THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN ONION COUNTY THIS T.THATtTKT/1 A wr* MAflm HFTTMUT tr nmnrrr Entered as Hoeouil Clans Matter rout Office. Weat field, N. J. 3ters Elect 4 XI Candidates Borough Voters Approve Budget d Budget Approved .[Margin school"board election that "oters go to the polls weather Tuesday bad k school budget for 1959.pproved by a four-to-one aA the Joint Civic Com•oiuored candidates were to the lour Board of EduMtl. . . MOUNTAINSIDE — The pro posed school budget for 1959-60 was approved almost 10 to 1 by borough voters Tuesday night. A total of 175 residents voted. Current expenses of $510,875 were approved 159-14; repairs and replacements of $7,450 were approved 159-16 and a capital out lay item of $16,500 was approved 155-19. Elected to the three-year terms on the Board of Education were Frederick Wilhelms Jr., with 170 votes; Mrs. David Levy, 163 and Walter Rupp, 171. There were no contests. ,e the highest number of 17 was Gordon C. Walker, unopposed for a one-year ',i term. Elected to three BIS were Robert Mulreany, at, w i t h 709 votes: G.' Fortenbaugh, 768, and ,eth Boyies, 762. I Weiss, independent, rejjO votes. carttnt expense appropnaCites Differences ! $2,623,612 was approved 158; repairs and replaceWith Sen. Crane (110,840, were approved 1 and the capital outlay MOUNTAINSIDE — Republi 1(22,600 was approved 1 707 can Freeholder Albert J. Benning r Tuesday announced that he jut year's election, 430 iH voters went to the polls. will not be a candidate for any Benninger Will Not Be Candidate Star Will loncert Guest Elias Appear Here tind E1i«s, mezzo soprano k Metropolitan Opera, will hfre under the auspices of eatfield Community Concerts I? it 3:30 p.m. in Wostfleld fehooliliditorium. ilk Patton, concert president, W ha\ members that sec«reserved for them until M. After that concert memm other communities will itted. Bin joined the Mctropol1954 after appearing In the miimtions of the Metropol•ditions of the Air of that She never went on in this since, the Metropolitan refer 'to withdraw so she • >ped immediately. «lke Met's 1957-58 season iW for praise for «p:«»tlon of the role of i "Eugene Onegin," opening «m of the season. She " Wist for her portrayal « a Samuel Barber's PulWMrtnning opera, "Varea« had its world premiere letropolitan In the autumn She repeated the role a t i European premiere a t »»8 Festival, s Take Top nee Awards 1N ™'«">E-Two eighth • s « r r ; Foulke and Carol we ™ grand prize winners second annual Echobrook f«i>« fair last week. There tas with prizes in "•eategorjej. Sherry and «» "cored 98 of a possible »» 'or the top award. The w the judges to obtain a " * H since they couldn't « « • the two Ctrl.. 75 e n t r y demonstrated Lnt* °f m e t a i » • > county office in the next primary election. Principal reason for his withdrawal, he said, was the political differences which exist between him and Sen. Robert C, Qrane of Westfield. These differences, he said, "have become so severe that they can only mean complete disaster for the Republican party in Union County." The statement released by Benninger, who has been elected freeholder four times, is as follows: "Without rancor in my heart and because I place the best interest of the Republican party above those of my personal ambitions—I herewith announce that t shall not be a candidate for any county office In the next primary election. "This decision is a painful .one for me, but I am making it in behalf of the many thousands of loyal Union County Republicans who have looked to me for leadership over the years. 1 firmly believe that this is now a moat crucial period for the "Republican party in Union County. Only through the complete removal ot internal strife cvin victory be achieved next November. I am prepared to sacrifice my own personal political career in that behalf. "For four terms the Republicans honored me with the nomination and four times the electorate elected me in the Genei-al Elections. My deep gratitude and sincere thanks to those that made this possible, "The political differences which exist between Sen. Robert O. Crane and myself have become so severe that they cart only eventually mean complete disaster for the Republican party in Union County. These differences, in fact, have even developed to the point where many folks now believe that our differences are personal and not political. "As far as I am concerned, nothing, would be further from the truth. My quartet with Senator Crane sterna from the fact (Please turn to page 2) Play Tickets Still Available Mrs. Wilbert Allen, chairman of u?h electricity, the ways and means committee of bacteri. 8 | i d e 3 the College Woman's Club has announced that some tickets are still available for the Friday night performance of "The Happiest Millionaire" which will be presented Keb. 26 and 27 in Westfield High School. The money received will augment the scholarship fund of the club. Members of Mrs. Allen's com*p Circulation Of mittee are: Mesdames John Ackerman, Thomas Arther, Jason AusK * d b Library tin Jr., Robert G. Bailey, Howard Blose, Edward Bourns, E. A. ^ S I D E . m * booh f £ Clrci >]»- Briggs, Delbert Brown, Arnold Oilman, William Clancy, Homer at, fi"*J ' v ^ m ° n t h Clinch, Walter Eckhart, Joseph Engel, Richard Fairchild, Frank Feeley, David Francis. Also, Albert Grimes Jr., James Hamilton, John Hinricha, Arthur Hoffman, Clinton Holder, Dale Juntilla, Joseph Kelly,'Curry Lea, Kenneth Lyng, John M. D. Miller, A. Parsons, Paul Peacock Jr., P. A. Roberts, H. F . Sailer Jr., Robert Sargent, Franklin Squires, Ralph, Stalbaami Asher Tourison, fames Wescoat, Alson E. Woodruff Jr.. and Miss Harriet Whitaker. Anyone who wishes to purchase tickets is asked to call Mrs. Allan. 5 A m n n nrraTtivr tr t m t t r n n A n n o WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 Day of Prayer Observance Set For Tomorrow Dr. Christian Will Speak At Lenten Service Dr. Jule Ayers Will Give Talk In Baptist Church Famous Preachers Series to Open This Evening (Picture on page 2) Principal speaker for tomorrow'_ 73rd world-wide observance of the World Day of Prayer in Westfield will be Dr. Juli! Ayers, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilkes-Barrc, Pa. Dr. Ayers was graduated from' the University of Michigan in 1933 with an AB degree and the Union DR. FREDERICK CHRISTIAN Theological Seminary in 1936 with a BD degree. He served for three years as assistant minister at the Central Presbyterian Church, New York City. He became minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Ossining, N.Y., in 1939, leaving Ossining in 1943 to serve ns chaplain to the 3Bth Expect Overflow Fighter Group, U. S. Army Air Force. Since 1944 he has remainCrowd at WHS ed in his present post, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, An overflow crowd i,s expected Wllkes-Barre, Pa. to hear Lord Clement Attleo, prime Many honors have been con- minister of England from 1045 ferred upon Dr. Ayers. In 1947 to 1051, discuss "The People and he was selected "Young Man of the Peace" in the auditorium of the Year" by the Wyoming Valley the Westfield Senior High School Chamber of Commerce. In 1948 Wednesday at 8 p.m. The lecture he was presented with a citizen- is sponsored b|y the Westfield ship award by Jewish War Veter- Brotherhood Association as a ans for the promotion of good will highlight of the local celebration In the community. In 1948 he was of Brotherhood Week which starts named president of the Wyoming Sunday. Admission to the lecture Valley Ministerial Ass6ciation and is free, but there will be a collecin 1949 president of the Wyo- tion. Proceeds are used in furtherming Valley Council of Churches. ing the work of the Brotherhood In 1952 he served as moderator of Committee. the Presbytery of Lacknwanna The Rev. J. L. McCorison Jr., and in 1952 as president of the consultant the local group, %vill Pennsylvania State Pastor's Con- preside ot to the meeting. H. Emerference. Dr. Ayers was recipient son Thomas, mayor of Westfteld of an honorary DD degree, conone of four co-chairmen of ferred by Lafayette College, and the local Brotherhood Committee, Easton, Pa., in 1953. will introduce Lord Attlee. Lord Attlee, the seventh child In addition Dr. Ayers is a memand fourth son in a family of eight, was born Jan. 3, 1883, in (Please turn to page 2) Putney, a suburb of London. His father, descendant of a prosperous milling family, was a solicitor. who became president of the Law Society of London. ' First elected to Parliament in 1922, Earl Attlee was appointed Parliamentary private secretary to Ramsay MacDonnld, leader of the Pianist Will Be . opposition and two years later, in Chansonettcs' Guest the first Labor Cabinet, ho took office as Under-Secrotary of State The Chnnsonettcs, a local organ- for War. In 1927 he went to India as a ization of 45 women who "sing for un," will present "A Potpourri of member of the Simon Commission, which was established to Music" tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in study the political and social asthe Franklin School auditorium. The guest artist will be Noel pects of India with the idea of inTlpton, a graduate of Juilliard, (Please turn to page 2) who moved to Westfleld about a year ago with his family to make his home, and is teaching piano Boro Firemen Set in the Westfield area. Mr. Tipton will present "Variations in C," by Memorial Service Mozart; "Reflections in the Water," Debussy; "Etude in C Minor MOUNTAINSIDE — The mem(Op. 10, No. 12)," Chopin. IBIS of the Mountainside Volunteer Fire Department will hold their The "I'otpourri" will include: memorial service Sunday at 'Hi, .Neighbor!" Jack Owens; annual p .in. at Fire Department headGreen Sleeves," Old English lute 3 Route 22. The service melody; "Where E'er You Walk," quarters, be conducted by the Rev. MilGeorge Frederick Handel; "Lazy will ton P. Achey and the Rev. Father Afternoon," Siegmeister and ParThey will be assisted is; "Ole Rockin' Chair," Carmi- McGarry, by members of the Fire Departchael; "I Hear a Rhapsody," Fra- ment, fire company and the gos, Baker and Gasparre; "Spin, Ladies the Auxiliary. Spin, My Darling Daughter," traA plaque bearing the name of ditional Pennsylvania Dutch folksong with words and arrangement Julius Cordts will be unveiled at by J. William Frey, "Winter Won- the service. Relatives and friends of deceased derland," Smith and Bernard; firemen and all others who niay be interested are invited to attend. (Please turn to page 2) Attlee Lecture Is Wednesday Night Program Set For 'Potpourri' •»• *«•*•*•« <«*>**•••• Dr. Frederick Christian, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will preach nt the opening service in the 195!) Famous Preachers Lenten scries to be held tonight at 8 o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The series is sponsored by the Westfield Council of Churches and this year will fenture Westfleld ministers in observance of the 10th anniversary. Dr. Christian was born in Englnnd, the s6n of missionary parents who served in Canada, North Dakota, and Oklahoma. He is a graduate of Wooster College which later honored him with a doctor of divinity degree, and Princeton Theological Scminnr/'wherc he trained for the ministry. He also did graduate work at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pa. His pastorates include churches at Scarborough, N. Y.; McchanicsUurir, Pn.; Covenant Central Presbyterian Church, Willinmsport, and the Indianola Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio. He haa been pastor in Westfield since 1055. In 1956, he was an exchange preacher to Great Britain under the auspices of the National Council of Churches. Presently he is secretary of the Board of Trustees at Princeton Theological Seminary, and a member of the Board of the Westminster Choir College. The service will be conducted by the Rev. Charles R. Lawrence, associate rector nt St. Paul's Church, and music will be provided by the choir nt St. Paul's. The public is invited to attend the service. Announcement hns been mad^ that the second service will be hold Thursday, Feb. 19 at the First Congregational Church. The Rev Dolwyn Rayson, pastor of the Mountainside Community Pvesby terian Church, will preach. ^^ PublUhad Bverjr Tl.'ir«dar 32 Pages—10 Cent* .71 Tax Rate Indicated In Proposed Town Budget Office Zone PlannedFor Town Edge Increase of 60 Points Over Last Year; Hea ring March 9 A proposed budget totaling $2,325,813.03, of which $1,185,988.03 la to be raised by taxation, was introduced by the Town Council Monday night. The total 1950 tnx rate Is estimated at $8.71 per $100 assessed valuation, up 60 points over Inst year's figure of $8.11, The An amendment to the zoning or- new budget, which is $246,056 higher than laat year, reflects no increase in the municipal purpose tax which dinance which will establish nn ofwill remain at SI. fice-research zone on the "perimPublic hearing will be held eter" of the town was introduced March 9 at 8 p.m. in the council by the Town Council Monday night. Public hearing and final approval chamber. will take place at the Council sesTho total figure includes gension Feb. 23. eral appropriations for municipal purposes of $1,124,933.66 and u rePurpose of the zone change was Police Chief Will serve for uncollected taxes of $600,snid to be to produce tax revenue 879.48. The respective 1958 figwithout ndding to the burden on Be Toastmaster ures wore $1,542,000.67 and $537,the school system. It was pointed 747.77. • . . out that factories or industrial Everett Sherbournc, chairman plnnts Will not be permitted In the In presenting the proposed budof the annual dinner given by zone. Allowable uses will be ofllec get Mayor H. Emerson Thomas debuildings, schools, .research labor- the Republican County Commit- clared "economy has been the goal atories and hospitals for noncon- tee of Westfield for Mayor H. while assuring expanded services Emerson Thomas and members of tngious diseases. the Town Council, announced that of proper quality for Wcstfiold's The tentative areas for the new Chief of Police Albert P, Pfirr- growth." zone are: 27 acres bordering the niann will be the master of cereHe also said, "high tribute is due Leliiuh Valley Railroad between monies at the affair. tho town officials and employees Railway sevnue and the Scotch Chief Pflrrmann was born In lor their significant efforts to obPlains line; 21 acres south of Lamtain economies and efficiencies in berts Mill road opposite Tamaqucs Newark and attended public the face of new demands and risPark; 42 acres east of Springfield schools there. He moved to West- ing costs for materials and aerv. avenue bordering Union County field in 1927 and joined the police ices. , park land and 16 acres enst of department in 1029, He has been "The 1959 tax cost for municipal Springfield avenue bordering on the chief of the department since 1951. service is $1 for each $100 of asSpringfield line. Chief Pflnmann will introduce sessed value. This is the same as It was noted thnt a small in1958 but is down 13.2 per cent dustrial zone on the east side of the Rev. Clark W. Hunt of the from 1054." the Lehigh Valley Hnilroad tracks, First Methodist Church who will Mayor Thomas stated that thert adjacent to an industrial plot In give the Invocation, Clark, also will be created. The dinner, with Mayor Thomas was an $150 across-the-board »nThe ordinance provides for one and the eight members of the nual increase for all salaried town off-street parking space for each Council as guests will be given employees, hourly rate employees at two employes, a screen of shrub- Thursday, Feb. 19, at the CW-Am tlie town yard were given ft 5 cent bery between the buildings and Rd- Chateau, Route 22, Mountainside. an hour increase, to meet the injncent residential zones set back This is the 10th annual affair to creased cost of living. AH policefrom the street, signs and other be given and Kinsey N. Morritt of man and firemen, other than the Elizabeth will be the featured respective chiefs, were given », restrictions. Councilman H o w a r d Bilden speaker. Tickets may be obtained further $100 annual payment for pointed out that by locating the from any member of the Republi- holiday work that is not ruqulred new zone on the town's perimeter can County Committee or pur- of other town employees. In addition, certain othor pay talsei tiaffic problems would be minimized chased at the door. commensurate with the jobs and since employes would not.have to ibiHtit d travel through the center of town Two dollar-chart Illustrations to reach the areas. were shown to portray first the aU Mayor H. Emerson Thomas said location of taxes collected M bethe Council and the Planning Board tween school, county, town and rehave worked the ordinance out serves, the second showing how the cnrefully over a period of several MOUNTAINSIDE — Severa munttis. said the Planning Tho senior class of Westfield funds collected for municipal purhundred Boy Scouts and Explorer? Board willHe be present at the pub- Senior High School will present poses are spent. attended the annual District Fou lic hearing. tho comody, "Annie Get Your The first chart showed th»t 92 (Westflold, Mountainside, GarThe Council also passed on final Gun" tomorrow and Saturday eve- cents of the budget dollar comes wood, Fanwood and Scotch Plains) reading an ordinance changing the nings in the school auditorium. from taxes and 8 cents Is dorived court of honor and silver eagle hop Friday evening at the Deerfield name of Fair Hill circle and part Tickets will be on sale at the door. from municipal revenues such as "The Twelve," a novelty singing business fees, parking motors, etc. School. Among the more than 400 of Fair Hill road" to Woodmero scouts recognized for advancement drive and a portion of Sunnywood group composed of senior girla, This did not include miscellaneous drive to Fair Hill drive, and their will provide music between the revenues collected by the school in rank during the pa3t jear were , acts. They will sing the following board and county. Of the 92 cents 14 Eagle JScouts, Boy Scouting's corresponding street numbers, hits fromAthe play: "I Got The raised by direct taxation, 5D per highest honor and six explorer Sun In The Morning," "They cent, it was indicated, goes toward silver awards, exploiing's highest Eastern Star Say It's Wonderful," and "There's the estimated school tax while 11 honor. Plans Fashion No Business Like Show Business." pfr cent represents provision for Scouts honored for earning the Members of the Twelve, Pat HoEagle Scout rank included the fol- Show, Card Party gan, Alice Bettn, Mary Ellen List, (Please turn to page 2) lowing: Ronald Gerlins, All Saints The annual fashion show and Janet Gaskell, Jane Hartley, Peggy Episcopal Church Post 30, Scotch ITenricksen, Judy August, Judy enrd party sponsored by Atlas Plains; Gerald Madea and James Joan Foster, Sue Walton, W. Stewart, both of Men's Tri- Chapter, 09, OES, will be held at Leonard, Thoraen, and Sabrlna Cofangle Bible Class of Presbyterian the Masonic Temple, Wednesday Karen fey, are accompanied by Lorraine Church Troop 72, Westfield; J. i. at 1 p.m. Current styles for the spring May and Caroline Whaley. The Capone II, George G. McGuhe, group is under the direction of and Jay Mellor, all of Holy Trinity season will be shown by Herbert's Janet Grimier Gleason, superChurch Post 73, Westfield; Arthur Dress Shop. visor Mesdames L. C. Lewis, L, V. schools.of music in the public Retzlaff and Robert Parker, both The Newcomers Club) of Westof Men's Club of Methodist Lione, A. McMillan, D. J. Woerfield will hold its first prospective This Wild West play stars Kar- members meeting of the year at Church Troop 78; Walter Green ner, and J. Woodward will model house, Russell Butler, and George the adult fashions, Junior fash- en Thorsen as Annie Qaklcy, a 12:46 p.m. in the YWCA Wednesion3 will be worn by Misses Judy country girl, and Paul Orme as day. All new residents are invited Barbier, all of Fanwood School 4 PTA Troop 104; Richard Church Hampton and Adrian Abbott. Miss Frank Butler, a showman. The to attend. Mrs. Dermot Reddy of Dale Talcott and Miss Sharon Scott plot deals with their rivalry to be- 830 Kimball avenue may be conw:ll show the pre-teen fashions. come the best sharpshooter in the tacted for information and reser(Please turn to page 2) During the showing Mrs. Wil- world. Included in the cast are: vations. bur Johnson will play the accom- Tom Llghtbown, Charlie; Paul McThe music group will present the Larty, Buffalo Bill; Diane Serbe, program, and the duties and activpaniment. liessert will be served at 1 p.m. Winnie; Pete Vojjt, Tommy; Doug ities of the club will be explained and tickets may be obtained from Eaton, Foster Williams; Gorden to acquaint new residents with its any officer; Mrs. R. H. Albisser, Sidford, Sitting Bull; Rich Lewin, purpose. Child care will be progeneral chairman, or at the door. Little Jake; John Cook, Mac; Me vided in the YWCA for children lissa Badeau, Mrs. Porter; Dcbi from two through five years of Dewey, Mary; Jean Stirrup, Jane; age. •««T«1 Board of Health Records Linda Mayne, Dolly; Randy Foose, Couples bridge night will be held Nineteen Measle Cases Pawnee Bill; Anne Small, Mrs. Friday, Feb. 13. Hosts and hosSchyler Adams; Priscilla Putnam, tesses Include Mr. and Mrs. WilNineteen cases of measles were Minnie; Pat Goodwin, Jessie; Joan liam Hare, 1018 Columbus avenue; recorded in January by the Board Morgan, little girl. The production Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morganti, 308 of Health last week, according to is under the direction of Miss Linden avenue; Mr. and Mrs. WilHealth Officer Joseph Mottley. Mary Anne Beech, speech and lisr.i Brown, 6 Westbrook road; There were also four cases of scar- dramatics instructor. She will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brunton, 2B let fever, one strep throat, one hepMoss avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Paul atitis and eight dog bites. (Please turn to page 2) Heilman, 616 Forest avenue. There were 41 births, 15 deaths The music group will hold K» and four marriages recorded last Choir lo Perform regular monthly meeting Tuesday month. in home of Mrs. James Mackie, There were 32 plumbing inspec- "Requiem" by Brahms 511theBirch avenue, to prepare the tions during the month and 62 for the prospective lunchA German "Requiem" by Joh- program plans were filed for plumbing work. Fifteen sanitary violations annes Brahma will be given by so- on. The club board will meet Wed-1 loi.»ts and full chancel choir in the were reported. A milk license was issued to Jo- Presbyterian Church, Sunday aft- ncsday at 8 p.m. in the home of seph Walton of 512 Hort street, ernoon at 5 o'clock. The program Mrs. Lawson Coate, 748 St. Marks and permits for hoarding children is open to the public. were issued to Joseph Hirseh, 1030 The performance will be directrving avenue, and Mrs. Robert ed hy Dr. George W. Volkel, FA In This Issue Ciasulli of 738 Central avenue. GO, organist and choir director of In addition, 49 food and drink the church. About Town with permits were renewed, as well an "This 'Requiem' is majestic and Sally 9-12 two master plumber licenses. serious in vein, not sombre or foreBusiness Directory 22 I boding. It is not a 'Requiem' in Church News 26, 27, 23 the accepted sense but rather a Holiday Closings Classified 6, 7 work glorifying the soul's resurComing? Ever.ts IS The Motor Vehicle Inspection rection through Christ. It is enEditorials 18 Station in South avenue will be tirely scriptural. The words come Obiuiaries 4 loaed today in observance of from various Biblical sources and School News 21 coln'a Birthday. Banks also will be deal with serious thoughts of the Social 9-13 closed. Parking meters will not be lite everlasting," Mr, Voekel comSports 30-S2 mented. in operation. Theatre* ......S8 14 Boys Win Eagle Scout Rank Plans Complete For Town Dinner WHS Seniors To Stage Comedy Luncheon Fetes New Residents Tirr 14 Boys Win * \(lvnier ) Srt Prayer lh,y Speaker JefferSt)!] PTA tO SlflgC Original Plav. "Hooray For Hollywood" ""Jjum.-ti.n (Cunt r ii J fi nr r „ . 11 trroui of Benjarmr I IUM I •I'M J<j--Mit ly C Troop 1 7 i , W' '• \\ i S*ari nf I HIM -I *• • 1 I ' M V>t,X tin: Troop 17.1, Wi-'fie'ri . . i M IF ninr si ** ; S i!. TlA: Haley ul HII-I.III> i i - > Hsiv Hi tti Troop 270, H i - ' / l i J presentaIn makingg the i! ia!jj * , _ _ . ™ i tion*, William II. Raumer, tpwia! \Yy*i£<-.4 C i •-, ; M i Thomas, former May I «!>:>*>' and Eu-ii'lph '»•"" : The bc'ini »|>|>r«\i-'l »• '•ll«.ray run row strip* of lnml <»'• >\ Satar- tV.'itru! I'.ailmad trai-k? I thur Vi'iiticri P.i>a!t> Co - relan>> lli left iviilt u'> 11" ^ 1>u ,»«.- her -i.U'uf the tracks. T i u - . William* Appointed To Four Inducted Into Old Guard Jl.-i.lU Hlitimli.y f.n till iiiiiuiiil Y'a 111. rill.' lit tin: V, The oilier cam Pour mi'n wi'ic in iinctdl into their court. The « 1 Umdvil thy d;uho < the th* OKI tiuaid Thui*d;ty s-iuTul Luilul. YMCA. Local, Area They wtie l.ouU Joidrm of — (.0111111. hn-' S}{ 7 I I flV I'iainnVid, Kenneth MctCiuuan of •2 C.rii. «*rr.v Vi *tsfstai?t to the p pit-jident at John-' Residents Called X l A •on & Johnson, fformer prt-.idenH V " " * " Cra:ifniil. Glover Mason of Klizai Kthn, BFor Jury Duty of the WeitSrld United Fund, and) Mrs. K tn-'.h ami Graver Sehierenbt'ck of <C<m'.!r:ut4 from pace 1/ - * West Point graduate, pointed! Famvovnl. To be- iiulucUui tit a later u i El t e j <.-,uniy f o u r out what this award means to in-,: ttl(! eeii t,t jj.lnnaa,,„„.,.. y .late is Frank Voncs of Scotch EichtttMi Wf.-tiK-liifii, f Uarr on A.' , r o m ,ht, ot r t dustrj- and Co the srmt-.i service-.: fi«ni Si'ir.L'li l'iuHi.-i, one fiom Fan- 1'iiiin*. who was taken to the hosot , r . t ,,„„.,.. , r o m , h t , . a x f ; , r W. Sherman 0 . Max««ll of Wes>, n m n i d , piial Thursday. wiH-.J and fivt from Mom T.oltrt £-> H ) arui fino.her : K.J.I to field, past president of the Wawh-j j , |1( . r „>„, p r o v i i e s th* re^r™ 1 have bi-eii calli'd f o r j u r y d u t y ; Kuwartl Hoidt'n, John Hammer, :]K.y will wi.lhoa hw< , j i e 3 n l s ! e e , William Jockcrs, _ r 1 . ' 1 \ f:-;. M „„_ , from Feb. 1(1-27. They W ng Are* Council p»e»nt*a t h e j / t ) r ut , ca ne,-t«i taxes and is bas«i < < ight-; ~» -f explorer nHrer aw&rdi to the f o i - j o n t h e l o t a l taxes which the town ' . ' » • • • 11 >' Vr b^-' orimina! and civil ca?:*! •'" i , ' ' DavM Samson, K.hvard James and .lowing member* of MounUinwdt j „,.,«, c o J I e c t , , e d M ->,,. U i n e H . < tivities ' pcrior. County and Dist r t - - . Svr Mis = BPO Elk. Port 176; James Cam-! o f , h e t h r w j a U''- Those -..lected were: ij1."!1," • i » Mr ' v :> peau, James Ciam&or, Mark B.i] The distribution of funds srr.cfip in-1 Weslfield — Mrs. Mildred• S. « i birthday anniversaries last DR JULE AtERS y 1 _••• , v tnoU;S!?d: i the different department* of the Ker.ruft 1 Dewey, Jerry Ingat*, Kent Pal. NeiviAndrus 124 Ayliffe avenue; -Mrs. recent Dr. William Child spoke on his trip to Europe, particulart r . i r n t b| town government were sh-a%vn in ci.nfe.iid William Bobiwon Jr. , Mrs. H. B. wr.p. N5 j Christine Bachert, "1(1 Austin ly on thf buildings and places of , Mr?. E The Rev. Pelwyn R»y«m of the| the second chart a s follows; THIY'RE ( William X. Boutsikaris, 3-1 interest at the World's Fair in (street; Community Presbyterian Church j Protection of people and propj H c y « ar.d Mrs-. Graf. [[Faulkner drive; Mrs. Myra B. Brussels. AT TH{ He accompanied hia i erty—police and fire departments. of Mottntaindde presided Awards at the >!rs.. Hi.vts ii- d:rw".«r of ch&re{Chandler, 741 Bi-lvidere avenue; talk with slides. {Ch recognition of Iteligioua ' traffic control, courtj, tic, 36.1 per (Continued from p»ge II ^ o^rsphy, V"r<<k-r her direftk'n "wiU 1 Allan M. Creed, l(i(i Harrison avefor thete ikouta: Richard Allan cent; pubiie works—strf^t and road John Rath and the choral group h S h !nue; Albert G. Cainot, 1015 CenB*ng», William H. Graf, Georgr .maintenance, snow removal, etc-, ber of t h e Board of Dirert.ors of be the darst* chortif cempos-ed of i assisted by tral avenue; Wifliain A. C. Cowie.j provided the music, s Bruc« Karope. Joseph P. Harris, Robert Wilson King.j the Famiij* Service A-woeiaticn. a | G!'i>ix>ns, Danif] A t n h n u , GeifJ, 531 Washington street; Gordon j Dexter Anderson at t'.a piano. Ntwuti 0a»id A U n " * ' " " " ' Jnber o f the Board of Directors* ~ . W - , , d . M. . r r .5 , - , , C. Griswold, 8 4 7 Shadowlawn Director Henrj' Fortman presided. Cooper T»yl the Osterboat F r « U b r a i r , ! ^o n f ^ ' ° J *»»>«»«, The Planning Board approved a drive; Norman G. Kelting, 8G7 Wilkej-B*rre. and c h s i m s n of t h e ; ^ L f ^ w w , Rot»rt Adria»r, I5-Ui*. subdivision between Willow u M S " " ^ 1 God" 'an"d"""Country I wiprottments - * t r i * t imp: Willow Grove road,, Mrs. Evelyn '| LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS '''iam Norder and Thomas Arrr-- Grove ;rovc road roaa and ana Nancy >ancy w - for committee on ministerial relations waa for 1jWillow G o >y » « " d , a n d t h 6 following KWIU.I«*»*«. * * * » • • » « » » pmrking of t h e Presbyt^Han Synod of Eiror-g. Men who will perform a ,;,•_;<. Kaplan. West Oran R e build- ! Kolodn}-, 702 Tuxfoni turn; Eliz-j sailor's dssire routine gre Kan, ,11 " "• r at Tuesday's meeting. jabeth S. Landry, 422 Washing-1 dnlph Lines, Edward Seblesinirer, ,er. a t Tuesday's meeting. t o n a tM r rio n A.poitl' SD) e t ;1 1M r s "f l"f " i. ^ } ^ ' Robert. RaeU, Charles Jacksor,, \ j h e iot* are 100x125 feet. Mr. ! m a n ' » ™ ! " *l\. , „ „ , , C»rl Wheeler, Mr. Armnronp, S e s - Kaplan told the board h e expects *• ed by Harper Brothers and spon-, Barnett ar.d Arthur T«it*I- lxn build split-level and ranch" r Michaeii, Mirhstl Geilhausen, Ro- e*, 2.2 per cent. sored by the National Coaneil of • ' . . . Disjusiing a number of Oiese b t Hirbonr and Larry Frank, Charches, and a contributor t o m d from Holy Trinity Church items. Mayor Tbomaj explained Presbyterian Church ptiblicaUom', The vocal director is Mr=. Kol-: public hearing. Meier, 122 Ludlow place; Mrs. Troop 73, TloWrt Barchi, Richard that the fund* allocated to protec- and t i e "Chaplain" magazine. He I t«rj£im and the chorus u iil include i The board classified as a major Ruth H. Monier, 534 Tremont aveWHlpogiby, John Bannon and tive service, which he called "the devotes much of his time t o speak- j Meidames Eugene Hughe*, Arthur : subdivision , „ _an - ,application . t o .divide . . i nue; Mrs. Marie S. Marino, 134 Atra, •»»"» John Thomas, John R e i u who qualified for the*coit important in the life of any ing at colleges and preparatory *P>. parcel off Delaware street into j B o > , ' n t o n c o U r t . D a n i e i N . p e a ! . c e i 1 ™ , John ™ .-- . w" . town/' would include the appointAd AlUre Dei Award. Green- nil.; lots. A public hearing on the 718 Warren street. ment of three new policemen, one schools. O r . l y e r s is also a mem- Robert Burnstem, 5Joshua !5 M I l ?.pplication will be held next month, . Scotch Plains — Mrs. Ruth J. A u U U n t scout executive Ro- for detectjve work and investiga- ber of the Masonic Order, Knights *P»n. « « " " « «f | Register Now (or Classes taught by Helen GasMw, I bert N. Alleituht of the Watchunsr tion and two for traffic dutytocon- Templar and the Shrine, b e l o n g i T h o m e , William -^^der, Arm- it was said. Doud, 28 Parkview drive; Mrs. The application was signed by Helen -E. Keister, 2088 Church experienced ceramic instructor. Area Council cited the following trol the town's increasing traffic to the Alpha Kappa Lambda fr>. j*tron»r and Miss Jean G^bert; Rayof. Michiiraid Bailey Ran- A'fred Pieseo and Donald Hoean. street; .Mrs. Helen L. Murdock, < KOutnuutert who had at leaat 40 flow. Two additional school cross- ternity, University v..i..v.=.>, „ n-..,, ™ « Elder, RobertRaetz and Fred i Tftey listed an addressat 713 First per cent of their troop member ing guards would al»o be provided and is active in the Wilkes-Barro dolph Lines, Mr. 1179 Tanglewood lane; Frederick Call Frances Morvosa or Eleanor Robinson,Owner),] street. ihip made up o f scouts with the W. Teschemaeher, 1287 White Kiwania Club. \ Kifiier. for. Miss Xancy Reynolds, chairman, for information. Graf and r«nk of first class or higher at the Oak road. Services wiH be held in the The producer is Mrs.are Mrs. appointed committees as follows". The Fire Department, Mayor (1)4 of their charter year: Wi!li» co-directing the play Fatiwood—Kenneth R. Hanson, Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m., with WESTFIEID.N.J.I X. Brown of All Saints Episcopal Thomas said, would be augmented tha church being open from sun- Graf and Mr. Miller. The stage Subdivision, Town Engineer Lind- 1G0 North avenue. 431 CENTRAL AVENUE Church Troop 3 0 , Scotch Plains; by the appointment of three addi- rise to sunset. Chairman of themanager is Robert Blindt. RobMountainside—Mrs. Kathryn H. tional firemen, one for each of the ADams 2-1364 Charles Thompson of Men's Club Green, 600 Sherwood parkway; day is Mrs. G. E. Rowland, who is t Veghte is in charge of liEhtirtK > ef First Baptist Church, West- three platoons, and the depart- assisted by a committee of the nl sound. Mrs. Donald Andrews | Glenn A. Halter, 368 New Proviment's equipment would be further (eld Troop 7 1 ; Rogers Dearing modernized by the purchase of a following: Mesdames Nelson Aikchairman of the costume com- | dence road; Ehvood B. Johnson, »f Mcn'» Triangle Bible C l a » of new pumper fire truck replacing ens, M. W. Hill, Sylas Tobey Jr., itu>e and make-up will be under j ~ the Preibjrtcrian Church TTOOP 7 2 , or>» acquired In 1939. e direction of Mrs. A. C. Abed Fred Olde, Charles Lehman, KelWestlield; Leonard W. Fish of For the maintenance and opera- son ^TaeoTius, G. C. Mathis, Joseph Fir»t Cott(r»f ational Church Troop B. Napier, Emil Singdahlsen, W, R. Sir. Schmalenberger's bond will 74, W«16eld; William Hare of tion of the parki and playgrounds, Marsh and Lloyd E. Bsrron. rnish the music. Piano accomttetbodiat Uen'a Club Troop 7 8 , the budget provides for the eminist will be Mrs. Donald Voss, fwtfield; Henry A. Kiep III ofployment of additional attendants, id Raymond Barton will Bing and ThSi has been necessary, Mayor WiUow Grove Pre»byterian Church Thomas said, by "a very great inOPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 lay the guitar. Sirs. Robert TapTroop 102, Scotch Plains; Donald crease In the use of these facilities •ott will make the posters to bo Ktwland o f Fanuood School 4 by Westfielders of all ages." isplayed in local stores and Mrs. r t A Troop 104; A U n Ebersolc of (Continued from page'l) "By the same token," the mayor that he and I have entirely clifTor- rederiek Schork will handle puh. B«njamin Franklin School PTA city. . W p 172, WeJtfleld; and Prank Bi.iil, "the Memorial Library is be- ent ideas as to our personal dutFreiherr of Lincoln School PTA ing patronized by an increasing ies and obligations to the Repubnumber of persons and the funds Troop 173, Wejtfield. lican party. '..The Ee». Mr. Rayion pro-* allocated to iU operation wilt per"During the years that I have aouneed the invocation. The, as-mit the purchase of new books and occupied, a position of leadership ' (Continued from page 1) . Mia bled group w u welcomed" 6jr thOi»flcrinif of additonab services in the Republican party '1 nay? Jfweph Kontlcb, mayor of Moun- to cover the greater need." given completely of my time and The Syncopated Clock," Parish , tlliuide, «nd the welcome wax ac- Taking cognizance of the need my efforts. I believe that other Re- ind Anderson; "No Man Is An Is . inowlfdffd by Salvador Diana, for better street lighting in thepublican party leaders In Union and," Whitney and Kramer; "One president of the Watchun? Area down town business section, the County should do the same—In- .ittle Candle," Mysels und Roach. . -Council. William M. Evcritt, ad- council's budget, It was disclosed, cluding Senator Crane. Mrs. Ruth Lutz will direct the ; -Tinernnent c h a i r m a n , officially provides for the installation of a nup, and Mra. Ruth Hearno will "The fact that, in my opinion [ -*ptaeA the court of honor for new system of mereury vapor ae the accompnnlst. giving about five times the he has not done so is common Tickets for the program may be illumination of present equipment. knowledge to both Senator Crane Also officiating were district Tha mayor stated that this w a s in and the people of Union County, btained from any member of the ; (smaufiioner B«rt Worthing; as- response t o many requests includ- Senator Crane has heard my opin rpanteation, lit the Sports Center, : askutnt i'a'.nt', commixioner Xioag- \eg thost of the Chamber of Com- ions during our many evenings o 47 Elm street, or nt the door the '• S u S*mpHru; advancement com- merce. social bridge sessions and our at evening of the concert. | mrtUmmjus Burton Charch; disCouncilman Jame* P. Mitchell, tendance at other functions on a ; KrttS. orfinlittisia and extension I would not care to be on the same ' Bret* KlwbaS!; r.eisb- chairman of the finance committee, personal basis. called the 1953 budget, "soundly "After Senator Crane's news ticket with him. eeausinioairr William P- t l l " E l i i h h Explaining why the "Thus, without rlhicor in my *&& aictrkt ieost eistutive annual surpluses, in their entirety, paper-— the 'Elizabeth Daily Jour nal*—continued to bend ove heart and placing my own per '. idniau- EL %j>tpp*\ ir. • r e sot u««d to reduce the succeed- backwards in favor of the Demo aonal ambitions and interests secCourt et Hooor. ing year's taxes, Mr. Mitchell said cratic party to the detriment ond to the welfare of the Republisad Useir . ( h i t "good busineu practice dic- the Republican party, I no longe can party, I am now withdrawing ia ihf Mlrtr e * r l e | u i « that we should have on, hand confined the stating of my opin as a candidate for any county ofIt's our business to know a n d have what moiit .» t5i*e v.— . t .•>! - # B - J i , reanmable surplus to take care ions to the Senator. Consequently fice in tho next primary election. which of unanticipated situations." : fir kss men like. So, choose your Gifts here! r I>ec our political differences as to th "Serving the Republican party HufTring t o the reserve for un- basic loyalty and dedication owei —and all it stands for—has been " « n i ytvriiti thiough 'At mask ' f fond »t ti« Ma- Jlw!«i t»ira in the current as a political party by ita leader privilege. I mode the sacrifices n, L«ca} 151, w*H u past budget*, Mr. Mitchell have become public knowledg' it entailed willingly in order to ORIENT EXPRESS - A Far Federation at Musl- raid Umt this wa« a requirement and public headlines entitled 'Ben further the causo of the RepubliEastern look marks this N'otinif, ttefwerer, that collections ninger vs. Crane.' can party In Union County. sportswear suit of cotton da: Ilo«t niiiu » t r « Mountainside a n higher than the estimates, he "My resignation as a Republi"I can not, in good faith to th mask. The slim skirt is top, Kiw*aU Troop " 6 , C«minurii'.y •aid Uvat after proridinr t poviding a a boslbusi Republican party and my famil can party candidate Is being made - ^ m b y U r u n Church of Mountain- ness-like reserve, the balance is ped by a short, collarless in that same spirit of self-sacricontinue to ebndone this policy 0 iSte Troop 177, mod MounUiivside applied to other income for the folJacket with Oriental frog fice," Senator Crane. Now it appea closings and three - quarter lowing je»r, thus reducing by that that Senator Crane will success » m m KkM p«ft ITS. amount th« dollars that must be fully force his candidacy throug' sleeves. The hemline i s a bit A chicken grows more than 8, raised by taxation in such subse- the policy committee so, therefor shorter than usual. 000 feathers. quent rears. Mayor Thomaa said that "this administration's continued policy is £ (Continued from page 1) to B>y« We>t«e!d the best In servT crsMiinf her self-government Z Ai poitmaiter greneral In 1931ice* at th» lowest practical cost. '" itf th« second tabor Govern- W* strive to operate Westneld's In a manner and a t a d government • IMmt, C«ri Attlee help lp develop p and cost to make all of our citizens - ravKlftniie lf the the Port Port Office^ Office^ In proud o f their town." W political crisis of that fear, lit dtdined t» go alon» with Mr. «53h_ ^ > : MaacOonald, and although 8 0 per ; n o t o f the Labor Members lost SUGGESTIONS: ; Ifcaelr M » U In t h e ensuing eleo ' USMI, Karl Attlt* kept hit. (Continued from page 1) Socks • Ti«s •L S i t was elected deputy leader assisted by Barbara Hogrele and ; of the Labor Party in the House Mary Anne Lea, student directors. Handkerchiefs " mad four years later became leadThe responsibilities of commit- cr of t h e opposition as welt as of tee chairmen are being assumed Shirts • Pajamas ;, lh«B>a*ly. by the following; BUI Mozealous, '. » u r l n g World War II, Earl Att- stage crew; Steve Minkel and Men's Jewelry •:. l«er Joined the coalition cabinet Judy Leonard, ticket sales;' Sa; lomil Privy Seal, and later be- hrina Colfey, publicity; Blaine Sweaters ; tl«n« D e p u t y Prime Minister Cliver, Mrenery; Bich Buck, stage i Itaaillna; the government whenerei props; Mike Petruehione, hand • > VSftitcm Churehllt was absent. In props; Judy Turner, hospitality; I UkM (print, ot 19*5 he attended the Din Pearee, sound; AI Hanke, Gift Z SasJ) Fr»nc!»co Conference at lighting; Kitty -Voder, oostuma; ; »(aich the United Nations' charter Dorcen Mulreany, make-up; Mary Certificate :, * « u ngntd. July 26, at a result Lou Sampson and Juriy Johnson, J. tf the Labor Party's victory at ushering; Gail Oberlin, program; ;" \\m polls, Attlee became Prime Pat Scott, posters; George Web; Mienl!t«r,, ap post he held until 1961. ster, toning, and Tora McCeary, : r Ob October, 1 9 S I , until his checkroom. t««d«nation in 195S. he was again Umosr o f the opposition. WJSIA Attlee has agreed to an-Egg Hunt Set i«*aer <piest:>n« after his talk. The WwtBeW Lion* Club anThaasf* who -want seats in the auditoday it will hold its antarSvn are ask«d to arrive early, «|n«Ba no seats are resarved. Both nual Easter egg hunt March 28 in 20 d M m and the cafeUrU will be Miadswetskin Park. BACK TO LIFE—After lying in rma fat centuries, the ancient to* ' ot S h . / u , . i I^ral:1s ElD The USA hss 87 per eent of all Israeli scientists are m moving Negev Dessy^ i3 eomingg to tit* ugaia. g cienis ar o i n g In among the old stone» IHPttM IN**"* pnifL of l»w», ghw the waild'i e»r» sveji though w e icat th a i t systems t f d i to try to duplicate the .ancient ef dessrt nirrioulture in which crops were raised Use our reor enfronte from Municipal Parking !•<»* «J»C« Us brtt,r^Willi«» Sbafco- fiave only 4,4 pn ee»t of the dopite an average annual n nfali of only foa* inches. world's total population. .V small . r.: Day of Prayer Board Approves Lot Subdivision OPENING FEBRUARY 16th FRAN-ELEA CERAMIC AND CHINA SHOP ~m Benninger Will VAIEIIJM Program Set get close to a man To Please Him Most, Give Him Something to Wear! Ittlee Lecture WHS Seniors John franks MEN'S and BOYS' APPAREL -2LLj*ro3 St, • ADarm 3-1171 WESTFIELD RiDG ...* Page Three THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 .jcty of Today's Fresh Greens ers Infinite Salad Pleasure nvMAKYW-AKMSTKONG Home Aci'nt to rcvonl what his new salary would be but ndiicd that it exceeded the, approximately $16,000 paid Somite administrative assistants. Onsni'rt .said his new job would permit, him to spend more time with his family. Local Residents Named Captains or UJC Drive It's a Fish Story, But T r u e Ten Types Expected For Lent Uy MAUV W. ARMSTRONG Homo Aitent The beginning of Lent suggests iunt this year than usual. self-denial to ninny, but in llu> Canned fish may also lend varlarea foods it ulso suggests flali. nty tn Lenten main, dishes. And The use of fish, however, tines not this year bom canned tuna nnj suggest withholding of any of tho sardines arc in heavy supply. The important elements, usually pro- 11J58 pack of California sardines is vided by a ment dish. It should bu nearly flvo timoa that of 1967, no hardship to serve fish often. and for an unusual reitBon. About It's use helps add greater variety 10 yeara ago sardines disappeared to meals at any time. It nlao often from the Pacific coast, and fisher, nids In keeping the share of the men there turned to other types food dollar spent for protein food* of fishing. Then lust year, fov within bounds. And best of all, it some unknown cimso, sardines re. does provide good protein, and turned to the California coast. needed minerals in a form which The large pack available for coolts easily and quickly and is Lent this year helps put sardines rarely tough. ou tho list of low-cost fish choices. Few people realize how many SARDINE riZKA types of fish are available for Lent, 12 cans Eurdincs (IiU oz. size) say Extension Specialists. The list •1 English muffins, »pli< and of fish expected tn be plentiful and toasted reasonably priced for the Feb. 11 H4 cans drained canned tomato March 28 period this year contoes* tains a range of choice for shop3 tahlespoons chopped green pers In the Union County area. pepper Among tho freah types you will 2 teaspoons grated onion likely find plentiful for Lent are 8 slices American cheese whitefish, porgies, seabnss, Span8 pimionto strips ish mackerel, and mullet. ' Combine tomatoes, green pepAdded to this list of fresh fish per and onion. Place on toasted ixpcctcd to be plentiful are sev- muffin. Top with slice of cheese ral types of frozen fish—ocean and one or two sardines. Broil un icrch, halibut, and swor'dfish. til cheese molts. Servo hot, garfrozen haddock, often in good sup nished with pimicnto strip. Serves ily during Lent, will be less abun- list boforo serving. Usiiifr salad Three captains for Union Junior folk in one hand, spoon in the ollcRe's special gifts cunipuign in other "tumble" the leaves to coat tliem with oil and seasonings. Vestflelil, Mountainside and GnrOutside leaves need not bo before ood were appointed today by Alwnstod. They can be cut coarsely Vt W. Merck of Mendham nnd id o and cooked briefly, as suggested H. M. Poolc Jr. of »30 Kimball find SCOTCH PLAINS — Voters in in "Wilted Mixed .Salad Greens." green [„ the market at Panwood and Scotch Plains reject- ivenue, east, campaign co-chalrFUESH VEGETABLE SALAD ed the current expenses section of nen. Vfe head curly endive They are: Frederick G. Schmitt the 1959-60 school budget by r. of 547 Highland avenue, GilV4 head llomaine margin of one vote Tuesday. Foster of 635 Glen avenue, an % head lettuce A total of 1,163 voted yea and sert lunmus of the college, and Louis 2 bunches spring onions 1,104 voted no for tho proposed fogler of 151 Lincoln roud. 1 bunch radishes amount of 91,978,(394, an increase >fc medium cucumber, thinly The campaign is pnrt of the col> of $378,133 over last yenr. veg comege's silver anniversary develop sliced Voters will go to the polls again nent program. The primary obup to thousands. 2 carrots, made into curls within the next 15 days to vote a iective is to raise $1 million for th flaV0I inB Waah curly endive, Romainc and second time on this section. - -asofancy " vinegars, ' ch he college's building tinder con> lettuce and tear into bite-size f herbs and spices, The amount of $110,074 for retruction on a new campus in garlic-rubbed Place in and replacements passed with Cranford. The building is sched « slivered meats, pieces. salad bowl. Cut onions into 1-inch pairs 1,290 yes votes and 1,048 no votes. uled for completion in September. pieces and add. Make radishes into The capital outlay of $21,878 The captains arc serving with Not in y e a r s n e e d oses and add. Add cucumbers and had 1,202 yes votes and 1,12B no Henry M. Merencss of 316 East carrot curls. Season as desired ipeat the same salad! Dudley avenue, area chairman, and mn-drenched fields, with salt, block pepper and Fresh votes. 1(>acled Lemon French Dressing;. Yield: Voters in the two ' districts in uddie Davidson Jr. of 720 Soun, f Approximately der; avenue, alumni aide. William Fanwood voted in favor of the 8 servings. Z vitamins, particularly •budget. Votes cast by the • voters H. Baumer of 601 St Marks aveWILTED MIXED SALAD of Scotch Plains Districts 1, 2, 3 nue, assistant to the president of n iron and calcium, vitamin. GKEENS. Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns] C The calo»c count is low and 4 defeated the question. (Use outside leaves of salad heir vigor valu-j is high. Scotch Plains voters elected Jo- wick, is serving as advisor to the greens for making this dish.) ,.t iMfv ireena kindly when Mnsperi, Charles Ferguson area campaign committee. quarts coarsely cut mixed seph h your kitchen. For a 2'/4 salad and William Kitsz, to the school Mr. Vogler is executive vice presgreens (escarole, RoTheir votes totaled 1,197 ident of th« National Bank of S ? , rinse off outer ftr.t maine, lettuce, endive or board. 1,282 and 1,848, respectively. Wcstfteld, Mr. Schmitt i3 with , but keep the water from spinach) The losing candidates and the Merck 4 Co., Inc., Rahway, and the inner leaves. Shake 3 strips bacon ntly to dry them as much I teaspoon fresh lemon juice votes polled for each ..were: Mrs. Mr, Foster i» with the Buick-PonGay Hamilton, 9321 Del SHvinskc, tinc-Oldsmobilc assembly p l a n t , % ,to 1 teaspoon salt ,ible Store in ventilated General Motors Corp., Linden. W2, and Fred Baser, 919,. Vt teaspoon sugar Up in the refrigerator, Kibi, Baser and} Slivineke were 1/16 teaspbon ground black pepWorkers will be selected to solic"the hjdrator. incumbents. , perit industries, businesses and Indibefore using them, wash Wash and cut salad greens into viduals in Weitfield, Mountainside ! arain, more thoroughly, 1-inch strips. Cook bacon until and -Oirwood wnder the leadership tine the leaves carefully. If crisp. Remove bacon and drain on of the co-chairmen and captains. ten't one of those French paper towel. Add salad greens to This isvth'e third major phase of baskets, pile washed greens hot bacon fat. Cover and eobk 10 the; college's development fund tan tea towel, tossing and minutes or until wilted and crispcampaign. Campaigns hnve been until thoroughly drained. tender, stirring occasionally to conducted in Cranford and among are some hints for salad cook uniformly. Remove from-heat Members of the Roosevelt Junio the alumni and major corporations with fresh greens. Crush and stir in lemon juice, salt, sugar in Union County, raising |277,000. 1 garlie clove and just enough and black pepper. Crumble crisp High School PTA board heard re- The alumni and major corporation •lor traction in bottom of bacon over the top. Toss lightly. ports Wednesday evening at h campaigns are still in progress. home of the president, Mrs. Ro; 1 bowl, Try for a variety of Serve hot. Yield: 6 servings. Dahlstrom of Alden avenue. A similar special gifts campaign tompetently washed, dried thillel. Pull apart by hand Mrs. Harold Stotlcr, first vice was launched Monday in the Lin r to cutting. Add dressing 'wo Cars Damaged president and program chairman, den-Rahway area and three other: colled attention to the meeting of will begin in the near future. Slightly in Accident eighth grade parents scheduled for 8:15 p.m. this evening in the school Two cars were damaged in an auditorium. At this time, Albert committee were: Mesdames ccident in South avenue Friday Bobal, principal, will explain next 3 nek Andrews, Robert Brouillard ftornoon. Thomas Jackson and Fred Schnef year's curriculum. Janet Greillch, 264 Prospect Mrs. William Tily, tre«surcr and fer. itrect parked her car and had chairman of the nominating comMr. »nd Mrs. Gerald Varnum i of the Westfield Rotary ipened the door to alight when the mittee for next year's PTA, officers, ways and means chairmen, an j thirttr members, Charles loor was strftck by a car being announced the following slate: nounced a net profit of $660.25 Ihilhower, spoke on the topic, driven by Mrs. Louise Bushey, 709 President, Mrs. Harold Stotleri from the Iecture-dem6nstration by ]at of Rotary," tit the club's Carleton road. Both cars left un- first vice president, Mrs. George Dr. I. M. Levitt presented Jan. 80 : Tueioay meeting in t h e der their own power. There were H. Birchall Jr.; second vice presi- as the year's money raising proj 10 injuries. dent, Mrs. Robert Brouillard; cor- e c t . ' . • • . • • ' la.' ' responding secretary, Mrs. Frank : Piiftowcr, a past district Stewart; recording secretary, Mrs, In 19&7, 40 per cent of all ]i • of Rotary and •» p a s t W. G. Moran; treasurer, Mrs, H. censed uriyers were women. it of the local club, was for Fred Monley. The bicycle is about a centur; Mrs, until his retirement, suOther members of the nomlnat- old. tndent of tho Westfleld pubwait Voters Reject Budget Item -MILADY'S SHOP Undercover strategy.. • fcups stitched with "Nylo-Braid1 for lovely, lasting uplift! ^Romance" j^ormfit Roosevelt PTA Raises $660.25 lRotarians rTalkBy i Member He is currently presiI the New Jersey Archae1 Society and a trustee of • Junior College, t tribute to Paul Harris, ! original founder; James i New Brunswick, the sponi ftt local club; and Robert its organizer and first cut,the speaker stressed t h a t jm beyond the golden rule " jfor its motto and guide * Above Self." He emphai "local club is what its nm»ke it and that each inI (resident should attempt f Wags in those areas where J*"! needs to be done, with |d«inj a -continuing burden *<m who will succeed him.' «P>rt which "The Rotarian' «JMJuinc of Hotary I n t e r U J pliys in advancing the oi Rotary formed the basis iHMlnder of Mr. PhilhowHe cited its growth M\ issue of 3,000 t o p ' of 12 pages each to circulation of alm._ ' issues each month; and its "ton among the relatively '•toes whose articles a r e <n the Readers' Guide Literature, awimended the local club's Th« lovelier look of your clothes begins wilh the bra you wear. Choose "Romance" Bra No. 566 for lasting uplift, a prettier fashion curve. The firm, "Nylo-Braid" circle, stitching in the cups keeps its shape, and yours. Fine cotton batiste and selfstraps ate other longorlifo features. White. Sizes 3&A to 38C. Ask for "Romance" by Formfit. formfil Brat aim availaltc in thai handy pickup padagci. FOK THE DO-IT-YOUKBeLF DE\OTM, full-length mirror pineli arc the perfect way to brighten drab closet doors and create the illusion of space in hallways and small rooms. Installation can bs made with simple hand tools in a matter of minutes. Six Area Men Drafted Recently Selective Service Board 44, which serves the western half of Union County, sent six area men to Newark last week for induction. They •eported to Plainfield City Hall. W". Lawrence Krebsjrf Westfleld, draft board member, briefed the small group before they boarded ;he bijs. Stanley Hanna of Cranford was present representing the Gideons. Members of the group were: Westfleld: Edward S.'Pevny of 706 Boulevard; Koch T. Williams of 114 Hysllp avenue. Mountainside: Ernest A. Conrads of Hyattsville, Md. (formerly of Mountainside). Scoteh Plains: Richard G. Murray of 1548 Ashbrook drive; John Walter Zuk of 250 Willow avenue; Walter W. Marsh of 326 Jerusalem road. Cassert Resigns As Williams* Aide WASHINGTON — Frederick J. Gaasert Jr., who resigned «a New Jersey Motor Vehicle director to speakers become an aide to Senator Harripleasure at the son A. Williams Jr. of Westfield number of sub- (D-KJ.), is leaving that job, too. Gassert, 34, said l«st week he Umn. '" t h e local me mbers wattysrringetosendabro; had accepted a position »s general counsel of the Allatate InsurRoUrians, introdue ance Go. He aaid he would leave his post «s Williams' administr*tive assistant March 1. Gassert said he did it in consideration of his family. He said he had been asked not expressed the club's appreciation to Mr. Philhower for addressing his fellow members. yo«ConHondl-C,bprBrlt! 167 E. Broad St. Westfield, N. J. AD 3-2758 ARTHUR STEVENS FINAL FINAL 3 DAYS CLOSE-OUT! 3 DAYS OF ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING FASHIONS EVERYTHING WILL BE PROGRESSIVELY MARKED DOWN UNTIL SOLD!!!! MANY, MANY, MANY UNADVERTISED BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT QIRU' BOYS' DRESSES CHINO SLACKS fllOM OUR MTTM MANUFACTUHM 1 TO JX, 3 TO «X, 7 TO 14 SIZES 2 TO 12 SOUDS, STRIKS - MANY WITH SEIF BEITS $coo 5 REG. TO $10.98 REG. TO $19.98 $1.99 LEO-TIGHTS STRRCH NYLON - HELENCA SIZES 4 TO «X IUCK OR B1UE ONIY $1.00 J^PR. REG. $2.98 and $3.98 REG. $2.98 GIRLS' $$0.00 2~ 3 MOST FAMOUS MAKE COTTON SPORTSWEAR SUCKS - Sixes 7 to 14 BERMUDAS - Sizes 7 to 14 PEDAL PUSHERS - Sixes 3 to 7, 10 and 12 SHORTS - Sizes 6X to 10 BATHING SUITS - Size 7 Only REG. TO $4.98 EA. USE THE CONVENIENT PARKING IOT 2 - OWN MONDAY EVfNINGS BEHIND THE STORE j <-. TIM 233-5-7 EAST BROAD ST., WESTFIELD AD 3-1111 12, ifl.'O THE WESTFIFLD (X, ,T.) Local Man Held Accomplishments of Operation For Manslaughter Deepfreeze Told College Womi omen OBITUARIES UVslrU'M l e a l t o r j i , tt'l a n u m b e r of y t i i t r . livftm-. h i * iihit-^-f hf- w a s i \;>H-UIV in & matte* tif thvoo or , :>,7, of 5 4 2t n i p l i t y e , } a* a *pcoiiii a ^ e n l f u r John 1.. A rh.'ti't.'t' *>f miiii'lnuirhter «-.T< ; Birch avenue, died S/itui day n> j( h e C a r o . m a n d K<'>'ii"l.:l< l n « t p lili'il :if.-:iii-,^t Henry Kiii-hrll Jr.. iIVK- n u y i n a U - it jm-iU!.' fur snun j "SciMml wa* tho tutuling of Overlook Hospital, Siimmh, ufln j ;ii!(-i- r . i . , Sun KiiintiM-ti, >m«U jthitu > i iijht at tho Suti'h m brief illness, | Hi' is suiviviM liy M* w i f o , IJar- L'l. ..f 2!t Kast ISroa.! -tn-i-t, H.,!>-' IV'U1. t'ranir tiu* uuuvaya built on He was burn In Oak Park, 111., liaiu .tt'iin; hi* p a t e n t * . M i . uiul <Nj- ni(.-ht, fur the ilcu'.h Sunday' ihv ic« sht'i-t at MeMuvdo Sound and had lived hen; five y<-iiis. M i s . Hisivt'y l>. S h a n n o n , a n d a of Matiit'l W. Wcmilaiiil Jr., ;••), j as the stuitini; point, uiui the unPrior to that he had liv«<i in Vi-m-- Hiilur, Alls. Thimilure .(, VHH-IUIIII. Sjiiinjj/ii'Iil ro.itl fort'iiKiii .-iiiil f;'- j failiiitr ircir.'i^ of a! volunj Kuela for six yeara-where ho wus | Mr*. S h a n n n n \V;H 1nn ii-il Tu,*-!- tlu-r of thrpt: thililren. employiil by the Cicolr Petroleum i dny Art'oniinc to police KiuheS! ]rstlvuiK-t-ii by r^mmantU1!- John A. teer forco to brave the trail-blasin lialiU'n <hi'f National iujr t'(T<>i t^, thi« milestone \va* Corp., a subskliui•>• of lh« Rtumi-i ri-inctMj-y with full m i l i t a r y struck VWnillaiid on the jaw n e a r ' Mivabito, attrtehvj t o .he Speciiil ard Oil Co, of New Jrtaey. in^le'.-* Diner in K^ute JJ afttr Antau'tic PUnnint; Group, V. S. t-calizt'.i i» irno.i time. honors. "The thiicl «-it'i* was the actual mi ar^'Udient dt-velopetl, ^aturilay. Navy, in an aiiiiri>*a Ut-fon' the For the lasl year he hud been W'endland fell, .^trikinjr his head uh JoUetfe Womftn's Club last week. establishment «f a base at Marie employed as administrative suByrdlarnl." concrett'. pervisor for the Standard Oil C<>. The commander, who serves as Theudorv titirke, 22, son of Mr. of New Jersey at its New York Wendland underwent lirain sur- avrological olTk'er for the Antliml Mrs Kdnitind F\ Fturke of office. He had been with the com. r c t i t cxpixlitions, Operation liitgu Island, Lake Muhawk, Kery ut Overlook Hospital, Sump»ny 12 y*an. et-pfreeze, gave, a firat-hanti acJicd r'riilay, Jftn. tit), in ji veti'r- rait, but died Sunday without reHa was a veteran of World \yar >»nt of the obstacles overcome (uining consciousness, apparently V hfwpiUil after i\ Jonu illness. John 1, J hnm" radio operator from person through (,|s i letorlal hiifhllirlit for his n-niifonl win) huil " " " l e ! t i ) o s s 1 ' to their relative a||"", country," amk-r Mirublto shmv-long <>frU iai Nnvy ble for the Navv officer to atuy DurliiK the lH,,|Wss ontiict with hla wlfo on Aiitan'- in direct six IIKW mcmlicri vict, | lunrly 20 months In tlio iluriiiK I ted by K" They were: M,.«|umM Z Uuf.-k, V- S. Navy (K<!- iniliir l<mnarulor linilod the Baker. Ruben nrcnjrfT The Cnuifora youth as "having donu Dunstun, RidtiM-t w " spol o? the pvi'iiinir fl>r miH-e for tin' morale of the menHarry C. Jt-st«v and ' H leV MiiubUo wns hisin the Antarctic than any single Smith J r . with Jules Mndi'y, a Theodore Burke Collect $2,269 "" ForUNICEF II, having served with the Army a«d the advances made by the Formerly (if Wratfielil, ho was -jf it fractured skull. (our year'. He was discharged United States expedition teams in adunted from Westfli'Ul IliKh Kitchell, son of Patrolman and as flrnt lieutenant, Infantry, in School, class <>{ 10SS. lt« was o the coldest place in the world Sirs. Henry Kitchell of 2075 Morthe adjutant general's department member of the Marino Corps before where the land gives you nothing Mrs. Allen Crawford nnd Mrs. ris avenue, Union, pleaded not and had been in Hawaii for 1 ',i his illness. . . even have to make your own James Kefalonitis, chairmen of the guilty before Magistrate Henry C. yean. ivater supply by melting the ice."local UN'ICPZF Committee, have Mullen in Municipal Court. No 'In thi3 land of extremes," the announced that children in this He was a member of the Presbail was set. speaker related, "where you have area collected a total of $2,21.9 for byterian Church of Westfiold and Kitchell, who Jives with his he world's worst weather but theUN'ICEF. the Echo Lake Country Club. He SCOTCH PLAINS — M r s , In making this anattended Amhent College for Edith Aronsen, 82, of 21 Home- grandmother, remained at the din- most glorious scenery anywhere, nouncement, the chairmen of the three years and was a graduate of stead terrace, died Monday at herer until police arrived, Chief Al- man is left completely to his own committee, which is sponsored by bert E. Sorge said. He was re-resources and the challenge is the United Council of Church Harvard Builness School. homo. ' Surviving are hit wife, MarShe was born In Copenhagen, leased then in custody of his fa- an exciting one that brought for- Women, praised the co-operation ward an all-volunteer force from of the children and 15 participate garet Layng Ashbaugh; two sons, Denmark, and had lived here eight ther to await a hearing. the Navy, Army and Air Force." ijig churches of Wcstfield, GarRobert L. and Thomas L., both years, moving here from BrookIn describing the accomplish- wood and Mountainside. at home; and his parents, Mr. andlyn. She also formerly lived in Their ments of Operation Deepfreeze to combined efforts brought the 1958 M". Robert P. Ashhaugh of Mt. Baltimore. She was a member of date, Commander Mirabito pinOora, *"!