the cathedral church of st saviour, goulburn The Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn P.O.Box 205, GOULBURN Office Hours: 9 am – 1pm Mon-Fri Office 02 - 4821 2206 Fax: 02 - 4822 2639 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook: SUNDAY 22ND FEBRUARY 2015 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SERVICE TIMES 8am Celebrant Preacher 10am Celebrant Preacher 5pm Eucharist Canon Mark Dean Phillip Choral Eucharist Rev’d Theresa Dean Phillip F5 Hymns and the Psalm for the day are found in the centre of the pew sheet. The Communion motet is: “O Remember Not” By Johnathan Battishill The Concluding Voluntary is Fantasia in C Minor By JS Bach TODAY’S READINGS First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9.8-17 Ps 25.1-10 1 Peter 3.18-22 Mark 1.9-15 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16 Ps 22.24-32 Romans 4.13-25 Mark 8.31-38 Jesus rejects the temptations of the devil and as a righteous man is immune from the attacks of wild beasts. He is fed by angels and is victorious over the powers of evil. So, confirmed as God’s Son in baptism and strengthened in resolve, Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee with clear purpose. Dorothy Thorpe, Diocese of Willochra © ABM, 2015 St Saviour’s Cathedral MORNING & EVENING PRAYER MON-FRI 8AM & 4.30PM MONDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 5pm Eucharist TUESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 10.30am 12 noon Bourke St Health Service Eucharist WEDNESDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 5pm Healing Service THURSDAY 26TH FEBRUARY 10am Eucharist FRIDAY 27TH FEBRUARY 8.15am 10.30am Eucharist Waminda SATURDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 11am Ordinations The Cathedral Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday March 22nd following the 10 o’clock service. All reports, nominations and items of general business must be received by 5pm today. FOOD ASSISTANCE MINISTRY Our stocks are low on the following items: Tinned soups, tinned meals, tinned meats and fish (corned meat, tuna, salmon), cereals (small pkts), pasta (all sorts), pasta sauces, tinned tomatoes (with/without herbs), dried crackers/Saos, etc. Tinned baked beans and spaghetti. This is a valuable and worthy ministry. We assist many in difficult circumstances. SUNDAY 1ST M ARCH SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 8am 10am 5pm Cathedral AGM Eucharist Choral Eucharist Evensong Your support is appreciated. Please pray for our ordinands, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22ND AT 5PM - ALL WELCOME Hazel Davies, Judy Douglas, Peter Kuot, Natalie Milliken, Graham Morrison, David Rajasekaram, Craig Roberts and Andrew Robinson who will be deaconed in the Cathedral next Saturday. Lenten and Easter services: Palm Sunday 29th March 2015 8am 10am F5 Maundy Thursday 2nd April 2015 7.30pm followed by vigil Good Friday 3rd April 2015 9am Easter Eve Children’s Service 4th April 2015 6pm Easter Day 5th April 6am 9am 5pm 2 Christ Church West Goulburn With St Bartholomew’s Windellama & St Mark’s Bronte Anglican Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn Strive to live the life of Christ enabled by the Holy Spirit. Sunday 22nd February 2015 First Sunday in Lent Welcome! to everyone who is visiting us today. We hope your time with us is an enriching one. Topic: Services Readings TODAY Lent 1: Are you ready for the Sabbath? 7.30am Holy Communion 9:30am Holy Communion & Kids@Church 11.30am Windellama Harvest Festival with Holy Communion then AGM & Auction Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 2:23-3:6 Pg 7 Pg 244 Pg 1112 Pg 914 Prayer of the Day God of the new and eternal covenant, as the forty days of the great flood swept away the world’s corruption and watered new beginnings of righteousness and life: grant to us, who are washed clean and born again in the saving flood of baptism, the wellspring of your grace, that your gift of new life may flourish once again; through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Christ Church West Goulburn 128 Addison Street Goulburn 2580 Rectory: (02) 4821 3631 Fax: (02) 4822 1073 [email protected] 1 Christ Church West Goulburn This Week Monday Coming Events 23rd February 21 Mar CSM Awareness day workshop Gail’s Day off 3.00pm 4.00pm Tuesday 22 Mar CSM Refresher afternoon w/s Home Group (Bailey) Men’s Bible Study 22-29 Mar Goulburn Churches Connect 29 Mar Palm Sunday & Café Church 24th February Vanessa’s