1 MECH 344/M Machine Element Design Time: M _ _ _ _14:45 - 17:30 Lecture 1 Contact Details Instructor: Dr. S. Narayanswamy Office Room: EV – 004.124 Phone: 848-2424 (7923) Office Hours: M _ _ _ _ 11:00 –12:00 or by appointment e-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~nrskumar About the course This course covers the basic principles employed in the design of standard mechanical components subjected to operating force and moment fields Lectures - 3 hours each 13 Lectures of all - one is an introductory lecture 2 Term Tests Final exam Class logistics 3 Continuous teaching hours/week --W-- 14:45 –17:30 @ FGB040 13 lectures + 2 Term Tests + Final Course Web Page http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~nrskumar Text book and other reference • TEXTBOOK • “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design” Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M, Marshek, Wiley; 5th edition. • REFERENCES 1. Richard G. Budynas and Keith Nisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design,” 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2014. 2. M. F. Spotts, T. E. Shoup and L. E. Hornberger, “Design of Machine Elements,” 8th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2004. 3. Robert L. Norton, “Machine Design– An Integrated Approach,” 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013. 4. S. R. Schmid, B. J. Hamrock, and B. Jacobson, “Fundamentals of Machine Elements,” 3rd Edition, CRC press, 2013. The Tutorial There will be 1 and half hour tutorial on Thursdays for 2 different sections Tut MA ---J- (17:45-19:25) SGW H-564 Tut MB ---J- (17:45-19:25) SGW H-544 There will be TAs who will provide more details on the problem solving Attending tutorials is necessary as this will help in preparing you for the exams Term Tests There will be two term tests in all during the term The tests will be for 75 minutes on the 6th and 11th week during Tutorial hours Test #1: Thursday February 19, 2015 (Open Book-textbook only) Test #2: Thursday April 02, 2015 (Open Book-textbook only) Material covered for each test will be given in class one week prior to the date of the test (definitely not by email) Duration of the test will be 75 Minutes Open Book-textbook only 20% weightage towards final grade Grading Scheme Grade composition: Two Term Tests : 40% Final: 60% To pass the course you have to Pass the final Attend the term tests as well as midterm and get good marks Final Test The final exam will have problems similar to the ones in tutorials Conducted during the university wide exam period Duration of the test: 3 hours. Write the final exam with confidence that you will do very well It is IMPERATIVE to pass the final to pass the course 10 General Notes In order to pass the course you have to obtain at least 50% of mark from the Final Exam. Electronic communication devices (including cell phones) are not allowed in examination rooms. Only “Faculty Approved Calculators” will be allowed in examination rooms. In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change Contents of today's lecture • • • • Introduction Machine Design Design Process Safety Factors Fundamentals of Machine Component Design Fifth Edition Robert C. Juvinall • Kurt M. Marshek Chapter 1 Mechanical Engineering Design in Broad Perspective Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Whatever area you will choose… This course is fundamental. Outline of the course 12-Jan week 1 Introduction to Design: An overview of the subject, Machine Design Process Fundamental Topics from Mechanics of Materials: 19-Jan week 2 26-Jan week 3 2-Feb week 4 9-Feb week 5 16-Feb week 6 2-Mar week 7 Stresses due to Axial, Bending, Direct Shear, Transverse Shear and Torsional Loadings; Curved Beams; Combined Stresses- Mohr Circle; Stress Concentration Factors; Residual Stresses; Thermal Stresses Static Failure Theories: Failure of Ductile Materials under Static Loading (Maximum Shear Stress Theory, Maximum Distortion Energy Theory); Failure of Brittle Materials under Static Loading (Modified Mohr Theory) Fatigue Failure Theories: Basic Concepts and Standard fatigue Test; Fatigue Strengths for Reversed Bending, Reversed Axial Loading and Reversed Torsional Loading; Fatigue Strength for Reversed Biaxial Loading; Influence of Surface and Size on Fatigue Strength; Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Strength; Effect of Stress Concentration; Fatigue Life Prediction with Randomly Varying Loads Design of Screws and Fasteners: Thread Forms, Terminology and Standards; Power Screws; Screw Stresses; Threaded Fasteners; Fasteners