Saint John Lutheran Church Bellevue, Iowa A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Growing and responding every day as disciples of Jesus FEBRUARY 2015 FORMER PASTOR DIES The Reverend Emmett Busch died on January 14, 2015. He served our congregation from 1967 through 1992 which was the second longest pastoral tenure over our 150 years. Along with serving as pastor, he served on the fire department, drove bus for the school, and was involved with other community organizations. May God bring comfort and peace to Eilene and the other family members. ANNUAL MEETING On Sunday, January 25 we held our Annual Meeting at 11:30. A lunch of chili was served prior to the meeting. At this meeting, the members affirmed the calling of Gary Feuerbach, Karen Brown, and Craig Sieverding to serve on the council for a two-year term. After the meeting, the council selected Gary Feuerbach to serve as President, Judy Graham as Vice President, and Barry Nudd as Treasurer. Annual Meeting continued on page 2 1 (Annual Meeting continue from page 1) OTHER ACTION TAKEN BY THE VOTING MEMBERS: Deb Giesemann, Michele Sieverding, and Janice Keil were approved to serve on the 2015 Nominating Committee. Jon and Peggy Thoms were selected to approved as our voting delegates to the 2015 Synod Assembly in Des Moines Jim Eggers, Roger Schladetzky, Lorrie Both, Karen Osar, Todd Giesemann, and Mark Guenther were approved to serve on the Cemetery Committee Jon Thoms was approved to serve on the Trust Committee for a two-year term, and the council was given the approval to select a replacement for Willard Felderman who did not want to seek another three-year term The recommended changes to Saint John Trust were approved by a unanimous vote. These changes included a reorganization of funds to help make reporting clearer. The monies in the Endowed Ministry Fund—Internship will now be in the Undesignated Fund. Along with the reorganizations, limits were set on how the monies can be withdrawn in any given year. Approved 7% support to the Synod Support for 2015 of the offerings received, and returning to 10% for 2016 Approved the 2015 Mission Budget of $153,651 with an anticipated income of $148,986 which leaves a deficit of $4,665. Approved the council to request up to $5,000 from the Trust to cover any deficit for 2015. There were forty one voting members who attended this meeting. We want to thank them for participating in this important event of our church. At the close of the meeting the members shared their appreciation to all the council for their faithful service this past year. Deb Giesemann was recognized for her two years of serving (this past year as Vice President). Mark Guenther was recognized was his four years of serving, with the past two years as President. 2 PASTORAL ACTS & RITE OF PASSAGE BAPTIZED Beckett Will Ries December 27, 2014 Parents: Chris & Trista (Kemp) Ries BAPTIZED Kylee Jae Jess January 4, 2015 Parents: Scott & Ashlee (Hughes) Jess Memorials & Gifts Received In Memory of Irene Wyatt Saint John—Non-designated In Memory of Elmer Schlecht’s January 3rd Birthday Saint John—Non-designated In Memory of Roger W. Sunleaf Saint John Music & Organ Fund In Memory of Chuck Schroeder Saint John—Non-designated In Memory of Rev. Emmett T. Busch Saint John Scholarship Fund 3 RECEIVING NEW MEMBERS On January 24 and 25 we received seven participating partners as new members. We give thanks to God bringing the following to our church family. Kay Ann Schroeder, and the Kirk Family: Cash, Maci, Jeremy & Cassie, and Jack Kyle & Raquel Clausen, and Dennis Schlarrmann 4 LOOK WHO’S HAVING A BIRTHDAY... John Hinke.................... 2/3 Tanner Michels ............. 2/3 Nancy Mickelson........... 2/3 Brent Chambers............ 2/3 Eli Portz ........................ 2/7 Harold Bowman ............ 2/8 Steve Hachmann .......... 2/8 Michele Sieverding ....... 2/8 Kempton Sikkema......... 2/8 Beth Norpel................. 2/10 Cheryl Budde .............. 2/11 Jamison Spann ........... 2/11 Andrew Penniston....... 2/12 Jean Wand ................. 2/12 Rebecca Anderson ..... 2/13 Shianne Merrick .......... 2/14 Aaron Hinke ................ 2/15 Terry Long .................. 2/15 Hannah Braet ............. 2/16 Dave Valant ................ 2/16 Lisa Dixon ................... 