Parish of St Wilfrid, Widnes Items for inclusion in newsletter (by noon Thursday) to : [email protected] Contact details Fr Anthony Reynolds 0151 424 2129 Bishop John Rawsthorne 0151 424 4021 Fr Joseph Bibby 0151 424 6641 Fr Malcolm Prince 0151 424 3841 Fr Matthew Nunes 0151 424 2378 Deacon Terry Fox 0151 424 0277 Parish Office St Bede’s Presbytery Appleton Village Widnes WA8 6EL T: 0151 422 1772 E: [email protected] Website All Saints (CE): Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963 22nd February 2015 FIRST Sunday of lent Congratulations E: [email protected] ‘Repent and believe the Good News,’ we are told in today’s Gospel. This is our goal for Lent, and were the words spoken to us when we received the ashes. Jesus went into the desert to fast for 40 days and was tempted by Satan. We should take the Lord’s example of being rooted in prayer and the Word of God as our most powerful weapons. BAPTISMS We welcome To Andrew Virgo & Sally Cunningham who were married last weekend Rowan Mark John Walsh, Carson Michael John Walsh, Brayden David Phillips, Robert James Mellor, Mason Robert Sant, Isabelle Jade Elizabeth Sutton, Lucie Patricia Sutton, and Cadie-Lei Grace Sutton Prayer Request Book There is a Prayer Request Book at the back of each church where we can write down any special prayers or intentions we may have. who will be baptised this weekend CONFESSIONS St Bede’s Saturday 10:30am – 11:30am And also upon request Morning Prayer before Mass St Bede’s St Basil’s St John Fisher St Michael’s Monday - 9.00am Tuesday and Friday Wednesday Thursday Saturday - 9.45am - 9.00am - 9.00am - 9.00am Ecumenical Morning St Basil’s & All Saints Prayer Group Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Tuesday and Friday Prayer Group St John Fisher Sacristy St Bede’s Office Monday Monday Bible Group Rosary St Michael’s St Bede’s - 9.05am - 9.45am 7:00pm – 8:00pm 8:00pm – 9:30pm Thursday morning after Mass Saturday morning after Mass St Bede’s church is open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm NEWS AND EVENTS IMPORTANT INFORMATION Offertory Envelopes Please continue using your current offertory envelopes until new ones for the parish of St Wilfrid are issued in April. Mass Books There are new Mass books in each of our four churches. They have the readings of the Mass and the new translation of the Mass text. Mass Intentions If you want a Mass to be celebrated, you will find Mass Intention Request Forms and envelopes at the back of each of our four churches. Becoming one parish As we become one new parish, there are many uncertainties and challenges for all of us. For example, it is not possible to predict which Masses people will be drawn to. As we make our choices, let us remember that there are eight weekend Masses in the different parts of our parish. “GIVE IT UP FOR LENT” for CAFOD Over recent years, some of our parishioners have taken part in a campaign whereby they have given something up for Lent at least once a week and then donated the money saved to CAFOD, the oversees development agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. This has been in addition to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal. Therefore we would like everyone in our new parish to have the chance to participate in this Lenten activity and would ask you to: 1. Give up something at least once a week this Lent. 2. Put the money saved into a “Give it up for Lent” envelope. (Envelopes available at the back of our churches). 3. Place the envelopes on the collection on Easter Sunday. There is an extra incentive this year as the Government will double any money collected during Lent for organisations such as CAFOD. Stations of the Cross During Lent we will journey together as a Parish on the road to Calvary with Christ on the following four Fridays: 27th February 6th March 13th March 20th March – – – St St St St Basil’s & All Saints Bede’s church John Fisher church Michael’s church All start 7pm. Tea and coffee will be served afterwards. If you would like a lift or can offer a lift to people, please fill in the forms available at the back of church. Thank you. CAFOD FAST DAY Friday 27th February For Baptism Enquiries and Baptism Certificates Storms, droughts and floods are having a devastating impact on our poorest brothers and sisters around the world. CAFOD works with local organisations to ensure affected people are not only able to survive, but thrive. Fast Days are our opportunity to support