The Skirl FEBRUARY 2015 VOL. 9, ISSUE 6 THE SKIRL IS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE TEMPLE TERRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, TEMPLE TERRACE, FLORIDA 33617 TTPRESBYTERIAN.COM Visit us on Facebook at Temple Terrace Presbyterian - Fla and TTPC Family Church Contacts: Call (813) 988-3514, Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. or email us: [email protected] Rev. Kenneth Shick, Temporary Pastor: [email protected] From the Pastor's Desk: Dear Church Family, Thank you for welcoming me warmly as your temporary pastor. Someone asked me how it feels to pastor a new congregation, for an unspecified time—temporarily. I like to think of it this way. Recently, a long-lost cousin found me on the internet and sent me an email. His name is also Ken Shick. Imagine my surprise when Ken Shick (my cousin) emailed Ken Shick (that’s me). We talked for hours on the phone and caught each other up on our respective sides of the family. It was wonderful. Though we hadn’t seen each other for 40 years, we picked right up. We had a family connection through our fathers who were brothers. A couple of times as he has passed through Tampa (he’s a consultant), we have met for lunch. We love each other though we have not spent much time together. That’s how it feels to be your temporary pastor. We are like cousins. Though we’re just getting acquainted, we’re family in our Lord Jesus Christ and I feel connected to you. We have the common bond not of blood but of salvation in Christ. We are bound together in God’s love. You are my church family and I will treat you that way for as long as I’m at TTPC. That means … Janice Owen, Music Dir.: [email protected] Mike Parr, Facilities and Finance: (813) 988-3514 [email protected] Gigi Marciano, Youth Dir: [email protected] TTP Weekday School, Carrie Gassen: (813) 9883038 or email them at TTPWEEKDAYSCHOOL @YAHOO.COM Presbytery of Tampa Bay (813) 868-4800 or Skirl: Noun—the sound of the bagpipe, the sudden occurrence of an audible event, “the sound awakened them” You can trust me to do my best for TTPC every day You can trust me to keep confidence when you share secrets, hurts, problems, etc. I will be there for you individually in times of grief, doubt, fear, pain, and sickness. Just call. I will give you the benefit of my wisdom gained through 40 years of ministry experience. I will try to bring you closer to Jesus and instruct you in God’s Word. I will build you up, affirm you and encourage you. I will love you with the love of Jesus Christ. God has put us together in his good plan. Let’s enjoy it for as long as it lasts. Please count me as your long-lost cousin who has your best at heart. And pointing to his disciples, Jesus said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." Matthew 12:49-50 Sincerely, Pastor Ken TTPC The Skirl We’re so happy to have another baby in the church family! Eric and Ika Prawoko Holden brought baby Wulan for baptism on Pastor David’s last day, January 4, 2015. Eric and Ika are both TTPC Elders. Fellowship Committee February Events The Fellowship Committee is hosting two events so please mark your calendars for: February 18th Please join us in the Fellowship Hall prior to the Ash Wednesday Evening Worship Service where we will be serving up a FREE Pancake Supper of Buttermilk and Buckwheat Pancakes, Sausage and some delicious Sausage and Gravy with Biscuits. We will be serving from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30, anyone who would like to come by the church early for dinner prior to the Ash Wednesday Worship Service. Please sign up early using the RESERVATION slip in your Sunday Bulletin and place it in the Offering Plate so we can plan accordingly. February 22nd After the 10:00 a.m. worship service we will serve a FREE Baked Potato & Salad Bar Luncheon complete with enough fixings to create a World Class baked potato and a delicious salad. Sign up using the RESERVATION slip in your Sunday Bulletin and place it in the Offering Plate so we know how many spuds to pick, and let’s enjoy a fun lunch together. In case you haven’t already met him… The Rev. Dr. Ken Shick is our “bridge” pastor to minister to us and lead worship until our next pastor is chosen and is at the pulpit. Ken recently completed 40 years of ministry, with 30 of them at Hyde Park Presbyterian, Tampa. He lives in Tampa with Robin, his wife of 36 years. Their three sons, and grandchildren, also live in