Twentieth International Conference of NELTA Kathmandu, 17-19 February, 2015 Conference Venue: DAV School, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal Programme Schedule Day One: February 17, 2014, Tuesday 7:30 - 9:00 - Registration & Refreshment 9:00 – 10:30 - Inaugural Ceremony 10:30 – 11:20 - Key Speech – Elka Todeva - Riding Waves and Scaling Mountains: Ecological Approaches to ELT 11:25 – 12:15- Key Speech - David Hayes - The Quest for Quality ELT: The Contribution of Continuing Professional Development 12:20 – 1:00 - Plenary –Vishnu S. Rai - Postmodern ELT: Whose woods are these…? 1:00 – 2:00 - Lunch Concurrent Session - 2:00 – 2:30 Marian Alanna Smith, Bishwa Raj Jackie Van Christina Vangala Andres Libby Nujhat Wang Emily Hall & Gautam Tilburgh Torres Ravinder Sanchez Rafferty Nuari Ellen Aguilar Islam Gawarkiewicz Japan USA Nepal USA USA India China USA Bangladesh Integrating The benefits of Resource Writing Flipping the Innovative Who Simple Using critical daily routines: program and assessment: classroom: Teaching said ways to mother thinking Ideas for your opportunities Ruminating Practices for tools in writing incorporate tongue in skills into classroom for rubrics increased ESL can’t be technology ELT study continuing language fun? in low-tech classroom at abroad professional learning classrooms tertiary level programs development autonomy Room A Room B Stephen DeGiulio USA Teaching without training wheels: The postmethod world Room N Nagalingam Prashanthan Sri Lanka Speaking and listening gap activities Room C Room D Room E Room F Room G Room H Room I Maggie Espino Darren Elliott Zakia Sarwar Jovan Illic USA Vocabu lary learning through enactme nt and movem ent Japan Encouraging creativity and improving pronunciatio n with English Haiku Poetry Room K Pakistan Teaching Languag e through Literatur e UK ET:TE+: Evidence for a successfu l cascade project in Nepal Room L Room M Room J Room O Concurrent Session - 2:35 – 3:05 Shahid Tim Vinita Imtiaz Newfields Dhondiyal Bhatnagar Mukibuzza man Khan Gavin Farrell Pakistan Bangladesh South Korea Japan India Uma Maheshwari Chimirala Akinori Seki Faisal Naseer Rosa Fagundes Khanam Nargis Sultana Binod Luitel India Japan Pakistan Bangladesh Bangladesh Nepal Laxman Gnawali & Dhundi Raj Giri Nepal Mabind ra Regmi Nepal Common errors of English Tenses by Pakistani students Developing Pragmatic Competence: Classroom “Easification ” Strategies Room A Room B David J. D’Angelo USA Why who you spend time with matters Room N Can Creative Writing be Taught? Room C Room A Barbara Church & Sunita Suri Nepal Five easy strategies for teaching slow learners at Room D The role of teachers’ feedback to students in parliament ary debating Room E Impact of anticipation and peer assessment on oral task performance Room F Fostering global citizens through intercultur al youth exchange projects Learner autonom y in ESL teaching Room G Room H Teaching writing: the value of prewriting activities Use of technology in ELT classroom: An innovative approach Research findings and discussion : Linking the two in pedagogic context Restructur ing educationa l practices through activity based instruction Contextu alising Textboo k Content Room I Room J Room K Room L Room M Part A Irum Shahzadi Pakistan HOTS as exciting tool in ELT classrooms Room O Concurrent Session - 3:10-3:40 Tasneem Sharmila Durga Siraj Sitaula Prasad Mahboob Pandeya Bangladesh Motivating English Teachers: Bridging the gap between Expectations and reality Using English movie trailers in ESL/EFL classrooms as icebreakers Nepal Action learning group: Success of soft skill Nepal The Question Sauce: A flavor in speaking & writing Room B