HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LO VING G O D, LO VI NG O THE RS, L I VING IN G RACE A Message of Hope February 2015 A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends, As I write this, I am anticipating and planning for our annual meeting. It is one of those times that I approach with great joy and anticipation as well as some anxiety and hesitation. Why is that? Well, it is because we examine our past year and its ramifications, turn our eyes to the present to take stock of where we are today, then look toward the future to plot out our strategies and goals. All of those have within them the possibilities of great joy as well as some anxiety, which explain the anticipation and hesitation. Looking at our present, we quickly realize that we cannot judge the present simply by what we experience today. We all have good days and not so good days. We hear sermons that are helpful and others that aren’t. We enter relationships that we hope will be meaningful and we struggle with relationships when they don’t meet our hopes and expectations. The present is actually a fine balancing act between the past and the future and has the power to affect both. It is helpful to see the present in the larger context of the journey moving from our past to our future. One thing that helps to ease anxiety is to look at the larger picture. I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase before and your eyes are rolling back into your head, but read on for a moment and you’ll be surprised. The larger picture is not just placing our experiences into the whole of the church so we understand that others have different experiences and be patient when things don’t go our way. The larger picture also extends our perspective to include a bigger span of time. This lessens anxieties because everything isn’t seen as an emergency. The future stretches out before us and strengthens or weakens our hope, our self-understanding, and outlook. Making plans that are well grounded in reality, forming strategies and steps to take, looking beyond the immediate future helps us take intentional and well thought out steps toward our goals. Looking down the road eases some of the anxiety and allows us to discuss things openly and calmly like adults should. The larger picture of the future extends beyond our own lives and helps us develop compassionate and ethical practices. It helps us make difficult decisions without great recrimination, fear or blame. It frees us from paralysis so we can follow God’s lead. Our past has helped to form us. We look at the past year at Hope as a kind of snapshot in our history. The larger picture, however, includes not only the relatively short history of Hope Presbyterian Church, but the whole of Christian history, from the beginnings of holy writings through the collections of books and letters in the New Testament, through the multiple generations of Christian faith development leading up to the present. As we look at our last year in that context it is nice to see how we are grounded in history and have “many witnesses” to guide us along the way. My friends, we continue the process. I look forward to sharing our annual meeting and the years to come. Blessings Abound! Pastor Dave Submitted by Lorri Brockman Finance Ruling Elder 1 Education Department Submitted by Interim Education Coordinator Carol Rudesill I so enjoy working with people providing leadership for programs for Children, Youth and Adults. It was exciting to have 14 people at a meeting in January to discuss options for strengthening educational experiences in our Sunday School programs. We created lists of things people recalled from their own Sunday School experiences, and then considered which things are or might be part of our programs at Hope. We discussed various schedule options people experienced at Hope or in former churches. Parents and teachers are to meet again Tuesday, February 3 at 7:00 (with fellowship time at 6:30 pm.) We will continue discussion and determine what changes, if any, would be beneficial in the fall of 2015. