OVIE-AKSENT NR. 6 VAN 2015 19 Februarie 2015 Beste Ouers 1. LEERDERAANGELEENTHEDE/AKADEMIE 1.1 BEHEERLIGGAAMVERKIESING: 4 MAART OM 18:00 Maak nou al ʼn nota vir hierdie belangrike vergadering in u dagboek. Raadpleeg Oueromsendbrief nr. 9. VERDERE VERLOOP VAN BEHEERLIGAAMVERKIESING: 23 FEBRUARIE: Nominasie- en volmagvorms is by die Algemene kantoor beskikbaar. 23 FEBRUARIE – Tydperk vir indien van nominasievorms by Algemene 3 MAART: kantoor. 3 MAART: Voorafnominasietydperk sluit 15:00. 4 MAART: Dag van die nominasie en verkiesing verloop soos volg: Registrasie van ouers vir toegang tot die saal is vanaf 17:30-18:00. Bepaling van die kworum is om 18:00. Nominasievergadering vir die indien van enige verdere nominasies is vanaf 18:00-18:30. Die verkiesingsbeampte bepaal die geldigheid van nominasies en stel kandidatelys saam. Indien daar nie ʼn kworum is nie, is die opvolgverkiesing op 22 Maart. Indien die verkiesing voortgaan, volg die voorstelling van die kandidate en die verduideliking van stemprosedure. Stembriewe word afgehaal. Die geldigheid van volmag word gekontroleer. Verkiesing en tel van stemme vind plaas. Die verkiesingsuitslae word bekend gemaak. Die nuutverkose lede van die Beheerliggaam ontmoet die hoof. Laat asseblief elke stem tel. Maak u kind se opvoeding u prioriteit! 2. KULTUUR 2.1 KOOR Die koor se oefendatums en tye vir die eerste kwartaal is soos volg: 19 Februarie: Soprane en Alte 18:00 – 19:30; Basse en Tenore 19:30 – 21:00 2 26 Februarie: Die hele kool oefen vanaf 19:30 tot 21:00 in die saal. 5, 12, 19 Maart: Soprane en Alte 18:00 – 19:30; Basse en Tenore 19:30 – 21:00 25 Maart: Paasdiens saaloptrede 07:00 Koorfonds: Alle uitstaande koorfonds (R200) moet asb. voor of op 2 Maart 2015 by die kantoor inbetaal word. Koordrag vir nuwe koorlede: Die koste vir die meisies se koordrag beloop R480 en moet asb. voor of op 23 Maart by die kantoor inbetaal word. Die koste vir die seuns se kruisbande en strikdasse is R170 en moet asb. ook voor of op 2 Maart by die kantoor inbetaal word. 2.2 PRETORIA EISTEDDFOD Inskrywings vir die Pretoria Eisteddfod is by dr. M. Le Roux (kultuurhoof) verkrygbaar. Alle inskrywingsgeld en –vorms moet voor of op 25 Februarie ingehandig word. 2.3 INTERNE REDENAARKOMPETISIE 2015: UITSLAG Baie dankie aan al die deelnemers aan die interne redenaarkompetisie. Hier volg die uitslag: Graad 8 1. 2. 3. Carla de Bruyn Herman Taljaard Meghan van Rooyen Graad 9 1. 2. 3. Brian Green Brendan Jacobs Marjoné Bekker Graad 10 1. 2. 3. Carmen Steyn Angelique van Rooyen Francois Pietersen Graad 11 1. 2. 3. Nedine Nortjé Benisha Pretorius Carlin Pietersen Graad 12 1. 2. 3. Ané Booysen Simonne van der Vyfer Simoné Smit BESTE JUNIOR REDENAAR: BRIAN GREEN BESTE SENIOR REDENAAR: CARMEN STEYN 3. SPORT 3.1 SWEM Baie geluk aan Werner Henken wat op die Gauteng-Noord 3 Lewensreddingkampioenskap 1 goue, 8 silwer en 1 brons medalje verower het. Werner is in die Gauteng-Noord Lewensreddingspan opgeneem. Hy neem vanaf 27 Februarie tot 1 Maart aan die Gauteng Provinsiale Kampioenskap deel. 3.2 ATLETIEK Die Ovie-atlete was bedrywig en het aan die onderstaande byeenkomste deelgeneem: Noordheuwel TOP 15 (Woensdag, 11 Februarie), vriendskaplike byeenkoms by Die Wilgers (Vrydag, 13 Februarie) en ook die Distriksbyeenkoms te Pilditch (Saterdag, 14 Februarie). Prestasies bo 900 ABSA-punte: Nushka de Beer Micayla du Toit Reece West Mizelle Wichmann Michaela Nell Estiaan Schutte D14 D17 S15 D15 D14 S19 Spiesgooi 100m hekkies Verspring Hoogspring 100m 200m 1098 950 907 905 904 900 BYEENKOMS TOP 15 TOP 15 TOP 15 TOP 15 WILGERS TOP 15 Die volgende atlete kwalifiseer vir die Gauteng kampioenskap wat op 13 en 14 Maart in Germiston plaasvind: Nushka de Beer Jayneke vd Merwe Daphne Perez Annika Strydom Micayla du