Room C Rebat Kumar Dhakal & Gopal Bhattarai Nepal Making sense of nonsense: Improving reading comprehension Kunjarm ani Gautam Chetlal Chaudha ry Md. Eftekhar Uddin Nepal Service learning: A tool for SL learners Nepal Reducing classroom anxiety in TEYL class Bangladesh Developing postgraduate ELT students’ research skills through blended learning approach Room F Room D Room E Md. Saif Uddin Rashed, Farhan Azin, Md. Shajedur Rahman Bangladesh Exploring reflection of teachers’ confidence in their classroom practice Nilesh P. Sulbhewar Laxmi Pd. Ojha Homraj Khadka Neelima Akhter Mohammed Arifuzzaman & Shaon Karmakar Jagadish Poudel India TBLT: An effective tool for language teaching Nepal Publishing in the journal of NELTA Nepal Mobilelearning in English Language Class Bangladesh Jing: A tool for the connected classroom Bangladesh Breaking the barriers: English and ICT for adolescents Nepal Error correction techniques in ELT Room G Room H Room I Room J Room K Room L Room M (Part-B) primary schools Room N Room O 3:45:-4:25 - Plenary –Marc Helgessen (NeuroELT) 4:30-5:10 – Panel Discussion – Role of Literature in English Language Development Prof. Abhi Subedi Prof. Vishnu Singh Rai Prof. Sanjeev Upreti Day Two, February 18, 2014, Wednesday 8:30 - 9:15 – Plenary 1 – David Hayes (Teaching, learning and context: what we can learn about innovation and quality in ELT from studying the lives and careers of English language teachers) 9:20 – 10:05 – Plenary 2 – Elka Todeva - Tapping into the Good Learner in all of us 10:10 -10:55 Plenary 3 –Balkrishna Sharma - Whose waves and for what quality: Non-western philosophies for professional development in ELT Concurrent session - 10:55 – 11:25 Vicky A Allen Todd Squires Anisur Rahman UAE Extensive reading, a vital part of L2 learning Japan Globalizatio n, masculinity and the desire to acquire English Banglades h Mother tongue interferen ce in English in the Indian Subcontin ent Room A Vaishali Pradhan Nepal Room B Room C Soniya Irfat Urmee Continuing professiona l developme nt: Do our teachers know what they need? Room N Gudrun Ingimund Ardottir Malaysia Needs analysis for volunteer teachers in refugee schools in Malaysia Room D Nahin Chowdhur y & Adiba Murtaza Bangladesh English learning experiences, expectations and motivation of students from a small-town Catherine Owens & Robert Burgess Thailand Blended Learning: building critical awareness and autonomy Danielle Fischer Marc Helgessen Japan Preparing university students for a mock int’l conference in English Japan ELT & the science of happiness Room E Room F Room G Room H Elsie Love & Lisa Rowan USA Going beyond the textbook Tamatha Roman Room I Room J Japan How project adventure can be incorporat ed into EFL classroom s Harichand an Kar & Ranjit Mandal India Multilingua l education: A tool for language revitalizati on and L2 learning Stephen Degiulio Isabella Perez Gore & Sonia Burton USA The magi learning triangle: Knowledge, power and being UK English in Action: Using mobile phones in the classroom Room K Room L Room M Bangladesh Continuous assessment to increase motivation: A case study in Bangladesh Room O Concurrent Sessions - 11:30 – 12:00 Kiran Thapa, Shashi Kayastha & Bhuban Bdr. Rokaya Nepal A more meaningful literature: reader Zakia Sarwar & Ganga Ram Gautam Pakistan/Ne pal Empowering EFL learners as Confident English Sabina Mohsin & Syeda Kudsia Hossain Subhasis Nanda Shankar Dhakal & Chet Nath Panta Md. Zakir Hossain Talukder Sushil Adhikari Bangladesh Role of teachers’ training in students’ India ESL teachers’ perceptio n on Nepal Surviving in disruptive EFL India Nepal Spoken Corpus of English Language: Using ICT for Enhancing ELT at