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 3 at 7:00 pm. ASH WEDNESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER & SERVICE Ash Wednesday, February 18 Feasting on pancakes is a tradition for some on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. But at HOPE we will eat yummy pancakes and sausage ON Ash Wednesday. Donations will be taken for the meal, which will be served from 5:30 to 6:15pm. There will be family activities in the gym from 6:15 to 6:45pm with worship beginning at 7:00 pm. Bring your family, eat well and learn a little about LENT. Leadership Session Member Committee Paula Washka Jani Billups Lin Briley Brian Claus Darci Davis Linda Deegan Dave Fehr Niki Frerichs Mike Molacek Carol Rudesill Donelle Thomas Matt Van Hook Dave Matsumura Jayne Molacek Caregiving Youth Ministry Fellowship Mission Children’s Personnel Finance Music & Worship Building &Grounds Adult Ministry SWORD Outreach Moderator Clerk of Session CONTACT US Email Staff [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dave Matsumura Pastor [email protected] Luke Furman 1st Service Director [email protected] Ulette Bonner 2nd Service Director [email protected] Kelly Toole Admin Assistant [email protected] Carol Interim Education [email protected] Rudesill Coordinator Jayne Treasurer [email protected] Molacek Mike Custodian [email protected] Huerta Laurel Nursery Winchester Zoey Nursery Devney Position Email ADDRESS 5220 South 159th Avenue Omaha, NE 68135-3170 PHONE 402-895-4044 WEBSITE www.hopepresbyterianchurch.org EMAIL [email protected] 2 YOUTH Ministry Submitted by Ruling Elder Jani Billups Welcome to 2015! With a new year comes a chance for new beginnings. I would like to introduce myself to everyone as the new elder for Youth Ministries. I have four children that attend Hope ranging in age from 3 to 13, and I also teach seventh grade reading at Elkhorn Ridge Middle School. I have taught Sunday School at Hope for several years and have met many of you in the upstairs hallway after service. My life is wonderfully full. I am excited for this opportunity to serve as the leader for Hope’s youth. My goal as Youth Elder is that our youth feel the love and the connectedness of working beside each other serving others while strengthening personal relationships with God. Through various service activities and team building activities, I hope to see our programs thrive this year. Mark your calendar! February 21st is our Youth Mission Fundraiser. The night will kick off with card games from 4:00 – 5:00. A lasagna dinner runs from 5:00 – 6:30 with a silent auction, bake sale and pop walk. Tickets will be on sale before and after church. Adult tickets are $8.00 and child tickets are $5. Last year we raised almost $4,000. This money was used to send many of our youth on our summer mission trips. Please contact Kristi Richling at [email protected] if you would like to sign up to help make this night another success. The youth committee is also in charge of organizing families willing to provide food and drink during fellowship time on Sunday mornings. The donations collected are designated for Youth Missions. The sign-up sheet is on the refrigerator in the kitchen. You can also contact Kristi Richling if you would like to volunteer. There is a detailed instruction sheet, and we can be available to show you around the kitchen if you would like a little training. My family volunteered last week, and I will admit that it was definitely easier than I thought it would be. The girls loved it so much that we are now signed up to do this again in June. Please prayerfully consider getting involved in any part of this ministry. Our youth are worth it! Stay tuned for details of upcoming youth events. If you would like to get involved but you aren’t sure who to contact, please email or call me at [email protected] or (402)-672-8924 and we will get you plugged in! I am excited for the possibilities that abound in 2015 and look forward to serving on this committee. CHILDREN’s Ministry VBS Curriculum has arrived and is in the Education Office. Please stop by if you would like to be among the first to check it out! Planning will begin soon; what role would you like to fill this year? We will be working with other churches on decorations again. Mark your calendar and plan your summer accordingly, so you don’t miss one of the highlights of summer at HOPE. Regular VBS will be evenings from Sunday, July 12 through Thursday, July 16. Special needs VBS will be mornings beginning Monday, July 13 through Thursday or Friday. Each month HOPE members sponsor a Birthday Party for the women and children having birthdays while living at Siena Francis House. Everyone is welcome to support this program. Place coins and dollars in the containers on the Sunday School sign-up table. This offering collected in February will be added to what was collected in December and January and given to the mission committee to help with expenses of these parties. Please contact Kathy Andersen at 402-330-3568 if you wish to help with any party. 