ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Staff Report January 8, 2015 To: Transit Committee From: Darrell Johnson, Chief Executive Officer Subject: Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Overview The Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5310 Grant Program provides grant opportunities for local public agencies and non-profit organizations to help meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. In accordance with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, the Orange County Transportation Authority is responsible for selecting projects and transmitting a list of selected projects to the California Department of Transportation, which will be responsible for grant administration and subrecipient oversight. A list of recommended projects is presented for consideration, along with an authorizing resolution as required by the Section 5310 Grant Program. Recommendations A. Approve the candidate project list recommended by the regional evaluation committee and authorize staff to amend the Regional Transportation Improvement Program to accommodate grant revenues. B. Adopt Orange County Transportation Authority Resolution No. 2015-02 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to transmit the Section 5310 Regional Project List and required certification and assurances to the California Department of Transportation for funding and grantee oversight as the designated recipient of Section 5310 funds. Background In existence since 1975, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program has a long history of providing local agencies and non-profit organizations with grant opportunities to help meet the special transportation needs of seniors and persons with disabilities. In keeping with the two-year Orange County Transportation Authority 550 South Main Street / P.O. Box 14184 / Orange / California 92863-1584 / (714) 560-OCTA (6282) Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Page 2 federal surface transportation authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), signed into law in 2012, FTA’s 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program provides an opportunity to provide both capital and operating grants to local agencies and non-profit organizations. Eligible transportation projects and programs include those that are carried out to meet the special mobility needs of seniors and disabled individuals above and beyond what traditional, mandated public transportation services can provide, as well as those that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. As in prior years, the Section 5310 program will be jointly administered by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Division of Mass Transit. As the regional transportation planning agency for Orange County, OCTA is responsible for conducting a call for projects and allocating Section 5310 funds. Following project selection by OCTA, Caltrans will continue in its role as the designated recipient of FTA 5310 funds and will enter into grant agreements with FTA, administer the subrecipient funding agreements, conduct procurements and contracts, provide technical assistance, and undertake federal compliance monitoring of grantees in Orange County throughout the federal useful life of the grant-funded projects. In addition, Caltrans will provide the state’s Transportation Development Credits, also known as toll revenue credits, in lieu of local match requirements, resulting in projects that will be 100 percent federally-funded through FTA Section 5310 Program funds. Toll revenue credits are based on revenues generated by toll authorities within the state and can be used as a substitute for the required non-federal share of a federallyfunded project. On October 13, 2014, the OCTA Board of Directors (Board) approved the funding priorities for the Section 5310 Program and directed staff to issue a countywide call for projects. The approved funding priorities favored the award of paratransit vehicles over operating assistance, which is in keeping with MAP-21 and FTA guidelines. The amount of federal fiscal year (FFY) 2012-13 and FFY 2013-14 Section 5310 Program funds available for award to eligible Orange County applicants is $3,819,668. A summary fact sheet of the program, funding priorities, and timeline is presented in Attachment A. Discussion As directed by the OCTA Board on October 13, 2014, staff released a call for projects on October 14, 2014, with over 700 notices distributed electronically or by mail to potential applicants throughout Orange County. OCTA hosted two applicant workshops to provide an opportunity to discuss program Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Page 3 requirements and prepare applications. The workshops held on October 27 and November 3, 2014, were well attended with over 100 participants. Throughout the application development period, OCTA staff assisted applicants and provided guidance to enhance the likelihood of grant funding. On December 1, 2014, OCTA received grant applications from nine local organizations. Collectively, the applications requested $1.93 million in grant assistance for 11 paratransit vans, 14 buses and related equipment, as well as two mobility management and four operating assistance projects. The applications were reviewed by a regional evaluation committee comprised of five representatives, which included the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Special Needs Advisory Committee, and OCTA staff from the departments of Community Transportation Services, Finance and Administration, and Government Relations. The committee scored applications based on Caltrans’ scoring criteria, and then met to review scores and discuss variances. The requests were scored and ranked based on the funding priorities adopted by the OCTA Board to arrive at the recommended regional project list presented for consideration in Attachment B. The regional project list recommends the award of $1.65 million in Section 5310 funds to support 14 eligible candidate projects. Supporting information regarding the types of vehicles and their standard seating capacities are also provided in Attachment C. The recommended projects include those with a score of 60 points or above, which is in keeping with historic scoring thresholds of the Section 5310 Grant Program and confirmed by the evaluation committee as the minimum score needed for funding consideration. OCTA coordinates and/or funds transportation services provided by several of the recommended applicants through the following programs: • Senior Mobility Program: Participating cities and agencies receive funding to support local senior transportation services. Section 5310 Program applicants participating and/or providing transportation services under this program include Abrazar, Jewish Federation and Family Services, Vietnamese Community of Orange County, and the cities of Anaheim, Santa Ana and Tustin. • OCTA Cooperative Agreements: OCTA has cooperative agreements to subsidize alternative transportation services for trips that would otherwise have been provided on ACCESS. Agencies receiving funding and/or providing transportation services under this program include Abrazar and Alzheimer Family Services. Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations • Page 4 Senior Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Program (SNEMT): Under Measure M2, the County of Orange receives funding to support the SNEMT program. Abrazar is the service provider under this program. These programs provide transportation alternatives which help alleviate demand on ACCESS. An award of 5310 funding to these agencies will help ensure that a variety of quality transportation services is available to special needs communities in Orange County. Next Steps Upon Board approval, the regional project list will be transmitted to Caltrans for for funding and grantee oversight. As part of the transmittal, OCTA is required to include a Certification and Assurances (Attachment D) and Board resolution (Attachment E). Both documents are general attestations that OCTA has complied with program requirements. Since approximately $2 million in Section 5310 Program funds remain to be allocated, staff will begin preparations needed to conduct the next call for projects in May 2015. This work will include continued coordination with Caltrans to provide the additional time needed for local applicants to fully develop project proposals. Staff will also explore the use of Section 5310 Program funds for projects and programs directly implemented by OCTA. Summary The Orange County Section 5310 Grant Program makes available capital and operating grants to help meet the transportation needs of seniors and persons with disabilities in Orange County. OCTA convened a regional evaluation committee which scored and ranked applications received based on the prescribed criteria. A recommended list of 14 candidate projects is presented to the OCTA Board for funding consideration, along with the certification and assurances and resolutions that are required by the grant program. Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Page 5 Attachments A. B. C. D. E. Orange County FTA Section 5310 Grant Program Fact Sheet and Timeline 2014 Orange County Section 5310 Program Requests and Award Recommendations Available Vehicle Types FTA Section 5310 Grant Program MPO/RTPA Section 5310 Certification and Assurances Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Orange County Transportation Authority, Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 Regional Project List Prepared by: Approved by: Ric Teano Senior Grant Specialist, Government Relations (714) 560-5716 Lance M. Larson Executive Director, Government Relations (714) 560-5908 ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Attachment A ATTACHMENT A Orange County FTA 5310 Grant Program Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities PROGRAM FACT SHEET AND TIMELINE Program Purpose The Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) new Section 5310 Grant program is intended to enhance mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing funds that support the special needs of seniors beyond traditional public transportation services and for those with disabilities beyond that required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Funds Available • Approximately $3.8 million in FY2013 and FY2014 FTA Section 5310 funds are available for this cycle. • 100% federal funds upon FTA approval of Caltrans’ Transportation Development Credits (no local match required). Eligible Applicants • Private non-profit corporations. • Public agencies where no private non-profits are readily available to provide the proposed service (a public hearing is required as documentation). Eligible Activities • At least 55% (minimum) of the funds awarded must be used for “traditional” 5310 capital vehicle projects beyond traditional public transportation services. • The remaining 45% (maximum) may be used for “enhanced” 5310 projects formerly eligible under the FTA Section 5317 New Freedom program, which include operating transportation services beyond that required by ADA, as well as mobility management, and driver and travel training. Funding Priorities (in order of priority) • Paratransit vehicle replacement and related equipment for existing vehicles that meet or exceed their useful life • New paratransit vehicles and related equipment that support the expansion of existing service. • Expansion of successful existing transportation services that address the target population’s transportation needs, which include expanding existing mobility management, and driver and travel training projects. • New transportation services that address the target population’s unmet transportation needs, including new mobility management, and driver and travel training projects. Project Eligibility • All projects must be supported by the Orange County Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan. • Applicants must have management oversight and control over the operations of the service and equipment. Vehicle Eligibility • Awarded vehicles must provide a minimum of 20 hours of service per week per vehicle or in coordination with other agencies. • Vehicles proposed for replacement must meet or exceed its useful life and be in active service during the applicant’s normal days and hours of operation. Service Eligibility Applicants must be able to document that the proposed service will serve additional persons or trips, expand the service area or hours, and/or increase the number or frequency of trips. Program Requirements Once approved by the FTA, successful applicants will enter into a Standard Agreement with Caltrans, which remains in effect throughout the project’s useful life. Grantees are responsible for the proper use, operating costs, and maintenance of all project equipment, and must be prepared to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements. Orange County FTA 5310 Grant Program PROGRAM TIMELINE October 14, 2014 Call for projects notifications released Application and guidance documents available via OCTA website October 27, 2014 OCTA 5310 Applicant Workshop November 3, 2014 OCTA/Caltrans Joint 5310 Applicant Workshop December 1, 2014 Applications due to OCTA December 15, 2014 Evaluation committee scoring meeting January 9. 