«. total to morfe than three times the the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, pointed three major "milestones" sum of the first UNICEP collec%, Memorial services were held in Elizabeth. ivhlch he felt summed up the most tion in thia community in 1953. the Presbyterian Church Chapel Frtnkltn School Surviving are her husband, Ossignificant steps in the overall proTuesday. The local contribution was part car L. Aronsen; a son, the Rev. A behind the scenes visit to the gram. of a total of $850,000 collected by Viggo 0 . Aronsen, pastor of theWeatfleld post office, proved inBethlehem Lutheran Church, 5Ius- teresting to the first grade classes 'The first of these milestones," children in 9500 communities thru,- Mrs. Helen C. Smith, formerly kegon Heights, Mich., a daughter, of Mrs. Veronica Goss and Miss he asserted, "was the actual flight out the United States and recently Margaret R. Burns. The two-fold of 530 Summit avenue, died Tues- Mrs. Inger L. Herbst of Youngsf aircraft into the antarctic where presented to the United Nations day at Brook Lodge Nursing Home town, Ohio; five grandchildren purpose of the trip was to cul-the wind and weather were un- Committee -by leaders of Protesand a sister and four brothers in minate a unit on "Community known quantities and the teas tant, Catholic and Jewish youth •in Cranford after a Jong illness. Helpers" and to gain information ]; For many years Mrs. Smith was Denmark. were so cold a man would die of movements. The funeral services will be for setting up a classroom post •mployed by Harris Drug Store, office to distribute Valentines, Survivors are a brother, Thomas held today a t 2 p.m. in the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Elizabeth, The children were shown how inJordan of Yardley, Pa.; two nephews, William Jordan of Tren- and the interment will be in Fair- coming mall is sorted according to routes and made ready for diston and John R- Jordan of Union- view Cemetery, Westfield. The family requested that in lieu tribution to the homes. Then they dale, N.Y.j three nieces, Sister saw how the mail that is dropped Jane Teresa of Westfidd, and of flowers contributions be made to the Missions in Japan in care In the slots at the office, or brought Mrs. George Bahash and Mrs. of the Rev. C. 0 . Peterson a t 680 in from neighborhood mail boxes jKan Klnney o t N e w Brunswick. is cancelled by machine and drop:{; Funeral services will be held to- 67th street, Brooklyn. ped in sacks to start its journey , Siorrow from Matter's Funeral to far away places, They learned Jiome, 25 Eaaton avenue, New about the many services that the .Brunswick. Solemn High Requiem SCOTCH PLAINS — Mrs. Ara- postal workers perform as they Mass from St. Peter's Church, .jfew Brunswick at 9 a.m.- Inter- bella Kecd Carey, 7p, of Colling- watched stamps being sold, packdale, Pa.) died Saturday after a ages being weighed, and as they nment will be in St. Peter's Cemebrief Illness at the home of her visited the aectiorj devoted to tery. daughter, Mrs. Betty Carey Calla- sending monoy orders and regisghan of Raritan road, Scotch tered mail, Plains, with whom she was visit* • • 5 William H. Shannon of Saning. With a school-wide survey to Mrs. Carey was horn in Potts- determine breakfast habits of the jlose, Cal,, formerly of Westfield, •jJlled Thursday in San Jose after grove, Pa. She was the wife of children at Benjamin Franklin tbe late Joseph C. Carey who died School, Mrs. Ruth Carlton, school • long illness. S A graduate of Westfteld High in 1940. She was a member of the nurse, told an assembly that they ffichool, class of 1941, he served Tully M e m o r i a l Presbyterian eat better breakfasts than most Mulllplp IIHIIHK «oli1..—Mr, nni Mrn. K. Hiilftn! •.rkinnrn, fnrm»rly n( jfer three and a half years as anChurch of Sharon Hill, Pa. children in the country. (Nation Wnntnicli, l>»nK lalniiri, IV. V., iin* ninv llvlntr In 4lt»lr nvvr h«nie. Surviving* besides the daughter wide, only one child In five eats vBfficer in the United States Marine l»enlfd 41H LunKff^Udvr n^fnur, vthlth «hp> pnrt>1i)iHeil from Mr. Mail Mm. Wllllmi »•< »™»n. vkr Nnrnr i r m iimliHHr llntnl M t | i k i , « « u , she was vlaitjng, is another daugh- an adequate; breakfast). Mrs,'Carl•Corps in the Pacific, » , u Ji.wr* »i HnMon ••<! »..i* !•> .ii,,..» A. rwriMfiiB tmStek ifii : He received his BS in bitalneu ter, Miss A, GarUude Carey of ton used the film "Bill's'iffitt limra (if HttrrrU A Cruln, lue., Krnltnn. ^ " * ^^ Colliflgdale, and one son, Robert •dminirtratlon from the Cttade: Breakfast" to illustrate her talk. : .after his discharge, and was asso- H. Carey of Bound Brook. There ciated with Barrett and Craln, are three grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Gertrude R. Knlttle of from' Sunbury, Pa. Services and intorrnent will held in Sunbury. Cupid's Guide to Gifts iTo Win the Heart of Everyone . . . Mrs. Edith Aronsen Cupid puts his best gift suggestion* forward for the man of your^ heart — whether he is a boy-friend, husband, father or grandpa... WESTFIELD HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Pajamas Robes Wallets Jewelry Ties Shirts Socks Sweaters ' Mrs. Helen C, Smith Many_Accessory. and_Novelty Items. Do stop in and make your selection. Mrs. Arabella R. Carey f William H. Shannon CONFIDENCE .tMktow •la tm w m i i t 0 K M | M I mrtmtom Mr • ym a. HAHRf GUILD L. h. UANNUW A »•»«•«. J«H **t ft. M. FUMhM 4«M Illnliilit iaatM •«• Upm lifliil '- ' maM* fc>MV«k tlfto YOU ARE SAFE W i n » • • fc»r from • • , • • ro«r •rnnifmt will kc INICBBO "Memory 1» th» perfume of flowera of lh« summer thnt U gone." Th« LINCOLN MONUMENT CO. 4M OKANCP. ROAD PI Urlm 4.18M OVGIl JOO I.OCAU V •iiii^+'f*) HANOI CHARGEi W g p / Op*n Monday ft Friday Evtningt 'til 9 MEN'S SHOF ,04 Quimb,ft A D a r m 2-2701 • Malnflrfd.-Ill M l e BOYS' SHOP - I I i l M ST. •==== WYATTS = Mrs. Mary E. Ness SCOTCH PLAINS—Mrs. Mnry E. Ness, 07, of 159 Glcnslde avenue, died Tuesday in John E. Runnels Hospital, Berkeley Heights, after a long illness. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., she had lived there most of her life, moving here about a year and a half ago, She was the wife of the Zenith CITATION late James M. Ness who died in 1949. rm ' Tarmi Surviving her are one daughter, Mrs. Martin L. Dunn, with whom she lived; two grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Frank Q. Farley, Havertown, Pa., and three brothers, Howard and Joseph Moore, Phila- HEARING AID CENTER delphia, and Raymond Maxwell, OF PLAINFIELD Lonsdowne, Pa. Services will be in Gray's to 211 E. FIFTHS! PL 5-SS17 morrow with the Rev. George A. "Service to the Home" Ernst, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church, Scotch Plains, of- ii«iir s-Kiao «ii. »-1 ficiating;. Interment will be private. Alao Tut*. «•<! Frl. evealMC* T*t HIARINO AIDS* Jffatntfettt Competence Create* WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY Confidence Founded )n 18«S Non-Pnfii Non-Stctarian PLANNED TO PRESERVE THE NATURAL BEAUTY OP A FINE WOODED LANDSCAPE . . . MAINTAINED IN THE MANNER OP A WELL-KEPT PARK LKT US PRAY " . . . that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish fvom the earth." A> LINCOLN Larf* IMHVI Visitm art always wtlmmt Ltafttt ulxm request • FUNERAL DIRECTORS K H. army, tr. J»« I . HOAO ST. Ffop* AD 3-0143 TRUST COMPANY f. H. Or»y, Jr. ! J SWINCFJll" AVf.' Phona CR 6-0092 jJ t i e o EAST BROAD STBOTT t«. W* J-ITI1 Gtm C;it at 6:30 P. M, Exxmtiw Oftt • tSS ELM STRH5T TeL WTB J-«lT» there's an office in your community • - c-«1 WESTFIELD • CRANFORD • GARWOOD • SCOTCH PLAINS • f t A I N F I ^ 0 member federal dapusit insurance totMraa>» CAMPBELL PORK & BEANS I TMitl Iwei J j emi ^ f j j p 1 "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY RIBS OF BEEF REGULAR STYLE 10 INCH CUT AMERICAS DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT OVEN-READY 7 INCH CUT 10 INCH CUT 7 INCH CUT JACK FROST K-V-W "SUPER-RIGHT" Q U A L I T Y — W H O I C Of IITHIR HALF—FULL CUT LEGS OF LAMB CLAIM CHOWDER 69 - t«Hr-Ki|kt Inn* C 39 ;; 65 PORK SAUSAGE irtaes, MsilfMtS M ChtBi. Villl. k.UU 31 CUT-RITE WAXED PAPER *#» C FINE QUALITY, MONEY SAVING VALUES e Ib. "te»«-lllcli»"—CtmklndUn Chop* tnd tUwIng 33 C 79 C SHOULDERS OF LAMB RIB IAMB CHOPS hc SARDINES ^°™-^ 2sr39 TOMATOES -«-•-*-' 2 23« HERSHEY'S SYRUP 2 35 PRUNE JUKE 31 SAIL UOUW DREKHT i"25< " 4 3 ' f*MII I I M I I Crnwh SCOTKINS SUNSHINE CRACKERS FIGNEWTONS ^ b ^ e fun Vtgtteklt £ 4 3 CRISCO SHORTENING ; £ • » ' C t;39 WHITE RICE ^ ^ iU3 K c sPAGHEni :::;:: 2 r 3 i TOMATO KETCHUP r. 2 :35 Star-Kin Taaa c ^ ^ . u . . . • j j . KaaalerlaiHaialDaakies Qf ... f Oraaai af Bice Cereal . . . X; » • Q. T. lasteat Frestlag DUTCH APPLE PIE • Jm*Pt*m W ; 51* Banal tatti Napkin . . . . AagelSoft ^2 Tidy Kama HaaseM! Bag« Qataa Marsa chocoia^syrup i: * of 200 * • * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th f i r cocllallt and <a!adt Fancy Shrimp Fancy Halibut Steaks •>•« ^ Flounder Fillet K A , VECETABLE or VfCHARMN SOUK AUNT JEMIMA OPEN ALL BAY Lincoln's Birthday Fine Quality Lenten Seafood j A&P's Grocery Buys! SUNSWEET BIRTHDAY OVEN-READY 53:59 "SM*r-Ri(M" Qutlily l u f RIB STEAKS CLOROX REGULAR STYLE When you buy a half leg of lamb at A&P, you get the choice center portion in- . eluded. A&P does not remove such cuts ,as "Lamb Cutlets" or "Lamb Steaks" which are often sold elsewhere at premium, prices. Compare — You'll Save! 4J« halad and Davalntd Cap'n John'i-pllICK FROZEN Caip'nJohn's SPINACH 3 X 4 7 e GREEN PEAS •**»••»••» It Vilirfte LifobaajSaap Eip»cialljfor»li.Wh Llfeaaoy Seat Esp.dally for ( h . LlMf'iKalc sarv.iUtt.»d?rcr«n..d 2 ^ : 1 5 * Liaay'slaayOkra . . . . 2 ' ^ 4 I ( LiMy'sCheaaedBrecoeli . . 2 ; ^ 3 S « Swaasea's ^ "if : 5l e Diaaer « A> MUENSnR CHEESE ».'::.'. " 5 3 * SHARP CHEDDAR lp"E» k 63 c iaaish Blue Cheese ^"^ «»- 7S« DaiMa's Yegart «.I-VM«. 2 ,•- 3S* Oraea Qiaat Gera Golden cr«*m tfyle 2 I7M - S5« * - Me Dele's Piieaiile Juice Sliced Strawberries b;*'d Dewayflake Paaeakee . . . * cam Rinse For fins fjfeffet WhK« soap granules For drah#s and fm« fabrici Twin Pact , N. J. Ajax Cleanser A large 4 Q Large Free Parking Area With ehlerina tiiaeh • i4«. « * cam e W I Liquid Detergent StralntJ 10 ' W 6 Ouryta Con Stared GoaaaaMa All Lax Toiltt Saap With 5c off labs! Buy 3 . . . g.t I for I etnt Blris Eye Freaeh Fries Trend •arbtr't laayFas* ™• B.nd,d i » 9 - l f « f r k M effective through Saturday, F«bruary 14th in Super Markets and Self-Service •totM only in Matraoolitan New J«r*«y and Richmoml, Reckland and Orange Counties. LaxFlahas WASHED .1S&.21 c swiss suas ,:s,^., xss- Chicken Broth ^ : 4 i n . ACo • pig.. • * Dairy Favorite*! Maltha MACARONI Z^L plia, plig. • • Fruits & vegetables! BANANAS IfST 2 «Z5 FRESH PEAS JB. CARROTS APPLES K T 3 s r29« PEARS teA; 2"29« 4 6 P ' a Famous Frozen Food Vo/ues.' IS It. Wisk Liquid Detergent Kasca Dog Meal 2i OI .M e can *" can » * ean can " " can Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Till 9 P.M. - Open Friday Till 10 PM. SI* THE WESTFTELD (K.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 • REAL E S T A T E - S A L E * • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE* • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • • REAL ESTATE-SALE • { • REAL ESTATE - SALE • REALESTATE-j C. B. SMITH, JR. NANCY F. REYNOLDS EDWIN O EDWARDS PEARSALL R ml tor & M3 E u t B H N 8t« car. El-rr It, JU> 3-4300 BARRETT & CHAIN 112 Em St. AD 3-5555 INC. If you etlrtady own a home hi HI:AI,TOIU IN hiium s Weitfield-KanwooiJ-Stotch Plainn-or SIountalnBldr, and! n new and 115 Elm St.f AD 2-4700 different one, It is quite understandable Omt you would like to know the market value of you™. We Mill Hrmbrra , give you an honest opinion, and will Mulll.l. lilatlaa- njmttm try to be very conservative no an WraHlrlil—Faawood—«r ulch Plala. not to build up a rony picture that —M.antala.lae time will prove unreal.*tic. Naturally, we will give you complete, detailed about th# - homes that Hilt HI) the specification.* FANWOOD SPLIT that you outline for ua. AD 2-1800 • * * iDWIN O EDWARDS IllHmSf. AD 3-5555 —I49.SOO. SOUTH A V t , MNWOOO $il,fM INDIAN FOUIST •• ; The lilrnl In accf.alblllty . ' . . "••"Ik from thl. hotlae to nation I .aiorfa T.ln tfo •hak*'- - ' " K M T1AIU-$J7,SOO ID WouiitalnaWf on a Mllnlile. with A bif iflot. lot! of trepa, &na plctHmqiie elevation. 8-yrar-oM n>*Menu with'7 rooma,' i uitha, flrat flAor Inuniirx, blr picture window, ftpffatbne porch, patio with bar-biiur. F*it poaaeaafon, :* Th> 1**1 word in luxury in a Joy to behold In thin new brick and frame home. Beautifully planned spacioui) roorna throughout. Entrance hall, living room with blp fireplace, dining* room, panelled It* hrary. ultra modern kitchen, family room, lavatory and porch com* piete the. flmt .floor arrangement. There ar* fouf larite bed room a and tlirc* full batha upflt#lrn. Double a-arsa;e. «aa h#at, over % r«6rT plot. Call ua today—$64,510. . • ' • BveHlaiia Wlnirrr-1 Iff. E<lwi.rta....,AD2-MTi Blale H. dumln Alice H. Mael«« r. l*rtit«l Uat ...FI..VM12 W. M ¥ alley'* Helrk.. AD£MIW FRANKENBACH I'.*. — Htmc-niber. thf PASIOL'S A OOOD OtBW HbUSI fKEACHKIUtSfSltlCHaUrM tonight »t lit. i'auli Eplarupal church. WITH OOOD KOtFICT or nicf INCIIASI f.WfHOU* . . . Splc and »i)an Bnd comfor. tably liveable u a four bedroom one family na IB. (Convertible to two family.) Klir neigh' borhood . . . near town , . , VHANKUN School, only 116.900 Quick Foaaeaalon nil 45 Chnrmtatj, old, IPR rmim hnmr on aa^uMt Vt mvrr of l*R)ft with «smr trrrm . ., 9i*m4m qalc* M bit or work t»«t ruuM kr fun rv-dplnir •nri worlhwlille too, a» lucntloa !• aprClRl. PETERSON-RINGLENEWMAN-ATWOOD ar* *— laia«r« *e44 Maltlple eiataer •« Ca««»«r *t < oWM eMher »f lal'l. Trm4rrm ctab HILL SCOTCH JtolllhK Maple Hill Farm* nectlon «if Hcotctl Plains. Hullt 11*38 In choji'e urea, 3 bedroom level type with fireplace, porch, att. gar. ttnd oxtrit Hhdwcr In work nrva fur nfter g«rUenIng cleanup. Alum, com bo K, electric rariRt* Incl. First JlBtlne, genuine buy at t^l,&O0. $a,*qo HOME ON WHEELS llu>- for your fiecumt home or drive It tu Florida. 1957 Vagabond Tralltr 46* x 8', Bleeps four, healed, fully furnlahed, kitchen, shower and lav, A«l condition. New, was ,17,200 without furnlHhlnsrs- Will Hell for 13,600 and deliver anywhere In New Jeritey, Call today. DONT MINO INV! ITMINT morarrr IXCIUf NT rNCOMf UNOIt 1135,000. 5 114 Pi. x 114 DauoHmn AND oawAtu - utmovphere In rialns • . . H House on one floor (with full bfln.-m.-nt). Colonial charm and touches sut-h as bay window In dining room—Jiving room faces park-llhe rear yard —nice trees Aft*, lummcr fthadc. Three bedrooms, 1 % baths. — Qutch ponsession. 131,909. I O N tar KraclOBa family enloyment. A •Mcioua plot in a park-like «rc«. • YIM out ann nvn. Center Mil. !•' combination living Ivom and dlnfnff room. scletK'r kitchen, (round level recreation room. I bedroomi, 2 batha, 27' attached fraraare. St* thu nne-o**nitr tvmt today. Aaklnf only IJS.OOO. THOMAS JUDSON M Ct'*r»H Hlll.T four btdruom eseetitlse eolonla.! In (Inret iM'ctien of Jditnmlt. Three yeara old. M»ny •Urn* Including recreation room Hrefilttce, double Ihermoitatlo heat control, eitra vine rooma. $37,509. .Principals only. CHeatvlew 3-I93T. 8!22t into this charming Kanwood multilevel unlesR you're ready to piirrhane because a he will love It ut first aight> Ha» 3 h\K bedrooms, 3 full bath*, recreation room, flre)1 act, porch and full plastf r WHUB, tot Point electric kitchen with dlahwaaher. Immaculate condition. top location, built by wpil-known local builder.- Owner trHnsferred. first Hi*tlnB, steal Ht $27,500. Don't tiulny, we Know value of a. Coriell Ave. ftddreM. INSIMOR • RIAITOR CONVENIENCE $27,500 Smart hrlrk a.d frame loloalal with four krd' » • » • . i . \r»r Hooar. veil J.alor Hlath—ako>. • • i f — alalloa aad tar "\." Jaal rlakl for aa arllvr eamaa.altr mladea H a l l , of f a k . , • ' • • • I n aad l.lltlr ••eaararea, Vna'll Had a>a«r "Hie extra, tkat « • • " an mark, to a kard nrorklaat kouarnl'e. I no Aarp. US »-, nrlrlaa- for all tkr elevtrlral Kurtirela . , . m.kwaaker I . tkf modrralard kllrkea . . . kike aked at the kark door . . . workkeack la tke tke kaaemrat kaaemrat ck fla l «rr aad d k.rsk a dd a fall aad lar alarm aralem, l)f TV , Ik ' TV room aad a M M c r e eeaaeedd port-k. War aot t call ll for fall r MIAKINO GROUND i t THI FUST UrcRklnf tfround thin week on twu 1-bedroom, 2 ^ - b a t h «iillt level homen In top residential areas &f Wentfleld. Lincoln School on Synth «itie; the other tn Urant tti'hcwjt *onc, on N'urtll Hide. Price r«nu<L' |32,000*135,soo. Opportunity tu I'll with bulldern And choose COIOTK, di'Ciiratlnfr, e t c Won't hint long, call ua now. particular. l r d WYCHWOOD AREA $25,900 CHARM OF PIONEER ERA Yet pertfalw inont modern home In •Wt'utfleJd today. Country style Kitchen with bfRmed t-elllne. milral ptitlrcBse, hand hewn cedar fliakes. Colonial fireplace- In 25 x H.S living room, den, 4 tied rooms. 2*^ biithfi, and ft«pnrate 2 car att, KUT. that look ft Hk© a earrlaffe hmise(with wcathervane). It's new, profeitniona.iy Uernrated and ready for inspfctlon. Top Stonehenge 1«t-atloii. Inspect 776 Norman I'laee or call for directions, i'rke |4 1,8oO Incl. all extras. THI JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. •tAivoej Tfcla Hrvea room medium «Ue Colnalal kaa a kraad • e n kltiken irllk m i l revra, raaare, dlnknaaker aad mulrird ftirmlea eonntrra. Built lM!t, It alao kaa a «r«I lonr TV room aad |jovrdvr room. Kocatloa la a very kaad"«»f ooraer plot wllk mil tree> la tar Rlrrk Mill leellon of Monntnlnnlde. O m r n m i v . ^ lax MOW—available Inimrdlatelr. p«ae to W>-rkw».d a.d Jaat a "ana. akl. aad lamp" from aopolar W'll. aoa iaekaol la Ik la prettr ftoaej fro.t modrra Ca. laalal wllk alee iar«, lre»« aad aletare bar wladow. I.I.I.. r^,i kaa ».ra Arrplarr. nklle nowaer room aad a n . '""• "*»»' are Ja.t <•* kltrke.. . . . Tfcrre «o«d keflroflmn and tiled balk are . a 3.d laor (ma*. J " keaninia ni-a.urn •Vitito»| CUTE RANCH i'rlce 116,500 $17,900 Fpur.bfdroom home »IG BEDROOMS ON SKY TOP:0ny|.' J FISHpt AOINCY IN INDIAN FORSST DANKER 4 DANKER, Inc. nralf.r. •— lamnrara Hraahrr. of Malllrle M.tlaa For out'tamllng- value In W«mttrM we feel thin can't be equalled. Check these feature*: 1—North aide location 2—Fout- bcrlrooniM anil bath second floor. - • 3—I*arKe living room with fireplace 4—Famll/ PIEC dining room 8—Modern kitchen with eating nrea 8—Urtunilry raotn ftrai (loe-r 7—F'lrKt floor |mwdl»r*room S—Pen oft llvtnfc room a—Two-car a-arnge 10—\Vttr~- moftgBiro mo gBiro may ue e asl ' quallned, l l d bbuyer n l l li>' H—New 11000 &* hot water heat- Ing plant ', 12—Clopo t o Rooaevelt Jr. IMgh. trannpnrtatlon, and shoiiplnR. Ptlcca right a t , . - . . . »10,00(i $36,900 A charming 5 bedroom. 2 ^ balh. ctnter liall ri'»ldence. Cunvcnfcnt tu t.rafit School. Panelled sunrooni, Jalousted porch. 2-car garage, New oil burner. 70x150 plut. NEW WEtTFIElO RANCH CHARLES C. BAAKE IEA1TOR Mlaakcr Maltlale Llallas Ir'teaa $31,100 A beautiful custom-built Bplitlt-vel located on a 125 x 170 wouded plut In an excellent ikotch Plains area. Panelled entrance foyer, Rpaelous living room with fireplace, full (tlnlriK room, lovely modern kitchen with dishwasher and adequate breakfast area, three RoodUIKIMI bedrooms, 2 *4 baths. 24' pnnelled ttame room and 2-eiir KHraRe. Only two years old. Owner transferred. DANKER I DANKER, Inc. 14* Klmrr St., WirillM AD 2-4S4S Rv.alaa-a Oalr .loaraa I). Wrlllaa ID1-MU •••r.M l>. I'larr Alkrrt II. llaakrr Harrr T. Oaakcr PI, S-3M3 AII3-II4* fV »-3«44 hnmo near \Vn«hlnRton Sehool. 3 bedroomf, \% baths, llvlnB room with flreplnce, dlnlnir room, kitchen with built-in pitting fireti, acreened porch. Newly reilrcoratert Inside Una out. $26,900. Cnll AD 2-3G«6. Principals only. A l A N "DfKI" JOHNStOH In a dellKhtful wooded nectlon of. Peer Path, on: lpt« av+ratrlng over 100 feet frontage'with »'depth of — flpproxlmhtely 1H0 feet. Wh*n one Mn. Heekn a home in MountRtnaidf, In* Mn. vafiRbly thin 1H the preferred lo- Carl cation. Under construction, n,t tht* time In a four bedfoom and 2W hath split level. There also will be a two-oar Kirapre, panelled fani"-, lly room, and porch. >Vhy nut stop, In and look over th« pltnu. • ; • CHARLES C. BAAKE REALTOR ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor (••altar • ! tkt MaJtlflE Ll.da* Iraiea.) FANWOOO « i l i a i « P l r a . r . V.Tt, Trtr . I k . rlaantd." ' Thla compact home la Four bedroom tip.It level In ''atoh.'a throw" to the'. very good condition, Ix>cat"rhool In' F*anwood. Living r ed it) the Maple Hill Farmn dlnfhK*'' room, pfflclenlly' irrtl nection of 8t?otoh' VUUnB. fcltchf it. . Inrludlnr •(»'* ™ lllectrlc ranffr, Hr^plkce, hrf-skfant att. I fMO •!>«< I • and parftB'e.. -^ j > .rooms and . bath on the arclJ Many extras lnctudt4li»thH0 — Located in' the WllJion efly. Plre alarm atalra In h He h on I n fiction, tliUatfrncrtrflreplact; i in yard. ,ro»f K" tlve Cape Cod hafl .3, bederenntala and' rooniH, 2 bathp* dlhlrtir rbdm, enced In. Attached t»r»|e. I rlreplace, porch, ana g%- <ltep plot.- New llalltf, nnif - rage. . : . offered, Inspect It loon. ? WESTFIELD v REALTY SfRVlCE 226 t . I f MN. >tt*M ' • . AD3-91M6"-;., : In' *V\>litnelrl—Vacant . *, Bedroom, hon\t, uncol; « are*. Mouae In eicellfntf tlon. Property neatly (MM Hlewart Chain Link W*] heai, deep loL Malllplr l.l.tia* Mrafaktr tcatck Flalaa.HaaalaiaiM* l*.r'Bll«>a*« laaea a t. J . i•m • e tawl laa flrarr (3. llartl.aa JM.A.MMCIW ' - • * • ! < « —Ia.arM" »* A D M M I1J Dualer Caart Ab >.t«M Eea AO I31.W0 H.arr A. »««a# G M T I « O'Grttif i« the price ashed for thin very attractive and Immaculately main* talned brick and frame spilt level .<B\r,y HOOK housr, 4 bedrooms, home. An entrance hall le.adfl to a hot water heat, 2-car iufntte. large living room with fireplace, paved driveway. Hxtra cornrr lot. full dlntng room, beautiful kitchen Price 118,SOO. Apply owner, Al and screened porch. 3 larsre. hed> Pflrrnmnn. 93S North Ave. AD 3rooms and 2 tiled bath* are on the 1878. Buslnesn phone At) 2>1000. Becond level and a 4th spactoun bedroom Is on the third level. THHiiR bedroom brick ranch. JefOrouml level recreation room, hut femon School area, large lat, At. Water baseboard heat, gan fired. trnctlvely iRQd.cAped. 4% GJ. Excellent clonet BPBCP, 2-car atmortsBKC BVBllnble, excellent AoiU tached go rage. Nicely landscaped dltlon, extrai. f 18.900. At) 3-0171. srounda. To inapect call: r.Ai, r«TAT» iwsrrtANcr: MOHTOAOIM NOTART PIHl.IC OH >«ata *rr. W, Wr.iHrlil. Id. 1. Trlraa.a. ADaaa. 3-T5SO—rSSI Kr.alaaia Only Klla. Aa«rr«a F l y . a Alt 3-KM* II 1.4r. W r m r gaaltk An S-7a.1» Laalai M. ADS-1533 firrel . . . . E«ala«« Alnta .._ Marrta ......riv 1>KkMa.rkrr, Jr,....Plfc M . A. MERCNH •Beautifully appoints 4 bedM.aaWr room, 2% tmth spilt level.' Wcaia«la.raawa«..»r^r| | Two car vkragf, gum* room, 7 MaaatalaaM. and fireplace. .l^mted -onlfaUlpl. Llatlac Irak. \ North Hide of WentHeld.. Center hall 'coVonUl -with 4 bedrooms and 3 bbthb, Panelled den, name rot»W',*nreplace, and porch. L*ocatert i to BoDsevell Junior Over 140(1 an'mre. fppt, thin «pacloun KASCH offern you an entrance hall,' living rpom with fireplace, large dirtlnfjf room, oversize kitchen;-two large bedroom?, and one BmallPrr two tiled bathn. Two car t?arfl[fe, approx. H ACRE PIJOT. A porrh In the back 1R ready to be enrloned. ALL OF, THIS FOR QN£.T |27,900 $24,000 A four year old "I.evel Type" brick-front frame dwelling- Is riSHM AMNCY ».valiable In the Jeffrrflon Bchuoi 10.10 M**«tki AT*. M'. ADMMII .i-a area. » Nest Io'i Gartlvn O a l e Three larse beilroomw, 2 lava«l»« p!m«« vl«ae ie«l»«a p!m«« vl.«ae torlt'H, niicl 1 full batli with over. J D I I M .1-471-7 tub shower; alU'fl x 17' recreation II. M. C.ror«p room, electric ranire, Tuerniopane K. W. I "Inner. . . . . . . . . . K L l t u B 8-3Z55 window In living" room and 1-tnr attached gsirugo, Oil lieat. . dark room ("powder"™ .rulty ^r\KU dining , ramlern' kitchen wiihi Upatalrf . you have a master • brdronro and other bath. If you io b«n.l'»>l"l. to. know - _'(*th« open- porcli"nll Jf t« l» '^«rt for prlvwM1 nicc-ior children and »u .*»ll|-b. a Joy to th. w M , no»t aumratr. Tht price W|j IN CHOICE tocAnoN EXCLUSIVI LISTING $64,500 Th« mont unusual home you have ever sren yet one of tlie mnpt Attractive. It hurt a total of 4 hedroonm, three full but hit, 2 half baths, a family room ort the kltr tie n, twn dens, a nun Ken 11 vine room and n kitchen Hint is out of thin world with hujre illninK spare, pltiH, of course, a full dining room. tt alno has three HreiilaccB and Inter-eom syHtem, two-cnr Rnrnpe and IOMIIB of other ex trim which will amaze you. ',ll><« MOUNTAINSIDE : NEW HOMES 1OM floalk ,lvr. W. ' ADaaaa 3-1 Kvtnimmmt ENDURING YOUNG CHARMS" Mhtrt II. C WlrtcniMB. Rra. An .1-.Ti,V4 Clulr Hnrkrr 1U«.AU3-35W $24,500 rout WIFE ruinmrt •4 D HOMf" $42,500 tctty L, Wi«gman Evening!, • « . AD 3-3354 IT NBOHabtS WYCHWOO0 MAMCY 125 YIAR 010 FARMHOUSE $13,900 • ; ,; -IM. l U ELM m i E E T — AD I-4TM This ctittom built brick an*l frame Rvralaaa »alr Jtomc Is fa*rely t«o jr«»ra oU\. BuUi Warns r I to ordtr fur th« present houi»ihfilderp. It oaT*ra tt>* #aae of mostly flrat floor ilvlnr, but with ample ». ffawe •pave for m. family of ieveral vto- C. larl d a l r Ha«<ra, ple. Center hall, Uvina; room with fireplace, dlnlna: room, kltrtitri with brtakfaat apace, pine panriled den, aun room. «prn porch, S bedroom* and t bat ha . , . all on the flrat floor. Two more bedroom*. cedar cloneta, itoraive space and anothtr b«th upatalra. Tine panelled recreation room. Lota of « * Iran Includlna; & 'phone jacka. WflJ cared for pre-war cojonja in the Lincoln School Mention. 2fi.' fdnt iivine room, fireplace, mod em kitchen and separate break fum room, with bay window. Soc on>l Moor hap thrre gnbfi titod b«ii ruonm and a beuut}ful modern tiled tiulh, (inniBP. Oil, nt( Jif-at, aluminum coniblnutionn, • WH«hingr machlnp, new kitchen ran*:*', all Included. Orliflnjtl own «r now rftiriilff to Florida. ' ( TRADITIONAL CENTER HALL fnlonlal U thf choice "f 6 2 ^ of tuday's home buyern, accurdinK tn i* survey of the Metroiiolitan art'H madet I by a New York nt-ivupaper. PERFECT STARTER HOUSE #3.'.> VVyrlnvood Road IJI authentit in evrry detail and it ci-t on a $23,900 m.-tly wooded l"t 100* x ITS'. $16,900 Thr- firpt floor hits a powder room off th*- hall, living room with ifu'Tt Kplit Itvol s i t u a t e d on a dead An irLal h«>n.*- for the family jtift H l.trpi- ''ity, fireplace, puni'Ued «-iiiJ Ktrtft Jiiftt over tlift tint; 1 vi.«ll wlih huokphfIvi*^, ami lendH Scotch 1'lalnn. Entrance, hall, njm f'ir a j-^tirinn niuplr. It ;* a r . m l i tu A Jalfiufljfd anrl Siffentd pon'h ciixiN living room with picture h.'.nit- hmlt in ISJ-o tf.At hA* a Iiv«hith fldjotnH n large riuKKeft ter* window, full dinlnp room, large i r, t ri'« > m, d i n i n sr n»nm, m oil * rn raiv. Prt-nch di»or« of the dinlnf? kitchen, open porch. Three good k !^^'h^^, i wo t*e<»rpoms ftn>i b a t h Ti'wm lead to th» tfrrm.-«' which Mn-d bedrooms and bftth on »ficon the rSrxt fl.M-r. Thr- r.••.•.»..d rttmr fiv*rlank« a healthy stand n( Knpond lev*1!. Recreation roorn, launhas h.« ii fxp»n.l^«i and h a s .mr 11th Ivy. Hegr yard privacy in dry and workshop on frround level. bt-drrmm and a half l-aih pliif Achieved by n fence of tall licniMuny tree** on thin larg:<] lot. fpHi e for a n o t h e r bi»rlronm. T h e Jorh and rhododendron. In! is (rood sfzeii and t h e r e is a The second floor has a master (j^tat'Iifd parflKe. Ixnated in t h e Wdroom and bath with ntall nhnwJtiTtr^on School area. $31,900 t'r. three other bedroomn and bath with over tub *>hnwer. There »rc ThiP beautifully kept \hi eplit flKht cliipetR on thin floor. Maid's NORTH SIDE COLONIAL would look erjualty well furn-uhed room anil tremendous ntortiife in modern or tradltiohal. There in space are on the third iloor. R BpacioUH entrance, hall, large An or»in jitairway from the front $26,500 living room with flrertlace. dlntnff hall leads down to a useful and room and aunny modern kitchen. attractive- recreation room, (1 reA top location plus ppk- ant! upan Thero are four large bedfoomi>. placed and dadoed in pine. AIHO ronditiun make this a very dr^irtwo tiled bftthff. ond with •full below is & full bath, laundry ar.<l aMe home for a Krowinjr family shower. Ground level panelled recfurnace room. In addition to tht* usual Mr?t Door reation room; double garage. Weil Home custom features arp nproom* there is a patifllfd den nm! preciated by a discriminating tai*tt>, landscaped lot. "• . -, powder room. The three second utherfl ttuch ax bra** <not cupper) floor bedrooms are all lame nn< ' '' plumbinrf. 125 ampere service with the bath fs tiled. The Karac? in circuit breaker*. Oran^cburfC pipe attached and the lot 150' deep. for furfHce f.ralnA?«» hav** t more C. B. SMITH, JRyftMltor radical value. II know, the above Jradical Maltl|>l< I.latlas MtaaWf H my own home. 111 Cralral A n . ' '.. . AO *-« PICTURESQUE Km- appointment Kor appointme to inspect th!* property, call AD WYCHWOOD SETTING Hanlalrar O'C«aat» $35,000 Y.alr II. a . i . , HARRY H. MALLETT C. B. SaaUa/Jr....... If incHtii.ii is important and an at* Mulllvlr I.lallar Mraafctr trmtlvc HfttliiK depirable, then 233 N.rtk Av». Ka«l tlii* Cape (.'odder should appeal to JW) J-.-HWO — AD S-S051 you. It I* moiM attractively deco opra Saada). 1-5 rated. The lint floor has a living room with fireplace and built-in Krvalacai WESTFIEID book^hftvep. dfnlnp; room, modern Harrr H. M.llrtl ABS-4M4 kitchen, two bedrooms anil bath. Jraa I. (ira» .tDS-4T!W The second floor has two addi- HoWrt DavMaaa REALTY SERVICE AD).JMI tional lied rooms and totth. There ncailt.r aaa taanawr , In a recreation room u-lth built-in 22* Baal nraaa a|. W . a t « . U , K. J. bar In tht- bawment and ft two-car Pkaa.l Anaaa. 3-»M* A 5 LEVEL GEORGIAN SPLIT KARSAU • Realtor A D I M I 2-e«os Mraakrr or 1"kr Llallaal Sjair UKAl.TOIl soil Kim St. $19,900 AD S-MOO — AD 2-5O.1I MountoinUd* AD 3-1800 U n k pull lilrtadaja at A SELECTION OF f-romr ^ttMhlaittaa and Abraham IJnritln, Mm. GOOD LISTINGS Kvrljn Mutt, our artlHt, AT FAIR PRICES hm* arrcmitrtl n rol!*•«-tfun of mlnintnra- *«il*17,WMJ—A compact, well Jo-pt h«me dltrw of fh* world—fion the Sutiih .Side with living The»e are but a few of ihe very ttrt rrpJIrR*. rvprvirat* J'rart.ffilly brand new ami availroom, pan tiled den, dininif room. able due to ft buninfn tranwftfr. A Interesting .selection available; iiKHlt-rn kitchen, summer br*-nk.wildly built brhk am] rr*m* hUtorlc prrlod*. fiiHt room, and on thf H .»<•*> ml floor home with mirny appointment* 4 lit-.lruoms aitii modern tiler] bath. found I n muff exjic Halve proporU > Invite LfNOX AVC. - $26,900 t took. tion. Tlirre l>«*<lroomB. l 14 bathfl, ihi« ui completely modern kitchen with 921,000 — Ail comparison invited. We apeak from flret hand experi1MI Colonial. All roomx full siitf. eating ppace. Kininh^'l recreation ence wtuii we tell you that thin ran IdrBIID. l-'ji-ely kitchen, |xi«(ler nwm. rontn, ntia<*h><) gara^. full baa*. older but not too large Dutch Colatin dry. screened porch on fir»t niriil. Top value and priced r.«tA INO. WBllr tarrr, iclaar. lonial ii» a joy to live In. Ontcr It nor. TJtre*- bedroom yaml tiled lM\ru\]y at 122,500. ' hall, pine panelled TV room. lnr$e .•nth upstafrH. Attached carag*-. jalouffled open porch, pretty (irrUrncondition. A pretty street In ln«t. . . . IKim.a UK A I.I. V place In the living room, spparatf .Scotch Plains very close to the GRANT SCHOOL COLONIAL and spacious dlnlne room, excelWrm field line. lent pantry apace In the kitchen. Powder room. Upstairs. 4 bed- This fine home can be available S34.&0A — Close to alt HCI>OOIJ<. A rooms und tiled bath, Another b*-ilto ft lucky family immediately, brljeht center hall Colonial with ; rootn and bath on the third floor tfpaclouft room it plus tlie ad vana .5 ft. living room. POWIJIT roomwith A flnlnhed hallway make an tHRt-p of rentrr halt design. The 3 nice bedrooms and tiled hath on i attractive euent nulte much bekitchen haa a breakfam area ptun the second floor- Sice open lot loved by the friends who cone to first floor lavatory. Four bedrontns 75 x ITS. PUNTY OF "ElBOW SPACE" visit during college vacation-.. 3and- tiled bulb on second floor, vhr gArage. murage attic, oil heat ( in I K U W - A four bedroom, bath and INSIDE AND OUT new;, double garage, good alie powder room home with a nice $U,900 lot. Priced at fz.5,&Q0. , first floor arrangement. Grant School area. Thla dl.llKKul.lKHl lookLnother in the Grant School DELUXE RANCH This expanded Cape Cod in pretln«, xiliril) bull), older jutnc thin one with a center hall, tily situated on a, plot that la just koaie mn>- have too four bedrooms, powder room. den. about perfect for Bandbox and a>aa|- hedroomi, for Ike *wln**. On _ Hill Road In Scotch and jalousie porch. nverajre tamily <i,r loo Plains where the neighbors are no nlcto »nd the taxes are modem**. Altogether It-has 1 rqomn, 2 bat tin room, tucu imcjien wun DreatcA N D area «ad feel rrowded and '* glaMed porch, piu* aitathed tmft a reft, powder room and pan* llvlanr la a roaveaf lonal < trsrajte, «nd thff tnakln^B of & rec- el ltd den t-r b*dfoom t.-fth corner Cape Cod. unlit Irvel or A flew lfsilnfT of a lovely white rentton room. ".-•.'fireplace; two Additional bedrooms Moflera rnlo.lal, perkaua brlok front Colonial hrnnc on n and two full tiled baths; first floor tal. >varloa» ™llk bt-autlful piece of property in one laundry room, glaatted and screen• Hevr. bedroom aotrnof our favored North Side loon1 ed porch with baseboard heating. UNUSUAL WILDING S i n tlal, plan TV room and linni . Gracious living room and The necond floor has empanwion for e o a . t r r aryle klleaea » • dlninK room, powder room, larue lit Htxir Mlajkl br Ju.l noreened porch, outdoor brick Iflf square foot area tn ti\im r i IUIHRKT patio. Three bed room« **entlonal lot that offer* maximum and two batha on the Bct-ond floor. privacy It. & very convenient aecealldrrn'a alarjrroaad or Twn rar attached garage. Sure to llon of "W*»tft>Id. The prlcft !• KNrdralaa; arra . . . CumJIPII Taut at |J?.50O. UiQO, And when we tell* walk Io ncfcool ed,1, and of course ft two-car ttlocmioa and Miow you It* unique • l.elaalaa; *aroeklal>. taifhcd farage. 'An outstanding Oirirr haa headed Wrat 1 boundaries off th* map you will jmf for the buyer serkinsr qu»lhn $*• Intrlffurd; If you like the tin* aad woala like to aril y and charm tn one-floor llvinur Ity and c nstial and chaltcntflnj,. thla trrrkradl •:..('.,-•. RANDOLPH-WIEGMAN CO. Realtor* KKAI,TO)I FRANKENBACH HARRY H. MALLETT ACRIAGE FOR SAU od, Orleans, Maw- > mutely 21 acres, 5!» «- , beach, on Pllgflm Iftaj rlce I24.SOO. Stanley. 8S» on d., Wcatfteld. AD 2- lW.. S MKlmOOM. \'A r.Bth Hot water heat. No « 800. 915 Central Ave. .11*1. MowntoimW* NEW HOMES ' own ra« msNcnoN Sarwrtray mtj l«n«l«y UIM. - >AW Mill HOME! ONB i>EPt—The *e.t tn conmruction, the h . . ^ e ™ w^'tK1*1!1* th<! »fl.hte«t ot family room». T ) ou buy. Heady tor decoration s i yauf choice. Priced at f "J"1'":CTIOXS: Tafce Iloute 2S to Hummit Rd., and procwJ l l Saw Mill lid.; turn left and t o 16 th* end of the »treet. Nx NEVER OWNED A HOME W O R E ? Then her are a few you miprlit consider: On Itoal iror much i«!•« •' saadeekl . , . Owarr. are keanrd for lirorala aad woald like Io more AD 1-0SO0 •ETIRSON-RINGLfN1WMAN-ATWOOD W^^^ ^.mJ^hA^^^n^^ condition, to Mtoh*it with Pfent^^TtoSif ^ m ^ ' * ^V.**: haI »:b l r ^ « « f open porrh: iarn S ; * » t l , n f f H r * 8 : flliI dlnlnff room: Oroand leref r#ei4Stien m ^ {***' bedrooms, tiled bath, land wifh : pntmivi 4t*4 em tJceSf AJIns?q^rell ^tmt SlgSrftffnTns;room ffatirSlm hi* ks r9 m l ' wlth tre **> «--*Ptin^, SO» rark .»•».. *<•• rialaa ( A S-.VW. a Kim 8I« W n t l r l . .1 aa* w •••••«. K\il-«*« AB^I Moeaner • «i):i-3i7a Starr raiaier .«i)!JHM W l l l l » Ol.fcr.w Kay »«c<kr (aarlea t'a**.ell CAMHLO ft SON w< ""am*Ue a »onder(a1 horn, * COME DOWN ntOM YOUR IVORY TOWER, MOM * ft CHAIN Malllvlr I.latl.K Mrmlwr. Mountvlnsld* OHica s ji»:nr PHUI in>:v( i: m,. tl'or. Mt. Ayr.) AO 3-1100 Oar ». nnirnrd.. . ift ICrnrh-k . . . iratr P . H u l l . . . . 42S NORTH AVE« AD 3-OMt Mlltlalr Llattai MrmBrr •f tile WMMeli »».rd All 3 - I J M • R «-ttT4 For the woman who loves to sew, this may be your family's chant at you reluctantly cloxr the door on thif pern of a sewitisr room. And the rest of this fine four bedroom home is* Just H» nice. To ke*»ji t!i«* famUr happy while you new a fine ccam thore !s a 21* PHIH*11**(. T\ room plux lavatory on tlip flmt floor. Kor Pail, the recipleHt of th«* bills, there I* « new oil burner and hot water tank. Popular t.rntit School nciffhNEW USTINCS I0WARD A. CAMIUO ELSIE KTZ, Inc. aoar" AD 2-1100 KKALTOK — ITIStROR i H|gjjjf.JOHNSON AGINCY, INt W*ttli«M M»ple Trill Farms iveetfoi. of Scotch .Mains — pretty pink shingled home, i bedrooms ,2 tmths. 121.509. Harold Avf-nuo, Fanwooi!—Vnunsr II1PH« In thi!< comfortable older home within walking: distanre of station- $..•:,into. Fairacres Avpn«<?—Freshly (}ft-or«te<l hrick and frump coi«- Wostfi.W Offict • t Realtor. 'gggilm.«*<*« 1UBi\y. ' * „ boohlpt — ^ith^r vr both on rpqaost. B»rr«lt * Craln. Rwltors. 43 Elm Strjjt, W-18.UI. N. JT. ( A D ^ I s 3 Wa: tmt tfc* P«»lt> (him. G Mattvetlferek. Jr. A& 3-3S54 t f ) 3-18H1 on HI VIM; AIDS Jmmrm 3 r>«Ttd*<»M AI»3-.V135 ,,,,w, rii'torlal Bookltt tUtnm M, HlHOHror F.\ 2-Tfl2t owtlinln? selling: iihla J*me« A'. Cln>poolr RUN- ttrtm Mmy r A rw«»td . , . « A H 3.2317 THE WRSTFTELT) (N. J,) LKAT)EK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1059 REAL E S T A T E - S A L E * • REAL ESTATE - SALE • • LOTS FOR SAIE ;.!I OWNER SAYS "GET ME AN OFFER" ; • • -mnty,,,.!,, I n n l d i ' Iniil W H l r n i i i y ; ,. , | , , | , | , Y ' i ' l . r li<ii-|n>r; n u u i - » n l i - . . i t l i i u h . '<>>. Miivi'd HI I I H ; H I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I FOR SALE • STORK BOUND ? ? ? " " " " Hi'i. inir MiitKniMr li'imliluitw I'll CI.IIII «t,1IH I,, flU.MK FOR SALE ARCHIE'S RESALE SHOP l l l l ) » innl N.'ll,, Ah I l i m l IIIIIIH • Nine TAX RETURNS NM<l,r IM'MMUH timl ia-oi»irotU AO g-RUt. Wrl/tlil'N I)t'«-Mi» HIIUII tin Dim Ml. AH L'-illlH • • dwtivl<iTitil 1>K-Ittt HELP W A N T E D FEMALE • IIII'MI, Hl»n|i-|l| Joh for K"llnrill l o i u H i ' W t M ' k i ' r w l i t i v»'vi'U( v.'l'i'i-- S w i v e l IL'BU I'linlrs, f « ; nmini d m - 1M>1V1|»I A), l|i<«>nit> l u x irliuiiH fiifi'H. I n n o whnUHii w i t h n i l m,i,lIIII: Lilil". }!', toll, vviiuil I.IIM.I t ' l n i i p n l i i i i i c i . H . i)tit> I ' l i l l i l . t ' a l l u l ' . TIIIH oyvfHT in nnxloiiH tn He!] ninl a-s-tf III:*I,TC« - "" l l u x .Mill, |.||i'(. VVoHtll,.|,l l.i>m|i,r. ' ' I'MlMVlMHl ^-Slll!.-, , h u n k t i n : old :i( h,.,.: r,,,iiii r j , r l n , It.' IlllNM'lf t,r " P.M., AU »-ir,a;ilirrn 1H yniir I'lmiu-^ in u r i u muni IT.Ml; B"M,I 'I'nrlilxll nrli'iilii) rnit. W . \ s l i r , ) l ) t — N o w n m l IIHIUI, f u l l y 1-8-Kll huy. Tin* Incut Urn tuwl r u m l i t i m i !isl-'. Juwl •,|i,| I, $15; Inrm. |i,,'{'"'Wit"' "'"*» »-»••"'" - -Ih'llnrnl olTlon ilnlilll, I1MKUiiiiilit'HHl. KciiMuituhb'. Hllowjii-" f-fMini a nil Inn hi.- ft tMIVt-K mi li-cl I,,n or Mnrdc.n tinilu iirrlvi',1. INi'OfHI'3 'VAX •>-• AM lyport r c l u r n « K 8) irm K ItouiiKi-fplUH. Hox i'*'^. i n r , ' t)htntnrt> hull, W llvhiff luom, full ili'ii AIUIIIIIIU'OB, m Nurlli Av.i, w . ^ p r i i m I'UWK?- H.-a11*, $U.; olil inlniliri'jKtrcd ID I'lthtT m i r nilh-o o r •Insopll Vlllono nulil l.i.mti r. (lining rimm, lur«o tntiiivvii UUrlirn INSURANCE • AD 2-1)4111. 2-5-if ii I ii re JIINIOII puiuiiM, double iictloii, ymiv o w n lv»"»i'. llourpi iliilly IIIMI n HL'IUJHI IliMtr ul' t h r e e m m jIvoniH^, Scgti'h l'luilh *.1P; slimlc m i inn. $16; niodci u lo-r». I»..M. W(itchuni< Au.'ul l l . s . m i l u r unrt tlmi>. i " li'nrn l.'illl j . u i r next inirtv, r»»t a Hl-l'l fin-tulilc iMxlruttniH ninl tlloil hiith crllm. t i l l ; Hinnll bh-y,•!,'«. i',\ H,-V- i-y, 4fi« IMrli A v e , Hfntoh I'luUm. t . lnilvi'i-llNlnil. HAROLD E, YOUNG CoT diiy nitrlit n fiiur-iluy »5 MIINI t y p o . \S'rlti> llo,\ HVnl>MH. rnl>lic iiiiilrrKu HystfliiH, w i t h Hiuiwi'r, TlU'vu 1H n n » n m ' \ $18,900 e n i l old love Hi'iils, (12 i-aulii IIId\\\ KAiuvotnl "-r)*ifl«. It tin misWf'i" •li):l, i-iirf Womilvlil l.oniliT. '1'apii ami (H^c rtu-ordtilK «lao ttvtittoil HI'IMI iMMit, tiiXi-H uiiilci' i;Uii).(t'l A,no — I'm- — l.hc Ik'u a f t e r n 100 miih'cli liifv ciitiliit-lH, $lL'"iil; I d , er.Miin im 11 KAmvood 2-4fi4fi. l-S-Ht llhli'. 7'owil .S"Und, WAhnnli 6-20111). nntl )i<<• atL-«1 nn n <|ufil l i v a lin.-il , i-H'-St CONVENIENT eluilrs, M ; lnilyV l.llii'iiln roi-U.T, INSURANCE Uii'i'o t o w n s l il t'iilny nfi 2-il Hli'p«l luuir iriin«innti\tion, m-JinnlK ri-lliilHlicil a n d llliliiituti l-.'d, * , H ; IIAVI'' YOt* itHMinio t u x jiroliJi'mH? iiti<l HlinnpinK. All HIIM fur t he MMUAII n.iion turned voluntarily from New old d r y nlnk, ( S i ; xolhl e | i , . n y Antttiucs hitf ijrifcv uf J17.K00! .MitliL- tin iilii-t ! |*oi mi' HI>1V« i c h m C«r yiui. t will 2-n-it wnsl^liiiid-di'HU rmnliimiHiPii, $i:>. • HELP W A N T E D nml sui'i-omlcrud U) police, NOIMOII Hni)i» ui't'piiro y o u r I't'ttiru in y n u r o w n Ice NlmtL'n ixi'lumnt'it. $ i . tMiluu, Til ( l u r k Nt mmie. tnulnif nilvnntimc of all it*1i;l:iw.s, l u i c n h n i f , iHftiirc frnini's, IU>, wns nasvsauil n tolul of $-110 Wmlllelil MALE illiilfl'lUa to ttiiicli you nit! e n t i t l e d . • REAL ESTATE WANT'D • IMIOUH, MUiiH. nittliiiit'H. furnlliiif. !-B-tf LIFE IS ViMir iifiMHlhlo unvltijTH wilt m o r o or -110 iliiyu In I'ouiity juil fov vtH^lc(lpi-ll dally ID A.M-S-ail P.M., n . Hum oovi-r m y run. UK 3-S.14S, Life Undofwrltor - ^ 7 m li'ss iliiviliK nml ilrivinu svlillc on ,,'l>t Tuosiliiy Mllllnii'lnn 7 - I H J . BUT A PREAM 1 PIANOS A M ) OHUAN'd^top branda, tnivi'l—mnjm* pom puny—rrtmnliMo Meyersvllle lid., Mcj-.-mvllli,. ti'fihiliiR, im UXIKTUMU'P vt'tuitr*Hl, tilt! rovoktui li^t t>y MnKi^truto Tluit 1H, )f y o u n?*c Hcfiiln^ y o u r IIAVH Y«I'I» Inillvliliml, iirnfin-1 OUDKIN PIANO CO. Two o|)t<nIliRH wit)) luctil nl'rlL'u in Willlimi M. Hoiinl yuslfrilnjr. A (l«Uf Wlft; IltlllpX, it'B fun lllOUHinp UNDEN AGENCY tiloitnl o r Hinall tuiHln(<u» liitMiuii AI.TI>:ilATI(l\S nn w.,men's it ml I'runfin-d. Hulnry I>1UH (!(HiimiM(formerly Cranford Plnno Co.) 1 lit1!1, ;1IMl tilIM l'-yi';i!'-iil(l Hltlll h>vt)l tax ri>turn -nvprtrHii |iy an oxp, -1 vryin^ eoiK"i!i\U'il wcupHluns, L'alt UK a-tttOU-1; lilt (>I.IIII1..II, \ , .1, l:ir Nurlh Ave. W. All 't-SSlt I'llllllriMl's dlVHHt'S Illlll I'lUtlM. lllltH \a ii Htin-t In t h e ri^lil tlli-rct IDII 11 W . FrIiM. St. rii'iiciMl iii'i-oi'iiinnt. t'l'nHonnlili J4aoi aBtf Tunlutf niiil iliil>ulUfi>K vtMiovntcd n m l u m d i ' t u itrdcj.. A l l TUe l o c u t i o n 1H Rood a m i limltl^ II V (1-11(1 vnti.H. A. II. FltMimliM. o/ii Itnrulil g-rs-ir 2-iKllf,. .2-lS-St l tliL're n r e 7 H|IIU'1(>UH roijuiN iiu'liniK. Vuuiiir i'o., « Him Bt., 2ml lloor, Villulu 'A <'mnpi\l\i(tll, a \{\ liiH" i\ l a r g o , living: rtnn)t with C o NTHUt milfil l»o i\l>K> tn itMul AD ilrllOS. u r A P 2-H0n. Fnturilnyn 10()K1S(; f«r laml>a nnd ahartoa? TllltK.I'', •• Kray-fiii'ini mifn, ; hiKlilo w u r k . Cull AU Z~yeiu' old PIIHV.'WKI buy who hna l o n i a l b o w Window,, d i n i n g room, !(}-&, ovettliv^a liy aiipolhUui'nt. Komi c o n d i t i o n ; KCt uf HlluooviM-H V'Intt o u r «hi)wronm ntiij y o u will "HOMES WANTED" , utrt'iunlhicMl Klti'htm vvilh wall been pliti'oit in the rJ.uubelh JuvoIlK'ltltlliil. ?;i5. A P 2-8261). tliid tii*» mtist ciir^fuMy aeleetPu (jvt'ii ninl UrniikrnHt nfoji, t h r e e lamu» a n d shtu\^a, 1001 ahmlpH In nilo DotiMitinn Home. jrtitul Hl7,t-<1 iMMlrnoniB, tilfrt luttli, to die n t n i l timed. Shndos r o - TOI'l'im w i n d o w s c r e e n s , $1 ench.j-roLjiwi U<vp\ rvvrontUtn room, l a y We need homes to meet tue de- H HELP W A N T E D • Iflnoed uni] inndo t o orilor. C o m Vlllono, lit, nnd thi> unidontilletl $22,900 elKlit SBx.17.. elKlit •!\s^^, slxtvvn • n l o r y , full htiHeiiHMit, nttni'lu'il ^fimands or our clicnMe. INSTRUCTION • • tilete \"«j>alr tlejiartmont. l^arnc 37s,i5, f o l l y - s i x :uxr>5. Mtonn sasli; int5f. H r o o m y . p r o p e r t y n m l i-niiJuvenile, lotl the pulirc n reckless HtoL'r*; of repliiceineiit BlaP8\vnj«. 1 t«i> ;nxr>S, nix 3 1 X 5 6 , line 21x13, VIMIIt'llt t o puMlu iin<l par-Kliiul MALE OR FEMALE WASHINGTON SCHOOL 13. T. Williams. 75r» contrul Ayerace Vriduy 7iijjht tluit started one 25x37. Cull AW 2-flOl.i, 2W (ayrnond Yovnfl-Plane Itudto Hihools. ]>lnteil u t $1* 1,1)00, owiitT If yn« enre to Hell your home try nuo, near Gvovo St., Wfiatflelil, At> CliiirleB St. 2-12.21 Hal> D i . t r l T««n-c. A . . 1 . 4 BEDROOMS - V/2 BATHS our fntillties an vo Imve i 0C nl \V|-:|.I< I'.Sl'AHI IHIU.It Wt'HtlUMil hrve, want'through Knnwood and 2-2J58. Excollont parUtng. Olpa«liml Pqytila* InililHtrlal \voi-ltrrn and cxt'cutlv^w lit'iilioi's office lum oinmlntf U>t '>uitilvtl in Scotch I'lninn. Patvolnian ^ _ 2-.l-tf Call o* Writ* fa* laformnilun A . \ T I ( i r i . : Pen nay 1 van la luitoh t a b l e , on our. ivaltlnB llnl. walfHimin, youiiff innii o r \v<irnan. A I) H.4237 i Wlnclnor chnlro, inlile }C5, chillis 131 No. Buolld Av», M u s t In- (title t«i ileyott' full Www. Willinnt Kenny RIIVO chnao in tho COMIJ IV ntitl B&6 our fine Helootlnn BRICK AND STONE RANCH a-r.-tr K 0 ench. A l ) 3--Ti73, 3'jXIKM'h'iu'i* uniH'i-fHMury. cj|vo a p - Uiiulcviu'd when the Villoho nuto of unuBunl PeHlsmorB Suinple Fftbe Lot us |u>!n you g e t top dollar for IH'oxlimiio iifftfi eiliicatiun, i'huri'1) ON 3 ACRES I rt^B from a l l over t | i worlq, ut B. II, IIB>\KTT, innclicr of piano. youv Properly. ftfTUlntUin ftuil buflHu*ftH cxtiav|iM>r» rncad oft* after pnuainp briefly. Tho low low prices. Wool Bklrt length. T W O t w i n slao- ninltrosHeH, j^ood conX.Ktflat tnethoda. Olatialpiil nnn popIf at\y. Itenly to Jlox -'Hip, en re pollou lived twieo before the teen•lltiun, ft ench. AD 2-tlO(S a f t e r 4 Jl.fiB. Orum nnd wool pieces B9c Hot \yi\y UneU from the ruml V>fiular. Leaaona In four homa, a«A Wostjlnl.I I.i'ndor. P.M. to 69c. FVH pieces 89o; 1%" TW\QTI ytMirt a Hninll iiond nntl young Dorlnn Rd,, WeilAcld. Call AD agers pni'ksil in front of Villono's net Site yd, , 2-Cil!i(l. 2-5-tf trees, this low rnmblinp ram'h |w CAU US TODAY, HU 6-4M4 P A l l T T I M R flchonl epTotorln w o r k - home ftnd lleil on foot. pretty HB SV pleturo. Tht»ro Is a 4»,1 PI1HSS c a m e r a , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i THE REMNANT MART fi-H. fi)*iy h>nd to full t i m e . <7n«hHtmoioua living room with a t t r a c tion, fully e q u i p p e d . M u s t sell. A I).! Dainrraal a t . rU|nll»li|, l», a. Vlllone called his father, Joseph . PAUL KUETER tins, UOOUR, itnlt^rA nn\\ UUrln-n tive rained lieiirtli fireplace, dinr e a l b a r g a i n . P L S-004S. u t i l i t y portionucl. A p p l y l>y U'\*'-Villone Jr. of 1985 Church avenue, PL T-01»:l O » * B Tkars. rrr. PIAXO I>«TIIItCTIOlV ing room, rteHixe lyiotjern kitciu*ti A1SO phono o r In p e r s o n -to MUIXM-VIHH)2-5-tf A n H.MTR 424 ST. NA11KI AVIS. witli wnil ovou, threp comfortable l i o v s anus — one r-hnreoal, ono of Ci\feter\t\8; Senior HlRh BulW- Scotch Plains, from iNew York S-S-tf bedrooms, ceramic *tHod * butli, 2brown—slzp 1-1 chubby. Very reafnjr, Wu«tlli»l(), N. J , T e l . A D 11*Tuesday night while Lieut. Thomns vttT Rftrage-, rpftr-V>rltk pntio, 2 box •JVe have cllentn for bulldlnB lots, COW OII HOIIlli: MAMVlin, rotted. sonnblo. AD 2-tGCS. Protect roses, flower beds, shrubs, 2020, !C!(t. 8. 2-lH-St Improved or unimproved. TUTOttlNn — lllKh Rrtoul nn.l Oalptnlls for horsoH, full haftcment, Ontttlon anil l'ntrolman liernnrd treeB against oold woathor. 16 dolets* BWliicctB. CutrolMB T. Clark, nnd t fix OH under JfiOO. Listed n t liverefl. AIHO t o p soil. <:hoatn\it U. A. (Vale), My. B,, I3il, »r, fl^O KSTHV Imby Brnnd iMnno, ndniitahle J33,'.tOl>, t h i s in n custom built'home Xlornielo were in the father's Farm, MU 8-4SSS. 24 hours. Mountain Ave., WeiufleM, jjliono' fnr lilayliiR- old plnno rolls, jaari, In a n e s t a t e suiting'. UNPEN AGENCY 2-5-tf EMPLOY, WANTED • house, Tho father porsumleil his AD •'-3-HU. • Cull Al) 2-3718. II W. Price s<. I.lmlcn, \ . ,1, soil to glva himself up nnd went Kronlnio V H voir found a "Double vnluis 1IAM>V-IIOT e l e c t r i c bnby wiiBher OIIOAV — Lonsona In your home. l l . T H n A T I O V « tind mondlnir done at $23,500 F.d. i. llni.n.. AD 2-OtfiS I I A 7 BIDROOMS-4U> BATHS Coin"? Soc pnge 31, Weatnslil Mohomo. K. Ainroftntonld, BS7 Qrantl* to N«w York to bring the boya w i t h w r i n g e r , $lfi; br^Hs \ i r n t o p Modern motho-lB. All makea and tor Salon Co. home, Tho two were turned over vlow Av«,, Woitnaltl, N. J, AD 8models (oxcent chord organ), a n d i r o n s , $li, A1J 3-^-I£it>. We a r e proud to olYcr tills splen1 3 TWIN SIZE BEDROOMS Tlll:O. It. A l l l l t M ) loim. '• 8-B-tf to Det, Silt. Jnnies Morirn, 2-1S-21 did home In t h e finest location. i:lH l e r r l n IM. WrMnrm 5 LARGE TILED BATHS wood, chenp. DellvAt Wrlnhf. Drw. Shop The son,'who admitted driving With a c e n t e r foyer Vt\\A *>ntvaneo AD 3-7NII — Al) .1-2700 OICIUMIO t i l i n g and rcimlra. All erert or you pick It u|>. Gnll l i n t>'!>u ninHonry, FlreplnopH, chlin- the enr Prltlny niiflit, anid he hud hall, it offers an uniiHually lartre 2-B-tf LINCOLN SCHOOL on SALE RACK ONIY 0-S7S7. tteyB, pntlOR, steps, nto, N o Joh too living; room with stone fireplace, APARTMENTS-RENT • Bimill. Call Al) 2-6SII2 1-8-St boon "scare*! to eonie home" earTV room, formal dintnK room, b u t EVELYN W . MOTT L , t around tl"> cnrner from J J n Fabulous Bargains ler's pnntry, Inrno ldtchon with f t v u fpoma and b&th, unfumUhed, r O V l l I>IIAM'Kil steel file, IVKIII slso. ISJIihool ami pimsiTiiinntly nonr CAIIPRNTKII will halp or enntrnct lier. He st>ld that he had callcil dish washer, powder room, and a T w o d r a w e r a t e e l file, l e t t e r alsie. ART ClAISES from $3.00 (a $9.00 just c o m p l e t e l y rodonoratcd. , , . „ Junior HlKh School Is thin lo linlltl, femotlol o r renalr your his wife 8«vernl tlrnea. M«ran, l>lt>i\flaiuly a r r a n g e d secoml ilnor STATI5 AORN'flV, 227 S o u t h Avo. Tor adults and chllilron. Inatrup." Downtown locution. Available imMcluiiS' draii hump w i t ht t Just V a l u e s <•> (2O.IW homo. No lob too Bniall or luriro. who talked with her, said aho bad of five ijodroAms and three baths, l h 0( l 1 W n s t , "Wt'stllold, N e w J e r s e y , AI5 tlon In crayon, punti'ls, temprn on one year lemao, $80 ,Eiteveryllili>K '"> " l9, "'; Hnlrpi I Innl Cnll At> 3-3898, J?or uso, thorn are two mediately 3-2840, niul oil. (llilldri'n'H H«rlen liofflnper month, Broker, AD 3-00(Jt. •• •1 1 Urin" hrilruoms, 2 tlloil not revealed tho whereabouts oC bedroom** n n d a n o t h e r bath on t h e WRIGHT'S DRESS SHOP nli\K Thurmlay, Fob. Ml. 4*7 I.miK- KIWI'S iV llviliB room w i t h field8-C-tf third floor. I W I S WINDOW C I . . ddoor her husband. CI.P.AMN<1. Open Monday oves fcllow Ave. Call A D 2-1137, 'trtplarc, I>IK illnlnic room, HAVR VOlf found a."Double Value i h d patntNviixing. hnuHe c lle a nii n g and Ilil H I M HT. . .-—-i-.. - for rent In nice colrnliM kllclion w i t h bronlc<"nln"7 »ce pnKO 31, Westlleld IMo111 l-2H-4t Inc. A l i 2-0G5C. l 2 H 4 s-s-st Thpro \s n flpreeneii porehp t w o - c a r W E S I T 1 I 1 I . I ) , N. J . 6IM nfsott and 'I* - HnRcmpnt hnator SllleH Co. ored settlement. AD 2-0819. KariiRe, a n d a .well landscaned E-n-tf t w worn (or the Ul'lB, nml t h e r e 8-5-tf TI'TOIIINQ nil nuVJoctB t h r o u g h tlio half-acre property. This (\\m lit y SECRETARY Vi-Vi-' s'lilpniy of Rt.iraKe rcinm on soc8th O n u i e . Hemc<illnl rettitinec mipT N V K T I N SUCCESS hoor PftiU'lifO prnrnKc on l o t home may he BPPTI by npiiotntmcnt. r i I t M H l f r i ) 2 ^ rooms, kitohonottc IF V O l l l BOOKS need rrblndlnR. Perlinpti your butlnesfl rociulrew PERSONALS I ' l n l l s t . C n l l A D 3 - 1 8 1 5 n r i e r r, plense contact 13. Bompr, nooKIJstod nt f39,1)00. tfcey with u tliiu tici'lUiU'il a r e a apd ahoy.-^r, flrenlaoo in HVJIIR the jitift ttm« Rorvtc«f* o f ft (.unllr.M. p-ia-st blnder, 1403 Kenyon Avp., South IOT barb»(iuo. l.i't UH t n k c you room, 2 blocks from town and IIAVM I l l l l A n m t nuivcci %vh»roby The World Book Encyclopedia Plalnfleld, N. J, Phono PI, B-8091. station. Call AD 2-2aH days, you' m a y need Jiolp t o d u g m e n t niHlqUfi lovorn o r Rift fthop o r innfl More peoplo liny tin? World Hook J-S2-4I ^ • ' 2-B-41 y»ur prpsent staff d u r i n g ptmk1 onU'r biiptnoflH mlKht optn-nto witli Uiun a n y other otu'y^to^iHn, PATRICK L. HEDDEN JK'rlutin, I'm Intereut^rt in thin tytn low ovet'Ueuil. If Intuvvntpti plpuso <liolr«> of III ml In KM THROUGH ART t w o n l l , 12 per ntarlc 11IK1R<'« I'lttiiM F O l ' l l room aimrtraentt-4ig Summit or work on an hourly bfmln In t h e call K. IX. B a r r e t t , J r . , A D 3-1SO0, REALTOR BRAND NEW Va 11 Alt U-WMl Toraple Tree Service, o n s o . Avf-,, a l l utuition furnltthod, in•\VeMf.ttd area. .Pnr a n Interview 2-0-tC HurlnirfleM Ave, (corner Ruby St.), Mnricnret II, AUirvhl, I>U4, Miinnurr A new Art c l a s s for hOKlnnl clu<Unff rofrlffpratlott, Cunvonlent hli'ueo Write B o x 3SS, care w e s t 2-12-lf Open evi>1|lll|Cs O»SO In S|30 Sprlns-fleild. l-22-4t niluliH nml ehllilron. Bmflll Kroni to town, railroad Ktatlon niul HhouflPlil Lender. 2-fi-St MS IENOX AVENUI ntid n(lvJi«> by Q u i n t . l u r o r m n l , inillvliliml liiHtructio pliifi. Available Peb. IB. Itent &\2». H e p s o a l ! nffuirH—on Ufa. 46 250 P o r k A l f . S<!ii«ch Plnln« Cnll A U 2-0S85 for i m n l i ' U l r t m Call AD 3-2142. 2-5-2t lilMMIOK experleneed t y p i s t deaircn Jefforaon Ave.,, lOllsBivlnHh, N. J.t tl*rt Is a lovely Southern Colonial eH; slt|i covers I ninn'H overcoat, PA 3-0102 ptut time work mornitiRs or U or FfianaorH 1-0857 for informiitlon. pm Itvtl , type • homp <solnK: topoofitH, flultfl (i()~42); hoy's sport FIREPLACE WOOD ' lloor, 7 room apartment, 1'i'lvutu coiiHiiltatloiiu n t home, S tl»y» a weuH. AT> 3-0201. 2-B-21 nnrwffe ^ final striK^s of cfitnjutMtpt, suit; larty'n urmta, tirpfocn; modern "UUchcn. Ule bathroom, A I) 2-6-U IpieUcn. There Is still time t o pick chfUiren'B books. gameM, toys, AI> with lifat nnd hot wntpr and (?a!H,t!V (U'HlreH work. Plouniuvork, Ininlnilr dfffl Ci'l'T Hclicme (jllld to 3-3033. 11B a truckload. Free rtellvery and t'tiifB. ?150. Newly ilecoratocl, conHcnpint!, firlvlnw. IIonfiHt, rolinl>li>. isto oilier minor "elinnsea t o fit stacKlnK. Mftrtln Bchmledo , F A Zvenient to Bohoola a n d A D 3-541(1 lifter 6 P.M. our particular whitiiw. T h r e e bod8109 l-lB-7t CHOKI.KV SVioIvsvdor tfttion. AD 3-5382. refrigerator, •INVESTMENT ADVICE* a-!2-2t •j, jij baths, r e c r e a t i o n room, porfftct, $75 j t?rny iipIioltitiTf'] lwnt, parasx' tind, nf c o u r s e , BOATS ruam Hllpper chairs, $15 onch; mun woninn ilenlri?B Imliy » l t . „.'»"! Irtg burn!n% flrp<»l(io.t? In. '{*!!It 1313 rooms, furnlshefl-unrurntfihUoKCiny Dtnglc hw\, bureau, nl^lit t i n s pvenlliBS. Cnll Al> 3.SSS4. ,.,' i)iI5H living room. ThP din* A SERVICE FOR «*i. T^ivlnK' room, slecphm room, LAST CALL OPEN SUN., 1-4 P.M. tdhle, $20; womnn'M ffrepn cnnl, 38: DOCKS in* rwm is family size anil p l e n t y Kitchen, Second tloor, private lftrffo mirror, ?4; S3 itnma: /-rnltli SMALL INVESTORS it eatlns; area In tlic Kitchen, T«ot $10.00 up, lm:Hnlen boach, s h o w JmiiHe. Clone town. Available March oonKntp rndlo, pjpotric h on tor, I.AIH' desires to do Ironing nt lioinp. SALE ENDS < W front ami r u n s lfiO' deep, rt's, imtlihoiiHfi. IliirnoKat Tiny a t 519 MOUNTAINSIDE AVE. Ui. Suitable 2 inen or buslneMH porch rocker, bjihy fi'fdltiR tnlilo, Ar« yAu aBBumln^ t h a t a RcgiiftAll il-4010. MnntoloUlflR- Tt r I <1 >f ^ , PlotiHUro •winirnvn fur c o m m u t e r s . Seccouple. AD 3-r.7.1». ilrfHHiup tahlo ami bench, boy'n tored InvpHttnont Adviser Is .lust Cove, T W 2-DR03, M I 2-iKMB. dttrwt neoded." SUNDAY ( wittier Ji\oUctB. $2 itt>mn: oak ont\ tor> expriiBlvti E*»r your pocket- IIAV f A I I E . for ohlliiron, h o t limr-hWESTFIEID, N. J. l29«W tnMwa, nfRhan, clilitl'n rocUor, e-B, orgnnlaeil piny, vvoli nuiier huoU? Tluit iwn't nccoflBivrUy ao. S|CC:I>MI floor, f» room apnrtmpnt. prPfin table tamiiH, bnokense, Uny'p vleed, n p u r v v e d liy l l o a r i l of F o r tho Hinall investor I offer a MEYER ICE MILK SALE . OniMtj,, 3toH8 B)wf- Cn^H A p 26 M t t ' l>V)*ycie. • ?•*•<), AD 2- • streamlined nervine specially fit* $34,500 Health, l'hono A D 3:,4JO|, O36S. , ' , enlnrl* l e e Cranm) | '-^•rt*finrt pviiHMl to-mt**t yowv nswrt I t la nurd by your W«^t[lol(l nel f WISE TIN ROOM'HOME ', HOll center, Large siiidio 1 bore ivtuj IDVPHI n s Ifttlo a s J B f « . KOer» Inspect this Custom Built Cape WKSTFIKM* SP13VSJT plnno, mnnln hodrrtom f"*t, LOST AND FOUND ' • npnrtment, rojnpl*»tcly furnislip'l V n n l l l n a t a time. May I toll yovi more • , V « n , C h o c . S r r s w . refrtff orator, l y p e w r l l c r , nmlrrni have n l.irgp family find and otili lpped, t'rlvatfl entrance, VniilUn-Chnc. f n r n i . u l Nut-Choc. fll'OUt It? Coil G-room rcniaence. only 6 years iroiiH, Horeoti, tmtln; pokor tsiblc, .lira a minimum ff 6 'tfOoil slae hiitl) ami kitchenette. AdultH. ("all ltti!*'Vl —• OranilnifiHicr'N tirnoflct, 7 plfliio bench, card table, tiui^a^lne GARRY'S , cr tho Gilt bedroom "'» tl!tu R ft ml \n\hy sliot'H, R O M IAHGII, im fi-iiiiiio, vni'U, rliajrti. brle-a-bnic. Call VA f. 1. Farr, ADami 2-7916 c tnp finer with n tiitnl of 2>£ old. C » r . Smith nntl WeHiflclil Avrpi* Deadline for ' WciliiPHday o r TliurHtlny, ItPWnrd. 2-4431. tiR, nin\ in one fit \Vt>ntn>lt.*B i-22-nt Open until I* P.M. e v e r y nlKht. MIH. I. K. U K h t b o w n , A D 3-4331, l.AllCil'] front room with kitchen* y ftnc art-a.H, you ivtll pro f o r bedroom and tile hntb. No pets, no 1 s o i . i u wnlnut twin 1»rtl», ^xonpilnnClassified Ads ! hume. TIIP first floor 1 lifts a KOIfIV ll—l'*Uil g r o w n m a l e cut, w h l t o children. Available March 1. 527r»ll% ol<M'' w i n t e r rlothliiK. Whit" Huge Hvlng room 13Vi by 25—3 p «Mrr hnlV lurRf 2ft livlnB nlly well built wit 11 uni' miittrnHH Klpplinnt Slioi), 27 K. llrnad Nt. and ypllow, eotthv. Cnll A D 2-11SI4. Boulevard. AD 3-O7H). * BUSINESS SERVICES • m with firpiilace, family size and bf>x f^nrliiK. MU; inlaid nnlld • Mourn D:3I)-4MS P.M. ilally. 5 P.M. TUESDAYS tiled baths — very i p n t l o u i itifr rnnm, 2ft' rt«*n nml kitt'hoti will nut coffoo In ill <\ plutn K"IaH(*. f : BD4t ith \U?bwasher nnd co,tlns a r e a . ._ rooms and both, hent n'nd protector, fi.T'xLTt", j:iii; cKu'trlc thrnueliout. Rscellent neighborBUSINESS • "be yard la very Uvre» (over 150' Htovp, ntijoinatkr ov^n, docp well 1)1 II H O T AIIVHHTINIMI. n f f n o t • hot w a t w Sncluilotl. I'lion^ KA 2I'riiitlini, Mim(,,iKrnpUlim". H IL I e H ouisrMATFiM runt) anil hna a "-car purast*. If Telephone* mid Dutl.'t, $ir». AD 3-77I>3. 4481. cnniiiiUtfnH pliiniitd, pi-lolt'(l nutl • rp intPresled, cnll u s f o r hood. 4 H o u r I ' n l l <»rvll'i' OPPORTUNITIES • proiluciiil. letdilB. Xinlrorined, tu'nt w o m o n ; t h o r o u g h AD 2-4407 - 4408 I 11 Ion Cmiuly I ' r l n l l n K *• MnlllnK clcaulnK; cooking: a n d s^rvlnis HHIMKMAKIMJ n n d n l t e r n l l o n IJIIHIa:i:i \ nniii \\p., \ wmiilrlii • ROOMS FOR RENT • w o Mcrutmlilt, inrluilis alJUHhiM o u r specialty. W e n o w oiTrr 24 IIOBS for Hnlo, Very rPftHnnahle. ti'nr You must flee to appreciate the h o u r sprvl^B l o r yoitr oonvonlenoe. crih, Kantwpt rovorHflilc miutrt'HM, AII U-WMKI hour sprvl full I n t n r m i t t l o n . AU 2-2741). 2-12-tf CLEAN, oomfortaule rooms at modMule and a n d fi?mftle lar^fi toy choHt, s-drnwor ddublc I WILLIAM A . CLARK i?mftle. Mule many wonderful features. Beautierate rates. WESl'FIBM) HOTML itrflHwr, large wardtvibo iiU'co haw 1)11 (1-2111)1 Rptllfiir 4 4 | W. North Av«. AH 2-9TS4. f , aitiiltlorml i l m w r f i , :t-way Intnn 2-5-41 U« Sontli Ave, W n t fully shrubbed 70 x 1(50 grounds. . " 2-G-tf for OrefiHor, J10f> poinplotf*. TVIptjiT ADiiina :-3r,O« poker tatilo, Ront« K, %'-i'>\ ivmilnALTENBUKS'S IHRRi! rooTns furnished. 119 M^rtinn Mizf pfiicr-jioiift- tfihlr, $Sr>, Cull riizAiiiriii. N. J. yramfeo* UUexol 6-5155 Hftur Thuntilay. ' Ion Ave. d l l AD 3-38B3. 2-6-tf O P E N DAI!..* •TlJj 8—BAT. 'TITj « r K B I l l l A l t V P I A N O «,\1.H ."VICKI.V furnished room, near transV T i a r K ?ira«H hftncliiK lamp, f.10; rtcr« Smllli |»l, R-1H31 TremrnllniiM- .Hi'lri"!h»n of Htjlps portation, sultahle for two, ladles THE UNDEN AGENCY )nrfsp. whllR antlnut' Irons time < »', Dnknui) AD 2-1«!i2 Anil r i n l » h f « — Illliro MnvlnKs preferred. References. AD 3-0282. turcon with POVI-I', %?(*: VU't<»rl»n "> *. Clntk All 2-74SO Mason A llnnilln—Knnbi—Knhinrr 2-5-tf Invp neat, rifpdH r«?p»lrH, $Sfl; plunk • 11 W . VtWr St. . ]<lni)tn, N. t . BLDG. CONTRACTING • MOVING - TRUCKING • LANDSCAPING K v p r r l t — C ; r » . Nterk—fliilnronNen BPnt chair, pat ii toil old Kroon with l l . s n d . r . l.SMOO ft'tH*/''** completed 3 rooms and KU'nrltcd decorfttton, $18. Cn\\ Ati H I : o-4i44 - MODERNIZING UOURTHBT-i KXPIIBII—- TrucklDI h a t h , u t i l i t i e s , l i g h t hounekocpinK. AITINBURO PIANO HOUSE, Inc, 776< and nuniftm. ftirmll lolifl •ollaltad BURGDORFF TREE SERVICI W i l l f u r n i s h I f ' d e s i r e d . A D 3-11M K. Jrrser I t . . Kll»iihel)i, K. J. RVKWINGS Trips to shore. Tel. AD «-SCn4. D2S1. 2-5-2t Certlllril T r e e K*|>er<s An 2-(l t t l U U l M I t t a electric riinf?P, deluxe Ki. 1. Ran model, pnrehnsed iflfiH lull unod LEE K. WARING ik 2-A669 •OOHHO STUDIO bei«-llvinK room on Lenox only two months. In HturnKf- n\\ua. T 2-5-tf INSVIIOH Ave. Private, t i l e d b a t h a n d HhowT.Skfl new—|1S0, AD 2-tftHR. Flnr Olil Ten Se««. ami O i M r a l ««palr» . i d i n i houMhold «ooa« t< er. U K h t h o u s e k e e p i n g , riuslnt'sfi llnl" for T n l » . •11 II I t a u a (nil Canada, aBecUlp e r s o n p r e f e r r e d . C R I I A D 3-U40. ITI'IIKIV ex haunt fan. pxcfllc-nt i. 1. MORAN Vlrtorlsn Rpltre UNA lain* In New Rnaland, TlorlJa LANDSCAPING condition, %\(S. AH 2-7A57. I. IrolKc Chairs, *1» rint Mnc* ' California ahli)m«nt«. Burnt WONDRfUL VAIUE TrCM T r i m m e d n n d H f H i o r t l SANDFORD HOMES AD %-m» — AD (-MM lCKI.r furninlied room near bus van to dsstlnfttlon, Lvt us ef tlmstt 2-5-tf JIM LOVELAND and schools, for a business pernon. WVI HOME rour next move, United Van IJnes. The finest cuBtom A>ullt Spilt Level • PETS FOR SALE • DON M A X W I U ' S AD 1-SR2O * l > Z-«M« Ilefprencps requested. Call after Ted Sursrent, A»ent, AD t-S03S Itomeii. ^A selection of distinctive IOCATION SIS MOUNTAIN AVE, 6 P.M., AV 3-4957. . Tin i^entrsl A v e n u e models In an excellent location. "IC;K HPMR wanted for 2-year-nld VILIANI & SONS, INC. Alan 2ri . ane, comiilotely houaebroken, IKM Pltwtm llrccl UPHOLSTlRlNO 4 tpaoious bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. furnlshp<l room in resilov»» chllilren. Call A » 2-5I5S5. t O t-OTTt AO I>l»sterad walls, fireplaces, dens dential section, near all transporAlterBtion* (nft kddltlom. FURNITURE REPAIRS 2-s-at nsilr Ttiss <• A* and recreation rooms, porch, modtation. AD S-2GS5 evenings and rap»lr», »•< wood (uttarf. ern kitchens with built-in Caloric • MISCELLANEOUS ADami 2-0226 weekend. nl.BK, b l a n k , m i n i a t u r e , » wnoks, 2-6-tf It KOBTH AVi, oven, prepared for dishwasher In'i; r e s l n t o r n l . Call A D 2-881.1, stallation; g a s fired heat prepared Ann MASON eo»« tor air conuUlonlnjf; prepared for VIIUNI I SONS, INC. CARTIRt MOVING tracta. Bimclallilnr In alteration), OFFICES FOR RENT • HKA»O>.»RI,K — 4 Windsor chairs; • attic fan, Full basement, 8-oar ga- • Al) 2-186* Trunks, Ice poxes, 'Whatever. At> 2-0779 AUTOS FOR SALE • home repair*. blodV celllnvfl, tooU rag«. Schools within walking disConcrete, grading, asphalt Srlvekitchen utility table, stone chlmi HnsoMtila. cirter i, AD l-l«3«. ln«r, converting eitttcB Una ctUir*. tance. Many other nne features. r u n on THHKB noons on sec- p i t c h e r and washbowl; kftchen F O H t l , 1956 Itaneh W a g o n , radio, fray* ana curbs. Drains and leatf' Z-G-tf OutslHe utalrn ana porchea rebuilt. end floor of rharmlnRT old (150 em, Freo •nthnntn. 2-3-tf oak table; m a h o g a n y eoffee tahlp; B. Tmler, Pulton 8-0330. 2-5-tf We ate located a t Sandford Ave., h e a t e r , o n e o v n p r , c l e a n v.nn»\\~ years) colonial farmhouse at larere prossure cooker; other miscorner of Summit Ave., Westneld. tlon. Afikini? | l t » 5 . Call A D 2-2233 Mountainside shopping center. cellaneous articles. AD 3-6382 beBuilder on Premises 8 KM, to 5 Ideal for manufacturer's represenu n t i l R P.M. 2-ft-U tween 9 and 12, 5 and «. ^ P.M. weekdays; Sunday* i to I n o u n BKP4IB1 tative or professional suite. UtiliREPAIRS Esipart repairs and oonBtructlon, • PAINTING ties, Janitorial and other services HAVR VOl' round a "nouhlc Value ;HEVBOt,fCI\ 1 f)5fj, 2-rloor BPflan, U&H, Mood condition, one own^r. carpentry, masonry, electrical and available. Asking 185 per month. r o l n " ? See pgga 31, Westfleld MoBl«el«w t-T4tf ififtft. Financing a r r a n g e d . At> 3VJtimm T-M13 p l u m b i n g . No Job t o o s m a l l . All Call Barrett ft. Crain. Realtors, IUOOAOI REPAIRING tor Sales Co. ^ •work Kuaraptfted, Ttate» t e a a o n 2118. AD J-1800 (Mountainside office). ROHRT H. DEACON 2-5-t' a b l e . Call A. U. S m i t h , A D 2-2288. 