3 Adult Education Submitted by Ruling Elder Carol Rudesill HOPE Church offers opportunities for adults to connect through men’s groups, women’s groups and groups for both. Please contact Carol Rudesill at [email protected] or 402-598-1890 if you would like information on any of these opportunities. WOMEN ON WEDNESDAYS 1:30-2:30 OR 6:00-7:00 pm Bring friends and come when you can: February 4, 11 and 25. (No class on Ash Wednesday) Learn about effects of a brutal culture through a study of Jael. Delilah’s story helps us consider our strengths and weaknesses. Compare Martha and Mary. Which one are you? Enjoy short readings, a few questions and time for reflection. Share joys and concerns for our prayer time. Please talk to Carol Rudesill about how to get a book – 402-598-1890. MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY Thursday 10:00 am WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUP February 23, 2015 PAGE TURNER BOOK CLUB February 10 10:30 am MEN OF HOPE Saturday 6:30 am Pastor Dave invites you to join a group for a study of Luke; written by a doctor and Greek Christian circa 59-61 A.D. The emphasis is the inclusion of the entire world in God's salvation plan. Luke includes more parables than any other Gospel (19 total). Key words in Luke are "Son of Man" - used 80 times! Luke accompanied Paul on mission journeys, which he described in the book of Acts. All women are welcome to join this fun group. We are reading “The Hiding Place” by Corrie ten Boom, an intriguing true story about the WWII Nazi takeover of Holland. Her story is a witness to how God’s love overcomes, heals and restores. The February meeting will be at 7417 S 171st Street. For directions you can contact hostess Georgia Bulger at 402-861-1904. The facilitator will be Linda Reffert. Please contact Julie-Reeks at 402-880-0042 or [email protected] if you’d like more information. We will be discussing “The Meaning of Names” by Karen Shoemaker. The story is set in 1918 in Stuart, Nebraska. This farm community is a long way from the battlefields of Western Europe, but it is not immune to the horrors of the first Great War for Peace. Like all communities, it has lost sons and daughters to the fighting, with many more giving themselves over to the hatred only war can engender. The Meaning of Names is the story of an ordinary woman trying to raise a family during extraordinary times. Estranged from her parents because she married against their will, confronted with violence and prejudice against her people, and caught up in the midst of the worst plague the world has ever seen, Gerda Vogel, an American of German descent, must find the strength to keep her family safe from the effects of a war that threatens to consume the whole world. Books are available on the sign-up table in the HOPE lobby. Contact Georgia Bulger for details at [email protected] or 402-861-1904. Join a group of guys on Saturdays at 6:30 am at Summer Kitchen Café in La Vista. They are studying the book of Matthew, written to reveal the Lord Jesus as Messiah. Learn more about Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist and other leaders. Contact Josh Widman at [email protected] or 402-651-4366 for information. 4 GPPP #17 Experience God’s love for three full days. Find much more information at www.gpppilgrimage.org, contact Josh Widman at [email protected], or find information and registration forms in the brown rack in the Hope lobby. Please register by early April to help planners prepare for you. Scholarship assistance is available if needed. April 15-19 Come benefit from the knowledge of teacher Chuck Bulger, as he talks about 1st and 2nd Samuel. The two books of Samuel cover the rise of the united kingdom of Israel. Israel’s religious leader, Samuel, appoints a king named Saul. Saul disobeys God, and God chooses another man, David, to be Israel’s king. King Saul attempts to kill the young David, but fails. Saul’s death closes the first book. In the second book, David establishes the great kingdom of Israel. He conquers Israel’s surrounding enemies and establishes Jerusalem as the religious and political center of Israel. Join the class in the library each Sunday as they continue their journey through the Bible SAMUEL STUDY Sunday 10:30 am DINING FOR NINE Three groups met in January and five groups met in October