day off 7.30pm Home Group (Gardner) Passover meal 2 Apr Maundy Thursday service7pm All night prayer vigil. Wednesday 25th February 8.30am Hospital Visits GBH 10.00am Home Group (Nightingale) 11.15am SRE at West Goulburn 2.00pm Anglican Women AGM 3 Apr Good Friday service 10 am 4 Apr Easter Eve Service 6.30pm 5 Apr Easter Day services 15 May 6pm Bishop’s Cathedral Convention Inaugural Bishop Barlow lecture Dr Stuart Piggin Thursday 26th February 8.30am Hospital Visits GBH 8.45am Prayer Group 9.30am KYB 7.30pm Home Group (Rectory) 16 May Bishop’s Cathedral Convention - Rev’d Dr Alison Morgan 24 May Pentecost Sunday combined service with Jews for Jesus Friday 27th February 10.00am Holy Communion 11.00am Morning Tea “Christ in the Feast of Pentecost” 2014 Annual Reports Due TODAY! Saturday 28th February Sunday 7.30am 9.30am 1st March Holy Communion Holy Communion & Kids@Church 11.15am Christ Church AGM 12:15pm Lunch at GWC Ministry Team Rector: Rev’d Vanessa Bennett 4821 3631 Honorary Assistant Minister: Rev’d Gail Stevenson 0401 876 067 [email protected] Readings for next Sunday 1st March Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:24-32 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 4:30-34 1 Apr Church Wardens: Peter Nightingale Beth Bailey Don Elder Graham Kinder Dinah Gegg Pg 13 Pg 242 Pg 1028 Pg 916 2 4821 6614 4822 3305 4821 8533 4844 5330 4844 7127 St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 22nd February 2015 Entrance Hymn Father, hear the prayer we offer: Not for ease that prayer shall be, But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. Not for ever in green pastures Do we ask our way to be; But the steep and rugged pathway May we tread rejoicingly. Not for ever by still waters Would we idly rest and stay; But would smite the living fountains From the rock along our way. Be our strength in hours of weakness, In our wanderings be our guide; Through endeavour, failure, danger, Father, be thou by our side. Love Maria Willis (1824-1908) CP 416 TUNE: Marching St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 22nd February 2015 Gradual Hymn Offertory Hymn: Forty days and forty nights You were fasting in the wild, Forty days and forty nights Tempted, and yet undefiled: Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy refuge fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last. Let us your endurance share And from earthly greed abstain, With you watching unto prayer, With you strong to suffer pain. And if Satan on us press Flesh or spirit to assail, Victor in the wilderness, Grant we may not faint or fail. Keep, O keep us, Saviour dear, Ever constant by your side, That with you we may appear At the eternal Eastertide. George Hunt Smyttan (1822-1870) and Francis Pott (1832-1909) alt. TIS 591 TUNE: Heinlein Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me: All my trust on thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing. Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in thee I find, Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee, Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Charles Wesley (1707-1788) alt. TIS 211 TUNE: Aberystwyth St Saviour’s Cathedral Hymns 22nd February 2015 Final Hymn: Christ is the world’s redeemer, The lover of the pure, The fount of heavenly wisdom, Our trust and hope secure, The armour of his soldiers, The lord of earth and sky, Our health while we are living, Our life when we shall die. Christ has our host surrounded With clouds of martyrs bright Who wave their palms in triumph And fire us for the fight. For Christ the cross ascended To save a world undone, And suffering for the sinful Our full redemption won. Down in the realm of darkness He lay a captive bound, But at the hour appointed He rose a victor crowned, And now, to heaven ascended, He sits upon the throne In glorious dominion, His Father’s and his own. St Columba (521-597) tr. Duncan Macgregor (1854-1923) alt. TIS 192 TUNE: Crüger 1. In you, O Lord my God, have I | put my | hope: in you have I trusted, let me not be ashamed, nor let my | enem- . ies | triumph | over me. 2. Let none who wait for you be | put to | shame: but let those that break faith be con- | founded . and | gain | nothing. 3. Show me your | ways, O | Lord: and | teach me | your | paths. 