This Week at Holy Spirit SUNDAY, 2/22/2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 9:45 9:45 9:45 11:45 12:00 AM AM AM AM AM PM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (MPR) CAT Club Faith Formation for Children, Youth, Sr. Hi Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) Project Help Meeting (ASR) Journey of New Member Connections (MPR) HOLY HAPPENINGS First Sunday in Lent February 22, 2015 610-967-2220 12:15 PM Run, Walk, Jog (Fish Hatchery Parking Lot) MONDAY, 2/23/2015 TUESDAY, 2/24/2015 3:30 10:00 7:00 11:00 PM AM PM AM SYM Snow Tubing (Bear Creek Mtn Resort) Senior Group A&E (ASR) FLY to ABE Book Group (ASR) Staff Meeting (117/119) 1:30 PM VBS Meeting (117/119 7:00 PM Project Help Meeting (ASR) 7:00 PM Worship Mission Team (117/119) WEDNESDAY, 9:00 AM Nursery School Conferences-4’s (ASR) 2/25/2015 9:00 4:15 6:00 7:00 7:30 THURSDAY, 2/26/2015 AM PM PM PM PM Senior Group Breakfast (MPR) Rejoicing Ringers Dinner Church (MPR) Lenten Worship (Worship Center) ELCA Lenten Resource Discussion (ASR) 9:00 AM Nursery School Conferences-5’s (ASR) 6:00 PM SYM Meeting (Jerusalem Western Salisbury) 7:15 PM Adult Choir SATURDAY, 2/28/2015 SUNDAY, 3/1/2015 9:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 9:45 9:45 9:45 12:00 12:15 AM AM AM AM PM PM ASR=All Saints Room WC=Worship Center First Communion Reception (MPR) Adult Faith Formation: CFL (WC) Faith Formation for Children, Youth, Sr. Hi Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) Journey of New Member Connections (117) Run, Walk, Jog (Fish Hatchery Parking Lot) L=Lobby MR=Music Room MPR = Multi-Purpose Room We welcome all who worship with us today. Visitors are invited to sign the guest register in the Lobby. People at the Information Desk would like a chance to welcome guests. If you are interested in joining our family of faith, please talk with one of our Pastors or Jane Elliott, AIM. Children aren't just welcome, they are embraced. We know kids are in worship and make noise. The psalmist David said, “make a joyful noise to the Lord!” It’s great to hear all people respond during worship. If your child should need a break, there is child care available in room 110. Parents are always welcome to stay with their children there. Parents must sign children in and out of nursery care. Clipboards and Bible bags are available for children’s use during worship and can be found at the main entrance to the worship area. Members and guests are invited to sign the Friendship Register, pass it down the row for other worshippers to sign, and introduce yourself to those worshipping around you. Let your friends know about Holy Spirit by tweeting, checking in, Instagraming, etc. that you are here. Our congregation's hashtag is #LCHolySpirit. While you are on your phone or tablet, please make sure it is on silent so you do not disrupt our worship time together. Prayer cards are available at the Information Desk should you need to request special prayer. Completed prayer cards may be given to a pastor for inclusion in the morning prayers. During the week, please notify the church office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. Hearing Assistance Units are available at the Information Desk. Large print worship materials are available at the Usher’s Stand. SUNDAY MORNING FAITH FORMATION, 9:45am This Week: Modern Judaism, Rabbi Melissa B. Simon, Jewish Chaplain and Hillel Director at Muhlenberg College: Join Rabbi Simon for an exploration of Modern Judaism. Our morning of learning will focus on the Jewish calendar and holy texts. Gain an understanding of how members of the Jewish community observe and celebrate. Explore how the ancient stories inform practices today. FELLOWSHIP & Room 117/119. Meet and greet sisters and brothers in Christ. Take time to relax and connect with your church family. All are welcome. Next Week: Project Help, Chris Carter: Project Help is Holy Spirit's annual youth (& adult) mission trip to rural Starks, Maine. For the past 23 years, groups from our congregation have gathered to work with a housing ministry that provides repairs and fix-ups to folk’s homes. A trip overview and pictures of our congregants "in action" will be shared. Project Help 2015 is from 7/31 through 8/8 and open to all high school through senior adults - all are welcome! This session will be held in the worship center. Three Year Olds: Four Year Olds: Kindergarten: First Grade: Second Grade: Third Grade: Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Faith Formation for Children Fishing with Jesus Jesus Feeds Thousands Loaves and Fishes he Lord’s Prayer The Ten Commandments Learning to Use My Bible The Apostle’s Creed Communion NEW MEMBER JOURNEY OF CONNECTIONS begins today, Sunday, February 22 with classes continued on March 1, 8, 15, 22 at noon. For more info contact Jane Elliott, AIM, [email protected]. FLY to ABE will be meeting on Monday, February 23 at 7 pm to discuss Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu. Please sign up at the Event Sign-up Center in the Lobby. We will meet in room 117/119. PROJECT HELP 2015, July 31st through August 8, 2015 - Annual youth and adult mission trip to Starks, Maine. Informational meetings for new participants will be held TODAY at 11:45am and Tues 2/24 7:00pm in the All Saints Room. Plan to attend if you would like to find out more about