for fellowship, food and fun. Watch for future opportunities to get to enjoy a couple hours with friends. Here are comments from people who attended October or January gatherings in people’s homes: • • • • • • • “It is a great way to get to know others in the comfort of homes.” “We enjoyed Dine for Nine and would definitely attend again.” “It gave me a chance to get to know others better and really visit; the meal was wonderful.” “I really enjoyed the dinner and would like to host sometime in the future.” “We enjoyed getting to know the families we hosted. It gave us time to visit, share and develop friendships”. “We enjoyed our evening together; being able to make more intimate connections and get to know one another better.” “We had a wonderful time visiting and sharing our life stories. We were surprised how easy it was to start a conversation with our guests.” A child said “it was nice to have dinner here, and wanted to do it again next week!” For information about future plans or to offer to host you may contact: Emily Van Hook – [email protected] – 401-368-2093 or Denise Kendrick – [email protected] – 402-630-4298 or Carol Rudesill – [email protected] – 402-598-1890 Please let me know if you are interested in materials I have from two studies offered at Hope in 2014. There are many other excellent resources for individuals or groups in the HOPE library. I will be happy to try to help you find something that may be of interest to you.... FOR MEN OR WOMEN: Change your life forever These book sets and DVDs ONE choice at a time! discuss research on how most Grow in FAITH. men and women think. Learn Eat healthy FOOD. things to help in relationships with Improve your FITNESS. your siblings, spouses, children, Have a positive FOCUS. and parents. If you would like to Be supported by FRIENDS! purchase or borrow the books or Talk to Carol if you want more information, DVD, contact Carol Rudesill or go to danielplan.com (402-598-1890). 5 BUILDING & GROUNDS Submitted by Mike Molacek Building & Grounds Ruling Elder The 2015 meeting schedule was approved. We will meet the first Tuesday of each month in Room 207 at 6:30 pm. Our July 7 meeting will be a barbecue at the Molacek’s. We will develop a “Wish List” for the Gym Bulletin Board. This will include items and cost for people to consider donating to Hope. The Welcome Area Bulletin Board will include photos, names, and telephone numbers of session members. The To Do aka Punch List was discussed. This will become a spreadsheet divided into outside/inside. The inside heading will be sub-divided into three areas: sanctuary; education/offices; and gym. On the third Saturday of each month starting at 8:45 am, we will be working on our “Honey Do List for Jesus”. Everyone is welcome. Terry Wiese followed up on the homeowner’s association request for us to mow the 159th Street area they own. John Gunning indicated it would cost $60 a week for the additional mowing. The association will continue to mow the area they own. The roof/gutter/downspout replacement will be scheduled as weather permits. National Paper is our choice for building and maintenance supplies. We have an account and I will order online, hopefully grouping items for discounts. THE PANTRY OF HOPE FELLOWSHIP FINANCE Submitted by Lin Briley Fellowship Ruling Elder Submitted by Dave Fehr Finance Ruling Elder By the time this article goes to print, the annual congregational meeting and brunch will be over. Thank you to everyone who donated egg casseroles, muffins, bread and fruit for the brunch. Also, a big thank you to everyone who helped set up, serve and clean up after the brunch. I am looking forward to this year as being the Elder on the Finance committee. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Lori Brockman for the good job she did the last year as the committee’s Elder. The Fellowship Committee will be hosting another Bunko night on Friday, March 20th at 5:30 pm at the church. Players are asked to bring an appetizer to share with the group. Fellowship will provide the drinks. We will fellowship and share appetizers first and then begin playing Bunko. Cost is $1.00 per person to play. Funds go towards prizes at the end. If you have not played Bunko before, no worries. It is a very simple dice game and you can learn while we play. Bring your friends, family or neighbors. It is a fun time to just laugh and fellowship together. The Fellowship Luncheon and Tea will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 