AMU: Mehvish Riaz Pakistan Quest for quality in ELT: Improving Umer Farooq Herman Khunaivi Sharmin Siddique Santosh Ajit Singh Pakistan Active, independe nt & lifelong Indonesia Using ‘Beberan’ game board as Bangladesh Teaching writing skills in mixed- India The bilingual approach to Sonia Burton & Isabelle PerezGore UK Impact on Learners: English in Action response pedagogy Room A Bashu Wagle Nepal Need for balanced personality in ELT nesclasses Room N Users Room B Gyanendra Kumar Yadav Nepal Issues and challenges in teaching reading in the EFL classrooms Room O progress Room C USE of L1: An explorato ry study Room D classroom A Paradigm Shift Urge to Institutions in Nepal students’ writing (Part A) Room E Room F Room G Room H English language learning. (PART A) Room I interactive media in teaching speaking Room J ability classes language learning Room K Room L RoomM Lunch 12:1:00 Concurrent Sessions – 1:00 – 1:35 Md. Motaher Hossain Bangladesh Communicati ve English going to be miscommunic ative: Challenges of teaching English Baman Kumar Ghimire Nalina Singh Nepal Opportunities for professional development: References to abroad experiences India Developin g successful speaking activities for the English language classroom Room A Room B Tikaram Poudel Nepal English in Nepal: From colonial legacy to professiona lism Room N ILF 1:00 – 2:30 HALL Fatima Farheen Nisha Chowdhary Bangladesh Form focused instructions’ effect in EFL learning Rokiba Ahmed Humaira Shegufta Chowdhary Bangladesh Effects of BRAC training on secondary school teacher trainers Bangladesh Using pictures to enhance appropriate usage of English descriptive words Dinesh Kr. Thapa & Tracy Tyson Nepal/USA Developing sandpaper letters and phonograms Meera Rajput Nizara Hazarika India Quest for quality in ELT: Improvin g students’ writing (PART B) India Active, independe nt & lifelong English language learning. (PART B) Gobinda Puri K.J. Varghees e Md. Mohib Ullah Banglade sh Integratin g ICT in language education : Teacher attitudes and needs analysis Suman DC Nepal India Nepal How Teaching Digital dramatiza of written storytelli tion communi ng: An dramatica cation effective lly skills teaching improves through tool students’ email communi exchange cative program skills me Room C Room D Room E Room F Room G Room H Room I Room J Room K Room L Room M ILF Presenters and Topic : James Crocker (Japan)– Publish with pleasure-Writing creatively about language teaching; Tim Newsfields (Japan) Developing Pragmatic Competence: Classroom “Easification” Strategies; Ranganath Khanal (Nepal) - Action research for professional development; Nazua Idris (Bangladesh)- Using Film to Develop Students' Critical Genre Awareness; K.J. Vargheese (India) - Orell Digital Language Lab Software; Pranab Kanti Deb (Bangladesh)- Organized Lesson Plan: A Valuable Pathway for Effective Teaching; Priyanka Pandey (Nepal) - Learning English Language: A Case of Nepalese EFL Learners in their Early Age; Raju Shrestha & Sudip Neupane (Nepal) - How to Teach Language Function in EFL class? Briana Rogers (Malaysia) - English fun Fair: Making English Fun for Everyone; Hemamala Ratwatte (Sri Lanka) - The Asian Teacher Professional Development and Altruism: Sri Lankan Experience; Soniya Irfat Urmee (Bangladesh) - Enhancing Interaction among Tertiary Level EFL Learners in Bangladesh; Shuyu Chen (Taiwan) -Facilitative Teaching: Creative Learning in Empowered Space; Manju Bajracharya (Nepal)- Creative Writing: Using Elements of the Story; Darren Elliott (Japan) -My Teacher is a Watering Can: Metaphors for Learning; Hom Raj Khadka (Nepal) -M-Learning in English Language Class; Kshitiz Upadhyay-Dhungel (Nepal) -Concept of