2-5-tf <1ATBI.RO table. 15; fur stole, rnvftKs «Mnm?,r,A AIITFISf'J-^r^xtflrlfjr anil Interior. 2 « « Decorating. Qi'iilttjf w o r k m a n s h i p . brown, 35*53, (food condition, $o; OTVTfOlV car — 1S41 Bvtrk .aetlan, SUITCASIOH — LA III FIR I I A N D n A O S Tt&ff, 4 n e w tlrps, tznnA condttlnn. PRICED FOR QUICK 5ALI W o r k Kliarfntcft'l. Fully Insured. 4 cocKtall dresBes, %& each. PI, 5DESK SPACf $75. AD 3-4513. RUSKIN'S ISstlm.'ile*. Drexi'l 9-1023. 2-5-tt $16,400 For rent In attractive modern ofRIMIRS IS2 Siott* Ave., p i . A I S K I B t . B -MISM ROOFING Tou will be pleased with the comfice, complete facilities Including WOOI, RltG with pad, shows wear, 1*M BRl-VI«KnR h a r d - t o p , Plymouth, V-S, full pnwpr. One.owner. GUTTERS IEADERS fort and economy of this newly furniture, pnone answering, and K r A l n t , »lt«r»tlor,», adllltloTili best offer: floor lamp, 12; miscelPainting — Decorating 17,50ft miles. Buperb condition, llepainter! B-rpom remodeled older secretarial service. Near Garden • t a l r s , dormers, porches, reeres< Cmrmrnttring laneous dishes; largre man's tonhome. Modernised kitchen, break- "State I'Uvry. |50. Call FU 1-S0&0. tlon and a t t i c rooms, Wxpertli r r « catlMiHcs AD 2-MS23 Exterior interior coat ami suit. May be seen a t 528 1nW bonk value. Call FA S-SH80. fast nook, plus screened Borch, 1 <» •lorn t)T TMw»r« Dudlok. O « ' Carleton Rd., b u t call AD 2-1792 2-a-tr € I'STOW Glacier ESlue r a n r h wairon, bRtha (one ceramic tiied), new for appointment. Hrld)f8 R-945S. Lill l!iR4, one owner. Kxcellent rnpwhite roof and Eaao oil burner, L. F. SHKHAN enanfr-al condition, low mlleafire, C A B P E K T H f goofl location, adjacent t o a l l Jobs: a t t i c rooms, HKKHHJKn \TOH. S cu. ft., 10 years OPHOISTIRY STORES Rcjutppe-1. AD 3-34^9schools. IX)W TAXES. Must be closets, porches, pelllngH, ptc. Rea- ~ Alt 2-.-,H(ir, old «oorl niechanlc-al condition, Been to !>e appreciated. Immediate onimnle. Call Mr. A V. fitrnml afFURNITURE REPAIRS 121. Call PA 2-S332, _ Y ncrupancy. Principals only. AD 2- •TORE OB OFF1CB, 10'x45 , with or f'Oltn, lUi" tudor, *5 cylinder, origter 6 P.M., AD 2-(l2r,S. 2-S-tf S72B, daily after 3 P.M.. and weekinal owner, d e a n , Rr,,f>no mil PH. DON MAXWELL w i t h o u t additional r e a r apace. AD WAHOGASY double bed. Including end s. KvpninKs o r vv^kenrls AD S-1S«S. 2-33C0. A'D 2-4730. 2-5-tf box sprinR and mftttresR; vanity r " e»ijj," r"nm ™lonlnl with AD 2 - 0 2 2 * SNOW PLOWING A U TYMI O f TMNCMNO plus bench and mirror, perfect 2-5-tf ['APR C o n , modified, 4H rooms, condition; 2 brass end table lamps W. O. HEUEK WANTED bath, l a m e n i n n y kitchen, dinette • GARAGE5 FOR RENT • with shades. BH 6-3179. KOVIir. Carpentry, Altnradonii. space, small screened front paren, ~$NOW~ PLOWING" AB 2-U2J RnnflnR, Sldins, B«pair». q u a l i t y a t t i c partially finished. 1 W"<-I< C A R A K R for r e n t , 216 P r o s p e n t _ S t . GfKl/9 a o " Huffy Convertible bicy- CASH FOB J I U J ' S CIMTHtXO, rM•workmanship a t ft fair price Jefferson School. JI 5,800. AD 3- Cull A D S-0S99. 2-»-tf • cle with tralnlnB wheels. AD 3- Ins habits, boot.i. antkjuea, rurios, Thorlief Johnson. 389 Lincoln Av«., OUVEt HOWARTH, JR. 055,,. furniturp. ttrassttare, gla^H china. 0219. rmnforrt. Tlfl I1-954S. Contractor* STAR BUILDERS Wolff's, 118 Mndlson Ave. T*l. f'L and bullilen »lm.-B 1!)4S. 2-r,-tf AD 2-2425 » P I . r r I.BVEI,, 5 years old. S bedCarpentry anA Tliannn EDIHOS <rih and chiffnrohe, white; fi-2459. . 2-.',-tf CAMPS rooms, I H baths; seir-storlnsr a ' n Cftaco chrome hiffh chair; alumiIV N O ANSWER minnrn screens a n d storms, pretty num a n d n e t p l a y p e n ; Thayer c a r - BOOKS wanted, 1 o r 1,001). Pleafls AD 3*0013 finished playroom. Can a.iaume CREATIVH ARTS d a y camp for t o y s rlstne. AD 1-8958. cull t o r -letallB. P.M. Book SVmp and sirls. Horseback rWIng-, swiml\k% G.T. mort(?SKe. Immediate PI. 4-3900. 2-5-tf • ROOFING ming, tennis, archery, badminton, HI-r'*II>KI,ITT stereo tape recorder, ocenpancy. AD 2-S36S. Ai-rira A*n CELLARS ftnmncd. baseball. J u n e 22-JuIy 31. Call CR nearly new. Cost $250—will sacri- Gl'SS W A J I T B D - P r i v a t e colic-tot Tile peilin(ffl fln,l grenerai TRpairfl. 7-011)8 or evenings after » P.M.. fice for quick sale., Mwst see and WMIW like t o Duy j o u r modern, i M . I T £ B V T 3 1 honne, 7 rooms. Pine S m a l l 1ob» welcome. Call SIT 9- ITTDISi C1.BABXD, rapmlrsA uut 2-5-tt SNOW PLOWING nbaolpte, a n t l o n e rln^a, shotirunfl h e a r to appreciate. P L 4-3263, AD »-««». panelled recreation room, patio, replnced. Roofs repair«<t. <~l«n«r»> ISU l-l«-4t pistols, revolvers. Fully lic&n^ffl. fence, quiet circle, convenient all carnenffT. Alterations. 3. I*trTi I>rlY*T?«ys a n d PmtKinm A r e a s w i l l rail a t your eunvenienee. Call schools. Storm windows a n d AD 3-8188. J-S-M P I B B P t A C E wood. B«8t Toality. W. O . HEBIER 1-n-tt « r e e n s . Excellent condition • Trf-e delivery and s t a c k i n g . PI, 5- tTVnter t-T,i*O. WANTED TO RENT • throughout. 182,00". .AD_8-7aM6154. 2-12-tt • T-V, RADIO REPAIRS HK-nonmta — vtata an4 TII«. r o d an'l WH B I T all typo ru« repalrlns. l e a d e r s and rnttera HOVSB — 8-3 bedrooms, automatic i-S-tl C.-ill BI. 4-iTU. TTOflATt Whirlpool washer, n«w KBC repaired. W. dcHsbflrt hpat. Anywhere in Union County. good condition, o w n e r g e t t i n g P a r Rillu-Bernariisville area. WalK TEIEV1SION I1DD-S110; responsible ramily from fombination. must sell. Make offer. \WIM.I, p i a n o w a n t e d , s p i n e t . « p t" train. Rural 5 »cre», I bedroom Mountainside. 2-5-tf Milwaukee. 2 ooy« a?re 1 and il. Call AD 2-0SR4. 2234 Klizabeth CAH-HOMI RADIO S N O W REMOVAL rl«-nt, or grand. f:s 3-045J or s o colonial, barn a n d pool, ft'.aflu. full Newark. BI 3-S4HD rtays, or Ave., Scotch plainsBBrnardsvllIe 8-0811. 2-0737 l-15-10t lTr*an and Partl»»; ». Appliane* hotel. Ml 2-44no, asK tor BorkM JIM LOVELAND or leave message. J-lz-cr RfGS—9'xI2' blua Axminster, heavy A Y finish pjrf^nsinn dining S«rvie« Adjoining S acres—$9,Sna. TO BUY OR SELL, U S S All tahle, ftrmhl^ pecleatal tyn»3 prepile, perfect condition; also 9'7.12' M RADIO & T.V., I N C fcrrt-'l AD 3-49) 4. "Wilton, gm,d condition. AV 2-iJ20f. O r i l bedroom split level, 3 years O I I E T refined couple and 12-yearold, » baths «-ith showers, l a r r e « STBBfiT old srir! desire a p a r t m e n t or house, LEADER CLASSIFIED A D S PIASO—^"pri^ht. if\ Ron.i r;on>iitif.n, recreation room, J?as heat. 2-c»r AD 3-0400 reasonable rfntai. In exchan?e for OI'TBOARn motor, ?,.R Firestone for heifinning: nta'lenl. Call AD 2Brarage, eoo* si*« lot. availahw a t fScott-Atwater) in sealed carton, part time services a l l aroand 2-5-tf 9037. 2-12-tf once. Price S31.S00. Writs B n ! 3«». won as prije. (8». Call AD 2-1255, k t ? man, fl> T-2«uS. a n Wentfleld fcrawler. %-*•&% ,11'!' *>•»»<* <• Pol " 0 0 " • • " • NOTICE « SERVICES YOU NEED » THE WESTFIRLnJN. 3.} t.RADRR, JHt'lI^HAV. ra Tender and juicy, pink meat, whole LEGS 0' LAHB G R O C E R Y CO Tender •3^K3fllbtaM"^tk^ Tender, Shoulder Loin Lftiii O f t c PORK 8Q Lamb Chops OTib CHOPS ••••••*.. ^ Q c ITALIA ITALIAN w#B>. SAUSAGE DAISY HAMS Hygrode Swaetenized Steel Flatware! 5-Piece Stainless Steel Place Setting! .Han's lh« opportunity of a lifetimel You can awn on* • ( the vary finest tatting* of Tabtawara, mada by on* ef America's foremott companies . . . Washington Forgo! You've so«n it ddvartiiad in UFf . . . now your* at National. TM* offer it another axclusiva cuitomar tarvlca af y»ur Notional Monty Saving Supar Marital, last two weeks, fill in your sat of fabulous Wathington Forge Stointees Steel Finetse Sllvarworo. Me. sk{. SLICED BACON CQc Ready-to-ceok FIILCT 4 U i Ik. •«•'«(• Roasting g Chickens 'A. ALL-WAYS SIMPLY DELICIOUS MEATS! HAWAIIAN PINEAPPU DOLE JUICE 8 9 9 TUNA FISH 4 9 9 69 Waet At rlb Hot or Sweet Hot or Sweet Swift's Premium FINESSE America'* Molt DUtinauiihed Stainless Ib. STAR K1ST, WHITE MEAT, CHUNK SWEDISH STYLE GLASSWARE HUNT'S, SLICED OR HAIVES PEACHES 5 " 99- IMMT AND MOMHtN CTfllAl ixaunvnrimnt SLICED, CRUSHED OR DICED ROYALTY PINEAPPLE 5 • 9 9 |« VELVEETA CHEESE »••»- It* ' , Whil* «r Y«li«w AMERICAN CHEESE . A t > d 5S«rp jo> CHEDDAR CHEESE ••••••<*• ••* A»I,.J. rialn *r Chunk Sly I* / COTTAGE CHEESE lira's Cyo, Froxen •(rat Eya, Froion Fish Slicks Fish Bites f llrdt Eya, Froien Bird* Eya, Frezen, Choppad T Peas •"• - Fr«t Gifts With National Grain Ragitter Tipat! Tender Crisp CALIFORNIA CARROTS THIS WEEK UNIT N O . ONE Oaurmat FtUIT PIES IACH ft* RAISIN IREAD SLICING TOMATOES A largo tamatoat in carton Seedless Grapefruit Allan'* COLE SLAW fioin or Fruit Filled S K I M OOMUTS CHEESE CAKE WASHES WHITER SURF TOILET TISSUE 4.— 35' large box •rices affective through Saturday Night, February 14, 1959, 138 FOR .WHITER WASHES BREEZE, tr 35* I * 45* giont t«b« 5 3 * giant 4 — 39* CHICKEN NOODLE or TOMATO VEGETABLE LIPTON SOUP pks. of 3 3 9 * Urg* tii* ^ a ^ NAVEL ORANGES Nat responsible far typographical error*. III"4V W* totorvo the right to limit quantities. SWAN TAKES OUT SPOTS SILVER DUST RINSO BLUE TOILET SOAP WISK large box 35* giant QIC" box O I LIFEBUOY SOAP DETERGENT x BEETS WASHES CLEANER TOILET SOAP Mt For Valontino'i Day Colorful Flower Plant SLUE RINSO WHITE PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE 3-lb. cello bag 2 9 ' CENTRAL AVENUE • WESTFIELD N J LUX FLAKES DISHWASHER 4-lb. bag 3 9 ' POTTED MUMS Mm* MILD * ka> ^Bw LUX CONTAINS IRON, TRY MclNTOSH APPLES . Escarole A MI, Chickory WASHES WHITER giant box •>*• C«lif«rni. MILD iarge r\ ct box J O ;; a»>n* "7Q* JUICE ORANGES 1 7 U r t * FlerW. 25* MNISH 9 Ft.rU., lull . ( )<,!» mni vit.mln C 55 Allan* It'i aasy . . . timaly thop and SAVE at NATIONAL . . . occumutal* your green regiiter tope* for the FREE VALUAKLE GIFTS YOU WANT. A*k far your graen register tope plan folder thlt week. Walch for aur now senKtion of gift* coming to you toon. Remember, Tha Groan Register Tana Flan it exclutivo at NATIONAL in Wottfield. Broccoli - 2 ••*••• 2 5 * Smart and1 madam crystal, exclusively styled. Tha mod beautiful glassware money can buy. You mutt MO this sturdy-beovitfvlty designed cut glassware. I x clullva purchase—available at Nolionol, No purchase required—buy • • many • • you want. Twt Hib.ll Utttn, Tm Fnilt JNIM ^ - IV 2 *- 23' LIPTON SOUPS O N I O N or BEEF VEGETABLE 2 plcgs. 33c GREEN PEA 2 pkgs. 29c larga box f giant box FLOATING SWAN SOAP 3 med. borj 2 9 * 2 large bars RUSSIAN OR FRENCH WISHBONE DRESSING 8-01. bottle 3 1 * 5 •-» 27' ALL PURPOSE SPRY pint con 39' %r 73* WASHES WHITER WASHES CLEANfR LUX LIQUID O7 kin8 OO* aUFFY ALL DETERGENT ALL DETERGENT i-ib. o i < can O I 79* DELICIOUS CHEETOS 3-oz. csllo pks, Plenty of Free Parking Payroll Checks Cashed Free Open Late Every Evening THE WESTCTELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 Page Nino •jocial_And Club Netvs Of The Week In The Westfield \bout Town with Sally S«5»n Voder of 555 HillVCTU" visited lust weekend J rthB.o.e ColloB.. whore and candidate for Miss Barlit at Swnrthmore. dunce proup will Imce tomorrow evening nt ton School at 8 p-m. , Ken•' ' : ", ^enerfll chairman „„,,. Assisting him will „, Small.'Mary Lou Mockenncth Sealy and Pat Snpp. lie Schun^* of 300 Roger celebrated her ninth birth|th a supper party for 12 itss and Brownies Tuesday home. ^ ^ Lois Tittle of 800 Forest sod Miss Carolyn Self of limit avenue spent the week-. Hanover, N. H., where they he guests of Dick Griggs of st avenue and his roomUie Dartmouth Winter I mothers ofthe members of •stkli High School swimiira will meet tomorrow for IBAHD u Pi- UKUOI rdlRCTVAllNTINS e i w covered tump in pirior to greet you. iottty lustrous silver ami e fowl g m jr»»mdr are y o u r s *njayatThe Mansard OfurfMondoyi To Be Wed Gordon Hollingsworth Married to Sharon Eder in Episcopal Church coffeo at 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. H. C. Mi\raholl of 215 Jeffcrsun avenue. They will then attend ,,, Mls!I Sharon Leo Eder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H, the away meet with Plninfield. They will meet Monday for cof- hiier ol Union, formerly of Buffalo, N. Y., became the bride Saturday fee at 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs, at 4 p.m. or Gordon (Justav Hnllingsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace .1. K, Smith of 813 Shackamaxon S. Hollmwiworth of 824 East Broad street. The Rev. Richard J. Harddrive uml then attend the home man performed the double ring ceremony in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. A reception followed at mutch with Jefferson. the Blue Shutter Inn, Union, After a honeymoon to the Poconon, the Mrs. Harry W. Tetiney of 306 couple will reside in Haddonfleld. West Dudley avenue entertained the members of the executive board The bride was given in marriage of the YWCA. nt n coffee this mornby her father. She wort a%go\vn in£ in her home. Mrs. Tenney is of chantilly IRCO with full length president of the board. hleeves. She wore a Juliet cap holding.a two tier finger-length veil .lefferson School's Founders' Day of silk illusion. She carried a bouFrolics show "Hoorny for Hollyquet of white carnations mid roses. wood" will be given at the school Miss Sharon Drown of ButTalo tomorrow and Saturday.evenings. was the mnid of honor. The bridesAfter'the performance Saturday, maids were Miss Patricia Pfeil of the cast and, crew of the show will Elizabeth and Miss Barbara G. have a party at the Cranwood in Smith of Philadelphia, Pa., n cousGarwood. Mrs. Robert D. Bailey in of the bridegroom. They were is in charge of the arrangements dressed alike in ballerina-length for the affair. gowns of American beauty velve• toon, with sabrina necklines, cap Jlr. and Mrs. E. Schlesinger of sleeves and bell shaped skirts. They 6t!4 Norwood drive will entertain wore hendpiece-s of matching cola group of friends in their home ored feathers and carried bouquets tomorrow evening after the Jefferof white gladioli and American son School show. beauty roses with matching red Also entertaining a group of ribbons. friends tomorrow evening after Horace S. Holling-aworth Jr. was "Hooray for Hollywood" will be best man for his brother. The ushMr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bailey of ers were William Loesch and Wil625 Norwood drive. liam Donohue, both of Westfield. ~*~ Mrs. Holiing'sworth was graduMr. and Mrs. J. W. Flannery of ated from Kensington High School, 830 Harding street will entertain Buffalo, and was employed until their bridge group Saturday eveMRS. recently at the Linde Co., Newark. ning. GORDON HOLL1NGSWORTH Her husband is an alumnus of Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Holland of Westfleld High School and the 531 East Broad street were hosts Yale University School of Engito a group of their friends Friday Miss Schultes Attends neering. He is a member of Beta evening after the performance of Workshop at Rutgers Theta Pi fraternity. He is emthe Grant School talent show. ployed by the Linde Co., division Miss Gladys B. Schultos, staff of Union Carbide, as a sales service Mrs. Robert J. Rowan of 566 nurse, District Nursing Associa- engineer in the Philadelphia sales North Chestnut street entertained tion, Westfield, attended a -work- office. at a neighborhood coffee Thursday shop on "The Nurse's Role in morning in honor of Mrs. Edward Emergency Childbirth and DurEwen. Mrs. Ewen and her family ing Disaster" at Rutgers College Art Department Plans have recently moved to .North of Nursing last week. Chestnut street from iNorth Haver- . Miss Schultes took part in dis- Painting Demonstration hill, Mass. cussions and lectures by doctors, By S. Allyn Schaeffer Tho February meeting of the art Robin Sehork, daughter of Mr. ntraes, civil defense and public and Mrs. Frederick Sehork of 601 health experts on care of expec- department of the Westfleld Womtant mothers-and new born chilan's Club will be held Wednesday Kensington drive, entertained a at 1:30 p.m. S. Allyn Schaeflfer, group of her fourth grade claasj- dren in disaster situations. The workshop was sponsored by artist and teacher of Rahway, will mates Friday in honor of her tenth birthday. After bowling, the chil- the State University's College of give a demonstration of landscape dren had a birthday dinner st the Nursing, New Jersey State Depart- painting. . ment of 'Health, New Jersey Washington House. Although a young artist, he Is League for Nursing, Medical So- well grounded in sound traditional ciety of Mew Jersey and New Jertraining. He started his a n work (Please turn to next page) sey State Nurses Association. with Helen Stockton of Wcstfield, and continued his studies at the Art Students' League and the National Academy of Design in New York ' •Fof~mahy yeaW MrV Schaeffer has been exhibiting throughout New Jersey, New York, and New England, winning many awards in both oil and water colors. He has a studio In Rahway and is an instructor at the Scotch Plains and Fanwood Adult School. The hostesses for the afternoon will bo Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Mrs. F. K. Wurst and Mrs. F. D. Rappold. Saturday Is Valentine's Day ERRER'S SUGGESTS >rted Cut Flowers velty Arrangements ants Joyce of California Music Department to View Colored Slides $ Britiih Brevittt Cobblecraf t Amalfi The music department of the Woman's Club willl meet In tho MOUNTAINSIDE — The reguclubhouse Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Members are reminded to bring a lar monthly meeting of tho Mounbox luncheon; beverage will be tainside Woman's Ciub will take served by Mra. E. C. Marsh and place Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Mountainside Inn. Mrs, John her hospitality committee. Mrs. Stanley P. Waugh will Suskl, program chairman, has anshow color slides of New England nounced that the meeting will be and the Panama Canal, which wore a hobby show by the membership. Mrs. Edward Verlangleri will taken during her recent vacation. The musical portion of the pro- give a talk on stamp collecting. gram will be as follows: "Ricer- Mrs. Cornelius Goensc will talk on cate" by tyovanna Watt), a duet 1 dogs and show her prize Doberfor the flute and Bassoon, prayed ' Mesdamcs Ralph Diete, Fred by Suzanne Merrill, flutist, and Wildiiuer, Oriln Johnson and Ralph Virginia Clarkson, bassoonist. Also, "Sonata" for horn, trum- Ullrich, participants in the Vogue pet and trombone, composed by fashion contest sponsored by the p , Now Jersey Federation of Worn* Francis Poulcne, presented by art's Clubs, will display the /ashRonald Wanlesa,, French horn; Ions they have made for tho conNick Bailey, trumpet, and William test. Oberle, trombone. Mrs. Ullrich will also talk on Guests arc welcome to attend leathcrwork. this program. 4.90 Andrew Geller 1. Miller Caprini % From Our Regular Stock FLORSHEIM BRITISH BREVITTS GENUINE SHELL CORDOVANS 13* BRUNO—Famout Ciutom-Made Values to 28.95 Italian Shoes HANDBAGS VALENTINE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD Scott's—146 Pair From our regular stock, a complete selection of sizes in plain Values to 18.9$ toe or wing-tip ayles. MiHerkina $2.00 per week and up 9-90 11-90 Floraheim brastically Reduced ODDS and ENDS CHILDREN'S SHOES By Miss Sandier SORRY, NO C. O. D.'a — ALL SALES FINAL Open Fridays and Mondays Till 9:00 P. M. SCOTT'S OF WESTFIELD TEL AD 2-2400 Wins Award Miss Suzanne Patricia Merrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Merrill Jr. of 170 Kimbull ave nue, a Benior at Weatfteld Senior High School, has been nnmed a •winner for 'New Jersey in the 1958-50 achievement awards program, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English. Woman's Club Has Federation Day Meeting The Monday meeting of the: Woman's Club of Westfield opened with a ten in the lower lounge of: Hie Miisonlc Temple. Mrs, II. K.: Fish and Mrs. W. F. Wright were; In charge of the hospitality for-*1 the day. Tea tables were decoruted by Mrs. M. V. Crcedon, Mrs. L. R. Hublmrd, nnd Mrs. W. A." Ifflgerbiiumer. Chairmen of six. nf the club departments poured uml mombcrs of the garden depart-* inont provided the corsages for tho; estfl, officers and past presidents; of the club. Mrs. H. T. Brown, mnde n Vnlcntine arrangement forthe niche. The art department displnyod. pulntings by members, which were: judged by a panel of three artists: Mrs. Mnry Ellen Eilkotch, W.f Douglas Pilzor, and .William; Thomits. , Awards were made to; six women of tho department: Mrs." B. D. Caulkins, Mrs. W. F. Downey, Mrs. W. H.' Oakley, Mrs.' F.J. Knppold, Mrs. A. D. Ross, and; Mrs. F. K. Wurst. Tho winning' paintings will be sent to tho state; federation competition to be held nt Douglass College in April, Mrs. Joseph A. McCain, president of the club, presided at the, business meeting and welcomed ns, guests tho past presidents of theWestfield club nnd visiting presW tlent3 of the dubs of the sixth district, Mra. Ford A. Starkweather,-; northern vice president of the New; Jersey State Federation of Wom-J en's Clubs, brought greetings from; the federation. Mra. Drew D. Halle sixth district vice president, epokct on federation activities nnd also',; presented to Mrs. McCain a club president's pin. ' • Mrs. Howard Purdy presented" J,he program of the day, which was given by Mrs. Florence Peto, authority on quilts and quilt designs. She Illustrated her talk by using: enlarged block patterns which she; herself had copied from nuthenHe* quiltB, and interwove bits of history, folklore and legend with ex-; plnnntions of the craft. Many antique qullta were on display in the' htdl In addition to several made by : Mrs. Peto herself from her eollection of old materials, Gamburg Furs offers quality furs at exceptionally low prices year round. JUST SHOP AND COMPARE YOU'LL BUY AT oarruSuyuj r u k ) W«t««ld'i fur Shop of Distinction READY TO WEAR REMODELING MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING CUSTOM CLEANING EXPERT WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES 249 E. BROAD ST. (Opp. Rialto Theatre) AD 2-3423 Opsn Monday* 'Til 9 P.M. W«»tfl«ld, N. J. MEN'S SHOES ,A large selection of sizes, but Values to less not in all styles. Papptgallo Heel* A Weekly Delivery of Flowers for As Many Weeks As You Wish Boro Woman's Club to Present Hobby Show Sorry, not all sizes available in Values to 10.9$ every style. Pappitgallo Flat* SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL 'RMS!. Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen Crisafulli of Manhasset, L. I., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carolyn Loretta Criaafulli, to William Paul Donohue, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Donohue of 515 St. Marks avenue. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, class of 1957. Mr. Donohue attended Westfield schools and was graduated cum laude from Atnherst College In 1957, where he was a member of Beta Theta Pi social fraternity. He is presently in his second year at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. A June wedding is planned. of Westfield Sandier of Boiton • Taking Her Out to Dinner? Why Not a Lovely Corsage? doenrer's William Donohue Announces Plans Mlsa Judith Mary Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Edward Allen of 12!) Myrtle avenue, became the bride Saturday afternoon of Itonuld J. Apgflr, son of Ml1, and Mrs, Clifford Aptriir of Dunvllcn. They were wed in Holy Trinity Church by the Ruv. Francis J. llouirhton. Mins Mary K. Eonnell was thu organist and Mrn. Kdwurd Wnlsh was soloist. After a reception in thu Knights of [ Columbus Clubhouse, Mr. Apgnr r.nd his bride left for u wedding' trip to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a princess style silk faille nnd chantilly luce gown ending in a long train. Her fingertip veil was held by a tiara of pearls and irrldescent sequins and she curried n bouquet of white roses nnd streamers. Miss Judith Minch of Cranford was maid of honor. Her gown was pale blue silk taffeta and she wore a bow-like hnt with circulnr veil. Miss Charlene Brown of Westfleld and Hiss Joan Di Nuzzo of Scotch Plains were bridesmaids. They wore gowns similar to the maid of honor's, of royal blue silk tntfetn, nnd carried cascading bouquets of red roses. Susan1 Pirrocco of Linden was flower girl. She wore a pale blue frock with a matching bow-like hnt and curried pink baby roses. Edward Green of Stelton was best man. The ushers were Joseph Bogus of >New Market and James Testa of Garwood. The bride is u graduate of Holy MRS. RONALD APGAR Trinity High School. Her husband was graduated from Roosevelt High School, Dunellen. He is a Chapter N, PEO, Plans radioman in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Allen entertained Luncheon and Auction out-of-town g-uests nnd members Chapter N, PEO, will meet for oi' the weddlnjr. party Friday night luncheon at 1 p.m. Wednesday in after the wedding rehearsal. the home of Mrs. W. E. Schneider, Miss Joan Di Nuzzo entertained 233 Tuttlo parkway. at a misccallaneous shower in her Following the regular business Scotch Plains homo and Mrs. Rose meeting, Mrs. R. T. Cooledge will Brown of 104 Myrtle avenue, a bo In charge of nn auction of cousin of the bride, was "trinkets, treasures and trivia." a shower for the bride. SCOTT'S Final Reductions SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEB. 14th Dress and Flats EVE —^Bradford Uni-hriK'h MISS CAROLYN CKISAFULL1 WOMEN'S SHOES s in Brass, Wood, Class, and Pewter Judith Mary Allen Wed Saturday To Ronald J. Apgar of Dunellen Area QUIMBY at CENTRAL 8-90 14-90 Values to U.9S Values to ££.93 14-90 formerly JS.OS "Telivlsion Nnklaca In fine Itatluitlte lilt cast Hearts sliu will be proud to wear. Blazing Austrian crystals in mountings of 14 (Carat white gold overlay tliat defies tarnish. Sec out selection ot distinctive jewelry Formerly 27.50 SO .90 Fine Jewelry by Krementz Priced from $7.00 Elm & Quimby St*. AD 2-6718 STORK AISO IN CRANFORD, KENItWORTH « THE WHSTFIELD Mrs. llobcil i.. Hardy of H12M.-I Williaiii.-un, »"d HarV>itri» Mac- j ilrmlfiird avt'iiiH' I'lilt'tliiincil bin iin/<k' »*)uh Monday welling. Mr. ami Mrs. li. W. r'pilm-r (Continued from (ifevloua jiage) -•Mrs, V, W, Hill tif HIB7 Sunny Mr. nml Mn. .1. V. HafUctl uml i 117 Smith KlH'lid .ivi'iuu- will <' View road, Moiinttiinstirie, will »n- ' their sm\, Johnny. i»f 5IH St. Muik^ ti".-tiiln tlw fiisi «f tli<-ir s-klt in t tsitnili bur bviite gvmiji in herI nvt lull- visited in [luru-lt, C<mH,, ICriint Hiliwi! tuU'tit khnw m a l«i M lame Monday aftonuKin. ' In*t svi-t'Uvml whoic they w*,Te tlu-I f'it Mi|i(u'r Suiiduy cviiiinf. 1 • BK-jlj nf Mr. IUUI Mia. James 1.. j ami Mrs. Jipilm-r inTi ilirivtors i -*1 ' t!ie dkit. Morion Vaiuk-vviiKlnj, daughter Cti.lw J r . SALLY * Betrothed Theresa Bruno Is Wed Sunday to Frank Musano Junior Women's Executive Board Holds Meeting Antiques Departn, Hear Lecture on Furniture by T The (inti<|ii,,. , Woman's Clul, o f u, "> moot KrMay, I. V |, o ^ 1 * , . 91! i Miss Thi'iTsn lliuno, daughter lit thu clubhmia,., Dr. KIlKubHI, Dopil,., ,if Mr. nnd Mra. Nii-liuliiB Bruno of lilill Stirling place, and Frank tor of antu|iu>s j u( Muiianii, son of Mrs. Annn Musano of Madison, will msa/r* uf 510 Summit avunuc, nnd theon Nnw Jersey f,lvilii 1 lute Frank Musuno, were married trated with color s!ilit y Sunday afternoon in Holy Trinity show pictures ,,f f i m i i l 8 ;H [ The 1-Wuiiry .'s«ut:vc Uvir.1 itiu.-tiiijr ..f th<- \W«nVM Junior i Woman's Cluli \vs* he'd Feb. S a t i tk> hiinie i.f -Mrs- JiM«'pli I1. i;*hr! li-in. President .Mrs. John E . V\>» *r* opened ti'-i' niiviinj: !>>' »s*-inif Mrs, Arthur T. I,i.-!iteniierir*r, r e i*or>!in*r secretary, u> r»>i the minutes of the previous month'.* iwsrd met-ting. ~+of Mr. and Mr«. A. G. Va!i<le\v<"(thi* j Mr. and \frs. William J. Swart* ,lr. of 1040 Eaat Hioiul street, roll'- j Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stewart of \ hi Simnywood 'Irivo were hosts to of -J(W7 Iloffivood drive, Hrut.-h brated her ninth birthday yesterj day with a pnrty fur n 1group of • a hi!'f,'i jrroujt of their friends nt Plains, returned last week from ! tin nprn hoti^e in honor of their Rurlingamc, Cal., where they spent hi}T friends and eia^nutt* ?. thew fcgorton (1739.i60!JI Church. \vcrldiii£ anniversary Sunday aft- CliriHtnm« v^ith their son-in-law -*not maker of New BiuJJ The Uev. Bernard Schlegel perand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j >lr. and Mr«. H, V. Illoilcett of ernoon, formed the ceremony which was madu clock tunes, se«ei I), finish. £18 Klin street returned home Jayt tables, bedstead,,„ +followed by a reception in Far reaus, Wednesday evening from Troy, N. There will also be s\Hn James 11. Crawford, rollowinc the treasurer's report Mr. nnii Mrs. V. J. Turbeville Hills Inn, Somervllle. Y., where they had been visiting A,M««Umo> kol, N. J., furniture ay Claman, C. H. Nichols, arrl Ji. of 727 Tuxford turn were host.-! j by Mrs, John R. EiUs Jr., Mrs. for a few days. Returning with A. FY,. JaiiUch The bride wore a gown of rose Wllliamsburg, Va. make up the eommit- u a ffroup of their friends at a I Walter Bran.isnm. f«xw..i vice the Blodgetta for a visit were Mrs. ti'e puint chantilly lace with scoop fhar^tt of arrangements for ridge party Saturday evening. 'president, reported So the group on Mrs. P. J. Oertd u Albert Robinson of 1Cincinnati, the in neckline and a chapel train. Her Dance which will lie the Northern Presidents" Coun.-il Ohio, Mrs. William Can of >S'ash- held Vnlentlne fingertip veil was held by a bead- chairman of hospitality ,,1 Saturday evening, the Round Saturday evening at the Wcstmeeting \vhii*h was held Jan. 31 at Frank Marlk will be &£? Injjton, 0, C., and Hny Robinson flelll Rescue Squad building. ed crown ami she carried a white Towncrs dance club will meet at B. Altinan & Co. in Short Hills. of Newport, Me, Bible with a white orchid and gar- hospitality for the day"! Mr. and MraljcThn H. William- he Wyoming Club in Millburn. by Mrs. Alfred M, Gojjw. —1.0"!! The presidents' meeting was atland of small flowers. son of 001 Harding street enter- chairmen of the committee'for the tended by Mrs. Brsndsma and Clyde- Hess and Mrs. C t l MISS ETHEL KRONCKE tained at a dessert bridge Satur- veiling will be Dr. and Mrs. Hurke Miss Anna Ramelli of Plainfield Mr:. Albert G. Danker, chairman Mrs. Curry I.ea willbijjj j!le«, and serving with them will day evoninjf. ..-83 maid of honor. The brides- of the program. Mra. jj j of the American home department. >e Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allen, Mr. maids were Miss Hosnlio Bruno, naugh and Mrs. Thoraai'j Membership c h a i r m a n , Mrs. Entertaining a jrroup of friends nd -Mrs. Howark Pike, Mr. and sister of the bride; Miss Joan Ya- be in charge of tn Clyde McBride, announced the resa t cocktails before the Valentine •Irs. Waller Kiley, and Mr. and ignations of Mrs. James L. Bre—Howlll Btucllns russi and Miss Mary Colapietro I. P. Donaldson is Dance will lie Dr. and Mrs. N. A. ifrs. Edward Schmalenborger. hor.y and Mrs. Raymond G. Vale- MR. & MRS. FRANK MUSANO f Westneld. GiuiiitU of 324 Mountain avenue. the department. -•— rio. Mrs. W. Kenneth Detweiler's •"•The honor attendant's gown was Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V. Rivero and name was accepted for third postMrs. G. G. Currall of 1001 Cool- heir daughter, Janice, of 1523 green irridescent taffeta ond the "A rumor is about «'j irif!e street will entertain her neigh- jolf drive, Scotch Plains, returned bridesmaids wore gold colored taf- unspread as b u t t e r . " ^ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. inp and Mrs. Anthony Pecca's borhood bridge group this evening. unday from a week's visit to Or- Kroncke of 714 Westfieid avenue name was read for -first posting. feta. They wore crowns matching j Mrs. Richard Helsinger was retheir gowns. The maid of honor announce the engagement of their Saturday evening st Washing- undo, Fla. carried tinted gold roses and the daughter, Ethel, to Avthur R. ceived to club membership as a ton School, the juniors of the pre-•bridesmaid carried tinted green Schramm Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. transfer from Plainfield. colltge dance group will meet. Mrs. R. E. Lang of 2044 Dogroses. Chblrmon of the committee for the wood drive, Scotch Plains, will cn- Arthur R. Schramm of Springfield. Mrs. Henry H. Anderson, chaira;i of the music department, anMiss Kroncke, a graduate of evening will he Don Gilbert, and ertain this afternoon at o bridge Commander Joseph SiBtfl conAnthony De Sanctis of Westneld asaiiting him -wilt be Marion Arch- nrty in her home for the benefit Holy Trinity High School, is ounced that the second annual i ducted a regular meeting of Clark- served as bqst man; the ushers xt!i district music festival will be presently a student at St. Viner, Sally McCobb, Dave Sweet, N*l- if the Girl Scouts. eld April 24 in the auditorium of Hyslip Post, 045, VFW, in thewert Carmen De Nero of Elmora; Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. cent's School of Nursing in Mont- e Comfnunity Methodist Church Knight* of Columbus Hall, Scotch Peter Sisto and Austin De Stefanis clair, i of Westneld. Ule3 Meyers of 000 Norwood drive Roselle Park. The theme this Plains last week. Mr. Schramm is an alumnus of :ar will be "Around the World in will be hosts to a group of former After a motor trip to Florida, Members voted to return a travJonathan Dayton Regional High ewcomers and their husbands at 0 Minutes.'* Each junior wom- eling gavel to the County Council the couple will live in Westneld. supper party in their home. In- School. He is now serving as a n's club in the sixth district is re- via a delegation at the Wednesday The bride attended Westfleld luded among the guests will be fire control technician aboard the uested to participate by prepar- meeting. schools and is employed by the At. and Mrs. R. C. Witman, Mr, Coast Guard boat Campbell, sta- ig a musical skit about some counAluminum (Products Distributors, Lodrick Harris Jr., delegate to ,nd Mrs. Richard Wilbur and Mr. tioned at St. George Base, Staten lark. Her husband is a graduate the council, announced plans for' Island. ' nd Mrs. Al Driver, second annual all-county VFW of Westfieid High School and is Mrs. Joseph F. Kiningham, wel- the Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Sturmer picnic. It will be stressed at theself-employed with the Karitan f 634 Glen avenue had as their Lecture Tickets Available ]are chairman, announced that at County Council meeting, he Baiil, Valley Farms, Westfieid. ie February workshop meeting ouseguests last weekend Mr. and The bridal attendants feted the SCOTCH PLAINS — Lisa Ser- hich will be held Tu«sday eve- that work on. the picnic should be bride recently at a miscellaneous ilrs. Robert L. Bross and their son, gio, news commentator and lec- inp, Fob. 24, a movie film will be begun immediately. Mike, of Greenfield, Pa. shower in the Cranwoftd in GarWith proper planning, he said, .4. own by the American Cancer turer, will appear at the Scotch Mr. and Mrs. Bruno enterf the event could become the largest wood. A surprise birthday party in Plains Junior School Wednesday ociety. tiiined Friday evening after the of its kind in the county in five wedding onor of Kathy Kohn of Bradford at 8:30 p.m., under the sponsorrehearsal. Mrs. Douglas Campbell, chair- years. venue was given Saturday afteroon in the home of Cathy Hill of ship of the Fanwood-Scotch Plains* an of the youth co-operation deVisitors were Joseph Somolokl, 23 Birch avenue by a fe\v of her Adult School and the junior school artment, announced that she was county senior vice commander, and Violet Society to Meet unior high school friends. PTA. Tickets are available at aving a supper-bridge party in Albert Marks, county adjutant. •'• SUMMll The Union County chapter of the school nnd the Fanwood Li- T home Feb. 4 to earn money Somoloki reminded those present >r the Colethorpe school in Tenthe African Violet Society will brary. of the annual county dinner in (Pleise turn to page 12) ssee, which the club is eponsormeet Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the ig this year. Mrs. Danker is also Garwood March 28, when each post Scotch Plains Baptist Church. will invite its respective mayor. anning 0 luncheon-bridge in her Mrs. A. B. Lawrence of Red Bank The Westfleld post voted to in- will speak about "The ABCs of ome March 11, to benefit Amerivite Mayor H. Emerson Thomas. 11 home department projects. Violet Preparation and ArrangeMr. Marks complimented the post ments." on the conduct of its meetings, rederick Pohl Will Be urging members to carry on depeaker at Meeting spite the small number. Today Frederik Pohl of Red The post decided to attend the lank, author and editor, will be fifth district meeting in Cranlord OWN le guest speaker at a meeting of Sunday. .i» Seltence Pictioif tlbtf.i/ f ilgii' ri Frank Wentwortti of 2027 Port- , . . Th» art of p^n^n«nt hair BARON'S !cn<fol."He h'as'choserf aVhli kpU ba\A avenue,--Scotch Plains, was in- removal in .WPda. .famQui Science Fiction—Today and TJ-* .flucted as a new member. •chool. Slap Into a rawarding morrow." He will be introduced to and uncrewded fi«ld. No as* :he group by Mrs. Julian Meltzoff, limit. Short training period. 'acuity ndviaer of the organiza- Kappa Kappa Gamma ion. CLOSED THIS SU The Westfleld Alumnae Associa- Writ* or phono for froe bookSeiencd Club personnel from tion of Kappa Kappa Gamma will lei " H . " Whelan't iero are: Michael HaUeran, 907 meet Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in the KREE INSTITUTE Mountnlnviow circle, ond John homo of Mrs. Franklin Hard- 18 li. 4I«1 St.. Kiev Turk 17, N. V. Westfieid castle, 2B7 Sylvania place. CoNV 3-44B8 Dean, 1004 Railway way. hostess will be Mrs. Kenneth Lyng. Ethel Kroncke is Prospective Bride VFW Post Holds Regular Meeting Final Days of )•• WINTER Clearance 70 MISSES GOING O N A CRUISE? DRESSES LEARN ELECTROLYSIS O.00 g # 7.001 WESTf SUNDAY STORE SCHE SKI CLOTHES Vz off Cupid aw BLOUSES 1.49up BULKY SWEATERS' FLOWERS LEATHER and WOOL to Handbags V2 as living Valentines off This Saturday February 14th CHILDREN'S ODDS ond ENDS Ev«ryon» loves flowers, so you can be sure a gift of bright blooms will delight her. at SAVINGS to 60% od mo 8 Corset..SOME SUGGESTIONS S*at«naMf Flowers arranged In • H*arr.SHaped Container Gift SPECIALS in Milk 01am l»i«h planted with a group of Howdy Oreenhouw plants China, Crystal ond Linen '5 »5 FLOWERS TO ALL THE WORLD BY WIRE TEEN DRESSES-SKIRTS 1.99-3.00-5.00 to 14.99 H- L. VANCE R. 6 . VANCE Dora correct posture snpport brings bf bttter health. type: Short, •wlforallp $16.50 to H * * fane IJ&.I41 ONFTUt AVI. DAILY DELIVERIES LOCALLY Ill—n In flower for your •any-heur r»3ort dress. Embroidsry and lact •fit" the front to you beautifully • RMWPer f?it line. Oyster, oat«ealf carnation, blu#, black Hoygashel liatn. Sizes 6 to 18, 7 to 17.M.M Don Mite P.tcnted Adjustable .chieve accur lilting of both wa meMufementS. Dora Milw is smooth backs. No loan *trap» * jane smith A farkin* m IS2 fb«i«f St. 133-141 CRtTKAl AVi. AD 2-4I0O Customer Parking a l 132 thnw Sf. 321 South Ave. _ Tf, The CORSET SHJ Shop the South Side for Parking M « f. BROAD AD ope* *•' • • * * Page Eleven THE WESTF1BLP (N..T.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 Birthdays are better In February. Edison, all claim the month. If you're not historically-minded, come anyway. Coll BE 8-1150, 1151 for reiervafions Bernardsville, N. 202 Martin Jeweler* Protect You 5-Way* „,. .mi ITV HE'liSv Reports Heard by Married; to Honeymoon in Florida Republican Club Engaged . .proven by yearn or MUlMni'llnn. . . we sell <ml>' distinguished mcr• ''"K" mock nnd dlspliiy Bt all •IIIII-BO or budget accounts Invltod. . our low price policy Is alwuya In effect. tins P»ck» Extra Purchasing Power in Every Penny I LINCOLN'S PENNY iSALE! Thi» Lovely Storage Chest JUST noun named to nerve M area chairmen foi Duko Unlvoriily's 19B8Chnrlos V. Sun born of ?B(> Bel- 60 tjoyiilty Fund Named Chairman vldoro iivnnue is nmniig 26li pcr- The hoard Nit eling of tho Wost Miss Juun L. l.oiiKstvcot, (Imiffhtor of~Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudo \V. Lon^strcct of 517 Hurt street, became Die bride Sntunluy afternoon rlulu Woman's Republican Club p of Arthur G. Schcuver, Bon nf GUHUIVO Scheurer of Mnplcnvooil, und i h h tho late Mis. GliidyB Doty Scheurer. The Kev, Elbcrt E. Gntea Jr. WHS held Feb. 4 in the homo of porformod the ceremony »t 5 p.m. in the First Baptist Church. A Mrs. Charles McCulluch, 825 Highland avenue. reception followed in the VotcraTiB1 Mrs. Gordon Greenfield, second Memorial Homo, Ctanfonl. The ice president, reported on an Rov. Jet E. Turner, nssistnnt minister and organist, played tho \vcdEiiBler Bennett" dessert fashion ditiR muaic. uhuw of Sallia Victor hats, to bo held March 10 nt the ShackamaX' The hrldc wore a ciiapol length n Country Club. Mrs, A. J. Ben gown of silk mist taffeta, styled dor will be in charge of tickets. with portrait neckline of Aloncon and bouffant skirt. Her silk Mrs. Cynthia Scofleld sorved aa illusion veil was arranged from a secretary in the absence of Mrs. cloche of cnlla lilies and pearls Arthur Gray. Mrs. Thomus Harand she carried a cascade of culla ris, clerk, resigned since she is inovlilies. iiiji to Chicago. . Mrs. F. J. Malea was appointed clerk. Mrs. George Zhelesnik of Westfield was her sister's mntron of Mrs. Edwin Littumtin, general Studio henor. Her gown was turquoise hospitality chairman, appointed MISS SARA LOU—Bey BONNELL silk organza, ballot length, with Mrs. .VI. M. CooledKC chairman of fitted bodice with lace appliques the day for tho Tuesday meeting and bouffant skirt with harem back of the club, which was held in the Sara Lou Bonnell pnnel. Her bouquet was a cashome of Mrs. Humberto Urrita, cade of light pink and maroon 853 Hillside avenue. She was ascarnations. sisted by Mrs, H. R. Welch Jr. To Wed in June E. T. Moore, president of the Ccn Miss Patricia AuBtin of Westti-iil Railroad of (New Jersey, was field was bridesmaid. Her gown MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. and the speaker. was identical to the honor attendMrs. Leonard K. Bonnell of 261 ant's. Her bouquet was light pink Mrs. Harold Haddock was ap- Meeting House lane, announce the carnations. Both wore matching pointed chairman of telephone and engagement of their daughter tinras. transportation due to resignation Sara Lou, to John L, Shields, son Ronald Serrmann of Union was of Mrs. Fred de Wysocki. Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Shields best man and the ushers were LouMcCulloeh reported on her trip to of South Haven, Mich. is Borccllins of Irvington, and Pjinceton where the New Jersey Miss Bonnell was graduated Claude L. Longstreet of Weatfield, Federation of Republican Woman's from Wostflold public schools and brother of the bride. 12th annual forum for club presi' attended —Mowlll Studios Ohio Wesloyan Univer ilente "was held. MRS..ARTHUR SCHEURER After a motor trip to Florida, sity. She is a senior in the Unithe couple will live in Union. versity of Michigan School of Nursing. She is a member of The bride is a er«duate of the Scroll Honor Society and of Alpha Westfleld'HIgh School and is em- Parents Organization to Young Adults to Hold Xi Delta, social fraternity. ployed by Carpenter Steel Corp., Hear Speech Therapist Election of Officers Mountainside. Her husband is a Mr. Shields is a senior in the graduate of Columbia High School, The parent's organization of The Wcstfteld Young. Adults University of Michigan Medical Mapletyood, (and is employed by youngsters with Impaired Hearing will hold their regular meeting College. He is a member of Phi Micro Stamping Co., Maplcwood. of central New Jersey held its Thursday at the Y at 8 p.m. Al Rho Sigma medical fraternity. A June wedding is planned. monthly meeting Tuesday evenin, young people are invited, and a p.m. at the home of Mr. small admission fee will be Westfield Families atand8:15 charged. Mrs. P. G. Schmitt, 5-17 HighGoldncr; treasurer, Louiae KlinRlc land avenue. The officers will be elected for hofcr. Appear in Play Mrs. O. S. Woolson, speech and the next six months. Those nomi 1060 membership drive wil hearing therapist employed by the nated are; President, Terry Me boThe started. The program for the The spirit of "togetherness" is Plainfioltl Board of Education and Carthy, Ken Braridt and Jim Me evening is a professional hyno being demonstrated by several fam- Plainficlii Hearing Society, will be Lead; first vice president, Charles tist. Refreshments will bo served. Brandt; second vice president, ilies in Westfield, in the Cranford thB speaker for the evening. These meetings are open to any- Bobbie Meyer and Peter Stud, Dramatic Club's presentation of Safety first for your savings, "The Desperate Hours" which be- one 'Interested in the hard of hear- holme; recording secretary, Clem too, is another way of saying: Buy gins its run today and will be pro- ing and dc»f youngsters. For far- entine Burns and Dot Kallensce U. S. Savings Bonds. Nothing's duced 7or three consecutive week- ther information call Mrs. Schmitt. corresponding secretary, J e a n safer. ends, ending Feb. 28. Entering into the family spirit are Larry and Helen Newbert of ! HarriBon avenue along •with their son, David. Mr. Newbert l be seen in the role of Harry Carson, Mrs. Newbert in the part of Miss Swift, arid David portrays the young criminal, Hank Griffin. Carolyn and Horace Stevens of 19 Stoneleigh Park drive are working on the play, too. Mr. Stevens is on the business committee fmrf Sirs. Stevens is doing make-upi Their daughter, Diarie, will usher during some of the nights of the play. Another Westfield family getting into tlie act are John and Mary Rash of 820 Oak avenue. Mr. Rash is working on staging and Mrs. Rash Is doing costumes. Tickets may be reserved by callIng the Cranford Dramatic Club Theatre, 78 Winati3 avenue. Curtain time is 8:45 p.m. The Wu> MILL INN Lincoln, Washington, Joan Longstreet, Arthur Scheurer RANDAL SHOES best beginning fora brand new walker... . . . made $4.95 ' with broad heel scats, snug heel fit, sturdy-butflexible soles. Available in a wide range of sizes and widths . . . all so curofully, patiently fitted by us. Doctors' Preicriptions Filled Full line of Orthopedic Shoei RANDAL SHOES, Inc. formerly KADEN'S SHOES 171 E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 2-3610 Open Mon. «vus. a whole new idea in bra design/ playtex" lining' bra pOMMUNITY t<53PC SERVICE FOR 8 W 1>AH|MM»nN K I'lli'r K l l v r . ft flare Fork* H riNl'P lifHHlUH » SnlM Pnrka V »»1ttr Knife ] I S>(nrK|»un N O >W With >54 5CJ..87 •I JnrrlM «„„«„, a m , "beauty-:shape' cups Urn. 101.M If r i i n k M 1 t'<M Meat I'urk I This Sile is extraordinary . . . it cannot be repeated I'Pnn. first, because the pattern was discontinued, •TOS»VB almost 60% over the open stock price. SeeI W , i n celebrating Lincoln's Birthday you get a uautifBl storage chest for lc with your purchase. i , . V ! " ' 00b^I a da et s t h c s e quality features: sharp, serI H , f g e d kniv . extra heavy silver overlay, hollow I S n antl <i3 and o'f course a registered guavIV?, y" 'ies are. ample . . . but not unlimited. I 'ait us today. Tnau Arr.nj.J Open Dally 'Til 6 To Hold Card Party The Couples Club of the First Congregational Church will hold their annual card party and dessert' tomorrow at '8:45 p.m. in Patton Auditorium. Reservations may be made with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Roderick. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Mond.y 'Til 91 pre-shaped td shkpe you natu rally for new young loveliness to please your Valentine . . . We have a large selection of spring-freih Sweaters and Blouses $3.98 to *14.98 We have a sweetheart of a selection of Valentine Gift* . . /each one sure to be the perfect present. Pewter Milk Glass Costume Jewelry Dainty Handkerchiefs Music Boxes Lenox China Glassware Silver Brass Copper Tray Tables Lamps I Trays Woodenware § Corning Ware Greeting Cards Jeannette's Girt Shop « "Pen Monday 227 iAST M O A D STREET ort(J FrWay Rear tntronte to Munitipol Forking lot AD 2-1072 COfTlTOrT On u u / long w|Tn ine»« CAVIWSIVC CTOBIIV uruiwioa. • Bras-cut elastic side panels self-adjust rotyour every motion 0 Elastic criss-cross front dips low, divides dtvinefy • Full elastic back won't wrinkle or curl, no metier how active you are. In white only. Sizes 32A fo 38C. Only $4-'5. 131 Qwimby Street ADoms 2-1131 Official Girl Scout Equipment Agency Open Mon. & Fri. Evening* 'HI 9 o'clock 121 Qwimby Street A D W M 3-1131 Girl Scout Equipment Age««y '' Open Mon. * Frt. Evening*fi! * o'dw* THE WESTFTEF.D (S. J.) LEADER. Tm'BSTlAY. rFDRfARV 12, 19'i Twelve SALLY ARRIVED FROM SWEDEN; Lily candle holders of solid, lacquered brass . . . a fashionable design for centerpiece, buffet, mantle or bureau Only $5.75 a pair Swedish brass bowl Only $9.95 Mahogany House is continuing this week its special sole table of selected merchandise al substantially reduced prices. Unit Crestwood Rake and Hoe Club W j * ^ Priscilla Eddins, Mrs. Toiluy'x iiH'i'tinit nf llui Union Sees Weather Film County (foninucd from page 10) Angelo L. Mone Unit, NVw Jeraoy AHSOCIU- huh! 'i-ulir Milli-r, llniiK Kakelty, ami turn fi>v Ui'tiirik-d Children, will bu Ihu F,,,,,UVIJo4 . f)..l> SUitiit-r will IKI hus Rliki' iiiui I ' " 1 ' (• :>t'tivlt I'H'li liii|,| at St. Luke'* riuHsh hull, p.m. Wed In Plainfield ;n<U|t <-f Ou-ir frit-mi* K "tfu'ld mot ut tin1 YWCA y<*«- Ki>urlh nviMiue niul Walnut street, (ho Wain fluid TrUst 1 i'Xitiii),' a l a Vak'iitiiic • »fti<r»»mi with Mrs. Itolioit I'.i.solU »t K:HO p.m. Program spenkei- for tlu> tnnwhich will Iw hi-l'l nt theTi-nnis Miss I'ris>cilla Anise E.ldin« uuU, l>lV:.iilvnt, vvm<UlCttllg rhairmnni Henry I'ullen, Cranford, Waltiii- Marsh who will' W i Cluli. umunltui's thut Mias Evelyn Dla- "Huntlnjf Wciiif.,.,, dautrhtrr of Mrs. lloorj.'* I., llr.mi! W||(j ,,i.v nf KUmheth will speak on t.m of 232S I.ydc plnce, S.v.t, h ^ r - ltu-har.l Weiss, mt'mlwr- •Tlnsiaroom Mrs. A. I!. tHirahrnnt of S35 !rians iiml Anpc-lii I.. Mone. son ol Tho eluh will hold Prati-tluu-s In thc-Spc-'•iji flniiMiuui, intrmlucw) the new Ct»ul!sip*; street «Mit<>rUlint'd at n \Mr?. Vincent J . Mono of 53! Itoar1 ii.imur.-, to I he clul>. They lw>! tiiil Cln*si'» »"il U*>V tilt" l'arentu luncheon Thursday, f lu'il'liliorhiM*! cuffi-r In honor of jv~ .-tri't-t iiiul tiif l i t e Mi. Jl.ii't, tho Waahingto,, no'Me prtWutisly )»«•» welcomed by theCUD Supplement at Home." • Mrs. William Towner lust Weilnes- Jwore married Sunday aii<>riKw i. — ——. Iv ir.i nt a morning coffee in the Miss Disner is a toucher In the i day morning. Mrs. Towner ami The Rev. Jeremiah Lonjr pi'rforniki-iii < i f Mrs. John McDonnell, Gruce Wiliiay public school of Hoj her family are newcomers in West- cd the ceremony in St. Mary's 1070 Wychwood rosin, at which aelle i>n<! has been teaching "traln- Intermediate Woi,w | field from Wilmington, IV1. Church, Plainflrld. Villiam Cos tr> <• iiimmittee chairmen explain- able" ebiliiren there for the past See WilliamsburgRj uas organist. > ed Iheir various duties. four years. "Trainable" children i The Ga.v Teens had n "WeUneM The bride, civen in marriage by | The Intcimedii j Bandstand" dance Kriday evening her uncle, Commander Richard y.r~. Edward Gave" announced are mentally retarded children with I at Washington School. Penny Lovell Edjjeworth of Norfolk, Va.. that her Dower arranging comniit- ItJ's between 30-50 and are being !house. Tuesday at Kounds was chairman of the comtie woiiM meet Wednesday morn- preparvil to live with others in so- Chester Brown, nttiretl in a tfown °f chantilly mittee in charge of arrangements. was iiu: .u f<:30 nt the home of Mrs.cially acceptable ways. lace. fashioned with a scalloped man, Announced' tiiatT* w .Members of her committee includ- v-neckline. McDonnell, Tuesday e v e n i n g 1 , fingertip veil of lai- will show a film on "nS ed Susan Rrownell, Susan Stanley, French silk Her illusion was attached Mau-h 2-1 at 8:15 p.m. at the Y Attends Workshop Grec« Weiss, Dill Tittle, Clark By- to a crown of seed pearls. She end Wednesday morning', April 15 Em, and Don Newman. curried a bouquet of white roses. FANWOOD—Mrs. WiUUm M. , A canned goodi co||(til, at the home of Mrs. Robert H. White of 70 Tillotson r o a d a t t e n d ; the. welfare farailie,rfji Mblrvany, 738 Sorgate, Mrs. Michael D. Rita J r . of ducted by Mrs. U S1 HiL j A conservation program for jun- ed the twelfth annual fund raising for Education Discussion Plainfield served as matron of honthe card party H i i I ."ors, under the chairmanship of workshop of Vassar College, held or. She was attired in a ballerina show will be discussed j j Held at First Meeting Mrs. William V. Ilartigan, will be Tuesday and Wednesday a t A l u m - buaihesa meetin«, Mn J i frown of peacock blue satin, and heW at the Y Monday afternoon at nae House in I'oughkeepaio, N . V . presiding. A discussion of ways of provid wore a matching head piece and *> 3:80 o'clock. \ng education for emotionally dis curried a bouquet of pink roses. Mrs, Charles Key of Scotch Ifrs. Scott announced that Mra. turbed children at a cost the averwas bridesmaid. She wore Third Marking Torg Tonnessen had done the arg Period age family can afford was he!' nPlains ballerina gown of ice blue satin rangement on the speaker's table l ll Thursday night at the first meet with matching headpiece, and car- Wardlaw Honor Roll for the YWCA annual world felof the Parents Group Jo ried a bouquet of pink roscj. lowship luncheon. Lists 4 Area Students Emotionally Disturbed Children a Henry West of Westfield served A film entitled "The Unchained Students from this area were as best man. Ushers were Hoghelio the home of Mrs. John Harnbeck Goddess" was shown under the dilisted on the honor roll at the Dsaj of Westfield, Patrick Mone of 175 North Euclid avenue. Wardlaw School for Boys, Plain- rection of Mrs. William Coffeen, Westfield and James Mone At the next meeting, to be held Scotch PlainB. field, for the third marking period program chairman. The colored film described what scientists have Feb. £6 a t Sfrs. Hornbeck's home The bride was graduated from which ended Jan. 23. learned about the weather and how an official of the National League Scotch Plains High School and atThe area boys included: Randy this knowledge is being used to for Emotionally Disturbed Chil- tended John Robert Powers Fin- Pfeiffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John dren, will be tha speaker. Infor- ishing School. She is employed in L. Pfeiffer, G47 Norman place, sec- benefit mankind. Route 22, Mountainside mation may be obtained by call- tlie analytical research department >nd honor roll, Form Dj and StanMrs. Philip^H. Oppenheimer was ing Mrs. Hornbeek. hostess of the day in charge of reof Ciba Pharmaceutical Co., Sum-Icy L. Paulson, son of Mr. and mit. Mrs. Stanley R. Paulson, 6IC Han- freshments, assisted by Mrs. MorMr. Mone, an alumnus of West- ford place, first honor roll, Form timer P. Buck, Mrs. John O'Brien, Mrs. Walter Read and Mrs. Tonfield High School, is employed by D, both of Westfield. WILL RE-OPEN the Babb Co. of Linden, and is a Hugh McPhee, son of Mr. and nessen. itudent at Seton Hal! College. Mrs. Duncan C. McPhee, 1358 Following a reception ot theStony Brook lane, second honor Substitute Teacher home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. roll, Form D, nnd Douglas Sulzer, lone left on a trip to Canada. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eitel F. Sul-Given Surprise Party They will reside in Plainfteld. zer, 1515 Cole3 avenue, Form C, A su'rprtsa going away party was Pre-nuptial parties included a both of Mountainside. given for Mrs. Vincent Noonan, Under New Ownership ihower given by Mrs. Sarah Shick The Senior Student Council will substitute teacher for the .first md Mrs. Michael Rita, both of hold a Valentine record dance to- semester, by the students of 5-1, 'Jainfield. morrow from 8 to 11:30 p .m. Ap "olumbus School. Tony Petroniello proximately SO s t u d e n t s and The children presented Mrs. O n Committee friends are expected to attend. Noonan with a corsage and handParents visiting day will be held- bag. Punch and cookies were Mrs. William R. Connick Jr. today. Refreshments will be served served in the auditorium. Mrs. and Mrs. Robert E. Savaga of Catering to Parties — Luncheons Westfleld are on the alumnae throughout the day by members of George Monks and Mrs. Charles Taylor, assisted by a few of the cket committee for the annual the Mother's Association. mothers, helped plan the affair 'ashion show and dessert of Kent Visit Our CockMl Bar Inflation is a hidden tax, with ivith the children. ?Iace School, to be held Tuesday no exemptiona or deductions. It is t 1 p.m. the crudest tax of all, because it The U.S. Navy expects to have Reason la the most active human falls on the poorest the hardest. a total fleet strength of 864 ships 'acuity—Mary Baker Eddy —Samuel B, PettenglU by June 30, 1959. Announcing INTERNATIONAL 57 ELM ST. GIFTS WESTFIELD The Halfway House BEST a CO. WATCHUNG Saturday, Feb. 14th U f • paint the town rLKMINGTON FUR CO. It's a great way to celebrate .Spring, .1, witfctHwe subtle, new sage greens, shading* ai fresh gnd tangy as the new season itself, And they're all here In. a collection of easy-care mix-abouts that makes a wardrobe grow like Spring plantings. •: OPfN SUNDAY & EVIHY DAY Scorea HBWalltntine's Day This Saturday Feb. 14 With Flowers for enN M a r TO » r. M. — UTuMAr* VJHOAY int.* The Best Gift Ever for Those near or far-- FINAL FUjCtEmHCE 'HBBT ^ $368,000 WORTH OF FINE QUALITY FURS TO SELL FOR ONLY $284,000 TMfiiy «• Mm IMPORTANT M M J M i m NATUHAIMIWC to bottom: NATUKAt, MINK STOUS Cut'Flowtn'—Plants Stiip«l Mlky Dfecron »nd vbeoM ihfar «fth "tommy" collar. 4,f | Mttchingknlfe-pfcitedsVUt. 10.91 Twtuted, twwty TvMhaUi Arnd mcctite »nd vbcofe Wd chute jacte. f . U 1 i i h DYED AUSPCA ruK SEAL • • • «to*nao Corsages — Arrangements ^ CANADIAN KAVtR from * < B 9 S to * T r * © | § NATUHAl SHtAKB IACOON frfifmhionid BMVLOR fitted r.H (Skirt, Delivery to All Nearby Points • FTD Service Elsewhere • * itas 10 to 18. Swtattt fn w&r* or Ay blue, sizes 34 to 40. WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP Afail one! phon* orden nlltrf State Highway, Rout. 22 John C Steuernagel PlolnfieW 7-0500 250 Springfield A v . n u . from * 9 4 « te * 4 M O DYED »ueic nmm frovn * B ^ M S to NCWTHUH tnOUT MUSK«AT from * 9 4 M B to Wa.hoiwflty believt Ifcert ciu« ta rising row skin pric«thes« value* will notfe«duplieated for many y»ar*, YOUR VISIT NOW WILL PROVE MOST fLEMINGIOH FUR C° Tel. AD 3-3650 fLtMlNGTOM NEW « • • * * S r t M W B I WUWfACTWtt I «STB»HTBK tf I THE WESTFJEUD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FCTnUARY 12, Smith Club Begins First PIP Drive fpr Mr. Cupid knows the way to please a gal or a man on Valentine's Day . . . Feb. 14- And h* suggests delicious MARTHA lORTON'S AUOUR CANDY IS MAPE ON THE PREMISES Martha Lorton Candies 13ELM ST. WESTFIELD Mrs. Young to Head Cranford MOirWTAlNSll)K—MIHS Jniutt Marie Znkovie, daui»litor of Mrs, Creative Group nry T. SJiiUm'ic of (limvuud, nnd l'hill|i Suntnnli'llo Jr., BOH of Mr, Philip Santaniello Jr., Janet Marie Zakovjc Morried in Springfield Chapter U, PEO, Tells Of State Scholarship Mm, W. (!. IInrpMor, 818 lllghhuul nvonuo, or Mia. A, Ralph Uimtln for further information. Chapter I!, l'KO, linn piniUclod Sigma Kappa Alumnae A meeting; nf Smith nlumnun of Ktiidnnen directors in VVi'.illlelil tliu Phi Infield-Westfleld Smith Club nnd Scotch Plains high sdionl.i Hold Work Meeting wus hold Thui-Htlny tit the home of with iiifniniiiHini rc-Kurdim? ColTins I'lnlnfield Suburban AlumMil,, Thomas I \ Jiu-kson, chairid Mrn. Philip Smitdhiiillo of 228 Summit road, \ w « mnrriuil Sntur Mrs. Hnruhl Yonntf was uloclfd Iny Junior ('iilluiro, in Ni'viidn, nno Chapter of Sigma Kupnu ao« man, HIO FaifucreR UV\MU»K, to iiy at B:3l> p.m. In St. James Church, Springfield, Tin- Itev. (iunin ^f<), This nccrcilili'il MCIIOII!, with launch the'club's (list PIP drive. MeQurry officiated. A reception followed at the Kar IIMIH Inn, ;u auccucd Mrs. l'nederlc Grcima- n Rhnli'iil body of .'100, him Its rurlly heUl it.s l-Vdirunry mueU The PIP, the "Persunal Interview iomiTville. KolluwiiiK a honey- tvuld a s protiiili'iit (if Oruiifoi'd Krndiinti'3 admitted In third yonr ing Friday in the home of Mrs. Proimim" o f the Smith Colleica moon to Florida, the couple will re Creative Art Urnup nt thu annual slnndiiiK in "II lea«llii(r four yi'iir (iunrge Putnam, 650 Highland avo» nir held Thuradny ovonlng, nun. Slio WHS assisted by Miss Alumnno Association, Is a concenlo In Middlesex linroiujh. t'ollc^i's nnd univorsitiu.i. Jan. L'D, at the Miniiclpal Court. Mary I.ymi Tuloy. trated drive to establish contacts The hride, who was escorted by with all alumnae in the area to Other officers elected for I lie Preparmions lor the Vnlentlno's Tho collt'RU la owned nnd operHer grandfather, Mifodi Tolkueii maintain ond increase interest In of Roaelle, wore a princess stylo coming year, who will ho Installed ated by the l'KO organization, Pnrly to be given by the group for the collem, und to ruiao the perdresa with sin Alcneon lace uoilice at the June mi'vting, include: Mrs. which niulu's uvuilnlilu a state the Friendship (Hub at the YWCA centage of alunmau fund donors. ml panels over ti peau de noiu \V. K. Kaulkncr Jr., vice president; arliolurshlp to n diialilled student. tomorrow worn the evening's promay contact gram. The ulumnae fund, representing skirt, short sleeves, scoop neckline Mrs. ChnrU's 1'mil, corvespunding Those intorcsted a sizeable portion of the income on and a court length train. Her three set'ii'taryi Mrs. H. K. Hollegers, which Smith's operating expenses r leiiRth veil fell from n doublo recording aecretnry, and Mrs. CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAYS are bused, is organized nSong clnas tlar crown. She enrried a cascade Lawrence Holland, treasurer. Mrs. ii) sinmc ulth live rabbit*. Juntas Browster and Mrs. Charles lines, and tliercfove depends on a of roses and lily of the valley. n. ptt*. Mcrwnrth were elected to the adwritten appeal. The PIP suppleMiss Phyllis Roehow of Garwood visory board. ments these appeals hy personal ELizabeth 3-4939 yvaB the nulid of honor. She wore ivirv. community contacts. More nnd Mrs. Groemnvald announced a princess stylo emerald green Clip Ail for I*111(11 re lit more alumnne have undertaken that the monthly Wednesday evesatin with velvet brocade dress thii program since its initiation with theatre length skirt. She car- ning advance study group will at Smith in 1050 and the percentried a cascade of yellow roses and nioet the fourth Wednesday of aRe of donors has risen steadily ench mortth beginning Feb. 25. white carnations. from about 27 per cent to 53 pet Members of this class have been The bridesmaids were Mrs. E. cent. Bruno Hauer of Berkeley Heights, invited to exhibit their work at Fuirleife'h Dickinson University in Present at the meeting were Miaa Ann Simttinicllo of MounMrs. Howard Carter, president of tainside, sister of the bridegroom Madison the fust two weeks in the cluhj Mrs. John Birdsong and and Miss Patricia Darroch of Gar- March. Mrs. Elven Sheahan will be' Mrs. L. C. Griesemcr, both of wood. They wore dresses identical in charge of arrangements for the Westfield, and Mrs. Glen M. Smyth to the honor attendant and carried local group's exhibit. Due to the illness of the anof Scotch Plains, Mrs. Jackson's cascade of yellow roaes and yellow nounced speaker, Roy Hammond, assistants; and the following incarnations. WilliamE . Faulkner Jr. took over terviewers from this area: Mrs. Frederick Santaniello of Moun- the program. After being introWilliam V. Johnson of Mountaintainside served as his brother's best duced by Mrs. Greonawald, he side; Mrs. Ashley W. Burner, Mrs. man. Ushers were John Zolgler showed color, movie films with John Accola Jr., Mrs. Edmund E. of Mountainside, Donald Mlnda sound track that he had made of —Acfcerm Eeckwith Jr., Mrs. A. T; Savage, of Cranford and Robert Hull of skiing and, ice skating in Austria MRS. Mrs. Allan B. Cook, Mrs. Parry Plainfteld. THILIP SANTANIELLO JR. and Switzerland. D. Egbert, all of Westfield; and The bride is o graduate cf Jon Jlrs Tinnk \ Uopp of Panwood. Also shown wei'o films of ice athan Dayton Regional High boating and white water canoeing Sun Dial to Meet School, Springfield, and is employ- in New Hampshire and Vermont. ed in the personnel department of Mr. Faulkner explained that this PANW0OD—The Sun Dtal Oar- Boyle-Midway Inc., Cranford. was the popular New England den Club •will meet tomorrow at bridegroom, also a graduate sport of shooting the rapids in Our lara« and 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Her- of The Jonathan Dayton Regional High canoos during the spring thaws interesting bert Hunter, 153 Hunter avenue, School, is employed by N. Ycagor, when the rival's were high. Menv Mrs. Roger Coekburn will be as-electrical contractors, Newark. collection of bers of Mr. Faulkner's family sistant hostess. Mrs. Paul Hainos wore shown participating in the gold charm* will talk on "Birds Are My ""Life is like a gun. It can h sports shown in both films, always Include Hobby." aimed in only one direction at a A tomato contains more liquid something of time."