Materials and Methods of Manufacture; Bolt Tightening and Initial Tension; Bolt Tension with External Joint-Separating Force; Bolt Selection for Static Loading; Bolt Selection for Fatigue Loading week 8 Design of Springs: Coil Spring Stress and Deflection; Stress and Strength Analysis for Helical Compression Springs-Static Loading; End Designs of Helical Compression Springs; Bucking Analysis of Helical Compression Springs; Design Procedure for Helical Compression Springs-Static Loading; Design of Helical Compression Springs for Fatigue Loading 16-Mar week 9 Design of Spur Gears: Geometry and Nomenclature; Interference and Contact Ratio; Gear Force Analysis; Gear-Tooth Strength; Gear-Tooth Bending Fatigue Analysis- Basic Concepts and Recommended Procedure; Gear Tooth Surface Fatigue Analysis-Basic Concepts and Recommended Procedure 23-Mar week 10 30-Mar week 11 13-Apr week 12 16-Apr week 13 9-Mar Design of Shafts and Keys: Shaft Loads; Attachments and Stress Concentrations; Shaft Stresses; Rotating-Shaft Dynamics; Overall Shaft Design; Keys Design of Journal and Rolling-Element Bearings: Rolling-Element Bearing Types; Fitting of RollingElement Bearings; Catalogue Information for Rolling-Element Bearings; Bearing Selection based on Fatigue Life Requirement Review 4 (must be reviewed by students) 6 (Sections 6.56.12) 8 (Sections 8.18.12) 10 12 (Sections 12.112.8) 15 (Sections 15.115.12) 17 (Sections 17.117.6) 14 15 Engineering design is the process of applying the various techniques and scientific principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process, or a system in sufficient detail to permit its realization. A Machine is: (1) An apparatus consisting of interrelated units, or (2) A device that modifies force or motion A Structure has no moving parts, e.g. bridges, buildings. • A machine is a device that transforms energy • Has fixed and moving parts • Connects the source of power and the work to be done • In case of motor and generator electricity is converted to mechanical movement and vice versa • In IC engine, connecting rod and crank shaft transfers energy The design process • Design involves constrained creation • Constraints: Technology limits Human and environment concerns Durability and reliability Cost Market requirements Etc. Thedesign process • • • • • • • • REPRESENTATION Basic requirements to be able to PERCEPTION perform a design KNOWLEDGE All the above interacts in your judgment even if you are not INTUITION aware of it CONCEPT You have to train your judgment PURE CONCEPT to be able to perform solutionEMPIRICAL CONCEPT solving based thinking NOTION • IDEA The design process • A design is created after analysis, full understanding of requirements and constraints and synthesis • Two individuals may not come with the same solution to the same problem Example: Connect two straight pipes ND 4” to avoid leaking of the gas and to permit easy maintenance of the segment Solutions to the problem • Multiple: flanges, clips, clamps, seals, etc. 1. Problem Defn. 2. Concept and ideas The design process 3. Solutions 4. Models/Prototype 5. Production and working drawings Concurrent engineering approach The design process A Component ! 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Factor of Safety N = Material Strength Design Load Fundamentals of Machine Component Design Fifth Edition Robert C. Juvinall • Kurt M. Marshek Chapter 2 Load Analysis Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 39 45 46 47 49 50 The sections chosen for load determination in the previous examples were, by simple inspection, clearly those subjected to the most critical loading. In more complicated cases, however, several sections may be critical, and their locations less obvious. In such instances it is often helpful to employ an orderly procedure of following the “lines of force” (approximate paths taken by the force, determined by simple inspection) through the various parts, and noting along the way any sections suspected of being critical. Such a procedure is illustrated in the following example. 51 Assumptions: 1. The weight of the yoke connection can be ignored. 2. The load is divided equally between the two prongs of the fork (the loads and yoke connection are perfectly symmetrical). 3. The load in each prong is divided equally between the portions on each side of the hole. 4. Distributed loads are represented as concentrated loads. 5. The effects of pin, blade, and fork deflections on load distribution are negligible. 6. The pin fits snugly in the fork and blade. 52 53 54 55
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