Tampa. His family is active at the Hyde Park church in music and ministries, and his son, Matt, works at Cedarkirk. His office schedule will be: Tuesday- 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Wednesday - Noon – 8:30 p.m., Thursday - 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sunday - 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. He is available for in-office counseling, visitation, John Knox monthly worship, etc. An Email from Rev. Garnett Thanks to all of you who made my farewell party such a special event! It was such a fun, warm send-off. Thanks for so many kind words and remembranaces and thank yous. I loved the choir's special song. I loved the cake and brought the remainder home and finished it up. I am loving the Garmin GPS! I have actually learned how to use it and am getting places the first time and on time. Thank you so much for the privilege of serving you as your interim pastor and for bringing my time to end with you in such a special way. God bless you all until we meet again. Pastor David TTPC The Skirl Musical Note from Janice Owen Rehearsals for the Palm Sunday cantata will begin very soon… stay tuned. Pastor David’s Farewell Song God blessed us with the blessing of light In times as dark as night. Giving us David to lead us Making us talk and discuss. He had a vision for us as a church. His message was to trust. He shared with us his love for God. In him we found a new peace. He brought us laughter; he brought us joy. Talking of Unity; Bringing us closer together; Showing us our family. He’s not so serious all of the time. He keeps things quite light-hearted: Weather reports in Alaska; Wed to a ventriloquist. We are now stronger; we’re full of hope. We give our thanks and praise. We are all smiling inside; And All God’s creatures say, “JOY!” Never forget us as you move on. This will not be the end You’ll shine forever here in our hearts. Always our pastor, our friend. KirKin’ o’ tha tartan As many of you probably know, Temple Terrace has a rich Scottish history, and we’re keeping that tradition alive by having the “Kirkin’ o’ tha Tartan” February 15th during the 10:00 a.m. service. Tartan carriers from past years have been contacted, and if you’d like to be a tartan carrier, please contact Arlene McGonigle at: [email protected] or call the church office at 988-3514 Since 1954, the Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans, as conceived by Dr. Peter Marshall, has been held at Washington, D.C.’s historic National Cathedral; with its sermon being delivered by the Presiding, or Senior Minister of the Washington, D.C. Catholic Archdiocese; or by a special guest speaker, primarily one of Scottish background. There are similar Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans services staged in cathedrals across all 50 States, as well as Canada. Lorena MacGreGor’s scottish shortbread 1/2 lb. butter (not margarine) 3/4 cup sugar 3 and 1/2 cups flour Cream butter and sugar by hand until sugar is dissolved. Add flour and mix by hand until crumbly. Press into 9x13 inch pan, then prick with fork. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 mins. Cut into squares while hot. Enjoy! TTPC The Skirl TTPC Session Members Class of 2015: Ponrathi Athilingam, Elizabeth Boynton, Louise Clarke, Clif Dell, Mike Finney, Arlene McGonigle, Jennifer Rendahl Class of 2016: Alton Barillier, Jr., Heather Brown, Bob Hoit, Herb MacKinnon, Susan McNaught, Michael Parr, Jim Sampson T. T. P. C. Book Club February’s novel is “Defending Jacob” by William Landay. The meeting will be Monday, Feb. 9th in the church’s parlor/library. All adults and older teens are invited to be part of our Book Club. Call me if you have any questions. Jane Fitzgerald 988-7276 Prayer is a Ministry of TTPC We have a group of church members who pray for everyone on our prayer lists. If you have a need for prayer, please call the office at 988-3514. 