—Alison Fowler Short than a glass of milk. LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS special interest MR Whalhsr you r«ally low* the ftuy or h«'i fust a ney, give m iomi> thing nic* lor John franks for .you) Com* M e our lovely group of gold and silver chorms ~* just right for a Sentimental Valentino. open Monday/ to 9 p.m. ADans 3-05S9 gold oharms NO E*TR» COtT ran CHARQE ON • •uaarr ACCOUNT* Only One Can Give Such Service 2 0 8 E. BROAD *T, WEITFIELD SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS BY MAIL DRIVE-IN WINDOW SCHOOL SAVINGS '24 HR. DEPOSITORY MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION LOANS Valentine . , . to you IMPROVEMENT LOANS MORTGAGE LIFE INSURANCE | p | i Garment Beautifully Cleaned arid Expertly Finished Absolutely... *•-^ v CHRISTMAS CLUB VACATION CLUB MONEY ORDERS TRAVELERS' CHEQUES When Brought In To One Of Our Five Convenient Locations! U, S. SAVINGS BONDS LOANS ON PASSBOOKS t • * CUSTOMER'S PARKING _^ FREE SAFEKEEPING OF U, S. BONDS For Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only I "(ONE H 4-oioO - OTHW TOWN! WX-JIfO (NO TOll) AirriciPATBD AtnrvAt. DIVIDEND RATE FOR PERIOD STARTING JANUARY 1, 185» Member fodtral iavings ond loan Iniurants Corporation WESTT1ELD FEDERAL SAVINGS */ $ *LU l S I H S T I T U T I O M Irood at ProcvM Sttmt . LEADER. T H T T P a " a v ™RR.!ARV 12, Page Fourteen Junior Women Sponsor Valentine Charity Danes With theCdleqians PANWOOD —~ All lh.' plans have beer* completed hy tho Fanwopd Junior Woman's Club for the Valentine Chnrits' Dunce to be hold Saturday at the Park Hotel in Fiainfleld. This dance is an annunl affair sponsored by the club, the proceeds will be divided among the Nancy Lujon School, the Walter Mutheny School, ui:d the Ploinfleid League for the Handicapped. The music will be supplied by the Melio-Tones. All are invited And reservations can be made through Mrs, William Lasher of Fanwood. Stephen (i. Mulek, son of Mr. month (if Ft;briia: y. Outstanding and Mrs. .Stanley V. Malek, llfiO speaker;; from thv United Static Wychwood road, h u recently been will be prcsi-'iit for (is^cmb)ios and elected secretary of J ll in e » a n discussion group: IIou.ic, dormitory at Brown University. A itradunte of Westfield High School, he is n mcMiUer of the sophomore chiss and is a candidate for the bachelor of nrts degree. « * » Franc«» Peterson, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Albert I.. Peterson of Fiichnrd Johnson, junior econom73-i Forest avenue, is participating in the freshman project at ics major at the University of TulMncMurray College. The project's sa, was named to the dean's honor abjective is to raise funds for the roll for having nmde over a 3 (B) Simple duty hath no place for clajs treasury. MIES Peterson, a Ifrade average for the first semesfear.—-John G. Whittier graduate of \Vestfield High School, ter. Hi' is the son of Mrs. E. R. 13 majoring in home economics. I Johnson of 786 Warren street. * • » • * * SsntiU Smith, daughter of Mr. Judith Kdmonsoti of Westfield has been named to the committee nnd Mrs. Philip W. Smith, 7 Karorganizing the "Cupid's Ball," big- en terrace, has been named to the gest mid-winter dance at La.sell dean's list of Cedar Crest College Junior College, Newton, Mass., for the first semester. She is a sihedultd for Saturday. Miss Ed- sophomore at the college. nionson, an advertising design ma* * * g jor, is the daughter of Mr. nnd Henry E. Peterson of Rockaway, Mrs. R. M. Edmonson, 530 Clark i .V. V., son of Mrs. Mary T. PeterM street. Swedish Glass son, former residents of Westfield, hns received his bachelor of busiJoan Loretta Williams, daugh- ness administration decree from Shelley China I tor of Mr. and Mrs. Roch A. Wil- Hofstra College, Hempstead, L. L, liams of 11-1 Hyslip avenue, has Keb. 1. He is a member of Sigma Jewelry been accepted for admission by Im- Alpha Sigma social fraternity. mKCUlata College, Immaculata, Pa. * * * Handkerchiefs She will begin her studies there in Dale Vincent, daughter of Mr. September, and expects to major and Mrs. \V. A. Vincent, 10 StoneStationery English in preparation for lcsgh park, has been named to the Joan's activities «t Holy Trinity dean's list for the first quarter at igh School, where she will grad- the Northwestern School of JourGift Wrappings ate in June, include: President nalism, where she is a junior. the glee club, member of the udent council, member of the var- Club Schedules Norcross and Rustcraft ty cheerleading squad, Sodality >-captain of an inter-mural basGreeting Cards tball team, on the staff of "Rev- Lecture on Roses He," a monthly school paper, and TriniUs," the school year-book. Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the home * * * of Mrs. Lewis Minkel, 806 Cedar Mrs. Robert A. Loder Jr. of 306 terrace, the Mountainside Garden rospect street received her bache- Club will hear George M. Hart ir of arts degree from the Uni- speak on "Roses for the Home •trsity of Pennsylvania at cere- Garden." * t Smith Ara.W. AD24M3 lonies in Philadelphia Saturday, Mr. Hart, garden consultant and hile at the university, Mrs. Loder levturer for Star Roses of West Opp. Municipal Parking lot ns n journalism major, a member Grove, Pa., has had wide experiDelta Gamma sorority, presi- ence in the field of horticulture. nt of the All-Residents Council He was born in Ardmore, Pa., nd a member of the Women's Stu- and was graduated from Penn ;nt Government, She is present- State College, where he majored a member of the Summit-West^ in forestry. In 1925, he entered ield Delta Gamma Alumnae Asso- the employment of Lewis & Valitlon* entine Co. in Ardmore. From * # * 1928-32 he was superintendent of Carol DcChellis, daughter of the Ohio branch. When the Ohio r. and Mrs. Anthony J. DeChel- offices closed, he returned to PennBeyond the demands of 125 Lambert Mill road, is sylvania and until 1036 was nurshairman of the religious life com- eiy manager for Tresdale Farm just "making a living" everyttee at Chatham College, Pitts- N ursery. one wants to feel his life has urgh, which is sponsoring a re- His knowledge of rose varieties, purpose and usefulness. We igion and arts program for the rose culture and the use of roses »U encounter this question: — is extensive. In addition he has a "What am 1 here for?" wide acquaintance -with all types Science and Health with Americon Home Group of ornamental plants and is adept Key to the Scriptures by Mary nt solving most of the problem.: b Hear Home Agent that gardeners have. He has spent Baker Eddy thaws where the considerable time over the laat 20 answer lies — in an underThe American home department years lecturing to various types of standing of what God is, and r the Woman's Club will meet clubs and societies, therefore what man, made in i the clubhouse Monday at 1:15 After the meeting, refreshments m. Mrs. Mary W. Armstrong, Cod's likeness, must be. nion County home agent, will will be served by Mesdnmes D. G. This book shows the way .peak on "Making the Most of Mnxwell and H. L. Brooks. to satisfaction, health and our Personal Resources." abundance as we The hospitality chairman of the learn tow to live ay is Mrs. Baird Parks, assisted according to the WEDDINO MCWTIONS iy Mesdames A. V. Bunnell, G. H. :«ffrey, G. C. Hickman, M. A. teachings of SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Mercner and B. T. McCoy. ChrirtJe VALENTINE * t * Christian Science can make life worth living PIANO MCITAIS Stint, md BuhM M l h* umd m itnemtd « u> Cfcnitsn fame* R—M»t Him Sn4 $i \tt a t»n f&tmd. Gardenaires to Meet Christian Science Reading Room l i t QUMBY STRICT WESTFIELD NMM The Gardenaires Club of WestW will hold its February meeting Monday at the YWCA. H. L. rr»nce of Vance Florist will speak n house plants. A dessert bridge will be held at Koos April 27 from to 3 p.m. MIITINOS Woman's Club Or WESTriKLD / 31« S, IUCUD AVI. AD 1-9159 AD 24343 ! Newcomers Hold Shackamaxon Club Phyllis M. Wolff Pennant Bridge Wed in Virginia Has Program on MOVNTAINSIHK --Tlu nsumiily -.not-tini; >-,f the "Birds In Color" 'SU To Adolph Weiser UMO ON U.S. NAVY fMMMHNf "SIAWOIF" DNA Well Baby Attended by 389^\ The District 1 tion Well Baby o l M l PLAINS—The Amt-r- expert health guidum-,. h li"jmitmerit, o f Scotch field preschool |,il,l t lw „ ' I'iain.- Woman's Club met Fob.' !1 wise under medical 8miw J: • Westtle'.d Vtt'CA ;it Koos liro-:., llahwuy, for a lunchThis program p g a m ia 'u HumSl'OI'CI „,., Monday in XOTCH PLAINS—The n-g\iet.n meeting. The members alao dor contract Jucttjj MOUNTAINSIDE — Mr. aiu! , r . i 2 : ; ; 0 p . m . Mrs. SU'iil lar monthly meeting of the Shaokontract for Mrs. George Wolff of 132? Bitch ' ten. president, presideil (it tin toured the store observing model Health with th aiiuixoii Garden Club of Scotch w loom arrangements, types and local doctors otic of wi* Str»*hn»'yer( lu>sU>ss styles uf furniture, wood and tex- tributes his time cwh lg provided table tk'fora- tile texture nnd color values. the station. <l Mrs. Joseph Studholme, chnirtion* in the thvmc o{ St. Valentino's III 1958 the station ,ity» niun, announced thnt the March 3 [lay. Co-hostess was Mrs. Paul totaled 389. Mi.,, Edith meeting would be held in the home brecht, xrinanin. tho supervising M ,' Mr?. Miohnel Sgarro made a re- of Mrs. Mnry Torchy, 427 Warren ports that at the 20 M M r port concerning the Mid-Winter s;reel. At that time the group 315 immunizations and l v Many of Mr. Snvary's bird pic- ' Jonathan Dayton Kefi'ina! Hitrh Bull, which will be held Friday, will study small room arrange- tiona, etc., were BiVCI, Urn's have been reproduced in n<i- 1 School in Springfield and the Feb. 20, at the F.lizabeth Cartcret ments. April 7 the department will which were Salk shots.' Sn tional ornithological magazines. I Franklin Beauty School in Eiiia- Hotel in Elizabeth. Proceeds for j| visit frlass and pottery factories in tion 63 adverse condHitmj Hostesses were Mrs. Richard Mac- •, beth,.. -and is employed ---, . by . the Fcin- t'se dance will go to the Westfiold Kleniington. In May the depart- noted and the children » od Hairdressers in Summit.._ ; y\y improvement fund. Tickets ment will have an open homes tour, to physicians for treatment, Dowell, Mrs. Frank Fedowitz and wood Mr, Weiser attended Union High may be obtained from Mrs. Sgar- visiting tile home of Mrs. A. Berke- ical examinations were »i» Mrs. James Windeler. School and was graduated from the ley Sanborn, Mrs. George Miller, 151. of which 23 receive! r.i, 283 Garrett road. 1 he following new members were Vil Td Mrs. Charles Spet'n, membership Mrs. George Oram, Mrs. Jamea final prior to school entrant,, welcomed and presented with cor- Thomas Edison Vocational Trade sages: Mrs. Alan Beerbower, Mrs. School, and is now employed by! chairman, introduced Mrs. Walter Cunningham, Mrs. Robert B. This preschool health p Anthony Brewer and Mrs. Charles the Sterling Engineering Co., 1Beiuing, 11S!» Puddingstone road, Ycakle, and Mrs. Ernest Wegbegan in cooperation nit ns a new member. Attending their ninnn. Van Pelt. j Newark. PTA "annual school room The couple will reside in Sum- j first meeting were Mrs. Urban Mrs. George Pantiletles, flower The executive board of the local Uu-kard and Mrs. Richsvrd Went- club met in the home of Mrs. Geo. In 1938 the DNA started, show chairman, spoke on tentative mitj worth. Cortes, 2239 Lyde place, Thurs- round-infant and preschool pplnnr for the club's fall flower supervision program, and in The meeting was then turned day at i):30 a.m. and made final with the assistance of the show, the theme of which will be Dr. Robert Staffanson over to Mrs. Charles Shomo, pro- plans for the regular monthly field Medical Society, the 'Caribbean Cruise," and announc- Speaks to College Club gram chairman, who explained the meeting at the Baptist chapel, Baby Station was opened n ed that Mrs. Herbert Pontin will he co-chairman. .Mrs. Pantiledes FANWOOD—The Fanwood Col- rules of pennant bridge, which the Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. as large a group as was ntt The arts and crafts department, could be given the health had a meeting of all the flower lege Women's Club will hold its mt-mbers played at this meeting. show committee chairmen at her annual guest night meeting Mon- The next meeting of the club, under the chairmanship of Mrs. desired prior to school en home Feb. 4. day at 8:30 p.m. at the Fanwood March 9, will feature a fashion Anthony Regg, met Thursday at 1 It was planned to have a flower Presbyterian Church. Dr. Robert show presented by the Clara Lou- p.m. in the Fanwood office of the arranging course for memhers in Staffanson, director of the Spring- ise Shop of Westfield. Mrs. Geo. Plainfield bank. Donnelly, Mrs. Theodore I June, taught by arranger and au- field, Mass., Symphony Orchestra, Kepping will be in charge of the Mrs. George MaeDonsld,', thoress, Mrs. Myra Brooks. will present a special program en- program. f Clayton Bernard, Mrs. Joh'j ft Coffee Parties Benefit Mrs. Henry English, chairman titled " 'ommunieations in Music." Jr., Mrs. Ivcr J. Berry, Mn.(j of juniors, announced that at 2:30 Final Performances March of Dimes Drive Dr. StatTanson has served on Litta and Mrs, Richard Lei, Wednesday in the Shackamaxon School, the junior department will the faculties of the Montana State FANWOOD — Benefit coffee The final performances of TenUniversity Mu*ic School and the plant narcissus bulbs in the cernessee Williams' "A Streetcar parties held in Fanwood for the amic containers they made under University of Massachusetts. In Named Desire," featuring Mr. and March of Dimes Drive in January 1952 he was chosen by the Amerthe direction of Mrs. MacDowell, Mrs. Henry Glass of Westfield will have been completed, Mrs. Harlan Dorothy Dennii at a previous meeting and Mrs. ican Symphony Orchestra League be presented Friday and Saturday L. Nelson, coffee chairman, reRestaurant Helbig will direct a program on and the Philadelphia Orchestra as evenings at the Merck Circle ports. one of the twelve conductors from 414 North Broad St., the subject of "Wild Birds." A check for $60 was turned throughout the United States to Playhouse. Tickets may be purMarch 2 there will be a work- attend the first conductor's sym- chased from any member of the over to the town chairman of Fanshop meeting in the new Scotch posium with the Philadelphia Or- organization or at the theatre. wood Monday night, which inSunday* • Holiday] Plains firehouse, Raritnn road and chestra and Eugene Ormandy. The Merck Circle Playhouse is on cluded additional contributions 12:30 to 6:30 Martine avenue at 12:45 p.m., at Martin terrace off Rahway ave- made by those who were not presThis past summer, he spent nue, Woodbridge. which Mrs. James Ocello will dement at any of these coffee parties. several weeks in Europe observing onstrate and speak on "Making Weekday* T h e s e additional contributors Beautiful Corsages," and the fol- European musical institutions, I.11NC11EOX — l l i M b ) '. were: Mrs. Nathan Marcus, Mrs. Plan Card Party conferring with several of the lowing will be hostesses: Mrs. RobI>INNKJt — 3,30 to ! » Richard Knox, Mrs. Walter Morert Doherty, Mrs. Alan Tucker and leading music figures there, and A benefit card party ior St. gehweck and Mrs. Godfrey NelCloaed SutBrdiiri * Cfcri continuing his coaching. Mrs. Ocello. Christopher's School building fund son. Approximately 75,women parReremmrNilrrt kri iia Mrs. Ralph Walter, 324 North will be held Wednesday, Feb. 25, ticipated in these parties. • Hla«, CM * avenue, will be in charge of the at 1 p.m. at Koos Brothers store, GimrMrl Nairn**. College Women's Club Hostesses giving these parties refreshments which will be served Rahway. A cake and gift sale will 3.9171 were: Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. G. Deane Executive Board Meets during the social hour which will also be held. follow the speaker. FANWOOD — The executive board of the Fanwood College Women's Club held its regular Gamma Phi Beta Group monthly meeting Monday night at Holds Work Meeting he home of Mrs. Edward J. Winiof, 72 Beech avenue. Mrs. Walter The members of Gamma Phi Dunkel, 1372 Gray Hill drive, Beta held a meeting Tuesday at Scotch Plains, was the co-hogtess. 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank The meeting was presided ovei" W. Kohrs of Martinsville to work by the club president, Mrs. Joseph on Valentine surprises for the chil~ Kirk, 1975 Grenville road, dren of the Walter D. Matheney Scotch Plains. Plans for the an- School as a. part ot their internanual spring fashion show and des- tional philanthropic program. sert bridge were discussed. It will Gamma Phi Beta owns and operbe held March 14 at the Junior ates a camp in Colorado and one School in Scotch Plains. The fash- In British Columbia for underprivions will be by Teppers of Plain- ileged children and has worked field. Proceeds from this activity closely with handicapped children will go into the scholarship fund. for a number of years. CAMP BLAISDELL Bradford, N. H. Dartmouth-Lak* Sunap** lUglon Girls 6-16 All camp activities. Riding. Superior waterfront. Salting, water skiing, aquaplaning, canoeing emphasized. Canoe and mountain trips featured. Mature itaft. Registered nurse. Cabins. Moderate fee. Brochure on request. Miss LiIIis A. Hull, Supervisor, Physical Education, Westfield Elementary Schools, 312 North Chestnut Street, Westfield, N. J. ADams 2-1282. 10 * 4:>0 7 H* Information concerning fret publii ' kelirtl, church lerricci and Sun«h|r School it alto available. Plains American Home Group Has Luncheon Meeting, Tour at Koos SAME D A Y . . . SAME "PERSONALIZED" SERVICE Any SPORT SHIRT TROUSERS SKIRT 1 SLACKS or • SWEATER £ Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed We were surprised to learn that some o{ our new customers, who had to have their clothes cleaned quickly, hesitated about using our same day service. They indicated that they had, or heard of others who had,' unpleasant experiences when their clothes were cleaned elsewhere the same day. For the benefit of these new customers, many of whom are new to Westfield, we would like to tell them what our regular customers already know. t When you leave your clothes with us for same day cleaning, we give them the same "personalized" attention they always receive. Since all cleaning and pressing is done on the premises, the only thing we do is immediately place your clothes in the cleaning cycle ami give them top priority. Mraal *-27aO ar AD 2-9S42 KATHKftlNK KDAKIKR m Pl» 'tvi-rner, K. -»•-» until. ». j . Of course, if all our cleaning had to be done the same day, we couldn't possibly do this. However, since our customers have co-operated with us, we have been giving them the same high quality "Personalized" service . . . and charging no more. So, if you need same day cleaning, don't hesitate requesting it. We're at your service. PAN AMERICAN DRY CLEANERS ;-*«., HOUR S E R V I C E NO DR I V E - i N STORE EXTRA CH 100 NORTH AVE. THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THUnSDAV, FF.RRUARY The couple hn« throe, other chilMr. mid Mrs. Arthur M. Hurti- Hospltul. Mm. Koimlniter la tho dren, Lee, Lucille nn.l Byron David Kim of Scvllis, Ohio, fgniiorly of former Patricia (iaes uf WvalAeld, Si'ii. The tiiHteinnl grandmother Wei-tflohl, are parents of (heir first la Mrs. David B. Cloughly of 507 child, n son, Jumes Arthur, horn Illrch avenue. The. paternal nrar\d- I'eh. ft in Aki-on Utinurp] Hospital, Pi Beta Phi Alumna© uaftmU are Mr. anil Mrs. Byron Avkoii, Ohio. Mis. Iliirltjriui la the Schedule Card Party B. Slunrt Sr. of (101 North Chest- former Winifred Miller. The pnMQUNTAINSUJF. — ApproxiThe Pi IU't» l'hi Ahinnluo Club nut street, tevnal ffrandparentH iue Mr. and 50 |n>rs<iiia attended the Mrs. Miitlhew A, Huitie;:iii, ;t2l of itoithurn Ni'W Jersey will liolil mately * * * open nuwtiiii; of ilia Sunny Slope A HOD was horn to Mr. am) Mrs. Uiirrbon avenue. The innternnl ik eavd pui'ty Moinluy ut thy Now ('ivic Council ut tlu> rhmrtlvM JIUBII A. Ki-udiiiK. 20BU Jersey ave- grandmother is Mrs. Edward Mll- lfaoipiihiie House, Convent Sta- School, Thursday. William l.evet tion, Luncheon will lie served at nue, Feb. 0 in Muhlenberg Hos- lur of Coroniulu, Cnl. uf I'riiicufmi was the urini'i|vnl * * * 12:S0. pitul. Reservations may be. made by siumker, A lirief roaumc of tlic RC* * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles BenniiiKor, tivitjes of tho KevV Jersey TaxMrs. Hyron David Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kuhn, Hill road, Scotch Pluins, are par- members of PI Heta Phi by cnllind payers' Association xvns given by 129 Prospect street, are parents ents of K son, David Charles, born Mrs. Gcorjjo Ray, 700 Cole-iutm Mr. I.evet. ' / ' ' I Bruce Duncan, barn of a son born Feb. 1 in Overlook Jan. 30 in East Orange General place Mrs. Uay la chairman of. the l v in Overlook Hospital. Hospital. party. One item of interest brought out Boro Civic Group Hears Tax Talk 12, 1S59 WHS thnV "Ibe nveroRO resident nmliiiiK $!i,0Q0 per year paid more in combiiun] t>tato and \mn\\ taxes living in TrtMiltin, than a resident liviiiK in «lther Albniiy, N. V., or ll;»rrisburtr. I'n, The »nmo 1«'1<I ti'iii' fur similiir aulmrhan towns. !!u\vevev, a resident living in Trenttm In tho |>^0,<HH) « ytw brnckot full into the fioi'oml positimi with tb? Albimy resident Winding and tiio Harvirtltuv^ resident in third nlitoe," said Mr. l.evet. Mr. I.evet told of eiuiiillzatlun within cnoh Inxinir district so Hint nil classes of real property would be usaessud at a standard ratio of true value. It consists of n 50 per lent iissonsment on real properly, a 150 per cent oHscBsincnt on equipment, aiiii a- 12'.a pep cent tux on invuntory for hu»inu»H. Aocomimnylnt; bills Hint nbonlii 1)0 iiitruilui'iid In the. next few weeks nre the ralflitiK of tht* veteriuin exeinption on asscsHiiients from ?ISO0 to $750, a Krnilual elimination of the peraiinnl tax on liousoliobl goods nnd a bill denning n new comparison of a common stnndanl of value. Raymond Herrirott, president of the Sunny Slope Civic Council, noted that tho proposed chnti?cs wore presented at a public hearing y6*« U'rdny in Trenton. Ho further imted that only lust week Governor Meynor at a Chamher of Gonir mi.lie ilinner staled thnt tbo homfloiviuu" in the state of Now JerHuy 8C1M111. lo he payinii more than bin xluii'i) of the harden, The next. tii'iHTiil iiii'dtlnjf of tbo Sunny HIOJJU Ki'nup will be hold eitrly In May. Whatevor it is your duty to do, you can do without hnrni to yourBolf.—Mary Bakev Edily Rovcrsiug tho tulio may Improve a fluorescent light that Km grown dark at 0110 oud. Spring coats for girls "I simply love n classic navy wool coat for Spring, especially when it's miliuin lined, hcltcd in back, nnd hus an ndd-a-yenr hem® for growingl" Advertised in Vogue, also comes in red. Sizes 3-6x, 1 9 . 0 8 ; 7-14, $ 2 5 . "This is me in my Kate Greenaway dress. It's while pique will) black edging and lias gloves to niatchl" 3-6it, 7 . 9 9 1 7-12, 8 , 9 8 , Seen in "Good Housekeeping." petti9S "Here I am in a flowered cotton by Sunny Lee. It has coat nnd a BIG bow in back," 3-6x, aqua or maize, 7-14, aqua only, 1 0 , 8 8 . .- EMBER TOUR \ A Children's World \ \ Second Floor ~ J*,*r '4" • * ' W _ ,v' >'.ll I « l ••">"!>', "Tote-a-Tlmcr" carryall with Sheffield watch on Romantic s h o r t y pa- More i l e e p w e a r from outside lias 36 picture jamas by Schrank have Sclirank's Italian-inspired windows, zipper hide- Italian inspired multi- T i o r i Di Roma" eollec away for bills, change color floral design and tion. Floral print no-iron purse, mirror, comb ind scalloping. No-iron ba- batiste pajamas, sizel 32- bright plaid lining, Bed, tiste, S, M, L. 9 9 . 58, $ t . black or navy, 1 0 . 9 8 * Shift gown (not ihown), S, M, L, $9. Street Floor Street Floor Street Floor •plus las ft V **" r . L.dy'i Pak-ARobc» ttiei iti own poijitt is a Dainty - heart • shaped carrying case, is perfect for pendant traveling. Non - crushable is sparkling hangs ut with silky acetate Surah, paisley rhinestones, from a printed silver- in blue or red. S, M, L. I0.»«. toned chain. 93** Double woven cotton short) Matching earrings, 9 3 * gloves, in 13 sparkling colors, Sites 6-7%, 9 3 * Tliird Floor 8-Lutton affiffi length, 9 4 . Hankie is a wisp of laee with linen center, Mlvfl 1.59. Others, 91-93. ••«• Street Floor «•**• Z p i" f ,* -=.'*- „ / hoae PL 6-310O. No extra toll charge when you call WX-1010 from Cranford, Bernardsville, Millington, New Brunswick, Railway and Sammit; or EL 6-1500 from .1 •'. iJ Bound Brook, Bell* Mead and Somcrviile. TOPPER'S HAS FHE LARSEST SINGLE AUTO PARK IN PLAI^FIELH , ^ r*j 1'HE WESTFIRLD (N.J.> LEADER . THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 10SP Page Sixteen College Club to Hold Spring Dance RaHtan Valley Mount Holyoke Club Hears ' Talk by Mrs. Birchall Pre-College Night To Be Presented Wostfield-Boro M.I.T. Alumni Solicitation Unit Holds Session Frozen Food Handling Tips flavor, development of off-flavors and undesirable changes In tex- Where Do Cats, ture When these changes take Have you ever pltce, vitumin values alao de- lective cats nre in they choose to sleep? Cr< Rccent tests of qiulity In frozen Ihcy will choose a strawberries by IJ. S. Department t'leae days U there1] a " j " ( " "J of Agriculture researchers show- floor. If temperatures »a ed that at zero degrees, strawber- than three or four denr,es maintained their vitamin C floor to ceiling or fro|L content but losses occurred as room, animals as well s , „ temperature climbed above zero. ratless. New modern, a* Properly packaged and main- Krts heating- systems o'te <W tained, frozen foods cnn often be to maintain steady, .,!?* quite as good as fresh. But when: throughout tho house, n losses occur due to thawing and weather. For old harne freezing or maintenance at too got, well, heaters that vmi »j high temperatures, frozen foods ment the heating s y s t "W can be unpleasant in flavor and dnys. "" unattractive in color and texture and lacking in former food value. Senior high school student', By MARY W T A R M S T R O N G (be Wale(llrmt for tht coming »)>«•'• Thut'day "April in Paris" will he the unk Koum'uf the Town Hall, the column minf be in tht "Leader" from northern Ne«" Jersey will! Hopic Agent Wednesday at the IIUIIBC of MM. theme of the informal aprinir Wcstfleld-MounUimide Ma.waclui- offlct by Friday noon for the fol-be invited to the annual Univm-| For best quality, frozen foods sity of Pennsylvania "Prp-Colles.-; should be held »t zero or below WHfoiii Boucher, 10fl Russell rnnd, dance to be held by the ColleRe nelxt Inslitiite of TivhiioluBV lowing Kttk't Unit.) Woman's Club i>f WentfleM Friday, Alumni Solicitation Committee Night" to be held at the Hotel. from packer to consumer. TemperFunwomi, April 10 at the Far Hills Inn, Suburban, East Orange, Wedn«-i atures above zero brintf about deheld its firjsl niei'tinK with thirty 1959 i' Mrs. George Birchall, 722 SaunfORUARY Somerville. Music will be providday at 8 p.m. ! terioration of flavor, color, tex»oliritoi'n present. it i | m avenue, ulumnue councilor f M f w r F i 'Heading this evening •*>" bv ture and nutritional values. The for the club, wiu the speaker. Mis, ed by the Suburbans from ii p.m. Chairman Paul M. lleilnian outRobert H. Pitt II, dean of admis- higher the temperature, the faster Birchall recently attended (he to 1 a.m., and dinner reservation* liiK'd the purpose of the drive to sions Barney Bellinger Jr.. cap-the deterioration. Mount Holyoke Alumnae Council | will be available: fur those deslrini; increase the percentage of MIT 3 4 S 6 7 1 1 them. alumni in the area who contribute tain elect of the '59 University- When you select frozen foods, »t the college. This is an annual' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mrs. K. P. Boston, chairman, and to the alumni fund. Last year the mooting of faculty, trustees, unof Pennsylvania football team,- choose packages that are frozen dergraduates and alumnae repre- Mr?. II. K. List, co-chairman, hnvc drive headed by Jack F. Andrews Boo Morcom, track team coach and- jolid and well sealed. Rush frozen 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 senting this country and Hawaii. B.i.iminced the folkwinK committee achieved a participation percentage a group from the Mask & W tg foods from the store into your 28 25 26 24 22 23 V Club. The new film, "This Is Penn-' Mrs. Birchall said that the member.s: Mrs. \V. G. Bol|?er, tlee- which put Westfield in the fourth Dryer Efficiency oiatinn»; Mr*. K. C. Davis, pubposition nationally compared to sylvnnia" will be shown. , freezer or freezing compartment. theme of the conference was "the • Hold them at zero or below. licly; and Mrs. .!. Wewont. Uckother regions of comparable .size. 17—Expectant Mothers Class, pursuit of excellence in education" Pro-College night is an annual j You can judge the quality of High-Protein Dish The amount of water left j j The drive is to last until Feb. . tnd specifically the opportunities t!U; also Mestiwmes t\ Askonas, D. DNA, 7:30 p.m., Municipal get together where prospective i frozen product when you open For Calorie Watchers clothes after washing |j , ' l Mount Holyoke offers tu this end. I{. Ba|F|;er, J. W. Benner, R. \V. 28 during which the 153 resident Building students have an opportunity forj the portant factor in the omr,|L1 Mrs. Birchall spoke of a changing Bldpood, V. C. Boss, H. B. R. alumni will be contacted. In addi- 17—Westfield College Woman's an insight into University of; the package. If the brine on vegecurriculum to meet the present Brawn, J. C. Dunstan, \V. E. Eck- tion to the chairman, the commitClub, Pretenders, home of Pennsylvania affairs. It is also an ,tables or the sirup on fruit is Here's an easy way to make six your clothes dryer. WmW, settled on one side of the package than 500 rovolutionj p,,!, day needs of an educated woman. hai-t, D. N. Francis, R. E. U. tee includes Phillip J. Byrne, Mrs. Charles Voelker, 540 opportunity for students to hav« ; delicious servings of creamed chipWhereas the emjhasss has been Ilaney, P. Heilman, K. Hcas, H. David It. Clare, Carl A. Pearson, Carleton road,, 8:15 p.m. any questions answered directly j when you open it, the food has ped beef: Use four ounces of dried utc in the spin cycle will tin,] on Western civilization, today',-! C. Jester Jr., J. E. Kalbacher, K. William E. Jensen, and William U. been thawed and re- chipped beef. Rinse the beef in witter clothes. That mean,! Topic "Body Movements." by university personnel. j probably world events point out the need Lynit, A. \V. Mathieson, W. Mo Kittredge. frozen. Refreezing lowers quality. boiling water to remove the ex- clothes will take a longer t i J lg—Mountainside Woman's Club, This affair will be jointly spon-j ior course* in such cultures as C.'.llum, G. A. Plenty, C. V. Podd, The committee has noted that 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Irene \Volff8mot, extension cess salt; drain, then tear into dry. When shopping for „, J the Middle East. H. F. Sailor Jr., R. C. Sargent, several alumni residents of this 24—Expectant Mothers Class, sored by the University of Penn- \ specilist in nutrition on our Rut-shreds. Heat two cans of cream of matic -washing machine it ii j sylvania' Alumni Clubs of North, ami W. Scholey. area arc not listed locally as they DKA, 7:30 p.m., Municipal Jersey and the Suburban Club of jgers University staff, gives these r.ushroom soup with an equal portant to know the rpni {», per minute) in theiphj College Club members will be are identified through their busiBuilding other clues to identifying results of milk. Add the Bhredded tions for efficient operation of ' contacted after Thursday about ness mailing address. The com-24—9:30 a.m., flower show for the New Jersey. All prospective ap-1 of lack of proper care in frozen amount beef. Beat one egg until foamy and dryer. plicants to the University of j tickets for themselves and guests. mittee extends an invitation to Joint Workshop meeting of Pennsylvania, friends and alumni foods. very light. Fold it into the dried such men to associate themselves the Garden Club of Westfleld arc invited to attend. RefreshSome of the damage caused by beef just before serving. Lots of with the Westfield-Mountainside and the Mountainside GarPackaging News LEADER CLASSIFIED ADSfl high temperature shows up in dark protein in this I ments will be served. Roup, and sucgests that they conden Club. First Congregacolor in peaches and in poultry, tact any one of its members. tional Church parish house. Dragging doors frequently can in loss of color in green vegeJams and jellies will soon be Theme of the show is "Win- be corrected by tightening the and available in individual - serving tables, such as snap beans. In ortergreen." When Marble Tops Dull, screws that hold the hinges in waxed paper cup type containers ange jucie concentrate, there is a 25—Westfield College Woman's place. with 10 assorted flavors to ihe Polish Them This Way tendency to separate when reconClub, current events group, package. Heady-to-bake biscuits When a man sees eye to eye stituted with water. 8:15 p.m., home of Mrs. H. are now available in ftbreboard Frozen foods held at too high to style your If the marble top of your table Wiliard Richter, 871 Carle- with his wife, It means that his containers that open easily and in- or chest is dull, you can polish it. temperatures also show loss of vision has been corrected. —Grit ton road. Topic will be "Cursure perfect-shape biscuits. Some Miss Gena Thames, extension home hair with "CLICK" rent Trends in Turkey." Akron, Ohio meat products such as calf liver furnishing specialist of Rutgera 26_Westfle!d College Woman's and pork sausage will soon appear by Helene Curtis Chapel Hill, N.C* University, tells how to do it. Club travel group, 8:15 p.m., in waxed paper tubs. Theac and First wash the surface of your home of. Mrs. A. D. Bauer, 6 Ro«oke,V«. many other new packaging devel- marble with suds of warm water Hawthorne drive, Mrs. Howopments account for the popular- and a mild soap. Rinse-well and Bur Harbor, Me ard Tate will show slides on ity of smokeless-odorless gas in-wipe the surface dry with a chamSpain and Portugal. cinerators. The packages can be ois to prevent spotting and strcak27 and 28—Wcstfield C o l l e g e disposed of easily and quickly injr Woman's Club play, "The Girls 7-18 Safe, station rauftea every day, 365 day3 of the year. Pocono Pines, Penna. Fashion Cut $ 2 When dry, smooth with a fine Happiest Millionaire," for Ntmrk alter 6 P.M. abrasive finishing paper, such as scholarship fi'nd. aai all day Sunday. LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS 500A or (JOOA sicilcon carbide. On 31 > mile Naomi Lake 10% t a i not included. . . ' Mis? Thames says this is sold un1959 MARCH der various trade names but you S M T w T F S The new "CLICK" permanent ii so I ill recognize its steel gray color. Fun, good health, b«it <Uv«lopm«nf. Riding included in F M . Or you can use grit size 8/0 to soft and natural it never looks likes I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 lO.'O of any finishing paper. Wrap permanent. It's the only cold wave I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Water Sporti, Athletics, Art* and Crafts, Sailing, Canoeing. this around a smoothing block. IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 that double conditions your hair with I Remove the dust and wet the Canoe trips — Pioneer Camping and Ovarnittt. Cabins, marble surface. Sprinkle lightly 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 self-cleaning action and every won j with tin oxide powder. Tin oxide Experienced Leadership. Catalog, Information for Campers 29 30 31 • • • • is guaranteed. powder" is also called polishing putty powder. You can buy It at and Counselors on Requestl drugstore. Get about four 3—Expectant Mothers Class, ounces. A little goes a long way. DNA, 7:30 p.m., Municipal Dampen a coarse cloth, fold it Building;. MRS. JANE M. HUCKEBA - Administrative Assistant and rub. Keep the cloth and the 10—Expectant Mothers Class, surface damp as you rub it to preDNA, 7:30 p.m., Municipal 621 Prospect Street, Westfield, N. J. vent 'spotting. A few drops of deBuilding. tergent may be added to the water 12—Westfield Service League, layADams 2-5251 with which you dampen the surette meeting, 9:30 a.m., home AD 2-75421 806 Mountain Ave. t'neo and cloth. This helps to disof Mrs. James L. Atherton, tribute to tin oxide powder evenly. 223 Canterbury road. A meeting of Die Rmitan Valley Mount Ilolyokt Hub was held WILL TAKE YOU TO *10 CAMP OWAISSA BY PHONE SPRING WEDDING Hair Fashions] Most beautiful time of the year for Hie BrideY reception. Our PARK HOTEL staff will help you plan every detail in perftcl taste — but we must have the date real THONE MR. I I A K I ti 4-J400 LEGAL PI III.H NO'I'UK PuMIe Notice 1B hereby given that HII unit nance of whlflh the following Ax a copy won Introtlui-wl, rt?ntl, antt HUpruverl hi' the Couiurll of tlie Town of WpHtfit'ld fit a meeting held Feb. ft, Ht&!>, nn<l Unit tht> mild Council will further ocmt»i(l*-r tht* Name fur final Huprovul on the 23rt\ <lny of Kf»>rimry, 195», HI V\KX\\ o'elnck I*.M. tho- Counc-H Chunilx-r, Munlclixil ....ll.ltiiK, 4LH ' E. UruHil St.. WcMtllcht, N. J., at wli\«-ii«i anil pliiff* tiny ntTHoti whii nuty he Iiitcn-Hit'tl tlirn 1 n will ho Klvt'n HII opportunity to be heard cont'ernlns aame. JANE F. ITANUKUO, Town Clerk. ORXBRAI, OHDIXAACB Xo. . . . KHA1. OH1>1NANCF, No"'B.'IO, BK IN<; KNOWN A* TIIK /,OVIN<i OIIDINANTK OF WKH I'KIKIJ). JiBW JK1IKKY. AlBtRT WSTINDIR OWNIR MANAGEMENT nf WfHtflehl linen not provlik1 a tfmItwl minrpnMrnllnl lone renlrU*" " to bfflrc l>ullillnK« for t*xet*utlVf, ' iiliifci'luK uml/or adtnlnltflrrttivt* uurpu»ci*, trnlntuK centers nnd nrinj frtr ifr«ii>ssluniil, huwlnesH or u*tpli ctil inntriu'timi. and ocivnlfllv, i^n nt'critiu Hinl/nr rt-scar^n labnrator <»f non-inilsHiue Hianu-ter; and llmllfil typcH nf liDHpltttlft; ftnd WIIKULSAA \lner* ere many militant fal arciiR In the Town whlel »'oul<l be rporf Hpproprnitc for mivh LIHI-N than f»r rt'KUlt*nH«l nn*\ <>UM' iiiMlncHw, conimcrcljil, nntl liuluKtrln !•<('» pi-rmltted In thr Hu»ine8» am •ummrri-irtl nr\A lmluntriAl Zones \VHKIIEAH the I'lBimlng Honnl \Hft s«iu*lletl thij* HltuHilmi nnn V i-fcommetidi'd the crcntloti of a n fjum- for tin-up llmltod purpu«t'f, to RPIIHT wll'h npprivprlaU* »ren« of thi Town to whhh It <HH hv nrndc up plk'sil'Ic; nnd tiilfl ccrtlHort that, thl An Answer to the Pressures of Modern Living LEGAL NOTICE •tion wouhl In* In tu'ciirtlanci'' wjth e- t'oinnrcheiiHivn i>Uvn fur thp lonp ng^i1 economic <levolopini i nt of the WlVlCHKAS, hi view of »nch tne\* ml limtlngri, the Mayor ami Cnunfll I ft-in It eHKuntiul an>l ni'rrnHiiry for he nultltt* liitcr*'HV nntl «**npral Wfl. urt- of the Town that a new Zone 1 United to tin ahovv-ilf'Hcrlht'd tist'H ml tl\*'ir*(vvi'V.B**«vy u«v« bv en***tvii ml dtniarcatt'd on tln> ZOIIPMBP; • NOW THKltKKOHK 1U0 IT Oll• AINKlvby th»- Town Oiunvll of-the Powti of Wt'Htffoi't. In the County of Jnlon, that (len»>ral onllniince No. 3 o ! } * ' k n u w i Y an vht>-'/(onti"ig lriance. De nniondf-d a« folioWH: MKTTON IN || ThRt ARTICLE 3—UKFINITIOMH —be amended by adding thereto n new Section 30, to read us follows: SECTION 30. 'UKHKAUCH UAHO IATOHY— A buil.litiK or buHilliiK 'or I'Xpfrlnifntatlifii in pure or up ivllfd* octfntillc or f*ftKlnet»rinsf lie' nlKn,'rlev«>l()pinrm nnd prortLH-tlon or prototype machlnen or dcvlren, or of new prtnVuftj*, «ntl pruct*»»ins and fahrlcatlhir fm-ld/piital thcrt-to. rt cu«t'»mary acc»>«Nory UPCH neccHH UrvUt; provided thai no matiT IlnlRhfd prudiictH shall lu- mantifttcturcd, prorpHHffl,' fabricated or HHHomhlvtl uti thp pri*n\l(« v& for ^•holoHHle or rclall HHII>, except Mlcl IIH an 1 Ini'ldf'ntH! to mi eh f XpertnicntHtUtn wntl r«?»eftrvh'. furlht-r provldi-d that no cennnifrclal servlelnK •>r repair *>t eotnnu-reliil prodin-tn hi IHTftirmcd; and (uvlhvr provdlei that thcro !><• no (llnplny of any mu terlnln or proriuctn for cttlt-, ollic (haa modelK or (mmp\c» illveeVty TV luted to nut'h rpHPtirch ur dnvplun ment. stH'Tios a. That fi new Article 7-11 \n> inserte immediHlvly following Article 7-^ (cHtHbUf-tunl by (i<-npr»l Or-Jln&m No. *Sl of April S, 1957), whli-h ni> A'hi'thcr In the siinicor a different tune. AUTiCLK 7-n R.'HlvB conBumptlon of wfttOFl-'iri-; AND HKHKAUCH KONR HKUTION 1. UH1CH—In an Office r, to the prejudice of supplying the lid Hertcatcli Zntu-, no huihlltig or lomuil requirements of residential tructure, lot or lutul Hluiil he u«tMl, ntl other conHunuTH In tht» Twwn of .ml no buIldlnR' or structure shut I Wt-Htfleld. built, HHi>red or crccn-d . to he 0. Dlnt'harK'e of any wante mntoiHtd fur any purpose other than the ttl wliati»oeVttr Into any water ollowlntf, and In conformity with ourwe tilt sewer except In accordll tin- uroyiBiunn of thin Article 7-H. ance with State nnd local r«?<!ulre(a) tiffU'o building for executive, wiitH, nor any discharge of corroHIH1IH^«, pro/edHlonRl, rnf?hu't<rli)K «lvp inaterfal. 7, 1-Jxcesnlve trflfflc ureneratlon nil/or ftdmlnlatratUci purposed. (h) H^BParch: laboratory, «« dt*- \m\ hn*ard on .Town utrepts leading the vicinity of such promlsen. lned In Section 30 of Article 3 of M12CTTION*;3. — SIONS — Notwithhis ordlnnlfce, (cj Training: Center or HCUOOI for standing the ptovlalonfl of any *xofeflalpnalt buiineBs or tcchnU-Al Istlntr or future ordinance of the Town of WMtfleld reKulatinR the nstructlon. (d) HoapltctK (not e-ntmnt) for use of signs, noalgn Rnau be allowed u.B an acceanory to- *n office hutuiher than contagious dls^asos. (f) Customary accessory bulldlnffs hiFr or a renear^h Iftborntory or other iml UH«M, which uliatl include o(t- »*rmiUefl «BI», other-than one Tor a trt'ft parking facilities an requlrtd urpose, and In accordance with th tHtidardR. CHtHbllxlu-1 In thlx HIiy Section 4 of thin Artlrln 7-H. . '• ; HIOCTION 2, Ur.HTtUCTUlXS ON* lon. •SKS—The linen npectileri In Hectlon (a) .signs ntfcenHfiry for Ulrectlnnnl nf thin Article 7-n niinll bo per- r safety purpoffci* on the premtnep, mitted only If the following Htiuut- which HIKIIB »h«ll be Umltef] to Hi urtls, rt'(|tilrt?mt»ntn and conditions <ltmrp feet enclu it re compiled with. - (b) Hl^ns, tnclud|HK wording upon <M No UHO shall be pHtnliUahfMl, r«eaoe, for the purpose of Identlnuilntalned or conducted no that the rylUK the use or ocoupanoy of the Hume will caiijtp: premises, which nlRna nhiill be i]e1. DEMKt'mituition nf HninUc, f»n\' in<*rt »*,i* ft part ^of the archltecturnl KHH. duNt, odor or any Htniospherlc npot*itinn of (Fie bultdlntr or an pollutant teudlntf to create a nuleKTHl part of the site plt>n of thr KHiii't' beyond the buundartvn uf ; provldcrt that no such nlfrn shall lut oc«*»ip|p(| by HUch use: exceed 30 Hqlinre feet in arcrt, Hnfl 'Z. l>lsncmlnnlion of glare or vi- I hut the asKrcRate area of such hratlon tending: to create ti nulfunce HisnB shall not-exce>d 40 umiar bpynmt the houndftrlPB of the lot Of ffrt; «nd flirtItrr provided thftt no such fltrn BIJAII hare movlnir parlf. eupifil by such list*: 3, Noise l» t*XL't*i*8 of 55 decibels ttnu if \lKhU-fl, lib »«eh sigh shall b at H rt 1st mice of 100 fe«t from th of Intrrmltten nr flafhtng; type. HiCt'TIO.V 4—OPFfcJTrtKRT |VAIIK t>i>un<lftry of the lt»t occupied by such INU KAriUTlK»—NutwlthfllnndltiK use. the provision? of paranrHpU? (m> I. I'liyHlcHl haxard, hy reanon o '»ml (r) of Sect Ion fi of Article 10-A nre, *'xi>\i>!»hmi rndlatH1" (»r nthf callus, to any adjacent properly of thla ordlnaiH©, and other provl rtlcUi 7-1! Hhall road HB f o l l o w n : Mend a FREE lecture... Christian Science: . Soul's Rtttorativ* Power Revealed ly OMTHUDI E. VflOUTH, C.S. »f flint, Michigan . Meftmtft of III* ISOftnl uf [.(Ttiin-Blllp ol The Jlnlhi-r t'htmti, * j » »twt Chill ill or Clirlrt. tVl.ntist, In Uunlon, Mn'wchuacttB U ROOStVtlT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Clark tlmt mm T«tl|r rnrk«ar SATURDAY, FEMUARY M , »-•» P.M. Parkins fe<iliK«s Avaif«W«~ AMtNDMINT TO Undtr Autpice* of CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ; '•r: v 4 2 } IAST M O A O STREET, WESTFIELD, N . i. >C _w- ^ • MAP OFTHE TOWN OF WESTFIELD UN'OT) COUNTY, K W JERSEY . All are welcome "-J ZONE : . NOTICES wlns vSectlon 1, which iwv Ions of eald Article lfl-A which may on I-A shall rtad n« follow-, ie inconMlHtcnt herewith, every perSRCT1ON 1-A OFFICE ASD nltltul use In an Office and Hesenrch ^imt) shall he provided with acces- HKAHCH ZONK ory olTntref't parking facilities In (a) KUONT VAKDftKm tft»i'tluHce with the following Htantl- IIKT Hliall be required to set fdH, rfnuirementM nnd conditions: minimum »f l"ft t^vi from tlw l (a) (>nt> park I up space H(IH11 he line, or 13S feet from the ce i>i"t>vhHHl for each two employees, nf the street on which the ecu limits. KtttdentH nr hoHpltal pa- fa?u». whichever 1H thP Bi** tlcntM, tMii«tnniarMy oir the premises (b) IU-3AR VAKDS-Kve at one time, us determined by the NIB shall have n rear yar denl^n of the bulkUntj; and uremlHCH, less than 100 feet, or m>t itM or by the maximum annual employ- 30 per cent oT the depth of W muni, occupancy or student enroll- whichever Is the lesser. ment, whichever Is the greater. («> S I I > E YAims—FAtnf t (b) No parkins facility nhall he Its ftt-cenaory bulWlnlJ oca ted In any required front yard; and have a side yard adjacent » nor within 100 feet of any boundary aide lot line, ami tach sucj line of any Residential Kone; In the yard shall have a width Town of Westfleld or In any adjoin- than 50 feet. «• ing municipality, nor within i!5 feet id) LOT AREA ANDUrt of the lot line of the premises. —The minimum lot area fori SECTION 5. — SCKICKMNt; — No ing: together with its «c •e Ha above jurt forth In Section 1 buHdingH and uses shall »r. hiill lie made of premises Hituatc In (3) acres; tinil the minima* iht office and research zone border- width »hall be 200 (eel. U on viremlRi-B located in the IttKte) Btnu>INO AHBA— nci' "A" zone unleH.** nald premlse« -,f hufldlnRe shall not e»Cf» in the office and reneareh zone ahull per cent of the lot urea. ,^ be RhleUled from the abutting prop (D HKIOHT—No f»B"JJ3S ertles In Hex I tie nee "A" zone by i tur« or chimney shall hftt ««"%t protective plRnting strip not 1V» in heleht, excepthlK l *{ py than ttn < 1<I> feet wide, designed •»r the ground floor areai ol » • ami laid out with suitable plant ma- ing may exceed lim" " terial of which at leant 50 per ceilt «d«lltloiiHl 20 feet SUL-II of helKhU Mhull be «r evprgreen spc,_-lc«, which CT1O pltint materinl will attain, and shall the KontnK M«P0I / ^ he maintained at « height of rot In Thnt Article 4, Hection **2 IPHR than eight <&>• feet, MO H» to nance be and'hereby <iis am« provhle an effective natural screen (tu-lutle the w n e changes assei between the premises in the office on "AmendniPnt To *;°".e. ami VRearrh zune and the prem l?ea The Town of ^/f;?.,! e \ In Itiflldeni-e "A" zt*nt>; saUi protec- County, Xew Jersey ( ' « " " J Lt tive plantln-K ?trip to be located In 19&9. Which salt! »"£n($ evtry ta»e immt-nlstely on the bor- 9, be publlnhrO »****, der between the office and research shall maife a pftrt of thi« orj»n»Jg| xoiie and the Residence "A" BoneAND UK [>AI*NBD that DAIXED thl» this orat nrJtnM". SBCTIOX '.X. That a new Section t-A be In- tnke eltfccl immedititoly. j )5 serted In Article 10, Immediately fol- 2-12-n * Page Seventeen THE WESTFIEUJ (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19R!) y Ids Founders v Luncheon S bv County is" 'Hew u> the Union E] uu(j|. ' ' I , r attended, including "' We L-., principals and Union County. Mrs. Totoon.fUnl.nw"^": ' " hf county PTA. Mrs. trtiucod t h e e u e . t a . y d j .tnf (iverv school m u n - iw'.VmboroftheN.rom' ea> of PTA an. Un.on C C 'uncil, and that nine per IL Union County are on L Board of Manners. ho * V I-'1105" "' e l ' e J M ™ ' Jo os of Ro.sclle and Mrs. and Clark of Middlesex A are state vice prcsiV.Ma'-yNV>id Woldonof He president of the Union „ Conference of Teachers iation was also P ' ^ c n t » truest speaker was William Cornell, personnel manaKer L Scaring Corp. of Union, kpoke on "Preparing the High bl Student for Industry — Lis on the Exceptional {."'.Mr. Cornell stressed the tun'ce of » g ° o d education that "the student must be |l,v in mind and body, well led and mannered, and disci" He said that parents and „ arc community leaders at industry needs more peoch year and needs qualified lid. He said he hoped the jols would cut out "snap and that more emphasis ji English, grammar, readniathematics, bookkeeping, and remedial reading i, He commended the Union ship High School on the " e x it curriculum" which it pubMi gives, he said, " a n picture" of the high , .„• commended the Junior mtent programs in the high which give the students portanity to find out the ,ig! t>f a business. He also H feat many industries give it&ips or have an assistance nut iw young people who to l» to college. Discover a sea of famous mattresses! Sofabeds, headboard beds! Studios by the dozen! Irt fact, everything but a ship to float you off to dreamland! Including prices so Koos-low, you'll think you're dreaming! (Just look below to see what we mean.) You'll find Koos not only has more bedding buys, but more buys In everything for your home, from carpets for your floors to draperies for your windows! It's been that w a y for utmost 30 years! So why r, CMMII praised the work b? Mrs. Umbevt Abel, West- let high prices take the wind out of your sails? •BII her committee on the ex- ana! child and the hand):i Many industries hire handi?op!e and find that they lad reliable workers, he ...'.American Legion award been awarded to Singer's, mi Corp. and Lionel Corp., H I'flloa County, all of whorn given tW handicapped perchance to work a t their ':also noted that the N. J. ,-lent Service has a special for handicapped personnel. Union County Council , tinder the direction of .ewis of Mountainside, p'rea musical program. Join the thousands who help keep koos prices down by streaming through our doors 6 days and .6..n,!Qbt*.,ey5ry week,; Remember, there's no need (o "wait till your ship comes In." February,. • and every month . . . it's Koos for b«st-of-buys! And Koos term* are (he easiest! CLASSIFIED ADS MING RESULTS Sefo-b«d by faniaui Row* > . . t full'tliat Bodktt imart tllm, l!n*t, d«tp foam cuthlom. Op«m t* t l n p twol (lack, turqueln' *r brawn t u l u r i . Typically Ka«i> tow*r 01 $ 1 9 9 ILL TAKE TO I,P«J Imogfn* » . . a mattrtia with • imoofh lac«-tuft[ng, prvbutlt bor* dar, h«ovy 8-oz, ftck, tti 6 sitM ^ (<vin (ulll) . , . loggtd Ihli lowt Wlill* 1h»y loil, maHwi or bo»iprlfig, mty $ 2 t PHONE A pair tt lo»ab«dl a) • pitlan»l '• loth bhcultlufnd, bron-firrul«A loth opln ints dxnfoitabl* btifal Charcoal, rtd, brown or gr»*n lw,.d. TWO iofa-b.di for • ALL FORMS W«M $99 OF INSURANCE Yti, (hit >ola b.d li SOUD mopl«, b«autifully finiihad . . . avln hoi a iforaga comparlminl. Tat Wl yours for o budg«f-fow S7SI Matching chair and platform rock•r, both for S7S KNOWN T <>MAN I At all 4 Kosi itorm ESTATE KOOS MAIN STORE Rahway, Re. 27, • FV 8-3700 ST Puritan/ Exit US ACUH BRANCH STORES Sta Gin, lit. 71 • G19-6U6 Freekold.Rt.9 * FR 8-0323 PageEighteen THE WESTFIELD LEADER Frustrating the Planners A jrooil n i n n y p e o p l e Ihii.fc t h . i t feslI'ral (ruvernnk-Mt. tthmilcl d o in<in> :m<l m o r e iif t h e pliinnini,' of l h f iiiition.'il fut l i r e — i n a l l n i a n n o i 1 i> f / i e l d n , .-nii'li a s Bntursd «t tlie Foat o m i t at WeiulnU, N. J., U Beyond Claas M(ttt«r. Published Thurndnya at Wesifleltl. New Jerflejr, by Th« TVcstflehl Uiaclsr Prlnllntr ami Publishing Company. An Independent Newspaper, Official Paper for the Town of Weatfleld and Borough of Mountainside. _8uD»clptlob: M.C0 & year In advance. EatabllBhed 1890. Office: 50 Elm Street, Westfleld, N. J, Tel. AD 2-«Q7 — AD !-«<08 Member Quality Weekllei ot New Jeney New Jersey Press A»»oclaUon National Editorial ABsoctatloa NATIONAL EJHTORrAl THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1959 People-to-People In September, 1956, President Eisenhower called a group of some fifty leaders in American life to the White House and presented a plan. Its aim, he said, was to build a massive system of communications between Americans and the peoples of other countries. This marked the official launching of the People-to: People program. The thought behind1 it was a compelling one. Governments operate on high levels of political,- military; economic and diplomatic affairs. But governments are remote and-impersonal. So, the President emphasized, Americana outside of government must work out thousands of \ methods by which people can gradually learn a little bit more of each other, People-to-People, in sum, involves a sort of grass-roots approach to better knowledge and understanding. Additionally, as Secretary Dulles .told the original . White House group, "You have got the job, and others like you, of making it clear throughout the world that freedom fcth'e preferable form of society," V People-to-People haa come a long way since that original meeting. Some forty committees were formed to reach into virtually every phase of American life : and activity. These committees have more than 1,100 members, of which 700 represent organizations, associations, cluba and other groups. Their geograph'icsl, spread blankets the^nation^and , prictlcalty all vocations ancf professions are represented. Prior to this, other groups—such as the. Lions International and the 4-H cluba:—had been'conducting comparable activities on a person-to-person or groupto-group biitiis. The formal People-toPeople Program, however, brought these groups into closer contact with each other, and sharpened the focus on the •objective of greater international understanding through a multitude of contacts between Americans and other peoples. : The success of such a program, in which all Americans in every walk of : life can participate, is largely measured by the multiplicity of the projects which are undertaken. Judged by such a yard; ;rtiCik, People-to*People has compiled an ;V Impressive record. To select a few exy amples, the Public Relations Committee drafted a pamphlet entitled "Make a ifFWend This Trip" for Americans preIpiririg to visit other countries, and a million copies were distributed. To meet li'a-ipecMte request from the Sudan, an^^her^coromittee collected 16,000 books §?i&r| sent them overseas. More than 70 f:!j£fi0tie*n communities in this country fEliignijw affiliated with communities of comparable size and kindred interests abroad, and a like number are in the planning stage, A sports committee sponsored the American tour of the Pakistan \ Cricket team. A 50-merriber American • rifle team was sent abroad to compete in |.;(?ermany, Switzerland, Sweden and the |r,Soyiet Union. There are committees of IjAhe handicapped, of cartoonists, of peo|ip<'"concerned with hobbies and the arts, Hlpif «o on and on. The internationallyIfi^ttiteized achievement of the Texas gpiaJUst Van Cllburn in winning the great iri'l^haiksvsky competition in Moscow jMwai an end result of one committee's |f:*«rk. • : • • J^ij;, In Senator Humphrey's words; "PeoPfJilf7tp-People efforts at building friendKiiSN*1 **e n o t bound by the restrictions Hjj8iiK# handicaps whieh encumber official •j^erBment-to-eovernment dealings, and i|gi|iff<jf'teh fc*cmore effective." And the ^ ^ l ^ r a m i|.|jf|||f|itist be a two-way street; ^ ^ l l i ^ ^ ^ ^ p j t t l its Foreign Affairs ^;^^^ftiiftfe;^^teli---the msttef: "If it is ^ i f i M ; tfie peoples of foreign •^pftft|Wttst«Ba.tKe Anleriean position, ilArairiean policies and American way of "*^^^ii^fr#il^iE:i<a|sortant that we have ^^pKt#»#|r^»Bdiiig with "respect* to fdueation, health, living standards ami so on. " who think I his . . . miss just about tlie wholu point about Amuricii," say.s the M'all Street Journal. The paper sots on :"Itis not jiovernmont, at least tlit? fi'dei~a) government, which lias given us tlie li icliest standard of living in the world, which has enriched our spiritual and intellectual life, which has provided the e jiormoiis opportunities unmatched anywhere else at any time. It was the people themselves, in their infinite complexity ami variety and individuality, that did it, and they did it best when they were most free of government control and government guidance." One trouble is that the believers in federal planning take a mechanistic view of the world. But thtis nation isn't an electronic brain, where you press certain buttons and get n desired result each and every time. This nation is an accumulation of human beings, with every imaginable kind of hope, ambition, thought, belief. That, in trie long run, is what is going to frustrate the planners and their plans, Strength for Your Life pSHor. }.eii3cr: Congratulations ftre in order t nn tl n>A*«^ [ [ niiMWIir " ' • ' I •mem Plie Mail Bo? " Tiy their"*|obbyin(>, thej have forced a Town Council t 1 ject the proposal for establish "The Mail Box** mmt be *!gnei} by the tender although the same doci not have to be publifhed. History Month Editor. Leader: With the proclamation of Governor Slpyner and that of our Mayor Thotnns, which nppo.ired in a recent issue of the "Leader," it is hoped that February as American ilirtory Month will stand high in New Jersey, and especially locally in the record of accomplishments for this fine activity. American History programs thi3 your will feature George Washington and Abraham Lincoln whose 150th anniversary will be celebrated April 12. The American Revolution vested upon the courage and military genius of Washington. He is considered the greatest man who has lived in the last 2,000 years. Lincoln's Gettysburg address marks the high point of American eloquence. Theodore Roosevelt will also bo honored this year as it is his centennial anniversary. He said: "If the proper study of mankind is man, then the proper study of a nation is its own history, and all the great deeds, and the successes and failures alike, of the forefathers of their people." This statement is as true today as it wag when he said it so many years ngo. Last year American History Month was observed in all of the 48 atntcs. The governors of over 40 states, Including Hawaii and the Canal Zone issued proclamations or similar designations, proclaiming February as American History Month. Massachusetts wa3 the first state to have it issued annually by statue. It Is hoped that our schools will have appropriate programs on American history. Last year a New Jersey girl, Marion Coen, a Passale High School senior, sponsored by Aquackanonk Landing Chapter DAR won the national grand piize In the James Monroe essay contest. At the Continental Congress of the DAR last year a national medal was awarded to Miss Coen. In New Jersey a total of 211 history awards were given by tho DAR chapters in the form of American History Medals, history certificates and other gifts. The, wore wo study our country's past, tho move wo are inclined to want to prove worthy of our great blessings and the mora we are likely to endeavor to be A clergyman was once discussing with a parishioner the need to attend church. The pastor wasn't making much headway. The parishioner kept insisting the church was fine for some people but that he didn't need to go. Finally the pastor fired a series of qustions at him. "When you get sick, %vhat do you do?" "Go to a doctor or a hospital," replied the skeptic. "When you need legal advice, what do you do? the pastor asked, "Go to a judge or lawyer."' "When your car won't mil what do you do?" "Take it to the garage." Whereupon the pnstor said! "Every answer you have .given shows that you go to a specialist to take care of your needs. When you're aiclt, you go to the hospital; when you need legal adVice, you go to a lawyer; when your car won't run, you take it to a repairman," "Why is it then," the pnstor continued, "that you don't placo the care generation is called upon to preof your soul in the hands of n specialist serve the ideals upon which this wag founded. —a clergyman, whose profession haa Nation MRS. M. M. PA'NTON, trained him to care for yo>w spiritual Wostfleld DAR press chairman needs?" Tha parishioners didn't answer, but About Polls he was in church the following: Sunday. Editor, Leader: Your pastor, priest or rabbi can't help Under today's date, Jan. 29, I you unless you let him. Every -week he read an article under the caption JeTseyites Prefer Sales Tax" conducts a service to take cure of the '•Most by a Kenneth Fink and why your most important need of your life. As the p«xper is guilty of such a gross Religion In American Lif« program iv.isstatement of.tho truth is beany sane reasoning and as to urges, "Find the Strength fox Tour Life yond Mr, Fink and his poll I'll refrain . . . Worship Together This from writing what I think of him. canfc-and procwJTj "play around" with Moscow ns havine with the former common uU'.is of national cimtvol of nil PRICES, INFLATION, AND phree* of industrial life, ami also SENATOR DOUGLAS of ail commercial i'mk-uvors. In opening the Joint Economic During1 tho prime ministryship of James Ramsey MncDonnld, the Committee hearings on the PresiSoviet* snm>pliiii>u.«ly infiltrated dent's Economic Report, Commitinto nil phases of British novern- tee Chairman, Senator Paul DUUKniental life, industry nmi commer- las (t)-Ill.) said the Administracial, and scientific development, tion is too concerned with inflatill fortunately one nf the Hua- tion and not worried enough about ?ians made a mis-step, ami "the. unemployment nnd the slowness fat was in the fire," and there was with which the nation has been a clean sweeping out of the of- {•rowing. fending Russians \v\x\\ near susThis comment by Senator Dougpension of diplomatic relations. las is both Interesting and signifiThe Labor Party surtered a stun- cant. It is interesting because the ning blow because oi its friend- Senator is a recognraed econoship with things Russian. mist. He Bpent his life in teaching Lord Attlee Swuie.i another and and research until he was elected later labor government when the to the Senate in 1948, and, acBritish voters thanklessly threw cording to Who's Who, he still is out the man who had saved Eng- a professor of economics at the land during the second World War University of Chicago. The com—Winston Chutchil!