The PROBUS Club of Cambridge Canada #1 Chartered March 17, 1987 Our Strength is Fellowship, Our Success is Participation Members’ Newsletter for February 2015 Current Events The newly-established protocol for cancellations due to bad weather is now in effect: notice will be given by 8:00 am if a general meeting is cancelled; The first meeting of the new year 2015 featured more items of a ‘business’ nature than is customary. As December‘s general meeting was the Christmas luncheon and no Management Committee meeting was held, this was to be expected. President Miles introduced, his guest, friend and neighbor Larry Markow. We were reminded, as is appropriate, to look for new-ish members wearing a green dot on their nametags and to introduce ourselves to them as they are getting to know existing members. Those celebrating birthdays in December and January were recognized and congratulated. With the ascension of another friend of our Club– Maureen Irving–to the Presidency of Probus Centre-Canada, the position of District 4 Director is open. Your Management Committee has nominated one of our Past Presidents–Dennis Souder to stand for election as District 4 Director. Be sure to wish Dennis the best as he awaits the election results. Being a volunteer member of the National Board of Directors offers experiences both challenging and personally rewarding. In order to solve some complex and timeconsuming problems of signing on and paying for optional activities, a new policy has been developed. President Miles explained briefly what may be studied more fully below in the column entitled “Optional Events”. Norman Lawson generated responsive guffaws with his ‘Funny Business’. President Miles updated the membership with a series of announcements: 1 Second Vice-President Bob Rutherford is Chair of a committee designing our Club’s participation in National Probus Month. Bob described some of the ideas the committee of Murray Mills, Bob Sanders, Ken Wright and Wayne Taylor have developed. An action plan will be decided upon in February. February 25th General meeting: This month will feature another very special event. March 2015 has been designated in Canada as National Probus Month. We will be honoured to host both Probus Centre-Canada President Maureen Irving and Mayor Doug Craig who together will launch National Probus Month. Brief Committee reports were noted for Activities; Visitation (after shouldering years of delivering TLC to those unwell and recovering– and greeting everyone as they arrive at general meetings–it’s now time to call and wish Howard DeBrusk a speedy recovery from major shoulder surgery); Financial (all is well); new membership growth initiatives Archivist Ivan Robinson will set up a table where members may view some of the photographs and other momentos of our past and present. The Vignette Speaker at this meeting will be Jack Kok. Unpleasant weather saw attendance down from the usual number but still reasonable at 66 hardy souls. The Guest Speaker will be Peter Shawn Taylor who is Editor-at-Large of Maclean’s Magazine and a columnist for the Waterloo Region Record and Canadian Business Magazine. Peter’s talk will consider what Sir John A. Macdonald would make of modern Canada on the occasion of his 200th birthday. And whether his contribution is worth remembering. More details can be found at Website Alerts! Visit our web site at for the latest information on upcoming speakers and activities. …and Visit the web site for the latest Probus Canada newsletter from November, 2014 - our Club got special mention! The Lunch Bunch will gather following the meeting at Milestones at 510 Hespeler Road. Birthdays: Best wishes to those born in February: Bill Barlow, Bill Black, Ron Howey, Don Slee & Math Thijssen. February promises to be an occasion not to be missed! 2nd VP Bob Rutherford announcing plans for National Probus Month in March 2015 Still Brrrrrrrrrr! 2 January’s Vignette Speaker, Don Young, began his life story with a shocking announcement: he is an octogenarian! Your intrepid reporter misheard this as a serious health issue. What a relief to learn the true meaning! Don organized his talk into three areas: family, business/career and community. employment as Vicom Enterprises (Aiphone equipment); Cambridge-based General Manager of Rutherford Controls (international distributor of security equipment); finishing up from 1990 to 1998 as EVP of (CN) Weber Security Distribution. All of which enabled Don to travel North America and internationally and to meet a variety of interesting people in many organizations. Family –wise, Don, sadly, lost his first wife at a very early age. Years later, he married Viola and they created a his, hers and theirs family. Viola is a Duplicate Bridge Master. Sons and a grandson in the military. Far-flung travel to visit all. Community-wise, Don has been involved in Cambridge Senior Games; condo board leadership; property management; golf, bowling and Probus. Condolences to the family and friends of our fellow member Wally Kadwell whose wife Berva passed away in January. And to the family and friends of Peter Kennedy who passed away on February 3rd. If you know of any member who is ill or hospitalized, please let Howard DeBrusk know at 519.621.6816. It’s important for our members to know we care about them. As did a surprising number of members of our Club, Don grew up on a farm where he learned from his father’s example the value of hard