Antwerp Local SchoolS FEBRUARY 2015 SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE NOTES FROM YOUR PRINCIPALS On Tuesday, January 27, Antwerp Local School had the unfortunate experience of being the victim of a bomb threat. Although this was not something we expected, I am so proud of our staff and students for their cooperation and behavior. In this newsletter, I have often stated the importance of keeping your Honeywell Instant Alert account updated and accurate. This situation was a reminder to each of us. Even if you do not want to get notifications for delays and cancellations, keep your information updated and check the box to receive “HIGH IMPORTANCE” alerts. Our first priority will be to make sure the students are safe and the next will be to keep parents informed. Our first responders also did an excellent job and we appreciate their help. MR. BUTE—HS/MS PRINCIPAL The second semester of the 2014-2015 school year got off to a rough start with the rain, snow, fog, and ice. We have missed school eight days this year, so we will be in session on President’s Day, February 16 as a make-up day, as well as May 21 and May 22. Any additional days missed will be added to the end of the school year. With many cold and snowy days before us, I would like to remind parents to have students dress warmly when waiting for the bus. The decision to delay or cancel school is always difficult, but the determining factor will always be the safety of our students. I appreciate the work of all our bus drivers, who have a very difficult job to do. The annual organizational meeting for the school board was held on January 12, 2015. Dennis Recker was elected President and Mark Ryan was elected Vice President. Also serving on the board this year are Anita Bok, Bob Herber, and Kipp Taylor. Monthly meetings in 2015 will be the third Thursday of each month. The next regular meeting is Thursday, February 19 at 6:00 in the Board of Education Conference Room. Antwerp is hosting the Paulding County Spelling Bee on Monday, February 2, and we still have many athletic events during the month of February. Please check the calendar and plan to attend an event to support our students. If you have children in our district, please plan to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences on February 10 or February 17. Communication between home and school is an important factor in success for all students. Working together will make Antwerp Local Schools a stronger district. Yours in Education, Pat Ross KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Antwerp Elementary is now scheduling appointments for the 2015-16 Kindergarten Screening and Registration which will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24-25 here at the school. If your child will be five years old before August 1, 2015, please call the elementary office at 419-258-5421, ext. 2200, to schedule your appointment. 2015-2016 PRESCHOOL Any students that are interested in attending Antwerp’s preschool for the first time must attend a child screening. The next screening is February 6 from 11:00 AM—2:00 PM at the Antwerp United Methodist Church. The following screening is scheduled for March 13 from 9:00 AM—2:00 PM at the St. Paul Lutheran Church in Paulding. Please call 1-877473-8166 to schedule your appointment. The first semester grades are completed and grade cards have been sent. I would like to remind students and parents how to calculate first semester grades. The first two grading periods are worth 40% each, while the semester exam is worth 20% of the final grade. Winter athletic eligibility is determined by grades earned during the second grading period, not the semester average. As we move into February, we continue preparation for the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). The OGT (all 10th grade students and any 11th or 12th grade students who haven’t passed all five areas) will be administered March 16-27, 2015. I strongly encourage families to avoid planning any trips or vacations during this time. The spring OGT will be given to all sophomores and any juniors/seniors who haven’t passed all five content areas (Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science). Ohio has implemented College- and CareerReady standards which our students will be assessed on. The state’s goal is to develop a common set of K-12 assessments in the subjects of English, Math, Social Studies, and Science that will be administered in the 20142015 school year. New Generation of Assessments will begin this upcoming Spring 2015. Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5 Math PBA—Feb. 26 & March 2 Social Studies—March 4 ELA PBA—Feb. 17, 19 & 24 Math PBA—Feb. 26 & March 2 Science PBA—March 4 Antwerp, OH 45813 419-258-5421 BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL Feb.6 6:00 Home w/Edgerton Feb. 7 6:00 @Montpelier Feb. 13 6:00 @Fairview Feb. 14 6:00 Home w/Edon Feb. 16 6:00 @Ayersville Feb. 20 6:00 Home w/Wayne Trace Feb. 21 6:00 @Hilltop Feb. 27 6:00 @Woodlan This year we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences in the spring. These will be held from 4:00-7:30 PM on February 10 and 17. These conferences are intended mainly for students who are struggling and need extra help, but feel free to contact your child’s teacher to schedule an appointment even if one is not requested. GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL @Crestview Don’t forget that the PTO Bingo Night is Feb. 3 6:00 Feb. 5 6:00 @Edgerton scheduled for February 23, 2015, at 6:00 PM, Home w/Stryker with doors opening at 5:30. Bingo cards will Feb. 10 6:00 Feb. 12 6:00 Home w/Fairview be available for $1 per card, with all of the Home w/Hilltop money being given back as prizes. There will Feb. 17 6:00 Feb. 19 6:00 @Wayne Trace also be many other prizes that can be won, so come out for a night of fun and entertainment. FRESHMAN BASKETBALL I want to thank everyone for their continued Feb. 3 5:00 Home w/Crestview help and understanding when dropping-off and Feb. 5 5:00 Home w/Edgerton picking-up students. I would just like to re- Feb. 9 5:00 Home w/Bryan mind you that students should be dropped off Feb. 12 5:00 @Fairview in the small circle drive or in the parking lot. Feb. 16 6:00 @Woodlan When getting dropped off in the parking lot, Feb. 19 5:00 Home w/Wayne Trace elementary students should be escorted, at least Feb. 21 TBA GMC @Tinora to the sidewalk, by an adult or older sibling. Feb. 23 TBA GMC @Tinora When getting picked up, elementary students Feb. 28 TBA GMC @Tinora should be either picked up in the small circle drive, or escorted to the parking lot by an adult BOYS JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL or older sibling. Thank you for following Feb. 3 5:00 Home w/Parkway these guidelines. Once again, we request this Feb. 5 5:00 Home w/Ayersville with our students’ safety at the fore-front of Feb. 10 5.00 @Continental our minds. Feb. 12 5:00 @Hicksville Feb. 14 TBA GMC @Holgate GUIDANCE NEWS Feb. 16 TBA GMC @Holgate Sophomores interested in attending the Van- Feb. 21 TBA GMC @Holgate tage Career Center during their junior and senior year should plan to attend the Sophomore HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING Visitation day on Wednesday, Feb. 4. PermisFeb. 7 9:30 GMC @Fairview sion forms must be returned to Mrs. Rogge. Feb. 12 6:00 County Tri @Paulding Students can register for the programs they The New Generation of Assessments will be composed of the PARCC (English Language Arts and Mathematics) and AIR (Social Studies and Science). Each of those assessments will be made up of two types of assessments, Performance Based (PBA) and End of Year (EOY) Assessments. The PBA will be administered when approximately 75% of the school year is completed and the EOY will be administered when approximately 90% of the school year is completed. These are on-line assessto see ments that will challenge our students’ aca- want VantageCareerCenter demic and technical skills. at JUNIOR HIGH WRESTLING Feb. 12 6:00 County Tri @Paulding Vantage Career Center will host an Open House for all students and their parents on DISTRICT CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, Feb. 9. Tours of the new facility will be available as will instructors in each of the career/technical programs. Visit for more infor- Feb. 2 Paulding County Spelling Bee—7:00 PM Feb. 4 Sophomores Visit Vantage Our current middle school students, who are mation. Feb. 6 Preschool Screening at Antwerp UMC taking high school courses for credit, will take All sophomores will take the ASVAB test on Feb. 10 Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30 the high school PBA and EOY for that course. Wednesday, Feb. 11. Information for you and Feb. 10 PTO Meeting—7:00 The 8th grade students, who are taking high school courses for credit, can begin earning your student about the test will be given to all Feb. 13 Midterm for 3rd Quarter sophomores in their