12:30 pm. Be thinking about hosting a table or being a butler. Sign up sheets and tickets will be coming out in February. Be thinking about family and friends to invite to this fun event. With this being tax season, don’t forget that there are new options this year to donate to the church in ways that we did not have at this time last year. There is an account set up at Charles Schwab that allows you to donate stocks or mutual funds to the church. This account allows you to transfer the shares without having to sell them and then you having to pay capital gains taxes. We can use this Schwab account to also gift money from an IRA account. If you are interested in these ways to reduce your tax burden and donate to the church, stop by the Finance office to pick up the needed forms and instructions. One of my goals on the committee is to be very transparent. If you have any questions please contact me or any of the committee members: Vic Hanson, John Klopp, Shawn Williams, Lori Brockman, or Jayne Molacek. The Fellowship Committee is currently looking into some new ideas for fellowship events. If you have any new ideas that you think would be a fun event, please contact Lin Briley with your ideas. PLEASE NOTE: Submitted by Mike Molacek ADDRESS CHANGES The Pantry of Hope helps those in need who come through our doors. Thank you for your generous donations and continued support of the Pantry. If you have changed your address, phone number or e-mail address, please let Jayne Molacek in Finance know so the church records can be updated. Foods that you enjoy at your house are perfect to donate. We make good use of all non-perishable items. We are low on canned fruits and soup. Contact her at [email protected]. Please make sure any changes are submitted to Jayne. In 2014 we distributed 1,184 items from Hope’s Pantry. 6 Submitted by Dave Fehr Finance Ruling Elder SESSION HIGHLIGHTS Submitted by Jayne Molacek - Clerk of Session • Minutes of Regular Session Meeting on December 16, 2014 and Special Session Meeting held on January 11, 2015 were approved. • December Clerk’s Report was approved. • Motion from Adult Education to place Wednesday, March 25, 2015 on Hope calendar for use of the gym until 7:00 pm Seconded and carried. • Motion from Building and Grounds to add Spring Cleaning Day, Saturday, April 4, 2015 and Fall Cleaning Day, Saturday, November 7, 2015 for church planning and calendar. Seconded and carried. • Motion from Youth Ministry to approve Friday, March 6, 2015 for the Senior High Lock-In. Seconded and carried. • Motion to place on calendar to have no activities in the gym during Holy Week. • Motion to have no rentals on church calendar during the two weeks of Christmas and New Year’s when school is out. Seconded and carried. • Motion from Adult Ministry to place on the calendar Wednesday, April 29, 2015 use of the gym for a Family of Hope Event with more details to following. Seconded and carried. • Motion to have one service on Sunday, May 3, 2015 on Confirmation Sunday. • Motion to have one service for Stewardship Sunday on Sunday, October 25, 2015. Seconded and carried. Seconded and carried. Seconded and carried. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE December 180 NEW MEMBER CLASS Are you thinking about joining Hope? We’ll be holding a new member class for all who are interested in becoming members. Monday, February 9th at 6:00 pm Dinner will be served! We will spend some time in fellowship and getting to know one another. This will flow into information forms, teaching about our church and Presbyterian beliefs, expectations of members, personal timelines, and conversation about faith journeys. Childcare will be available if needed. Please RSVP to Outreach Elder Matt Van Hook at [email protected] or 401-368-1233 (yes, 401 area code!) Please let Matt know if you will require childcare or if you have any dietary restrictions. 