2014’s Blessing of the Animals Prayers from and for the people: For the family of Helen Yon, John Malone’s sister For the Ernest Thompson family on the death of his wife, from Sandi Fields For the Rimbey family on the death of Helen Palmer, Don’s sister For Paul Thanasides, now at home, cardiac issue For Pastor Ken’s twin sister, Sandy, on the death of her husband For Sandi Fields’ daughter, lymphoma diagnosis For all who are looking for a permanent job Blessings upon baby Olive Ann, the Rimbey’s second great granddaughter, born Jan. 10th For high school students making college decisions Please pray for our friends and members, near &far: Pat Fitzgerald, , Karen Scheidt and Justin (son), Mary Campbell, Jonathan Whiteside, Dennis McCarthy, Krissie Breed, Eleanor Robinson in TX, Jim Rooney, Peggy Lima, Peggy Fingerle, Ruth Armstrong, Nancy Scibilia in PA, Dan Petrie, Ray Fiero, Bonnie Wilhite, Esther “Skip” Davis, Anna Lambdin, Sandra Overmyer, Janeen Stokes, Pauline Greenawalt, Marianne Guenther, Ruth McElwee, Regan Peel, Marian Peck Big or small, God loves us all! TTPC The Skirl The T. T. P. Weekday School is a Great Place to be a Kid! February is always a special month here at TTPWS. While we learn about Valentine’s Day, our focus is more about being a good friend. Believe it or not, the concept of love is a difficult one to teach to our little ones! This is why we discuss being a good friend. Each class will be having a party, and many of them will exchange Valentine’s cards. It is always fun to watch them get so excited, not only about getting a bunch of cards, but giving them to their friends as well. They will also make a special art item to give as a present to their parents. Feel free to stop by and look at all of the special art that we made! Registration for the 2015-2016 School Year and our 2015 Summer Camp program starts this month. Currently enrolled families may register on February 2nd, church members may register on February 16th, and we will open registration to the public on February 23rd. If you are looking for a preschool or afterschool for your child or grandchild, please stop by for a tour and to pick up an informational packet! Carrie Gassen, Director Phone (813) 988-3038 Feb 4, Wednesday – Tommy the Toothbrush is here to discuss dental health Feb. 6, Friday - State Fair Day, part time, preschool and VPK closed. Feb 9, Monday – Carrie & Heather to an Early Learning Coalition meeting 12:30 – 4 Feb 13, Friday – Valentine’s Day parties Feb 23, Monday – Open registration begins From Your TTPC Session Session Meeting of 1/18/15 Christian Education Committee made the Motion that the Youth could sell sub sandwiches on Super Bowl Sunday and the proceeds would be placed into a designated account to fund their Montreat and Cedarkirk trips. Motion passed. Finance Committee moved to have the operating budget presented approved by the Session with a $7400 deficit and be presented to the Congregation at the 2/22/15 Annual Congregational Meeting. Motion passed. Session moved to give all loose plate offerings and designated funds on each Communion Sunday to the Good Samaritan Fund. Motion passed. The two Presbytery Commissioners to attend the 2/28/15 meeting are Bob Hoit and Elizabeth Boynton. 2015 COMMITTEES AND OFFICERS Christian Education: Jim Sampson, Mike Finney Congregational Care: Ponrathi Athilingam, Louise Clarke Facilities: Clif Dell, Alton Barillier, Jr., Louise Clarke Fellowship: Herb MacKinnon, Mike Parr, Susan McNaught, Bob Hoit Finance & Stewardship: Bob Hoit, Herb MacKinnon Mission & Evangelism: Susan McNaught, Mike Parr Nominating: Jennifer Rendahl, Ponrathi Athilingam Staff Personnel: Jennifer Rendahl, Herb MacKinnon Worship: Arlene McGonigle, Elizabeth Boynton, Heather Brown TTPC OFFICERS (CORPORATION) Clerk of Session: Jennifer Rendahl, Bob Hoit, Mike Parr President: Fred Crawkow Vice President: Bob Hoit Secretary: Jennifer Rendahl Treasurer: Dave Mereness Endowment Committee, Moderator: Steve Wiley TTP Weekday School Board Member: Mike Parr TTPC The Skirl TTPC The Skirl 9 1:00 pm Congregational Care Comm. Meeting 7:00 pm AA, Al-Anon, CODA 8 8:15 am & 10:00 am Worship Services 11:15 am Mission & Evangelism Comm. meeting 7:00 pm AA, Al-Anon, CODA 24 5:30 pm Boy & Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Sugartime practice 10:30 am worship at John Knox Vill. 5:30 pm Boy & Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Sugartime practice Presidents’ Day 7:00 pm AA, Al-Anon, CODA 23 17 16 7:00 pm Sugartime practice 10 5:30 pm Boy & Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Sugartime practice 5:30 pm Scouts Gigi leaves for Brazil, will return the 18th 3 Tuesday 25 9:15 am Weekday school in chapel 6:00pm Bible study 7:00pm Choir prac. 8:00 pm N. A. worship service Ash Wednesday 18 9:15 am Weekday school in chapel 5:30 pm-6:45 pm Pancake Supper & 11 9:15 am Weekday school in chapel 6:00pm Bible study 7:00pm Choir prac. 8:00 pm N. A. 4 1:30 -3:30 pm Pastors’ meeting 9:15 am TTPWS 6:00pm Bible study 7:00pm Choir prac. 8:00 pm N. A. Wednesday 26 6:30 pm Youth Club- youth room 19 1:30 Staff Meeting, Pastor’s office 6:30 pm Youth Club- youth room 12 6:30 pm Youth Club- youth room 7:00 pm Hillsb. Care mtg. in F.H. 5 1:30 Staff Meeting, Pastor’s office 6:30 pm Youth Club- youth room Thursday 27 20 13 Hillsborough County Schools have Florida State Fair Day 6 Friday 2015 4th Youth Event Presbytery Mtg. Trinity, Clwtr Saturday 28 21 14 7 Saturday “God Bless You” on your February birthday! 