—and started ment is significant, first, because off on n Labor rodeo with nation- of the Senator's standing in the alization of the coal industry, the Congress, and second, because the railroads, and the iron and steel facts do not justify such an approduction, anil what a mess praisal and criticism of the Administration. Labor made of these! Instead of continuing to be a Inflation is always characterized coal exporting country, England began to import coal to supply its needs, because of asinine govern- English coaches about half the mental mis-management w h i c h weight of our standard coaches. further reduced the output of the The passenger rolling stock was mines, some of which were near- old and generally run-down. The ing exhaustion. Labor's efforts to only real train I saw was a fast operate the. highly technical iron express operating between Southand steel production were a la- ampton, Bournemouth, and Lonmentable failure, not having the don: it w»s an American all pullrequired expert knowledge gained man train, pulled by the best enby lonir experience, and that in- gine I saw. dustry was returned to private An illustration of prize mismanagement. Labor's attempt to management w a s experienced operate successfully and profitably when I took a fast express—-made the nationalized railroads has been up of old coaches—on a Saturday, another complete failure. leaving London, for Manchester I visited England in July, 19BS: just before noon—a three hour trip. Mondays to Fridays this train Obvious Labor's mismanagement was most apparent. I was told carried a diner. I arrived, in Manthat there was not a single diesel chester starved! Usually more peolocomotive in service at that time ple leave London on Saturdays or planned. Except for a few fair- than other days. On the basis of Lord Attlee's ly new steam locomtivea (none compared with America's power- and his Labor Party's past perful steam locomotives), all the formances that will nigh wrecked steam motive power was about 20 England, and started its dismemyears old. Whn the ROYAL SCOT berment, as listed in your issue of —England's then crack train— Jan. 22, 1959, I cannot see what was brought to this country for he has to offer Westfleld, nor display at the last World's Fair, Westflelders, so will not attend it was sent around out west and Feb. 18, and am sure a large sechad to be pushed up grades its tion of my fellow citizens will feel engine could not negotiate, not- as I do. withstanding It was'trying to pull J. HOWARD TORREY been declining by a rise in prices nnd we have two broad government indexes which are designed to measure the movement of prices. First, we have the wholesale price index, almoat nil inclusive in so far as commodities ore concerned. \t does not include services of any kind, nor house rent, nor interest rates, nor anything not bought and sold as a commodity in the market place. Tho other index is that for consumer prices. This one is of the most immediate concern to us as individuals. It is based upon expenditures of urban workers and includes everything for which such persons spend money. It is not a cost of living index, although it frequently is referred to in those terms, and the wage contracts of some millions of workers are tied to this index in the sense that when it rises there ia an automatic increase of wages. In common with almost all government indexes both use 1947-43 as equal to 100, and both are weighed in order to make them more accurate. In the wholesale index, the weights are the relative money importance of the various commodities in the market place; in the consumer index, the weight is the relative amount of money spent for each item by an In tho price of'Tn'dustrijU TIIB apparent .ublm, wholesale price into ^ ' not something to b, aa indicating thattbei ent danger of Inflation, Hya duatrinl prices always ,,71 for worry because it , , J very long until other to move in the same i Senator DouRlaa, in o t h f l is wrong when he saysn.J istratlon is too concern-ill inflation. The time to be, is lief ore inflation gets a Z and current facts Indicjtefi have oniy a feuThe other port of the a enough concern abo« ployment and the sImn growth of the nation, i out foundation. The tion has made it £ that is it greatly , these problems. The difference between i ator and the Adminlstntlm Mr. Douglas wants to l«i and growth by greats | raent spending and th( i ti-ation opposes such a ptU Administration, of coiiw,w rect because such spendinrJ merely add to inflatiomntj surea and contribute to us The high level of the consumer employment later on. ' price indox was reached last July. Thereafter, for the next three months, it w&s a shade lower. In 'restjield Realtor November, aa' a result of the new Utl OUH& automobiles coming on the market at slightly higher prices, the inTheodore L. Doyle dex rose to Its previous (July) high. In December, because of de- president of the Jv'e« clining food prices and a slight sociation of Real drop in the cost of transportation, today announced the forntij apparel, recreation and personal state committees for 195S, i care, the index fell to 123.7, Among the 32 coramitwj which was the level of the three Nancy F. Reynolds, WestWfl months ending in October. At this tor, was reappointcd point consumer prices are Ies3 of the "New jei-aey Reifeq than two per cent above a year cial newspaper of the earlier, and virtually all of that ciation. raise was in the first quarter of 1968. It Is expected that there Walking into the iM will he continued stability for ?ivoral months, again because of a between parked cars is is tive way to commit suitB drop in food prices sufficient to vises the Institute for offset rises elsewhere. ing. The thlnking-pedestriuj Wholesale prices also have been desires to live to a ripe stable, but that is only part of the will avoid this practice. story. The wholesale index reach- I f\v v. .he has a new car because he SAVED it Suffice it to say that he must be using or trying to use the Russian brnln washing tactics, and sincerely hope the good people of Westfield and this great state of ours don't fall for such bunk and bunk k Is, as according to the article (page 22, top left side) there were only 1,026 out of 5,500,000 residents with 50 per cent of the 1,026 or 513 that preferred a sales tax und if anyone has had the experience of how those can be manipulated, he knows fully" well that your caption is not only mislead' iiiR but a fraudulent misstntement of tacts as I've seen these polls where letters went sent out to the right people so the right answers came back just the way they wanted them to and when they were investigated proved a gross misstatement of the truth. Good News for the Elderly Big and good news for millions of our elderly citizens comes from the American Medical Association. The AMA)s House of Delegates, by unanimous vote, has approved a proposal which calls for physicians to provide medical service at adjusted rates to persons over 65 years of age with reduced incomes snei modest resources. Specifically, the proposnl asks insurance companies and medical prepayment plans to develop new policies at special low premium rates fox people in Mr. Fink, it looks like to me, is this category. It further provides that to shift the burden of any if the income and resources of the in- trying Increased taxation, if there be such, sured falls below a specified sum, doctors onto the shoulders of those less would agree to adjust their rates accord- fortunate than himself as it is a known fact that a sales tax puts ingly. Doctors throughout tbc country the burden of same on those least are urged to "accept a level of compen- able to carry it. But then why sation for medical services rendered . . . soak the rich, which seems to be general cry—but take the most that will permit the development of auch the fiom those who have the least. insurance and prepayment plans." I wonder where Christianity into the picture. It seems In the words of the Minneapolis Trib- cumes the grasping few who are always, une, this " . . . is evidence that the na- it seems, out to exploit those of tion's medical leaders are rea dy to give their fellow humans who can ill afford it and I suppose they go to serious consideration to new ways — church on Sundays and ease their which may prove to be better -*svaKS — of conscience by dropping a good offering in the collection plate of triving people the good medical service t.ieir ill gotten gains and seem to they want and need." In the aase of the forFet that they can't take it with elderly the problem is especially im- them when the passing dut time co'liea, portant. People are living logger than JOHN G. W. SCHADE. they used to, and the proportion of the aged to the whole-population i$ steadily Attlee's Talk increasing. The AM A, working with other inter- Editor, Leader: Your iasue of Jan. 22, 1959, inested organizations, has a nu-snber one forms Westftelders that former target—to solve medical and socioeco- Prime Minister of Great Britain, nomie problems arising from a rapidly Lord Richard Clement Attlee, will expanding aging population. The new plan is a big step in that direction, assumed subject Is understood ed Its high Jnst „ , limo it WUH 11!),7 it wns 11!).2. On the nurfucothii, corn-aging, but the result of fnr.m r,rl(, cllnins since lust M u t e r , has amounted to a l j r 1 :,. sivcn-d whit Drotlii-ihonii Wci-lc. I m a A i t l r e m a y justifiably 'u> CI-KJII iti'ii as ih«' "liik')i piif-ii" "f Fiii'i-h Labor, the h M o i y ami • . . • o l d of which is nut eummi-ndal'li'. V<*i nhnuM. f r o m t W t'stubliMnm-nt of I n m control of all t'lenuMiis of national exi.-ieiiee l>y t'.ie Suvii'ts, liiitisl) Lalmr bt'Kan to awlyotitt get what you want ifyouSAJfEfarM . f V —where you save does make a difference First Federal is the place dividend rate /Savings insured up lo $10,000 / Free Parting P«a« Nineteen THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19B9 IteproseiiLntivou of groups In well, jit a time whru thc princi- Form N. J. Unit For Crunforri, Wustflold, Coloniu, Orples upon which our democracy 1 aiur'N lOli/.nbcth, ICngtcwooiI, South is founded are gruvfly threat OIHMI, 'Sane INnehiur Policy »V ALEXANDERSPENCEB Onuij^p-Mtipkiwcwf!, New nniii.tto riMissi-rt UiPin lli'inly and ITFourteen nrcn afllllntiw of I hi' wh'k, Newark, Nutloy, Ridpfuvood, Tho public in Invited In hear n rlrtlienlo oursL'lvi:;! lo tht'ir daily NORTH lli entitled ''How Can We 1 In-priu-'tii'P. DrothiM'huiid Week pro- National L'ommittei' for n Sum'I'riiK'cton and Vurotm utteiKlcil, * A. « 5 — In Washington leni' Policy johu'tl together re- Ihlntfntas from WosLftold wtro Jospire Our Children to Achieve ?" vides on opportunity to ntfirin our ¥ K 1(1 io be given by Mrs, Mary Arm- ucceplnm'P of tho obligations im- ently lit thi) Cninford Methodist si*pl> riller, 533 Edffur road, tmil 4 Q 10 4 II plicit in the hr»lhurhooil of man Iluireh to form a New .lerstty eom- S;imui-1 Tucker J r . , 407 tioutl] strun)»i Union County homo agent, Wif/i Clinton Davidson * A Q J 10 unriur tho l'V.hi'rliooi! of Uoil. uittee of this organization, it wiis Chestnut, street. l). 18 at 8:15 p.m. WEST KAST niKHMK'ytl t o d a y . The talk will lie given flt the The newly funned committee • K J 84 3 Q 10 7 2 P I E IN Fi-Urvinry meeting of the Benja- Lt. James Scott •t J 8 3 min Franklin PTA nt the school K 3 (i S 87 David' 0 " THE SKY Arrives In Germany auditorium, 700 Vroapcct street. 0 5 2 It 8 0 3 Mrs. Armstrong hns given coursSOUTH .,, introducfil recently by gram coat? Son. Tulmadgc esties locally on childhood behavior Army Second Lt. James M. i A9 rraan E. Talmadge of mutfis that the cost would range nntl her column appears each week Scolt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William » AQJ7652 •would gunvBiiteo every from $1.5 billion to $2.5 billion a In the Westfielrl Leader. Mrs, F. ,1. Scott, M0 Montauk drive, re* ; ,»« of up to $26,-year. Other estimates, however, • Ai) 2 GruinRer Bierwirth, parent educa- cently arrived in Germany and is 7 "al-in divcH payments out havo ranged up to $10 billion or * 7 4 more a year. After North dealt mid bid onetion chairman, said, "anyone in- now a member of the 9th Engih. Federal Treasury. Cheap Food notrump, South became declarer terested in learning how to help neer Battalion. hL Utopian ]>i= iu tha sky proher children ivmke the most of their Similar farm plans over the past at six hearts. Lieutenant Scott, a platoon 1 hns been placed before the West led thc four of hearts, ten luUurul tulonts is urged to comu to lender in thc battalion's Company J ^ » . » « t t « o,, Agriculture decade have had support, as well the meeting." as opposition, both in and out of C, intern! the Army last July. from dummy, jack from East and L y and hearings, along Congress. They have been sup- South won with the queen. The The 22-ycar-oUl officer is a 1951 ,f 200 olh<!v f t8h"c n • wr a e ans cUor me Sc ported by the Farmers Union, ace and nine of hearts then pickjfiailuato of Plninflcld High School Brotherhood Week L d W "W-«" '» -' which now employs Mr. Branrtau, ed up East's other two trumps. and a 1958 graduate of the Citnbut opposed the Farm Bureau and South next led a small club and Proclaimed By Mayor dcl, Charleston, S.C. He is n memI colorful former Georgia finessed the'ten. Without hesitatber of Tan Deta Pi fraternity. hm bill, Grange. ernor, in presenting ing, East dropped thc three spot, The principal objections are that Brotherhood Week has been the Senate tamers cannot be th wfr'group Placed m the 1. The cost to the Treasury would letting thc ten win. South return- proclaimed by Mnyor II. Emeritio» of having to "root, hoir or bo prohibitive, and 2. Farmers ed to his hand with the ace of dia- son Thomas as follows: I commend tho observance o£ TO BUY OR SELL, USE •While others have collective would have to depend on appro- monds, led the Beven of clubs and raining and protective tariffs priations by Congress each yeai' finessed the jack. He was suiprised Brotherhood Week, Feb. 15-21 to •ritlej of the bill compare it to for a major portion of their in- when East took thc trick with the all our citizens in Westflold. It is LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS king, and chagrined when a diaill-fated Brannan Plan offered come. ,e»i ago by the then Secretary Some labor leaders see an ad-mond return put him one lown. y South can make the hand easily, Aj,riculturo Charles F . Bran- vantage to consumers because of , but emphatically rejected b y lower food prices. Since there of course. When the ten of clubs wins the fourth trick, the ace is inta »nd most farm groups a t would be no price supports or I time. It has, however, been production controls, farmers very cashed and the queen led. East's A up again in every Con- likely would produce enough to play is immaterial, but assume he force prices to absurdly low levels. plays the king. South discards a rince 1940Firt-Poin' Program The government would be pay diamond and later discards his in. Talmadge said his plan ing » sizable portion of every other losing diamond on the jack Id "restore American agricul- family's food and clothing bill. It of cluba. If East doesn't cover thc e to i free-enterprise basia, bol- would, naturally, have to collect club queen, South discards a diated ty a system of compensa- additional taxes to pay the sub-mond anyway, thus losing only one pavmenta limited to domes- sidies, as well as salaries of thou- diamond trick. Portrait and Commercial Photographer! j consumed basic commodi- sands of additional government The five points of the plan farm administrators. I l l CENTRAL AVENUI ADAMS 2-0239 Local Man Wins Such a program, it would seem, , Eliminate all acreage con- is one in which no one would win Award of Merit ,and government loans. and everybody, in the end, would Luke W. Corbett of 735 Radley , Assign each farmer a domes- lose. road was one of a pair of Easo production quota based on units and Engineering Co. men Lheb, bales, pounds, etc.) of When the road looks fuzzy Research the annual award of merit (faction. ahead and autos appear to be do-given by thc Association of Asphalt PavI, Gmantee and pay to oach ing queer antics, better stop walkber sn income bonus of the ing and take a cab. Walking ing Technologists at the associaItrenee between the price he streets and highways after drink- tion's 34th annual meeting held reJiivo for his quota and 100 ing accounts for one out of every cently in Denver. They were cited I cent of parity. ' five pedestrian deaths, according for a paper they authored, "Clues ' Shrinking picture* and poor I V I, Require'each farmer to sub- to the Institute for Safer Living. to Asphalt Composition." reception probably mean TOUT Each year the association sei bill of sale with his applicaborne hat low HOUSEPOWER. i far direct payments. In 1938 the first operational lects an outstanding papci; and N o doubt many of your other . tajose a maximum, of $26,- radar to be installed in a V. S. honors the authors. appliances ate being "itaned" For Pisfteimount of government Navy ship was placed in thc USS Mr. Corbett is a member of Esso electricity tot). i uy one farmer could New York. Research's process research division. Ime a one year,. pow »»eh would such a proLEADER CLASSIFIEDS LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS THIS WEEK Invites Public Playing The Cards PTA To Hear Ilmno Agent LIVE to undertake a norlef* of vis* Itn to local momborti of Congress. Tho ilolftKiitionft will discuss with Ilieir olodutl ofllcijtls tho informsLloii r.'^ultuiy received from the nut ion'iV eonimittce'ft li:iif»on ofllt'ft in Cjiircvfi on tho progreaa of jiogotiuiinns botwonn the nuclear powoi\i f r r i\ treaty to end nuclear wcnpoiH U»M1, OMrera wefo. clef'sd wlt'n !Mr* Tucke/ lit'uratum chalrmnn. BEllER..£/ectr/ca//y PHOTOSTATS SAME DAY SERVICE Westfield Studios hotter, you t*«l HOUSEPOWER The Fountain o f Y o u t h . . . | has never been discovered. But o l d paintings can be rejuvenated! W e have been restoring them to good condition for 90 years. . P 'Producing ideal creations j consistent with reality'j is what the dictionary! calls it. We call It thej first essential of j outstanding advertising, j ElECTRICAl PVBLIC_M)SERVICE' SERVICE 1026 Sev/ard Avenue W.jtfield AD 2-3641 KOBERT H.| swain's art store 317 W. Front St. Douglas W. Field I Imagination!] Mai HI HI SI) \, Inc.; L 6-1707 j FANWOOD, N. J. I ^Advertising—Public Relations I Imagine... safe deposit protection Come on down...on the double Drive • on a Double Value Deal Double Value Ford! FOR LESS THAN 2 ' A DAY IT'S BUILT FOR P«OPL« Ford's wide-opening doors let you enter and-leave with case. Ford offers the most insulation in its field. All Fords have toam-padded front seat cushions , , .,all Fords have full-depth springing all the way across the back scat . . . and your feet aren't cramped in a Ford as they are in so many other lowpriced cars. IT'S BUILT FOR SAVINGS You can save up to $1,00 a tankful because Ford's standard engines thrive on regular gas. Fords only require oil changes each 4000 miles. Ford ears themselves, and the extras most people buy cost less, too. Suggested retail price of a Ford with radio, heater and automatic drive is as much as $102.75 less than major competition. Just pennies a day buy peace of mind when you keep valuables and documents in one of our low-cost safe deposit boxes. Only you or someone appointed by you can open your individual compartment. We have sizes for business and personal needs. Rent yours now, and be s a f e . . . not sorry. THE STATE "Union County's Leading Bank" • ELIZABETH • SPRINGFIELD • ROSELLE P A R K • SUMMIT • KENILWORTH • WESTFIELD MEMtEt FEDERAL BEFUSIT IHSUmtE F.BJ.f. Wield Motor Sales Co., Inc. North Avenue ADams 2-36T3 VPHST SLICE 1811 Westfield Office — Opposite Railroad Station THE WESTFIKU) (X J.) '-^AnKR, THURSnAY^RnRUARY 12,lfiiiO l i t i l H u i i t a n < ] ?frl.,"iv REPORT TO THE PEOPLE Sum© Conclution FROM YOUR CONGRESSWOMAN !!'' '. !Rai! Problem, Education, Fifth Scat Cited by Crane Among Main Issues lie YOS committee of St. Paul'slunch Hs»L*tH tin- Viiiith roiistilUi\in Service liniuu-iitlly and 1K-I|IS J promote HA work in helping imne; people s(»lve emotiunal jirolims, rnfii — i i i i i l H O f i l l ii iithi'i — havi literature, Jit.-, nellon. Nut voting i " primarKail ! lomitaiiisidt' T«'n«'ln*i'rt education, a tilth >™t t r i l U n l 1 it."* lu'Umtl.V \se;i'hvil-> oUi t\\v^S >'lU lu-licvi.. Iliat labor ('omity in the Assembly, Th >i'uiip Holds Session 1 tm*t all who ar<> iimigcnumt have IH-IMI haiii- nnd tfurlm^t' di^posnl worr' rited to- | ^overnrnvnt. l«lh District—NJW ) lid - . will lie mindful of thoir ilnjt thi'ir iiLtiluilc» toward earn d.*y hy Senator Robert C (!rane of ..„.. MOUNTAINSlTiT; — The new Complex Bear Wheel and Fram« Stra l her, tliat a dangerous CIHSJ can- Wi^tfii-lti ns du]«i^nnt campaign i^- prt vo^iUive< nt tho polU on elcfjard of Kilut-atioii budget was • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL B tiiusnc^s has been developing— s\u>. Ho i^ a esinditiuH1 for tin1 tiun day. My name shall he on the M-ribed to the Mountainside Good win has always been a Uifj (liscuvury, for it involve a di.nGENERAL AUTOMOBILE R E ballot nt that time for their conform (if "economic seftre^ntiun" l pluy of Kn'ul tf»o<i will by two '.-u-her^ Association recently in vnluablu ciittiBcterislic of our peolU pulilic:\n nomination for a ^evsideration." Mi-*iitli^iii;ii, L o t h of w h o m IIUKSHSH -—and tlmt the re.-uilt* of such ho*. )ctrfield SCIKMJI. Mrs. G. W. ple. ility arc weakening the UniU'ii ond term. looney, president, presided. The But good will which is accom- thf rapacity an*i \hv. apparent «i'*- •itatfs lit a time \v)irn all oui' na- Senator Crane designated as hi* twmination to fulluw Ui i ;roup was told tluvt the new budgpanied with both the capacity to iftiiy onnl effort should b t devoted to committee on vacancies Mrs. Jane Channel Lumber take'action and the detKrmlnalion even though they rrprox lit posi- tronirtheiiint; our country in the (.Vormun I).) Cary of I'lainfield, t includes salaries for eight new Offers "Tithe Days" to take that action is very much tions so many people eacheri*. 'cnnomic nnci iiolllicil) sti'URk'lu a civic worker; Ralph V. Mancim, tnially incompatible. Authorised "Bar" in ehovt supply. a former public works commissionIt was announced that F. D. Tetl.iinsiiiK I'- Shield is president of gainst Soviet liurf.sia. The increasing need /or funils This is why I feel unusually er in Elizabeth, and Carl S. Hulett ey and \V. E. Dean will nccom600 NORTH AVE., E. the New Jersey Ktutu ChamluT of TEL. AD by churches, synagogues and charpriviU'^^d to share a iliiicovcvy Their conclusion: Set up a con-Jr., Summit publisher. ities has prompted Channel Lum- any Fred Wilhelms, school board I've !\ i<ie that I believe can have Commerce, and is one of the na- rcto means by which responsihlc C«ll For Advising the Republican voters /resident, to a dinner in Elizabeth tremendous significance for our tion's m{Mt iiromlncnt and re- caderj of management and labor to use his 105fi platform as a ineas- ber Co. to sponsor an unique fundfit th these 'or the Union County Conference country if it Is properly followed spected businessmen, nd government can sit down to- urinp stick, the senator asked them plan to bbenefit Teachers. Arthur J. Goldberg is special gether in an atmosphere free of through. Five days, Feb. 10-20, 'onsider his record. The work groups of tlie I take no personal credit for counsel for the AFJy-CIO, and is he tensions nnd hosti .. iof "the Senate he has found to be have been declared Channel Broth- LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PAY largaininK talile and talk together "challenging and exhilarating" and erhood Tithe Days. During this y bout their common interests and in this connection he pointed to the time all four Channell Lumber Lb -he needs of our country. 'successful of the dangerstores, in Springfield, p g , Newark, successful solution solu g Mr. Goldberg and Mr Shield ous water problem" and to research Sayre Woods W N andd Neptune, will doire both eminently practical and now under way on property assess. nate 10 per cent of the amount of Eat 1912 WM. O. MUlLEft, Prat. 'ealistic men. Neither expects any ment revision. Senator Crane con- each sale to any church, synagogue miracles of agreement to come tinued: or charity designated by the cussuch meetings. But both men "Our railroads have approached tomer making the purchase. All know, from their daily experience, the brink of chaos. It was a pleas- donations will be made by Channel .hat we cannot afford a further uie to work with the Intermunici- Lumber Co. in the name of the cusHeuMhold Goods Exclusively ( deterioration in the relations bc- pal Group for Improved Hail Serv- tomer. wecn such powerful groups as in- ice, as it strove for a jjolutlon to The plan was developed by the dustry and labor—both so esscn- th* complex situation. The con-executive committee a t Channel ial to our free society. Lumber Co. as part of Brotherference I sponsored between Union As Mr. Shield has expressed it, SHIPPING STORAGE hood Week, sponsored by the NaWe must have unity to be pro- County, municipal and state offi- tional Conference of Christians ductive; we must be productive to cials with members of the Metro- and Je\v9. The committee pointed be strong; and we must be strong politan Rapid Transit Commission out that lack of adequate income helped focus legislative sights on to remain free." the subject. Additionally, it now has curtailed the activities of Significant Viewt seems assured that the bill co-spon- ninny church and charitable groups Standing alone, these views sored with Senator Lance of Hun- in northern and central New Jer. •might not appear to be exception- terdon, creating a Division of Rail sey. M.J. al. Many people have expressed Transportation within the DepartSet imilar sentiments before^—some ment of Conservation and Ecorom the depths of genuine con- nomic Development, will be enactern, others merely stating obvi- ed into law. This will provide ef3us platitudes. fective professional liaison among What makes the views of Mr. the various elements of operational Shield and Mr. Goldberg so sig- structure. ificnnt is not alone the fact that "I would ask also that the peoMagistrate William W. Beard of oth are patently sincere and both ple review the laws enacting more him the superficial. More than stringent curbs on obscene litera- Westfield Municipal Court will be his, both men are prominent and ture, now forwarded as model stat- guest speaker at a meeting of the Influential, both speak for many utes throughout the country by Youth Consultation Service Committee of St. Paul's Episcopal thera in the fields of labor and the National Association of Counnanagement, both are in a posi- ty Prosecutors. I trust they find Church today at 1 p.m. at the home ion to do something concrete value received in tho expansion of of Mrs. J. W. Sasso, 150 Lincoln bout their suggestion, and both our county court systeni, designed road. Attend ePRBE ave already done so, though nec- to reduce the case backlog and Mr. Beard will describe his work issarily in a somewhat limited provide more speed in the disposi- In Municipal Court, especially with DEMONSTftATION way. young people 18 to 26 years old, tion of claims. Arthur Goldberg first advanced which is the age group tho Youth MEETING of th* "As chairman of tho Senate Ed- Consultation Service is particularis Idea, so far as 1 know, in an ddress at the University of Wis- ucation Committee, it has been my ly interested in serving.': YCS pro OALK CARNEGIE onsin. He later adapted it for an rare privilege to work on ninny vides professional casework counCOURSE rtlcle in the leading Catholic measures vital to our schools, col- seling to youth, young adults and leges and university. The rivision families with minor children. magazine, The Commonweal. ^Lansing Shield chose as his of the education election law was The speaker's wife will be prum the annual Congressional aimed primarily at improving the special guest nt the meeting, atid . ; ;. Ot , / , Dinner of the N. J. State Chamber public posture of school elections an invitation has been extended to t Commerce held last week at the and referondums, by placing the all new memhers of St. Paul's parHotel Statler hero in Washing- same restraints as to conduct up- ish. Coitee and sandwiches will he ton. He spoke before a large group on them as those governing our served. * p d of Federal and ^tate general elections. Mr. Beard, in ndditon to his government officials and top men "In pressing Union County's : fight for the fifth seat it deserves work in Municipal Court, is a in business, labor and the law. IOMTITK As I mentioned earlier, I do in the Assembly, this much has present attorney for the Board o 8J15P.M. not believe either was aware of been achieved—though success still Education of the Borough of Fan^ eludes us—all Union. County pro- wood. Previously, he served In a the other's proposal. But both the Goldberg article posals have been adopted by the similar capacity in Westfield fo and tho Shield speech impressed Senate, and one came within three 33 years, t-nd also was mnyor o: me with the possibilities for good votes of adoption by the lower Westfield from ">025 to 1929. H MMIS PL. • ta*)>rur house. The first public hearings was president of tho Woatfleli In your practical everyday life—phone service is a which they held out. • koiMTwlKOM coats so little on the subject since 1940 were held Trust Co. from 1928 to 1010. H The Next Step practical everyday bargain. But on Valentine's Trust Co. from 1028 to 1940. Edu n 1957 and 1958 by tho Senate ReBoston 60/ fcwfRm Believing that some gesture, at Detroit 90* Day, it's Dan Cupid himself! A phone call gets ••WritmtHwIYMiMni least, ought to be made, I have vision and Amendment of Laws cutott at threo colleges, he earnei 3-mln. station rats Inserted both proposals in the Con- Committee. The record of that the bachelor of arts a t Dickinsoi straight to the heart of things—putting* you in from Newark alter gressional Record. I have written testimony helped forward our case, College, tho master of arts at Pen 6 PM and all day State, nnd received a law degrei and, additionally, an authoritative touch in person with those you love. to both men and sent them copies •MtUMant Sunday. 10% tax rTOMnttdfeyWwpv/ aC WNfrwn of'each other's idea. And I have booklet evaluating the effects of from Rutgers. •MantMUatiinMt not Included. Mr. Beard will be introduced brought tho matter to the atten- all known reapportionment formuMarMtwa, NJL • M o M M K 1 ...good telephone Bervioo doea s o mmehforyon • tion of the White House, the Sec-lae has been published to aid in the meeting of Mrs. Alson E Woodruff Jr., program chairman retaries of Commerce and Labor the educational effort. "Lastly, two legislative commisand several of my colleagues in sions established by Union County the Congress. Now, we shall see what will Imp- Senate action have been hard at en. It may be that some branch work investigating, one, the Inf the government should take the justice of out-of-state taxation on itiative in bringing together the income of New Jersey residents, epresentatives of management and, two, the soaring costs of garnd labor—in some sort of or- bage collection. "That is the record I ask the unized conference or assembly— TAKE YOUR TURN AT THE WHEEL...GET hich seems to be the thought of people to consider. Then I shall forward a new platform and proMr. Shield and Mr. Goldberg both First,- however, there must be a gram, discussing the vital aspects eflnito expression of interest and of transit, education, and tax probgenerous willingness to make the lems. I think it is important to ttempt on the part of all three be 'for' something so that the peopla may know the thoughts of the roups. legislator. This is the type of camt, for one, will be -watching and paign I shall wage, without peristening eagerly foT such a re- sonalities. iponse. And I believe that all men "Primary elections are important of good will, who recognise the Move over, sir, and let her uke • tarn «t 0>f wlwel of * immense difficulties that He ahead to everyone. It is the only way to '59 Oldamoliilel Ym, women lore the wonderful fetliaf make democracy work. By voting, for our country, will be doing the one exercises control of his or her same. of control, comfort anil Heginc* in th'» d i n mud) u party, helping to shape it and guide men dol While men appreciate the new power of tb« Rocket Engine, women like i u new fuel-taring features. Men like it! snap anil dash. Women like tbe tide, the luxurious interiors). Put them all together and Ma you've a quality •combination that adds up to Thai MM with • pound of New Olds Feeling! Let your OM» dealer demodaUate Ih* final M O B . . . bring the whole family alongl FLORENCE P. DWYER WHALEN'S GARAGE i AUTO Lin ROBBINS & ALLISON, Inc. Local and Long Distance Moving PACKING YCS Committee To Hear Beard WESTFIELD TAJES^FEB. 24 3 ^ ^ H B B B ^^(^^^'•••VJPVBI VJFV^V^a^VB Nothing says it like a phone call from you.' Y. M. C. A. LEADERSHIP ft SALES TRAINING INSTITUTE of N. J. WHEN IT!/ 1 TIME TO MOVE TH;W« Of TOWNSEND We d o n ' t j a m your things together. Each piece it properly handled. You'll like our moving service, fair prices as well as efficient. offtr )• standard aquipmvnt en wtry '59 Ofefa. Ahoy*: OyiMmic 83 Holiday SportS«foif. Assorted Chocolates 2 !b. bes exclusively OUTB . . . : HENRY P TOWNSEND T H I R I - S A ROCK*T TO »t|T y o u w POCKBT . . . A STYI.K TO SUIT VOUll TASTmt MOVING L STORAGE S- LOCAL £ LONG DlSTANCf * 1 ALLIED 54 Elm St. VAN i INTS 241 NORTH AVF *X*WtSTFItLD Af •?--44f»4 MIVOUHI.OOAI. AUTHOWZBO REIU.Y OLDSMOiiU, INC., S*O NORTH THE WEgTFIRLD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FRRRUARY 12, SCHOOL NEWS her civics classes to spenli to Vi<>r stutk'nls uboul loml Kovci'mnent. |-i;cflltly e l ) m - Mr. BHIIIMI, who works for Cilm lllgll ^iaslie election In salon nnil production, vepreMimls a mi itnlpli Otto tho Tlilril Ward on the We3tfli>lil w iall!n ,,.V,.lcnt. Mike Town Council, and lias bei-n clinirman of the Department of Public Works since 1B55. Wil.on School (The following nccount of how a class tr^i svaa correlated with a three week unit study of electricity wna submitted by Mrs. A. J. Pnrmentier Jr., teacher of Grade 5-2.) "Pupils in our cl&sa have made nsibility, courtesy, i«tual iHlity, initiative and electro-magnets, an electric boll, ility gooi judgment, whole- a complete electric switch circuit °personality, and a sense o-f and have performed many interesting experiments with dry cells 'hi following account of the ami with static electricity. Our trip nade election results at to^the EUison Museum culminated "us contributed by pnlitl- three weeks of study. The class, havins studied the lifo of Thomas mrter Eric laniwlli.) rdlson Junior HS|?h School Alva Edison, was thrilled to operFn ill first elections fov eighth ate Ellison's small electric getv officers, outstanding pupil" orator, listen to his early phononiggested by homeroom graphs,, nnd browse through the dents as candidates for the original laboratory, machine shop and the great inventor's library. is'four parties, the Chargers, There we saw Edison's desk, just \merlcan Bandstanders, t h e as it was left the day he died in jjers, and the Rockets, visit- 1031. The children had mnny perit ctehth grade homerooms to tinent questions to ask the guide. "Back in class, we continued er-their campaign speeche3. „ candidate from each party our discussion of the trip and tetlie cict of offices boldly lated what we had seen to our up in 'front of the class- work and readings. It was a most , and told how marvelous he meaningful experience for our ,e mis and how well he would fifth graders. We discussed at some length how Edison's ideas changed lillj.'.. Election Day. When the development of our country." Grant School ,g by the eighth grade homaA visit to the Haydn Planetar,s one could see children bent i piece of paper on their ium continues to be one of the new desks scribbling little most popular fields field trips id ehtcks for their choices, taken by Westfield students. Fifth a quick tallying by t h e graders in Miss Eileen Hastings' wm presidents. "Hmm . . . class, accompanied by Mrs. J. . , see. One for Pete, another Qreisser, Mrs. P. Boughrum and [Carol, here's one for Mary, Mrs. A. Holland, heard a talk for Greg." Then a quick about progress in rockets and what , . , to room 205 where all to look for in the sky this year, when they visited the planetarium tttawrc to be tallied. «u «long day for the can- Jan. 20. The trip highlighted a is, bat by eighth period all unit atudy of the solar system. wild be counted. By the i, period more excitement Id the candidates. There was tin vote difference between of tie presidential candidates, il ira Kilkenny of the AmerThe newly formed sltin diving Bintoanders and Tom Rick- club at the YMCA decided last the Cruaadeis. There would week to adopt the name "Westfin •IK & recount of the two Scuba Club." Discussion followed W votes to make sure of on future membership and medical ..ite.Wpw! examinations. want until 2:20 p.m. ElecA lecture was given by Joseph tor, J«n. 23, when every- Kelly, Scuba instructor of Plain TO settled , . . for the field, on compressed air and the id. The final tally showed effects and causes of injury withllo»ins report: Vice pres!- out proper use and knowledge of Peler Trautman of the Scuba equipment. ,..j; Mcretary, Merrill StevA practice and qualification sea<o! Die Chargers; treasurer, sions was, held in the pool, after 'Serf* of the Rockets. Results tV.e business meeting, under the di >H office were missing— rection of Mr. Kelly, Ed Horncr mid Robert S e l l ' ' nry slight error in counting Alfred Vardalis,. newly elected nUe the difference in decid- president, presided. Mr. Homer, 8i( presidential election. To Y director, offered the invocation. •yof all Mulreany rooters and disappointment of all t h e fans, instead of being a le victory for Tom Rickcr, • . . a tie. Skin Diving Club Selects New Name i t . - ' - ' ' ;• • - • • ! BETTER. pFj'oryucjs Jin would have to be another P» to decide the preslderi[rtclor between the two canMay the best man excuse ,»1 win. Let's hope that is [••other tie! advertising 1 for you 1 . ,-.! the officeholder to t h e Mm students first hand con• • » Jovemment officials and ^ * Mrs. Mildred Fullard •Mnviied Howard Bilden to i I*/ H •' '* W*\\ :y< 7UTHU. LEGAL, NOTICES •. I l l t l . HIHM.I.I' ll 1. MlfllK i lHI 1 i ' n ' " i 'U"" V ' m R , ' ''l . , " f " " ' I I | " - ' » " I 1 > " f M ( . « ! i ( a l n » I . U - . C o u n t y «f U n l n n , fc.r Ilic. lineal yi-ni- lii»n. !i','i' ""'•ai i"a^Tf"v < ?;,'! < Vi 1 ; l 1 >,% t ' " " ' " " " » " ' « «»>»•">.•"(» ,.r ,,v,,u,,» am. «,.,H.«MU'Uaiu,,» «i m ,i ,n,, B n, 12»li , i r ' l % l i ' r i i » r y " i l ' l V ' ' 1 1 " l ! K S i n 'VI':l1' lllllV m M l'"''Kfl t i c |IUI,1IH1II.(1 ill T I M W i ' l i U h ' ) , ! v "" r •"•'•" Xinilciniii I'uriiuHoH • , .. Jans lie K! Lmul DlHtrli't Koliool I'ui'iiuuas In Miinlcliuit UuilKi't '. '. '.'.'.'. '..".... jtcHi'rvy lor ITtioulliH'ti'il Taxea—linm-il on KjUltnntei] !l('.,.1(l Pt'Ci-tut of Tux i inli'rHi.nt4 fisl.Df.nn Totnl (U'liornl AlijivuprlntionB I.KbS: Aiitli'luutccl jli'vonuea Olllor Than Curront l'ro|ietty Tux i,ii.i..'!';.?,W 1 1 * Jllsfi'lliiniMiiiH Uevoiuip run! Ili'pelnts frinn llpllnqili'llt TttXi>H),. I-Ui'i' M t J A l t : l>ron«rly Tan for Support or Muiilolnnl lluilRi't Aniiroprlul Imm (As rnllciWH): (a) Liii-nl Tax for Municipal Purposes Iiu'luilInK lt>»«i>rvi> tor Summary of 1958 Appropriation!! Exiioncle'il mitt Caif lHnlgrt Apprnprlatlciim n , . ooo.oa kmeiKiuu-y Apin'oiii'lnvions [. l j e , seed to U TOOT etei* »* W A d »e aiek to ft tffl tha f 347,4 : n . s 4 251,000.011 ?l,071,380[s» J7.9S Too 17.6,1 *l,1,4JO.876.0O " $r,2..iso.fir.s.(in ANTICIPATKI) B E V F A ' l ' E S Net Valuation Kitunllr.ed Valuation Aiillilnnliil mr>n inw* 70,000.00 t (16,000,00 .... .... 1. Rurpltm Kevcnue Approprlnteii. , 2. SurnluR llevenue Appropriated with Prior W r i t t e n Conacnt of Dircctor of Ijocal Oovornrnent , ; 3. Miscellaneous Revenues: Licenses: Alcoholic BcvcrnReB Other Poos nnil P e r m i t s : HulldliiK .'. Otlior Fines: Municipal Court S t a t e R o a d AM, P o r m u l n S t a t e Hoad Aid, Coimtruetlon F u n d I n t e r e s t ft ml Costs on Tnxoti, , I3US llccelptK Tn.xen FrnnchlHo T a x e s . a r o s s nocelnt« T n x t s Srarcli Ppes Stnte AW Street I.lehtlnir T r u s t Surplus . . . . . . Capitol Surplus 5 10,500.00 4,500.00 ? 8,760,00 2,250.00 11,200.00 6,900.00 !),n(10.00 12,000,00 lS.SIOO.Ou (1,940.00 1G,0(10.00 13, COO.00 1,710.00 3(i,soo.(.o lo.sno.oo 800.0(1 aso.nn 10,000.00 4,0110,00 li.Min.Dn C,840.00 .... 14,0110.00 l.KHO.OO 3o,400.00 l.ooct.nn :iiiO.oo .... .... T o t a l Miscellaneous R e v e n u e s 4. necelpte from Delinquent T a x e s 5. SuU-Toml a o n e r n l ItcvptiuoB (I. P r o p e r l y T a x for Suunort of Municipal B u d c e t ApnroorlntionB: ( a ) T.ocal T a x for Municipal Purposes Including R e s e r v e for Tfneollpftod Tnxea Totnl Property Tnx for S u p p o r t af Municlpnl n u d c e t A p p r o p r ia tions . . . . ; |t51,000.00 30,090.0(1 >251,000.00 $10(1,00(1.00 24,000,00 ?1!)5,000.00 7. Totnl General n e v e n u e s In CIIP-II In Him J 0,5,000.00 WESTFIELD, N . J. "THE BEST FOR LESS" P E R F O R M A N C E OF "A GERMAN REQUIEM" by Johannes Brahms at The Presbyterian Church Mountain Avenue, Westfield Sunday, February 15th, at 5 P.M. Soloists and full Chancel Choir directed by Dr. George W. Volkel, F.A.G.O., Organist and Choir Director of the Church. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED J122.S12 7 n>,f,c.7.B« 5 9(1,420.84 SU0.300.0S »Cl42(i,84 SHO.aoO.OS |122,930 r ? 5547,420.81 ?305,30O.0S 5330,410 SI justpmer NOW IT' APPHOPIUATtONS KXl'KNDKD 1!>8S APPUOPMATED Tcilnl for ID.IN f . r Kir.S l l»j- R m p r I? All P n h l c i r I, TrtinNfrr,, CliiirK«'«l lie 0.400.00 J 11,000.00 3 11,000.00 } io,soft,no 9 1 oo no 4,000.00 4,200.00 uiii 3,850,00 3,531.«I S. ORNRHAt. APPBOPIIIATIONS fa) Operations GENERAL. GOVERNMENT: Administrative and Executive: Halftrlea nnd Wages. ." Other ' ExpenaeB Financial Administration: 1,500.00 Other Expenses , .Assessment of Taxee: 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1.SOO.00 SaUriea and "WflffeB 1 788.18 B00.00 Other £Ixp«nBeB. 800.00 1,000.00 : Collection or Tuxesi . , Cfifio.on 5. (100.01) Salaries and "Wapes , . i../.... 2,300.00 1,700,00 2,300.00 Other Expenses .tt.., Public Buildings nnd Grounds: 3(10.00 3(10.00 4S0.00 Salaries nncl WflR-en 3,015.11 117 r s 3,132.(19 6,020.00 J.U0.0O Other Expenses Elections: 20 SI Other QxpcnBes. . IjPKal KervlceR and OoatR". • 1.BOO,00 t,r. (1(1,00 i.eoo.oo 1.(ISO.00 Salaries anr] Wn^es 1,919.00 1,060.00 a,ooo.oo .1,000.00 Other Expenses, , Engineering: IS.32 3.431.7S 3.4B0.00 4,000.00 a, Other Expenses 111.30 1,000.00 1,200.00 "Workmen's Compensation Insurance. 1,800.00 i, S00.00 Hospital Service Insurance BOO.oo 441.72 B00.Of) 260.00 Medicfti SurRieai Insurance 1B8.S4 260.00 250.00 PHOTBCTION TO PEIISONS AND PROPBBTT: Fire 10,000.00 221.01 13.000.00 H.9S7.12 Other Expenses 4,704.03 17,925.00 18,500.00 20,002.88 Plre Hydrant Service Police: 2T4.6H BD.OOO.OO H4,!IOO.OI) Salaries and Wages 14,'iOIUMI 17.BO0.00 •13.51)0.00 Other Bxpensea 4B2.37 1,900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 First Aid Organization: Aid nad Maintenance Municipal Court: 3,400.00 3,40(1.0(1 3,550.00 3.40O.OO Salaries and Wages 251.31 257,31 500.00 250.00 Other ExpenseB Civil Defense and Disaster Control: 625.00 1,200.00 1,800.00 Other Expenses, Inspection of nilildlnga: 2,300.00 575.00 1,725.1)0 2,sno,oo 2.SI10.00 Salaries and WaKes 100.00 45.00 r.5.00 100.00 100.00 Other Exnennea Inspection ot Plumbing: i.ooii.oo 1,000.00 Wnlarles and WaKts Other Expenses SO.00 60.00 HTHEJ5TS AND HOAfiS: Koad Repairs and Maintenance: 15,800.00 11,000.00 J3.000.00 25,150.00 25,404.72 other Expensee. Construction, Reconstruction. KepRlra ana 15.000.00 10,000.00 in.non.fift Maintenance with State Aid by Formula 6,700.00 5,600.00 Street I.i«htlns ; 4,708.45 ••- SANITATION: Sewer Systems: 5,590.00 15,E00.00 B,600.00 5,310.75 Other Expenses >• • HEALTH ANn CHARITIES: Board of Health: l.ofio.oo 3,00(1,00 2.300.(10 1,son.oo Salaries and Waees 2H2.53 32.47 1,165.(10 1,126.00 Other Expenses S!!5.00 675.00 67B/I0 676.00 Services of Vlsitlnfr Nursa Contract 875.00 Administration of Public Assistance: 250.00 2SO.0O aso.oo SalarleB nnd WttBes Ion no inn no 100 no 1(10.00 Other Expenseil • 600.00 500.00 500.00 C00.00 Al<1 to Hospital—Overlook Hospital RRCHKATION AND WDUCATION: 5,780.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 5,200,00 Maintenance of Free Public Library |M1.S4O.«« »20«,S01.nn $3,000.00 J203,97fl.07 5 7,873 B1 T o t a l Onerationn (b)) C o n t i n g e n t ..;:..............'.... 1.6BO.00 1,200.00 .... 1,200.00 9(10.00 Z40 00 Total Operations Including Contingent. |2S8,Ot)5.(i(! |10l.«U.DII »3,0fl0.O« J213.050.00 IJ04.9J0.07 > B.113 «)3 t 2(i,667.<;7 % .... t 10.S22.S0 fnterest on Bonds. 3,500.00 Interest on Notes . t 35,322.50 t Total Municipal Debt Service (e) Deferred C h a r g e s and Statutory Expenditure*—Municipal erireney Authorisations » 3,000.00 trihutfnn t n : S o c i a l Stecorltjr S y s t e m ( O . A . S I . ) Consolidated Police «nd Firemen's 2,000.00 P*Tision Fund • Police and Firemen's Retirement S 000 0 0 System of N, J. -• • Assessments Cnneellen ••• -•- • " • Deferred Charsrei t o Future Taxation Not Bonfleo1: Pewtr l a t e r a l . ""hargres and - - • • • - • • ' •; • •• -' '. T o t a l Deferred C h a r g e s a n d Statutory Statutory E x p e n d i t u r e M o.SfSnTetpal nTetoaT * 13,43«.B7 * (1> Suo-Total Heneral Appropriations.. (m> Reserre for TJncollectea T a x e s . . . ; 9. Total oenei-al Appropriations • 1.500.00 1.00O-.0O 8ns ns 707.60 Payment wf Botid Prl-nOi^al 11.9?. 232.40 2'l.Ht l.i.Bfl .77 .77 I 10.710.0S S 10,42!).62 » 280.4ij * ' » » . < ! « • ' * 1271.300.08 H.000,00 5274.SO0.0S $2115,905.(19 * 8,394.33 » 3 0 S , 4 " i M 7 %21l.»H)M JJ.OOO.On l ! 7 4 . 3 0 o l ) S %MzJn%T<i » 8,394.30 t 34,000.00 $ .,4,000.00 Total Assessment Appreprlstions. tMT t*r,f> l ) 0 »19,000.00 • W e ar *proU(1 ° ' " " P°» ition y° u have given us in this community and of th« confidence you place in us. In return, we will strive alway* to give you the superior banking service your confidence deserves. A cordi«l Valentine Greeting to all our friends and neighbor!... and to you who bank with us, Many Thinks Again! Each lady coming into th* bank on Friday, February 13, will recciv* a flower a* a token «f our appreciation. INATIONAL BANK OF WESTF1ELD 19 CMMMMHJ' StWKV n n m o ! * H.394.39 Anticipated 15. Appropriations for Assessment Debt "*^r "A Cmmmity tmk Dvtkatmd 2,275.00 Total Assessment Revenues %3& I | I 3C.S40.00 S ie,540.00 $ aa.iiOO.OO 5 34.O9ft.OO into words belongs by tradition to this Valentine Season. ,.i 35,540.00 t3<7,42«.84 <30S.3iio.0g I^OOOJM year l o n g — but putting heartfelt sentiment 15,000.00 f 15,000.00 11.HMI) 3.7SO.OO 12.78O.0S With us, it's Customer Appreciation Time all 63,910.00 | 92,733.76 J 1,17* K 5 20,000 00.J 20.0O0.OO 11 T!>«.O0 lt.TIM.flt) 3.7SO.0O 3,700.00 3,000.00 "i, 19,140.00 »1IZ,2C2.32 I 0,337 «S t o o b«n«fit from oil BURNER SERVICE CELLAR TO ATTIC CLEANING AD 2-5863 g worksforyou! 100.0% »12,7(1O.825,IIO ir,a.os4.4n.oo DBO1CATED AS9E9SMB1IT BIIICST . J . . AO 2-220O FLOOR WAXING WINDOWS WASHED FURNITURE POLISHED RUBBISH REMOVED Ksiilimntlim of A|>|(r<i|irlcitl<iiiM f o r - Tin* nniniinlH aiiproprlaliMi ilinlor tile title nf "OHior KxlK'UROfi" ftro For oiH'rutlllK1 t'OHtp otlicr thiin "Siilavli'S nnil WdMioK." Totnl Approprlntlnna fos.aotl.ns Sum.' n f til,- ItoniB Ini'luilril In " O t h e r K\ari': Pnlil o r C-'hnrKotl $2ilil,!ior. C!l pi'msfH" Mati'rtal, miii lios and nni\l.oiidi\l.lp (M|\ilpmrnt. Uonorvi'il S,.Ill-US Hepoirn nnd ninliitonaiu'c nf bulldlliK«, UneKpeiuled ni\\nncca C n n nnd c d l r dUnexpended Total Expenditures! oqiilamiMlt, lomls, pU,. Isnlnnct>H cnncelled jnos.soo Contrnctiial »<.rvli'en for Rnrltftff*. nml trnsh rt'nincjil, rtri. liytlrunt Mt'rvlcet nlil to volunteer tin1 I'uiaiiaalOK. (>to. rtllltli'M, Itrlatlnp nml nilvorliHlitf?. liiHin niHH> anil many utlipr ROIIIH t^sontlal to t l «orvlcen i^iMulqvot) tiy liivmii'lprvl Kovfrmii^ii Following is n comparative analysis of tnx lovleR nnil tax rnti'» for l»r.!l and 19S8: TBAIt 1D.1S KsTiMATfin limn ltcctulrva TH\ Itprililreil Tnv, Tniru llnl* % I'tlYCN ItlllC T-ocal School 09JSC 509.JSC.25 »3.7il ^1.!i1 45.4T. M j n . : i o i . i i 3; ;t. 4 u Heftinnal Hluh School 25.!!% 2.011 2H.$% 2M.4II4.I!!! 1.91 County Taxes (Estimatuil)) 7E% 17.E% lS5.li0O.0t> 1..1S 17.3';, 171,0(12.1): 1.34 Loenl PurpoHf. , , . , , . , , . 57.12C.S4 .43 B.4% 7.7% l 7fi,-KiO.os .r.ii Uetiorve for Uncollectcd Taxes . 39,000,00 .29 S.0':'» a.6% 84,000.00 .27 aTS count on indi- " • itthM 3""* • " * "" 1 M H $L>J1 loons ."..'.'. . . . ^.i nAn mi COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE V wBnAi^iPKMW-fKSSJ Fo'iV"" "' "•""'- • i Municipal Ilebt service * RESIDENTIAL - ill I l i r . • . . • > . • • . _ ,.,„ r, """••liii-" cm H i e h* •i ->•,'l B^i . '| a n. < | «n i x rriicilnLtoii " 1• 1• 1 l a . lu>I<| u t. .ll<>rui\Kli H- u l>l , • o n a i d d n v o f M n r r t i , (it J i i . u . l i I n i i i i l , f' ! ' U l v h ' 1 : 1 ' " " " " " ' < P'ttC"! cil,Jiiftloii« t o Kiild l i i l i l u i ' l n n i l t n x r f c i D l u l l o n ' u t tliu U u r o u i i U tic M i > u n t u l n » l < l f f o r H i e j i s u r 1«BI> i n t t j l i e p r t - n r n t o i l l . y t a x I U I J - I T K o r o t h e r I n t t ' r i ' n t c i l iinrKiuix. K.VI'l.AIV.Vrtlll V S'l'A'l'KJIl.J\T l o t a l capital improvementB mw • h i Ih o I MONROE'S 'flu' Kiiv»<niinB" tarty or lllc> lliirmiKli nf Miiun lnliiHlUe In lirnvo t i l e I. ii.l '•I i.l tlie llnciugli .»(" MuuntHlrtHlile for t h e yi-nv 19Til). ' '['•cnrdi'il A cite: A y e s : i; Ntiyti: 0. Mnynr Kcmi I d i : fnniii-llnu'n Tlnrlunn, Hi'lin-, n i i . l Miilao rt>1 J ,,,_ i, „."!,, f r 'lV ' i B l v i i tlml t h e builuvt nnil t a x rouiilulliHi wim npiirovcil l.y Hit. ami C.uiu'il m e IJUKMIKII or Mounlulnsldo, c . u n t y of (Tnlon, on 3pl dny nf P.^hriinrv,, Detail: | |101,»30.«0 % 90,610.00 Sal»rl«« and Wages. Other Expenses (Including ContlnOth E (I i «ent) . . . , * - - • 1131,170.00 1108,390,00 J3.0O0.00 (el Capital Impfovemfnts Capiraf " i ^ p r o t e m e n t ' P a n d : : : . : : : . ^ .. 5,000.00 1 B.O00.0O I •UIYIA YOUR WINTIR COMFORT! Twenty-One Novor eroaa « elly Btvunt hi>i'un ItiU't'scctiims, waciia tliu ! » • Htltulu for Sttfov (ilvlni?. NiMicly tivlfo 11a inunv pt'dt'atfiaim ut'i! uok uml kllU'ii wliilu ci'usains; tho strtuit bvtwoon intoi'sufltona us n t [iiithonzed crossillLl |inittt«. t2s, S25.0O0.CM f o r 1BT.S J3»,O0».O(l $25,000.00 $23,000.00 \%aJii*a.U& anticipate* during the year 1959 from t>o« Ue*tifl«# »ra het^by anticipated an fidi reveiitien n i ind nrf hereby appropriated for the purpoies to which said revenee 1* ds4tcate<j by statute or other •*ventte a.feq^lrement. LEGAL NOTICE TO B l O O K T I. ( omi>«r«il»e Ma(e<m*< «f C u n M •MtraMMM • * < Ckance ( urrrnt Btlnnct Steel neeemter at, lll-l ASSETS la Catttai * W » 1 M HerfBae Cash ana Invcdtmfntu % 94,013.19 Beyitnae Balance January State Road Aid Allotment* Receivable 1.569.71 Surplus urpl • ... : with Offsetting RsaerTPn: . . . . . . % UMtM f 55,422.37 t f u n Receivable 41.3!*T.24 Taxes BASIS: Current T a l e * (P«reent* Property Acquired/! >ty TaxTttte Titl* bv TttX a«c collected: !n"« 9«.48%. H57 Ijlen Liquidation 4.02S.OO 9(t.79<3,) Other Receivs&leg 30,512,12 Delinquent Taxes .,..f..,. . eferred charges fteguirecf to be in l«,54O.Sr, 1858 Budget Other Hsvenue and Addition!! to Income Ha,422.35 Total A«M* 1)74,507.88 JABIUTIEg, REBBRVBa AS*D B t ' K P - * ~ Total Fuiid» , I 8.65O0 •Caah Llabllltl«i 7S,924.J<I RXPEMMTOBB8 AND TAX ] Surplus ftev>nu« 8ft,920.10 Mnlfipal Appropriations 274,30».OS * SSS,532.9» School Tas?s (InclBilinK I anil Total l.laMlitl* Reserves Regioal) gnal) B56 115T5 ni (M3 04 anrl Surplus t'onnty T»xe 8 Oncludfns Acldod Tax Rthnoi Tax Lc»vy Unpaid... $125,74T.»5 Amounts! IJ-J»Jl9<t 144.849 »3 Lf.sf: Srhncl Tax ricf^irfd.. 125.717.S5 Othur EspenHltBr»» and IwHm'tm™ from fnconip 1 845 31 1,012 »» *Tia\nnr-f Tnoluded in Above Total Bxrwnditur.. And T a * ti.n»,«isn f Requirements . Ijess: Eippnditurpa to fee Raised by rWore Ta»i>« .,. J,O0»,tfl . .- * Total Adjusted Exp^tt^itures itnA lt.t»f,9J$.« 8 WtjWKft Tax Re^atretttents arplus Ttevemie Balance Tine Page Tw«nty-Two JOTTINGS by OBSERVER Xew ICFV York Gnvt>rNnr bVhl^tl lioekcfel- nil A i.'i i'ii*«i!ri(j inori- o f a lii>U|rht pwin will jrubb ActuuMv thh< (in thi* uiisom atlim-nt | ^nwiiyh. I mi MM ml i if y«u M wJmt 1 m t h e iii c tii« Jit'w om pmi nils Our Shipping Clerk, Old Bill Lading, w lifts will 1 ever lonin to ki't-p my biy mouth closed!) "Rrcau-e, Hill, t h r f\i~t thinp he -an! uluMi • "pnH-'i ihv t..H>r wa~s mi* t o you** loa-icr.' " •|')ic eimiiril hns 1- iv n i \ U i o «t ll'ily Trinity, nriss to he oHi-ifil in S t . Anne'a \Ve«tfield; (iraiul Knight Jeroni* Church, liarw I, April ll> »t A. ruddi'd, St. Michael'.-', Craii- |] ii.iii. f»r M w . John Wnlnlv, f,,id; Mii-hiiid (iinda, SI. Harllwd- ].,ln paMnr »f Ht. Ami«'a imd » , " " " " " oi jiinvi, «. Scnti'h I'liiiiis and l('iank mi'iiihcr of W. MlUSii Coiim-il who «ilm-ation f,,r u i{ , ( iding j mm St. Anne's, ifurwood. I'laiis ,|ii-,l last Si pu-inbcr. W turbeil i-hild ,,t, „ ,,. . . f«vi tin- lu-iiprain were niaili' "t it '" Tin' Mi'Xt nu'iHlnti of Din coun- family can afford uvi'iit council meetintf »t '•he f.'ucil will be li"ld Ki'b. IH when n Tlio irroup plan. i» , lumbian I'lub, U'4()0 North avenue. social program will be presented W! M Applications of iv dozen men Under direction of Joseph P . 0 1 -Thuraduy, Keh u , for membership «»•«• upproveil. COIIIIOI'I i'iitc'1'tiiiiimenl chairman. back horn.; ,,t which* u ^cj rreolund, mitionai dir Th. y will receive the first di^m' 1 l:f'\fr,"c f o r Kn 'otlon,l Wh. '-i*>. Plans also were made fur Children, will l,c „ m iht major degree to be heUI at tlui Parfiits' Group Suidies AH parents Iriterwtea i oUibhou** May 23 with th>.- coun- "Di»lurhed Cliilclren" problem arc askal t ' c;'.i. f\om Kenilworth nnd Kosellf The newly organized Parents' Hnrnbetk to nuike -'cininir the locul oi'ganiy.ation in Croup for Emotionally Disturbed to attend. ' K. of C Takes Part In State Event :ra-,b»iJ of W<,trV..i f^r.-ici! u> v> nan it*. J u?*. fitt* out quieUy, "Mil, K«Uh:> of r,>:um!^f, paistir than even the federal budget i»»d in jroiNK buck to whul was f ticipatoJ in :ht* sixth annus; sta*o once a federal idea of taking money any street <' spiritual bouque; for the CaSha'.i." [ieware of ero^lj away from the taxpayer monthly State aid to vdunitmn takes tinlonit look hierarchy of New Jersey Sur..iay. or highway without ami at the source it points U|> the uther %iVM million, nnil inilliuna The men rvcvivi'J C^a-.wuni^n in | in both direction?. Autos 1 1 gnat urgy of spending In which nrv *pvinMed licit , nnd theft- fvom BASIC RUSSIAN 1iipidl;.- have a habit of appearing their icspectUe [•*:•*>. >-h'-i.-:-.f.. t!*e whole country is t'NtfhKiid. It sUilv emuluyws hiilarie* ui. $111 Tim much, ui k-a^t, for the i-«.-r.'.io::s of Arohb^r.-T joul of nowht-rp, warns '.he simply means that the spending Is million (nmybe justified anil mayOf the lunguuKu I Know, |I lute for Saftr Living. Be par'.scn- Thomas A. EoUr.i ir-J. s'-.e f.f.t'i outrunning income of the state. Itc not) ddwn to $15 milltun state Krushchev or Mikoynu ali-rt whin crossing where bi>hops. i larly Alwuya means, "KG." There is always the promise from tiiil to -New York City which is In charge a*. :ho it - 5vt" c * :vi j tin.- .-:>«: c:;vi>< or view is other, o the fellows gitting in the seats at casting around for new sources of wise in the top that this will be a tempor- income regardless of consequences. I'll bet when Mikoyau irot home The little ri'd sehoolhouse has he confided to his family that the ary thing and that the budget will be balanced in the next year or sok'onc down the drain in favor of U.S. was a nice place to visit, but gymnasiums and recreation fields he certainly would like to live but that never happens. Old China hands used to toll us and swimming pools so that the there. graduates may "make" a college He brought back one American about the taxes collected in China under the dowager empress, and team scholarship, not in engineer- idea, the Diners' Club, which the j W«'r« As Hate To You A * Your T«lephon« describe the process, which was a ing, but heading townrtl the "bitf Kremlin topiron i-, thinking of j R A P I D R E F E R E N C E 1 0 R E L I A B L E B U S I N E S S HOUSES calling of a meeting of the gover- money" leagues aided and abetted adopting. In the Russian version p nors of the provinces who, when by "scouts" and "coaches" nndthere will be a jlipht change. \ they pot the call, knew that they even psychiatrists and behaviour Over there you will pay first and ; were to attend with a bag full of specialists, not in New York state dine later, oh, say about !he end: • LIQUOR STORES • ANSWERING SERVICE silver dollars, which came from aione but throughout the country. of the new seven year plan. CORSliTS j • AUTO DEALERS SHADE AND LAwl On the side of the humanities it taxes levied on the population. If REUABIE then' waa not enough in the bag niuat come as a sad shock to realREPAIRS A MAIDEN'S LAMENT i ELM LIQUOR SHOP the governor was told so, and went ize that it requires the sum of $190 TELEPHONE ANSWERING THE CORSET SHOP OR i Alfred J. Miller—HIM* W. Miller million to take care of mental pabaek to his home baliwick and proSERVICE "To Sell Corsets LAMPS AND LAMM ceeded to make good to the em-tients in the state of New York MAKE MINE WATER SKIING , WratAfrld. HDmBt«Ia*M« Is Salesmanship" WINES j presr by collecting taxes for twonnd that only the creator knows Way high up on the ski-lift, We can duplloatt «nr • "To Fit Toem Is Art" •at ScoIrk Plalu dr«da In stock. For the' Where those icy winds blow, or three years In advance from the the reason, and that the departLIQUORS nd lamps, Bee ua Coi Br.rn*. <» ckoou ptapnnts who had no silver dollars, ment of correction requires $38Even beside the boy friend, SERVICE S4 novns A DAT COLD BEER but a levy on their crops would million. This latter is not surpris- I fail to get a RIOW. IJSStln*'repalra"" K. »ra>l ADsau ing considering that people from Chills play tag along my spine. provide them. E. T. WILLIAMS SODA WATER the four quarters of the earth and My hands and feet are numb; AmH TUB CcntalA As New York ia truly an Empire the USA seem to pick New York to Girls W I DELIVER PBOMPTLT who ski in Miami, Hear Or U T. I t — e , « l l , , , , State most of us are not familiar commit crimes which keep the po- Certainly are not dumb. A Dana 3-am BEAUTY SHOPS AD. 2-3113 with its requirements (which are lice and the courts in constant tur• COSMETICS always designated &s "expand9.11 ELM ST. WESTFIEID My friend, Moronica Mary says ing"). We note that $305 million il. It used to be that the Smiths ALMA'S COIFFURE SALON IPun . Noxt to P«oDlM Bank will be spent on highway construc- anil the Browns and like were the the man who repaired the drain MERLE NORMAN STUDIO riair Styllat SHOES tion of which the state wilt chip most prolific names in the direc- pipe from the roof, must be a •rtk mM4 Ccatnl i n * . or DiHtlnctlon "Makeup Is Aa Art" in $125 million and the federal tory but I hardly ever see such reader of outer-space fiction. Lasting: Permanents &et U0 teach you, free of charge, "How come?" I asked. (When, oh government (the whole people in names in c-'irt. the art. AIBO proper shin car*. Alma De Sanctla, Styllat ORTHOPEDIC the USA) will have to put in $180 Reducing Treatments ROTCHFORD PONTIAC Available ADams 2-2519 LUMBER million, which is a total injustice. S H O E PRESCRIPTIONll IVC. ZO7 Elat SI. Weatleld 106 E. Broad St. If these highways were to be built rilled »r AD 2-8732 •s o' life and death matter in the J. S. IRVING COMPANY ales A Service CRISANTl defense of the whole nation dipVaaxkall ami RKADY MIXBO Ortkepedle l*eek|u j pine '"to the U. S. Treasury might < LUM1M & MIUWOM Eatllik For* llac Will V H < Car* CRANFORD *.1«| be excused; this, however, will not ANDREW HAIR STYLIST < DELICATESSENS Of Ev»y Ducrlption MH C«st«a»la_' Av*. bt- the case, and it is reasonable Ralr Styling I Nurtk A r c . Koppsra Coda - Fuel Oil Permanent Wavlni m s-ttm to expect that speeding passenger BUSINESS DIRECTORY NORRIS CHEVROLET, INC. i i MUTUAL CONCRETE i i d»llvr»d in Saturday delivtriet any quantify • IrimoUi giv»n Air Conditioned Open Mondays ACKARDWESTFIELDCO. ADami 3-4090 zat C*«tr«l A M , WM<I*UI STUDEBAKER PACKARD Sal«> and S«rvlc« f WILDON COMCBETB CORF. J. F. McUUOHUN l » »l .WM1T AVK. WESTFIELD 4 i AD 2-3481 DIVHION* or WILDON MATcnlALt, INC, A f WATCH AND CLOCK - REPAIRS - SCOTCH M i t t r«Mri 24300 SO. PLAINFIELD P U M S-220Q UNDEN HUitr 64422 OTHM WllOON rRODUaS: Cruih.d Sront, Mack Tap, Cravd, Sand and Mason Maltrtrils AUO O.I.-TIUCHHON IUCTMC CLOCK •PAIRS i i BERSE BROTHERS Authortud DM »OTO — Bale! fe Btrvlc* REILLY Oldsmobile Co. Oldtmobll* •alt* * lanhM « k AT*. B, AD*a» 1-TW] Wcalldi. H ^• GOODWIN MOTOR CORP. AtJTHORIZBD VOLKSWAG£N •ala* « MnlM utvir • . M •«. . . . with a low cost personal loan from HUGH CLARK MOTORS either office TODAY and let us know your requirements . . . service is quick' convenient and confidential. " COMPUTE !"!«« ts Ml N M M MAM* t ?MR1 HIGHWAY BRANCH akaaaBBkl " •Mm Ttmnn I n Skat** Phone: Auamt 2-1198, Take Advantage of Our Long Expftrtencft "We Have One of the Largest Selections of ( Oreetlne Cards In I). 3. '• Um BANKorUmotf #»!•• »l» IIMIT Main OITice Morrla Avenue a t HiKhway Branch Uout«> 22 nt itonroe Street llurke Parkway Mimtitr rta»r»l Depodt lnturano Corporatloa I El«i at, 339 South Ave. W , Partt • • • KOBTTI ATI. w , W I I T I I I U I TBL. ADAMI RAWSON MOTORS, INC Authorised Sealer HGNAVLT 1IEAVPHMB PRLfiEOT Sales and Service •M.alalel* i KM Park A » . PI«lel,U •atea and AOaiaa S-tVBS S7« Jlortk Art. E. WcalleM • AUTO BODY REPAIRS • Auto Body & Collitton R«pair • Auto Painting IS PARKING A PROBLEM? Wheel Alignment & Balancing Frame Straightening Ptainfiefd 7 2 4 2 0 Ml N«irto« St. (JUt « * Rt. « > MOVING & GENERAL TRUCKING LOCAL A LONQ DISTANCE AO ii-8«M IU««at,«»le Rate* Formal Gowm ADaata I-»HT Me B«a-ar Maae ItsMti '• *f>a<k A n . • COCKTAIL LOUNGE BP.RB — ( Valdai Art, S* • PHOTOGRAPHERS OIL HEAT SERVICE WESTFIELD STUDIOS . *t r. a. MeOawcuguNw FUEL OILS 14 Hour Metered Servloa Deles-Heat OH Burner* ADAMS 3-3213 FINE PORTRAITURE •awetallstap; l a raklleatlaa P»r«rata> l t l rtMfMt »t. • LAMPS A N D SHADES 111 <!*atral A»*. Isis, 1 PHOTO SUPPLIES COMMERCIAlj TYPEWRITE > WESTFIELD STUDIOS AODIKB 1 Dealer r*la»M • LAUNDRIES v riala SAMOSET LAUNDRY SERVICE, INC. E "Drive-In Service" Cash and Carry ee» Kartk Aw. Laae Ciaws • M k i i l M H av Cealral ATC. AOaawa a (•pp. «alaikr> Plal«a.i tail PI , l . « , u «-!