindness. Yet in the space of our small hearts, and in silence, you can come close and repair us. (Silence) O God of life, grant us your forgiveness for our careless thoughts, for our thoughtless deeds, for our empty speech, and the words with which we have wounded. (Silence) O God of life, grant us your forgiveness, for our false desires, for our hateful actions, for our wastefulness, and for all we have left untended. (Silence) O God of life, scatter the sin from our souls and begin what we do, inform what we say, redeem who we are. In you we place our hope, our great hope, our living hope, this day and evermore. Amen. RESPONSE OF PRAISE - Alleluia! COPELAND SECOND SCRIPTURE - Matthew 18:15-35 SERMON - “The Math of God” RESPONSE TO THE LORD Celtic Alleluia PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Pre-k to second grades may leave for Godly Play offered at both services.) CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER (11:00) - Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days ANTHEM (11:00) - In This Moment of Remembrance Dale Wood In this moment of remembrance, the sacrament is spread. Here we celebrate Christ’s presence through the wine and broken bread. At this table of communion, in the light shed from above, we are sheltered in his mercy and surrounded by his love. There is healing and forgiveness, there is strength as we partake. Here we know the Savior’s promise that he never will forsake. “Take and do this in remembrance,” are the words our Savior said. And we join now in his presence through the wine and broken bread. ST. FLAVIAN PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST SCRIPTURE - Genesis 50:15-21 from The Voice Bible (Listen for these three parts: Narrator, Joseph’s Brothers, Joseph) SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Invitation Hymn 507 - Come to the Table of Grace TABLE OF GRACE Great Prayer of Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is truly right... ...who forever sing to the glory of your name: Holy, holy, holy Lord… (Hymn 552) You are holy... Words of Institution All Christians, regardless of denomination or affiliation, are invited to receive the sacrament. Communion is by intinction. Please come forward by the center aisle to receive the bread and to dip it in the chalice, then return to your pew using the side aisles. The worship leaders will serve persons in the pew who have difficulty walking forward. Gluten-free bread with separate chalice is available near the baptismal font. Communion of the People Prayer CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Sun, 2/22 ANNOUNCEMENTS Church FIRST LENT 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:00 12:15-2:00 Community Worship (Sanctuary) - Communion Education Hour Coffee Hour (FH) Worship (Sanctuary) - Communion Pancake Brunch & Youth Auction (FH) Mon, 2/23 3:30 Presbyterians in Annapolis Day (Fellowship Hall) 12:00 7:15 7:30 Noon AA (FH) GA (FH) ACOA (Music) Tues, 2/24 7:00 7:00 Session (KC4a) Trustees (KC1a) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Wed, 2/25 12:00 6:00 7:00 Church Staff Meeting (KC1a) Covenant Circles Dinner (FH) Covenant Circles (campus-wide) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Thurs, 2/26 2:00 6:15 7:30 Backpack Buddies (Anna. Elem.) Handbell Rehearsal (Music) Choir Rehearsal (Music) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Noon AA (FH) Fri, 2/27 12:00 Haiti/CODEP Meetings 12:00 Sat, 2/28 9:00-1:00 Haiti/CODEP Meetings 8:30 Sun, 3/1 SECOND LENT 8:30 Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 CLAMS (Music) 9:30 Joint Education Class with Visiting Haitians (FH) 10:30 Coffee Hour (FH) 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:15 Confirmation Service Day (meet in driveway) 5:00 Youth Fellowship (Youth) YOUTH AUCTION TODAY 12:15-2:00 PM FELLOWSHIP HALL - Going once...going twice... Please join us for a yummy, pancake & sausage brunch (generously donated by the Congregational Life Committee) and support the youth of our church. Great Live and Silent Auction Items are available to bid on! Proceeds will go to youth summer trips, the Rwandan Boys Orphanage and Teen Suicide Prevention. Not able to stay? No problem! Bid by proxy. MARCH 1, 9:30 HOUR WITH VISITING HAITIAN LEADER - On Sunday, March 1, Edvy Durandisse (pictured), from the CODEP project in rural Haiti, and John Winings, Executive Director of the Haiti Fund, will discuss the reforestation and community development project known as CODEP at the Education Hour in Fellowship Hall. Please join us. “WILLS, MEDICAL DIRECTIVES, PREPARING FOR FAMILY MATTERS” - Save the date for the Congregational Life Committee’s spring program. This unique and informative workshop will allow participants to address these topics with the legal advice of Robert Bohan, Attorney. Lunch provided. EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT REGISTERED - all are invited to come and listen to the lectures and issues tomorrow at the “Presbyterians in Annapolis Advocacy Day” sponsored by the Justice & Peace Committee, in Fellowship Hall at 4:00 pm. Contact Martha Johnson for details or visit our homepage: Those that have preregistered will enjoy dinner and make legislative visits later in the program. Evening AA (Music) Please note: Copies of the daily Lenten Devotional, “Draw Near,” are available on the tables at the back of the sanctuary. These have been made available by way of a grant from the Spiritual