this vital work. Collect your Fast Day envelopes from church this weekend, and don’t forget to hold your Lent Fast Day! The UK government have promised to match every pound & penny you give, to the value of £3.5m, so if you pay tax, please use the gift aid envelopes. Please give as you can in next week’s collection on 1st March. Please phone the Office of St Bede’s on 422 1774. The suggested donation for certificates is £5 All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 420 4963 or come to the church any Tuesday evening between 6:45pm – 7:15pm during vestry time When someone is ill If you or someone you know of becomes ill, goes into hospital, and is no longer able to get to Mass, please as much contact 422 1772 The Sick & Anniversaries Please submit names for our monthly prayer list for those who are sick or whose anniversaries occur to Carol on 422 1772 or email [email protected]. St Bede’s Entertainment On the following Saturday evenings . . . Parish Bereavement Mass On 28th February MAX CHARD will be on guitar and as vocalist. This is going to be a CHARITY NIGHT in aid of PETER MARK (who needs a double transplant). Will be celebrated at St Bede’s Church On Wednesday 25th February St Wilfrid’s Parish Choir At 7pm We hope to come together to lead the music at our parish Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and at the Easter Vigil. If you are a singer, please come to the rehearsals. The first rehearsal will be in St Michael’s on Monday 23rd February 7-8pm and then every Monday evening during Lent. Mass will be offered for all those who died during January. All relatives, friends and Parishioners are welcome to attend. Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy will take place at the following Masses from this weekend: Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday 6.00pm 10.00am 10.30am 11.15am St Basil’s church St John Fisher church St Michael’s church St Bede’s church MARRIAGE MATTERS Women's Day of Prayer ( Holy Family church, Cronton Friday 6th March at 2pm. First Sunday of Lent We hunger for closeness ‘Wilderness’ can be a reality in our marriage relationship at times, a kind of ‘desert experience’: hungering for a gentle touch or return of the closeness in our relationship. Yet, we can look back on such times and recognise the Spirit was at work. God’s grace was in our yearning, calling us to choose life and turn away from self-indulgence. This service is ecumenical and everyone is invited irrespective of denomination. The theme this year is prepared by the Christian Women of the Bahamas. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served in the church hall after the Service. Vocation Discernment Group To support those exploring Vocations to the Priesthood, days of recollection have been organised for the first Saturday of each month. The next day of recollection will take place on Saturday 7th March at St Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. For further information, contact Fr James Preston, Vocations Director, at 0151 727 2493 or [email protected]. First Communion and Confirmation If there are children in year 4 from Holy Family Parish who would like to make their First Communion and Confirmation this year, please contact Fr Michael McCormick on 0151 426 6482 to understand the arrangements. The first session of preparation will be at 3pm on Wednesday 3rd March in Holy Family School, Cronton. St Basil’s Club Ladies Afternoon Lee Ann James and her husband ran an "over 50s/60s/70s" afternoon one Thursday at St Basil’s. The ladies who attended loved the afternoon and had fun with bingo, a quiz, Hoy card game, music, and tea and cakes! (Dancing is an option.) More ladies are welcome to come along every Thursday, 1pm until 4pm. If you are interested please ring Lee Ann on 01928 581311 or 07885 084223. Recruitment Evening for Street Pastors St Paul’s Church Hall Sunday 8th March at 7pm Please contact Chris Noon on 420 1661 The Knights Choir The Knights Choir would like to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who made donations for the choir’s services during 2014. As a result of your support the choir was able to pass on £5,000 to local good causes including, among others, Halton Haven Hospice and St Wilfrid’s Lourdes Group. The choir remains at the service of the local community in 2015 and looks forward to your continuing support in the future. Wonderful Day Trip to Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral A very BIG thank you to Fr Joe and all those who for organized the wonderful day trip to the Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool for our Altar Servers. It was what we all needed to bring together and strengthen and encourage the Altar Servers and get to know their lovely families. The day itself was a wonderful success with Deacon Paul from the Cathedral showing us around, and he even let us sit on the Archbishop’s throne! We had a guided tour “beyond the ropes” and downstairs into the Lutyens Crypt & Treasury. We had Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Cathedral followed by a first class lunch and a lovely get together with everyone. Let us pray that we will continue to work together in our new parish as we move forward with the changes here in Widnes. Clive Baines Altar Server, St Wilfrid’s Parish, Widnes. ACTA: Promoting Dialogue in the church An afternoon of prayer, reflection and sharing with Prof. John Sullivan of Liverpool University, on Saturday 28th Feb, 2 - 4pm, Our Lady’s Parish Bishop Eton Fisher More Hall, Woolton Rd, Liverpool L16 8NQ. To register go to or call 0151 722 7258. St. Wilfrid’s Parish Lourdes Group There will be a Lourdes Pilgrimage taking place on Friday 24th July to Friday 31st July with the Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage 2015. Price £695 which includes return flights from Manchester Airport duty & passenger taxes. Return coach transfers to and from the hotel in Lourdes and Manchester airport, Liverpool Archdiocese Lourdes Pilgrimage book 2015, 7 nights full board in Lourdes in the Hotel Paradis, courier service and spiritual leader, 1 suitcase per person for the aircraft hold – 22kgs, and 1 half day excursion to Bartres. For more details of the Pilgrimage ring Ged Glover 423 2416 or George Sadler 424 6201. TEA/COFFEE AFTERNOON The Third World Group will be having a Tea/Coffee afternoon in St John Fisher Church Hall on Monday 9th March. There will be tombola, cake stall, raffle, and of course bingo. Doors open 1.30pm. Entrance is 50p, including light refreshments. Everybody welcome! Lent Groups This year the Lent groups will be organised a little differently; rather than groups meeting individually, we will be joining together at weekly Lent reflections to be held on a Sunday evening in St Basil’s and All Saints’ from 6pm. The first session will be on Sunday 22nd February and will continue for the 6 weeks leading to Holy week. Sessions will last around 30 minutes and will be led by a different person each week. They will provide people with quiet, contemplative time and opportunity for a brief discussion. Tea and biscuits will be provided. All are welcome! This Weekend’s Masses Saturday 21st February Sunday 22nd February 1st Sunday of Lent 5:00pm St Bede’s Parishioners 6:00pm St Basil’s Mary & Tom Burke (60th Wedding Anniv) 8:30am St Michael’s Jim Howard 9:00am St Bede’s Winifred Chambers (LD) 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am St John Fisher Irene Glynn & Margaret Platt 10:30am St Michael’s Lawrence & Brendan Atherton, Alice & Edward Atherton 11:15am St Bede’s Anne Clarke (2nd A) 4:30pm St Basil’s Pat Loftus (LD) 9:15am St Bede’s James Stretch 9:15am St Basil’s Jane Billal 7.30pm All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 9:15am St John Fisher Norah Lewis (LD) 7:00pm St Bede’s Mass for the Bereaved 9:15am St Michael’s Mary & Bill Farrell Friday 27 February CAFOD Lent Fast Day 9:15am St Basil’s Sheila Unsworth Saturday 28th February 10:00am St Bede’s Weekday Masses Monday 23rd February Tuesday 24th February Wed 25th February Thursday 26th February th Next Weekend’s Masses Saturday 28th February Sunday 1st March Mary Riley (90th Birthday) 2nd Sunday of Lent 5:00pm St Bede’s Frances Moss 6:00pm St Basil’s Parishioners 8:30am St Michael’s Frank & Susan Egan (A) 9:00am St Bede’s Eric Lee 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am St John Fisher James Oldham 10:30am St Michael’s Alan Sheperd (LD) 11:15am St Bede’s Olive Strettle (LD) 4:30pm St Basil’s Brian Higgins Funerals – Please pray for those whose funerals take place this week and for their families Monday 23rd February 12:30pm St Bede’s Requiem Mass William Burke Tuesday 24th February 10:30am St Basil’s Requiem Mass Margaret Brown 1:30pm St Bede’s Funeral Service William Mulholland 1:00pm St Bede’s Requiem Mass John Roche th Tuesday 24 February th Friday 27 February
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