work. Early on, his father became a home-builder and Don learned to be a handyman. As a teen-ager he enjoyed disparate summer jobs on farms, in military cadets, and as an assistant golf pro at Bigwin Inn. A 12 month intensive course in Radio & TV Technology at Radio College of Canada in his twenties set a direction for his career: a production engineer at Canadian Westinghouse in Hamilton followed by sales of test equipment to government departments; aerospace program management; Amphenol lobbyist in Ottawa; Philips Industries as National Audio Products Manager; Noresco (intercom & CB radios); self3 Our Guest Speaker in January was Dave Schultz, Manager of Communications for Grand Valley Conservation Authority (GVCA). and practical; recommendations having four objectives: To ensure sustainable water supplies for communities, economies and ecosystems: Action steps: identify long-term water needs and secure sources; maintain and expand programs to conserve water and manage demand; protect areas where water enters the ground to recharge aquifers. To improve water quality to improve river health and reduce the river’s impact on Lake Erie: Action steps: upgrade sewage treatment plants; improve operation of sewage treatment plants; expand the Rural Water Quality Program; Improve urban stormwater management. Reduce flood damage potential: Action steps: Review storm sewer systems in cities so they can handle major events; Continue to improve floodplain maps, flood forecasting and warning systems; Ensure dikes and dams are maintained and managed to cope with climate change. Guest Speaker Dave Schultz Increase resiliency to deal with climate change: GVCA does a wonderful job of educating the almost one million people who live in The Grand River Watershed about the area covered, its issues, its problems and, increasingly, solutions. Numerous publications are available at GVCA headquarters at 400 Clyde Road. The amount of fascinating information available is remarkable! In the space available in this month’s newsletter, what seems of greatest value for those who missed Dave’s note-free talk would be to focus on the Water Management Plan completed in the Spring of 2014. Thanks to Dave Schultz for a marvelous presentation on Grand Valley Conservation Authority–a local treasure whose contribution to our quality of life may be under-recognized by the general population. Dave used a phrase about GVCA that strikes one as obvious on the face of it yet dramatic in its potential significance: “We manage The River”. The plan, developed through a collaborative process leading to action, contains recommendations that are effective, reasonable Bruce Currie thanking Dave Schultz 4 membership in excess of 180,000. Bad Weather Protocol: In recent years, we have had more and more instances of bad winter weather. Sooner or later, such an incident is going to occur on the day of a Probus meeting or event. In extreme cases where it is clearly unsafe for members to be travelling, the event may be cancelled. If this is the case, an email so indicating will be sent to all those receiving the Newsletter electronically. For a regular meeting, the email will be sent no later than 8:00 am. For a Management Committee meeting, the email will be sent no later than 7:30 am. For a Probus Activity, the timing of the email will depend on the start or departure time of the event. PROBUS also has a presence in parts of Europe such as, Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, Portugal, Ireland, Sweden and Cyprus. South and Central America have PROBUS in Argentina. Mexico and Chile while in Asia we have representation in India, Japan and Malaysia and in Africa; South Africa and Zimbabwe. However, it is very difficult to determine the actual numbers of Clubs and members in any of those regions. Corrections/Additions : On the Membership Roster, please change Bill Babstock’s email address to [email protected] If there is no email, the event will be held as scheduled. However, each individual member will have to decide whether he feels safe in venturing out. If you do not receive your Newsletter by email (meaning that the Club does not have an email address for you), either identify someone who does whom you can call or give your name to Miles Lauzon so that your name can be put on a call list. Downtown Cambridge’s Grand River Hopefully, this is a precaution that we won't need, but better safe than sorry. Interesting Statistics about Probus WorldWide: While doing some minor updating of our prospective member brochure, we asked Probus Centre-Canada for current info about Probus Clubs beyond our borders. Brian Kirkwood, the National organization’s Webmaster provided this: Unfortunately, there is no way to estimate, with any accuracy, the number of PROBUS clubs, or members, in the world. The most recent figures I’ve seen quote 4,000 ± Clubs worldwide and something in excess of 400,000 members. Australia and New Zealand indicate 2,180 Clubs and 172,000 members while the UK does not have a number on Clubs but shows 5 New member applications: As everyone knows by now, these applications, along with brochures describing Probus Worldwide and our own club, are always available at the greeters’ table at general meetings. However, please note a change to the schedule of dues that vary with the month an application for membership is approved. Suggestions for “The Good of the Club”? The Management Committee continues to seek ideas from the Membership for ways to enhance the Club Experience. Write a note and insert your valued ideas into the Suggestion Box on the front table. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR MEMBERS Regular General Meetings of The Club are held January through July and September through November at the United Kingdom Club (a/k/a The British Club)-35 International Drive, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 7M5–directly South of the Cambridge Shopping Centre. The December meeting is the annual Christmas Luncheon. No general meeting is scheduled for August. Regular meetings start at 9:30 and end at 11:30 AM on the last Wednesday of the month. The membership, at the AGM in September, accepted the reduction in dues from $75 to $65 per Club year. The schedule of dues for those approved after the August start to the Club year is therefore somewhat reduced. While the $20 initiation fee remains constant, the cheque accompanying an application should be written in the following amount: Approval in: August $85 September $80 October $74 November $69 December $63 January $ $58 February $53 March $47 April $42 May $36 June $31 July $25 PROBUS CLUB of CAMBRIDGE ACTIVITIES 2015 Book upcoming activities with Dennis Samulak at ph 519-623-8896 or [email protected] February 18, 2015 Wednesday, 10:45 a.m. Tour of Rogers TV Studio, 85 Grand Crest Place, Kitchener ON N2C 2L6. Full studio tour including Control Room, Edit Suites, live taping of “DAYTIME SHOW”. Tour ends at approx 12 noon. Maximum of 25 people. After the tour, warm up with a hearty Bavarian lunch buffet at The Concordia Club at 12:15 p.m. at 429 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener N2M 3P6. Full buffet including coffee/tea, tax and gratuities (dessert is extra). Full price is $20.00 The easily-remembered point to easily remember is when sponsoring a new member applicant, instruct him to choose the amount for the month following the date of signing of the application. Unless of course–and this is not so easilyremembered–he is applying in the same month of the next management committee meeting–which is usually the first Monday of the month unless Monday is a holiday. March 17, 2015 Tuesday, “The Blazing Fiddles Show” at Bingemans Conference Centre, 425 Bingemans Centre Dr, Kitchener ON, Arrival at 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., Buffet opens 12:30, Showtime 2:00 p.m., Show finish 3:30 p.m. The Blazing Fiddles Band was Simple, eh! 6 formed in 1999 and are the founders of the Grand River Dinner Cruises. They promise a very special St Patrick’s Day Show. The buffet includes bread, rolls, butter, Healthy salads, Two hot entrees, potatoes & vegetables, puddings, pies, cakes, coffee & tea. Tables of 8. We have 32 good seats reserved. Full price of $46.00 per person. Deadline to book is March 10. NO REFUNDS AFTER MARCH 10 Puslinch Lake, 45 McClintock Drive, Puslinch ON, N0B 2J0. 2:00 pm guided tour of Com Dev Int'l Ltd, 155 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, ON N1R 7H6. Total Price is $7.00 incl HST. Deadline to book is May 27, 2015. July 16, Thursday, to be finalized, morning tour of the Earth Sciences Museum in Waterloo, lunch at Kennedy’s in St Agatha (at your own expense). Afternoon tour of the Canadian Clay and Glass Museum in Waterloo. April 15, 2015 Wednesday, 10:00 a.m IceCulture Inc 81 Brock St, Hensall ON,N0M 1X0 (Hwy 4 & 84). Enjoy a 90 minute guided tour showing how ice is harvested and made into stunning Award Winning Sculptures by craftsmen using power tools as well as computerized carving equipment. Tour an 8000 sq ft freezer to see, touch and photograph many unique ice sculpture settings. Parkas are provided for the freezer but you can bring your own attire if you wish. Warm up with lunch at approx 12 noon at Crabby Joe’s in Exeter (your own expense). Heading towards home, 2:00 pm tour of the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, 386 Church Street South, St Marys ON, N4X 1C2. The museum is home to 106 inductees who have left their mark on Canadian Baseball. The tour will be 45 to 60 minutes. Total price is $23.00 Deadline to book is April 8. NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 8. Suggest carpooling and that passengers pay the driver $10.00 for fuel due to distance traveled. August 13, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. tour and demonstration at the Firehall at 1626 Bishop Street in Cambridge. The tour is approx one hour with a maximum of 25 people. Lunch at 50’s Diner (at your own expense). No charge for the tour. September 16, Wednesday, to be finalized, tour of 2 museums in Brantford with a local lunch between the tours. October 2015, to be finalized, bus tour of the Ghost Towns of the Grand Canal narrated by the famous Ken Silvester. Visit many sites, lunch at the Erie Beach Hotel in Port Dover, visit a local winery, then tour Paris ON on the way home. November 19, 2015, Thursday, 2:00 pm, Dunfield Theatre Cambridge, Irving Berlin's White Christmas. We have 48 excellent seats reserved. Price is $39.00 HST included. Deadline to book is October 16, 2015. NO REFUNDS AFTER OCT 16. You will receive your tickets at our Oct 28 general meeting. May 2015, Guelph date and timing to be advised. Morning tour of Our Lady of Victory Cathedral, local lunch (at your own expense). Afternoon tour of John McCrae House and Museum. December 2015, Annual Christmas Lunch – no date or venue