••» ™M LAWN MOWERS STORR TRACTOR CO. Authorised Deafer JACOBSE-V Power U » n Mower* Oarden Tractor* ADa.e %-nm ' >em«h A n . • . w _ • ROOFERS W . L. SCHROEDER «»t. 1»SI QUTTERS-lEADtRS RM BRIDGE 6-3474 » Wataat »»*. Craar • SERVICE STATIONS CAROUTRAVRI Mil C *<*»• ** AMbm - CANTLAY BROS. fsso W . Seventh BEAI Cl»xrrital - Brakes - CarbureM * Complete Aoto S e r v i n g Wa H * Ua aa4 M w LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 1 rVospoel». »«. Ptmtat«l< ADAMS Me • o w w * ? * * | o*"* r* ON THIS PAOf AD 2-4407 AMI Hake* •** Guaranteed I N B**)tk AT*. WMl •»)1 * * * * * • • € S-TWT Call SfATION RAWOJ TELEVISION, I • TYPEWRITERS JERRY CARVELL Cotalina lamp Mounting Shop LAMPS SHADM • Mounting • Recovered • Convertlnaj • Cnsttom to a Rewirlns Order • u m p a In atock • ghadu In atoek GIFTS -Jda, CVatral A»«. ADAWn WcatlcM, lr,J. l-4tU Far* Advertisements MOVING & PA tall ADasu I Ml »*«fc Av*. W. Aar*a Prlec, Pk*t*«rapk*l Cr«af«r*1 For AD U TELEVISION! CRANFORD HOTEL COCKTAIL lOUNOf 35 Elm Sf. • FUEL OIL 3M K, Broad (aear Hlalto Taeattr) Weatleld WESTFIEID-CRANFORO BUILDING SUPPLY CO. i. r-»i • B B A Complete Line of • VILOIKO MATERIAL! Commercial ani i Stationtry •KdtienallooMlMlf • Oxford FiHng I • Rubber Stampi • Fountain Fen H«*M J •Olfh • Grecilng Cat* Hallmark - 1 • Wsa H. >pen Monday* ft Fridays 'tilftp.m. • BUILDING MATERIALS PreKrlpHon Optklon eat la electrical wark m* I W Ready Rail* and Made to Order Gowaa of Dlallactloa ROBERT F. DAY ELECTRICIAN "< ZUCKERMANll SCHNIPPER STORACf CHARLES T. BRENNAN Bridal Outfits STATIONERS HENRY P. TC • OPTICIANS • ELECTRICIANS JO LYNN BRIDAL SHOPPE, Inc. • • STORAGE 4DaMa I-14* BRIDAL SHOPS RICHARD'S AUTO BODY 54 Elm Street CARTER'S EXPRESS SERVICE r»«llf Madlaaa Iw C n ) a SCOTCH PLAINS HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY _ IMPBHIAL _ . KtMOCTI ADamt 3-0662—3—4 Caretullr Compounded Draars • rerfaaie* • Coaxttoa Mrk Rixat 8«*plle* KM Ceatral A n . Harry Miller Moron, Inc CALL We»tfleld CENTRAL PHARMACY Michael J. Cermele. Re». Pharm. WestHeld T«lr|ikoH Mlrilock f- £,- Gari • MOVING AND GENERAL TRUCKING PRESCRIPTIONS In Ikr r. S. ••jarpeara' Mclntyre's Mymwtlh • • Thr ll««k That W»« hullt for Ik* Mniem Mutiir A(tf WILDING M « t DARBY'S DRUG STORE ADamt 2-6519 The Firit State Bank of Union. Stop in M i l CHAW I AWt LEEDS W«t«el«<* Book A Curd Ceater C.a Pill Your Ererr Net* Aatkarlma" 1140 RAHWAY A V I . WESTNELD, N. J. AD 3*3532 SVnart O-110O •lltldicc 8-4(100 .0 Ovutk Avi.. • DRUG STORES ADomt 3-4967 CHARLES ROTHROCK ^ A BOOKS Don't Run AU Over Town , , , Stop At V < T S O K H - W X t M I B S I l f a COXK ADami U W I ELM DELICATESSEN MM loutti »v.. W WntAaM Homo C6okinp Sandwiches—Cold Cut Platters Tempting Salads WESTFIELD-CRANFORD Gourmet Specialties BUILDING SUPPLY CO. ADnmi 2-3032 M l » II G H 37 Elm St. W«««flH.l A Complete Line of BUILDING MATERIALS A&ams 2-°72t BRING RESULTS LEADER ADS FAT DIVIDEND LEADER (NT. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1059 Your Income Tax Letter From Lizzie dent na to which of nil the bills for hu'tfe (lams, 1'ochunnMon projects, protection of wnUsr fvum "fallout," tiro the best? You had better come to our units next week. We are going: to talk ove'f what wo should do to conFi'rvo our wntcv resources m this nuclear age. I'll be seeing: you, f coLeComn,i S 5 . LIZZIE. i |W.n Survey Commission, P,S. A new booklet has just ' " I r Coramliision. Task '" I the AdvU- hoen published which any citir.en :e ° itt Wnter t ResourcResourc can obtain by just asking for it i from the Interstate Commission on ! Vnter taour<™ Policy U- the Delaware River Basin, !S41 Suhurban Station Building, Philadel',!J;,rvinBK. Fox and can ', • i tmm Resources lor the phia, Pa. Tho booklet is entitled, "The Delaware River Basin Control and Utilization of Water ReucMnCo. pros- sources," and shoutd be of great l o f b , Inc., said the interest to every citiien of New to that "in ten short years Jersey. roblew of (radioactive) waste (Lizzie is a composite of the L,l has built up from one Westfield League of Women Votk nffected a handful of pro- ers.) l l J U l . dealing with trw- uantite of Isotopes to one h affects thousands of people E every conceivable quant- Declare IOV2 Cent Quarterly Dividend the adoption of clear-cut Directors of Invectors Stock covering disposal by the small Fund, Inc., mutual fund affiliate L.of radioactive mnteriala. of Investors Diversified Services, Lt rear we studied the varl- Inc., have declared a quarterly Lernment and state agencies dividend of 10 H cents per share, H, control the conservation of payable Feb. 13, to shareholders water resources and we found of record Jan. 30, Joseph M. Fltz J we had five departments in simmons, chairman of the fund, federal government with ten announced today. „ in these departments diThe dividend will be distribintercsted in water conserIn the state government uted entirely from net investment another 20 bureaus and income, derived exclusively from ,,„„, which have something to interest and dividend income. It lift water resources. The ques- Is the 54th consecutive dividend i arises] have we too many do- paid by the fund, according to thtsame work? Is there dup- J. F. McLanghelm, zone manager i and so waste of the tax- of Westfield. moneyi LEADER CLASSIFIEDS e important, are there adeBRING RESULTS »aysof advising the Presi- We're Proud We're Popular It's only natural that food and service as wonderful a t ourt should make us very popular.' You'll agree when you try us. OPEN 2 4 HOURS DAILY ''OkTH AVINU€ ®w**t< V.AIL ROAD STATION CUSTOM UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS and SOFAS Have exactly the Colonial, Traditional or Modern pieces you want . . , done In our °*n workrooms in fabrics to fit your deeor. Construction guaranteed for 10 yean! he 'dividends received credit' may ot exceed four pel' emit of your taxnblo Income, nor may It exceed tho amount of your Inx liability ihown on line 12, pajru 1 of your •eturn." Rotary Told Of Work With Handicapped Heitiinderi Important [mints tor federal in01110 taxpayers of tlila men to keep in mind wlieii praiinriug their 1958 returns worn outlined today by Joseph R J. Mayer, director of internal rcvonue for the Newark District. The Union County Hiking Cluh First, ho said, the filing doftdict up a week-end schedule that lino is April 15. Next, he added, many taxpayers akes the low road In tho plno barmay use the punch card Form ens, near Mount Holly, Saturday, 1040A, If their incomes are within ml the high road in Hnrrlmun tho $10,000 bracket and their in- State Park Sunday. come status meets tho other reBob Gasser, Ntorth Plainfleld, la quiremonts for use of tho card he lender for Saturday's hike in form. he pino barrens. "It will be eight Taxpayers who Itemize deduc- 0 ten miles in tho fascinating, tions must use the Form 1040 re- ivild bnrrens," Mr. Gasser snys, trardless of the size of their in- and I recommend it to nil who conies. He covered other impor- lilko in a now nnci different urea." Members nnd others interested tant points with the following in this sort of hike will meet at statement: the Union County Park Commls"W-2 withholding tax certifiBuilding, cates for all jobs hold by either ilon's Administration or both parties to a return mu3t Wurlnnnco Park, Elizabeth, at 8i30 bo attached to the form where a.m. specified. Tho hiking group, -with Misa "Complete signatures and dates Shirley Bennett, Union, as leader, should be entered on the form will follow Stony Brook Trail to where called for and cave should Lake Sebago dam Sunday. After be taken to insure that joint re- unch at the lake, tho group will go on to Tuxedo. turns are properly siKned. Members and other interested "Returns should be legible and accurate, Careful double checking persons will meet at the adminisshould be undertaken on comple- tration building ot 8 a.m. or at the Sloatsburg Station a t 9:16 a.m. tion of a return. "Checks or money orders in payment of any taxes still owed The four major airports in the should be made payable to the In- Port District's regional system— ternal Revenue Service." Newark, Teterboro, New York Ina n d LaGuardia— Mr. Mayer said returns and any ternational required accompanying papers handled over 13.5 million passenshould be cheeked for accuracy gers in 1957, and are being deand then placed in an envelope ad- veloped to serve over 24 million dressed to District Director of In- passengers a year by 1965. ternal Revenue, 1060 Broad street, Newark, -with sufficient postage stamps to insure delivery. He said questions by taxpayers will be answered by qualified members of the Elizabeth office who may be contacted at EL 44300, especially designated for taxpayer assistance. Dividend* Dividends roceivd by taxpayers during 1958 are subject to special federal Income tax return rules, Mr. Mayor, reminded. "If you own stock in a corpora tion, the payments you receive out of the company's earnings and profits are called dividends and must be reported in your federa tax return. "If you received dividends, fi>f Automapic there are two provisions of the law which serve to reduce the in Convinlinci come tax you must pay. One 13 th< exclusion* from income of up to . . . wlrlil $50 in dividends received. The other is a credit, or reduction, of 1 thota * on'the di^iden\ls''ln fexcesi of $50 which are included'in Jn come. ' "In order to qualify for the $50 exclusion, the dividends muat havi been received from domestii (U. S.) corporations which are subject to the ordinary corporate tax rates. The instructior booklet for Form 1040 contains (on page 11) a list of the type of corporations which do not qualify, Nt»<y of HOT WATER "If a joint return is filed by husband and wife and both have dividend income, each may exclude up to $50 of dividends received, bu l one may not use any portion o! the $50 exclusion not used by the other. For example, if the husband received $100 in dividends, and the wife $25, only $75 may b excluded on a joint return. "Where dividends are consid ered community property incom under state law, the dividends an considered to have been received Low.if Cart CLOTHES DHYIN9 one-half by each. "You should use Schedule A on page 3 of Form 1040 to list you dividends and show the amount o exclusion to which you arc en titled. "The credit against the Wx on the dividends received from quali fying domestic corporations in ex cess of the amount which you ex elude is computed in Schedule J on page 4 of Form 1040. The credit allowed is four per cent 0 tr, Cooler, C l a i M r COOK »4« the dividends included in your in come and the credit ia listed on line 13 (a), page 1 of Form 1040 and deducted directly from the tax on line 12 of page 1. However, lub Plans Hike In Pine Barrens Paste Twenty-Thiree gram oxcmplifips everything wtinderful about ehurlty, especially the fact that many eivie groups hiivn helnvii and muru can bctomu involved." In v.oiicUiilliig his talk, Mr. GUIdini! sttlil thnt th« society, which now rec'olvOH Easier ai'ftl fund* nftor sovurul yours of huml-tuI.nuU (ikldliiK of PtMnl!elfl mouth I'xlsUinco, us tho iiuloptiult league, i« in good Rhnpy fiimnuUu uiutcr the uuspUx'K of the Union County Society for Crippled t'inlly and serves over 10 ImmllChildren ami Adults, buforo tho cuppod persons u WL'tk, (about len Kotnry Club of Westflcld, »t its of tht'in Wi-'sttleltlovs) on a budgut which is, so ftiv, under $5,000 n mooting" Feb. I! in tho YMCA.. Mr. (lidding, vice president of year, lie uilduil thnt tho group hopos to have a liuiUiing of its tho dross mututfacturin£ concern, Louis Olildhie Co., is a member of own some duy soon, pevhivpa move the executive bourd of the society centrally located in th(i county and n pnHt president of the organ- than I'luiutiyld, where its principal ization out of which it grew, tho activities take place at present. Visiting Uotarians introduced a t Union County League for tho, the luncheon by Uolaud Murioui, Handicapped. How tho league was formed wore Jay W. IJliaa, Minot, N.D.; through Mrs. Elisabeth Raymond, James Tiller and Earl Palluch, and tho nnturo of Its work since Kenilworth; Clark MeDortuouth, its beginning ftvo years ago, were Cranford; Robert Crane, Elizadescribed by Ml'. Gidding, who be- both. Tho February birthdays of came involved originally when he was asked to piny his guitar bufovo Cluules Mncfitrland, Philip Keynoldsi, William Kesislov, Herbert a handicapped group. "What has mode tho work of lloer, Euvlo Pierson, and President Kevmit Dow, were acknowledged the Union County organization unique, work which has since been anil celebrated in song, with Carowidely copied, is its emphasis on lus Clark at tho piano. Edwnrd the integration of crippled people Peterson gnve the luncheon invo with normal children nnd adults in cation and Frank Ketcham led in games anil other activities. Tho song. Edward Ewen, secretary of social therapy, as a result of such tho Wes'tneld YMCA. thanked Mr. mixed participation has been ines- Gidding in behalf o£ the club. timable," Mr. Gidding said. "It has Banks are among the oldest in been especially valuable in readying people for vocational rehabili- stitution3 in this country. Many tation, since learning to get along have passed the century mark; with people ia as important as some arc moro than 150 years old; and more than 3,000 are over the learning of a new skill." Tho speaker stressed also the 50 years of age. importance and value of the par ticipatitig experience to normal TO BUY OR SELL, USE young people and ndulta. Mr. Gidding added that "the pro LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS February. 185S : '. Telephone A D 3-0003 WE RECOMMEND GOODWIN MOTOR CORP. 115-117 E. Fifth St., Plainfield New car dealers for StudebakerPackard, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen, and dealers in good used cart, too, Stop in and see them — soon. A SERVICE K M NEWCOMIUS TO LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS February 1959 Again!1 lereWe —^ Vai, Gat Genie'* growing sura la showing. For next week Marti h l i I04TH YEAR of fast, frUndly tervict to youl Back in 1B5S, 8 0 1 Genie light brightened |utt* the night* far lolkt in your town. But today, thl« silent servant bdghtent alt your dally living . . . at your fingtrtlp* anytlm* to iav« you work, time and loti of money, tool And In hie second century of service, the fruit* of Gas Genie's constant Research and Manning will be doing even more for you , . , for less . , . than ever before. Because neighbor, you're precisely who he's on the grow for/ YEARS,, PROGRESS W*0F R WlA ehmty mere B M M«»k In itera t« kM» • « • wltk *ll t*m< fttm M«ail 104 •Unit » • • llMNl • • e WM" Open 24 Hours a Day I I3JPPS PHIRKin CHAIRS SOFAS * «M«» from S *&*> $99 •11 fmAt Av*., PMnflaM %&kWk- lummtul HOMI HEATINA n . *40ot /«»* # 1 6 9 to SHOF-AT-HOMI SERVICf «• «-3274 and W e l l Cad at Your Homo With Samples 54™ BUDGET TERMS TO SUIT "YOU .1 Mm* °Hti TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS ' STOCK FOND. INC. MlU - , Fine Famous Brand >< Traditional, Modem. ia MO SOMERSET STREET NORTH PIAINF1EID bt JAMES t. MclAUGHUN Zone 3fAnaff«-r fbonr: Ban.! Plftrtin 0-IHH R»».i AOmmi 2-S*81 3,H» SCMJITT AVJSSVF. WE»rrrt5M>, .1. •*• UOH rtJZABETH «jMafaa fitHadtstSk sVsMstMk'j : w:s <s:,:mrmm T H E WJ3STFIELD P« ge Twenty.Four (X.J.I | Iiyn- t vs; The AbtUrrf folk Stm% \ i Book, CKiii^ri; Tht AutoUioicr*pKy ;, | of Matk Twain, Cl<-mtnv, Auto- * | b^gtaphy, Darwin; Out of Our • I Pa.*.*, I n ^ e r ; Landmark 5 o{ To- jmono'A, Pia,-k<-i; The C?vu \V*r, ^ & S'nn a'.;vf, F*>•."*>; KivM* in th* ! I>r«fi:. *;U.,fck; Witho-t Ffar. ^ Fsvyi1, u; Ajfrt'.ioh, Kemp. • A;*u. !i«<v!K»:i»n, O;ht-; fsrhool* •'ar.'i o;.f, Kir.-jr; I Ant Ar\&--',M?i&, New Library Books WATERPROOFING BASEMENT DRAINS A N D SUMP PUMPS INSTALLATIONS - THOROSEAL WAUS TRIMMING DRIVEWAYS A N D CURBING LEADER DRAINS STONE AND MASONRY CONCRETE WORK WAUS i l,:'t', Thf C*ic Aj!'; Mi£M and Mad- . The Memorial Library has 3r? 2Ued its new book \ht a* folio".*.; tt:; Fiction; A Day in Monte Carlo, c u t ; K . * r h ! < - i , if- i r . i - 5 , Alhraijrf; Nine Tomorrows, Ari- S mov; Across Parift and Oth*? t Stories, Ay me; BlacKbfn >• WiMerm*ss( Berktnsn; HcaitbitaJ: A!*1* Street, Butttis; The Caplivo ats-i . ?iorth. Ar*de? *on; Johr;, Kir.jr of 4, Applvby; i?xan*ip Fox. the Free, Gary; Efprit dv Corp*.. " ; An Anthropolo^i** 31 Wcjk. Durrell; Xot in Solitude*, Cantz; •diet: Kiil My Love, Hunt; The Scicn- j Honfikt; The Tne Ami-ricu!^; Aniir:oar^ *hf t»*ts, Lipsky; The Secret Way-,! Colonial Exjjtrience, B^M M*ctetn; The Watch That End* ! Th*- Pageant of E.izabeJha- Kne- . A. S. MANNINO & SONS if-:, i' i 1- \ ! , T, Serving Westfield for 25 years M M •• AD 3-4935 AD " ! I); ; o K . . - M • t: V, . . - .!• -•> i , 1 ' • • . i : T-t > ,,.-- < . '> i •• ' i i ' * „ i \y • • • , - . .- << V,-i Jt--^ J , Fisih; Kii-K-atK'n ahd Vlte•u>Tn. Hir>:<'V<'3 ; Mickey Mam^*1 of: ihf Vankf'-,-, Schoai; How TO Hold a Bt'.'.cr M«et>r^. Sr.e".'.; Boy o n , 'he Rooftop, Szabo; G\ii*ie *o \ e \ v the Ki^ht, MacLennan; The D-.-ad- Unri, Burton: Ail in On*1 Lif«*:ime, Yoik Xi'.eiife. Walker; T h e Haur.tid PaUre; a Lift- of Edyar A^ian Poe, Wir;'Aar; Suburbia. 1*.« ; Ptopit and TK*ir Po'.nie?, Wood: , $TORR%*JO>L, E!em& of Gtoiogy, Zumbttge. \ PERCE STRINGS"*r —•« <«HJ CA**T 0 £ SO ^11 n&pr AWFUU.V BAD. THEV | ¥ SenV U ME YOU TOOK 1 "THE FIRST PRIZE A T v l l 1 THAT'S WMV A CMUHCH BEMtFRV^ 1 L IWl M A C Ji i 1 i •KKJIII •A MO CME 15 BACCf D rcOM STORR TRACTOR AMP THCIQ 0«m»C TO P U A t C Ml. CU5H*«3- Tau can mate more money with tttt Mai Homelitt 7 2 1 chain saw be, c i u i l «. lets you cut more wood falter. Zip» through 20* treet in 18 seconds. Gear drive gives you plenty of lugcinc power to fen trees up to 7 (eet in diameter. Light 21 pounds (less bar and chain) is easy to handle. Best moneymaker you can own for production cutting, harvesting woodlots, maintaining rights-ofwty, pulpwood cutting, tree surgery. Have a free demonstration! Htw 7-MONTH GUAtANIEE ftp mon»y-mak»r NEWHOMELITE HOMEIITE ZIP. CHAIN SAW Abe AvoilabU for a i little at $185.00 TRACTOR !H AV( Nu I t ; >,.^.< ALJ 1 le.00 An open letter to all Charities, Churches and Synagogues Thrmlgliout llir yenr, we at Channel Lumber receive many liundrciln (if rc(im:st8 from worthy clitiriliue, rhurt'hcK »nd synagogues. To these we arc happy lo respond to the limit of our ubiiitics. However, there are many thai we know we have not reached. Our Executive Committee recently submitted » plan which we feel will prove 'of great benefit to these many worthy causes. As you know, February 15 to 22ml this year is designated as National Brotherhood Week. It.teenu to HS that during this period, as its contribution to Jnlcrfitith Understanding, Channel should give material assistance to this movement of brotherly love and to the community. Therefore, we have decided lo eet aside 5 days, Monday, February 16th, through Friday, February 201 h, as CHANNEL BROTH* 'ERHOOD TITHE DAYS. On these days we will donate 10% of our receipts from sales, and a check for 10% of each purchase will be tent to the church, synagogue or charity designated by the purchaser, and made in the name of the donor. ' By this tithe method -we hope to reach many worthy group* we may have missed in the part, and perhaps get a worthy example of community participation in Brotherhood Week. Name Committee To Select Slate I — Pri'rt Ket'sint? VISITING TEACHER from Tie-m ZeaUnd, Min Noreen Murray, iccond from the left, apent a day at Franklin School and Franklin Annex recently. Shown with her, left to right, are Mils Geraldine Norwell, Franklin fourth frade t«acher; Cindy Obrnchain, Peter Wetdon, Lynne Hughe*, Chriitine Woodl and Philip Reed. DEPARTMENT STORE OF INSURANCE THE I Kenjarr.Jn Franklin School's PTA j i executive !>oard heard reports last j »v<M>k at trie homt of Mrs, Donald ; io'»:n soup. Season with one-half di replaced with j Hllrtget !<icl!, 31T Mountain avenue. Mrs. isi K ns or> « u r cup grated cheddar cheese and one! F. Raymond Obenchain, president, | 8"°^ ones. £et the oven control at 350 de-quarter cup sliced olives. Pour presided. ! According to Mrs. Lois C. Crease a shallow baking over the fish filets and bake for 25 The nominating committee who ! Xorthcott, director of this ambi- t'rees. di.<h and arrange a package of par- to 30 minutes in the gas oven. .vi!l present next year's slate of of- j «•"» women's safety project, a thawed frozen fish fillet in it. Serve with baked potato, a spinach fkers ai the Feb. 19 general meet- I P " m e r e S 5 O n f o r nian >' lr.a"'.c ae " tially Add a cup of milk and two table- salad and hot gingerbread dessert. inK was announced as Mrs. C. Rich- cidents » that "the motorist H no spoons of sherry to a can of mush- Serves four. aril Water-house Jr., chairman, and settingt 0 an even break when it Mesaames T. K. RossiWr, A. Tur- « > " « t r a " ' c s"fns- . ... nei- Savage, C. J. Ga.». Richard The 140,000 women in on this B.Maxwell Jr., and -Miss Margaret effort are armed «-ith checklists gurns i of questions like these: 'Are The' public is to be invited to ! -tens and signals located where hesr a talk entitled "How Can W e e d e d most?" "Ai-« local traffic Inspire Our Children to Achieve?"! authorities followii;/ their own Mrs. F. Grainger Bierwiith, par-j = *." manuals as u proper shape THE ONLY YOUR ent education chairman, announc- Dac-Kg:round coiur and locations" ed. Mrs. .Mary Armstrong, Union Do signs employ I eilective-type PLACE WHERE County home agent, will be the materials so ..nic'ty tolois un.J j DARK CLOUD speaker. This will be held at 8:15 ».:i'ssage are uiiiiiiotaJsaoiy vUiDiej YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF p.m., Feb. 19 in the school audi- to the driver in his headiighis at j night?" j torium. Has A The answers to these and many The PTA will again make available bus trips for Franklin School other questions should indicate SILVER LINING! children to hear a young people's some areas where strong effort is concert of the Plainfield Symphony necessary, particularly in the; realm of nighttime safety. Proper March 7. Parents will receive further information about this in the signs are three times as important at night, when three times as PTA newsletter. Mrs. Obenchain and Miss Anne many drivers are killed per mile traveled as during the day, accordHarris were co-hostesses. ing to the National Safety CounWhen bills pile up arid things look dark, there's cil. a bright side to the picture: we have low-cost loans, A dark, unfamiliar road and a stop sign that works only in day$50 to $500, to pay ofF all your bills at ones. light is the kind of accident combination-that safety-minded womWhen purchasing insuranct en are working to correct. You can repay monthly In convenient amounts. The national spotlight is focusfor this seal. There iio ing now on the Business and ProYou'll like our prompt service. ' ' •Bsional Women's sign survey, but *When it como» to doing some- morrow it may shift to the equalthing about driver safety on our vigorous driver safety activihighways, women take a back scatj es carried on by countless other to no one. omen as members of civic organiOne of the biggest movements tions, local safety councils, PTA now underway to help reduce uc- oups and neighborhood groups. cldents is being carried on by Mrs. NorthcoU may have scored some 140,000 working women in point \vhtvn she answered a re3,300 U. S. communities. ovter's question about why wornThese determined gals, nil mem- today are shouldering more anil 235 East Bread St. bers of local chapters of the Na- .ore responsibility lor traffic Westfleld, N . J . tional Federation of Business and fety programs: Professional Women, are on the IIC. NO. 726 "Women have a knack of get lookout for useless traffic signs ing things done where men aomeJohn E. Pitcher, Mgr. AD 3-4800 and markers. mes fail," she claimed. The kinds of signs this volun••••THEnU'S A FHIENDLY LOAN FOn EVERY NEBI teer army is out to eliminate are those that do not conform to state wmm law and federal recommendations as to si?.e, shape, color, and night visibility requirements. The Kals stand ready to cooperate with Have you yet to drive the luxurious 1959 Cadillac? Then traffic authorities in any way they can to get the many dangerous hesitate no longer for it's an experience you'll long 'remember. Relax in the deep comfort of buoyant seat % cushions. Select the most corrugated road to experience its smooth, floating ride. And observe the incredible ease with which the great car accelerates and stops . . . turns and handles. You have to drive it to believe it. Visit your Authorized Cadillac dealer soon—and spend molordom's most convincing Kodak DvaUr hour at the wheel of your favorite Cadillac model for 1959. EVERY INSURANCE NEED Under ONE ROOF! The Driver's Seat The standard of the world in Jarvis i. for Color Proctuing — both movie* and still* Comfort Brinf Y»or Film. T« U. f*rtl« l*r S 54 11m! St. Sincerely, 33^ *• Vice-Prerident CHANNEL LUMIEr. CO. M*Mb Mw ifrita-175 Si. Ittfe strut .fflMCFKU: 3N I. S. ffiflM) SMK MMS: Sajfi Witit St^Wf K !«(( *3J at f*ttl ht. For freedom from worry about PROPERTY LOSS, call PEARSAU A FRANKENBACH, Inc. RG.II.TNI9 — MM'ROItf i l l KI.M ST. *D 2-470O YXSIT YOUR lOCal dUTBORIZED CADILLAC DCJLLR LAING MOTOR CAR COMPANY 119-121 E. FIFTH ST. PLAINFIELO Page Twenty-Five THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19K9 Invite Fathers lo Visit Wilson School Today Board Presidents Discuss Problems and Bulshoy Circus," to bo pro- Mrs. W. A. Allen, program chairbated in the '~\" sym April 1 7 and man of the Woodrow Wilson l'TA, Presidimtrt from nui! t^tiiti' 8. The ringmuslcr will bu Nov-has announced visiting day for fa- boards uRUiuted with the New Jeruey Assouintion of Ueivl Estate nun Krtsbei'B. thers only, today from 0:30 a.m. to Boards met in Newark Feb. 3 to Committee chairmen are: Pro-2:30 p.m. discuss mutual problems In the duction managur, Mvs. Mnvy Weymiin O. Steenttrafe, prlnciCuvey; clown troop, James Stef- pnl, will show the fathers what a realty Held. Various programs ileaiRneil te ftus; sideshow managers, Walter typical class day ia like. Mr. Steenuml Gary Lundqulst; ciccofationn, Krafe explained that the fathers elevate the professional status of realtors were considered at the Mrs, F. Chisholm; acrobatics, Wil- may visit the classrooms of their liam Herrinic; younger b o y s own children or any others, observ- meeting attended by executive offiroups, George Hoffman; baton ing a few of the subjects tnught, cers from all parts of the atate, groups, Jane Scott; props, John or all of the subjects, as they wish. R. E. Barrett Jr. «f Weatfleld, Mlllwater; admissions, Howard chairman of the board presidents Conklln; tumbling, Duncan Smith LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS PAY committee of the NJAREB, modand Charles Stracuzzi; refreshments and candy butchering, Tri Hi-Y and dance routines, Jane Benedict. The club discussed several new acts for the show and a return of the "Eyes in the Night," novelty of three seasons back. Mr. Stelfins promised some new funny acts by his troop of boys and girls who will begin soon to prepare their costumes and equipment. The possibility of 'Tunny Fotos," pony rides, and other special attractions was discussed. The club agreed that a party for members of this year's club and those new persons who take esponsibility for the 1069 show would be held following the second night's performance April 17 ei'n! thousand dollars more with It's n blusli. erated the moelir>K UHnistcd by Komi trees. On each warm bright day now vice chairman tjarrett Feller of Shade Trees lioost you can see it, nays George M. CodTonally. Twos incronse In value Oiroufrh Value of a House 1 the years if they are KOOII HJUM !- dlnir or the Hurtlutt Treu Exportn. Hap starting to niovo iriside a Tree lire worth real money. A mciiK and driven euro. Tree euro In 105a the Navy established treii gives hark mid twigs a more site with Hue trees may com- Is. not lavish. It nii'iina nttomllnir 1 radio stations in the Antarctic tit home a tree's simple nt'inlfi." l'Veilin^ pi lively color. Willows 'become a yelinnnd a.4 much an 15 por font betrioilit'iilly for vi^or; pruning to lowish green. Silver maples taka tlttlo America. (KC4USA), Mc- ter urlco than n treeless one. shupe it, eliminate, dead and dis-on a brighter light gray. Notice Murdo Sound (KC4USV), and Builders iret better prices for eased wood, and g\ve it streiiKth; it too In the brown of the Marie Byrd Land (KC4USB). The houses and Hell them fnator when ami spraying: in wouBOn to curb in- black birch, and smooth gray of latter is the first radio station in they are tree shaded, neeordinir to st-ct pt'sls and diseases. the beech, the reddish brown of the history to be at the South Vole. fieorjfe M. Codclinir of the Bnrtred nniple, the green of sasHafraa Intl Tree Experts. twigs. The American (lug was first ofMany builders of small and me- First Sign of Spring: Spring's still far away, down in ficially displayed over Alaska when dium homes estimate trees add nt Trees Are Blushing deep Florida getting ready to move Russian troops lowered their flag least $500 to the valuo of n house. northward about 100 miles every and U. S, Marines hoisted the Stars Houses in the $25,000-1(50,000 The first sitfii of sprinir is creep- 10 days. But now's the time to do and Stripes at Sitka Oct. 18, 1807. bracket on favored sites may bring Inir into the Kehrunry tree tops. urgent things before spring Are You Getting All You Are Paying For? JOHN p. LONGWELL i Man To ct Project ITCH PLAINS—Dr. John P . U of UW Maplo Hill road L appointed director of a lit of scientists organized by Inearch and Engineering Co. Uuct advanced research tosopet rocket fuels under a A glamorous woman is one who - t awarded by Army Ord- looks poured into the kind of |ithas been announced. dress other w«men look dumped IS!'64000 one-year contract into.—G. Norman Collie I mt, non-profit basis. The |ve is to develop improved Ready cash unlocks the door Tropellants. ' when opportunity knocks. For the I company was selected last big things in your future, be ready I the Defense Department's with U. S. Savings Bonds, Bafer lile and space nfrency, the than cash. _ J Research Projects Agen|RFA), for this key role in \ i new program to perfect it solid fuels. At that time authorized the militarj i to negotiate contracts in d with Esso Research and jemlcal concerns. The firms ticked from among some 30 lomjtnles, principally on the [of scientific talent, manageind facilities. |L»ngwell, whose team operIs i separate unit within the ta, contributed to the devel|t o! the Talos missile under j toilnct held by Esso Re- C 29 3 9 * The Most Fabulous Record Offer Canltr Cut Chops or Roast Acm« Pork Lolm a r e cut from top quality, small young porkers with meat tender and lean . . . juicy and flavorsome. APPLE PIE LANCASTER BRAND Of All Time! Chuck Roast 49< tftrthers VIRGINIA LEE each A V c Extra juicy, well marbledl Cut from the finest cattle right on the spot in the heart of the beef country. 'Bone In. s for Circus pTCR PLAINS — Assign major lesponsibilitiei |tM« it a meeting of th Club of the Fanwood h P!«ins YMCA last week a: I were furthered toward th irafc of the "Bavnyar i Fowl Philharmonic Family Library of st Abe a Point! I find the LOCAL INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS honest in their advice Bdcon Albums.2-20 'ram thoir long experience, then leave •M decision up to you. cn,y49c on, y $|'.l 9 20 Albums! Monty Back Guarantee! LANCASTER.BRAND SMOKED BEEF Bacon 1 w ^ . 55* Donuts |b Scrapple pksofi* OLD FASHIONED HOMESTYLE SLICED 20 oz. 29< Bread AZZ 35< To n g u e s ' '*>• 49< lo.f 2 3 < frozen ZrooaiI CHICKEN OF THE SEA 2 ^P Pot Pies 5* -1 c- $i.oo cans Mix or Match 'Em! Top quality pies at such an economical price! | BROADCAST SNOW CROP ORANGE IDEAL FRENCH FRIED MAMBO VAN CAMP'S C M Otepfejr TMt —I Potatoes oLenten ^jeafood wm PORK Beans IDEAL Stain Proof it Tarnish Proof it Corrosion Proof 4 2 ' 49 39 43 - Catsup Soap Pads 2 Margarine BRILLO THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED I Y mmmmmM Ed'rtad by Tha AMERICAN MUSEUM of NATURAL h HISTORY o* Natieiwl, Stot. ami Ccunty *»«Kioi,oB of Infant* A 9 . n h ; VOL.1 FRED KELLER VOLS. 2 to 16 £^0± Eins onl«Jy eacF| Scallops Cod Fillets TASTE O ' SEA BREADED PORTIONS Haddock 3 £ , 1 * EMPRESS RAINBOW Trout ™9 A'Week Plan On. Our Book-A'Week rJUairy. bag of 6 e Celery Cheese 6«-25« Potatoes Cheese «**••»•* ^ - , ^ ; .1 FOODCRAFT COTTAGE p Cheese 10bt39- | 14th. Advertised price* effective thru Saturday, February 14th. *7« fOVTH AVC, WZSTFIXU) *79« FOODCRAfT POT MAWE-WASHED »n<l SIZED SUED MAINE-WASHED and SUNKIST- EXTRA LARGE aLJelightd; N. Y. STATE EXTRA SHARP CALIFORNIA f 3 Lemons il Fish SticksM«-**49< Mclntosh Apples CALIFORNIA iooz.pkg.49* ARCTIC SEAL Juky, Seedless, Refreshing, A perfect pkk-up for early morning appetites. A Broccoli ^s.b^25 3 c Grapefruit INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS Jjavinyii TASTE O ' SEA BREADED PARKAY MSTUF.U ASSICUT1M OF 2«39< Juice CORNED BEEF ONLY • HA MPTOV HAIR1 A S<>> WILLIAM B. EgTWiCK. *»• » " 39« LANCASTER BRAND SMOKID KEF Tableware f Tuna Hash Punch -k AntuRust GIV O, MtLKOIlU , | o|8 Buns J ( SOLID WHITE Each Place Setting comes in a Handy Cloth Carrier. IMC. , FARMDALE-Be.f, Chicken, Turkey • M i l N° high pressure — ever. BKAL VSriOBF ASSOCIATES, I»e. HOT CROSS LANCASTER BRAND MEATY PLACE SETTING will frankly suggest what is best, 39 viib.pkg.33« nb.pkg.Q3* Vilb.pkg. J FIRESIDE SLICED 5 PIECE toyou. Ib. PLAIN-SUGAR-CINNAMON Pork Roll | Honeity IS the best policy and you will READY T O COOK For Stewing or Fricassee Chocked full of golden goodneis . . . baked to a flaky tendernew, in Virginia Lee's own ovensl LANCASTER BRAND SLICED LAINV.AOICK OKAINU SUICV GR1EAT MUSIC Albuni No. 1 % Whole or Either Half iL OHM KOKOAT THIIU VKIOAY, TIL t PJi. 10 pi. pig Activities In The Churches of WestfieMandVicini Sermon of the Week "BREAKTHROUGH TO GOD" Rev. Leatm A. Dunn Orthodox Pre*byt?rian Church Mt. Zion Choir To Sing Sunday World Council Churches9 Report The" Mitiint Zion Baj'ti-t Church VV , i ,,f Sr.>\vni!;, «.ne of tho IPSII- Ahead in 1959 \r,c Nt-aro vlwiv* >» n.»rtbern \'ow TEMPLE EMANU-EL Club annual benefit A progress n-port an a five-year ,1-r-fV, will sinu »t tlw Febvmry Rabbi lack Stern Jr. Pnlton auditorium undertaken l>y the WCC refundiy iiisrht hymn sint: tti lw held Sunday; r,. ; 1 O ; Tixiny: 1 ^:.'!() p.m., cancer dress•enlei! that the churches ft re findh Center for in thi" Kirsl Baptist Church Sun"Show un the Father." in the ing group; 8:30 p.m., nursery ng "great difliculty in respondinp ifsv at 8 in the sanctuary. Jesus saith unto him, "Have I been so Ions time with you, and n the challenge of rapid Focial school parents meeting; udult ed- cation; worshipp In ^ Tiwi '"•ill lw accompaniwl by the yet hast thou not known me, Philip! He that hath seen mo hath seen liangc." ucation committee. 10:50 a.m., v u R. v IK.iiii'r Tucker who will brine the father." John 14:8.9 h nursery; wonhinl, Tomorrow: 8:15 p.m., Sabbath the The study on "The Common a luu-i" message. The choir will tu aT ' Significant breakthroughs have service. Sermon topic: "I Am a . .y- Dr - McCotlsij, 'hrintian Responsibility Towards -|>V -evoral Noirro spirituals. recently been made in man's juw." An Onofj Shsbbat (delight at Doth services o( reaa of Unpid. Social Chance" struggle for survival. The Sulk tithor fi>:itun's on the program of the Sabbath) will follow the sermon topic will 1,. ,is initiated in 1055 with a grant vaccine has worked wonders in include ;i irroup of numlwrs by the 5 p.m., pastor'j service. ' $100,000 from John 1). KorkeHaving lives. Recently published Ilarmony Three who also will speSaturday: 10:»o a.m., Sabbath class, Coe Fellowship i •ller Jr. Total coat of the study articles Indicate that another sigi'iaiizo in Svgra spirituals. MemPilgrim Fellowship, estimated at $175,000. service. nificant breakthrough has been bers of the siiiKinsr "nit include ship room. An international conference on made in the battle against bups. Sunday: 8:45 and 11 a.m., Sun- Monday: 3:30 p. , j Bonnie Hamniar, Lillian Larson apid social change will be held In Just os soon as chemical formulas day religious school; 11 a.m., men's choir rehearsal, " m' .iriil Lois Alpaufrh. i.ilonikn, Greece, in July, under the for ecdysone and the juvenile horclub Bible brunch; 7:30 p.m., sen- room; 4:30 p.m., The e^iifrrepational sinpinc will uspices of the WCC's Division of mone are established it promises MRS. GERTRUDE VELGUTH bp conductfwl by the Rev. Elbort ior youth group Bocip.1. hearsal, Coe Fellowship tudies. to reduce to rarity any disease ! K. Gates Jr., pastor of the local Monday: 12:30 p.m., sisterhood p.m., Boy Scouts, Troo.] Observations on the first three 'now contracted tfcroug-h insects. j church, assisted by the Rev. Jet Christian Science board meeting in the home of Mrs. foi- Christian Education ears of the study emphasized that And the outer space is not so j Turner, associate minister, at the Anita Wilson, 240 Pembrook roftdj Tuesday: 8 p.m., Br<lo] lie church can not be a spectator far out any more. The greatest jortran console and Mrs. James Lecture Saturday Mountainside; 8:30 p.m., religious c!e will meet at the font, i social change. "It must work era of discovery and progress ever | ifowell a t the piano. committee meeting. How spiritual understanding of H. D. Mayer, 27 Mohu ir 'responsible emancipation.'" known to man may await us now I The hymn sin£ is one in a series God restores health and harmony Purpose of the study is to help Tuesday: 1 p.m., Golden age Program by Dr. McCotw. that outer space has been broken of Sunday evening Kfltherinps will be the topic of a lecture on Bible class, the library, e member churches of the World through. Great strides in science j sponsored by the Board of Dea- CUristinn Science to be given in group meeting; 7 p.m., post-confirouncil to come to grips with "the j Wednesday: l(j a™ are being momentatfly wade -ind i cons and Deaconesses to provide Weftfield Saturday by Gertrude E. mation class. ttraordinary developments of so' sewing at the home of C, we can't keep up with them. We Wednesday: 9:45 a.m., sisteropportunity for fellowship in song. Velguth of Flint, Mich. ety in Asia, Africa, and Latin 7'I7 St. Marks avenue; j' wait prayerfully. for all these hood Bible lecture presented by Held on a monthly basis, they are The Rev. John JfcGill Rrumrn, Open to the public without Girl Scouts, Troop J25I merica and with their implicabreakthroughs to be developed chaplain of Columbia University, srrang-ed by a committee composed charge, the lecture will be spon- Rabbi Stern; 8 p.m., Lord Clement Hall; 8 p.m., chancel f ons for the west." and marketed for in* welfare of of Irving- Lyman, chairman, Mrs. sored by the members of the First Attlee to spenk at Westfield High hearsal, Coe Fellowship 1, wi'l address the annual corporate mankind. The main fields of study and aeEvelyn Nostrand, Kenneth Thomp- Church of Christ, Scientist. Mrs. School for brotherhood observThursday: 1 p.m., af on are responsible citizenship, vil- communion breakfast of the Men's On the horizontal plane th* breakthroughs have been astounding. ige and rural life, problems of ur- ub of St. Paul's Episcopal son, and !Mrs. Fred Banes. Velguth will speak in Roosevelt ance. Alden, Mrs. C. ; The public is invited to attend. Junior High School auditorium at Thursday: 8 p.m., Men's Club cles: On the vertical thrfsre h«s been only an occasional breakthrough. This 745 'Norman place; nization and the impact of for- hurch, Saturday, Feb. 21. The celebration of Holy Corn- There is no charge but an offering 8:30 p.m., Her subject will be duplicate bridge. is a great enigma. It perplexed Jesus. To Philip he said, "Have I been ?n enterprise and technical asMrs. J. L. SIcCorison, union by the Rev. Richard J. is received. ao long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?" Friday, Feb. 20: 8:15 p.m., Sab. ford avenue, program I "Christian Science: Soul's Restorstance. atdman, rector of St. Paul's ative Power Revealed." bath , service. Sermon topic: Corison; Plymouth, 5|._ For three yeaTs of \i\* frublie ministry Jesus had been trying to Although there is practicel eviwill start at 8. a.m. and Baptist Youth To " Brothers and Brotherhood." An Brown, G14 Boulevard;] get through to Philip and the other disciples. Early in His ministry ence of concern on the part of the urch, followed immediately by breakOneg Shabbnt \yill follow the sew, Mrs. W. A. Clarke, 11 • Jesu« found Philip and Mid to him sirnply "follow me" and it frorkeii. urches which have engaged in t in the parish house. All men Hold "Morning Watch" St. Paul's Couples ice. ,. , road, Scotch Plains. Then Philip found Nathaniel and convinced him that Jesus was the \,e study of social change, many St. Paul's are invited to attend Set Politick Supper Rabbi Jack Stern Jr. arid Can, Dr. McCorison. Messiah foretold by Moges and the prophets. Philip had seon the jr the first time, the report says nd are asked to bring their eons. Each Wednesday morning during 8 p.m., troop commill many miracles Jesus had performed and was particularly conspicuous ,ve cannot be sanguine about the The Couple's Club of St. Paul's tor Sidney Keiser officiate at all Chaplain Krumm is n native of Lent, beginning Feb. 18, the senior •when Jesus fed the five thousand. But the three years of extraordin- »itribution of the churches." hitrJi groups of Bethel Baptist Church will hold a potluc-k supper services with (he participation of in^f, Henry Neill room. outh Bend, Ind., a graduate of ary converse with Jesus nad not resulted in really getting through to "Churches, like most social In- ic University of California, Los Clnirch and First Baptist Church in the guild room Friday, Feb. 20 the temple" choir and -Mrs,<R. C Philip's soul. f^ organist.; itutions, tend to be conservative ngeles, and Virginia Thelogical 'will hold a morning devotional at 7:15 p.m. with the Rev. Richard FIRST CHURCH! relation to change. Often they CHRIST. SC1E Nor haVe 20 centuries of Christendom been sufficient to brinff minnry. In addition he holds a Bible study nnd prayer group. The Hardman, rector, us guest speaker. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL meetings will be held at Bethel Members will be notified by the •bout a satisfactory spiritual breakthrough to the mass'of mankind. ave been invaded and overwhemi.D. in church history from Yale Fnnwood ind StoUk J CHURCH. Church beginning at 7:50 a.m. and telephone committee as to the dishThe soul is Wo encrusted with *in that there has been no appreciable by the change before they act." nivereity. _ • concluding at 8:15 a.m. in time for i*£ Elmer es to be brought. breakthrough. The other day a concerned Sunday School teacher Churches and councils of church11 a.m., Sunday jenial The speaker began his ministry students to get to school. said his class of teen age boys that no matter what he tried he just i in the United States will benefit .New couples interested in utteml- rh. R.T. 1. L. MeCorUon Jr., D-D. 8:16 p.m., Wtdntllq.i| three missions in the Los An- This project has been planned int* are asked fo call Mr. and Mrs, Miahter . couldn't seeW> to ret through to them. Let (is at least recognize the om 'extensive field visits of two Today: 1:3,0 p.m., Reader's testimony meeting. Tit) problem. They, like Philip, may have to surrounded themselves with embers of the Geneva staff of the les area, was curate of St. Paul's by the faith committee of First Robert Cushman. Mr. and Mrs, hurch in Neto Haven for three Baptist Church,. David .Erion, Clyde McBrlde "art in charge of Group wilt rAeet at the home of Invited. ' to much of the spirit of the tge in its emphasis on the things that 'orld Council of Churches. :ara and served os rector of the Mrs. R, y?. Bumstead, 624 Maple *co-operation with arrangements. •re seen that spiritual visibility approaches zero, , The head of the WCC's Depart- nurch of St. Matthew in San Ma- chairman, street. Mrs! M. S, Williams will Mm R. M. JefFries of Bethel Philip- may hiye known Christ as a miracle worker, a magnetic icnt'of Faith and Order, Dr. Keith a, Cal., for five years. He wasCliiirch. All senior high students The secret pleasure of a gener- revievr> "MoOfiligtit at Midday" by More Church] personality, a matehleM teacher affording marvellous spiritual help, rldston, will be in the 'USA from ian and rector of St. Paul's Ca- are invited to participate in these ous act is the great mind's bribe. Sally CirrlghaY. . fet he didn't really know Jesus. When Philip said, "Show us the eb. 27 through April 30 on a field icciral in Los Angeles from 1948 special lenten services. , next pott —Jptin Dryden Tortibrrow: 7t4o pm,, Couples Father" he repealed a (TOSS misunderstanding of who Jesus was, Here ork assignment for the National 1952, at which time he accented Is revealed a weakness not in the Aeld of ethics, but rattier in the ouncil of Churches here. re call to become chaplain of CoAgain In 19BD, says the council's realm of belief. ChrUt considered it ejttrfcmely important to identify mbia University and executive His p*r»on a> deity. To one group of religious persons he said "Except ew York executive secretary, Dr. 'fi'icer of the university's depnrt. you believe thlt I a i n He you shall die in your -sins." When'Jesus otwell P. Barnes, the council will ent of religion. answered Philip, "He* that hn'th eeen m» hath seen the Father" he the agency through which the Dr. Krumm Is the author of made it clear that he had not gotten through to him. Urches act together to aid refu- Why I Am An Episcopnllnn" and 08. In *H his accomplishments man is Indebted to the self-revealing What's In A Nnmo?" , With "The council will help the ah\irchCod for all dfacoteries. Yet, is. this especially true in matters o? the lshop Jnmes A. Pike he was cotool. Man miy, with God's help,,probe thtf unknown in the laboratory t to wrestle^ courageously 'WitrV utlior of_ "Roadblocks to Faith," and in outer space and rind significant Hhswers. For this we are pro- he factors essential to Christian :nd he was a contributor to "An. foundry grateful. With the soul It is different. With Philip's spirit of mity and to render more effective licnn Pulpit Today" and "Go "Show us God" man will not find the answer through laboratory witness in a turbulent world of ap- reach." He has taught at the '. methods. " O n man by searching- Arid out God" is answered in the rehensive people," he says. Jriiversity of Southern Callfornegative. Basically the soul of man does not reach out and lay hold ia, Berkeley Divinity School, nnd on God, H't'inia Theological Seminnry. Since 19BG ho has been n member The glory of the gospel is that God reaches down and discovers MM0M the Board of Directors of RcHimtelf to us. The evidences of God daily surrounded Philip but ious Education Association. nevertheless he did n6t "know" God until he and the other disciples Reservations for the breakfast had their understanding "opened" by Jesus following His resurrection may be made by telephoning St. from the dead. Then they became fearless self-conscious believers in aul's Cr, urch office. Final plans and assignment of full awareness of Chrkt their (Sod. It made a world of difference. for the three d»y ftssemWe call it regeneration, or the new birth. When a soul is born .peakers of Jchovah'a Witnesies in the again he "sets" the kingdom of God. But does this leave us waiting ily Armory Feb. 2T-March 1 resbytery Council for something to hapjxfv to us! Not at all. God commands us to STewark ere announced today by circuit Sets Breakfast Session March, the Scripture* thai they might reveal to us our God. It is upervisor, Howard Plumhoff through, the Word of G«d that %e Ire born again. "The Word is a din- Wettfield,S.according to Mr. Ol- The fifth annual breakfast meetterrier of he thougtit* and intents of the heart" discovering our real if presiding Minister of the l«c»1 ng of the Elizabeth Presbytery Mraer of the thoughts and intents of the heart" discovering our res' ;en, :ongregat!on. "The program wil Council of Presbyterian Men will life. iStfsist of morning, afternoon and be held at the First rresbyter'ian To Christ, the pejioneltiN Word, Philip was exposed for many ivening sessions of Bible talks, dis- Church in Elizabeth Monday, Feb. , months before there was a significant breakthrough to his innermos mssions and demonstrations de- 23. ' being. He was chided by Jesus for being so uncomprehending. Bat signed to train the d e b a t e s to be .. how long hav* you been exposed to the Bible, the written Word, better qualified to teach," said. Mr, The council, which is p/rt of the . without havi»g ft penetrate your soul to awafcen you to a hearty re- Olfcn. Key speak#rs will be An- National Council of United Pres••oniiveness to God? Do you believe that it was for your sins thai gelb A. Catanzaro arid Mr. Plum byterian Men, is comprised of chapWh««lt ar« S Irntras farthar opart, this wM*its t h * Utrnt; not th« car. ' JsaiM came and died and rase again? In obedience to His Word havi boft, Watchtower Society repre ters from 48 churches in Union, Middlesex, Somerset nnd Hunter: yon repented of your sins and asked God's forgiveness of them fo sentatives. Glv«> you a steadier, b«kHtc»d, road-hugglna rW«« don counties. •• Christ's sake I Do you now acknowledge Christ to be your Lord an< Mr. Catanzaro will open the i Elvin M. Dussler, president of I your God? Sec YOUK LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A ROAD Tt«t TOOAV slotis .Friday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m the Elizabeth Presbytery Council Perhaps this preacher is not breaking through to you. That Isn't witii the discourse j»n the conven and an elder of the Second PresKOTCHFOED EONTIAC, INC., 433 NORTH AVE., WESTFIELD - anrprlalnr- Btt here is a challenge that will work If you sincerely ac tion theme, "Be a Teacher of thi byterian Church of Elizabeth, i3 * e*pt and purs«« ft. J*tau» used It with liarttt*. "Did I not say to yo Good News." He will also aervi in charge of the event. a» chairman for the Mlnistrj „ tkat If you would believe you should see the glory of Godi" Harry C. Ellison Jr. of EliiaTry i t Btftev* the written Word and "see." It will be a gloriou School held wtekly in ill congrega betli, vice president and » member ttWit of Jfhovan's #»tn*sses. Mnir of the First Presbyterldn Church, . brt»kthron(ht ^p*alcer oh th» school program wil heads the committee ot\ reservabe Hugh Massey, associate minis tions and arrangements. tcr of the Rahway Congregation Kichard F. Lemal, secretary, ft Wfcft will conduct a Mview of th< member of the Fanwood PresbyHUile books, Honakkuk and Zeph terian Church, H responsible for nl»h. The remaining pottian i tf» f ridfcy sterling sendion, und>. publicity. E. Benjamin Cyphers, treasurer, the direction of Mr. Plumhoff, wil stress the need of applying Bibl a member of Cranford Presbyteriprinciples in the daily life of enc' an Church, is handling financial franjyements. individual *» ati aid toward Chri Among area vice presidents parHart ^natOfit^. Ministers takin paft in this session -will be Rich ticipatine In the work of the com* ard Ellis,'Julius Goleman and RoH rnittee and each one responsible ert Bolden, Newark, and Raymoni for four churches in his district are Wilson Archer, Westfield, am Duptti3 of Irvington. Donald Cowell, Fanwood. Saturday's activities will fhctud* a #«ter haptHrn of new minister* H*\C lipplieants for immersion w be present to hear Mr. Cataiaro discourse, "DwiJeation «nd Ba tism" at 1:30 p.m. The evenini pre|fram< Which starts at 1 o'eloci festure* a panel of ministers wh #111 prts*Wt infofmstlon on th theme of the assembly, "Be •cter' of the 6ood Newf." Tii You con always rely en • • far prompt service! portion of the program will be si *FVis«d b j Mr. Catanzaro and M Our expert laundering is as thorough as it is 'romhoff. WRCA 660 k.c fast, t o * , . .and you're sura to like our modest Main feature of the assemiel will be the free1 public diseoar;x Sunday Morning—7:45 print. by Mr. CaUMaro, Sunday, Mai 1 at 3 p.m. Station WOR-TV (9) Talk by Chaplain Will Highlight Men's Breakfast Nootbercar like a wide- Witnesses Plan 3-Day Assembly Speaking of Action! HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME IVORY DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS Special Service Set The Missionary Society of S #ohn*3 Baptist Cborch will present a special service Sunday at 3 o'Ax* for the benefit ot the building fund. The Rev. William Green will direct the music to be presented by the Glovertoaes of Newark. Sunday Afternoons -1:00 "MOW IS THE DAY OF SAIVATION" vfonrm k.e. Sunday Evening—7:4$ 556 Westfield Ave, • AD 3-0255 A Funeral Horn* of home,*, a t ™ s p h . r e , c o m p l y off-streel Parkinfl Faeilitist " tltens«d Staff Chorle* E. Dooley ftatik J. Dooley Caroryn *A. DooW mod.rn, air FfJNtRAt HOME Page Twenty-Sevan THE WESTF1KLD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1D59 Wednesday: Junior high choir FIRST METHODIST CHURCH St. Paul'* Circles •choarsal ut l!:,'10. Ijcnlcn midAT WESTFIELD ToMretFvh. 19 ivook Rorvico at 8:15, Tim HOI;Mlniitsrii ni! Hci'iuon in thin tu'rictt will be Tho Rev. CUrk W. Hunt The riri'litx of tho Woninn's Day ntltlfil "Tim Agony of GollisoTIio R«». K.rl E, Wright Auxiliary will meet Thursday, Fab. inuia'." Tim Rev. Eui«na E. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ht at 1 p.m. with the oxi-eption o? Toilnv: 10 ii,m., tho diiy meeting Tho iinnunt, observance mnrkinp Thursday: 12:15 p.m., Biblu IN WESTFIELD REDEEMER LUTHERAN of the WfiCH will IJI: held in the tln< ili'iiication of Redeemer l.iitli- :,h'i'k> -1 which will nuM't on cho luss und prayer meeting; 4:11) Mil) Uteri) CHURCH Elbe" E. O-to. with Mm. Raymond S. in-aii Church, Clurli struct and tnii-m dry nt 10 n.m. i).in., junior choir rohoawnl; 7:30 Dr. FnuUrick E. Chriitlan The Rov. Walter A. Rsuning The I'in'los will moot nt thn fol(ii'nnt, president, presiding. I)oCuwrirrlhwiiiti! pliicc, will ho licld Rev. Richard L. Smith '' „,* circle mfct-ii'l?3 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 102; 7:4fj Paitor vutionH will ho led by Mrs. C, K. in tiu> three Horvicos Sunday at mvinp lionirn: 1, Mrs. W. C. RuckROY. J a m n D, Colo p.m., Bible class iind prayer meetCorner Clark Btrect and Cowivt, 038 I.enox avenuo, Mt?Htlaii'o» Moos. Luncheon will be served by 7:15, 10:15 ivnri 11 ::i0 a.m. The Rev. Orval H. Au.lln ff; 8 p.m., adult choir rehearsul. porthwaito placo, opposite Roosescvmimst by the Hov. Wnlter A. II. K. Jonon nml Miss Janet Kiintz, Today; fl;!)0 a.m., circle of pray- circle fi ttt noon. Friday: 8:30 p.m., Girl Scout er At tho afternoon session, which volt Junior High School. Main Reuninii will treat the subject, "A ,:o-hostessea; 2, MI'H, V. McClftin, Troop; 7:30 p.m., "Boy Scout er in tho chapel; Newcomers circle V22 Maple street,'Mrs. II. Mathiebegins at 1 o'clock, Miss Tliercjsan door open for prayer and meditall~)ivj of Thanksgiving." in the lounge. p.m., ru Troop 130. f tion daily from 9 a.m. to' sundown. it'n, co-hostess; :!, Miss H. E. WinI p.m., afternoon circles of the Houver, associate secretary in the Devotional literature free. Dr. f'ct The church was <!o(llentod Feb. Horff,-315 Hyalip avenue with Mrs. The Kev. Mr. Alexander has 20, WISH. Tho present pastor olll- 11. Wipf ami Mins 1, M. Wlnlwrs, i? »t s t been named moderator-elect of the Woman's Association in scheduled department of Christian Hocial reToday: 15:30 p.m., confirmation homes; 3:30 p.m., junior choir in lations will be tho speaker. Mrs. ciated in tho dedicatory Horvicet* •d-hoHUnsen; -1, Mrs, II. L, Millor, h. 1:30 I""., World Elizabeth Presbytery, for the eom- he choir room; 8 p.m., chancel Grnnt Buttermore, mezzo-soprano, rlaso A, Pastor Reunlng; 8 p.m., 21 years ago. ng year. He will be installed nt 211 Ciulknviie with Mrs. H. R. TrotLutlicr choir; S to 0:110 p.m., oflice 1 in the sanctuary. will sing. ,f Pray ' e United Council tho April meeting. This Presbytery choir In the choir room (nltemnte The church huihliiifr was olilarp- iimnj 5, Mrs. I. E. Uslitliown, 3U hours in the church stuily. by t 8 p.m., tho aanrtunry choir will cd in 1062 by the addition of an South Euclid iivtMiuc with Mrs. is the local ruling body of the n-honrsnl night). Famous Preach1 Tomorrow: 3:30 p.m., junior educational wilier. In 1058 the ed- W, B, Kelly «B t-H-hustcss. United Presbyterian Church USA, ers Scries nt St. Paul's Church, rehearse, in the choir room. choir; 8:30 p.m., Couples' Cluli choir rehearsal. with Dr. Christian preaching. ucation projri'am of Kedermer Tomorrow: 11:30 p.m., tho WesCircle (i nt Mrs. C. W. Mey, 228 • 9-30 a.m., junior and has under its jurisdiction 46 Tomorrow: 1:30 p.m., World ley boys choir, fifth through eighth meeting, with members of the mixChurch w«a enlarged to include West Dudley avenue, Mrs. R. P. churches in this area. Mr. Alexed ndults club of St. John's Church, weekday Christian pducntion and Tilibuls us oo-hosti'ss; 8, Mrs. F. ander has been a member of the Day of Prayer service at the First (Trades, will rehearse in the choir Hayonne, n« quests. Illustrated training with the. opening of Luth- Topluim, 10O 'Nelson place with Presbytery since 1953, during Baptist Church; 3:15 p.m., young room; the. crusader girls choir, fifth topic" discussion, "Jerusalem and Missionary to Japan er Hall Nursery School. The Chris- Mrs. Frank Curler nnd Mrs. E. which time he has served as min- peoples communicants classes in nil sixth pVndes, will rehearse in Us Holy Places." tian Day School was enlarged Clnrk a« co-hostesses; 9, Mrs;. L>. ister of the Willow Grove Church. Westminster Hall. Wesley Hall; 1:30 p.m., the antiSaturday: 10 a.m., confirmation Will Speak Tuesday 3:30 p.m., ungraded children's phonal choir will rehenrse in the year after year to include alao kin- V. Wilcox, 218 Wells street, Mrs. class B, Mr. Kluge. .m., worship. Sera , , . 10 HOLY TRINITY R. C. CHURCH recreation in pre-nursery room; choir room. A missionary to,Japan, who wns dai'frnrten and prudes one to scv- C. R, Bnddows, oo-hostoss; 10 will ik., oftstor, the Ecv. Elwill mnrk the imnuul ob4:30 p.m., seventh grade Fellowk Augmented schedule; born in Japan and Is said by Jap- en. The faculty consists of six moot at tho homo of Mrs. F. S. Saturday: 9:30 a.m., the Wes< & $ . on the object Sunday Masses: In church: 7, ship in Westminster Hall; 8 p.m., ley boys choit, third and fourth servance of Anniversary Sunday. anese people to spenk thoir lan- teachers and the enrollment BO Moulton,. M05 Golf street, Scotch We Know About God. Throe services will be held ut 7:45, preparatory service in the chapel 8, 9j 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon; will rehearse in the choir 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. Pastor Reun- tfiiHtfo as well as they do, will children. I'lnins nnd 10-A will meet at the d Roger robincd RogerWilliams Williamsand and 9 a.m., children's Mass; in chapel, lor all church members. Following gi'ades, The church staff includes, in ad- op-. of Mrs, R. Butts, 320 Mcunroom; the crusader girls choir, iiig will recall the dedication of apeak nt Grace Orthodox Presbyd th hancel f rtoirs and the chancel , 10, and 11 a.m. the service, the session will nieot terian Church Tuesday nt a p.m. dition to the pastor, the Rev. Arthird and fourth grades, will reain avenue, Mrs. T. H. Ohlwollut Sll sing- Music under the Masses: In church: at 9 p.m.'to receive the new mem- hearse in Wesley Hall; 11 a.m., Redeemer Church, Feb. 20, 1938 He is the Rev, 11. Heber Mcllwaine, thur L. Krcylinp, assistant pa»as co-hostess. S of the Rev. Jet E, Turn- 6, Holyday and Hpcak on the subject "A Day a missionary of the Orthodox Pres- to>, David A. Klufre, principal of bers. A social reception in the 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45 and 10:30 the church cherub choir, first grade T minister; Church a.m.; in chapel, 6:45 a.m. of Thanksgiving." The formal re- byterian Church who, accompanied Kcideemer Lutheran School and the lounge will conclude the evening. hoys and girls, will rehearRo in i Saturday: 9 a.m., junior high the social hall; the carol choir, ception of new members will take by his wife, is speaking at church- following' teachers: Miss Carol Woman's Association Weekday Masses; In church 15 a m , 'Church School. 6:45, 7:15 and 8 a.m., unless oth- communicants class in Westmin- second grade boys and girls, will place nt the altnr in the second es of the Orthodox Presbyterinn Spitzer, Mrs. Eugene I'aulus, Mrs. \> Hear Missionary service, 10:45 a.m., at which serv- denomination, He will show col- John Zctto, Mrs. Walter Reuning s t n Hall; 10 a.m., senior high com- rehearse in the choir room. . andadult divisions; 3 p.m., erwise announced. ice the junior choir will aing the municants class in Westminster „ class. Parents class; -I Sunday:' 9:16 a.m., all depart- nnthom. Holy Communion will be ored slides of his work in JUpan, and Mrs. Eric Orlinp. Mrs. Thos. Confession: Saturdays: 8:80 to Hall; girl bell ringers in choir "He la Lord of All Nations" Byrnes is the fiecretnry in the meeting of captains, every 5:15 p.m.; 7:80 .to 9 p.m. ThunThe public is.invited. ments of the Church School meet; celebrated at 11:30 a.m. as is cusl!1 he the theme of tho program room. . ' .. . .. . church office and Mrs. Gottlieb canvass. , 9:15 and 11 a.m., the cradle anc tomary on the third Sunday of the day before the first Friday, stme f the Presbyterian Church WomII a.m., boy bell ringers in choir Fritz, secretary in the Sunday .„ youth supper in Fellow- aa 'Saturday, Holydays: Before crib, first floor, Wesley Hall; wor- month. Jsme Morrow Circles School ofnet!, Tho music depart- m's Association Thursday, Feb. 19 room. u lor ship services in the sanctuary. The , 630 P-™-> J " "lgrn eaoh morning Mass. > Sunday School session is opened Set Meeting Dates ment includes five organists, Mrs. t the church. Sunday: 8:30,10 and 11:80 a.m., Tho speaker will bo Mm. DonEvening devotions: Novenai in Bible School and church-hour nurs- Rtv. Clark W. Hunt, minister, will >t ? a.m. With devotions in all doEdward Wente, Miss Cnrol Spitzer, . Senior High Fellowpreach. Music for the 3:15 servTho Jane Morrow Evening Cir- Mrs Raymond Hess, Miss Jean ilil Gordon, who, with her husNew enrollments will Op m,youth choir rehearsal; honor of our Lady of the Miracu- ery; worship services; the Sacra- ice will be by the chapel choir; the ixiid is a missionary in Rio Verde, cles of the Woman's Association Fi-ber and Mrs. Walter Ruuning, lous Medal and Saint Jude, every tneKt of the Lord's Supper will be DC received at the «mnin door just sanctuary choir will sing for the icfore the opening hour. Wlllard wi|l meet as follows: 23, Mrs, Pres- tho latter conducting, the Luther Brazil. Dr. Gordon is in elinrRe , hymn sing in the sanctu- Monday at.8 p.m. administered at,all services. Dr. 11 o'clock service. ton's, 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. ID choir nnd junior choir. Miss Spit- >f the hnspitnl, nursing school and Dunham, superintendent. Christian will give the Communi , r 9:30 a.m., women'; 3:30 p.m., ministers confirmais the director of the day school 11 medical work In the area. Mrs. li p.m., tho zone talent quest of with Mrs. R. W. Bnggaley, 419 FIRST UNITARIAN SOCIETY ion meditation on the topic, "How tion class will meet in tho minisrehearsal; 7:15 p.m. Oo''rt'.n helps in the spiritual prochoirs. . Lhe Walther League will be held at Otiseo drive. Can We Overcome Evil?" continu724 Pmrk Avt«M, PUIa««M ts, Troop 71. ters' study at the church; 4 p.m., gram o? the hospital, nursing McetliiR at, the reirulur time, St. John's Church, Bloomfield. The ing the series on "Great Questions Th« R«T. H. Marthmr C « » w iay: 9 a.m.i s^ft meeting school aid tb,c local church. She of. the Soul." The organ prelude intermediate meeting in Wesley local league has entered a number Tuesday, Feb.' 24 at 8 p.m. ares i pastor's office; 3 p.m. . Girl ivill speck on their work in Brasul. and postlude will be "Andante Ea- Hall; 6 p.m., chapel choir re- )f tnlent demonstrations and ex- 18, Mrs. T. ,E. Alien's, with Mrs. Tk« R«». NicboU. C. CwrMl [[s, Troop 698; 8 p.m workThe worship servlco will be conprcssivo" by Massenet and "Volun. hearsal |in the choir room; (5:15 libits; 4, p.m., the sorvice observ- C. H. Dyott, 014 Coolidgo street; avueUt* mi»ttt»r jference. p.m., junior high meeting in Wesducted by Mrs. David Sargent. Sundky: 11 a.m., Church Schoo iry" <from "Baroques") by Blng- ley Hall; C:30 p.m., youth choir ny the 25th anniversary of the or- 1!), Mrs. A. J. Baldwin's, Mrs. R. .today: 7:60 a.m., morning a Bethel Baptist. Church; 10 session; service of worship -wits ham. The chancel choir will sing rehearsal in the choir room; 7:30 dination of the Rev. Henry von L. Tiomann, 817 Mountain avenue; S|.rcckelaen will be held at Grace L'O, Mrs. Fred tfarrison's, Mrs. 