Growth Fund, a special anonymous gift to the congregation. LOOKING AHEAD IN WORSHIP Lent: A Season of Reflection and Preparation for Easter “Spiritual Directions” Sunday, March 1 – Second Sunday in Lent “Lose to Gain” is the direction of the Spirit in Dr. Hathaway’s work with Mark 8:3138. John Winings and Edvy Durandisse (from Haiti) will share in a Mission presentation in worship. Sunday, March 8 – Third Sunday in Lent “Spirit Directions: Cleaning House” from John 2:13-22. Dr. Hathaway will explore making room for the Spirit. Note: daylight savings time begins that day. WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! On February 8, the following ten people attended the new member class and were received into membership. Read about our newest members and greet them during coffee hour. For an updated, electronic 2015 Member Directory, email [email protected]. Chris Dunham - Chris is originally from Delaware and is a lifelong Presbyterian. He and his wife, Laura, are the proud parents of son, Noah, who is 14 months old. Chris serves as a Congressional Affairs Specialist. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, and being a long suffering fan of the Washington Redskins. Chris looks forward to meeting more FPC members and contributing to the mission of the church. Contact: 1215 Julie Ct., Arnold 21012, (302) 437-6283 / [email protected], transfer from New Castle Presbyterian, DE. Denise Ferguson - Denise was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is a lifelong Presbyterian. She graduated from Davidson College and University of Alabama Law School. Denise works as a lawyer for Clear Gottlieb in Washington DC. Denise moved to Annapolis a year and a half ago, and enjoys traveling and reading in her free time. Contact: 15 Steele Avenue, Annapolis 21401, h. (410) 263-6426 / w. (202) 974-1636, [email protected], transfer from Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria, VA. Gwen Mayes - Gwen has small town roots with parents who were involved in public service in Kentucky. Gwen was raised Presbyterian and has fond memories of mission trips as a youth. Gwen is a lawyer for Bayer Healthcare, focusing on health policy, women’s health and family planning. She travels frequently for her job. Outside of work, Gwen enjoys writing, journaling, cooking, sailing, and mentoring teen/college-aged women. Contact: 800 Bay Ridge Road, Annapolis 21403, (978) 821-4662 / [email protected], transfer from Old Presbyterian Meeting House in Alexandria. Jennifer Meixell - Jennifer hails from Phoenix, AZ where she was involved in the United Church of Christ until college when she started going to a Presbyterian church. Jennifer works as an FAA contractor, and her husband, Andy, is a pilot. They have a daughter, Caroline, born in November. In her free time, Jennifer likes to play golf, read, and travel. Contact: 33 Boucher Place, Annapolis 21403, (912) 656-2016 / [email protected], transfer from First Presbyterian Church in Savannah, GA. Brenda & Greg Jorgensen - Brenda was raised Southern Baptist in Houston, TX by wonderful parents that are of Central America decent. After retiring, her parents became missionaries in the Middle East, and now provide pastoral services at a Hispanic church in Riva. Brenda works as regional director of HR for Gold’s Gym. Greg grew up in Silver Spring and attended First Baptist Church in DC. Working in information technology, Greg has his own business that provides services primarily to the federal government. Greg and Brenda both enjoy being on the water – sailing, windsurfing, and kite surfing. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Alex and Adeline, ages 5 and 6. As their girls have grown, Greg and Brenda have felt the need to ensure that they have a stronger connection to God and find FPC a wonderful fit for their family in so many ways. Contact: 3057 Centre Road, Riva 21140, [email protected] / (202) 285-1446, [email protected] / (916) 531-1751; Brenda by reaffirmation of faith; Greg from First Baptist Church in Washington DC. Allison & Jeff McLeod - Both Allison and Jeff grew up in Michigan. Allison was raised in the Reformed Church of America, and attended Hope College. She works in human resources for Prince George’s County Public Schools. Greg works as a public policy analyst in Washington DC, and enjoys music and the outdoors. They have two young sons, Rhys, age 3, and Luke, 18 months old. Contact: 406 Hampshire Court, Riva 21140, [email protected] / (412) 719-2118; [email protected] / (412) 719-2128; both by reaffirmation of faith. Andrew Trostle & Stephanie Arras - Originally from Quentin, PA, Andrew was raised Presbyterian. He works as a regional manager for Cook Medical Inc. Andrew enjoys boating, fishing, scuba diving, snowboarding, and any activity that “gets me off the couch”! Stephanie grew up in Ohio. She works as a recruiter for Spencer Stuart in Washington DC, and loves spending time on the water. They both moved to Annapolis five years ago, and look forward to their wedding in August. Contact: 697 Genessee Street, Annapolis 21401, [email protected] / (301) 525-9682; [email protected] / (239) 250-2586; both by reaffirmation of faith. SPRING NEW MEMBER CLASS - The next new member class is Sunday, April 26 from 3:00-6:00 pm. If interested in attending, please contact the church office (410) 267-8705 or Helen Krone, Membership Chair, at [email protected].
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