EL D Tr aining New s F eb r uar y 2 0 15 empowerment learning development RECENT EVENTS Welcome to our second newsletter of 2015. PME IN NEPAL SUPPORTING SAA AFRICA IN ETHIOPIA TRAINING FOR THE UNITED SOCIETY IN YANGON TRAINING ON REPORTING SKILLS AND PROPOSAL WRITING AT YANGON UPCOMING EVENTS We began 2015 with a running start, conducting assignments in East Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia. We took our first steps in Ethiopia with a presentation to development professionals on our plans for the region, while at the same time helping one country-wide agricultural project to develop their end-of-project document of lessons learned. In Nepal, we ran a training on PME, while we also ran our first training courses in Myanmar - first for United Society and after that for a mixed team of professionals from a range of organizations. This was also our first chance to work closely with our local partners CBI. Please read on for the full story! RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEPAL TRAINING SCHEDULE 2015 Neil Kendrick Director ELD Training For 15 years, ELD has supported its development partners worldwide through practical training and consultancy. Our training services are available to development organizations and practitioners in Asia, Africa and Europe, and globally through Customized Training, Distance Training Programs and publications. Manchester United Kingdom Tel: 44 (0)161 818 8226 [email protected] pr of essional development f or development pr of essionals PARTICIPATORY MONITORING AND EVALUATION IN NEPAL 2015 training stated in Kathmandu, Nepal, with a five-day course on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation. Eight participants joined from Nepal and Bhutan (sadly our Afghanistan participants had visa issues) representing AMDA Nepal?s HAMI project, Care Nepal, UNHCR, SIL Internationals and the SAARC Development Fund. The course ran from 26 30 January and was held at the Summit Hotel, Kupondole. The course covered a range of topics such as Project Cycle Management (PCM) and the Logframe, stakeholder analysis and defining indicators, and presented and gave participants practice in a range of participatory tools for conducting Monitoring and Evaluation. PARTICIPATORY MONITORING AND EVALUATION, KATHMANDU, NEPAL Participants on PME training at the Summit Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal SUPPORTING SASAKAWA AFRICA IN ETHIOPIA Meanwhile, ELD Director Neil kendrick visited Addis Aababa, Ethiopia, to assist Sasakawa Africa?s SG2000 program with documenting their five-year evaluation and lessons learned on agricultural extension throughout Ethiopia. Interestingly, this assignment came as a direct result of training three Sasakawa team members in Kenya in 2014 at a Reporting Skills / Proposal Writing workshop. On their return they shared the learning with the rest of their team and 16 authors developed 16 separate chapters which now form the core of the book soon to be published. It was good to see that through using Mind Manager - a mind mapping software we introduce in some training courses - they had all turned out consistently well-organized and focused contributions, making the document a potentially valuable learning for others working in agricultural extension. PRESENTATION AT ADDIS ABABA While in Addis, ELD also held a small presentation to share on its plans for upcoming training in Ethiopia. Invitees joined us at the Desalegn Hotel opposite the EU building in Bole, where we had an open discussion on how ELD can best serve the development community. So far, our work in Africa has been mainly focused on Kenya as a regional centre. However, the number of participants coming from Ethiopia and neighboring countries indicates that there are good reasons why we should establish an operation in Addis - and, in line with Neil Kendrick discusses ELD Training's plans for Ethiopia at Desalegn Hotel, Addis Ababa our strategy for developing several regional hubs of activity, we plan to develop local capacities over the next five years so we have, in Addis as well as elsewhere, training teams able to meet the needs of development professionals in various regions. MYANMAR: TRAINING FOR THE UNITED SOCIETY After Ethiopia, we had two training assignments in Yangon, Myanmar. This was a first for us, and the initial reason for travelling there was an invitation from the United Society (UK) to train a team of 22 participants on Reporting Skills and Proposal Writing. The team was diverse - with participants from the UK, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar - and the six-day program included a field trip to visit a Farmer Training Center supported by USUK. The training ran from 2 - 7 February. United Society participants visit a Farmer Training Center in Myanmar We were supported by two expert facilitators from our local partner the Capacity Building Initiative (CBI), so the training team consisted of Neil Kendrick, Phyo and Tay Zar. Even as three people, we were all very busy throughout, especially when the teams were developing logical frameworks for their projects. It is interesting to note that almost no-one in the group had encountered the Logframe / LFA before. Yet, they all still managed to develop Logframes that worked, even down to having relevant indicators and realistic assumptions. Participants were extremely enthusiastic United Society participants on a training course on Reporting Skills and Proposal Writing at Yangon, Myanmar throughout and very positive about the course. Many described the course as ?excellent? and a ?wonderful learning opportunity? and were keen to improve their future projects through logical planning, clearer objectives and better Monitoring and Evaluation. MYANMAR: PUBLIC TRAINING ON REPORTING SKILLS AND PROPOSAL WRITING While in Myanmar, we also decided to extend our training services to the wider development community. We already had participants travelling frequently to join our courses at Bangkok, so we scheduled a course on Reporting Skills and Proposal Writing at Panda Hotel, Yangon, from 9 - 13 February. Altogether, 11 participants came - five from DFID, two from the Central Cooperative Society, two from the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) and one from CBI. Again, we were supported by CBI facilitators, and CBI also offered us a training venue for the final two days for the sessions on Logframe and developing proposals. Participants from DFID on our public training course on Reporting Skills and Proposal Writing at Yangon, Myanmar While there were a few minor logistics issues - it was, after all, our first time in Myanmar - participants all rated the training highly. To quote one participant?s feedback, ?I am very happy with the training. It was well-organized. The trainers explained things very well and also gave a lot of opportunities to practice, which makes it more likely we will be able to apply the skills.? UPCOMING EVENTS Over the next couple of months most of our activities - apart from some customized training assignments - will be in Nepal. RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT - March 16 - 20 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - March 23 - 27 2015 WORKING WITH GROUPS: FACILITATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS - March 30 - April 3 2015 MANAGING SYSTEMS AND PEOPLE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS - April 19 - 24 2015 However, from May onwards expect to see more ELD training courses in East Africa (Ethiopia and Kenya) and South-East Asia (Thailand and Cambodia). TRAINING SCHEDULE 2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia FROM PLANNING TO PERFORMANCE: PROJECT PLANNING, PROPOSAL WRITING AND REPORTING - May 11 - 15 2015 FROM PLANNING TO PERFORMANCE: PROJECT PLANNING, PROPOSAL WRITING AND REPORTING - November 9 - 13 2015 Bangkok, Thailand MAKING SENSE OF INFORMATION: REPORTING SKILLS - June 1 - 5 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - June 8 - 12 2015 MAKING SENSE OF INFORMATION: REPORTING SKILLS - October 5 - 9 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - October 12 - 16 2015 Kathmandu, Nepal MAKING SENSE OF INFORMATION: REPORTING SKILLS - February 23 - 27 2015 RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT - March 16 - 20 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - March 23 - 27 2015 WORKING WITH GROUPS: FACILITATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS - March 30 - April 3 2015 MANAGING SYSTEMS AND PEOPLE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS - April 19 - 24 2015 MEASURING TOGETHER: PARTICIPATORY MONITORING AND EVALUATION - May 25 - 29 2015 MAKING SENSE OF INFORMATION: REPORTING SKILLS - June 22 - 26 2015 RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT - July 6 - 10 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - July 13 - 18 2015 MANAGING SYSTEMS AND PEOPLE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS - July 26 - August 1 2015 WORKING WITH GROUPS: FACILITATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS - August 10 - 14 2015 MEASURING TOGETHER: PARTICIPATORY MONITORING AND EVALUATION - September 14 - 18 2015 MAKING SENSE OF INFORMATION: REPORTING SKILLS - November 16 - 20 2015 RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT - November 23 - 27 2015 IDEAS INTO ACTION: PROJECT PLANNING AND PROPOSAL WRITING - November 30 - December 4 2015 MANAGING SYSTEMS AND PEOPLE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS - December 13 - 19 2015 Nairobi, Kenya FROM PLANNING TO PERFORMANCE: PROJECT PLANNING, PROPOSAL WRITING AND REPORTING - July 6 - 10 2015 Phnom Phen, Cambodia FROM PLANNING TO PERFORMANCE: PROJECT PLANNING, PROPOSAL WRITING AND REPORTING - June 15 - 19 2015
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