IMMSA PRAYER CHAIN SUNDAY 1 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for compassion never fails. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23. Praise the Lord for the great opportunity we have this month in spreading the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to fresh start the discipleship with the new believers. MONDAY 2 Pray as Pookkattu and Molly meet today with SIM SA Field Personnel Coordinator, Hope for AIDS coordinator, Short term coordinator and the Project coordinator. FEBRUARY 2015 Praise God for the opportunity we have with Joe Readling and family at the Pauls today. Joe and Ann helping others in Welkom to do the Discipleship course and also a link to the Miners in Welkom. WEDNESDAY 4 Molly, Pookkattu and the Poulose family express their love and gratitude to all those who stud with them in prayers, phone calls, emails and personally visiting them and comforting them during the bereavement days. TUESDAY 10 Pray for Moses Hlongwane and the Miners Bible Schools he runs with enthusiasm and a passion. THURSDAY 5 Praise the Lord for the commitment Rev. Patrick Langa taken to sharpen his ministry skills by preparing to study further through the International School of Bible and Missions. (ICBM) . FRIDAY 6 Pray for Rev. Elijah Dube and Mrs Tuli Dube, as they celebrate their wedding anniversary today and God’s faithfulness in raising two young men Siabonga and Tokosane. THURSDAY 12 Pray for Rev. Vusi Ndinisa and family that the Lord gives them grace to balance the family and ministry. FRIDAY 13 Pray for Philip Dungulu and family for their timely advice and guidance to the IMMSA. WEDNESDAY 11 Pray for Soli Motswegwe as he serves as a miner in the platinum mine and serve as a Facilitator of the Miners Bible School at Sandfountain, Bojateng and in the surroundings of Mogwase. SATURDAY 14 Seelan Learning from the Chairman of the STECI SATURDAY 7 Pray for Mohau as he moves with the construction of a new house in the plot allotted to him in Lesung, near Ikageng. SUNDAY 8 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; there- fore I will wait for him” (Lamentations 3:24). Pray for the Rodrigues family as they develop effective ministry in Rustenburg. Rev. Faki Bodibe Preaching the Word. Praise the Lord that Rev. Faki Joshua Bodibe is an influential leader in the mining community. Pray for good health and strength for more effective ministry. TUESDAY 3 MONDAY 9 Praise the Lord for the established Miners Bible School in Sunrise Park, Boitekong, Ikageng, Tantanana, Bojateng, and Sandfountain. Praise the Lord for the opportunity Rev. Seelan Govender had to meet with Dr. Palanatil P. Thomas Support for the IMMSA can be deposited to: NedBank Account No.1379090334, Dobsonville branch code:187505 or mail to Treasurer, IMMSA, 82 Cartwright Ave, Elandspark, 2197. South Africa. Published By Rev. Dr Pookkattu Paul for IMMSA. IMMSA PRAYER CHAIN Chairman of the Representative Assembly of the Evangelical church of India. SUNDAY 15 “The Lord is good to whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord”. Lamentations 3:25-26) Pray for Ikageng AEC where Mohau and Bulelwa giving leadership in a cross-cultural and multinational church. MONDAY 16 Pray for IMMUK committee meeting this morning. Pray for good health and motivation for the members of the committee as their involvement worldwide make an eternal impact. TUESDAY 17 Pray for Rev. Seelan Govender and Teena for their personal commitment to the ministry and leadership. Seelan took leave and travelled to meet Pookkattu and Seelan with the Prisiding Bishop Rev. Dr. C.V. Mathew and Bishop Dr.Thomas Abraham of STECI with the leaders of the STECI, and build meaningful relationship with the church and to bring greetings on the 54th Birthday of the church. WEDNESDAY 18 Pray for Maria Tshipe, a Graduate of Miners Bible School and a facilitator reached four other women in the mine community of Boitekong. THURSDAY 19 Pray for spiritual stamina for Moses and Maria Hlogwane in teaching and guiding the Miners FEBRUARY 2015 Bible School in Sunrise Park community and both Maria and Moses updating their own studies to level two and nearing graduation. FRIDAY 20 Pray for the new Church Starting as an extension of Soli’s ministry. He is a fulltime Miner, and a senior leader in the church planting ministry and a facilitator of the IMMSA Miners Bible School. SATURDAY 21 Pray for the ECSA Indaba at Barachah church at Park Rayne today. Praise God for the Opportunity Seelan, Pookkattu and Timothy had to visit JMBC and looking at the leadership development methodology and to meet with leaders on training and to get to know few leaders emerged out of the long serving Bible School and its sustainability. SUNDAY 22 “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:40) Pray for Elijah Dube and family as they are heavenly riches. WEDNESDAY 25 Pray the people in the mining community will grow closer to the Lord and bring harmony in the society for the expansion of the Kingdom of the Lord. THURSDAY 26 Pray for the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church is sponsoring the Continental Discipleship Conference February 27/28, 2015 at the Africa Union Hall in Addis Ababa. We have an invitation to attend the conference. Pray for Rev. Clement Joseph of ECSA represent S. Africa. FRIDAY 27 Pray with us for a Spiritual awakening among miners in South Africa. Thank God for each IMMSA staff member for their dedication to reach mining community for Christ Jesus SATURDAY 28 Please join in our prayers as Rev. Seelan Govender who had an opportunity to visit interview and interact with the leaders of the Evangelical church of India. God will give him the wisdom to apply some of the learning he had in India towards the self-sustaining of the IMMSA in South Africa. ministering today in Chawelo AEC Church. MONDAY 23 Pray for the miners who struggle with issues in their personal life and become a challenge to their new found faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. TUESDAY 24 Please pray with all our prayerful supporters around the globe. Pray that the Lord will supply all their needs according to his Seelan Meeting with Rev. Dr. Abraham C and Mrs. Abraham Support for the IMMSA can be deposited to: NedBank Account No.1379090334, Dobsonville branch code:187505 or mail to Treasurer, IMMSA, 82 Cartwright Ave, Elandspark, 2197. South Africa. Published By Rev. Dr Pookkattu Paul for IMMSA.
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