Jesus said, "I will send you another comforter from the Father, even the spirit of truth." John 14:16 THE SUNDAY SPIRIT February 22–28 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMFORTER 2701 PARK ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC, 28209 • 704.332.4171 WWW .HOLYCOMFORTERCHARLOTTE. ORG Lent is here. W hat advice does the Church offer for structuring a Lenten discipline? A fundamental metaphor of Lent is one of a journey into the wilderness, to a place where we might move closer to God by removing the distractions and misdirections of everyday living. Thus, approach Lent with a heart for renewal. Do not view the season as merely a set of external rules to be followed. Rather, embrace it internally as an opportunity for new growth. The Church suggests four basic areas of Lenten devotion. Why these four? They are rooted in scripture, and they have been known for centuries to be effective when approached intentionally and with a heart open to change. Here are the areas, with suggestions for 2015: 1. Scripture: read, mark, and learn the word of God. o Pick one Gospel and read one chapter, patiently, a day. Repeat Gospel as needed. o Read the Psalms in an unfamiliar translation. (Consider the new Common English Bible, or the King James Version.) 2. Prayer: listen for how God might be speaking to you. o Join a CMCP site at least once per week. o Pray the Jubilate (Psalm 100) every morning, and/or the Lord’s Prayer (BCP 97) every night. o Make time for silence, not for merely entertainment or sleeping, but for intentional stillness. Listen for God’s “still small voice.” 3. Service: take on a new practice that stretches you beyond your comfort zone. o Serve the Church on Sunday morning: cook breakfast, host coffee hour, sign up to be a host, lector, or other minister. If you already serve in one way, try another. o Serve your community: Volunteer at Room in the Inn. Give blood. Clean a street or stream near your home. Mark the interconnectedness of all people. o Give to a special fund of the Church, or to a new charity. 4. Fasting: practice self-denial. o Give up a food, drink, electronic device, or other activity that has become comfortable or routine in your life, and note its impact on the choices you make (or do not make). o Refuse luxury goods. Wear simple clothes, eat simply, drink simply. Curb consumption; share your savings with others. o Fast on Fridays, especially Good Friday. It is preferable to follow just a few disciplines that will stretch you-rather than draw up a laundry list of tasks to exhaust and deflate you. Remember, a “successful Lent’ is, like a “successful life,” not about following rules to perfection. It is about yearning and trying, about reaching beyond yourself and toward a life closer to the purposes of God. • • • • • • • • Today at Holy Comforter Nursery Care for children 3 and under, 7:45 a.m. – noon Holy Eucharist with The Great Litany, 8 – 8:50 a.m. Breakfast in Henry Hall, 8:45 – 9:15 a.m. The Hour Community and Education offerings for all ages, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.: o Nursery Care continues o Sunday School for children ages 3 to fifth grade o Youth Group for sixth through twelfth graders “Friendship Nine: Then and Now” o Foundations of the Faith: What Every Episcopalian Ought to Know About Our (Awesome!) Church o Adult Class: “The Sweet Potato Challenge” Choral Eucharist with The Great Litany, now with Sunday School continuing through the Peace, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. Church Tour following the 10:30 a.m.service Lemonade in the Lobby, 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. La Misa en Español, 12:30 – 1:45 p.m. What is a litany? A litany is an ancient form of prayer, offered privately or by a congregation, that includes repeated refrains among the petitions. Psalm 136 is an example of a litany that’s over 2500 years old. Today we again mark the start of Lent by praying The Great Litany, a time-honored devotion of the Church known for its breadth, scope, and humility. We offer this great prayer in solemn procession and in traditional plainchant. Hence our prayers today are particularly “unusual,” and that is precisely the point. The gift of Lent is one that shakes us out of the usual and mundane. It sharpens our senses and focuses us upon our deep need for the mercy, grace, and hope of the living God. Sunday Morning Faith Formation features two offerings during Lent. Our annual Foundations of the Faith: What Every Episcopalian Ought to Know About Our (Awesome!) Church class returns and is open to everyone curious about The Episcopal Church. In the Sweet Potato Challenge, we’ll familiarize ourselves with the journey our food takes and the hands it passes through as it goes from farm to table. We’ll explore the conditions in which farmworkers and their families (including children) live and