4. Lead me in the ways of your | truth, and | teach me: for you are the | God of | my sal- | vation. REFRAIN 5. In you have I hoped | all the . day | long: be- | cause of . your | goodness, O | Lord. 6. Call to mind your compassion and your | loving- | kindness: for | they are | from of | old. 7. Remember not the sins of my youth, | nor my . trans- | gressions: but according to your | mercy | think on | me. 8. Good and upright | is the | Lord: therefore will he direct | sinners | in the | way. 9. The meek he will guide in the | path of | justice: and | teach the | humble . his | ways. 10. All the paths of the Lord are | faithful . and | true: for those who keep his | cove- . nant | and his . com- | mandments. REFRAIN © G. J. Oehm, 2011. Christ Church West Goulburn Prayer Points From our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for: Diocese of Sydney: Archbishop Glenn Davies, Bishops Robert Forsyth, Peter Hayward, Ivan Lee, Chris Edwards, Peter Lin, Clergy and People St John’s, Wagga Wagga: Michael Armstrong (Angela), Sue Hanna, Karen Klime, Judy Begent, Leonie White, Jim Waddell, Colin Rush, Daphne May Wagga Wagga Base Hospital: Leonie White (Rob) The Riverina Anglican College: Principal, Ian Grant; Chaplain, David Willsher Riverina Juvenile Justice Centre, Wagga Wagga: Tim Narraway (Annemarie) Pray for: Chaplaincy work in hospitals, schools, the workplace, prisons, Defence Forces and emergency services. In the Parish of West Goulburn we pray for: Support and care of: Bea Luton, Allan & Olga Miller, Cliff Jones, Brian Chamberlain, Bob Larkham, Kath Armstrong, George Mason, Gerry Duffey, Nancy Fenwick, Bill & Beryl Cutcliffe, Bill Cashman, Betty Mills & Helen Williams. Healing: Margaret Wilson, Christine Hamilton, Heather Armstrong, Lynda & Martin Yeadon, Harriet, Sonia, Margaret Murray, Vikki Carmichael, Frank Larkham. Pray for: Wisdom in using God’s gift of ‘Sabbath’ well and as he intended it for us. Wisdom in nominating people for leadership positions for 2015. Further afield we pray for: Ian Palmer, Bishop of the Diocese of Bathurst, after heart attack last weekend. Our Mission for Lent—Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) and its 3 Lenten projects 1. Church leadership & management training in Kenya also addressing poverty 2. The Rev Gloria Shipp’s work with indigenous communities in Bathurst Diocese & as Chair of National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council. 3. Integrated food security program in Eastern Kenya now suffering more Rosters Today Next Sunday 7:30 9:30 7:30 9:30 1st Reader Glen Stevenson Allan Bailey Glen Steveson Paul Bennett 2nd Reader Margaret Beevors Don Elder June Cashman Beth Bailey Intercessor Paul Bennett Gail Stevenson Gail Stevenson Kathy Dunn Gail Stevenson Heather N Gail Stevenson Lorraine Jones Beryl & Gloria Allan B & Peter D Pat Ford Peter Nightingale HC Assist Sidesperson 3 Christ Church West Goulburn Outreach Poster February 2015 Whether it’s sporting glory, money, marriage, holidays, a successful career, a nice home or even just good health, we all thirst for something. But have you ever stopped to think if you can be truly satisfied in life? Or will you spend the rest of your years chasing happiness? In a restless world, only God can satisfy. He promises security and long-lasting happiness. He acts for your goodness and quenches your thirsts. So, why not get a Bible and start reading about this astounding good news? Copyright ©2015 Outreach Posters [Edited] Lent Sermon Series: Theme: Are You Ready? 18 Feb 22 Feb 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Mar 1. Are you ready to change? Mark 1:21-34 2. Are you ready for the Sabbath? Mark 2:23-3:6 3. Are you ready to hear him? Mark 4:30-34 4. Are you ready for danger? Mark 6:21-29 5. Are you ready for the Messiah? Mark 8:22-30 6. Are you ready to serve? (TBC) Mark 10:32-45 7. Are you ready to keep watch?(TBC)Mark 13:32-37 Small Groups 2015 There are a number of groups in the parish which are up and running again this year. Being part of a small group provides the opportunity: to explore the Bible in more detail, asking questions and applying it to life, to get to know one another better, praying for and supporting one another. If you are not already a member of a group, please consider it. Groups include: Mon: 3.00pm (at Baileys); 4:00pm (Men’s Bible Study in hall kitchen, see Doug) Tues: 7:30pm (at Gardner’s) Wed: 10.00am (at Nightingales) Thurs: KYB (Women’s Bible Study, Pat Brown); 7:30pm at the Rectory Lent Studies: Lent is traditionally a time to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ and on our lives as followers of Christ. During Lent many of the groups, and individuals, follow