mind and cognition in Yogasutra-of-Patanjali Concurrent Session 1:35 – 2:05 Saroj Kr. Mandal Priyanka Pandey Nepal Correcting students’ written composition Nepal Transformation through mentoring Room A Room B Purna Pd. Lamichha ne & Chiranjiv i Baral Nepal English as a medium of instruction as interferenc e at primary level Mahesh Pd. Adhikari & Surya Sigdel Room C Room D Lokendra Thapa Rajendra Pd. Joshi & Chandani Panta Umes Shrestha Santona Neupane & Bibek Shakya Nepal An integrated method of teaching EFL to Nepalese learners Nepal Blending the genres: teaching stories through drama, a coteaching reflection Nepal Story writing through a creative fun game Room E Room F Room G Nepal Utilizing and enhancin g multiple intelligen ce to ensure better learning Room H Nepal English as a global language Keshab Raj Tiwari & Surya Pd. Bhusal Nepal Teacher’s adaptation in EFL setting: A changing paradigm Purna Bahadur Kadel Ganga Laxmi Bhandar i Arun Kumar Kshetree Nepal Nepal Academi c practices of university teachers Room I Room J Nepal Teaching grammar using Socratic dialogue in primary ELT classroo m Room K Miriam Cornelli Nepal Pronunciation games and movement Room N Plenary – 2:10 -2:50 – Z.N. Patil - Enriching linguistic and communicative competence through literature Plenary – 2:55 – 3:25 – Ganga Gautam & Zakia Sarwar (Learners’ Autonomy in Large Class through Innovative Project-Based Learning) 3:30 – 5:00 Panel Discussion – Policy Issues on ELT Panelists: Prof. Tirtha Raj Khaniya Prof. Jai Raj Awasthi Dr. Lava Deo Awasthi Dr. Jovan Illic Developi ng Academi c Writing Room L Dib Sherbuja & Ganesh Gnawali Nepal Connecti ng texts to life Room M Day Three: 19 February, 2014, Thursday 8:30 – 9:10 – Plenary –Sanjeev Upreti - From mimic men to global citizens: Interpreting EFL from post-colonial and post-modern perspectives 9:15 – 9:55 – Plenary - Laxman Gnawali -Not Just Action: Blend Activities with Content 10:00 – 10:40 – Plenary - Abhi Subedi – Writing Concurrent Session - 10:40 – 11:10 Vicky A Allen Marc Helgesen Louise Gittins Chris Fitzgerald Rizwan Ahmed Asmaul Husna Michale S. Young Kazi Tahmina Elka Todeva Chiranjeev i Jakkani UAE American sign language as a bridge to English Japan NeuroELT: Just do it Japan Student created publication: From planning to product Bangladesh Postcolonial literature in language classroom Bangladesh Movies for the English class USA Active learning methods for teaching English Bangladesh Using facebook horoscope app and quizzes as teachinglearning materials USA “Look, ma. I did it”: Reclaiming the joy of learning India Developing critical reading skills through working in groups Room A Michael Stetson USA Revisualizing reading texts Room B Stephen Degiulio USA What holds out language learners back: The hidden curriculum Room O UK How the synthetic phonics approach can significantl y increase literacy levels Room C Room D Room E Room F Room G Room H Room I Room J Deepak Kumar David Hayes India Helping teachers talk: RELO teachers empowerme nt programme UK Working with teachers in the quest for quality ELT: understan ding and controllin g our experienc e Akhilesh Kumar Sharma India L2 teachinglearning process: Students’ preference Room N Concurrent Session – 11:15 – 11:45 Nicholas Miriam Nazua Dimmitt Cornelli Idris UAE Developing learner autonomy in the UAE: EAP project work USA Great activities for group work Bangladesh Using films to facilitate teacher’s professiona l developme nt as cultural mediator Rehana Parveen Briana Rogers Bangladesh Applying ELT games in teaching Bangla as a foreign language Malaysia Exploring teachers’ beliefs for personal and professional growth Anil Shrestha & Narad Rijal