2/19 Kadence Michels ........ 2/19 Doug Still .................... 2/19 Justin Bevan ............... 2/21 Ben Lawrence ............. 2/22 Rikki Santiago............. 2/22 Lucy Zeimet ................ 2/22 Karen Osar ................. 2/23 Janell Daugherty ......... 2/24 David Sunleaf ............. 2/24 Brandon Blake ............ 2/27 Madonna Rieckens ..... 2/27 Linda Nudd ................. 2/28 Members Celebrating their 80+ Birthday Doris Michaelson February 1 Celebrating His 90th Birthday! Bill George February 17 We apologize for any errors or omissions. If you notice any mistakes, please contact the church office. 5 The Season of Lent Begins February 18 The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at the Great Vigil of Easter. The are forty days in this season and Sundays are not included in the count because every Sunday is to be considered a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection. Though not biblically supported, the observance of Lent has been a long standing tradition in the Christian Church. It is thought that the tradition of the 40 days recalls the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:111). Lent is considered a time of penance and discipline. Because of Lent's penitential nature, worship tends to be more solemn, and purple is the liturgical color of the season. Some congregations remove flowers from the worship space, and for many, songs of praise that express joy like the Gospel acclamation "Alleluia" are omitted until Easter. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. On this day, Christians focus on their sinfulness and the necessity of Christ's suffering and death to insure their salvation. Ashes are referred to many times in the Old Testament as signs of sorrow, mourning, humility, and repentance. On Ash Wednesday, ashes are used to remind people of their mortality -- that "you are dust, and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). The Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday begins the last week of Lent, known as Holy Week. During this holiest time of the church year, the worship services relive the final week of our Lord's human life. Holy Week includes Maundy Thursday, when Christians observe Christ's "Last Supper" -- the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion -- and the mandate to serve one another in love. Good Friday commemorates the imprisonment, trial and death by crucifixion of Jesus. Lent culminates on Saturday evening of Holy Week in the Great Vigil of Easter, when some Christians gather in darkness, light new fire, and celebrate the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies in the resurrection of Christ. 6 Wednesday Evening Lenten Services 4:00 or 6:15 Questioned For Christ This year’s midweek Lenten theme is “Questioned for Christ.” Beginning with Ash Wednesday, we will focus weekly on an individual or two who are questioned concerning their relationship to Jesus. Each week the interrogation of those familiar involved with Christ’s passion will lead us to ponder the question concerning our relationship with Christ. Ash Wednesday - Feb 18 QUESTION OF COST March 11 QUESTION OF INNOCENCE February 25 QUESTION OF PRIORITIES March 18 QUESTION OF SACRIFICE March 4 QUESTION OF CONVICTION March 25 QUESTION OF AUTHORITY 7 LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS BEGINS FEBRUARY 18 ASH WEDNESDAY AND CONTINUES THROUGH MARCH 25 SERVING BEGINS FOLLOWING THE 4:00 SERVICE. SERVING CONCLUDES AT 5:45 Every Wednesday during Lent we will be serving homemade soup, bread, dessert, and beverage. The suggested donation for this meal is only $3.00. The proceeds from the soup suppers will support our youth in their mission trip (90%) and ELCA World Hunger (10%). Soup Makers and Dessert Makers Needed Soups: If you would like to make a soup for one of the Lenten suppers, there is a sign up sheet at the back of the church. Each week we try to have two kinds of soup. Each soup maker would be responsible for making one full 18 qt. roaster. The cost of the soup can be donated or reimbursed. Desserts: We also like to provide desserts at our suppers. If you are willing to make a dessert that will serve approx. 15 people, please sign up at the back of the church. 