29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Dear Parishioners and Visitors I often think it’s funny when a small child comes up the aisle for Holy Communion and you can’t help noticing that they are the “image” of one of their parents. It’s almost as though their mother or father has suddenly shrunk back to the size they were twenty-five (or so) years ago. Images play a big part in our lives. Everybody, these days, seems to be taking pictures and producing images of other people or even themselves. Often enough they end up on something like “facebook.” When I was little every family had photos in their home, reminding them of people they loved. Today the gospel is about images. In Jesus’ time people had to pay taxes to the Roman authorities using Roman coins, and these coins all had the image of the Roman emperor on them. That meant they belonged to the emperor. The money was his. In a similar way, Jesus is saying, each of us is an image of God. That’s the way we were created. Therefore we belong to God, as the Roman coins belong to the emperor. So the gospel is about us. We are images of God in a special way because we share his life and nature by Baptism. But our likeness to God is meant to grow. That is why we are at Mass today, to be nourished into a deeper likeness of God by the Eucharist, the great sign of God’s care for what belongs to him. Fr Tom PARISH HAPPENINGS LOOKING AHEAD Monday 20th October -7pm - 9pm Italian Prayer Group Tuesday 21 October - 9.30am – 11am Playgroup - 7pm Legion of Mary Wednesday 22 October -7pm Liturgy Meeting - 7.30pm Brisbane East Deanery Meeting Thursday 23 October -9am – 2pm Italian Bingo -9.30am – 11am Playgroup Sunday 26 October -10.30am Dominican Laity -3pm–4.30pm Sacramental Program Family Session “Add your voice” to the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry conversation And go in the draw to win a GoPro Hero3 White Young people (aged 13-30), as well as the wider Catholic Community, are invited to add your voice to the conversation around youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The Archdiocese has taken 2014 as a year for listening within the area of youth ministry. To have your say, please go to www.cymbrisbane.org.au/add-your-voice/. For any questions regarding this survey, please contact Teresa Delsorte at Evangelisation Brisbane on 3324 3446. We pray for those who are sick: Rex Bowen, John Clarke, Vilma Ghouse, Mary King, Georgina Moore, Donald Morrison, Jim O’Reilly, Phil & Win Spillane, Fr Joseph Truong, Emma Winks and Lena Wilson. November is the Month of Remembrance The commemoration of All Saints and the Holy Souls in November begins a month where the Church, in communion with all the saints, prays for the dead. One way we do this is by having Mass said during November. November Mass offering envelopes available at the church entrance. We pray for loved ones who have died recently: Klara Kantor, Sr Ethnea O’Sullivan, Phyl Barker, Joyce Vera Brown, Siganto Family. Altar Society Roster The new roster is available for collection from the work sacristy. Anniversaries: Let us remember in prayer Gwendoline Petchell, Katharina Leitgeb-Rainer, Betty Morris, Maria de Navas and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. Daily Mass Books If you would like to order a 2014/15 Daily Mass Book (which runs from Advent to Advent), we are collating orders now. The cost is $20. If you would like to order one, put your details on the clipboard provided at the church entrance. Orders close this weekend 18/19 October. Sacramental Program Enrolments for the Sacramental Program for have closed. Families will soon be attending Sessions to help them understand what Sacraments, particularly the Sacrament of Reconciliation, are about. Attending Mass is an important way for children to learn about their faith. As is always the case with our large group of Sacramental families, some families are quite familiar to regular Mass-goers, but some are new faces. May I encourage all parishioners to do what you can to extend a welcome to anyone new you might notice around you at weekend Mass. Kellie Corbett, Sacramental Coordinator Modern Slavery ‘Modern slavery is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to free the victims and stop this increasingly aggressive crime which threatens not only individuals but the basic values of society and of international security and justice, to say nothing of the economy, and the fabric of the family and our coexistence.’ - Pope Francis, 12 December 2013 Attention Sunday Mass Readers & Musicians Orders being taken now for 2015 edition of “Break Open the Word” Copies are $10 - to order one, please place your details on the clipboard at the church entrance by weekend 18/19 October. Celebrate the end of October, Month of the Rosary Do you often find the rosary hard-going? Are you easily distracted by other things? Are you stuck in a rut of the same old reflections? Join us as Catherine McDowall, a member of the Legion of Mary, shares a series of meditations on the rosary, explaining how the Holy Spirit can help us to discover new insights. Date & Time: 6:30 pm on Thursday 30th October Venue: Our Lady of Graces Catholic Church, Carina. RSVP: Phone or text 0431 117 139 by Tuesday 28th October. The talk will be held in the library followed by a small supper. COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Our parish will conduct the annual World Mission Month appeal next weekend (October 25/26) The proliferation of appeals being conducted in parishes has created some confusion. The recent Archdiocesan Catholic Campaign raised money to support the ‘internal’ ministries of the Archdiocese. The forthcoming World Mission Month appeal asks you to be generous to support the global missionary work of the Church, in more than 160 countries, including Jamaica (the focus for this year’s appeal). Why do I mention this in such detail? Because if we look at the Gospel for today, Jesus is making it clear that our faith is never about an ‘either/or’. We ‘render unto Caesar’ what we are obliged to contribute, by way of taxes etc; and we give to God, through stewardship, philanthropy and acts of service. It’s not one or the other! Same with fundraising – this appeal will make a difference in the lives of missionaries, like Sr Teresia, and those they work with and support while previous appeals (Catholic Campaign, Caritas, Rosies etc) have their respective, but different beneficiaries. Thanks for responding so generously when we conduct our appeal in your parish. David McGovern, Director In this week’s issue of the Catholic Leader * Improvements to marriage and seminary preparation major focus for synod on family * Carmelites worldwide celebrate the 500th anniversary since St Teresa of Avila’s birth * Newly professed Sister of the Immaculata makes Hobart history * Special features on Mission Sunday 2014 and Christmas Gift Guide * Former teacher and Presentation Sister Peggy Dolan reflects on her life on her 100th birthday * Talking point: Brisbane Catholic Steve Jorgensen on the path to realistic compassion Catholic Leader, available every weekend from the church entrance, costs just $2. G20 Weekend - Change of Mass Times at St Stephen’s Cathedral. We have been advised by the Cathedral that there will be no Masses or reconciliation on Friday 14th November and Saturday 15th November due to the many disruptions during the G20. On Sunday 16th November there will only be two Masses which are at 8am and 10am. Prayer Vigil G20 - World Indigenous People Sunday 19 October 2014, 6pm-6.30pm at Musgrave Park, 121 Cordelia St, South Brisbane Everyone is welcome! For more information contact either Fr Buce Boase on 0448 206 213 or Brooke Prentis on 0416 197 324. Rosary Bouquet in honour of Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday October 25th at the Cathedral of St Stephen at 10.30am (Rosary) and 11.30am (Mass). Lourdes Hill College Past Pupils Association Memorial Mass Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel ~ Lourdes Hill College on Saturday 1st November 2014 at 10am (Morning tea will be held after the meeting). Enquiries: Loreto Lotz 0412769708 St. Stephen’s Cathedral Concert Series presents its sixth and final concert for 2014 in a program entitled Requiem presented by the Cathedral Schola and the Cathedral Choir on Sunday, November 2 (All Soul’s Day) at 4.00 pm at St. Stephen’s Cathedral. The program will include two Requiems. The first is by Michael Haydn (brother to Joseph Haydn), the second one by Tomas Luis de Victoria. Admission is $25 (adults) and $20 (concession). Concert goers may use the Cathedral car park from 3.00 pm (entrance from Charlotte Street). For further information call 07 3720 0514 or www.ststephensmusic.com Upper Mount Gravatt Wishart Parish Senior Social Club Parishioners are invited to join Upper Mount Gravatt on the 23 October 2014 for a 2 hour cruise up Bribie Passage. Lunch at the bowls club. If time we will check out the Bribie Seaside Museum. Trip includes Coach, Cruise, Morning Tea and Lunch. Cost $60.00. Depart 8.00 am and return at 4.30 pm "SHINE ON" KIDS RETREAT DAY - SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER A day of fun for primary school aged kids with the Brisbane NET team hosted by Emmanuel Community’s eKids team.Time: Prep to Gr 3: 9am-1pm; Gr 4 to Gr 7: 2pm-7pm Venue: Emmaus Centre, cnr Herbert St & Central Ave, Paddington Cost: Free. $2 donation requested for Gr 4-7 group for dinnerRSVP: Monday 20 October to Emmanuel Community - 3217 5199 or [email protected] www.emmanuelcommunity.com.au/ekids
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