English class. The Feb. 16 School in Session points towards their graduation eligibility. ASVAB results will be used to help students Feb. 17 Jostens Meeting/Freshmen (Class Rings) with their career exploration projects. Feb. 17 Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30 MR. MANZ—ELEMENTARY Feb. 18 Spring Pictures Grade cards have been sent out, the Christmas Scheduling for the 2015-16 school year will break and holiday season is over, and we now begin in February. Please talk with your stu- Feb. 23 Jostens-Parents Order Class Rings 5:30 set our sights on upcoming Ohio’s State Tests dent about making the best course choices. Feb. 23 PTO Bingo Night 6:00 for grades 3-5. Ohio’s testing program has Please contact Mrs. Rogge with questions and Mar. 4 2-Hour Delay—Inservice transitioned to new, online, tests that will be concerns about scheduling. MENU—FEBRUARY fully implemented this year. These online tests BLOOD DRIVE will include both Performance-Based AssessMon., 2/02 Salisbury Steak on Bun, Green ments (PBA) and End-of-Year (EOY) that are The National Honor Society sponsored a blood Beans, Pears, Milk more rigorous and in-depth than the testing drive through the American Red Cross on Tues., 2/03 Mini Corndogs, Baked Fries, system of the past years. The PBAs will be Tuesday, January 27, here at Antwerp Local Pineapple Crisp, Milk taken during the weeks of February 15— Schools. We had a great turnout which provid- Wed., 2/04 Grilled Chicken on Bun, Tossed March 6. The EOY will be scheduled during ed 30 units of blood. We needed 40 units to Salad, Blue Applesauce, Milk the weeks of April 13—May 5. These tests earn a school scholarship, however, the drive Thurs., 2/05 Coney Dog on Bun, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk will be broken into different sessions so that was cut short due to the evacuation. Thank the students are not testing for extended peri- you to everyone who donated blood. The Na- Fri., 2/06 Pizza Rippers, Veggie Juice, Applesauce, Milk ods of time in one day. Our teachers and staff tional Honor Society will sponsor another have done an excellent job of helping to pre- blood drive in the spring. The complete menu is available on our webpare our students to be successful on these site, or you may pick up a copy in our office. WEBSITE tests. Our menu is subject to change without noCheck out our athletic schedule, full menu, tice. Thank you for your understanding as Elementary Testing Schedule: calendar of events, and what’s happening in we adjust our menu after cancellation days. Grade 3 OAA Reading—April 21 our school at our website: Grade 3 Math PBA—Feb. 26 & March 2 Grade 4 ELA PBA—Feb. 17, 19 & 24 The PBA’s testing window will begin on Tuesday, February 17 and run through March 20, 2015. Your student’s individual teachers will be communicating the testing schedule for the upcoming assessments. ANTWERP LOCAL SCHOOLS 303 S. Harrmann Rd ATHLETIC CALENDAR “Enjoying Another Year of Excellence” Superintendent: Patricia Ross Treasurer: Kristine Stuart February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 6 Salad Bar is available each day, except Feb. 10. Salisbury Steak on Bun, Green Beans, Pears, Milk Mini Corndogs, Baked Fries, Pineapple Crisp, Milk Grilled Chicken on Bun, Tossed Salad, Blue Applesauce, Milk Coney Dog on Bun, Baked Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk Pizza Rippers, Veggie Juice, Applesauce, Milk 8 9 10 11 12 13 Breaded Chicken on Bun, Cooked Carrots, Mixed Fruit, Milk Sloppy Joe on Bun, Tater Tots, Apple, Milk PLUS: Baked Potato Bar Pizzaburger on Bun, Green Beans, Orange Smiles, Milk Meatball Sub, Broccoli & Cauliflower w/Dip, Pears, Milk Pepperoni Pizza, Tossed Salad, Applesauce, Milk 16 17 18 19 20 Hamburger on Bun, Mixed Vegetables, Warm Apple Slices, Milk Taco, Green Beans, Pineapple, Milk Fish on Bun, Carrots w/Dip, Pears, Milk Tex Mex Chili, Baked Fries, Pears, Milk Cheese Pizza, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Milk 23 24 25 26 27 Chicken Strips, Corn, Pineapple, Milk Chicken Fajita, Sweet Potato Fries, Orange Smiles, Milk Hotdog on Bun, Black-Eyed Peas, Pears, Milk Goulash, Bread & Butter, Green Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk Cheesy Breadsticks w/Marinara, Carrots & Celery w/Dip, Applesauce, Milk 15 22 Our menus are subject to change without notice. Antwerp Local Schools USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Sat 7 14 21 28
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