1-Kim Schaub, 3-Chuck Smith, 7-Jozette Thomas, 8-Liz Jacobsen, Mo Rendahl, 12-Mary Sires, 13-Amanda Clark, 15- Rosemary Hughes, 18-Frances Jackson, 19-Maryann Damonte, 24-Richard Sires, 25-Christine Coe 11:15 am Baked Potato and Salad Bar Luncheon 22 8:15 am & 10:00 am Worship Services, incl. Congregational Meeting 11:20 am Session Meeting 15 10:00 am Worship only Kirkin O’ tha’ Tartans 11:30 am Ruth Circle luncheon & study 7:00 pm AA, Al-Anon, CODA 7:30 pm Book Club 2 8:15 am & 10:00 am Worship Services 11:15 am Fellowship Comm. meeting Monday 1 Sunday TTPC Calendar for February Pray for Our Military A Word from Gigi, Youth Director People who love the Lord and want to teach the next generation: Be a Youth Angel Youth Angels walk alongside the Youth Director on Thursdays Nights (6:30-8:30 pm) and during “4th Saturday” activities. Everything you need is prepared for you. First project for Thursday Nights is to paint and make the Youth Room a great place to meet! Here are the dates we need help: Thursdays - February 19, 26 (One volunteer each day) You can sign up by sending an email to Gigi at: [email protected] In the mean time, she has started painting the Youth Room (upstairs in the preschool) and has re-vamped the bulletin boards in the church. Come see all the artsy work she has done for us so far! Gigi will be on vacation in her home country, Brazil, from Feb. 3 through 17, and will be back in our office Thursday, the 19th. The Fourth Saturday of each month is when the Youth either have a project or go somewhere fun together. Here is the list of 4th Saturday Youth Events so far... February 28 Animal Shelter March 28 Recycled Art April 25 Beach Cookout – Fort de Soto May 23 Earth Day: Park Walk Please contact any of us if you plan to attend or need more info! Gigi Marciano: [email protected] 813-451-2604 Susan Sampson: [email protected] 813-928-1482 Jim Sampson: [email protected] 813-892-1291 Layne Gruman, from Alton Barillier, Jr.; SSgt. Ryan Skelton, Bruce & Virginia’s grandson; Patric Sampson, nephew of the Sampsons; Mary Garner, the Justice family; Terry Gates, Susan McNaught’s son in law; Vice Adm. Mike Shoemaker, son of Helen Shoemaker; Robbie Tyrney, Carrie Gassen’s nephew; Annie Harroll, niece of Beth Novak Congratulations to Helen Shoemaker & family upon the promotion of her son Mike to Vice Admiral in the Navy, stationed in San Diego, CA! February Sermon Calendar Pastor Ken will be preaching a 4-part series entitled: “God’s Promises— Our Firm Foundation” February 1: “You Bet Your Life” (Pt. 1) “God has granted to us his precious and very great promises.” –2 Peter 1:4 February 8: “God is Always With You” (Pt. 2) “Lo, I am with you always to the end of the world.” – Matthew 28: 20b February 15: “God Is In Control” (Pt. 3) “And we want each one of you to show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope to the very end …” – Hebrews 6: 11 February 22: “God is Always Good” (Pt. 4) “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” –Romans 8:28 TTPC The Skirl | | Temple Terrace Presbyterian Church THE SKIRL Volume 8, Issue 6 420 Bullard Parkway Temple Terrace, FL 33617-5516 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us at Return Service Requested The Presbyterian Homes and Housing Foundation of Florida, Inc. (PHHF) has provided quality, affordable communities for seniors and families in Florida. Sponsored by the Presbytery of Tampa Bay and the Peace River Presbytery, PHHF strives to provide seniors and families with communities they can be proud of and glad to call home. DID YOU KNOW… PHHF develops and operates rental communities for moderate, low, very-low and extremely low income persons. As one of the largest not-for-profit providers of low-income elderly housing in Florida, PHHF offers communities with a high standard of quality for an affordable price. Call 727-894-0368 or log onto TTPC The Skirl
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