this trip and how you can help improve housing for folks in rural Maine. (Seasoned participants need not attend.) For more information feel free to contact Chris Carter, 610392-4965, [email protected]. PRAYER CONCERNS Remember these members and friends of Holy Spirit in your prayers. Shut In/Homebound—prayers for God’s presence... Andy Beible, Dottie Blomster, Doris Boehmer, Betty Buehrle, Irene Davies, Phyllis Fenstermacher, Ray Karoly, Margaret Legenhausen, Christopher Limpar, Betty Meckley, Mae Rhode, Joy Robinson, Geno Ruggiero, Rose Salter, Glenn and Norine Shafer, Betty Sterner. In Times of Illness for God’s healing….Stephanie Ashford, Joan and Richard Beiler, Lea Bertha, Nathan Black, Rodger Black, Paul Brndjar, Jonathan Burmeister, Ernst family, Carol Eroh, Glenn Fretz, Larry Gilbert, Doris Giles, Lorraine Haas, Raymond Haas, Jack Harshey, Heather James, Margaret Legenhausen, Carolyn Long, family of Tom MacCabe, Sr., family of Franklin Marsteller, Joe McGara, Chris McGrath, Michael Miller, Mary Ellen Oberdorf, Jarmila Petrulova, Olivia and Logan Pile, Courtney Quinn, Kate Reynolds, Jane Richmond-Lauffer, Andrew Schaeffer, Heidi Slansky, Andrew Smith, Wilma Stewart, Charlene Vavrina, Teresa Venter & Family, Karen Wilhelm, Pat Ziegler. In times of comfort and support...for the family and friends of Franklin Marsteller who died this past week. Franklin was Holy Spirit’s organist in the late sixties and seventies. Franklin’s funeral was held Saturday. For support of our Lehigh Mission partners—Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church and the Rev. Carey L. Miller. The Prayer Chain is for the use and support of ALL people at Holy Spirit. If you have a prayer concern or you would like others to join you in prayer, please email the church office at [email protected] and your concern will be shared with members of the prayer chain. If you would like to join the prayer chain to pray for others, please contact the church office. In the Event of a Pastoral Emergency If, at any time, you find you are in emergency need of having a pastor contact you, please follow these steps: Call the office at 610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement. If you, or a member of your family, are ever hospitalized, please let the pastors know by contacting the church office at 610-967-2220. The hospitals no longer notify the church due to HIPAA laws. Weekend On-Call Schedule: February 21/22—Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin-203-915-7303 February 28/March 1—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 March 7/8—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS 8:45 10:45 Worship Coordinator Jackie Leipert Crucifer Doreen Micheletti Acolytes Evan Bhagat, Will Walton Assisting Minister Jane Elliott Vi Ballard Reader Karen Renfroe Bob Mueller Communion Assistants Jo Ellen Rooney, John Slaby Jim and Susann Madara, Richard and Doreen Micheletti Ushers Olszewski Family Bruce, Emily, Nate Zimmerman Yvonne Gilbert Greeters Pete and Marian Schneck Richard Micheletti Nursery Sherri Keegan Lisa Transue Information Desk Barbara Fenton Kitti Berkheimer Flower Delivery No flower delivery Praise Band: Bob Schuchart, Joe Tobey, Frank Mattes, Chris Kline, Justin Schaffer, Larry Killingsworth Altar Guild: Mary Jo Serfass, Cindy Hastings, Doris Carraher, Carol Eroh, Carol Wetherhold George Kirchner, Worship Assistant, 1st Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Judith Brndjar, Worship Assistant, 3rd Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Pastor Ric Elliott [email protected] (ext. 111) Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin [email protected] (ext. 109) Pastor Jim Bowers [email protected] (ext. 112) Jane Elliott, AIM [email protected] (ext. 108) Dick Giles [email protected] (ext. 105) Edie Gliem [email protected] (ext. 102) Karin Kahler [email protected] (ext. 107) Diane Keister [email protected] (ext. 120) Sharon MacCabe [email protected] (ext. 110) Alice Mudge [email protected] (ext. 101) Michael Roeder [email protected] Bob Schuchart [email protected] (ext. 104) Financial Secretary [email protected] MIDWEEK LENTEN GATHERINGS For our midweek Lenten gatherings we hope you will join us on Wednesdays in Lent (Wednesday, Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25). You may attend all three gatherings each evening or one or two of the gatherings each evening. So we know how many to prepare for, please signup in the Event Signup Center. 6:00-6:50 pm Dinner Church – with a meal and discussion in room 117/119 led by Pr. Becca. 7:00-7:30 pm Worship using Holden Evening Prayer in the worship center/ nave led by our pastors & Sharon MacCabe. 7:30-8:30 pm ELCA Lenten Resource discussion in the All Saints Room led by Pr. Ric: Claimed, Gathered, Sent: A Guide for Conversation. The five sessions are framed around the themes: 1. We are church. 2. We are Lutheran. 3. We are church together. 4. We are church for the sake of the world. 