NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS PROGRAM APPLICATION OUR COMMITMENT The Nike School Innovation Fund (NSIF) will invest in 50 public high schools to accelerate college and career readiness for Oregon students. NSIF’s mission is to fuel excellence in education through the power of innovation. Since 2007, the Fund has provided $9 million to support early learning and leadership development in Beaverton School District, Hillsboro School District, and Portland Public Schools. NSIF has since expanded and we are pleased to invite all public high schools in the state to apply. The Fund now focuses on increasing the number of students who graduate on time and preparing all students to succeed in high school and beyond. To accomplish this, the NSIF will support: • Rigorous instruction and programming for all students • Teacher training (through AVID) • School leadership development In addition to program funding, ten of the 50 NSIF partner schools will be paired with Nike leaders as strategic partners to support school-based innovation and programming that directly impacts students. If your school is interested in partnering with NSIF to address Oregon’s achievement gap and prepare all students for success in high school and beyond, we invite you to submit your application to [email protected] by February 18, 2015. BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION Based on proven results and input from school leaders across Oregon, NSIF has selected AVID as a foundational partner. AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, brings research based strategies and curriculum to help prepare all students for college and other postsecondary opportunities. NSIF will support both schools that are new to AVID (implementation grants) and existing AVID schools to expand best-practice instructional strategies school wide. Schools that are part of the Fund will receive: • Invitations to exclusive NSIF events • Professional development for teachers and principals: - - Funding to support eight educators’ registration at AVID Summer Institute in Denver from July 21-July 24 - - Travel grant for eight educators participating in the Summer Institute ($8,000 total) - - Three participants in the Leadership for College Readiness Training (Principal, AVID site coordinator and one teacher leader) at Nike World Headquarters on April 1-2, 2015 - - AVID District Leadership Training for one district director - - Data Analysis Training for one school educator NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND | 2015 APPLICATION 1 • Funding for AVID curriculum library (schools NEW to AVID only) and AVID Weekly content for student reading and writing success • Funding for 2015/2016 membership dues to AVID Center • Ongoing coaching and school support from local AVID program manager • Eligibility to participate in Nike leader strategic partnership (please indicate your interest in question #6 below) • Eligibility for participation in 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 school years Any public high school or district in the state of Oregon can apply to be a part of the Nike School Innovation Fund. NSIF will select 50 schools based on school readiness and support from both school and district leadership. YOUR COMMITMENT 1. Attend an AVID Awareness Day (New to AVID only). Please call AVID at 303.436.2200 to register for one of these upcoming sessions. - - Feb. 10 – Parkrose Middle School, Portland - - Feb. 11 – Claggett Creek Middle School and McKay High School Salem - - Feb. 12 – Century High School, Hillsboro - - Mar. 5 – Parkrose Middle School, Portland 2. Attend Leadership for College Readiness Training at Nike World Headquarters on April 1-2, 2015 (Principal, AVID Site Coordinator, Teacher Leader) 3. Attend Summer Institute in Denver, Colorado July 21-24 (Principal, Counselor, AVID elective teacher, Core Content Area Teachers – English, History, Science, Math & Social Studies) and support any travel costs above the $1,000 per person NSIF grant 4. Implement the AVID program with fidelity 5. Participate in an evaluation process by sharing data with AVID & Nike School Innovation Fund’s independent evaluator. This information is designed to inform the ongoing grant making process and to support program adjustments that may be needed. 6. Provide tutors to students in the AVID elective 7. Provide a brief annual update on use of funds and results HOW TO APPLY? Complete the application below and email the completed application to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, February 18, 2015. All applicants will be notified of program acceptance by March 6, 2015. For questions, please email [email protected] or call Sabreena Cook at 503.532.1922. NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND | 2015 APPLICATION 2 APPLICATION QUESTIONS To apply, please fill out the following information and provide short essay answers to questions 1-6. Your application must be received at [email protected] by Wednesday, February 18, 2015 to be considered for the 2015-2016 school year. School name: School address: School district: Number of students in school: New to AVID or Current AVID school seeking to expand school wide: CONTACT INFORMATION Principal name: Email: Phone: Superintendent name: Email: Phone: OREGON ACHIEVEMENT COMPACT DATA FOR YOUR SCHOOL Please submit the last available data for the following: 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate: % Cohort year: Students graduating with 3+ college level courses: % Cohort year: Students on track in 9th grade (i.e. 6+ credits earned): % Cohort year: UNDERSERVED STUDENT DATA Please indicate your school’s student population for the following: English Language Learners: Hispanic Students: % of students % of students Students Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch: Students with Disabilities: African American Students: Native American Students: % of students % of students % of students % of students NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND | 2015 APPLICATION 3 SCHOOL READINESS QUESTIONS NSIF will consider and evaluate school readiness in our selection process. 1. Why does your school want to participate in the Nike School Innovation Fund college and career readiness program? 2. How will participating in the Nike School Innovation Fund help your school achieve your vision and goals? 3. How will adopting or expanding AVID strategies enhance student outcomes in your school? DISTRICT SUPPORT QUESTIONS District leadership and support is critical to successful implementation of college and career readiness programs. Therefore, NSIF will consider and evaluate district and school support in our selection process. 4. How has the district demonstrated a willingness and commitment to systemically supporting teachers and improving teaching and learning practices prior to this application? 5. How will the district sustain the project beyond the Nike School Innovation Fund program? NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND | 2015 APPLICATION 4 NIKE LEADER PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY NSIF will pair select schools with Nike leaders to accelerate school-based innovations through a unique collaboration. 6. Does your school want to be matched with a Nike leader as a strategic partner? If so, why? Additional time commitment may be required of your principal. UPDATE ON MIDDLE SCHOOLS AND AVID Through a unique partnership with the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation, up to 25 middle schools will also receive support to implement or expand AVID school wide. This is an excellent opportunity to expand plans for AVID to both middle and high schools in your district. Please apply here for middle school funding. NIKE SCHOOL INNOVATION FUND | 2015 APPLICATION 5
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