Week on the Web - Canadian International School

Week on the Web
Term 2
Week 21
2nd February ~ 6th February 2015
Canadian International
School, Bangalore
Education is for improving the
lives of others and leaving your
community and world better than
you found it.
-Marian Wright Edelman
Find out what is happening at our campus in 'real time' Simply go to Twitter.com and search for
ShaneKellsCISB. Sign on to follow the HoS on Twitter.
Stay connected with us on Twitter, Google + and youTube:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cisbweb
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+CanadianinternationalschoolBengaluru/posts
youTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cisbindia
Dates to Remember………..
11- Feb
14- Feb
16 - Feb
17 - Feb
18 - Feb
18 - Feb
19 - Feb
20 - Feb
Tuition Fees Due
IB Information Evening
Basketball Tournament
Festival of the Arts
Festival of the Arts
Festival of the Arts
100 Day
PD Day
Manavika Pai
Taishi Imaru
Emma Nibbelke
Claudio Testi
Filippo Marotta
Yohei Dakeshita
Shreya Thota
Hanbyeol Yu
Jessica McNamara
Kavya Saravanan
Yeajin Kim
Rio Goto
Alaap Bharadwaj
Yaelle Cudicio
Tech Tips
Day 2
Monday, 2nd Feb.
 Buses leave at 2.45p.m
Day 3
Tuesday, 3rd Feb.
 ES, EPP and MS/HS, Clubs
 Buses leave at 3.45p.m
Day 4
Wednesday, 4th Feb.
 Walkathon PK-12
 Buses leave at 3.45p.m
 IGCSE Information Evening at 17.30
Thursday, 5th Feb.
 ES, EPP and MS/HS, Clubs
 Buses leave at 3.45p.m
Day 5
Day 6
Cross Country Fun
Friday, 6th Feb.
 Secondary Sports Day
 Performance Reports
 Buses leave at 2.45p.m
Please read this Washington Post article http://wapo.st/1qP2ElI
CIS 5 Year Review- Parent Survey- In April 2015 we will be visited by the CIS/NEASC 5 year review accreditation team. In preparation for
their visit and in helping us collect your views on our school, please complete this survey. This will likely take 10-15
minutes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CIS2015
New Arrivals
Science Fiction
Coming of Age
Better Nate Than
Ever/Tim Federle
The Alchemyst/
Nicholas Flamel
Jennifer Bradbury
At the