Toit Bianca Dempers Trevor Mahlatje Albert Henning JJ Scheepers Nathasia Oescgher Estiaan Schutte Maurice van Wyk Marius Nell Jesse Perez D15 D15 D15 D17 D17 D17 S17 S17 S19 D19 S19 S19 S19 S19 Spiesgooi Diskus , hoogspring Verspring 100m 100m, verspring, 100m hekkies 400m 2000m hindernis 400m hekkies spiesgooi spiesgooi 100m, 200m 800m gewigstoot verspring Ovies neem ook Vrydag 20 Februarie teen Hoërskool Randburg deel. Die skool verdaag reeds om 11:45. Die program word ingekort as gevolg van beurtkrag en begin stiptelik om 14:00. Die busse sal teen 22:00 terug by die skool wees. INTERHOËR 27 FEBRUARIE Overkruin is vanjaar die gasheerskool. Alle personeel is van vroegoggend af betrokke. Slegs die Geesgoggas woon die byeenkoms as toeskouers by. Op daardie dag word ouers versoek om leerders tuis te laat bly. 4 3.3 PERDERUITERKUNS Mishka Botes behaal die volgende uitslae in die afgelope naweek se Sanesa Skoleskou: Dresseer: Working Riding: Klas 1: 3de plek uit 52 ruiters Klas 2: 9de plek uit 44 ruiters 10de plek uit 28 ruiters 4. ALGEMEEN 4.1 FOTODAG: 23 FEBRUARIE Individuele foto’s word op Maandag 23 Febuarie geneem. Alle leerders word afgeneem. Leerders moet in somersdrag geklee wees en die matrieks moet hulle “pullovers” dra. ʼn Fotopakket, wat ʼn klasfoto insluit, is teen R100 beskikbaar. Druk van die individuele foto’s geskied op die perseel. Slegs leerders wat betaal het, ontvang sy pakket. Betaling is direk by die fotograwe, ouers word daarom versoek om nie geld elektronies in die skoolrekening in te betaal nie. 4.2 EERSTESPANAFRIGTER: SAGTEBAL Aansoeke word ingewag vir die eerstespan sagtebalafrigter. Stuur ʼn volledige CV na [email protected]. Die sluitingsdatum is 20 Maart 2015. 4.3 OUERVERGADERING: 11 MAART 2015 Tyd: 18:00 Plek: Skoolsaal Tema: BETER AKADEMISE PRESTASIE IN HELFTE VAN FORMELE LEERTYD GEWAARBORG. Spreker: Johan Scholtz: Oogkundige. Vriendelike groete MNR. P.J. NEL HOOF 5 JOHAN SCHOLTZ OOGKUNDIGE * OPTOMETRIST Zambesi Rylaan 200 Sinoville Tel: 012 543 2275 / 2714 Fax: 012 543 2714 Ce;; (w): 082 491 3495 E-pos: [email protected] HOËRSKOOL OVERKRUIN TROTS GEBORG DEUR MECEDES-BENZ WONDERBOOM OVIE ACCENT NO 6 OF 2015 19 February 2015 Dear Parents 1. LEARNER/ACADEMIC MATTERS 1.1 SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY ELECTION: 4 MARCH AT 18:00 Please make a note in your diary of this very important meeting. Refer to parents’ circular no. 9. FURTHER SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY ELECTION PROCEDURES: 23 FEBRUARY: Nomination and power of attorney forms will be available at the General office. 23 FEBRUARY – 3 MARCH: Time period in which nomination forms should be submitted at General office. 3 MARCH: Pre-nomination period closes at 15:00. 4 MARCH: The day of nominations and election will follow the following course: The registration of parents for entrance to the hall will be from 17:30-18:00. Determination of quorum takes place at 18:00. Nomination meeting for submission of further nominations will be from 18:00-18:30. The election official will determine the validity of the nominations and compile the list of candidates. If there is no quorum, the follow-up election will be on 22 March. If the election continues, the introduction of the candidates and the explanation of the voting procedure will commence. Ballot-papers are collected. Validity of power of attorney is controlled. Candidates are elected and votes are counted. Results of the election are announced. The new members of the School Governing Body meet the principal. Please let every vote count. Make your child’s education your priority! 