work. Always wanted to know what’s where at Holy Comforter? Then attend a fun, informal church tour this Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service. Meet at the front of the church near the lectern after worship. Lending a hand is easier than ever! Every fourth Thursday from March through October, Holy Comforter folks cook at the Charlotte Rescue Mission. Thanks to the generosity of parishioner Jim Stewart, the food will now be on site each week, so all our volunteers have to do is arrive at the Charlotte Rescue Mission at 3:30 p.m. and then cook and serve to our neighbors in need. Email Deacon Deb at [email protected] to sign up for a date – or several! Common Morning, Common Prayer is in full swing! For your convenience, we’ve included the reading of the day and CMCP locations here. You may find the complete schedule in the Lent flyer arriving in your mailbox this week. Room In The Inn: Cold Weather Shelter hosted by Holy Comforter • • • • • • Monday: John 2:1-12; 10 a.m. Caribou Coffee, 4327 Park Road, Charlotte 28209, All Saints’ CMCP, 7:30 a.m. Starbucks, corner of Country Club and Concord Parkway. Tuesday: Acts 20:17-35; 7:30 a.m. Common Market, 1515 S Tryon Street, Charlotte 28203, 8:00 a.m. Nova’s Bakery, 1511 Central Avenue, Charlotte 28205, 11:15 a.m., Atria Merrywood, 3600 Park Road, Charlotte 28209, All Saints’ CMCP, 7:30 a.m., Dilworth Coffee, 5151 Poplar Tent Road, #140, Concord. Wednesday: John 2:23-3:15; 7:30 a.m. Wells Fargo Atrium, 301 South Tryon Street, Charlotte 28265. Join All Saints’ at 7:30 a.m. IHOP, 800 Cloverleaf Plaza, Kannapolis. Thursday: 3:16-21; 9:00 a.m. Southminster Retirement Community, 8919 Park Road, Charlotte 28210. Join All Saints’ at 7:30 a.m., Libby’s Pit Stop, 1801 N. Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis. Friday: 3:22-36; 7:00 a.m. Holy Comforter, Room 207 Van Every; and 8:30 a.m. Las Delicias, 4405 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205. Join All Saints’ at 7:30 a.m., new Panera Bread near All Saints Church. Saturday: 4:1-26; 9 a.m. Spanish Holy Comforter, Library; and 10:00 a.m. Just Fresh, 14136 Rivergate Pkwy #400, Charlotte 28273. Would you like to receive Daily Lenten Daily Meditations from Holy Comforter sent to your inbox? Email [email protected] to get on the list! Easter Lilies: It’s time to purchase lilies to decorate the Sanctuary for the Great Vigil of Easter and Easter Day. This is such a beautiful way to remember loved ones at this most meaningful time of year. Lilies can be purchased through the Altar Guild at a cost of just $15. The Cubans are coming! Camerata Sine Nomine, a nine-voice male choir from Cuba, will make a stop at Holy Comforter during their tour of the southeastern U.S. in March. We are fortunate to be able to host these talented young men on Wednesday, March 4, for a 7:00 p.m. concert, which is sponsored by the Alden Music Fund. A free-will offering will be taken during the concert. There will be a family night dinner before the concert starting at 6 p.m. Please RSVP for the dinner by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 2, to Patrick Pope at [email protected] or 704-332-4171 ext. 212. The cost of the dinner is $7 per person or $20 family maximum. Volunteers Next Weekend, Sat. Feb. 28 – Sun., March 1 Set-up: The Green and Binns families Transportation: Vicki & Tom Bott – we need drivers for both Saturday night and Sunday morning Cook and serve: Ministerios Hispanos, Karen Crane. Help needed Sunday morning Overnight hosts: Joanne Clean up: Help needed Weekend Coordinator: Beth Hardin & Geoff McLaughlin Can you help? Contact Paula Kay Bickings at 301-325-4735 Share Your Blessings, Change a Life Spruce up your yard at the Boy Scouts’ 15th Annual Pine Needle Sale on March 7. Visit our homepage for details and an order form. What are your ideal “Rhythms of Work and Rest?” Find out during Holy Comforter’s annual Women’s Retreat. This year, we will offer a full day of fellowship, reflection, creativity and fun featuring Nicole Greer and Caroline Brown, all right here in our own backyard on Saturday, March 14, at Starette Farm in Troutman. 2015 Altar Flower dates are filling up! Remaining dates are: June 7, 14 & 28; August 30; Sept. 6, 20 & 27; Oct. 4 & 11; Nov. 15 & 22; and Dec. 20 & 27. Contact Elaine Wood at 704.529.1711 or [email protected]. Holy Comforter Weekday School Registration is now open to all. Forms will be available online, on the bulletin board, or from the HCWS. Are you or do you know a woman over 23 who needs tuition assistance? ECW and the Diocese of North Carolina are accepting applications for the 2015/16 Lex Mathews Scholarship, which helps women seeking to upgrade their skills or advance career opportunities with a variety of educational options. The deadline is March 15. Applications are available on our website.
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