yet. June 11 2015 Thursday, 10:00 A.M., morning tour of Castle Kilbride National Historic Site, 60 Snyders Road West, Baden ON N3A 1A1. Lunch at 12:00 pm at the Old Marina Restaurant (at your own expense) on 7 Message from the President - Optional Events Probus Club of Cambridge It is highly desirable for members to register for and pay for an event before the deadline. Recognizing that this is not always possible, the Activities Committee may permit registration before the deadline with a promise to pay at some later mutually convenient time. Our very enjoyable Christmas luncheon was the last of the series of varied and stimulating events in our Club's optional Activities Program for 2014. Congratulations to Dennis Samulak and the Activities Subcommittee for a job well done! Payment should be made with a different cheque for each event, with the purpose of the cheque clearly marked thereon. This greatly simplifies keeping track of and verifying payments and making refunds when possible. When a member invites a guest to an event, it is the member's responsibility to see that the Club receives payment for the guest. The program for calendar 2015, which was announced at our November meeting, in the Newsletter and on our website promises to be equally appealing. We invite members to look over these events and consider participating. The Activities Committee works very hard to both conceive the ideas for events and to manage their successful implementation. They also try their utmost to accommodate the individual needs and convenience of members in setting deadlines and collecting payments. On some occasions in the past, these attempts to be flexible on payments and cancellations have resulted in some difficulties. For this reason, your Club's management committee has adopted some guidelines for the administration of the Activities Program. Members may inquire about attending an event after the deadline. However, there is no guarantee that a spot will be available. If a member must cancel participation prior to the deadline, his payment will be refunded in full at the first convenient opportunity. Members' attendance at events in the Activities Program is optional. The Program is intended to be financially self-sufficient and events are priced accordingly, with a prudent margin of safety. If a member must cancel after the deadline, in general, his payment will not be refunded, since any commitment given to the event provider will have been based on his attendance. For the same reason, if a member who has registered, but not paid, must cancel after the deadline, it is expected that he will pay. Otherwise, the Club (which ultimately means all Club members) must absorb the financial penalty of his cancellation. Typically events are organized well in advance for the calendar year. Usually attendance for events must be reserved in advance and often we must give either a minimum or an exact number of attendees to the event provider in advance. Providing these guarantees is not only necessary, but often enables us to negotiate favourable group rate pricing. However, it means that we must set deadlines for registration and payment. Occasionally, once an event is over and all payments and charges have been booked, it may be possible to issue refunds for post deadline cancellations. This depends on surplus/deficit situation for both the particular event and for the overall program. In exercising this discretion, the Activities Committee will insure that for any particular event, everyone who cancelled after the deadline will be treated equally. However, the 8 issuance of refunds for one particular event does mean that post deadline refunds will be issued for another event. We sincerely want our members to participate and enjoy these optional events. However, we do ask your co-operation in helping our Activities Committee to effectively manage this aspect of our Club's operation. If anyone would like to see the detailed policy adopted by the Management Committee, please contact either myself of Dennis Samulak. Miles Lauzon President, Probus Club of Cambridge 9 The Probus Club of Cambridge P.O. Box 22011, Water Street RO, Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3E0 (Our new PO Box #) Past President: Tom LeBrun President: Miles Lauzon 1st Vice President: Wayne Taylor 2nd Vice President: Bob Rutherford Treasurer: Walter Enns Deputy Treasurer: John Reid Secretary: Tom LeBrun/Raymond Morrissette Interim) Assistant Secretary: Math Thijssen Activities Committee Chair: Dennis Samulak Activities Committee Members: Bob Lawrence; Raymond Morrissette Archivist: Ivan Robinson Attendance & Greeting: Howard DeBrusk Newsletter: John Snelgrove Club Services Chair: Ken Wright Club Services members: Garth James; Bruce Pulsifer Speakers Chair: Bob Sanders Speakers Assistant: Charlie Wilson Vignette Chair: Raymond Morrissette Vignette Member: Open Visitation: Howard DeBrusk Membership Committee Chair: Murray Mills Membership Committee members; Bill Barlow; Ross Brethet Technology Advisor: Dan Clements 2014-2015 Management Committee Special Alert! All Members of the Probus Club of Cambridge who receive electronically the monthly newsletter or other communiqués from the Club may unsubscribe at any time by emailing the Club at [email protected] This is in accordance with the Federal Anti-Spam legislation which came into effect on July 1, 2014 10
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