8 ARK Food Donations Needed In order to provide weekly snacks for the Ark students and helpers, we are in need of the following food items: Frosting Rice Krispies Salty Snacks (pretzels, fritos, etc.) Marshmallows Sugar Store Bought Cookies Cash to purchase fresh milk or fruit. If you are able to donate one or two of the above items, please leave them in the church office or in the kitchen. WELCA Circles We invite all women to participate in one of our circles and benefit from our Bible studies and fellowship. REBECCA CIRCLE: Tuesday, February 17 @ 7:00 Bible Study: Linda Ries Hostess: Janell Daugherty ELIZABETH CIRCLE: No Meeting RACHEL CIRCLE: Tuesday, February 24 at 6:30 pm “Redeeming Love” pgs. 101-200 Hostess: Deb Sieverding 9 RE-TURNING: A LENTEN RETREAT FOR WOMEN Presented by Pastor Shannon Witt Begin the season of Lent by Returning to the woman you were created to be! How old were you when you forgot how amazing you are? The time of Lent is traditionally a time of repentance, a time to turn back toward God. What if this season of Lent you included taking time to be thankful for the ways that God made you uniquely and wonderfully YOU? During this retreat, you will be given opportunities to hear and tell stories, explore your creative gifts, prepare and eat delicious food, and to consider how God is continuing to create new life in you. Knowing how busy women are today, there are multiple ways you can join in this retreat. You can come for the whole experience, or join in during times that work for you. If you live close to Bellevue and would rather not spend the night, that is fine, too. 10 When: February 20-21, 2015 Where: St. John Retreat Center, Rickert Lodge Time: 3:30pm Friday to 11:00am Saturday OR at any time during time breaks shown in the agenda. Cost: $50 for entire retreat including two meals, art supplies, materials, OR $40 if not staying over night, OR $25 One day only Bring: Bedding, change of clothes (no showers) SCHEDULE: FRIDAY 3:30-5:30pm Session 1 5:30-6:00 Break 6:00-7:00 Supper 7-7:30 Break 7:30-9:00 Session 2 9:15--Movie/snacks/sleep/etc. 11:00 Lights out SATURDAY 7:00-8:00am Coffee/ conversation/walk, etc. 8:30-9:00 Breakfast 9:15-10:30 Session 3 10:30-11 Closing Worship To register or inquire Call: 563-542-6080 email: [email protected] WORSHIP ATTENDANCE Weekly Offerings (To General Fund) Saturday, January 3 ................49 Sunday, January 4 ..................62 Saturday, January 10 ..............41 Sunday, January 11 ................89 Saturday, January 17 ..............33 Sunday, January 19 ................78 Saturday, January 24 ..............43 Sunday, January 25 ................81 $3,554.10 $1,425.00 $4,010.00 $1,187.33 TREASURER’S REPORT General Fund Balance—12/29/14 Income: General Offerings Building Use Rickert Lodge Rental Interest & Misc. Income Non-budgeted Income Expenses: Budgeted Expenses Non-budgeted Expenses General Fund Balance—1/28/15 $8,870.06 10,246.43 25.00 125.00 .92 545.00 (15,509.94) ( 434.10) $3,885.24 11 Saint John Council Minutes January 6, 2015 Present - Judy Graham, Pastor Paul, Gary Feuerbach, Deb Giesemann, Barry Nudd, Ann Skoff, Mark Guenther, Chris Iosbaker Called to order by President Mark Guenther at 6:38 pm. Opening Prayer led by Pastor Paul. Agenda - MSC to approve. Council Minutes - MSC to approve council minutes of 12/16/14. Reports - MSC to accept the December Financial Reports. Correspondence •Horizon Lanes sent a financial gift to Saint John, which was put into the General Fund •ELCA Good Gifts sent a letter thanking Saint John for the $2500 donation to the Water Well Project. •Wartburg College sent a letter informing Saint John that Joel Geier of Preston was this year’s recipient of the Saint John Endowed Scholarship. •Luther College sent a letter informing Saint John that Laura Thoms of Bellevue was this year’s recipient of the Saint John Endowed Scholarship. OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS Annual Congregational Meeting - MSC to approve the Agenda for the meeting. MSC to approve the Proposed Recommendations, to be presented at the Annual Meeting. MSC to approve the Proposed 2015 Budget, to be presented at the Annual Meeting. MSC to adjourn at 7:37 pm. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Ann Skoff, Council Secretary 12
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