Nepal EFL in multicultural and multilingual classroom Paritosh Chandra Dugar India Role of questioning in thinking and learning in EFL class Angel Figueroa Kiran Patil Japan Film studies as content: Lesson in integration India Developin g logical thinking through stories Room K Room L Room M Dil Nusrat Michael Guest Bangladesh Incorporati ng literary texts in language classroom Japan English discourse awareness: Thinking like a profession al Musharraf Hossain Tansen Bangladesh Assessing gender representation in primary level English textbook Sajib Ghosh Bangladesh Information communication technology to click to a new paradigm in ELL Room A Elizabeth Lammons Japan Promoting learner autonomy in classroom Room N Room B Room C Madhukar Dhital Nepal How to develop presentation? Room D Room E Room F Room G Room H Room I Room J Room K Room L Room M Room O Concurrent Session - 11:50 – 12:20 Krishna Pd. Khatiwada & Kamal Pd. Sapkota Dabal Bdr. Budha Nepal When should we start English in Nepal? Nepal Teacher as a manager in ESL class room Room A Room B Ashok Sapkota Nepal Constructin g teacher identity through differentiat ed instruction Room N Lunch - 12:20 – 1:20 Kamal Raj Lamsal & Khum Bdr. Gurung Nepal Critical thinking activities in the language classroom Pema Kala Bhusal Chiranjivi Sharma Tirtha Karki Prem Bahadur Tumbapo Santona Neupane & Pabitra Gurung Ganesh Kumar Khanal & Manohar Thapa Nibedita Sharma & Tika Maya Rai Ashok Raj Khati & Manita Karki Sabeen Hayat Prem Prasad Poudel Nepal Incorporating team building activities in English language classroom Nepal Collaborative Approach to Writing Effectively’ in a large class Nepal Short stories in EFL classes Nepal Design and use of tasks in ELT classroom with reference to Nepal Nepal Visual aids in language classroom using recycled resources Nepal Addressing multiple intelligence in EFL classroom Nepal Use of ICT in ELT classroom Nepal Languageineducation policy in Nepal: Current status and challenges Nepal Dynamics in EFL Classrooms: Realities and obligations Room C Room D Room E Room F Room G Room H Room I Room J Room K Pakistan Designing, teaching and assessing taskspecific listening skills: A workshop (Part-A) Room L Room M Concurrent Session – 1:25 – 1:55 Sultana Kaniz Fatema Asiqur Rahman Bangladesh Critical Pedagogy as a Teaching Approach for Teacher’s Professiona l Developme nt Room A Sagun Shrestha Bangladesh Teachers’ use of Learners’ L1 in EFL classes Room B Somiron Gregory, & Mir Md Saifur Rahman Bangladesh Teachers’ perceptions on different length of inservice training in Bangladesh Murshida Nishat Man Bdr. Khatri Praveen Yadav Sanjay Kr. Gupta Sumana Gupta Eshita Awal Ushaki ran Wagle Bangladesh Blending critical thinking to develop writing skills Nepal English language learners: Leaders or just the job seekers? India Creating enabling environment for continuous professional engagement with teachers Bangladesh English in cyber communicati on: Deviations from the norms Bangladesh Effects of internet lingo on students’ academic writing Nepal Rubrics, rubrics and rubrics! Room C Room D Nepal New Media Technolog y for English Language Teaching & Learning: What and How Room F Room G Room H Room I Room J Nepal ICT in policy and practices Room N AGM – 2:00 – 4:30 4:30 – 5:00 Concluding Ceremony (Auditorium) Khanam Nargis Sultana & Md. Abdur Rouf Bangladesh Learner role in CLT: Practices in the higher secondary classrooms Uma Maheshwar i Chimirala Rajeev Kumar India Designing, teaching and assessing task-specific listening skills: A workshop (Part-B) India L2 teachers and ELT at junior level: A critical study Room K Room L Room M
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