2015 OCTA Transit Committee recommendation January 12, 2015 OCTA Board approval January 16, 2015 5310 Program of Projects due to SCAG for programming in FTIP February 2, 2015 5310 Program of Projects due to Caltrans for funding and administration ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Attachment B ATTACHMENT B 2014 Orange County Section 5310 Program Requests and Award Recommendations Applicant Request Service Type Qty Abrazar Medium Bus Expansion Vehicle 2 $67,000 $134,000 $134,000 95 Abrazar Minivan Expansion Vehicle 7 $46,000 $322,000 $322,000 94 Abrazar Small Bus Expansion Vehicle 6 $60,000 $360,000 $360,000 94 Aids Services Foundation of Orange County Minivan Replacement Vehicle 1 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 85 Aids Services Foundation of Orange County Minivan Expansion Vehicle 1 $46,000 $46,000 $46,000 85 City of Anaheim Large Bus Replacement Vehicle 3 $73,000 $219,000 $219,000 82 Alzheimers Family Services Mobility Management Expand Existing Service n/a $62,100 $62,100 $62,100 80 Jewish Federation Mobility Management Expand Existing Service n/a $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 79 City of Santa Ana Medium Bus CNG Replacement Vehicle 1 $93,000 $93,000 $93,000 78 City of Tustin Large Bus Replacement Vehicle 1 $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 73 City of Santa Ana Mobile Radio Communication n/a 6 $259 $1,554 $1,554 68 Vietnamese Community of Minivan Orange County Expansion Vehicle 2 $46,000 $92,000 $92,000 66 City of Tustin Expansion Vehicle 1 $73,000 $73,000 $73,000 63 Vietnamese Community of Computer Hardware Orange County n/a 3 $977 $2,931 $2,931 61 Vietnamese Community of Operating Assistance Orange County Expand Existing Service n/a $113,532 $113,532 51 Vietnamese Community of Mobility Management Orange County Expand Existing Service n/a $47,041 $47,041 51 Expansion Vehicle 1 $60,000 $60,000 46 Large Bus Unit Cost Requested Recommended Score City of Fountain Valley Small Bus Alzheimers Family Services Operating Assistance Socialization Expand Existing Service n/a $51,875 $51,875 44 Alzheimers Family Services Operating Assistance Geographic Reach New Service n/a $11,025 $11,025 44 Total $1,933,058 $1,649,585 Recommended Awards By Applicant Abrazar $816,000 Aids Services Foundation $92,000 Alzheimers Family Services $62,100 City of Anaheim $219,000 City of Santa Ana $94,554 City of Tustin $146,000 Jewish Federation $125,000 Vietnamese Community $94,931 Total Awards $1,649,585 ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Attachment C ATTACHMENT C Available Vehicle Types FTA Section 5310 Grant Program Available Vehicle Types Minivan Small Bus Medium Bus Medium Bus Compressed Natural Gas Large Bus Large Bus Compressed Natural Gas Larger Bus 1 2 Standard Seating Capacity 5 Ambulatory Passengers; Ramp (Wheelbase approx.121 inches) 8 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.138 inches) 12 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.158 inches) 12 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.158 inches) 16 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.176 inches) 16 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.176 inches) 20 Ambulatory Passengers; 2 Wheelchairs 1 (Wheelbase approx.190 inches) Rear wheelchair lift floor plan Costs are estimated and include accessibility equipment Unit Cost 2 $46,000 $60,000 $67,000 $93,000 $73,000 $97,000 $105,000 ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Attachment D ATTACHMENT D MPO/RTPA SECTION 5310 CERTIFICATION AND ASSURANCES The Orange County Transportation Authority certifies and assures that the requirements and conditions of 49 U.S.C. 5310 have been met by all applicants recommended for funding. The Orange County Transportation Authority certifies and assures that the Section 5310 applications recommended for funding will be included in the region’s public participation process as required by Statewide and MPO Planning Regulations. The Orange County Transportation Authority certifies by the attached resolution that the projects recommended for funding are consistent with the local area’s Regional Transportation Plan and Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan. The projects recommended for funding are located within an urbanized area and will therefore be included in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program. Certifying Representative: Name: ________________ Signature: Title: _________________________ Date: _____ _____ ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Section 5310 Grant Program Recommendations Attachment E ATTACHMENT E RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION SECTION 5310 REGIONAL PROJECT LIST WHEREAS, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program makes funding available to private nonprofit corporations and public agencies under certain circumstances, to provide transportation to meet the special needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities, for whom mass transportation is otherwise unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate; WHEREAS, the Orange County Transportation Authority is responsible for preparing and adopting the Regional Transportation Plan and Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan. WHEREAS, the Orange County Transportation Authority has assumed and carried out the responsibilities of the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for the FTA Section 5310 Program in Orange County; WHEREAS, all applications submitted for the FTA Section 5310 Program were reviewed and scored by the Regional Evaluation Committee; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Transportation Authority certifies: 1. That the awarded projects are consistent with the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Regional Transportation Plan, and Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan. 2. That the awarded projects will be programmed in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this ____ day of ______________, 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ______________________________ Laurena Wienert Clerk of the Board OCTA Resolution No. 2015-02 ________________________________ Shawn Nelson, Chair Orange County Transportation Authority
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