'Go Not Far From Me, O God' ranford Lutherans fteacher discussion group in sermon. p.m., senior high meeting in Wes- Lutheran Church, "Union. Charles Miiyne, 617 Lawrence aveird "Kyrie Eleison." |ithp«de room; 3 p.m., <3lr' ley Hall. Set Lenten Series nue; 21, Mrs. \bncr Jackson's, Monday: 8 p.m., the bi-monthly FANWOOD — A short-term WESTFIELD UNITY CROUP i, Troop 658. 5 .p.m., Communion will be Monday: 7 p.m., Boy Scout Mrs. L. G. Heir, 326 East Dudley Affiliated U»Uy School • * served in the chapel in the parish Troop 78 will meet in the social meeting of tho Voter's Assembly avenue; 22, Mrs,. C. W. Oriel's, Bible School will bo conducted on CRANFORD—Lent Will be ob11 be held in Luther Hall, two ?ix consecutive Thursday evenings RCH O F Ckrhtiamltjr (aon-McUtUm) nouse to those who cannot attend hall. Mrs. David Opdyke, 18 Fnirhlll from Feb. 10 throufrh March 26 by served at the Calvary Lutheran. days earlier than usual. I CHRIST, SCIENTIST U « ' . Summit, Ma. :he morning services; the chancel Tuesday: 8:15 p.m., the evening Tuesday: 6:80 p.m., confirma- loud nnd 24, Mrs. Dale Peisen- Dr. R. Edward Harlow of the Em- Church with special mid-week 1 4Z2 l u l Broad S t r n t Meetings: Monday evenings, I :hoir will present Brahms' "A Ger- group of tho WSCS will meet in atcin's, Mrs. Elmer Rice, 754 First maus Bible School, Oak Tark, 111., Services every Wednesday evening I SniiT Selwoli I I ».m. ,'clock at Woman's Club of W«»t nan Requiem" in the church; all the assembly room, Wesley Hall. tion class A; 7:30 p .m., Sunday street. nml John Smart of Plalnnold, at 8:15. Through the seven Wed: 11 a.m. leld, 318 South Euclid avenue, ire invited; junior high choir; 6 Mrs. W. J. Hockenjos, president, School department leaders; 8 p.m., Bible teacher and editor of tho nosdayo of this period" tho Rnv. Sarviceai orner of Tremont avenue. p.m., eighth and ninth grade Fel- Mil preside. Devotions will be led Sunday School teachers, Mr. Klugc will lend tho lesson preparation. Couples flub Plans missionary maciizino, "Tho Fields," Arnold .T. Dahltiufst, paptor, will M f » a II a.m. lowship in Westminster Hall. Leader is Mrs. Katharine Brookiy Mrs. Ralph Atno. Mr. Dunham will present the plans the Terrill Road Bible Chapel, preach a aerlea of sermons on the 7 p.m., Sophomore and Senior ian, teacher of Unity. Her topic Social Night Wednesday atTen-ill Mrs. Howard E. Meyer will be for Palm Sunday and Easter. rond, near Cray terrace. gonrral thehie, "Thus Christ Suf8:15 ••el>. 16 will be "The Brightness of High Fellowships in Westminster he speaker of the evening, havfered." Wednesday: Mid-week Lenten 'i grat healing and saving ,h« Firmament." A Unity study Hall; 8 p.m., the Spires, young nfr us her theme: "Tea SandwichClub XIII, the couples club of The classes are open to till adults Sermons will be largely Biblical jriill k brought out at Chria- :li\ss from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. pre- adults group in the lounge. Two s." Mrs. Meyer is an instructor services at 7 and 8:15 p.m. Under tho Presbyterian Church, will have who would wish to devote six eve- in content, and will bo an effort the Lenten theme, "Meditations a social night in the assembly hall nings to concentrated Bible study IStienM services Sunday, films from the 20th Century TV :edes the regular meeting each tn relate historically the major exn fhe Westfleld Adult School and Along the Way of SorrowB," the pipturil selections will include Monday. of tho parish house, Wednesday under experienced teachers. series, entitled "The Red Cell," will fins been catering tea sandwiches sermon subject will be, "What at 8:15 p.m. Lealia'G. Anderson Mr. Smart, who is a founder nnd periences of the suffering of Jesus • trora Matthew (14: be shown. • . n town for a number of years, Happened There—In the Palace former teacher at the Knmiau Christ during tho last days before "Am! Jesus went forth, and Tuesday: 3:30 p.m., primary Wednesday: 8 p.m., sponsored Courtyard?" The Rev. Arthur L. will bo the master of ceremonies. Bible School, will touch "The Per His resurrection, and to underTERR11X. ROAD BIBLE fijrrtit multitude, and was choir in nursery department room; y the Commission on Education, KreylinR, assistant pastor will, Also on the committee will bo stand,their meaning. .. . CHAPEL (i ' with compassion toward Mr.-''and Mrs. Bob Christenscn, son and Work of tho Holy, Spirit. p.m., chancel choir in the choir Mother aeries of lectures will \x preach the sermon, Tho Rchedule of services and Fanwood ••' •; I, and he'healed their sick." Mivand Mrs. William Liggitt, ,Mr. Dr. Htirlow, also a founder an 8'i!rmons are-as follows: Wodnesroom (alternate rehearsal night); tt'ereri with Dr. Lawrence E, Thursday: 12:30 p.m., L'nilioV and Mrs. Howard Moulding and until recently principal of Em C. Ernest Tatham, Bible Uach- nursery department staff meeting Jbjett of the lesson-sermon Is dny, Feb. 18, 8:15' p.m., "Tho Toombs as lecturer. Themo of thi ' a word which, when capi- \r, author, and evangelist, will be in the nursery department room aeries, "Dramn of Redemption.' Aid Society meeting beginning Mr. and Mrs. Mason Turner. iniius, will ofTer "Christian Living' Agony of Gethsemanc"; Feb. 25, with dessert luncheon. The stewbased on Paul's letter to the^Phillp the chapel Sunday and will , is used In Christian Sci- at 2:16 p .in., "The Religious 'Trial' Board of Trustees meeting in the The series will run for four Wed- ardship topic led by Mrs. Alfred Those attending are requested to | « one of the synonyms for ipeak a t the family Bible hour at Bible School office. wear sport clothes and comfort- pinna. and Peter's Test"; March 4, 8:15 ncsdny evenings. Swenson will be "Home Missions," able shoes. Sessions -will begin at 8 p.n p.m., "Pilnte and Herold"; March Prom "Science and Health 1 a.m. and also at the 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: 7:35 a.m., Lenten illustrated by film slides. [Key to the Scriptures" by service. Mr. Tatham is associated Wednesday morning meditation in Recently the club sent $50 to nnd end at 0:30 p.m. Reglstrn. 11, 8:15 p.m., "The Sentence"; CALVARY EVANGELICAL Friday: 8 p.m., Luthcrnn Laytion cards may be obtained fron with the Boca Raton Bible ConMarch IS, 8:15 p.m., "Execution"; f Baker Eddy will be read the the Church World Service for the Use church; 11:80 a.m., church erence and conducts the radio staff meeting in the lounge; 8:15 LUTHERAN CHURCH (ULCA) men's League meeting. The dis- "Share Our Surplus" program. the registrar, caro of Terril] Roa and March 25, 8U5 p.m., "Burial." ; (210: 11-15) : Cttatari cussion topic will be, "The Chris- This program provides 300 pounds lilblo Chnpcl, P. O. Box 821), Plain |no*ing that Soul and its at- >roadcast from the conference p.m., Club 13 monthly meeting in Tli. R.T. AraoM J. Dahlquial tian and His Job," under the lead- of food for the hungry and desti- field nt the drat session. There s were forever manifested grounds in Boca Raton, Fla. He the lounge. "Strictly Social," a When you give, take to yourself futor ership of Donald Bnedcr of Fan- tute people throughout the world will be n nominal registration fee, ] man, the Master healed \t one of the founders of the Em- get-acquainted night for both new no credit for generosity, unless you IO> Eaalmaa ilrMt, Cranforai wood. , gavt sight to the blind, maus'Bible School of Oak Park and old members. for every $1 received. Anyone who deny yourself something in order (Oppailta rawr of Po.l Office) A sorvice for the baptism of chil- wishes to contribute to this proHe who is afraid of being toe ! to the deaf, feet to the .11., and is known to many in this Services of worship are held each dren has been arranged for Sun- gram Is asked to contact Mr. and generous has lost the power of be that you may give.—Sir Henry \, thus bringing to light the area, having conducted a series of COMMUNITY Sunday at 8:15 and 11 a.m. The day, March 1 at H;30 a.m. Par- Mrs. Robert Brookman, club presi- ng niagnaimous. The best man or Taylor "*t action of the divine mind evangelistic meetings '60016 years PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Church School convenes ents, especially ihose of children dents. ivoman is the most unselfed • am minds and bodies and ago in the First Presbyterian for all ages at 9:30 and aagin who have grown beyond the infant Mary Baker Eddy I > better understanding- of Church in Plainfield, which were M u i t a i w I J i :i o'clock for kindergarten, nurs- stage, are invited to make arrangesponsored by a group of "local |«U Miration." Presbyterian Men Will Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Rayson ery and priniary departments only. ments with Pastor Reunlng, Tho truly generous is the trulj • BUentext Is from Psalm churches. preaching. Services at 9 and 11 Tho pastor's adult class meets in .vise, and he who loves not others Attend N. Y. Meeting •Ik "Truly ray sou! waiteth High school young people will a.m.; 9-10:30 a..m. Church School the church at 9:30. lives unblont.—Henry Home 1 ™ *fom him cometh my meet at the chapel Sunday at 5 I. Worship and classes for all ages, Mori* ATIIIIK, F*BWOO4 Twenty-nix men from the PresRegular events for the week in pm. with supper to follow. including idults; 10:50 a.m., lude: Today: Senior high choi Tomorrow: 7:30 p.m., the junior byterian'Church In Westflelri will Starting today and continuing Church School II. Classes for rehearsal at 8:45 p.m. and adul young peoples group- will meet and attend the fifth eastern area mectTA1NSIDE UNION regularly Thursdays at 8 p.m, nursery, kindergarten and pri- hoir a t 8 p.m. and Boy Scou ti'e happy hour for boys nnd girls hiK of the National Council of CHAPEL thereafter, the high school Bibl mary children; 11 a.m., Church Troop 84 at 7:30 p.m. The chil- v.-ill be held at the chapel. United Presbyterian Men at the Sunday: 11 a.m., John Smart of Hotel Statlcr in New York tomorcmb will meet at 601 Central ave- worship. Nursery care during this dren's choir will not rehearse to[?'. 8 p.m., choir rehearsal. nue, Plainfield. Bible study will be service. Plainfield, editor of "The Fields," row through Sunday. day but will have a talent party mmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimim '•J! 8 a.m., worship service undw the direction of Dr. Alan a missionary magazine published Those planning to attend are: 2:30-3:30 p.m., adult study instead from 12:30 to 2 p.m. I Wmon by the Rev. Mr.Fleming. by "Christian Missions in Many The Rev. Orville Austin, Larry "Theology of Paul"; 5 p.m., com- Saturday: Catechetical instruc- Lands," will hrirtg the message to Fortenbaugh, A. Edward Thomp5 The Women's Missionary Grou municants class for young people tion at 9:30 a.m. «.»., Sunday School for all Sunday: Luther League at 7 the family Bible hour. The Sun- son, Leslie G. Anderson, William Brand New 1959 ™P» from nursery through will meet today at the chapel from 6:30 p.m., Westminster Fellow- p.m. day School will also hq in session Cloyes, Ralph Sherwood, Cuddie " ™»transportation to and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for sewing, an ship, senior high. Davidson Jr., P. Robert Brookman, Fully Automatic Monday: Church Council at 8 at this time. y a y School is available tomorrow at 8 p.m. to prepari 7:30 p.m., regular evening serv- Robert S. Miner Jr., T. W. Nelson, Monday: 9-11:30 a.m., Nursery »««n living in Mountain- packages for workers in the Bel School in' assemhly room; 3:30 p.m.; United Lutheran Church ice with Mr. Smart as the speaker. R. W. Wheaton, John B. HerrModel Women quarterly meeting a t 8:15 giati Congo. p.m., Girl Scouts in assembly p.m. The film, "The Living Tuesday: 8 p.m., prayer and mann, Weyman Steengrafe, Ralph m w 8ll • Waihas Wednesday evening prayer and room; 7:30 p.m., Boy Scouts in |L ;; " iP service with serBible study time. Anthony, James McKnight, George Bible study meeting will be held a t assembly room; 8 p.m., new mem- Church," will be shown and a Turry. thank-offering received. 8 p.m., continuing studies in the bers meeting; church school superAlso, Hunter Grant, John Wach• Damp Dries Tuesday: The third session of Circle Changes Dale Book of Galatians. intendents. ter, Frank Wolf, Wilson Archer the class for new members will '-^, l "*»>» for childrenln Tuesday: 10 ».m.-3 p.m., Wom- meet with the pastor in the church Jane Morrow Evening Circle 23, Alden McFarland and Howard ECHO LAKE ^ * ^ a f l > e sixth grades. en's Association. ' at 8:15 p.m. Those persons trans- Mrs. R. L, Preston, leader, will Vail. CHURCH OF CHRIST i with , Wednesday: 7 «.m., weekly Len- ferring from other L u t h e r a n reeet at 8 o'clock Thursday, Feb. Attending part of the meetings ittend the worshi, ten prayer for Senior High; 9 churches and who wish to unite 19 at the home of Mrs. R. W. Bag- will be C. Alan Phillips, Harry BarMF E. • • « « • , •l«»»«r 11:30 «.m., Nursery.School; 3:3 with this congregation March 1, galey, 419 Otiseo drive instead of Hinebach,.> Clarence Yoder and WA Youth Fellowshi Today: 8 p.m., regular midweek p.m.j carol choir;'4:30 p.m., Jun will be included in the instruction. its usual meeting night, Charles Mayne. 6U0 S ,„,-,. ' ch»Pel; 7:45 p.m. devotional and Bible classes. Ed- ior choir; 8 p.m., chancel choir. 5e •-*"* ™°n by the Re ward Shewmaker will discus* in ' Thursday:.. 9-9:30 a.m., inter the adult class, "What Is Repent, cessory prayer group; 9-12 noon Mis ance?" William Pogle will show Girt Scout leaders; 4:30 p.m f+ r Fully f N D V C D filmstrips in the young peoples Westminster Fellowship, junio class. Miss Pauline Lowe will have high. \ 7 " C Automatic L / l \ I C l \ story hour for the small children. Friday: 9-11:30 a.m., Nurser, Brand New 1959 Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., School. _ yoath rally at Camp Shilon. Model You can select GRACE ORTHODOX Group leaving the church at 8 a.m. other designs through our PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' Needs No Forenoon to be spent in group Plans-to-Completion 1100 Boabrar* meetings ^nd the afternoon given Special Wiring service. R.T. L..11. A. D««», miauMr to recreation. Tonight: 7:30 p.m., sessio • High Spand Dryer Sunday: 8:30 a.m., Bible School. Eight classes; 10:30 a.m., congre- meeting; 8 p.m., choir practice. • Elthar 115 or 230 Volts Tomorrow: 8 p.m'., Dr. Edwan gational sing with Horace Maguire • Convenient loading This bright, cheerful directing. Sermon subject: "Is J. Young's fourth lecture home in the classic center Essential?"; 11:45 Isaiah given in the Garfield Or- the Church ball tradition enhances thodox Presbyterian Church. % a.m.L, communion and offering; EdIts country 1-acre setting. Sunday: 0:30 a.m., Sunda ward Shewmaker in charge. 7 p.m., worship. Horace Ma- School with classes for all ages Jiimea 8. Jonex, Architect guire directing the singing. Ser- 11 a.m., worship. Sermon, "Be ginning In the Middle"; 6 p.m The location is a minute's drive to kitchen « Master nuite 15' x IS' R" inmon subject: Exceeding Promises Machen League meetings; 7 p.m. cludes dressing alcove, luminous celling bath D. V. & W. R. R. commuting; even for Life.' worship. Sermon, "Choice Or Com and huge storage area • 2 other closer to smart shopping • A few . „ „ . . , . 10 a.m., women's pulsion"; 8:15 p.m., trustees meet Wednesday: double bedrooms and 1 single # 10 highlights of the home: 15' 4 x 28' living BiWectess. Mrs. Sophie Ballard closets in all • Decorated—ready to go «Price Includes Delivery and Service room • I I ' 4" x 'IS family room (on . . is in charge ol a work group fol- mg* Lovely view of rolling Somerset Hills. the first floor) • Through center hall to OPEN DAILY Tuesday. 8 p.m., missionary lowing the class. Course of study powder room • Superbly equipped meeting for the congregation anc \t> the book of Exodus. *•* Suburban Properties, Inc., builder friend3 with the Rev. Heber MeMon. ond fri. BErnardsville 8-2285 MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL Ilwaine, missionary to Japan : 'til 9 Kotxrt Crilly, Staaent Minmtw speaker. Color glides of Japan wil .*>)-, from Mor-. Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Bible School. be shown. 143 E. BROAD ST., .Will Inn in BASKING RIDGE Wednesday: 8 p.m., midweel ' Members of tfie chapel will atto fVr from SOS Center north, aide. Brochure on tend communion services at the service. Bible study on John Sev Sunday Presbyterian Cimreh in Westfteld. enteen. Services Note Church Dedication Bible School Set For Chapel More Church Newt on Page 29 AUSTER'S —Westfield's Leading General Electric Dealer FILTER FLO WASHER K "'Mr-Achey-j 199 .95 'The BERKSHIRE" *42,S00 179 .95 AUSTERS > E, mmmmmm rv .... LEADER, THUPSPA^.FRBBUARY 1.2,JOW TII rat rooji Co in nutmi" uru'N opprovcj A rei'om-Jitrounds, and supervision of nn .. . n made by Mrs. Cuddle K. Inrw building proji'iM At Amhoys Drive-in i»»vids«n J r , teaching i.cholar.-'hip l>r. Jane .^prhsri?, reprpsei turned fund chairman, to deposit all monry•,tho Honrti of Kdu<-ati.m, thanke m-holarshin fund for the the nrholar«hip fond in in aa ,«av- j ll>«- council for its ronrein for tl' iii^s luvount. Mr*, Pnviiisfin M^i.I j •hers mid repoitcil that th iiiuifltiig held Jan. «S with tl) The Weatfleld Council of I'TA.-s Thursday mnrnlnjr In the (irnnt tbr't prepared forms for xvhular- iI (e:ii:)ici« and school lward member awards will t» available »t j linii!) noiiiiiic IOM.II UII-^ » « • . . ..- ••School auditorium heard Dr. tiubi'H I.. I-Wi-, reporting, for Mr. S. N. •••hip h<> high s>chool gniidahco oiWee forI jwa-f well attrnded. Mr. Merri Amboys Drive-ln Tlu-iilre, fenyrcEwan Jr., nupprlntendcnt of schools, informed the group the senior tthose ;jat that time expressed the pulic mtere.«t«'d. She thanked all high school bOilding program is wol! underway and on selipdule. The the I'TA's for their $25 contrihu- ' ^f the board regai'iling teacher: cafeteria wing should be complete.I hy September, lOSO, nnd tho further lions and the scholarship benefit saSarie^ and explained the board' addition by September, 1000, lie committee for the money raising vit'%vs on merit rali?ig. A pica \va. Mr?. IJaivorth's commute? has pent | said. made at the meeting f«r the tench a litter asking the Planning Hoard j pi "lefts. Dr. Fooso explained that the crs to think of some method to re \\T£stfield schools are initiating when tho ordinance concerning pro-j Junior Theatre chairman, Mrs. %vaid superior t*acliers. "The Buccaneer" Is some experiments in the prude posed research zones will come up j Winthrope C .Smith reported that Mrs. K. Raymond Obonchain an schools, dealing with handling of at tt Town Council meeting so that ! the roecnt performance of "Rob- swered some questions that hav Next at Strand Theatre screen both midnights. gifted ' children in rending and thp educational facilities commit- inson Crusoe" was "veryy succes&s- Rris^en regardinK the proposed Sunday, Monday arid Tuesday spelling and the junior 3%h school tee and other VTA groups may be Bn(j A film that reunites many of excellent behavior and town-wide PTA. insurance coverwill bes "David and Balhsheba" nnd the talents connected with the proappearance of the children attend- age. To answer why it is necesla working on a special science pro- present to support it. gram. He also gave a report on The educational facilities ele- ing was most commendable-" The sar>, she explained that the public AIRMAN WALTER A. ORLIN- "The Keys to the Kingdom." duction of "The Ten Commandlast gear's graduating class, stat- mentary sub-committee is prepar- next play will be "The Colden today is much more conscious of SKY, ion of Walter F. Orlinkiy "Da-iil ami Bathnhelm" stars Greg- ments," will make its bow aa the ing that IGMi per cent of the grad- ing a report with data from the Goose" for series one ticket hold- insurance and law suits. Also the of 1200 Central avenue, hai ory Peck and Susan llaywnrd. H's next attraction a t the Strand, a uates1 are continui7ig education; 07 Board of Education and town en- ers March 7. state law has been changed so that completed hi« initial courie of in Technicolor. "Tho Keys of the Walter Reade Theatre in PlainPOT'cent, or 177. students ore going gineer, substantiating the need in The safety committee requested the responsibility is put squarely Air Force basic military train- Kingdom" also stara Gregory Peck, field, when Paramount's apectaeuto fofcr-year colleges, nine percent the near future of a new elemen that children ice skate only at tin on the individual or Rroup sponwith Thomas Mitchell, Vincent lnr Technicolor and VistaVision 'or 25 'fctudents are in junior col- t.iry sehooi on the South side of pellet patrolled areas which are soring a public affair, which means ing at Lackland Air Force Base, Price and others. On Sundny, production, "The Baccnneer," is Texas. He has been selected to there'll be a new, extra "Hour of k'pes i n d BH per cent or 16 are intown. j the Tamnques and Mindbwaskin that all PTA members ore open attend tha technical training presented. other institutions. I The senior high school now hai lakes. for suit, A number of ways have school for Aircraft and Mlssle Fun." This historical drama, supervised It was announced by Dr. Forree ] 1250 students with an average class Recreation chairman, Mrs. Rob been considered to divide payments Maintenance at Amarillo AFB, by Cecil B. DeMille, co-stars Yul among schools and it is felt that Hysick Named that in a recent program of the j -,i-e size of 21 pupil*. Every nvail- crt J. Cnrpentur, explained that Brynner and Charlton Hcston. It Teias. Natinnal CouiH-il of Teacliri i of ! rWc spate h being utilized. Aver- this committee now wants to find the fairest would' be to divide it Is the first production assignment Salesman of Year English conducted to find outstand- ape class siites in junior high school out what tho town's long range eA-enly among the PTA's." of actor Henry Wilcoion (who also ing Chglish students in this coun- arc 27.4 in Edison and 2fi in Roo- f.lans for recreation facilities are. Mrs. Charles L. Fleming, PTA Name Neubcrt Stock Vincent M. Hysick of 431 Ed-appeared in "The Ten Commandtry, *otie of Wcslfield's students, sevelt. Tha fifth snd sixth grade She told also that the fire depart- council president, announced that Rar road, won the president's Sue Merrill, was an NCTE certif- at present in Edison will be Bent ment is going to hose down the a nominating committee has been Exchange Governor award for heinK named salesman to Elm Street next yenr with bus Tamaques lake for ice skating. It elected by the executive board to icate award winner. the year for the pencil division SCOTCH PLAINS—William F. of Mrs. J. Prcntiss Haworth, edu- transportation provided. The pres- is planned that the pond by Fair- nominate next year's officers. Comof the Joseph Crucible Co. The cational facilities chairman, stated ent parking difficulties at Edison view cemetery will be cleared and mittee members ar: Mrs. J. P. Ha- tfeubert of 1680 Shackamaxon prize is an engraved watch nnd that her Committee met with the will be eliminated in the spring prepared for skating next year. worth, chairman, Mrs. Ralph H. rive has been elected a governor was presented by the company Planning Board Jan. 12 and learn- when the parking area and landStalbaum, Mrs. J. Paul Weisse, f the American Stock Exchange, president, Frank G. Atkinson nt A report was given by Mrs. ccording to an announcement by ed of tho well-conrtolled research- scoping can be completed. Bruce E. Kimball of the Board Mrs. Elmer Schmalenberger and Edward T. McCormiek; exchange the company's recent annual sales type xones the Planning Board has It was reported that since very cf Education on the duties of a Dr. Foose. convention in Absecon. in mind) which would bring good little response has been shown to new business manager in the NCW SHOWING The meeting was attended by the -(resident Mr. Neubcrt began his r i tablet-to Westfield. They were Questionnaires put out by Edison school system. He would relieve executive board, members of stand- :areer in the investment securities »1M> . fiijd^ about the program of and the senoir high school with the school superintendent, princi- ing committees, Dr. Foose repre- ield in 1925 and has been associPI.AINFIEI.O 8-S477 turning over to the Board of Ed- reference to the offering of sum- pals and teachers of routine dut- senting superintendent of schools, ted with several Wall street firms. RUTHLCBS PLOTS I ucation certain lien properly own- mer courses in Westfield, there is ies. Under his management would all school principals, and by the n 1846 he joined Cowen & Co., ed by the town for future grade no recommendation c o n c e r n ing be the cafeterias, buildings ami presidents and representatives of lew York City, and became a parth L , s)tea. Since that -meeting, tmmmer courses a t this time. the PTA of the senior high school, icr of that firm in 1950. That HELD OVER: Edison and Roosevelt Junior High lame year be obtained his AmcriHBArt . , . "Ciin,nnEvs schools. Elm Street, Columbus, an Exchange membership. .MAIHIIIM; so.vo" Franklin, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln, McKinley, Washington and A Trent fnr Yiillnlr nntl O(<U Wilson schools. Westficld PTA Council Hears Report On Senior High Building Program Tho merits") and i achievement of ton","t "" "Tho Knckan, atnr« Charles ninoni, with Jiu A . — ... Atne the crucial buttle 1812 when tho fum «l State, hun, P N bnlanco. It tolls of by the pirate king in tlKping the scai favor. RIAL: WEST I NOW Pulitzer Prlig f wi»h IlimbrthTa Paul Newman i , - 2nd Big Gene Barry In ,, 'HONGKONG CONFIDENTS SAt. MAt.ONlY. Hli "Treajure of LIBERTY Bowery Boytja' "Bowery to ' Plui Color Carl STARTING fa. 5 2cv ciioov ADinrs M M Ends Recruit Training BERGMAN SCOTCH PLAINS — David B. Shelley, son of Charles Shelley of 942 A11 wood road, completed recruit training Feb. 3 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S. C. JURQENS . The perfect show for ^ and 'old: CURT Walt Ditntyt "WHITE WIL , Pat Boone - Tommy i STEREO HICORDS LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Packog* Man * 1 PRI-S SPICI 2 N»w Bedroomi FAnwood 2-360J ir «o (tuner .nil CAnwood 2-4645 Famous Malta 2 H.P. Clinton Engine. M l tASOR INaUDCD KNOHY WHITE PINE MODHIN NMPLACE WOOD l»t QUALITY CEILING TILE 12x1 a - Vi" thick Nothing I I I * YobHav* , T« tuyl .«,. W. PHONOGRAPHS — plus — •-- "Submarine Sea hawk" ' SHUT MUSIC --• .-••''• \: •}',; 1'if) irjf4t 37 Elm St. H.E. GOSLING Continuous I Saturday, Sunday, I AD 3-1448 OPEN MONDAY 4 FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 CHI-AM CHATEAU Im U. S. HIGHWAY 22 SUIV.-MOJi.-TIiKd.! <ireir»rr Peck , : Kuiuuf l l a y w n r * ( George Chong's ' "DAVID AND BATHSHEBA" Color 1 tttilft—1 he <>l«vrlfl»H^S4«kr7 nt fin Vlirnitiiiicrlllile M n n l "Keys of the Kingdom" MOUNTAINSIDE, K.1 KAY D E V A U f and HIS I A T W AMflUCAN OWWTU " v Ivory Night Except M o n d a y and TIMMWT Complet* Chin«M and American Rcitaurant and JupowC Special Price* for CHWren Order* to take ht»me l a r g e Private Banquet Room 1 FOR VOTin HE»BR,VAT10>S Phone ADtamt 2-3873 OUTeftBBIP&.E TXJ ' joneHon FLORIST ftowtrt ?•>, AH OtcMtaw c«R A O W I M M 4 * 5 PINO^ONG TABLES PRESTO •AWUNG LOGS PRE-FINISHED WALL BOARD "Paratroop Command" AND ROCK ' N ' ROIL Barbara Ryan •090 < NOU.11M 7-DAY CRUISES 1.59 The Illirirefit W o r Hl]petnt>len of the Yenrl . The Musk Staff Call VAi PAHTV Snt. »» Vii:m — Krrt Vnlrntlnr Candy «n the T«l ,t«0. (ire '•TUB HTCCA.fKEH" Ctvlor CnrtnuHM nMd Serlnl TOI1AV 1'MHI' SATlllllA VI A l l THt IATIST POPULAR Music INCOME TAX All typa* ratiirn* prtparod In »ith»r our office or your own homo. Mauri: daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 18" ROTARY MOWER ifif. If * r •>** Wknt Vim <lrti K m in r fur 31 b • d TOd m * , rmmr f»T Itmh, f r i n r for 2 OAIVE-IN THCATHsl . itwr '-3-40O HI-FI U"t WATCHUNO AGENCY i A»o., Scotch Plaint Companion I "MARDI GRAS1' TO BUY OR SELL, USE LUMBER COMPANY For people who dont want a look-alike car do want a low price tag RUBBER TILE 5 5 NASSAU ^4,400 ton* to I N SEE OUR FULL. LIFE PIONITE, RAILITE NASSAU BAHAMAS MmMrvU) t M M r M y *« SIZE ROOM DISPLAYS •torn ttmmf «*•» j— *» —you get more far your moneymor« tin, room, comfort. • IInnnn S t e M n * « H M y*> «ri«* WO. 2 0 * AW. 7 BOOK MOW made to be the most distinctive car on the road-yet ifs priced with Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth. And Edsel gives you many "eye-opening"1 extras that the low-priced field either forgets or charges extra for. Sw yeur Trav<4 Aft* IMI W. ST. GEORGE A LWDEN.HJI INCRES LINE 41 MOADWAV Hvw York 4, M. Y. i i»yoo enoosc mm tour •ngin««. , Indudtng two V8'» rh»t g « you spirits] performance on regular gas, and a thrifty Sbi a£ well., • IMMS -serf-»<fl1ftitinlBW»M«,D(»mon* turtre finish tr*t ne»er " • • d * ••axing, wall-to-wan earpetini, etectrfe tteck, itUfntnttea muffler* tnai «ttt twice • * mi • * ordinary oriet,feam^ttibber• • • ' cushioning, *t&, tmnf others. M jfou want to hear real enthusiasm^tajkjo^ ssa Edsel owner for lifwvfifFV itfM >, M« Tstwt. i n t f . ' "CAT ON A I,. TIN ROOf!" %m MONTERE m AVE AVE * MOTORS/Inc, WW Page Twcnty-Ninj» Church Netvs ERIA Generosity, wrims? liluml, Imcomolh 0. vice! u princely nilnil will undo ii privitto family.—Thoinus fuller • A. Scot* „.„„. LEGAL NOTICES i Red Cross on Job in Nation's Recent Weather Disasters; Special Fund Set • 82 tiheller.s throughout this urea. tritium! dinurtU?i' workt'i' K ti i H were ca for Locally, lied Cross chairman Pefour disiiHtCT nurxi'si, hnd ln-i>n illa- thuvp. liatehuil from suvrountllnK stutus Ilarili'Ml hit omoiiir 'New York ter A, liiifthl han announced that Hiui from tlui hi'iidiiuurti'i'M olHuo to 'oniniiitillk'n were Orrhitnl I'ark, iiren lealdents WIBIIIIIK to contrllirieverely urt'ooti'd voininunitii>s HVH'II T;)Mfi\vanda, Butfalo and fiiic'lui- iito to the apcehil dlna«ler relief nh Mount Vevium, whevo mot'P ths\n wanna vhero tho Yloil Crons oper- fund which linn linen set tip to nid .'1000 persons were lioini'lcss, atedflv(!teiniioniry nlmlters. Huf- Hood victims may mall or hrlns IvoportH from strirkon coinnnin- faio ltod Croaa oDIrlnla ailid that, their eontrihutluns to the Westliuld chaptur headquarters, 321 Elm itk>3 in Pennsylvania showed a to- a nuinher of refugees tlmve wi'i'o street. tal of 1,275 families o u t of their huinK hoiiHBil In loenl lintels until homes in s^Von odvmtii^, nnd nev- anUiihle quarters could lie found erul luindretl persons have butm for them. taken into six shelters set up by Reports from clinpters In tho tin: Red Cross. stricken atntco summed up In n )nrin(r thin [IIIIIMO nf tnilnlriKc nun qimlilli'il »» n driver of t h o Army's medium tank, [IIIBIOI) p r o (U'loncy tustH wltli thu ,I!0 and .50 nlilii'r iiiiw'liliiu K'Hia nml qunllAed j a K'uiiiii!!' with thu HO nillllmotar iink K1'". Tho 20 year aolillcf entered tho Army In Hcploniliur, 1DI58, * h d cMiDiplctml lm.ili" Iralnlntr a t T o r t Dix. Ho was Rrnduiitcd from Wostfiold HIKII School In 195(1 and a t tomleil Ainherat Collogo. Army Pvt. Jerry T. Siason, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Harry M. Sisaon, 7 Onllowuo, conuileted eight weeks of ailvnnced Individual armor training Jan, 31 at Fort Knox, Ky. Pour thousand shallow-draft tugboats, cnrlloats, lighters, oeowfl, end biirgea are avnilable in tho Port of New Jersey-New York ta^ transfer cargo from railroad terminals to steamship piers. Hod Cross volulitpor.s were on the! Koiicy by chapters In tho affected job aa <m& of the notion's moat cv~ urea. Public No.tli'i" IH lu'ivby Rlvon tlmt ratio woatlii'i1 iiuLturiiH in history Hui'ili'st hit by tho new year's un iirillnnjici' mMllli'ri nn follow* win imniii'il nml mtuptcil by ill" rouni'll was held respon«iblo recently "for ill1 tin' Town of Wntlli'lil nt n m«H- ii stories of ]»henumunul disnatcrs major palumltioa worts commUMitiGs in Ohio where same 2600 fumiUcs Illtf tllH'i'nf Melfl l'*(<ln'Uliry j) lftdfl nerosrt the country. JANIO F. D'ANOIJI.O, Imvi-1 lit'un driven from thcli* homes Town I'liili. Reports received from Red Cross to sock refuge in tho 37 emofKeucy ' n, rtiiBW fhoiv ruheni-aol. <:i'.M'.HAI. OIIDIN \N( n No. NM chapter in Ohio, Indiana, Now shelters eatahliHlied by Red Cross g in n m , World Day AN ftJIttlNANCK TO CltANnK THE York, and Pennsylvania show that ch.'iptevfl. Initiat surveys indicate O f IMIll HIM, ( I l i r i i l ! In 1 ml in mi, at least four chapr . u N t "ivU-e, Scotch .V.U1H AND A POIITIOIK OK PAIR HIM. nearly (J0O0 persona were forced flood dHnmjre in 40 Ohio counties. ters reported flood damage wliieli IIDAH TO xvnaiiMMiti} iimvi. from their homes in the wake of As reports from Ohio Ued Croaa forced the,evacuation of more thin AND TO OIIAVOK STIU.JRT NVM- floods and torrentlftl ruins. Food, Fan nians T O c o n i i u s r o v n i n i i n i ; . shelter, clothing and medical care ehaptova reachcil disaster hend- 5t)0 persons. A spokesman for tho quurters in Alexandria, Va., theJefferson County Red Cross chapWITH, 2-12-H Peon S3.(If! lire being provided In the emer- organization announced that 47 ter said that three emergency shelPTTH1.1C NOTtCK TAKE NOTK'K, thai the miilcrMlgnetl will niiply tn tho I'nlon County Court on the 1.1th dny of 186B, nt 10:00 o'clock In the cholr March, forenoon nt tlie Cnurt House In the flty nt Elizabeth, N'IMV Jfrm'y, for ii jurtgmpttt tuiUinrlKlnR: thfni tn IIH: 9:80 and 11 a.m., wor- sumo tlii- nami'» of IIKII>K MAIUli tivicM with a speaker nnd OAnnOWS nnd HRNRV DAI1ROWS, actively. • t s from Princeton Semin- I*OHJ>Heirte-Mnrle Ulrlke Harthol nnd kins charge of thosorvicD. Ilelni-nuntrr Ilnithci. both InSteak Lovers, (and who Isn't) - l o t fniitu by their pnrPnt nml nntu1 tare is provided for chilral Kunrdlnn IJIOHPIOUC UnrroWR. yourself go! We're featuring the biggest ; ,„<. to three years of a g e ; SNEVILV ANH BT.V By. Antllsnn C. Rly reh School for nursery through variety of steaks that ever set taste 19B Kim Stroot WoHttleld, New Jeraey_ * buds to tingling. Look 'em over for your 2-12-4t Pep» J14.25 favorites-and maybe for some, you Oti TO cnEt)lT<Mfl». . or high deportment. ISfrtnt of A N T O I N E T T E I, haven't tried before. They're all top•15 p.m., hien's Bible class, RRKVKS, tleceriHed. Puteuant to the order-bf RCOICMt; quality-all great values, S0 a m w o m i J I s J. JvIRK, Surrflffate of the County ossday- $'' - - ' ! ' of Union, made on the thirtieth day of January, A.D., Jft59, upon the of the undersigned, as ta voav, board room; 8:15 ppllcatlon 'xecutor of the estate of snld deBethlehem choir rehearsal; cense*, notice is hereby given to the erpditora of Hald deconned to ' p.m., crusader choir rehear- exhibit to the Bubecrlber under ohth or affirmntlon their claims and deagalnat the estate of nalil •ednesdas-: 1:45 p.m., woman's mandfl rlecoaseS w-ltliin alx months from the e e t a ; ? p.m., basketball, au- date of'Bald orfler, or tney win be forever barred from prosecuting or tl»ra; 8 p.m., adult communi- reenverlng the same against the subscribe*; OPEN t tUsi. JOHN EDGAR ntfRVBS, ALL DAY Kxeeiitor THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Shnnley & Fisher, Attorneys LINCOLN'S 744 Brand St., ai «t Cherrj Newark, N. J. BIRTHDAY, CrmforJ E-5-4t ' Fees $14.00 THURSDAY, A, AitcK«t«n, D.D. FEB.1!ith. WOTICW TO CHKRITOH« Estate of ARTHUR E.'CA-MERON, wtow. 7 p.m., Blue and deceased. inner for parents of Cub Pnqtiant to the orfler of EUGENE J. KIRK, Surrogate of the Countv Union, made on the twontv-nlnth ,y: 9:80 a.m., Sunday Bible if 'lay of December, A,r>, !S58, upon mth classes for all agethe appllcdtlon of tlie unfleralg'nen. R8 Executor of the estate oC BRIII ; 11 >.m., worship service; deceased, notice la hereby given to , r.m., service at Union County the creditors of said deeensed to the slibscrlher under onth ; I j].m., service at Brooksidc* pjchthlt'to or affirmation their claims and deing Home; 1 p.m., service, maticlft ORnlnPt the cstntc of said deceased within Rlx months from the 1 Testament League film. date of sitld order, or they will be i: 8 f.ra., co-workers' forever burred from prosecuting or vepnveHnK the BEvme aKalnst the stibscrlbpr. l»yt It t.m., Ramabai MIBTHK NATIOXAT^ STATE BANK ; Society; 1 p.m., Pioneer KtJZAlTETH N. J, Rxecutor i,}8|Stims; Pionesr Girls, colNlohola. Thomson & Peekf Attorneys 110 f)»-c>iarfl St. 9:80 a.m., Women's Wpetfleld, N. J. 2-5-U Fees $14.00 Bmi at home of Mrs.' L. 10 Retford avepue, OF IfmW JER»>5¥ 8 p.m., .prayer meeting, T)tvl«lnn I in Inn Comniy i 7 p.m., visitation pro- Clumeerr O«rkv< Jin. M-!Wft3-RT THBtMA C. MAIfl, Plaintiff^ VB. Boy Scouts. WILLIAM F . MAIR, Defendant. Civil Action, Notice of "Orrter for PublicaU. S. Gov't Inspected and Gov't Graded Choice B*ef tion to Absent Defendant. I Women Set TO: WII/MAM H. MAIR, Defendant. By vlstue of an Order of the SuOnly! Superbly tender, juicy and satisfying. Herd's ncrior Court of New Jferwey. ChatiMeeting ctry Division, made on the ,15th day your chance to boy wonderful Safeway Steaks At of January,. 1959. In a civil action Thelma O.Mair Ja the Tilainpe Pint Baptist Women's So^ wherein tlff andc«AMJ(aj*e the defendant, mou price* even lowe* than bur usual low price*. " ] j will meet Thursday, F e b . - » are hereby >eqiifred to diiswer t h e r of tho plaintiff, on •• • • ; S i 1 i .• * . . . . 1:30 p.m. in the church. F o l complaint before the 18th .day of March, 1959, I the luncheon to b e served )ty eervInK an answer on F r a n k A. Ennuire, plaintiff'* attorney, 1, Mrs. Heidi Slocum, piial, whose address Is #30 Beech wood PIECES STEMS urn, the program will be held Road, Summit, Nt»w Jersey, and In thereof Biich juflprment shall 4 oz. can i chapel. Devotions a r e in H&fauVt he ronrtered agftlnat you as the Court ! of Mrs. Silas Tobey, and shall think equitable and Just. You shall file your answer and proof of |prosram will consist of a panel service in duplicate, with the Clerk Won on the subject, " P a t - of the Superior Court, State House A,nnfcx, Trentnn, New Jersey, In acs Cast by the Middle E a s t . nordance with tha rules of civil . Theodore Balling, president practice and procedure, «society, will preside. Tbe object of said action Is to obtain a Judgment of divorce be«gtnerous who is always j u s t , Attorney of PlftlntlfT I He just who Is 'always genetf#3t>, Beech woofl Road |Bsy, unannounced, approach Summit, New Jersey Perfect partner ' " " i of heaven.—John C a s - WivteS; J&nuary iS, 1959 -22-« P«e* $29.61 Genuine Idaho Bakeri • fresh from A Steak's Pennsylvania Fanwood , in.'lfl a.m., woman« , , - 3 1 5 |).m., nativity (froiip, »• , .f .;, 0 „,,„„ Pvl. Jorry Sisson Etids Armor Training survey lust week show that 15,777 families have heen alFoctcd by one of the most widesproml disasters since the prreat enstern states floods of 10B5. The Rod Cross [ed and sheltered thousands of persons In Chuck Steak Flank Steak Cube Steak Club 5 ( U.S. Choice Beef. Very flavorful. Pan-broil or |lffy "minute itsak." , , 1 H£ I.UU LMn ' "avorfol. U.S. Choice B««f PerWt f i r $wl» Steak, pan frying. So dtllciotiily tender ond lean. It's a gourmet's delight. Minute Steak Sandwich Steak Swiss Steak London Broil Chicken Steak Sirloin or Porterhouse So lusciously tender. Ideal TV Snack. »• 1.25 -1.35 '"1.35 Perfect for that special occasion. From the choice lean beef. Here's a real taste Ihrlll. Enjoy more good-eating hieat. A tender lean, (uky rrfcrs«l. Perfect for individual tervings. 1.35 More Selections at Meat Section Smoked Tongue Shrimp 29< Look What 39c Buys at Safeway Produce Sectionl of U.S. Choice Beef. Roll this steak In your favorite dressing for a treat. 73' , »mall, tender loin itsak perfect for I L 1 7 1 ! Indlvldual'servlngi. U.S. Choice Beef ' li/3 popular favorites State Mushrooms Thrifty! Makes dellctoui SvMss Steak. Can be broiled, loo, after tenderizing, * Halibut No. 1 Grbde B.ef All good edtlng meal. Ib. An exceptionally gooa value. Delicious in salads and cocktails. Ib. Enjoy fancy broiled Halibut lot dinner. Easy on the budget—to dtlldoUs, tool Ib. 59c EXTRA VALUES FOR LENTEN MEALS Mushrooms! Potatoes TUNA FISH ssssasi LEGAL NOTICE A U n ttle a the Collector , i^iwrnao(are deHnnuent ¥" nK Pe M,—;-"—r. of Ta*»s, Wdirtlleld, V. J., Inilin personal property tax^fl with a d ddue up to the end of 19«8, a» of.9 A. SI., I»nn»rlr 27tl(, HI leviedd anil Awuimut , „ _ „ „ aae, 101 West Bfo*« 8t 19S« . tffi«J?« « '4 n W e ! > l Broad St E"if' « 1 West Broad St.. --"."•»«. <49 West Bro*i S t •• "-cclola P I . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . !............. 1958-B8. 19B4-58. 1955-68. l»i»-58. 19S3-S8. 44,27 85.07 63.65 5.1.65 .t»!8-88. .19B4-S8. • • GriwnV « . . VFn B'slon S t . , ; . . A \ r8t hOri> ve. Vf... '? h»rd a t " « Park S t . . . . .1985-5)1. ,t964-58. .1*67-58. Seedless be9 ^ J bag Shop Safeway • . .Watch Your Savings Qrow ! 44/27 . 70.14 . 81.53 Waffles WhHeR.ce t S±* | ; »fc^37« Cookies 5u"'hin* Crape Jelly Bonito Flakes lotm" Waxed Paper .«« I SI. CM 2 9 * Hankies »"*-™ «• '•* 3 *»• 23« Xntt 10 oi. | v ; KlofeeK mil . 1711 Blueberry Gold Cake DUGAN'S-ttEG. 69c 5J.92 SALE PRICE 63c Hormel Spam t'l-c1.::::::. :.T>F,S READY TO EAT 3*.|2 19S8 1956-58 ,. 3*!2 7*-»21 BIH1*I<1 February 9th, 1 » » » > ™ X «I-M««.rj»™»jrtj|.iKi. Skylark 1M%1»MLE WHEAT HEM CO. i 12 oz. can STAINLESS KITCHEN TOOL Meat lifter >50« Toilet w1X Apple Sauce W H * . . 21 Facial Tissues *$$! 2* 1V Gravy Master ,/.", bot. " m m • 0 is Dinner Napkins ' pk 2 ib. 70. lt«*u Cheese Spread 7V' Kraft Velveeta 9 49This It the 3th piece of our 7-pl«e KlTCMCN TOOt SET OFFER. Crisco 3 Ib. em 5c OFF DIAL; Reg. I7e Baby Food BEECH-NUT tOMAN FROtlN 11 INCH SttE Wisk Liquid DETERGENT DETERGENT 1lb - /»O^ R i n so 8LUE KTERGINT 21 ^33= Chun King t3!4 « 49c Sharp Pizza Pie Lux Liquid 12 ©st. FANWMDT7840 DELIXE 1.12 Coffee Napkins Reynold's Dutch Mill Cheddar Cheese i::::::::::::::::iKi •••••• ^ t; 195? 34.22 _p -H .:.'.; 39 5lb: Cocoa I 44.27 irt. -S8. New Crop HarWa ViktMiei .107.30 . 28.02 . 44.27 . B.i.flB .111.03 . 8.EB ft A. Apt. S03 , Apt. 407 Grapefruit CRACKERS TOMATO SOUP % 2 r19. Oranges CHEESE SPREAD SHRIMP CHOW mm *, z 0 WITHOUT NOODlfSi ffiOZEN 3H pkfl ea ^ ' Sharp Dog Food IAD0IE BOY; A L l CHICKEN Joy Liquid Cleanser Zest DETERGENT COMET BRAND <e»uty am) Deodortrtt ttt 12 02. can Oft 21% oz. O O r«g. bar | PrteM KfecRve Thru Satw<tet, Fefc. U * . Ivory UQU1D DETttGOT 12 ox tan 43' VAIUAILE NEMIUMS GOLD BOND STAMPS SAFEWAY 260 mwm AVE. WESTFIILD Menfy 6f Frte Perblnfl Tim council iipprovcd n ri'cimi gt'ounilo, and Hupcrvislon of momlntion mnile by Mrs, Outlaid K Hiiw liulldinir projects Dr. Jnno Sprngg, representing Davidson .Ir , U?iu'hliiK HclioliirHhir fund chnirinnn, to dupimlt nil money tho Hoard of Kdiicntion, thankej fur llw Hcholnrahlp fund in n mtv- tin! cmincil for its ronrern for tile \nitn iii'i'ount. MI'H. Diiviflnon H i " tt'iii'hera nnd reported that tli inei-ting hi'UI Jmi. 2S with tl)u Tho Wcstflold Council of P T A H Tlinrailiiy inorniiii; In the (,'nmt thnl prepnred furmti fur Hcholnr- tfaehera und school honrd memb School auditorium heard Dr, .TlolwK h. Know, roporlinic for Dr. S. N, ehlp nwnriln will lie nvailnbie nt was well ntteiidiid. Mr. Merrill Ewftn Jr., supc-riiitcndont of schools, informed the tfrimji thut the senior Ihi! hluh school guidance oflice for at thnt time expressed the policy high school building program Is well iimliwny nnd on Hchcduio. Tho those ititeroKtiul- She thnnkeil nil of the board regarding teachers cafeteria winjf should bo completed by Si'Plomhi'i', IWiD, nnd tho further tl.o I'TA's for their $25 ronlritm- sulariea und explained the board's tiuna und the Heholftrahip benefit addition by September, laUO, ho. - - • committal) for the money raising views on merit rating. A plea wns 5Irn. Hnwmth'n committee him Kent pmjwta. Bald. made at the meeting for the teacht)r. Fooso cxplnlncd that the a Iclti'i1 usliing tliu l'liinuiiiK Bimiil ers to think of some method to reJunior Thentro chairman, Mrs. ward superior teachers. W«atfleld schools nre Initlntlng ivhcn tho ordinance concernini; proreaenreb zones will eonio up Wlntlirope C. Smith reported thnt ISome experiments in the prude Westfield PTA Council Hears Report On Senior High Building Program mmita") anil .,.,. achievement (,f too ,, * Quiiin. """li Drive-in At '«d State, hung p ^ bnlance. .HU-llsoI ft,™ "Paratniop Command" pluys the by the pirate king drive-in now through Katwrday. in tipping the scale. The pins fcnturo ix "Submnrine Senhawk." The wct-k-t-nd will buve the "Hour uf Fun" before the IVutures- tomorrow nnd Saturday with "The Buccaneer" Is "Tho Devil Bat's Daughter" on the Next nt Strand Theatre screen both midnights. Sunday, Monday nnd Tuesday A film thnt reunites many of will be "David and Buthshebu" and the tsilents connected with the pro"The Keys to the Kingdom." duction of "The Ten Command"David and BaUisheba" stars Greg- ments," will mnke its, bow as the ory Peck and Susan Ituywai'd. It's next attraction ot the Strand, a in Technicolor. "The Keys of the Walter Koarte Theatre in PlainKingdom" ulso stars Gregory Peck, field, when Pnrnmount's Bpectacuwith Thomas Mitchell, Vincent lnr Technicolor nnd VistaVision NOW tHRU TW»5~j Price and others. On Sunday, production, "The Buccaneer," is there'll be a new, extra "Hour of presented. Fun." This historical drnmn, supervised by Cecil B. DeMille, co-stara Yul "CAT ON A | Hysick Numod Brynner nnd Charlton Heston. It is the first production assignment TIN ROOf^ Salesman of Year of actor Henry Wilcoxon (who also wifh Elizabeth T«, Vincent M. Hysick of 431 Ed- appeared in "The Ten CommandPaul Newman « M gar road, won the president's award for being named snleaman of. the year for the pencil division Gene Barry I , ! of the Joseph Crucible Co. The #> prize is an engraved watch and HONi5KiMi! was presented by the company GONFIC picsident, Fiwnk G. Atkinson at pl.olnfleKt (l-MOO the company's recent annual sales ronvention in Absccon. NOW SHOWING if SAT.MAt.ONlY,ri| Mrs, P. Kaymond Obonchnin anS h l s , Sealing with handling of at a 1*own Council meetingfiothat tho recent performance of "Kob-swered some questions that have in reading J r f l 'children chie g nnd the educational facilities commit- inaon Crusoe" WAS "very miecossn nrfcen regarding the proposed l h school tee mid other PTA groups may he ful nnd the excellent behavior and town-wide PTA insurance coverspelling arid tho junior hli?h apptnrancc of tho children attend- age. To answer why it is necesU "Wording on a apecinl atitsiioe "pro- present to nupport it. gram. HB also gave u report on Tho educationnl faeilitlea ele- ing was most commendable," The sary, she explained that the public WALTER A. ORLINlast year"* graduating clnss, stilt- mrntnry sub-committee ia prepar- next play will be "The Golden today ia much more conscious of AIRMAN SKY, ion of Waller F. Orlinl,.y ing ttint.7(5% per cent of the grad- ing a report yith data from th« Goose" for Bcrlcs one ticket hold- insurance and law suits, Also the of 1200 Central avenue, haa uates? arc, continuing education; 67 Bnanl of Education and town en- era March 7. stntc law has been changed so that completed his initial course of per cent, or 177 students are going Klneer, aubotimtlaling tho need in Tho safety committee requested the responsibility Is put squarely Air Force basic military trainto. four-year colleges, nine percent the near future of » now clemen- thnt children Ico flkhte only a t tho on the individual or group spon'or IJlS ^students are in junior col- tm'sr school on the kauth side of police patrolled arias which are soring a public affair, which means ing at Lackland Air Force Baie, Texas. He has been selected to ltefi#4intlrBli per cent or 10 are in town. the Tamnques and Mindownakln that all PTA members are open attend the technical training oihfrihatitutions. for suit. A number of ways have school for Aircraft and Misile The senior high school now has lultes. It Was announced by Dr. FooRe 1250 studenta with an average class Recreation chairman, Mrs, Hob- been considered to divide payments Maintenance at Amnrillo AFB, that-irtva recent program of the sue site of 24 pupils. Every nvail- ort 3. Carpenter, explained that among schools and it is felt that Texas. National Council of Tenchers of nblo space is being utilized, Aver- this committee now wants to find the fairest would" be to divide it English conducted to find outstand- age class BISKS In junior high school out what the town's longrango evenly among the PTA's." ing Etigiish studenta in this coun- are 27.4 In. Edison and 2G in Roo- Plhs for recreation facilities are. Mrs. Charles L. Fleming, PTA Name Ncuhert Stock try, -flrfe: of "Westdold'a students, sevelt. The fifth and sixth grade She told also that the fire depart- council president, announced that Sue Merrill, was an NCTK certif- nt present in Edison will he Bent ment Is going to h<we dovm the nominating committee has been; Exchange Governor to Kim Street neat year with bus Tatnaqiies lake for ice skating. It elected by the executive board to icate iiward winner. SCOTCH PLAINS—William F. Mrg.'.J, Prcntlaa Haworth, cdu- transportation provided. The pres- is planned that the pond by Fair- nominate next year's officers, Coment parking difficulties at Edison view cemetery will be cleared and mittee members ar: MM, J. P. Ha- Neubert of 1680 Shaekamaxon cotiohal facilities chairman, stated will be eliminated, in the spring drive been «lected a governor prepared for skating next year. that Mr committee met with the worth, chairman, Mrs. Ralph H. >f thohas American Stock Exchange, Tunning Board Jan. 12 and learn- when tho parking aroa and landStalbaum, Mrs. J. Paul Weisse/ A report was given by Mrs. according to an announcement by ed of the well-conrtolled 'rcsonrch- scaping can be completed. Bruce E. Kimball of the Board Mrs. Elmer Schmalenberger and Edward T. MeCormick, exchange type spues the Planning Board has It was reported that since very cf Education on the dutiej of a Dr. Foose. in mind, which would bring good little response has been shown to new business manager in the The meeting was attended by the iresident. Mr. Neubert began his r«ta.ble«. to Westfield. They were ^uefeblonnoiroa put out by Edison school system. He would relieve executive board, members of utand- arccr in the investment securities lilho.^ild about ,the program of and tho senoir high school with the school superintendent, princi- 'ng committees, Dr. Foose reprc-;' field in 1925 and has been associturning; over to the Board of Ed- referenda to the offering of sum- pals and teachers of routine dut- Bciiting superintendent of nchools,| ted with several Wall street firms. ucation certain lien properly own- mer courses in Westflcld, there ia', ies. Under his management would all school principals, and by then 1046 he joined Cowen & Co., ed by'.Jhe town for future grade no recommendation c o n c e r n ing be the cafeterias, buildings and presidents and representatives of Now York City, and became a part«thopL,'»)tes. Since that -meeting, Bumpier courses a t this time. he PTA of tho senior high school, icr of that firm in 1950. Thnt Sdison and Roosevelt Junior High •me year be obtained his Amerlschools, Elm Street, Columbus, :an Exchange membership. Franklin, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln, McKinley, Washington and Wilson schools. Ends Recruit Training RIAL! Wl STRAND PLAINFIKLI) 0-5477 LIBEBTV All tyjMH r»»urn» prepared In aimer our office or your own horn*. Hours: doily 9 A.M. to » P.M. PRE-SEA SMCIAl v WATCHUNG AGENCY f o r k £ « • . , Scotf h Plaint Cull 18" ROTARY MOWER FAnwbod 2-SMtt If »o «miw«r cull PAnwood 2-4645 FamouiMake t 2 H.P. Clinton tngtn*. CEILING TILE H.E. GOSLING 12x13 - W thkk FLORIST 1 i t QUALITY A U tABOt INClUOfO frnrnv for m e for 'A fmtnt* t»t 5 H « w » j , fr*k»» fur M4Nlr. wit, t arnuMil 'Mil*- M O D B N nfmnACE WOOD PINO-PONG TABLES LOGS 7-DAY CRUISIS 1.59 RUBBER TILE I SEE OUR CURT Walt Diintyi: "WMIT€ Wl! , Companion I "MARDI P a t Boone — Tommy k OAtlK K00M cmi.nnEN'8 VAiiaiw+iSB's PARTY Snt. nt lai.'UI — Vret Viilfntlne Cnnny «n tfir 1»« WH). « « • " l i t l l ! iirCCAKBBK" pliifi Ciilor C'nrtnunM nnd Scrlnl STEREO ttECORDS I- 3^00 AIL THE LATEST POPULAR MUSIC TOIiAV TIIHII S\TlI«n,\V) AND ROCK ' N ' ROLL. "Paratroop Command" PHONOGRAPHS Thv HlKUOKt W n r Niircturlrii of th« l>Hr! ' "Submarine" Seahawk" SHEET MUSIC x . .- — • •;.-; Cbhtlnuoui I Saturday, Suna«y,t TheMusic Staff Barbara Ryan 27 Elm St. AD 3-1448 OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 IIIIIN—Thi> (•liirloiiM^.Sfnrr uf nn I'nronqiipriible Mnnt "Keys of trie Kingdom" Ntilrta Wrll., Pen, 18| HJ1GI" CHI-AM CHATEAU h U. S. HIGHWAY 22 MOUNTAlrMH RAY DEVAUI and HIS U t W AMOMCAN O W B I U | Every Night Except Wkonday and Tus»i»i .fiu«uii,llii>wiird "DAVID AND BATHSHEBA" Color !, •;;. •"•hi finrff 6«erge Chong'* Complete Chinese and American leitauront ar\iWf\ Special Prices for CMMren Orders to take home) large Private Banquet Room ' POH YOUR HBBER,VATIO>S Phone Atoms 2-3873 RIO&E TO JuneHsn • people who dont want PIONITE, RAILITE a look-alike car but do want a low price tag " NASSAU NASSAU r BAHAMAS •MiHl 4» H» SO FULL. LIFE SIZE ROOM DISPLAYS • lirtn ICMNMKV ««« r —»ou get hmre lor your money* more size, room, comfort. 1MMI # SPMRI M S B BOOK HOW (Mnimr ««l«*i I M ymn rmv*1 AjrMt r.M.,Tlm,>iir.H, I02S W. ST.OtOR START INC I B . 1 The perfect shb* ' and >old; 1 Www PRESTO 1 AN r Unglht •", •". 10" P*f ,AII Otc««t«n« M l Atom* t-«4«S Plus Color f 2ft t\m ami BERGMAN HI-FI LP'i INCOME TAX Bowery U y , ( t ; IIRAII , . . "CIIII,IJI1R]VS MAIICIII.VK SOXfi" A Trent for VomiK n>Hl Olllt . 'Treasure of Pdr»thd\ "ioWerytoI HELD OVER: TO BUY OR SELL, USE LUMBER COMPANY RUTHLESS »*LOTSI JURGENS SCOTCH PLAINS — David B. Shelley, son of Charles Shelley of 942 Allwood road, completed result training: Feb. 3 at the Maine Corps Recruit Depot, Parr is Eland, S. C. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS "Tho Butkrt,, Mtara Churlos Bloom, with ID, .Hull and K, (•„ ; n chuptcr inA fl thu cruciul battle of i l l The storicH of yimiiKstor.i turned into jiunili'diipi'rH, siiliinurine iighlt'ri), tin" draiinilic talcs of people of biblical times liuiku up tin- four films holding forth this wi-ek at tlw Aniboya I)rivu-ln Thunlro, SayreVllll'. Urn. t.10 * . 4 V. St. UNDfN.KA INCRES LINE . 4 1 HOAOWAY rtaw Y«<t 4, N. V. l made to be the most distinctive car on the road-yet it's priced with Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth. And Edsel gives you many "eye-opening'f extras that the low-priced field either forgets or charges extra for. I f you want to hear real enthusiasm^talk to a Hrou eftoMn&W few <•... ...-~ , Including two V8-s that gv« yw spirited p«r»rm«nc« on «gu»r gas, and a thrifty Six as w«l- Lm n *m ?i*ipi • I M M S i w t # M * «»«*y 1 -s»Wad)ustir*b»s*M,O'»" Lustre firtsh tr#t mm >-,. k waxin waxing, waiMo-walt e»r|»wij eTectric cfoclr, arumlBi» ictrB efceit " tiers that last twice as lone*: ordinary ones, foem-fHbbe' sew cushioning, ana. many dttiera. 959 Edsel ewntr MONTEREY MOTORS, Inc. 301 SOtim AVI. m AVI WESTHEID TEL AD. Generosity, wronjr plural, buromi!ll> li vice; « prlni'i'ly mind will undo H privatu family.—ThomuH Fuller Church • LEGAL NOTICES Red Cross on Job in Nation's Recent Weather Disasters; Special FundSet • ti-tl Cross volunteers, were tin the iccncy by ehantefs in tho affected job as ono of the nation's moat er- urea, nitic weathof pntterna in history Unvdfst hit tiy the new yenr's onMtinjit'c entitled IIH follnwM WIIH'hcld responsible recently for in •'III «•'"•« woman s on major ctilnmitins were communitiea PUMHI'II nnd IMIOIIIIMI hy tin1 I'mnii'll ' v i r > |i.n>., nativity uf ttK1 Tuwii of \Yi-HtO|.l(l m n mci't- n series of phcnoincnul disasters in Ohio where some 2000 finniliea Kehruary !i IBM) across the country. « r 0 P l l ' l t l > v ; : 3 » P » ' ' . IIIK tlu'ipof held hnvo lioi'ii driven from their homes JANE P. l>'ANnul.O, Town Cli'i-U. Reports received from Rinl Cross to seek refuge in tho 37 emergency (MlVHUAt, (III 1)1 VA \ ( 10 V,,. H.K chapter in Ohio, Imlinim, Now shelters establinhcit by Hed Cross AN o«niivAMii,5 vn VIIANOB TIIH York, and Pennsylvania show that, chapters. Initial surveys indicate M i l l ! OP I'AIR HII.I. ClVtCl.l', nearly liOOO persons were forced Rood ih\mivirii in 40 Ohio counties. AND A POIITIOIV 01.' 1'AIII ItrtVIi from their homos in tho wake of As reports from Ohio Ked Cross nt>At> TO wooiiiHiiiiii nmvi:, floods and torrential rains. Food, chapters readied disaster hefldAM» TO OHAWMK HTHKHT M M children's so-vta. ** 1IKI18 TO I OKHIOSroVI) 1I1KII17:- shelter, clothing and medical care nunrters in Alexandria, Va., the loiorinii Church. WIT1I. are being provided in tho emer- orgnnization announced that 47 TAKE N0T1C15, that tiio 2-12-It FeesundorJJ.30 30 p.m., Jt"'i» r "iB' 1 F e l l 0 W - HiRmul will ftiipiy to tlift ITninn VilMtlne P " ^ n o d e h o l t Cmmty nonrt <m ihn 13th dny of Mnrcli, 1959, nt 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon at tile Court lloimp in the ''",1. 11:15 a.m., carol c h o i r City of JOllzabeth, New Jei'Hoy, f*ir n ju^eniniit nuthorlKlnR tliem to nsmiM thn .tinmen of HISIDH MAHI15 S v - 9 : 3 0 ami 11 n.m., wor-BArtHQWS find H.tCNRY BAHROWS, s e s with a speaker and respectively. Holde-Mnrle inrlUe llnrttlel nnd from Princeton SeminHolni-riunter Bnrthel, liotli In,» charge of the service, fnntH by tlielr parent nnd nntuSteak lovers, (and who isn't) - l e t . rat sruurtUnn LU'aclotU' llnrroWH, .rs ore is provided for ehil- SN'EVIIJV AND RI.V~ yourself go! We're featuring the biggest 0 , c to three years of age; By: Addlaon C. Kly 1«B Klm.Strei.-t •oh School for nursery through variety of steaks that ever set taste WeKtdcld, Now Jersey 2-12-lt Few JU.25 buds to tingling. Look 'em over for your wnui t'llhlll! N o l U v In l l i l i | , y Klvi'il U m ( Thirlnit this phaao of trnTnlnis, trtitneil di»imt<T wmlicra, incluilliiB loin were enring tot wfMBeca 82 nl«>UerH tln'oiiRhout tnii urea. Locnlly, Hod CroHs clmlrimtn Pe- Slsaon tiuallflud us a driver ol the four ilisftstur mii'ai'.s, hml lici'n <Ils- tliorc. U>r A, Huffhl him announced thot Army's medium tank, pa»sed $ttopntchutl from MiirrounilinK status hit nmoriit New York ami from tht> hoiidiiunrters olflcf to cnniniunilii'H woro Orchard l'nrk, urea ri'sidonts wishing to fontrib- Oclonuy tiwts with tho .SO ftnd .B0 sovernly nlVi'fti'd comniunitli<s mii'h Tiiiiinvnndn, lluffitln nml I.uokn- ulo to the Hpi'dul ilinnRlei' relief -.-.ilier machine ^uns and (ivuiUflod na Mount Vornon, whi'i'ii moro thnn niia wln-ni thu Roil Cross oper- futul which haH been st»t up to aid un a Kunnor with the 00 millimeter ()t) i)i>i'soii3 woro hulnoli'sa, nti'il llvn tvmpornry dliBlters. Htif- (loud victims may mull or brinjr tank nun. The, 20 year soldier entered the Reports troin HtrU'kcn coinniun- faii) Keel Croati olliriuls said Unit their rontrlliutloiiH to the Westitiea in Pi'imsylvnuUi «howcil a to- n number of ri-fu^vPH thoro woro fluld eliupter hoiKkiuartora, ;i2I Elm Army in September, 11158, And completed bnnlc training a t F o r t tal of 1,275 fumilii's out of their buiHK' hoiiHttil ill lni'al lioti'lti until struct. Dix. homes in seven eotmtk'*, nnd RfV- suitable quarter:! could bu found i?rnl humli'L'd |HM'HOIIH hnvo boon for them. Ho was graduated from Westtaken into six Bhelturs sot up by field Hl(th School in 1050 and AtKeporta from chapters In tho tin; Red Cross. tended Arahorat College. atficken «ti\U's summed up In n In Indiana, at least four chap- survey last week show that 15,177 Pour thousand shallowJraft ters reported flood damage which fumilloa UHVG Iwen atTected by one Army Pvt. Jerry T. Sisson, son tugboats, carfloats, lighters, scows, forced the ovneuution of more thin of tho roost widespread disasters of Mr. nnd Mrs, Marry M. Sisson, and barges are available In the 6t)0 persona. A spokesman for the since {he ui'eat Cnstcrn states floods 7 Gi\lln\vne, eomiiloted oijjht weeks Port of New Je|-soy-New York to^ Jefferson County Red Cross chap- of 10B5. The Red CVOBB fed anil of ndvnnt'eil Individttttl nrmor trarmrer etirgo from railroad terter said that three emergency ahel- sheltered thousands of persons in training Jim. 81 nt Fort Knox, Ky. minals to steamship piers, l*vl. Jerry Ends Armor Training 12 ! / t * r !H«h Fellowship; ,r high department t of " A N T O I N E T T E I. - p i , men's Bible class, T1EEVI3S, dfcc-mcrt. Pursuant to the order of Et'OKNli! 3. KIRK, Surrogate of the County 9:S0 a m womBn s icsJay ' " ' of union, made on the thirtieth day „,. 1 •18-2:45 p.m., parent dis- of January, A.D., 1959, upon the application of the undesigned, as ion group, board room; 3:15 13xecutbr of the entate of 6(Ud de> Bethlehem choir rehearsal; ceased; notice , Is hereby given to crBflltorn of aiittl deceased to p.m., crusader choir rehear. the exnlblt to the subact-llier under otvth or affirmation tlielr claims and deagainBt the estate of Bald i4iMdiy:l:*6 r ,m., woman's inands deceased within nix months from the m t d»s3;' P- -i basketball, au- dato of aald order, or they will be barred from prosecuting or ium; 8 p.m., utiult comtnani- forever, recovering the same Against tne 8Ul)«crlbeh JOHN EDOAB HISBVES, l^IUt HE ALLIANCE CHURCH Sthnnley & Pleher, Attorneys 744 Broild St., jtelford •« CKerry Vswark, N, J. Cnnford !-S-4t ' Voet $14.O i A. Aitclie.on, D . D . VOTIOF. TO cndmTonx : 1 p.m.i Blue and Estate of ARTHUR EJCASIEHON, for .parents of Cub deceased. P"»«unnt to the order of EVQBNE J, KIRK, Surrogate of the Countv Union, made on the twenty-ninth _.iy: D:30 a.m.; Sunday Bible of day of December. A.D. 1058, upon with classes for all age tho application of the underaignen Executor of the estate of saltl ; 11 a.ra., worship service; nil deceased, notice la hereby Klveh to .m., service at Union County the creditors of said deceased to to the subscriber tinder onth ! p.m., service at Brookside' exhibit or aflrmatlon their claims and deing Home; 7 p.m., service, mands againat the estate of said deceased wltliln alx months from the il Testament League film. dart of said order, or tney will ee iday: 8 p.m., ' co-workers' forever barred from prosecuting or reffivprlnsr the name against the subscriber. ly: 11 a.m., Ramaba! MisTHE NATIONAL STATE BANK > Society; 1 p.m., Pioneer ELIZABETH, N. J. Executor pirns; Pioneer Girls, col- Wchols. Thomson & Peek, Attorneys •no Orchard St. y: 9:30 a.m., Women's weBtneia, N. J . r h&i at home of Mrs.* L. 8-5-4t Fees »14:00 10 Rctford avenue, cotfrt* OP ri;, prayer meeting. dmneerr r>K^Nfon tTiilnn County IJ>: 1 p.m., visitation proTHBCMA C. MAIIt, PlalntlW v«. (Boy Scouts. WJhlilAM IT. MAIH. Defendnnt, Civil Action, Notice of Order for Publication to Ahwent Defendant. TO: WtlXIAM H, MAIR, Defendant. tWomen Set By vlfltue of nn Order of the Sunorlor Court of New Jersey, ChanMeeting cery Division, marie on tho 15th day of January. W*. In a civil action tvhereln Thelma O. Malr Is the nllllnj> Pint Baptist Women's So- tlft »n4 JCfiV,aj« -tl>» defendant, »ou requfred to nnnwer t h e Iwill meet Thursday, Feb. W are'.nereny complaint of the plaintiff, on or 1:30 p.m. in the church. FOIT before tho 16th day of March, 1958, servlner an anmver on Frank A. if tile luncheon to be served by pfzal, Ennulio. plnlntllT's attorney. rircle 1, Mrs. Heidi Slocum, who»o nddrcsB la #30 Becchwood Uond, New Jprne.y, and In nan, the program will be held 'default.Summit. thereof such Judgment hhall ! chapel. Devotions arc in bte Tonrtored npnin^t you aB the Court think eti-ultoblo and Just. You J of Mrs. Silas Tobey, and khall Hhall file your answer nnd proof of ram will consist of a panel service in airollcate, with the Clerk nf the Court, State Houns .....n on the subject, " P a t - Annex, Superior Trenton, New Jersey, In acf Cast by the Middle E a s t . " cordance with tun rulea of. civil I Theodore Balling, president orncttce and Brceedure. Te society, WH1 preside. The object ot said action Is to ohtaln a juiimneint of divorce Dettveen the said nlalntirt and you. gtnerom who is always just, PRANK A. PIJIZI attorney of PJalntlfr '«just who is always gener#3D, Be«chwoofl Road Summit, New Jersey L*»>'. unannounced, approach >i»ted: January IS, 1950 T5»ted ie of heaven.