7 MISSIONS Submitted by Brian Claus Mission Ruling Elder Salvation Army Winter Night Watch 2014-2015 February is the last month this season for our Winter Night Watch. People have been very generous this year in donating winter items and we are so very grateful for your support. If you have signed up to serve please meet at the Salvation Army Emergency building at 10629 Burt Circle at 5:30 pm on your scheduled night. From there you will ride the emergency vans to their stops either downtown or in South Omaha. Usually return to the Salvation Army building by 8:00 pm. Thanks go to Avis & Everett Kelley for serving on January 2 and Kellie & Adrianna Groetsema for serving on January 9. Both evenings our volunteers served over 100 people. Check out the Mission Board in the Gym to see pictures of our volunteers! Thanks to all who donated items for Winter Night Watch. In January we took two men’s coats, two women’s coats, eight scarves, nine pairs of gloves, men’s hat, poncho, blanket and eleven stocking caps (If you have any questions about this program please contact Kathy Andersen at 402-330-3568 or email to [email protected]. Siena –Francis House Hope Church has an on-going monthly ministry of serving meals at Siena Francis House – WE ARE NOW SCHEDULED TO SERVE THE EVENING MEAL ON THE 1ST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH through December of 2015!!!! This is a wonderful change from jumping around to a different Saturday and different numbers involved. The sign-up sheet is located in the lobby on the side table. If you, your family, friends or small group are interested in taking a month, please contact Cheryl Sisk at 402-659-5344 or email [email protected] to find out details. This is a very worthwhile and rewarding way to volunteer your time! Within the span of one week (Saturday to Saturday) Hope Church had volunteers serving meals two times at Siena-Francis House! December 27 and January 3 saw the following members and friends volunteering in this capacity: Brian, Tina, Jake & Jessie Claus, Dick & Kit Corwine, Dave & Lillian Fehr, Crystal Fehr, Tami Hillyer, Everett & Avis Kelley, Ruby Thornwall, Terry & Denise Kendrick, Rod, Christy & April Post, Bob & Julie Reeks, Tre Ventling. Siena Francis House Thank-You’s Volunteers from Hope Church have helped address cards for donations to the Siena/Francis House since October. We meet Tuesdays at 9 am at church and car pool, returning about 12:30. We have a great group of volunteers who help out and we have lots of fun! Thanks to our volunteers: Kathy Andersen, Nancy Binns, John & Toni Bonaventura, Janie Botsch, Georgia Bulger, Fritz & Bob Donahoo, Avis Kelley, Cheryl Palmer, Ardyce Roumpf, Cheryl Sisk, Diane & Warren Snyder, and Marilyn Witte. If you are interested in helping with this mission project, please contact Janie Botsch at [email protected] or 402-895-7124. Thanks to everyone who has helped with this project! Siena Francis House Birthday Party We had 18 women attend the birthday celebration on January 10. The ladies played bingo and we handed out prizes for the winners. They love to play BINGO! We had cake and ice cream to help celebrate the birthdays of two women. Thanks go to the following volunteers in January - Tracy Comba, Kellie Groetsema, Thelma Symanietz, and Kathy Andersen. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby if you feel called to help with this mission program. The parties are always the second Saturday in the month. It takes less than 3 hours to help with this program and that includes your travel time. American Red Cross - Blood Drive There will be a Red Cross Blood Mobile blood drive in the Hope parking lot, Saturday, February 28 from 7 am – noon. Please contact Dave McKenna, 402-333-3061 or [email protected], if you would like to donate the gift of life to others. 8 This month’s feature mission is the Salvation Army and its programs. Salvation Army’s Mission Statement: “The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of GOD. Its mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.” be displayed in their Thrift Stores??? They are looking for help (a 3 hour shift) from a group of ladies and/or men that can help with that program, once a week or once a month. If that is something that might interest you please contact someone on the Mission Committee so that we can see about getting that done. The Salvation Army has many programs that we have participated in, but we will mention two new ones this month. One is ARC and the other is KIDS CRUISIN’ KITCHEN. Another program they have that you may not be aware of is KIDS CRUISIN’ KITCHEN. This program brings hot, nutritious meals, free of charge, to the places children live and play such as pools, parks, libraries and apartment complexes when school is not in session. You ride their Disaster Vans to these sites. More than 29,700 meals were served at 13 sites in and near the Omaha Metro last summer. This program is similar to Winter Night Watch only it is geared to feeding children 18 years old or younger. They are looking for help with this program every