a set of studies which the sermon series will also follow, written by Lutheran Pastor Greg Weyrauch. The devotional guide includes forty-six meditations based on a passage from Mark's Gospel with reflection questions and a prayer for individual reading and meditation each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter. It also includes a weekly study guide for six weeks of small group meetings and discussion. See Vanessa for a copy. 4 St Saviour’s Cathedral Mind out! MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY We are looking for people interested in joining the hospitality ministry as Cathedral minders. It is not an onerous task, shifts are only 3 hours. It is a great shame not to have our beautiful Cathedral open for visitors as often as we can. If you are interested, contact the office (4821 2206) or Fred Rainger (4821 5725) In St. Saviour’s we have The Lady Chapel. It is an ancient tradition to have such a chapel in churches. In this chapel we remember Mary and we are also able to think about our mothers. March Garage Sale - Cathedral Hall will be held on Saturday March 7th from 9am - 2pm. There will be lots of books on the Cathedral table, come and stock up on your reading. Donations of cooking for the Cathedral table would be most welcome. Messy Church Friday February 27th has been CANCELLED. Next meeting Friday 13 March @ 4.30-6.30pm in the Mary Thomas Room. Children 3-12 years with parents or guardians are welcome. Our Mission programme for 2015: 1st quarter: Diocese of Willochra 2nd quarter: Melanesian Brothers (an ABM project) 3rd quarter: Anglicare Winter Appeal 4th quarter: Al Ahli Anglican Hospital Behind the altar in the chapel is a weaving of Mary and her child Jesus. It was a gift of the Friends of the Cathedral. It is a very nice art work and people who know about these things say it is of a high quality. It certainly adds to the ambience of the chapel. The weaving also serves another purpose. It disguises a plumber’s drain that was left after the bell tower was added to the Cathedral! Finding it difficult to read the hymns and announcements? Ask the sides person on duty for a large print copy of the pew sheet. Regular Giving and Current Donations Please note that any contributions/giving/donation can be made to the Cathedral General Account BSB 032-721 ACC 28-0248 with the appropriate ref. Regular Support of Ministry Ref - Ministry Mission Programme Ref - Missions Donations to the Organ Appeal may be made to BSB 702-389 a/c 05209664 Donations to the Heritage Appeal may be made to BSB 032-721 a/c 680946 St Saviour’s Cathedral Cathedral Calendar Saturday February 28th Ordination of Deacons 11am Friday 6th March World Day of Prayer at the Baptist Church 10am Saturday 7th March Garage Sale 9am - 2pm Friday 13th March Organ recital by Hans Hielscher 7pm Sunday 22nd March Cathedral AGM 11.30am Friday 15th - Saturday 16th May Bishop’s Cathedral Convention The Journey 2.30pm every Sunday from 22 February until/including Sunday 29 March in the Mary Thomas Room Lenten Studies: From 24th February every Tuesday OR Wednesday in Lent Rev’d Ruth: Start Tuesday February 24th 2.30 - 3.30pm in the Soldiers’ Chapel. Theme: The ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Rev’d Theresa: Start Wednesday February 25th 7.30 -8.30pm in the Mary Thomas Room. Theme: ‘40 Days with Paul.’ Ecumenical Christian Meditation: each Thursday in Lent, 5.30-6pm. Uniting Church Wesley Centre. Speak to Helen Rainger for details Messy Church Second and fourth Friday of every month, 4.30-6.30pm in the Mary Thomas Room. Children 3-12 years with parents or guardians are welcome. The next Messy Church is Friday March 13th HOME COMMUNIONS CELEBRANT: (N), we send you out to share Communion with those unable to come to Church. PEOPLE: May you carry the prayers of our Cathedral community as you take this sacrament of Christ’s presence. CELEBRANT: May those who receive it be strengthened and encouraged in Christ. Amen. Cathedral Staff Dean: The Very Rev’d Phillip Saunders Phone: 4821 9192 Sub Dean: The Rev’d Canon Mark Cooper Phone: 4821 1506 Assistant Priest: The Rev'd Theresa Angert-Quilter Phone: 0408 762 651 Director of Music: Dr Greg Oehm Phone: 0409 229 616 Cathedral Wardens Leigh Bottrell Kerrie Knowlman Pamela Shaw John Quilter 4822 4946 4822 6258 4822 8394 0438 362 651 Marulan Wardens Marie Pender 4841 5088 John Feltham 4841 1543 Ven (Em) Dr Royce Thompson 0416265600
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