—John CaaFees t-22-4t umtn LEGAL NOTICE 1,1*1* OF FRHftOiVAli DBMWHUTfiiWS ] In the office of the Collefttor of Taxes, -WertfleW, N. J,, InJIw n g persons are delinquent In per»on»l propeftr tathB wfth led ami due up to the en* ot 1988, a» ol.9 A. M., January 27th, M f' 4M w e " t 5Bro«« St. i 1 *'' West Broad a t ] West Broad at., ?& i 49 W e s t B « » 4 St 19B» 8.56 19SS-S8 49,14 , , l » « » - 6 S . . . . . . 4«.it I956-B8 JB.07 r f l l l H r QtOab Thriftyl Makei deltclom 5w[» Staak , b 7 OCr WllUUrV O l C d n Can bebrollod, too, after tenderizing. favorites-and maybe for some you haven't tried before. They're all topquality - all great values. 1E4 1958 8. . •"^--ftHT'lll 111 V n i i f h 1... W t|1 Ave f»< Kr?.^™V'' Pr«p.~et Si" F*,*S'«X t&T? I4BI t»->7 I95S " ib 1 OK A in '°l)' tender loin lleak perfect for IL 1 "IE Individual iervrngi. U.S. Ghoica Beef 1.13 lb 125 lb -iJ5 ••, 1 * ) C ' b I.OO LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY, THURSDAY, K B . 12th. t o p p e d b y t h e popular f a v o r i t e s . . . Sirloin or Porterhouse ib. mm^^t U.S. Gov't Inspected and Gov't Graded Choice Beef Ortryl Superbly tender, juicy and satisfying. Here'* prices even lower* than our usual low prices. Swiss Steak London Broil Chicken Steak _j PIECES & STEMS O Q SLICED 4 at. CBn Look What 39c Buys at Safeway Produce Section! 39 Genuine Idaho bakers X Steak's bag Waffles |7 « t 7» oi. pk». 2 5 C * Bonrto Flakes No. 1 Grade Beef All goodedtlng m«at. 39^ Halibut 5,B: Vabteiai 39 Hanki«s 3pk..23« White Rice *t«t« 37« Grape Jelly *•" Waxed Paper Blueberry Gold Cake SALE PRICE DOGAN'S-REG. 6?« 34 80 63< Ib. Enjoy fancy broiled Halibut for dinner. |(, C Q Q Ediy on rhi budget—to dellclou"!, tool ' W&" EXTRA VALUES FOR LENTEN MEALS SSSXK? CRACKERS TOMATO SOUP 21. 19. 59* 'uNWTED VAN-ZtE 39 i lozin 5 ot pt j A tender Uan, Juicy iribrtal. Perfect for individual Mrvtngi. Oranges CHEESE SPREAD N«w Crop HJ5 Here's a real toit« thrHI. Enjoy more good-kallng m«ot. so Kuaous Grapefruit Florida White • Seedless 39 5. Coffee Napkins Reynold's Minute Toiler Tissue DEIIXE STAINLESS WTCHEN t O O t 2*..35« Meat Lifter Apple Sauce '**• •*"- 2 !.*, 29 Thii h the 3th piece oT our 7-pleee T r Facial Tissues TOOL SET OFFER, Gravy Master bet. »0 ro Crisco Dinner Napkins 3 Ib. em 5c OFF DEAL; «»g. t?C Cheese Spread •—• ^ 7 ^ Kraft Velveeta ZZ1 ; * 8 5 - Baby Food |*r< IEECH-NUT Dutch M«« OieiWetr Cheese 1951 Hormel Spam 34.22 34 22 7««2 READY TO EAT R l i ' 7 * -» UI. P » iAvP AM 15-R 1951 58. [*"***> th,!*" ' ' t ™ , i t t ( n g u n j > ,ia February 9th li 1*59. K*,. MARY V. APP Pizza Pie Skylark WHEAT I K M 49= Mild 69= Real Sharp V 12 oz. e»n lib. *dMAN,»OZ£N t i INCH SitE »«-i**-33«: '«*«*. •>!.«. 53« SHRIMP CHOW M i l N WITHOUT NOOOUSi Dog Food IADDIE BOY; A l t CWClCEN Wisk Liquid Rinso Joy Liquid Cleanser DETERGENT DETERGENT BLUE DETSRGENT DETERGENT COMET BRAND X33c t2 ol. can e : 82< 99< Chun King Lux Liquid 2 1 ^jjt ' I iWH More Selections at Meat Section Mushrooms j Potatoes TUNA FISH p (b An exceptionally goac? value. DeKcloui in ttiladt and cocktaiU. Quaker State Mushrooms With Steak • fre sh from Pennsylvania A Taste Treat Petfect for thort ip«cial occaifdn. from the choice l»on beef. Smoked Tongue Shrimp your chance to buy wonderful.Safeway Steaks at Av so Witt, RMds, He. ,. 1 OC ' I. u j - OPEN ALL PAY . . . . . lf.11 ...... HIV 51.92 51,92 " X t 1' ; % ' I.Zj U.S. Choice Beef. Very flavorful. Pon-broll or (Iffy "minute ireok." - Ideal TV Sncck. 11^4 5 8 . ..... 1 « . 221.83 !• HuCyjJJV c « rI 'tnn no In your favorite dressing for a treat. So lusclouil/tender. 5un lnt is 4 ^ 4119 Matin OlCan lean, flavorful. U.S, Choice B««f Perfect fbr Swln Steofc, pon frying. Cocoa .1954-58. JIBJ fid. l»6iS8 '&.IV ofus choIca Beef Ro!l this eck A Round Steak ' Minute Steak *iSgttgjr Shop Safeway . . . Watch Your Savings (frm U Planir ^ t u a l r (tdolf OlCdl\ .44.27 .198I-S8. .1958 ,l»tp-!i8. .ISM-68. .19B5-B*. IW can « « w Zest lestrly ant) D#odor«rit tm c r«g. bar \ Pricei Effectivt Thru Solurday, Feb. U * . FANWOOD Ivory IET VAIUAILE PREMIUMS GOLD BOND STAMPS SAFEWAY 260 NORTH AVE. WESTRELD of F r * * _ _ Thirtj THE WESTFIELD ( N , j , ) LEADER,^HUgSDAY, FEBRUARYJg^lO, Westfield High Gagers Await Tourney^Seedings^ See Streak Snapp( Cranford Halts Winning Skein In 74-49 Tilt aokMi-oIti—I. Hel«on, Bishop slipped into first place 100-vnnl Just two opponents stand bc> i ' l \V; 3. Memcti'liH-r, I". n the l'in Up Girls Bowling twoon Weatfleld High and another Tllm l m : ! :06,:i rli .eogue Thursday us it copped two 100-ynrd rrnextyle—I. v> rliuimnii, undefeated swimming campaign. W; 10 l 2 l l u r n c r , V; 3. HoiioWlrH, <-. Bonnotti won two games from ;amea from Hogrcfc while the n i - : :!,<!.t). Although II has been toppled The Blue Devils must beat I'lain- T l iIDO-yfird John Flunks to take second pluei' 'otmer leader, Linck, was upset hrpiiHlHtrotto—1. M.irfrom its perch on top of the list field tomorrow and Thomas Jeffer- slitill, W : 2. MlnUlp, W ; 3. tti'lui- in the only position change in the ihrce times by Sauerbrun. Papnlna' of Union County cage powers, son Monday to close with an un- miirlirr, ('. T i m e : 1:11.4. D i v e — i . Hiiutit. v \ ; ~- W«'HH, ^ : Recreation BowKng League Fri- double win against Schneider tied Wostfleld High School still figures blemished, 12-0 record. 3. U b e r m o r * ' . <*. IR4.0S point*. second-place it with Butler for third place as U'O-yjiiil Individual medley —• 1. day. The former to rank high in the settlings for Weslflcld rang up its 30th and : 3- Ki.l«en, C; 3. .Murnhall, team, Stranich slipped one-half tho Butler pinners suffered two the upcoming county tournament. 31«t consecutive triumphs last SW.m aTr lt .m oW : 1:18.7. game behind with a double loss to losses to Sinsheimer. In the other lflo-ynril medley relny — I. \VentThe seeding committee of the Un- week against Rahway and Columlleld ((Munis. Mlnkla, Jlurrln, U B h t - Golden Dawn. Liberty opened its match, Marshall won twice from ion County Interscholaatlc Ath- bia, respectively. The locals liown). T i m e : 1:30.5. letic Conference will meet Mon- swamped Rahway, 62-25, here Frilto-wird freemyle relay—1. Co- lead to nine and one-half gomes Baldwin. i n m ti I .1 (Ho»vear, Bodowlek, with two victories against Shamday at Viie Senior High School to day and blasted the Cougars, 54- Hchweld, drosnman). rock. In the other match, Andrews map the program. 32, Monday at the local Y.MCA. )O-y:,rd friMMUjfle—1. KrellB %V: dropped Tomczyk in a couple of The Blue Devils 12-game win2. Lewis. W ; 3. Atrhley, H. Time: battles. The Blue Devil mermen cap- :!0.:'. ning streak came to a halt Friday In moving into second place, hutli-rlly—1. H a r r i s W ; at Cranford where the Cougars tured seven of nine events against -'. 100-yard M.-Gulre, II: 3. Urrkeley, W. Tlmn: Bonnetti took team honors with a the Rahway squad. Westfield took 1:10.8. piled up a 74-49 victory after frcintyle—1. Hork, It: 967 game and a 2733 set. John Westfield had Jumped to Wfi Jp 7-0 eight of 10 events against the •2. 200-yiirrt N'h'hvlii, \V; a. Mlnkel, W. Time: Remeta had a 230 game and John f the h contest. South Orange team. Jack Smart 2:17. bulge at the start of too-ynrd hncVmroke—1, Cooriltt, Matteo scored a 212, 201—604 starred in the latter meet, scorWestflflH, with a lfl-2 record, W; 2. Morlnuirhlln, U": 3. r-eonc, 11. series for the individual laurels. should place third in the soedings ing 10 pointa with a couple of Tlmo: 1:07.1. Other top pinners were Walker freestyle—1. Wetnmann, behind once-beaten St. Mary's of firsts in the dive and 120-yard W;100-yard z. Hiiyes, a ; 3. Hitching*, W. 226, J. Testa 215, P. Bilinskas 214, Elizabeth and Cranford, which individual medley. Tliin-.; ;SS.a. Fiadino 2 U , Russell, P. Testa 206, 100-yurd tironxtetroke—1. Marnhntl, holds a 13-3 standard. The summaries: W: 2. Morintnateln. It: .1. Chrlatiuil- Gardner 205, 202, Bahr 204, RiedCranford'R triumph, before a 40-ynriI frtentylc—1. Kr>>b", W ; 2 m>n. It. Time: 1:10.7. 120-yard Individual medley — 1. er, Jerry Bonnetti,' Argensiano <'; 3. Jtonevenr, C. T i m e ' capacity crowd, avenged a 63-62 Grosumnn, fitrachan . W~; 3. 203, Smart, W i 2. Berkeley, S0.4. Newman 202, Stranich 201, 1. Hauerbrun verdict gained by the Blue Devils R, Time: 1:18.8. 100-ynrd butterfly—1. H a r r i s , TV Dcutneh, f.rlttln »hiy—AVort b y F-lIs, Stilea 200. l(iO-j=nrd medley rein last month. :. UtrUeliown, W ; Bluu, C (Ue).TImu Railway Milne CJufre, H a y e B , (Leone, AfcGi W t. Handicap „ 'Micky Taliaferro's 28-point scor- 1:08.5. Aiitihley). Time: 1:35. 47 *» Liberty fJlami frreatyle—1. Nlcholnn, W 160-yurd freestyle relny—Won by 31 VS 31 Vi Honneul Ueco. . , ing effort and fine defensive work i. ioo-yurd Citron, C; 3. U n d e r , C. Time IVeatlleld (Bnlley. JoaoF. Ileardaley, T otalu 38 Klraulcli Scat Cov 37 ed the spark for Cranford. The 2:126 FraMx). Tlmfe: 1:29 4. 35 34 Hhnmrork Motora . 35 IJAB 35 Jnhn F r a n k * . . . . . . .34on Westfleid'6 Bob Haines provid128 MS 122 37 Andrews Shoe Store 32 Cougar star limited Haines to juat 113 1S5 Ill 38 (loldcn D u n n Dairy 31 108 153 Kiielrek 119 Westfield YMCA Boys 40 Vi tovr point* on a field goal and Tomtstyk Klvo . . . . - 144 154 MctntOHh 1.18 two free throws. 66 «6 C6 lunfllcap . Show Well in Swim ANDI1KWS HHOES i . TeKlft 173 m ' Tommy Gllson netted nine ~5D4 Totals fiflfi 163 U. Weber 193 14! Meets Over Weekend points in the opening period for 148 H. Vlgllantl 172 149 HCHNBIOKK the Blue Devils, but it didn't stop 100 B. KpWr 148 118 J. Ar£cnzluno . . . 130 203 147 1)7 133 163 me M. S t n n a n a y . . . . 144 120 the host live from roaring to a Chuck Gintner of the West- A. HI<11 165 14] ~ Srhnrldt-1100 Linden's McManus Junior High 25-15 Ant-period edge. which fleld YMOA took first place in the T o t a l s 128 142 841 809 809 8 . WalKer 155 53 53 EE TOMCZYK FI FIVE (andiron . . . . . . . 53 proved insurmountable for West- defeated Edison 47-35 last week 100-yard backstroke'for boys 13 1S7 at Linden. Although they some- and 14 and fourth place in the BlHBUCcI TOMCZYK 143 179 Jteld • ' 151 107 585 MI TotalB 559 times led by more, McManus had 200-yard breaststroke for Senior (lable 119 177 K r n .ln l c k 1 6 7 WeitBeld was playing with ii> only a (tye point lead at the end 1C6 145 MA 1181! AM.. ,142 takcourt standout, Kenny Hite, of the third quarter. Bergatedt led Men Saturday in the North Jer- L'lcliy 106 138 Centn 146 » 16!) Kemetll 230 sey Swimming Association meet 144 167 n. M n n h a l l 1S6 back In action, but it couldn't oiT- a last period rally which gave Mc139 S3 SC6 770 M. Melsoll 115 tet Taliaferro's performance. Hite Manus a filial margin of 12 points. at the Mpntclalr YMCA. 171 112 Klititnerman . . l i t ) 50 added 13 pointa to the losers' scor- Woodruff and Bergatedt were the 50' 600 JOHN FRANKS •• Also starring for Westfleld were Handle-tip 203 147 M. Itledor 109 ing column. Gllson led the -waybig guns with 16 and" 15 points. John Katcham, who was fourth 146 ~Un 174 Mnzur ...174 It Mfliur Totals . . in with 18 markers for the Blue Terry Feeley and Steve Dense In the 100-yard backstroke for C. WorHlHim 192 193 BAUJW1N 160 183 172 Snane. Devils. 107 141 116 McDole . . 106 scored 9 and 8 points respectively boys, 11 and .12, H. Gerber, win- N. 176 198 128 143 114 I. Poppele U4 ner of the 60-yard butterfly for 1'. F i s c h e r The local junior varsity scored for Edison. 94 118 » Bnlilwln Totals boj'B 10 and under and T. McCoy, lr.O • 44-42 victory in the preliminary 1K3 156 II. Villa . . . EDISON HONNETTI DEOO. 74 74 74 taiidlrnp . second in that race. ' contest. O 186 200 174 . l .1 158 2 0 < > 20i> WESTFIEL.U 67S Jim Lincoln o( the Westfleld (I. Gardner . . . Totals , . 1 Gnlnuakl . . . ICC, 175 US Wlnn 1 Junior YMCA Swimming team JJ.o hIxJKfBt a 1B7 ISO BISHOP n tBonnettl 1 182 203 took third place in the 12 andJ 118 132 116 D t t l Riphop . lankey ".',Y. 113 115 ISO Nash under age group 'Saturday at the 5 1 067 103 911 94 1). MrAlllster 1 7 Philadelphia Swim Society diving 151 166 14S If. Howlett . ....... 0 54 54 64 Ifandlcftp , . meet at the University of Penn- P. Blllnakim Totola 0 1S7 214 178 "JicMANUS -0. sylvania pool. 204 169 H. Bnhr 527 Totals • a in 1 150 HUtnukKB IIOOBKPK iletaKer 3 Chip Demurest was fifth and A. no 0 KG 199 A. Newman . Imlth 1 . . . 13!> 118 135 . Hleknon 0 202 200 153 Steve McCoy sixth. Bob Schreck p. Testa . . Wolft . . . . 109 in 131 0 15(1 . UfdcllllK 177 0 finished fourth in the 13 and 14 lergatodt 147 114 1.15 Soarl . . . 914 Total* Woodruff ; ; ; ! " " « Ti 122 131 115 age group. BHAMIlOCK MOTORS . Hoprrefe 0 Schlnkes . CHANKONb 48 48 4S 1(12 K B it, 15<ter % Jorrrian o F 15S 16ti 136 w . Itobiniion The top two teams in the Mountainside Bowling League met in hninl-to-liHiid combat Monday and Captain Jm'k Fishlerfn. ' Henry Wind came off with two High School's wreSenii victories and a ono-hnlf game load victory against Perth Ant Mannino and Fugmann mnin- over Enstcoast. Wilhelms posted Monday afternoon. The Bi! talned their battle, for second plocc nin i* , the lone sweep as it shut out It. E. senior scored a pin In the Sportsman's BowliiiK League Diet?.. In the other matches, all Friday (is each club won two with 2-1 scores, Trucktor beoit (1 in by a local grapp"|e games. Maiuiino topped Cranvvood American Legion, Chrono's stopThe triumph al«o and Fugmann beat Hank's. Metro- ped Tops, Owens took Echo, Bli- Fish's unbeaten st politan swept Bobs to build n wisc outpinncd Hosiers and Moun- matches. The Devils, ,„„ three and one-half game lead. In tainside Drug bettered Fugmann their first varsity ' &# the other matches, DcMartino deThe highest game honor went compiled a 4-3 record, feated Oil Heat in two tests and Jerry Luebeck was c Westfleld 'Lumber split with Rog- to Best who scored 237. Others in Fish's clocking with a ,™, the 200 class were Saudnis 2 3 3 , ers. for his pin in the 178-poa'yl John Mannino racked up a 241Diskant 232, Mockridge 200, Other Westfield pins y,Z * game and Emil Salomone tallied Scholz 202, Fischer 200, Cuilis by Rich Bales, and DennUf, 234, 214—638 for the best indi- 205, Kniazuk 216, M. Gillespie Westfield's junior vjrsiy! vidual scores of the night. Other 200, Starr 209, Ayres 202, Reh-a 37-11 triumph. top pinners included Warren, J. bcrg 20(1, Seaman 224. The summaries: Salomone 233, Jim Argenziano 98-pound rlnas, Hou? m declHloncd R I V I T I I PA s . j W 232, T. Bonnetti 227, 214, Duelks lOfi-pound class, Ken ji. 226, Sisto 223, DeSanctis 213, 11.5-pound CIHBH Full vp 206, Russell 210, A. Bonnetti 209, l>elg-ndo. PA, 1:50. ' " Muscq 207, Whitscombe 205, 0B. 123-po»nil cliiKs, mil M. aet'laloned Smith PA S-s t r o n s k y, Bernardinelli 203, 130-pound dims. Power. » Schrope, Laurent, Blasius 202, C l a w a n a , PA, 3:&r,, ' 136-pound clasH. Suclw»V| Pctricelli 201, 200, Frarry 200. Losing two games to Gelman, Edison Jr High Loses,' Scores Win 18 'J >ftvldson 'nrker . . Ducylockl 4 1 0 1 1, I) 1 0 0 T 0 1 0 44, So. Platnfi.W 36 Edison came from behind to Eili.".« Eights Regain Mixed Deck Lead c. Walker . . . Cl. UURIKJU . . . N. Curl Totals . . . . 187 169 134 225 192 151 154 933 IBS 206 144 OO1..D13N D A W N DAlTtY 181 512 Mfttteo 160 156 l d l 175 167 Blnto . . . 158 173. Oonnella 178 211 Klnillna . J. beat South Plainfleld, 44-36, on H. the lasers' court Friday. South The Eights regained the lead I ). 'liliifleld'a quintet built up a 21- in the Sunday Nlte Mixed Deck J. 21—It 17 lead in the first half but early Bowling League with a sweep of J. US 2 ...Tii COVHBS in the third quarter Edison, spark- the Sevens. The Nines dropped to ed by Prank Lotano, held the lead second with a pair of losses to the FllB HTRANIOir HEAT 151 200 me 142 192 for a short time, and then fell Tens. In the other gamoa, the Fives HtranleU 201 ISO, 177 behind, .31-27. Edison scored 17 won the outside games from tho(t»trownk mo 107 Shook nr, m consccutvle pointa while holding Sixes, the Treys were double vicUS 170 the opposition scoreless in this tors against the Fours and the 804 TotalB 902 •car's biggest rally. Edison out- Acea stopped tho Deuces in a pair Furmann and Mahogany House (cored the Josera 18-5 In that per- of tries. B. Krick rolled a powertontinued their deadlock for theiod. Terry Feeley was second ful game as he scored 216, 258— lap yMition in the Fabettas Bowl- highest icorer with 12 points be. 662. . tnf Uagua Friday with two '-wins hind Lotano's 18. I, ' Totaia . . , »•>.( fluid W>.t fluid . . . Cranford- . . . 33 15 8 26 14 10—J» Deadlock Holds In Fabettes' spite* ov*r Baron's and Jerome's, respectively. In the other games, Cm Liquor shut out Wright's, Elm Studio iron two games from Edith Hats and Elm Delicatessen stopped Clements in a couple of games. g w II. Fuirm.nn Furl 37 «• 4'a MtaUMki Wlnn jotano lankey 'eeley ~65S i. Klce . n. Plller . , D. Hl*b«r . j!S KLiM STUDIO Pmv«l*<! ISC 11* nonncttl «7 1,12 Wartiuhla . , . , 134 140 KMtjr '. IK2 136 W. It. It. L. Totals P. I), M. B. 5S0 ~5S6 MAIIUCANV V H HOCSI-: 131 131 10» 1O» Bsvittn l .Parkinson Ttooa MtcLun 1.10 IM !«3 Total* . . . 129 ' D. lWnh*rtt '.'..'. 120 Totals Tii us 170 183 114 Si 143 133 174 140 US 12a II!) 135 18 It. rain WRKIHTS t)M!fS BHOP M. Sch welter 155 144 J Ppmovlr; 144 113 I Mtrberg 119 £ To«tvin 118 Totala SIS 14 1118 )3 119 M7 Noll's MeCnbe's K Ps»min 11 W c M r i e r Blind .hH J Fttry M Htcnoll F, Faster D Atvlfnalt Total* i:>! 126 131 141 Total* s 6 HKITMAKS ory . . . . loulll.ird lath . . . . l>oane . . Coventry Heltmail I'M 161 112 117 IBS MCCABE'.S 13S 146 110 115 ITS l>ennj* M<-O«ll» F'helns S?eeley i.lniliiut»v Slmlth H Totals 10 9 133 HO 1« Irtl lil •in 723 Mayne . M. Nell I3S 130 S? n :i J03 13 ftra us 120 III 141 5s« 4:io DEMCATE3SBN' 159 15(t JJS Its l<\ ISO IS 137 13« 137 5«i Hi UMBER CUUSIFIED ADS PAY ISO 119 ir.y Ml 132 33 Totala UL.1CMBNTH W i n s X. Mm-* no V. W e n d e l l . . ; . . . Average . , . , , . , . . 113 145 , ins 564 126 145 K. K r l c k l>. C r a y Totals I. M. K. J. 120 ...,..,, 12« 4S5 110 Ins 552 ATOMIC MIGHTS Sfellol 112 HI Del'oe 156 171 WM!hunl» . , 170 11)5 125 154 Moczyriluwpkt TltlCKY l>. Calvanu V. Ixtltotm '.'. Strtchan J. mrachan 159 Handicap . ; 12S HI Totals 1-3 US HAPPY J. Calvaiio M. (Irroo R Albertnon II. l i n r n u m . . ' . . . . Boardifiali Jones . . . . Totals 175 162 115 1 1 it* ISO 124 115 179 . 5(14 U3 1133 147 167 165 no 138 133 13S ,13 S2Z m IJ» ls» 12.1 145 105 145 113 115 134 130 522 I. Heck B. Krlck 43 Ijiicky Strikes Seven Uiv . . . . Cuts Mllllonalrea . . 33 298 127 258 S99 847 MJCKV DB(.*CKS NlebruKKe . . . . 144 169 NIcbruKKB . . . . 1.17 117 nickel 127 111 narnum 159 151 40 n 2 21 112 H8 177 234 I7S 178 153 157 1 16!) 109 1.10 141 105 124 130 I7S TotaU S«7 578 H E A T BEKVIC CK N. Varuni.1 171 P. Hnlnnto K. nianclit .' 130 182 Totals . . . : . , . . 779 DcMARTINOS I It. Crlncoll 170 M. V r u i o 168 J. Veneso 167 C. Hpacc 1&2 s, iJnBrutto i»l P. Orlnco\l ... Handicap . . . . . . . —" TotHls It. H. J. T. 135 Ifoufci'I 23 ;« 27 33 37 _ Hllnil Totals linhrmunn Jni'obaiMi Krecland Allen Urook an 3S 45 1.10 178 u.o 146 106 1211 Ilerardlnelll Kuhaek AreenieUno . Schrope PIMr-r AACES 122 122 131 144 203 86 1ST. 102 158 170 86 nsfi 6 Byrnes MIU.IOVATRF.S . 161 172 rioKlrnml.1 138 15 11 r.Vmilry . . 131 Ill Byrnes . . 134 116 »« 106 P. .1. .1. ,1. Totals 663 SEVBS VI!1 f. T o n i k a N. Ht»nsdn IT. HR.-P F. TSVIIanil W". ri-rry I*. Trfqmiiftx K!!1 19.' 1S7 . . . 1.-.4 02 714 OW1.S 123 1! 213 86 ... H." H r l i r w k '..'.','. 1n!t li>.-, 117 111 129 173 106 126 US 1J6 170 9 2 157 lid M2 S7 150 116 136 1(0 HUT 8 1 K 3 T 8 I'. Kclinel er . . . 133 a. fust.-i W. Kihne vr '.'.'. 141 J. firabr ISO 84 reasons moat, of force, give piace to better William Shakespeare .r IVrrv . . O. Griiy .. A eWeken yrows more than 8,- B. Spencer 00O Juathera. Tot»I« ,, IBS 64 149 202 HANK'S DAHUBltS 119 165 A. Marvona N. PlHlMipO P. H. J. U P. 160 176 206 .. Lanm . . . . DeSanctlH Fiadino . . . Klttrell . . Vlfsllanto . 13? 112 128 213 15S BOIYS AUTO WAX1NO 172 16S JIUBi-i 1SS IRC Vlrfrlllo ISO 1SS lionnettl 140 20!) Honnottl 214 Uonnettl 127 161 167 14* 1S8 176 207 1S4 1S9 143 227 TotalB MBTHO. 201 noonI K,0 J. PMrleelll IJ. K. D. Htranlcli . Halomone Salomone Hlsto ISO 16(1 234 ISC 101 !33 1 It. .MANNING & SONS 241 1117 J. MatinSno 1S3 202 J. Ijflnrent . . . . 167 142 W. T h o m p s o n 157 169 T. Mannitio . . . 11)4 200 1«8 IB" Totals 13.1 158 147 101 1R4 181 145 103 168 205 139 8(10 no HI 119 130 101 150 25 IJS H I;KI 733 8.13 200 1S4 134 169 166 NO.ML.MIA In 1957, 40 per cent of all liPLAY HOYS !>. r o l e j w o r t h y 106 censed drivers were women. .1. KoMliser 102 The bicycle is about a century .1, Planffne l ~,t B. C«rjirt« : . . ; ui old. Totals 503 111 105 1.16 10S 463 160 140 112 177 163 IS 10« 166 lsr, 18 Totals Old Town Boats lit .. 165 IMI'.VLA.S (1. *\ Ii. B. 160 15S 140 165 159 36 Totals 9)1 111 P 1 . E X O N 1 C S COUP. lit IS) 1)1 J. A'entl J, Hawthorne D. Smith C. 'Hartmann . .1. Conway . . . . Handicap HI 1!) IS! BRAKE SPECIAL SAVE almost 1/2 9 A19.Q0V*!] Comport' HERE'S WHAT W E DOl Shapiro . Sweet . . . tlnniels . Hiiworth Total* us 226 Totals . . . 134 158 CHAPMAN BROS, 170 H. Chapman 1M 146 N. Raldaflflare US "2 •II. S l a c l . e a n . . IS) II. Cree HOC H. PaUer iij; B. JolinHon i.. HI t Handicap AND FRONT END 113 »7 101 131 J. Ii. B. A. & SONS 169 II 171 167 183 169 Hill 11)4 1«1 36 Totals 8!0 Mt.-L EELMAN DECORATOBll 1M .1 Teeta 1M1 IS! 1«| T. Vella 130 ltd J, Kelman . . US A. Hewitt . . 1J1 W. Robinson 1«1 it Handicap . , ill 9H m Totals 14,i 181 OA14WOOD IIOl'SS " 153 1" » 133 F. Munano ]61 U S P. P M M ll lBl II ]61 ISj 48 •J. Marvoaa n. Daeostaro 15} Totals S83 Sn4 838 H. DeSanctis ' • • • J j | Total 873 B U Z . DAILY JOURNAL CONNOLLY P U <1. Ontrownky 180 1H6 14!) B. MlKKlnn 16G 222 187 O. Buonanno J« V. N e m e t h 137 137 .1(57 C. Fuaco 55 H. A l y n - a r d 129 174 213 T. Miller I"0 U Klttrcll 171 157 163 J. Connolly l«J Handicap . . . . . . . 30 39 39 J. Laurent 15' Handicap _3^ Totala 818 865 813 . Totals *»* 147 1H 113 147 191 l-.'O 161 163 S6 118 1 1.1 IS PEWIT M. P e r r y . U Jlyer« . . K Kuettn . (.,. P e r r y . . D. Perry . . I I l i . Thcta defeated Nomada and the Playboys beat Impalas to feature action in the Ili-Y Bowling League last week. Playoffs will begin March 2 for the top four teams. Both the Playboys and Theta are in contention for a playoff spot. 118 115 143 1O Totals . . . lit 21 •847 in: 172 134 210 233 ss 10H «9 K,0 1S5 166 11S 30 . 2*4 23 , 3 " . . . 21V4 3 8 "4 HKHSHKY I C E CUKAM 129 165 N. Pfseopo 150 I*. Slsto 15S 163 F. l'lscopo . 146 11. Smith . . . 1S2 K. Salomone 72 llandlcno . . Theta, Playboys Remain In Race p . Lonsdnle. I">. Jones R. Thatcher 151 W, Garden l IK 15B 175 176 152 146 198 15s 140 PAI't.'H 118 1SS 1711 1SS ir,r, K l c x o n l c a Corp. 24 P B T R t t S O N ' S I-IQUOIta II. P e r r y I7n 1»1 CSnoncpr ITS 176 P. DlPrlsro 174 146 'A. Chrone 164 1(15 1S1 S. Klezer 140 13S 156 Handicap 48 48 170 874 CUANWOOD Mazza 165 Vlllrlelln 171 WftHnnnwHlti . 166 W h l t e o m l i e . . . 169 Duelks 225 II. Tl. It. W. .1. 11. US .173 A r t h u r Stovi'lia 31! Bill. Dully J o u r n a l . <!imvood House . . . . P e r r y & Sont» Kfilman PecoratorN. Hershey Ice C r e a m . Connolly PlumulnK. Totals .1. 13. R. A. T. Weiss Hymn Rryitnt Bryant Totals 101 432 1. Adjust brak«t 2 . Add necessary brake fluid 3. Re-pack front wheel bearinfl* 4 . Balance both front wheels 5. Re-align front end 6 Months to Pay on All Service Work! Little Dude Trailers Fleet Cap'n Trailers Sea Mac Boats JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS "FOR DfHNDAMUTY" SAUS AND SttVICf MODUS O N DISPLAY 13S 172 mi O. Cardlllo . H. H r u d a . . . C. Cuccaro . . Handicap . . W 181 159 IS! 163 151 112 13S IIS Petorpon" Nelson . . 111 H6 143 1M 783 183 67 100 100 fVlter . . SkorKe . . 676 K.VHV V. livrnen t*. Irfi-vvrenoe O. Perry ti. Perry . . . . 15 1S2 147 15S Totals Totnl- Totals Totals 190 147 180 IS" 1.13 H5 180 Arthur Stevens saw its lead in the H l - D o u o a fliiss, KolitJ' R o n VlRhmti w i Merchants Handicap B o w l i n g cislonpd I4S-nound clans, R| c h'« League cut to one-half game p t n n e u 'Ijlrlitniand, PA '-31 157-pound claws, haw* I. Thursday as runner-up Elizabeth nloned J i m Poverty, w 7.* Journal stopped Peterson's in two l(R-IH>und cliu». Uave MTB deolsfoned Kninlsen, PA M contests. In the other matches, 178-pountI clans, JtrryLu, Pevry and Sons defeated Hershey, p t i i M d .Rnthncsik, PA, lso , Heiivywelplit. Oenc Birroil 2-1; Chapman bested Flexonics pinioned K r i s . PA, 5-2, % | twice and Connolly was a double winner against Garwood House. The month of January lit Nick Piscopo was the top scorer after the two-faced Romu Janus. The World Book for the week as he rolled a 226 game. Close behind were Bill Hig- pedia says Janus' was re gins and Dick Hruda with ?22 with one face turned to 'iiii each. Others in the double century and one to the back, u M class were Walt Robinson 219, one could enter the gates olj Ronnie Aylward 213, George Buo- without his knowledge. nanno 212, Art Hewitt and Nick ARTHUR'STEVEM'i Baldassare 209, Hank DeSanctis R. CAnltllo «« 208 and Jack Laurent 201. ITS D. Mattflnn . 107 S.i IOO Tenney . . Trotmitn Andrews Mnltble . .In. tjel'lftnqe .Ik. dePlanque J. Filler 147 139 189 (J PIIK1, (III. 20! 175 ISO 203 M. Mannino . . H7 U% 15D 150 73« MBTICOniST 163 163 i:i« 1L'3 llfi 147 ST. a 187 IDS S81 FUOMANN OtttrowBKy O. 151 MR 172 •WESTPIBLD L U M B E R 133 , 146 Baptist swept Methodist to bring Taylor 178 11)3 Hunt . . . the latter team back to the field in Kinsley 139 1(57 17!) 145 Will . . . . the Church Bowling League last 168 202 Hlanuccl Totals 155 OH., '.'32 l J. ArgcnKlaiio . . . 136 136 ''32 \V, R o b i n s o n . . . . t o o i«o TotalB . . . 814 Totals Total" O, I* U T. 601 176 Totals 103 159 Totais 113 152 119 145 837 142 216 Homl>(*rfl H o t Hliols Owls . . . . . . . . . K a s y Aeon . . . . KASY A C E S I* T ^ a w r e n c e . . . ; . 1 1 3 J. A a n a r US 538 .. SIN811B1MEU II. Rlnahrlmer . . . US 122 0. .lahrllnB 1.14 ISO M. Mi-Konilrlrk . . 158 HO Jf. P r n t t 131 14.1 Handicap 63 _ J I 3 11(1 112 160 144 5» Totals Uelohpr Ayer'. . 1j 705 THRYS 11!) no 71 «•! 149 178 ml 17!t Total" . . . . 500 615 131 I'Ol'liS 182 M. MerKel FA.MOl'S 114 I2S 131 II. W h i t e 141 152 Kill B. Z i m m e r m a n . . 116 40 II. Wel»» 201 5 Handicap UAOER CLASSIFIED ADS MING RESULTS SINKS 114 Hit 145 149 IK> 189 1R7 103 23 2.1 111 127 llfl 124 5S cljtloncd Mike l'otruciane w w Metro. I>oor II. Mannlno & Hon« 40 Fuffmann , Fuel Oil. 40 33 PoMartlno's l^iunei' 3ii Ilnnk'N B a r b e r s . . . K •" Wentflelii d u m b e r . 35 \i 3 3 % l l o c e r a T e i a e o . . . . 3O>4 3814 Bob's Auto WuxlnB 29 \i " ' 4 Cranwood .: 29 40 44 Oil H e a t S e r v i c e . . . 25 The Bombers opened a three game lead in the Sunday Nite week. Methodist still holds a fourMixed Handicap Bowling League point lead while the other three Totola with a pair of victories against the teams in the loop are deadlocked B. Ferry runner-up Hot Shots. The third- for the runner-up position. In theH. Adam K. Chriatlanaen place Owls crept to within 0111 other match,, St. Paul's won three O. iliiBnell . . . . . game of second wltti two winpoint from Madison. Warren J'olnl.i against Seven Up. Tn the othe w i, TotalB matches, the Cats and the Ace Methodist . . . 13 7 MadUon Ave. I) 1t swept the Lucky Strikes and thi St. P a u l ' s . . 0 11 Millionaires, respectively. B. Perry HaptlKt 9 11 pinned 203, 213 and W. Perry lUI'IST rolled 213 for the individual hon- (Vlspen 115 121 138 IMS BUPKK 8I5VENS K. J s y p 113 113 H. V n a t u n o . . . . . . tiiO 1(i1 Totals ~iii 95 95 ' 1110 10 152 1113 Berry's grabbed a first-place deadlock with Heitman's in the 665 Presbyterian - Triangle Bowling; Totals League Thursday with two wins FLASHY FIVES H. K l n s h e l m v r . . . o n 109 against Moll's while Heitman's was It. W a e h u n l s . , . . I135 158 li b B. Allen . . . . . 147 156 losing twice to McCabe's. A. H u l i e r 154 165 w r Berry's 11 15 Totals . . . . . . . . "i Hiltman's . . . II PSU ~? E»SS II Totals 103 151 153 143 . . . . . . . . 5S1 BUM R. Clarkflon P , Atlftll A!l _. mm« M. C'lonton 1!) .. Ill 1S1 15 171 ' W. Taylor ..". .7." ."'154" TotaU 117 US 131 127 U2 »«t 37 37 40 Totals 521 518 TKUItlFK." TENS U. Zimmerman . . .• 130 1B5 Berry's Gains Presby Deadlock SIS MATS 1«« 1«« 17S 103 149 130 121 133 99 1.111 150 UUTI.ER 7» M. Rallcr . . 139 H. Chettltn . . 114 .1. Hutlor . . 148 M. Dp Foe . . 58 Handicap . Methodist Slips Bombers Continue In Church Loop Mixed'Cap Pace 24 S6V 29 20 V 35> 35 25 NINES S. Cireeo , . J. Delano . . It. MoDole . tlcrhlirt ft CA."::::: EDITH 30M 301 30( 29 20 2« l's 3' Se Total« MMtacuiy llauu . . 3 7 2t SOUTH Kdlth H Hill 3.', ill 3., 21 21 El Elm U U n u n r Khop.. 3 3I I U SSSU elthiim WrlKht'n D r e i n t SSp h o p %l", 'is'-j K l s Tarnowskl S3 30 JJ e r 'o m e ' s S3 30 Klchey . . . Him I)ellc&U««en . . 3 1 32 rtaht l u r o n ' n D r u g Store 29 H Kim S t u d i o 21 37 Miilarnno' C l e m e n t s Bro» :o 43 Madanibu tlARO.V'8 i l . ] BTORi: !U Johnfttkn 122 Hlbnr 12S 141 134 VantHicua 121 135 Totals . 150 13> M. Hell Sit 535 Total* Kl'BL. Oil, 131 131 131 139 137 144 135 134 13* Rlei. 129 ISO 134 Total* 37 36 \ Stevens'Margin Cut in Merchants 674 Totals Fish Posts Devil Mat Ti*] •nrv Ward (laplures Moiiiitainsi<le Phi Lead Bishop Captures Sportsman Loop Pin Up Advantage Struggle Holds For 2nd Place Devil Mermen Tackle Plainfield, Jeff Bonne; I i Gains In Final Meets; Top Rahway, Cougars Runner-up Spot In Rec League M3 1.">3 127 137 S4 172 1IJ LSI 64 1 17 151 139 S4 15 U7 148 IS" it USID MOTOUJ WESTFIELD MARINE kmltx Hro«.) 781CINTRALAVE. AD 2-1444 WESTF1IID OWN 7 A.M. to 7 P.M., MON. THRU SAT. • AM. to 1 PM. WN of Westfiftlrf. Inc. 1101 SOUTH AVE. W. AD P. MEEKER'S GARDEN CENTEX Op«rt Doily « A.M. to » P.M.; Saturday* • A-M. » S3- JJ J ^ J ^ J ^ ^ nicks Regain Boys Gage League Edge As Teams Enter Second Half lip Warriors, 142, For 4th nior Victory l'imt lira* Holy Trinity High's caRevs will travel to Patei'sim to tnngli! TVWI St. Bonavcnturc's tomorrow in nn effort to hotter theiv 5-8 record. The Blue Brnvi's suffeveil a pair of losses lust week. St. Anthony's of Jersey City stopped the locals, 30-34, here Friday fun! Queen of Peace routed Holy Trinity, 75-4G, at North Arlington. Leading from the second perod, Holy Trinity saw the Jersey Dlty Sdinta score the final sevrfn points of the contest to cop the decision by two points. Mel Krnjnik's set shot with two seconds to play provided the difference. Nobody hit double figures for the Blue Braves. The locals slipped behind, 1511, in the first quarter against the Queensmen and never came back Into contention. John.Welter and Wayne Walz led Holy Trinity in that battle with 11 points each. The box scores: Totula LEOPARDS a o Aloxnnder Oarvor :.'nl" season Saturday Otuutmen . o inane"1; ... '^•Washint'ton School gym DoKau Uernmn Simff Smith . . : . Wpber . . . Whlttnlwr Puwers . . place in Totals Jhe 4 1 0 1 2 0 II 1 -I . BUM V 0 0 nnnlelB . r'he K«ViCka, the week be- MiK'Farlnne ? W back Saturday to w » !, over the Warriors The ' l k r e c " among the M i c k Steve Pheihcrr Tom r to W Bob Guidldns. led the L the leaders sot a singlee coring record. Freiherr had kits, the same as Don Stan. i o r the losers who slipped lnL tie for fourth place, Ci the records, the Kmeks & seem to be a top-heavy favf in thcr next game Saturday f against the last-place m But last week, after going in four games, the Lakers J the upset of the season 80 wSshtagtheH.wta,4WM. ,|ie Lyman, whose 17 points Urei than he totaled in four Hioos games, ami D a v e T h ™ P " *ith U, led the winners. The ,k, had upset the Knicks the ik before to tie for first place by losing to the Lakera, ped into » setind-place tie the Celtics.' ,ne Celtics stayed on the heels the lenders by winning their ond straight, 44-34, over the •pled Pistons who had two of Br starters, Dave Liscom and leHartmann, out of the lineup. (Me BirchEll, league high scorer, ,j 23 points for the Celtics. ,,,-the Junior Division race, fch kas three teams tied for mi the next three only a behind the leaders) the .,„ defeated the Tigers, 32-24, Flare those teams on top with Uuu The latter conquered leopuds, 35-30. In the third Hi Bulldogs edged the Pi3241. .. Brains' scoring leader, Don r,registered 13 points; Steve er had 13 in pacing the Lions Dennis Burke, Charlie \Vidmer Gerry McGovvan starred for BiUdep. fht standings, games this Satill last week's scores: ..W- ( Hii-K ."'.'.'.I!.'"! 8 Wild 3 Pisiona 2 Win-Ion 2 Liter. 1 OAMKS F E U , 14 (W;uhlnsloi\ Si-lwoO •arrlora vs. Pistons, 12:48 *-'Ms vs. U-ifcera. L';O0 Itltlti M, H;uvk«, 3:K, KNICKft O 7 Retzlnfl •• Wlrtmer Stlefkvn Murko 3 1 4 Totnls 12 PIRATES O Cowlea r> Fried 0lfelns' 2 Koi>ponhnefer . . . . 0 Kcufy 0 Kuiui.3 l«nntz ; D Mlstrettn. . . . . . . . . . 1 Shnrkoy .s.. 2 Glnssey 0 Totnln The Men's Club Temple EmanuEl Bowling; League is a tight race as just three games separate the first seven teams. The eighth and ninth place clubs, although not over .500, are close behind. Wilson held Its one-half game lead despite a double loss to Berger, Three clubs are tied for second place Greenberg defeated Lerman twice to join that team and Lehr, which lost twifco to Silvertnan, in the thiree-way draw, In the other matches, Bienstock beat-Horowitz twice and Brown, stopped Feldman in a couple of battles. w t. Wilson Lchr 22 K 1CW 28 17 17 ' 22 Greenlicrg 22 17 BlenBtock 21 IS Bereer 20 10 Silver-man 19- 'i mil Brown ID 20 Horowitz . . . . . . . . . 17 22 10 Feldman 9 BIENSTOCK SO A. Blenstock 11J SS B. Blenstock 10S H. Futornlok . . . 70 138 J. ICutjsenco . . . . U l i 1B4 Handicap . . . .11! 457 HOROWITZ 114. 107 Horowitz... 128 • 61 I*. Shapiro E. ticwji. . . , , „ , iet 1 A.. KaycofC . . . . . . 187 155 M'otftlB . . . . . . . 586 PEUDMAN 105 104 iao 112 65 S25 BROWN Ill 131 136 . . . 1 . . ISO Feldman . TCoor-se . . . U. Levlne 13. Broily . Hnndlcnp Totftla P Blake H. Urown . H. Gilbert Totals WARRIORS tl'K'.-'.'-in ... o ,,. o ... o ... n p 0' t> 4 0 0 475 8(1 122 IDS 1H7 115 553 197 210 137 125 C5 r.14 1311 132 171! 1S1 1«6 1G0 118 117 119 165 151 137 UK . 141 1!) 519 SJL.VBRMAN Hlndman ,. 112 198 ROKOW 15? Sllverman 1»« 1«» Donato 161) 189 Handicap «? 22 IBS 11.1 1SR 176 22 liRh'".:, IB 2" Totals , 48? teRMAN if' 838 Palmer Tj#rtnan DlatnomlBteln B. Brown HRndlcap 18 Total CELTICS l> " * » • • • . . . . . 5 0 on ' 2 n ,.•.;:;••• 111 1 & ' ' *• 1 idson ' 1 0 P 0 0 0 3 ( ( 1 ( H. M. B. H. • • 6tf. B«rn«t«tn Shfclman Simon . . . Oreenher Tot&la *•' . . . 1n» H> a TENBE 1«" JJ1 1o4 628 1« 14S 1SS 107 144 1I)B 163 5SS 620 . . . 15 HOLY TRINITY VS. Bwrot V. Mohlw IT. nidillo .1. Johnson P Totdls 4 O 0 2 0 0 0 0 1«2 J. Dick Totnls . . . r* K. n. D. W Clava II^outso . . . . . . . 4f> 4ft O l l 4ft OlenvliW 40 (larvvood Rec? 4(1 Karltfln Farms . Cranford Hotel 30 Jo Lynn 3! Clark View 28 Pros 27 Luaortirs Luaortirs . . . 27 J f t t 24 Totals I J U S A B D I ' S SCWAEFEIIETT'TCS W. Juve US 145 178 P. Hurt-pence . . . 136 130 142 IWlnd . , , . . . . . . . I3O 130 130 P. ZaharowBltl . 1«3 158 154 8 8 S Totals JBAKNETTB8 17(1 ', Byrnes . . . . . . B37 J.ilind Hehnstettef . . B. Maclean . . . . 573 GIFT 162 143 1SI7 140 67T SHOP 137 143 100 17« 612 145 143 12ft 147 in SS5 SSI Totals 513 1S1 1(57 CRANPORT> HOTB1. LOtfNOB 84 M. Argemlano . . IS* 111 125 3 B. Post • 128 119 116 F. Cotone 14« Ul 151 571 P. Amlcocol . . . 13& 803 133 M7 MtSls r,«l «17 "lE!S 17 OAiVWOOO KECRBATIOK 145 ^ 129 129 129 19S miM K. B e y e r 15» 1B4 171 I. i*««*a . . ' ts« l!« u s 807 A, tflCost* , . . . 183 195 154 Totals tTSSR: Where everything not M. forbidden '• compulsory. . R Greeo lln.i . A M Afeumdria, Vm Lowed, Maa. Totals 1 569 MAStm 1S9 188 I.i2 129 142 148 16? 157 t. Perry O. JohnstOTi K. P«!Hfc Totals J. Kastintf Blind B. Sftparlto 172 182 142 155 .651 592 atinn Ut H. B o t t i t o c k . . . IS} Blind la! ~ Marvosa . . . . iss W* S3 JO I.THN BBtBAIi 159 A. F Fllicielto lljilto 15? 144 I. t,iits 1O0 M. I>anco . . S. Anaersen. •totals . . . 589 105 m 115 142 138 183 i«« i«« B72 S21 SttfOf 171 171 147 125 HI mm 5SI LOUIBi! 141 121 173 . . . l|o 1M 651 1*| 1** 1n» 11! I»S 13? . 138 14S 1J5 D. RelnhafiSt . . . >** tmiittotkm LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS fairtfadd 151 53 ill WOOD . . . 115 . . . 107 ... Hi , . . . ; US r,o IIBINDEI4 91 lir, 97 Ifln Total! MS BRING RESUtTS i 1011 l.'ll in:] U."i SO Undefeated Westfield Y Swimmers Stop Morristown's Win Streak, 90-28 Wcstfleld's tiiidi'fi'ntcil V swim tonni ruined Morristovvn's perfect leeoril in a dazzling display of IDS II and stamina Hnttinlny after111 r.77 noon nt the local YMCA pool. Tlio locals won, S0-28. 10(1 Until meeting Wostfiold Sntur1.12 121 dny, ftforriatown hnd won six 121 mi straight meets and wna expected to give the local swimmers their (list in115 111 i:n Spillane Cops, Enters Second Wcsili, Id High Girls Plan Volleyball Game Against Faculty Team Wcstflcld High School's girls volleyball team will battle the women's faculty squad next Thursday In the next attraction on the mid-winter program of the gl^U physical education department of tho school, according to Mrs. G. S. Rogers. Tho season opened with Westfield losing to Highland Park, 2718. The junior varsity suffered 24-10 setback. Playing for Wcatfield were Julie Kammcrmnn, Mary Ellen List, Karen Long-fellow, Cam Randolph, Mary Lou Sampson, Joan Sutton, Carol Crawford, Harriet Haslnm, Margit Lukk, Mary Ann Maelmy, Linda Mayer, Hilary Nlckau, Margnret Kalner, Frances Royster and Lenore Scurry. SptUame swept last-place MeC!i\y to gain the second position in tho Early Birds Bowling' League Tuesday as Baldwin wns losing two games to Knaa. Anderson holds a four and one-half frame lend after its double win against Mulreany. In the other matches, Novder blanked Linck and Fish shutout Rieas. .1. J. llll I'. n: P. 1 12.1 12 1 131) 100 110 7S W SI) I. 21 S 33 33 32 31 30 So 30 31 32 33 U J S 121 135 13.1 139 117 111 39 141 ]S0 131! 1S5 121 151 Peace coats money. Every foliar you put into U. S. Savings Bonds helps build America's power for peace. 564 577 73 106 114 147 74 Bl 114 103 1M 132 111 93 1 139 105 144 B'J 101 104 m 126 125 mo 11!) 109 S4 1-17 15B- 77 Tin 042 111 US 102 101 OS 112 .118 127 lhl OS Totals 543 578 131 131 11S 119 112 ss 16R .... M M. Rooa M. Peterson P. Bally 10ft 1HR 12a 1). Mulrcnviy 70 131 139 675 Totals 93 AMDBnKON US COS J. Mclntoall K. limits UO M. Ijiselnhulll . . 1.19 121 15. Anderson . . . 130 1OS 5S 153 12-. fill • 59 - Tntnls HII3SS n, Frinlc . . . . . . 137 A. Johns . . . . . . 117 M, PnrmlilHOI . . 1(12 . . . 170 115 \v. mesn . . . ' 70 10!) . . . r.:ni 121 Totllis . . . PISH 125 ! US 151 123 81 1SS n 119 105 77 663 d. l-lmerlrh It. Wlilriilrn VS. Pl»h C. Mnrslmll Totnls . . . ... ' reign at ciueen of th« IKIK ir,4 100 87 IDS 70 102 1'.I2 00 102 12(1 US 100 1SD mi r.7 087 m 67 018 RUP1VIN n. Ttl^hlnfta . . . 105 TO: L. ltaldwin N. DeKim Totals lot 10« 201 573 KASH K. Knsa 13! U Nii'iiruggo . . . inn r. MH(i!> ir.5 H. Nudka . . . . . 13.1 57 Totals . . . . . . . f>S5 t irto 172 110 11 S 70 01!) 14S ISO 110 1 ma 107 122 131 Ul 57 C21 127 111 12S 154 ill 134 IS II 67 570 07 • 132 127 142 57 555 105 107 173 l.M 57 593 A. W. IT. a a i r r SHOP na no 120 US 141 141 113 121 113 14» "ii«, dill) Her Butcher Is a Cook's Best Friend Mountainside Tops Ifi B015P LeagueMountainside Delicatesefj took the leads 'in the Boro Women's Bowling League Tuesday night by sweeping Hershey Keal Estate. North Jersey Express, who have held tho top spot for a long time were moved down to third when they lost oil three games to Bliwise, the latter team took tho runncrup spot. In the other match Bayborry Gift Shop won the odd frame from Alma's. W r. Mountnlnslrte Doll.. 39 an 31 lillwtte 38 t No. Jersey Kxprcsa. 37 32 • Alma'H Kalon . . . . . . 34 a r> JlarBliey It, VS. . . . . . 2!) 39 « 311 % lluylicrry Qlfts Slioip 29 'Ho MS U0 1S3 UB 049 AuaA'S cotPrtrhB sh\a$ De-Hanctlfl . . . . Marclletto . . Hnli oii,bi-iei , M. OnllrJa A. Boniber^i'r . . 11. kennox ; . . . . ~65~3 • BAvnianRY M. nioo 1>. Traynor Nt. Taylor D. nurtl«ld i a. Mnxwell . . . . Totnls 122 121 138 las OS! 13 tporti, travel and vacation show Totnls (113 due in the New York Coliieum, Feb. 14 through 23. She was BUlWtHH K\l)ln8kl . . . . 131 •elected by a panel of artitti a. 113 M. Kngcl . . and preu photographer*. n. Wllko . . . . . . 147 11)7 120 109 ISO 68 68 5S3 1 A. SPORTY BEAUTY I—Lo«ly Christine Miller of Long ItUnd waa choien a« "Mitt N*w York Outdoor Exposition" »nd" will 561 . . . mo ... ... ... The U. S. Savings Bonds you own are shares in America. Buy them regularly where you work or at the bank. OS 1S3 103 II!) H7 7!) til 122 109 150 52 MoCL,A V 111 109 141 1311 en IS2 113 143 152 62 I! 11.1 H. Z i m m e r m a n . P. Slt-Cliiy 11. i i i n i o n U BllouKler . . . . 15t nil Sl'll.bANH Tliitlor 1S2 Duvlllaon . . . 1f.L' Mpr>>nUi>l . . . . 1(U Solllnnu 1.1.1 Tiitnls real teat of the season, However, the Westlleld hoys completely outclassed their opponents and have ypt to come even close to losing in New Jersey swim circles «lnc« 1967. A spoclnl challenge invitation match has been Issued to the York, I'a., tonm and both aides hopo for a swim-off in March. L 153 139 10? U US no 102 117 lor, in ar,4 692 IBT 1!3 150 U0 101 180 143 13 1B8 167 160 164 101 13 THERE IS not tho slightest doubt, ns far ns this departmcht is concerned, that Elston Howard meant every word ho said in expressing his happiness and gratitude over win• Ming the Babe Ruth award a ] week or so ago. The N. Y,chapter of the Baseball Writers Association were unanimous in | naming Casey Stengel's versa-, tils handyman the outstanding player In last Fall's exciting World Series. ', BACK IN 1951 I was lucky enough to be picked for the same award so I can tell, from personal experience, just what a thrill it was for Elite when he heard the good news. j NO ONE, it seems to us, can possibly argue with the sports writers' selection. Until Howard came off the bench In that fifth Series game to take' over tho left field spot the' Yankees (and they'll admit this themselves) were a stum*: bllng, fumbling ball club with f apparently no chance to over* j take and beat Milwaukee. WITH SPARKLING defensive play in, the outfield and the same Jimely hitting that' (narked his stick work all sea-: sen long Howard literally} picked up the entire, ball club end set them on the road to their 18th World Championship. - ALSTON IS only 29-years-1 old with four years of Major league ball behind him. A'-, ways a great team man, ho would play third, second or shortstop, If Stengel asked him to and somehow or other you got tho leellng he would do better than fair at any or alt of these unfamiliar positions. • : HE'S THAT kind of a .ball-! player—big league all the way.; 770 KORTIl jransEV i P. TirtUon . . . . H7 102 -M. Knyner Moaslna. n. O t f -.<'.... •*-•-illM, Vnnlng J. "ISO 128 Shopping Starts 110 113 Hi ^ M, V. ir. Jl. D. Ilutltr llnnci'hei' Ki-Uulta Christian WlBoinnn Newaoaoer Totnln 074 719 702 ITEItStlrcY SEAl, ESTATE 1.14 R Hunt . 117 120 H. Hunt 121 141 122 J. 1-iflrnhey 141 14S 124 M Kul.'uuk 1311 149 J, Buott 32 32 33 Totnla BUS MORE SPORTS NEXT PACE OUR SPECIALIST CAN ADVISE HER ON ALL MEAT CUTS CHOICE MEATS - POULTRY - FROZEN FOODS Pork Loins Sauerkraut Whote or Hall •Jay, 59c1" Mississippi Slictd Bacon Apple Sauce 2 bots. 29c .49e Jersey Eggs Aunt Jem. Pancake Flour 3"'" 33c Dublin Corned Beef Jones Linlc or Meat Sausage ""'89c New Cabbage Vermont Pancake Syrup New Potatoes '"•""29c frlma HAVE Mstt s 2 lbs. 29c tb. 49c RIZZUTOJ PH\L . . i;.o . . M It 11H 1*\ Johnson . . . .< . . 121 U(! rrofiifl > • <. B43 YOU FOUND A "DOUBLE VALUE" COIN? SmwWhito S ^'^ ^?ff Mushrooms Green Beans 49c Ib. lb.29c 1000 in Wnstfield, Scotch Plaint, Mountainside and Fanwood Standing or Rolled lb.69c Fraran Peat larg* Bib California Carrtm Frtsh Spinach Fresh Watatcmt Chocofata Nut le» Cr«am ' Arnold Cookies IT? 131 1S« BY PHONE Mara* after SP.M. aB fey Sunday• Tliawley Hull . . . . Huber . . Wood .... ' ' Totitln 24 ?!> 2*1 29 33 35 SS 41 42 45 :a 21 617 DICK P. Bulls' 118 B.. F.dwanJn . . . 137 H. freeman . . . 112 The bonds yon save will be Totals «34 yonr own. The bonds you own m*y ClARK VI8W FWIJRIST 136 tss s»ve yon. Meanwhile Series K '. S«titme»ep . . HO FalfcenWrg . 139 134 140 Sivings Bonds grow as you hold . . .. J<me» 1»S IBS 150 Blind Ut Ui 144 them. WILL TAKK YOU TO OASSE , HI . 11(1 . 127 . 102 75 122 Illl I:III fin l i:in Amlorann MPlllnne llnldwln 31 33 r >(ll JOHNSON Oil R'J 114 11(1 109 Totnls 4 Jeannftttes n. ni-imit R IhniKli N. \Vi-i\y 1). NonltMA. V.\wf( Clara Louise moved further ahead in the Women's 7 O'clock Bowling League Tuesday evening by sweeping Pro's Men's Shop. Totnls ". . . : . . . 62S KOOP Evelyn Krlck had 210 lor the Roop . . . . SS winners while Doris Relnhardt E. A. aullatchcr . . 157 opened with 204 for the losers. A. M"clntonh . . . . H.I 11. Mlatrclta Garwood Rec won them all from SI Cranford Hotel to tie for the runnerup spot with Glenview who could only take 1M from Clark •T. Merrill . IBS View Florist. In other matches n. Hall Lusih-di's swept Jeannettes and I). Humbert . . . ' 1 JJS3 M. DePoe . . Jo Lynn took the odd game from 137 "7 Raritan Valley Farms. ins eoo 144 1 2 1 1 0 n. R u a t n. Helndel V. O'BI-lMl T>. Norilor Totals Ollcfcman . , . . ~ 7 i f 5 T 4 2 0 1 7 O'Cfek Lead ^ 1B4 119 14,1 139 1(17 1SS 3-i 33 Roop 110 I IIS 11!) ll I W Clara Louise Holds 12.5 130 LaCasse Sweeps To First Place NlebruK); C3randjcan OIclc . . . Richmond noech . , Schaober . Merrill Fl llcliuli'l Ristd ". O t^arpiMile .TolinH^n Totals ,i 35 ' ,E 75 Wood . . Holy Trinity . . . 11 11 IS 11—15 Queen at Pence. IB 20 SI 19—75 Bofereo, Faliffono; Umpire, Facli. B. LfiOaRSO M. Cnmta ST. ANTHONrS 3. nichania n p W. 1'arriah 1011 mi us loo ill 111 .'.Nil UNTHll US' Koop suffered a double loss to lhk Heindel in the Wosh Day Bowling l«h League Monday to slip behind the untcr onrushing L&Cassc which captured ... U Mulrp;in>the, lead with n trio of wins McCluy . . against Johnson. In a week marked by sweeps, Dick blanked Wood and R. lfoKreto l.INCtv 10S 120 Niebvugge shut out Merrill. In the M. I.liwk I!. Weli'nliiill . . . ,so other match, Beech bent Carpen- V. 115 Foster 39 ter twi^e. Welter O'Drlen Wnlz Cron ABrhenbrenner CUrl(8 Kranahnlk . . . 112 Cmlnliy 128 Blount US 151 30 Totnls S30 •WIL.SON R. Wilunn US 1C. Wilson 132 tl. W(1»oti US Wilson 13S Totals 500 BEROER a. Burnett 1S2 n. Derser It!) Rllnd Jill I. Schoenatelii ....ISS Handicap 19 4 !i 2 D7.1tko ijllgkowkf Yatf» Ctetetitewskl M'ronko H. H i w Ii, Nln-1- Dave KeiloKj? of Wustfiuld, a breastsroUer on the Colgate University freshman swimming tenm, has been one of the outstantling peffovmera on the squad this season. KelloKK ia Bndcfeated in the 100-yui'i| orthodox bv'.'i\staVroku, taking five straight decisions, in addition to swimming tbo breststroke leg on the medley relay team. The Red Raider yearlings, winners of live consecutive meets, go up against four more opponents. They are scheduled for a return match with Cornell and two^meeU with Syracuse before winding up the campaign ngainst RPI. Totals 10 QUEEN OP P. Barrett » Law S Gt>bauor S Anderson Stueclcol Wood Totals . ••urt 11 Welter Wai* Jlurlc O'Brien Oon AschenlJrenner ATcPay Vure Grandstand KnuichalU liryiint Cutlahy Blottnt . . . 14 11!) 1L'!I I:KI Dave Kellogg Sparks Colgate Swim Squad HOL.Y TRINITY Tight Struggle In Men's Loop Totnls MKIIItl'dUM UK» . . . U l MKKC . . K17 nvo . . . . SI <K l-'l Blue Braves Meet St. Bonaventure's Tomorrow, Seek to Better Cage Mark Oiillnfthor Killni Mlllor . . MyiT.s IMthu'iiy " C»rn 3 pfcgt. 49c Swordfith 3pfca*.49c Codfith Bring It To pk 9 . S9c Nt, 39e " F. Fries ...3 • k g * . 49c Whiting Fiih 1Ot Ib, 49c " fillet Haddock 49c Ib. Campbell's Shrimp Soup 33e 19e ..99c Lobiter Tails pkg.B9c 13t Corniih Hen Dinneri libby's Italian Baans 25c pk«. Tuno Rsh -4 lor $1 We V4 gol. Seobroolc's Frozen Fa*d« Cooked Shrimp .-..: 49c tan Steuffefs Frbzen Foeat 37tpkgl Crab Meat 79eean Pepperido* Farm Foods Farmhouw Pie* Brick fee Cream Sirirwberry Ice Cream Pies Beef — CWefeen — Turkey Pies 59c J&M SUPER MARKET The House of Quality — Law Prices 356 MOUNTAIN AVE. Savdrfn Coffee 79elo. NBC SaMhe*. NBTC Grahams Ib.lit 33c 4 for 99e Planters Peanuts 3for$l Everything in Good Foods Tin ported or Domestic Free Delivery Mon.-Wed.-Fri. AD 2-0402 - 0403 Westfield Motor Sales Co. 319 North Av«. E. Wcttfold ff FOR YOU* m i l COPY OF "THE 1959 FOftD ALMANAC' {Retail value »l.o») and ydtrr TEST DRIVE IN THE "DOUBLE VALUE FORDS" '" THE " THURSDAY. FEBRUARY.JEUIE. ! Conservation To Be league Unit Topic Conduct Heart Drive by Mail ... is sponsoring a Philinont expptlition. Forty scouts and Kxplovt'vs will venture to New Mt'xU'o und vamp at Phllmont Scout Ranch Conservation, which the league cmneti and operated by the Boy i't Women Voters has studied on Soouts of America. Lowell Hunit national scale for the last two s^n is in charge of this program. Frederick Meyer, president of years, will be the topic for the MaeHuKh liw. of 264 Kuat Broiul Westfield k'JiffUe'a Unit inectinRft k. street, hns heon Heleoted to conduct cv' week. 't.iy M tioi\ e x t e n d s an the 1959 Heart Fund drive in VVosf\ JMiuis for the summer program The ortrunization extends tin ficld. lot* thf Wittrhiini! Area Council Hoy vitation to those interested in its I Mr. Meyer is a irnuluute of Fortl,prnirrn ,,, B ...m to attend any of f the h units. I SiMiits art* now complete accord in); ! ham University, and a member of Arrnni-enienu may be made !>>' / to an amiouruH'iiu'nt by Salvador the Junior Chamber of Commerce calling Mrs. Kdgnr E. Harrison. I'i;»iui, pit'^iiieiit. d the Chamber of Commerce in j Meetings are scheduled as lol! John Sflbin of HHlsboro, chairInstead of the usuul monthly and the Chamber of C f lI f man of camping activities for themeeting, the Lincoln School PTA, Westfield, will have a proup of vol jlows: Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., home of . ro'inci!, reports that camps are be- had a pot luck supper Wednesday j untcers mnil out the appeal for 'Mr.<. X. U. Wickersham Jr., 519 f inn {VAtiitMi and personnel selected night in the auditorium followed I funds to continue the expanding Birch street,nvith Mrs. Leo Kolod! for a season of outdoor adventure by a musical program. The audi- program of' resrarcn, " " " " " n_. as discussion loader; Tuesday, . L. for si-outs and explorers of this toi'ium was filled to capacity. OVIM- :<iwj comnuinity service in Union 1 p.m., Mrs. -uw E —. — Taylor, 300 County for the chapter which is an Mountain avenue, with Mrs. K'orjaiva. The council operates ft full 175 people attended. iWfilinte of the American Heart As15?hedu)e of eijrhi weeks a t Camp The supper was under the direcris C. Barnard, leader; Tuesday, j Wntrhunir. (Hen Gardner, begin- tion of hospitality chairmen, Mr?. sociation. 8 1b p.m., Mrs. Daniel Q. Shaw, Kunda are also beins solicited 632 Norwood drive, Mrs. Irwln ; m i v Juno 28, and closing Aufr. 23. \V. G. Hudson and Mrs. E. H. ] TW council's new wilderness camp Thompson. Mrs. Frank Kroll and far the establishment of a diap- Klinpaberg, leader. in the Central Adirondack rejrion Mrs. James MeEhoy were in nostic and therapy center in the ; Also, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.,' > of New York State, will open for charge of food and the dining county, which will in no way dup- !Miv. H. A. Peterson, (560 Fairmont; Iionte services already available in ' avenue, with Mrs. Harold L. Gray, ; (four weeks of \anfs term eampinp room. any of the hospitals in the county. lender; Thursday, 9:30 a.m., M r s . ' 1 dd close l Aug. A g 9 Camp JJuly u y 12 and Mr. and Mi's. John Bridge planElm street, j Lion, a local training center, will ned the musical program. There j "The Union County Heart Asso; bo available throughout the smn-was community ?ing-ing led by ) mer for day aiui weekend camping George Kulp, followed by singing i on a shovt-term basis. by the Revellers, a group of eight Rohert N. AHexsaht, assistant men from this area. | ,-cout executive and director of They include Bartram Bumstead dueled in the municipality and i A BOOST TO THE BOY SCOUTS it given b r Union County (camping for the council has named and Robert Williams of WestfielJ, for that reason asking the resiI the executive personnel to operate Congre«»woman Florence P . Dwjrcr (R-6th Ditt.) a« t h e accepts Richard Sunnier, Peter Hender- dents of Westfield to give to the a Boy Scout em&lem from Cub Scout Marc Page of Fairfax, Va. j the camps. Primo Paolini, district son, Clinton F. Ivins Jr., and He.irt Association in order that Prudential Promotes Tke presentation w n part of th* annual c«l*bration of Boy i executive of the Plainfield area, Douglas Adams of Plainfield, Peter their program may be continued," Kenneth L. Boughner Scout W » k , Feb. 7-13, ipoiuored in Wa«hinft«n by Ike Na- i will again this year serve as camp McKinney of Eliiabeth, and Gor- Mr. Meyer said, (director to sta- j tional Capital Area Council of Boy Scouti of America. or for Camp p Watehung. He don Walsh of Bcotfh Plains, who He noted that "according ^..,. U1 h K of ...« the j Kenneth L. Boughner, 1524 Pine directs the group. The Revellers tistics, over 56 per cent jj w ill i l be assisted by y A Arthur Koepcut down by j Grove avenue, h a s been promoted i" ; pel, district executive in the West- have sung at the Yale and Prince- American public is I.INCH h W Prudential Insurance Co. t o I S O ; 1S1 1^2 cardiovascular diseases every year, b>*u ythe no„ i ficlo area, and Winfield Jones, ton dinners, at the Lyons Veterans and research must continue US. 155 i division: diii if a I ° 4 r i n t h e Purchasing i if ? | leadership training chairman of Hospital, at the Summit Follies i Previously Mr. Boughner was an *oi \a j Plainfield. Additional staff per- for Overlook Hospital, and for solution is to be found. Oavtne* After joining \3X 1>« "One of the major projects car (assistant *buyer. ) sonnel are being: interviewed by the Junior League of Plainfield. ,_ | Prudential in 1935 he worked in by the the locaTheart local heart arsocia1 ! Mr. Pnolini a t this time. Total* It has been announced that the lied on by $!i $32 lhemal dethe rheumatic fever con-j ' and district j At Sabattis Wilderness Camps, mid-winter vacation will run ,U< BUST tments. He was assigned t o SOS 13.S | Vincent M. .Maslyn, district cxecu- through the entire week of Feb. trol program which now has 274 Garwood Rest was the onlyij IS* ISS j tive of the Somerville-Bound Brook 23. patients receiving free penicillin his present division in 1947. m isii team to manage a sweep in the! > During World War I I , Mr. area, will serve a s on nip director, AH pupils have been asked to !.n,l which costs the association ITS I"0 Garwood Men's Bowling League ! \ Boughner served as a pilot with assisted by Kenneth Cole, district bring in their contributions for $o,000 per year." ?t9 »»>t I Thursday as it blanked Pete's. I T<il<il» the U. S. Army Air Corp in Italy-. executive in the Bernardsville area. the Children's Country Home this He is now a major in the A i r Scoring twtn-wlns were Rogers \V1N1H>WS Mr. Gole will head the program di- [yeek. Ip^a , LWV Gives Pamphlets Force Reserves. • o t e f . E. Williams, Excellent n. nrii nriitafa vision of the Sabbattis camps. Ray Parents of Lincoln School |S9 ITS Kin He is married to the former Mao**r Mone't, Metropolitan over Jj Hun i,uJJfn«' li* Weyant, ranger at Camp Lion, will pupils have received their ques- To Junior High School rion Bearse of Hillside. The couple Carwood TV and PS over Du«al. *-' {('; assist as wilderness ranger. tionnaires rcgrardin^ active or j . \ . m«li • —— Camp Watchunp offers scouts talents which might broadThe Ley-tie of Women Voters hd3 two children: Scott 6, and Suj -The best came was thrown'by' Tola1* S3S SS5 > under their own troop leadership en the school's scholastic offerings. last week i-rescnted a number of san 4. JPttrieelli as he hit 228. Other! Al. MOTOISS to Roosevelt Junior ! s . l a training and adventure program Parents i have been requested to •mmphlets honor bowlers "were A. Hidi 201,ij ArKcntit . . . i;» ifn ; in the out-of-doors. Scout skills specify the field in which they ; H g h Scho-ji for use in history and I-J i:s£23, M. Rieder 210, Sisto 204, j u Wright 1:1 isis * • of swimming, life saving, campcould make some contribution, and: so, ial studies classes. These de&l LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Uuit»n 201, A. Prish 20S, Ko . . . !*« 13 ing, hiking, cooking and nature when it would be convenient f o r ' w i t h aspects of government which . iso i»« pack 200 and B. Brittain 802. i x. Carl' TO BUY OR SELL, USE - r j : j program are conducted. A cen- them to come to the school. the league has studied over the KO KOiSKilS TK.VACO " i tral staff organization provides as(last few years. Included were a is? 1T H. Knvvlta lt I sistance to the leaders in the con-! • • • •• . m tirf ] number of copies of the McCarran151 1SI H. W»Nh Methodists to Have 174 (duct of their programs. Food «rv-,| M e m b e r s h i p at 7 4 % A. Vlrltanll . . . . progra! Walters Immigration A c t 1»J m Depth Bible Studies IS* 1*. Vlfltaml j ice in Camp Watchung's large dinj EdlSon P T A B o a r d T o l d ! A booklet, "Close-up of Washi l l 1»S l\ Bacclno Ing fcall wilt again be handled by j ington,"' also »vas given to t h e Dr. Lawrence Toombs, professor she Slater System, professional c a - ! M e m b e r s h j p «ta,,ds at 74 peri «ii6ol. According to Mrs. Robert \V. f^ it Uni-i . terers, JIJ of Old Testament al D Drew U . . under , . the supervision „ , of a?C C J l t i ( w s $ l n n o u n c e d by Mrs. > Heckroan, l e a g u e publications 155 P. l!»Rtn Koppenhoeier, member-(chairman, this particular booklet Its jr. Saparltu ,':« versity, has oben w<fvevsil>, nas beta oecn engaged *ruj:»*;c^ to »•* lead ^««strained j — food manager. ~t-**— Food sup—*-j iRnoo«rx noppennoejer, memoer-i i ""»»»'«", UWR«;> F. I V l l l 1:1 IU i l l *»«f i»«mu«t lf h K '•*ith.c spring session of the Wesley I Flit? for trail hiking and overnight (m p c n ( , l r n , s n _ a t a PTA executive i is especially useful for those young 1 Adult Sthool in a seri« of depth ! camping are available. Par-1 ; f Monday in Edison ; P*op!e and families planning to vise e t n SSchool. •»JBiW* studies on four successive jents-and friends are encouraged to j jb uo |ni rj (o1r mHigh Total* it the city. {Wednesday e v e n i n g s r u n n i n g i visit tee camp on specified days, j M r s ^ Augustus KJeiber "i; JIONlfS C&U3O 81 217 Clark St. HI » . MIrtiwr ITS \" FA 18. Depth study of the Bible j AT advancement program a cul- \n m t i , o h n i , committee to se- ; J O S € D h F i l l e r 15.* •'";* Kuiai . . . . UT ,!iihas been defined as » -prayerful jmmated m a w«Wy campfire cere- l e c . , ^ u Jm ^ , c h o o j M em-J . , K ' i « 1»< v|tii*Kj> m J.mtmrlia us '"•search for the d « p personal impli-;<w>Ry. ^ ^ o f t h e { i f u ! t y and student * A n h e u s e r - D U S C l l l * a r t y ; a.Hi«»rao . . . . . . . \-» _!_:cations of th« Scripture*. The. At Sabattis Wildernm Camp*, body •»«! also serve on the cova-' ; wijulttoatt mwstkffl for each person iwoals under tiielr owls troop lead- ;«;«»*.' Mr*. Donald Moore wa»i Joseph Piller, 5S3 Edgar road, ,:.:w!T«4«J» t>l * M jinvolved Jn sod. study « : -Wh»t «^isp, carap in a waderaes. « t - i named tp the nominating « m - attended a stag psrty at the An S * ' i KXCKU.RXT D1XBR r «»ji<toes tits passage say to ra*« jting. Scoat units wlio art pre*.:»*D«I» 1*1 IS* * benser-Busch Brewery in Newark, U . MUl«r !«* S>1 isiT Tnos» w!» register for t i e • pared for this type of ramp are WestSrid Coajicil PTA uiil pre-1 Monday. i B , C « i s t > n * i . . . . . 1*. <*» j-J?course, which is open to *U who de-; »if-ssl8«*jii,TOndactsaptieir O-»TS fent "Ostajwr by the Dozen" Feb. - r ^ p a r t y , jointly sponsored by j "S.;C«*r* f» Ut ••• **. St«l*rt»aBB . . . l « s;« J _ 15i"« to atteisi. wsU l» expected to \ proEraas and eookmg tlseir own ii and »i for benefit, of the '.e»ci- : Anheuser-Busch, Inc. and the New- I *:*ikart W*J before e»ch tectare t-he 'jntajs. The ca.ap staff proTjdw ing «h»',a»hjp fund, it ™ anTfttuls chapter. National O'ffice Slan- j •BTbBtal «*sirniE«!ts mi&t fey Dr. 'ssrrijra thst includes a food trad&- souTiced. Mrs. Chaik* P. Eddy J T . ( k l i TV * APP. Jijrement Association, was high- i " Tosmbii. The rtjrtstratioa ttv (-err- • is^ post, sauilarjr fariiities asd int\ ^r««l . . 3*; it* lijrhted by a tour of the brewery's \ J. Vtlllanti >er* ti>* entire roars* « any pars ;5jwrt)»n. wiser safety sapenisien . UJ III W. Kliiafim operations, several sports films, s« : t-t II atte^ed, asii3 the Iwtstres wiB . ihr (amj'» 200 acre Jake, a . 1*1 "!J1 V Mt Tht CSA kis 6" per cent of aB . 1*J tl* it. A M Esrae in at- •Jbe w r i i ' s cars even though -we and a buffet dinner served in the iealti service fctr trips hare eiCy €.4 p«r cest of she Rtthskeller. aiCOMOUCS ANONYMOUS \ Tcoimia a a »atjve <S C*»adi, ; at»d actxrriicf in this Mr. PiSer is * member of th« «-srl4*s total MBTRCVPOUTJl.V l»OR > dffrees and smcMstfr experi- cess region. SoUed stuS 1«* -1« Newark Chapter, NOMA, sad it 1?» bfc G S 4 Aaeri- bcr» are t^nyi at band to pro**? chainaaa of its rnor.lhly so a charci •ny W I N lit 1«* <-i c t s vi j? tic seseasarx issiftanw. Bebelieve that the tadt a."ae»d 1M Cie a s m a l cperiiiM of itz ~ of« — is zjever as. great as "the drinking. $u'LEASER « » RUING RESULTS eunpn, the Watchucg A m Cwsn- Pcnrex behtBd »&." LEADER ADS BRING RESULTS Plans Complete For Boy Scout I Summer Program Shop BARON'Sk 175 Attend PTA Potluck Supper Prince Matchc WHITMAN CANDY I VALENTINE HEARTS Carwood Rest Scores Sweep L. E. Tantum A. A. 29c" *5.00 Vi PRICE Reg. $2.00 NOW! MEW SIZE U Reg. $5.00 LUCIEN LELONG VARDLEY RED ROSES $ TOILET WATER M..00 1 2.39 CARVEN MIS-S-T-IF g. $5.00 CIRO PERFUMES ONLY FUVCONETTES '2.00 '2.00 Reg. $3.50 ASSORTED Reg. $1.50 DUSTING BATHSAW| POWDERS ASSORTED 79d f. O. tOX U» WfSTOIlO, N. J. i C«N II 1-1313 ESABRErthe Buick DUCHESS YORK ASSORTED Itetafieailc fliskliibt D-ORSAY INTOXICA- rioN you can own for only $200 more SPECIAL! UPSTiCKS Reg- $150 '2.00 T 69c tlian die best models of the leading low-priced cars... This fe in no way a "stripped" tar j tookiog «t. Come in and study the manufacturer's suggesiod retail p n » <rf * Bukk LeSABRE lili« this equipped with Tirin Turbine automatic tran*ffissatffi. rsiiw. beatef, Un«. and tr-.rthi&fr else v«>j «st in your neit «ar. Then do the sain? \o the top moifels of Use teadinj :< WlNt m-miHrftM tar ontr (300! Now think horn much mere yna'd er;.Jov a mobile- A ear with the finest ride in ail Bines: hi-«tpry. A « r w 0 B 4 " NO l&TTUItS tO lEHACf ean bur. A wc»d«Tfifl}y ?*wf and grcaUr respected « ? • raws r^ort OUkLH • in«Ky fa a Baki todsiT pats yon h> an the grroisa floor of what frosiia« to i» a tang new Hate tt iatdnnhip for Bafck tai%. "My arth Boiek aad the be?t I ever owaerfT . . . "Besl-wpss-asifig car Vrt <9rim is thirty Tsarsr" . . . "Mw4 ihe best. Boiek j * t r . . . Bejwrts like tixse mean estra pleasure in ywr Bufck avaeniisp . . . «nd they Biewi hard dolkr T»}ac wtej tbe liaae IMTOW to trafc Is ftlasrdcjr the *33 Biatt, tbe new Wildcat -sssssksoBs, asd isle? trerc all to work togetiwr for jrreatw gas terms the t»M3try w a a i eel us tber art frtaaf 15 to 30 asfies per falha in tie *89 Bakfa- Asad ia a recent thorough test of Buiek LeSsbre agaisst ir.otier car of size and a food reputation for . . . 'be Buici m is e-rery case >tiads.<>f driiin? ctmsihioEs. So we think *r"*e fst a w r ttrf ^f n i u ia tliis Bafck Le^Are. Arf we Bi^ge& yoa fo "WHES BtTTEB &rTQMOBOJ& AEE BCH.T, to Tmr Qiafity Bock Deate's mad see -Kteiier yea spee t^«** yew ta^ * B«r ear. m.ics PEOPLE wnx venn • I- THE CAR ISTHE BUY! NIWI li*« l i t . Wf OW « U BUtANCS PK>Kl TOWM > p>«9 • » • cwy 110 « * DRUG STCPt, OPfOSITE RIALTO THEAT« 243 E. BROAD ST. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FhoiM ADarm 2-6680
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