Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Proto-Cathedral of the Denver Metropolis 3511 Yoakum Boulevard Houston 77006 + 713.526.5377 + find us on facebook: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Rev. Economos Michael J. Lambakis, Dean + Rev. Fr Demetrios Tagaropulos, Associate Priest Rev. Deacon Christopher Xanthos Sunday Bulletin February 8, 2015 Sunday of the Prodigal Son Sunday of the Prodigal Son; Theodore the Commander & Great Martyr; The Holy Prophet Zacharias (Zachariah); Nicephoros & Stephanos the Martyrs; Afterfeast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple Second Mode + Second Eothinon Sunday Service Schedule for February 8, 2015 Orthros 7:45 am + Divine Liturgies 9:00 & 11:00 am Sunday Church School 10:45 - 11:45 am Welcome to all our visitors worshipping with us today! We’re glad you’re here! Please join us at our Fellowship Coffee immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Visit the Welcoming Committee table to meet fellow parishioners and learn more about our community. Please silence all mobile devices while in the Holy Sanctuary. Thank you. Special Hymns at Liturgy: + 2 + Appointed Scripture Readings: Matins (Orthros) Gospel W Epistle Reading B + 3 + A ʼ ʼ Gospel Reading T + 4 + E + 5 + + About Theodore the Commander & Great Martyr (February 8) + 6 + About The Holy Prophet Zacharias (Zachariah) (February 8) + 7 + Altar Group for February 8 - Saint Kosmas Altar Group for February 15 – Saint Nektarios + 8 + Parish News And Events What’s Being Taught in the Adult Sunday Church School Classes? 10:45 – 11:45 AGOC Adult Bible Study + 9 + HOPE & JOY GOYA o + 10 + Philoptochos Pillowcase Dress Drive Orthodox Christian Fellowship Tumbler Fundraiser Cathedral Service and Ministry Schedule for next Sunday, February 15, 2015 + 11 + + 12 + + 13 + St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Sunday Church School – Grades 5 & 6 Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:45 am-11:45 am – small Martel Hall Hymn: Those Who Have Been Baptized Grade 5 Chose one Bible hero and what he taught you about your faith. Chose one Commandment you find most difficult to follow (Exodus 20:1-17). Explain one teaching Jesus taught from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5). Grade 6 Who is Christ and What Role does He play in your life? Jesus taught us to serve others and to be good stewards. How am I being a good steward? God is love. What examples do we have of times Jesus shows us acts of love? (Luke 6:27-36; John 8:2-11; John 13:1-15; John 14:2324 and 15:9-15) Parents, please help your child research, write & present a short report on one of the grade topics. You’ll be proud! + 14 + + 15 + Today at the Cathedral: Memorial Services are offered at the 11:00 am Divine Liturgy for Mary (Marika) Tomasides (40 days) and Marika Manousso (40 days). Join us for the Fellowship Coffee in the Martel Hall following each Divine Liturgy. The coffee following the 9:00 am Liturgy is sponsored by the Annunciation Cathedral Ladies Philoptochos. The coffee following the 11:00 am Liturgy is sponsored by the Families of Mary Tomasides and Marika Manousso. 10:45 am – St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival (Grades 10-12), Small Martel Hall 12:30 pm – HOPE & JOY Event, Teen Room 232 This week at the Cathedral: Tuesday, February 10 1:00 pm – Bible Study, Room 243 6:30 pm – Bible Study, Room 219 Wednesday, February 11 9:30 am – Philoptochos SEARCH Sandwich Making, Martel Hall Kitchen Thursday, February 12 6:30 pm – Introducing the Orthodox Church, Room 136 Friday, February 13 3:30 pm & 5:00 pm – Greek School Saturday, February 14 1st Saturday of Souls 8:30 am Orthros / 9:30 am Divine Liturgy + 16 +
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