5. Working with our global and ecumenical partnerships. RESOURCES TO GUIDE YOUR LENTEN JOURNEY can be picked up in the lobby and MPR today: Lenten Practices Calendar for Families, Lenten Devotions, and The 40 Days of Lent: Counting and Sharing Activities (A Simple Way to Count Blessings). Watch your email for the daily devotion. For their LENTEN SERVICE PROJECT, the children will be preparing personal care kits for donation to area shelters. We still need donations of 70 travel size shampoos, and 60 new pairs of men’s tube socks. Donations can be placed in the labeled bin in the lobby by Sunday, March 8th. Questions, contact Karin Kahler. The 40 Days of Lent: Counting and Sharing Activities Sunday – Week 1 Mon. Feb. 23: How many boxes of cereal are in your home? Give thanks for nutritional breakfasts! Tues. Feb. 24: How many books are in your bedrooms? Give thanks for education! Wed. Feb. 25: How many windows are in your home? Give thanks for fresh air to breathe! Thu. Feb. 26: How many trees are in your yard? Give thanks for the beauty of nature! Fri. Feb. 27: How many candles are in your home? Give thanks for the light that shines in the darkness! Sat. Feb. 28: How many doors are in your home? Give thanks for freedom! EASTER EGG HUNT: Sunday, April 5th at 10:30 am. We are asking for donations of egg fillers (stickers, tattoos, bouncy balls, peanut/nut free candy, etc) or you can take a bag of a dozen eggs to fill and return by Palm Sunday, March 29th. Sign up sheet and information are located at the Event Sign Up Center in the lobby. ANGEL NETWORK SPRING COLLECTION: We invite you to share through the Emmaus High School Network. They serve high school students and their families who are in need at EHS. As a congregation we have been asked to supply 210 cans of green beans, 210 cans of corn and 140 bottles of liquid laundry detergent . Donations will be accepted through Sunday, March 15th and can be placed in the boxes in the Kuntzleman Wing, outside the MPR. Thank you for your generous care of those in need. RUN, JOG OR WALK each Sunday after worship. Meet Bob Middeke-Conlin and others each Sunday at 12:15pm at the Fish Hatchery parking lot for a run, jog, walk or even bike around the parkway. And join fellow runners from Holy Spirit for two upcoming runs. The Warm Hearts 5K will be on Saturday March 14 at 10am in Bethlehem and raises money for people in the Lehigh Valley who suffer with heart defects. Cost is $25 if registered before 2/28, $30 afterwards. Register at And on Saturday March 28, head to Kutztown for the Fools Run, a 2 mile walk, 5k or 10 mile run. Head to to register and find out more info. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS in the All Saints Room Sunday, March 1, 8:15-8:45 and 9:45-10:00 am. Please stop in and get “your numbers”! COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER: Cookie Dough is here! You can pick up pre-ordered cookie dough in the lobby today. There are also additional rolls available for purchase. All proceeds go towards sending a group from Holy Spirit to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit this July. HOLY SPIRIT’S GIVING KIOSK is in the Lobby. If you would like to do your giving or make a donation via a credit/debit card please feel free to use the kiosk in the Lobby. The kiosk is set up to receive credit/debit card payments e.g. Lord’s Day Layaway, Nursery School. If you register thereafter you will be able to log in using your phone number. Your giving will be recorded and a receipt sent to your e-mail address. You may also make an anonymous donation. Instructions for using the kiosk may be found at the kiosk. For additional information contact Bob Schuchart, Lorie Stout Sherman, or Pam Harshey. Thank you for giving! January 2015: Financial Results and Discussion Operating Performance: We got off to a rather rocky start in January. Revenues totaled $77,056 while expenses were $86,427, resulting in a deficit of $9,371 for the month. Operating undesignated revenue was $7,000 short of budget, $5,000 due to pledge shortfall. We suspect that bad weather had something to do with both attendance and the revenue. The extreme cold and frequent snow and ice storms also drove expenses. Last year February was the month we were hit with heavy building upkeep expense. This year electricity expense was $3,800, $1,100 over last January, and plowing & salting expense was $2,160, $1,000 over last January. However, the real killer was in building maintenance. Sanctuary unbudgeted HVAC repairs totaled almost $1,800, and a plumbing leak in the music/choir room cost $439. Available Operating Cash: We ended January with an available cash balance for operations of $54,555, down $8,937 from December yearend. Available Capital Campaign Cash: Our available cash balance in the capital campaign fund is $23,318, up $1,509 from December year-end. Building Fund: We began the year with a balance of $35,509. The balance is now $31,814, reflecting a $4,265 deposit paid for HVAC compressor replacements in the sanctuary. The 50% balance will be due in February. In February there also will be an $8,900 final payment due on the classrooms HVAC project, which was funded by member contributions. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Please check the church’s website for updated news on worship schedules. Current info will be posted on Facebook. If weather conditions are severe, check WFMZ. The church’s phone message will be updated to reflect any change in the worship schedule. If there is a heavy snowstorm and roads are passable, there will be one service at 10:45 a.m. The church office will follow the same schedule as the East Penn School District.
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