summer. This may be something that teachers, men or women, might be interested in doing while they have the summer off. You can volunteer once a week or once a month – your choice. The Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Centers provide spiritual, social and emotional assistance for men and women who have lost the ability to cope with their problems and provide for themselves. The physical and spiritual care that program participants receive prepares them to re-enter society and return to gainful employment. Many of those who have been rehabilitated are reunited with their families and resume a normal life. One of the ways that the Salvation Army funds this service is through their Thrift Stores where people have donated clothing, furniture, household items and jewelry (every year we donate our left over Garage Sale items to the Salvation Army). Did you know they are in desperate need of help in sorting and cleaning the jewelry that is donated before it can They provide so many services and programs. If you are interested in either of the two programs listed above please contact someone from the Mission Committee. If you want to learn more about their other programs and what you can do to help God’s children, go to www.givesalvationarmy.org 9 HOPE II February 12 Noon February 26, 2015 1:00 PM Potluck Classroom 1-Hope Church Hostess: Beanie Huston Program: Bev Betts Hosted by Warren & Diane Snyder Ron & Judy Bruening To Pastor Dave & Our Dear Friends at Hope Church, Thank you for expressing your concern for us in our recent illness and Bob‛s hospital stay. We also wish to thank you for your caring thoughts and prayers for our son Scott. The thoughtfulness and kindness of others has lifted our spirits at a time when it seems our world has turned upside down. Bob & Janet Williams Ryan Eichler 2/19 Ember Davis 2/9 Diane Snyder 2/13 Judy Bruening 2/20 Deanna Jackson 2/0 Jan Hague 2/14 Gretchen Fry 2/20 Gordon Neubauer 2/10 Michelle Greco 2/16 Karli Crawford 2/20 Tyler Schmit 2/2 Ashley Stroyek 2/10 Kelly Crawford 2/17 Pat Grisham 2/21 Mark Canady 2/3 Bob Biss 2/11 Alyssa Grenawalt 2/17 Austin Craft 2/21 Joan Toman 2/11 Mary Ellen Gumbert 2/17 Susan Craft 2/22 Birthdays John Neubauer 2/5 Fritz Donahoo 2/6 Donald Holstein 2/12 Amy Lininger 2/18 Ron Bruening 2/25 Madison Canady 2/8 Ava Gensler 2/13 Cindy Williams 2/18 Mark Poore 2/27 Lori Amlee 2/9 Derek Comba 2/13 10 Sarah Gensler 2/19 Brian Mittelbrun 2/28 Hospitality for the Month of 9:00 A.M. WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP GREETERS Coordinator: Diane Huerta Coordinator: Thelma Symanietz February 1 Mike & Jayne Molacek Roy & Kathy Andersen February 8 Mike & Barb Dierking February 15 Jerry & June Denkinger Diane Huerta February 22 Mike, Barb & Jared Dierking Lillian Fehr John & Lucy Gunning USHERS Coordinator: Diane Huerta Coordinator: Thelma Symanietz February 1 Donelle Thomas & Sandra Kay Terry & Denise Kendrick February 8 John Klopp & Kelly Klopp Tracy Comba & Cindy Williams February 15 Terry & Denise Kendrick Suzie Karnik & Nancy Mittelbrun February 22 Ron & Judy Bruening Sandra Kay & Nancy Mittelbrun COMMUNION SERVERS Coordinator: Bobbie Geiger Coordinator: Diane Huerta February 1 Chuck & Pat Lundquist Donelle Thomas, Marilyn Witte Thelma Symanietz, Nancy Mittelbrun & Denise Kendrick Audio/Video Coordinator: Coordinators: February 1 No Information/Rich Roberts No Information/No Information February 8 No Information/Pam Purchase No Information/No Information February 15 No Information/Hugh Carter No Information/No Information February 22 No Information/Pam Purchase No Information/No Information LITURGIST Coordinator: Bobbie Geiger Coordinator: Thelma Symanietz February 1 Bob Reeks Soochin Cho February 8 Rich Roberts Shawn Williams February 15 John Klopp Tracy Comba February 22 Mike Molacek Terry Kendrick 11 Hope Presbyterian Church Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Omaha Nebraska Permit No. 862 5220 So. 159th Ave Omaha, NE 68135 895-4044 Phone: 402-895-4044 Fax: 402-895-1701 Website: http://www.hopepresbyterianchurch.org 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship Sermon Titles February 1, 2015 Communion “Faith In Action” Matthew 9:18-26 February 8, 2015 “The Mathematics of Grace” Matthew 9:32-38 February 15, 2015 “The Yoke’s On You” Matthew 11:25-30 February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 pm February 22, 2015 Choosing God Psalm 34 12
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