2. CULTURE 2.1 CHOIR The choir’s practise dates and times for the first term are as follows: 19 February: Sopranos and Altos 18:00 – 19:30; Basses and Tenors 19:30 – 21:00 2 26 February: The entire choir will practice from 19:30 to 21:00 in the assembly hall. 5, 12, 19 March: Sopranos and Altos 18:00 – 19:30; Basses and Tenors 19:30 – 21:00 25 March: Easter service assembly performance 07:00 Choir fees: All outstanding choir fees (R200) should please be paid before or on 2 March 2015 at the office. Choir uniform for new choir members: The cost of the choir uniform for girls amount to R480 and should please be paid at the office before or on 23 March. The cost for the boys’ braces and bowties amount to R170 and should also be paid in at the office before or on 2 March. 2.2 PRETORIA EISTEDDFOD Entries for the Pretoria Eisteddfod are available at Dr M. le Roux (culture head). All entry fees and entry forms should be submitted before or on 25 February. 2.3 INTERNAL REDENAAR COMPITITION 2015: RESULTS Thank you very much to all of the participants of the internal redenaars compitition. The results are as follows: Grade 8 1. 2. 3. Carla de Bruyn Herman Taljaard Meghan van Rooyen Grade 9 1. 2. 3. Brian Green Brendan Jacobs Marjoné Bekker Grade 10 1. 2. 3. Carmen Steyn Angelique van Rooyen Francois Pietersen Grade 11 1. 2. 3. Nedine Nortjé Benisha Pretorius Carlin Pietersen Grade 12 1. 2. 3. Ané Booysen Simonne van der Vyfer Simoné Smit BEST JUNIOR REDENAAR: BRIAN GREEN BEST SENIOR REDENAAR: CARMEN STEYN 3 3. SPORT 3.1 SWIMMING Congratulations to Werner Henken who obtained 1 gold, 8 silver and 1 bronze medals at the Gauteng North Lifesaving Championship. Werner has been selected for the Gauteng North Lifesaving team. He will participate at the Gauteng Provincial Championship from 27 February to 1 March. 3.2 ATHLETICS The Ovie athletes were busy and participated at the following events: Noordheuwel TOP 15 (Wednesday 11 February), friendly event at Die Wilgers (Friday 13 February), as well as the District event at Pilditch (Saturday 14 February). Achievements above 900 ABSA points: Nushka de Beer Micayla du Toit Reece West Mizelle Wichmann Michaela Nell Estiaan Schutte G14 G17 B15 G15 G14 B19 Javelin 100m hurdles Long jump High jump 100m 200m 1098 950 907 905 904 900 EVENT TOP 15 TOP 15 TOP 15 TOP 15 WILGERS TOP 15 The following athletes qualify for the Gauteng championship which will take place in Germiston on 13 and 14 March: Nushka de Beer Jayneke vd Merwe Daphne Perez Annika Strydom Micayla du Toit Bianca Dempers Trevor Mahlatje Albert Henning JJ Scheepers Nathasia Oescgher Estiaan Schutte Maurice van Wyk Marius Nell Jesse Perez G15 G15 G15 G17 G17 G17 B17 B17 B19 G19 B19 B19 B19 B19 Javelin Discus, high jump Long jump 100m 100m, long jump, 100m hurdles 400m 2000m steeple chase 400m hurdles Javelin Javelin 100m, 200m 800m Shot-put Long jump Ovies will also participate against Hoërskool Randburg on Friday 20 February. School will let out already at 11:45. The programme will be shortened because of load shedding and will start promptly at 14:00. The busses will be back at school by 22:00. 4 3.3 INTER HIGH 27 FEBRUARY Overkruin will be the host school this year. All staff members will be involved from early in the morning. Only the Geesgoggas will attend the event as supporters. Parents are requested to let learners remain at home on that day. HORSE RIDER ART Mishka Botes obtained the following results at last weekend’s Sanesa Schools Show: Dressage: Working Riding: Class 1: 3rd place out of 52 riders Class 2: 9th place out of 44 riders 10th place out of 28 riders 4. GENERAL 4.1 PHOTO DAY: 23 FEBRUARY Individual photos will be taken on Monday 23 February. All learners will be photographed. Learners should wear their summer uniforms and matrics should wear their pullovers. A photo package, which includes a class photo, will be available at a cost of R100. Printing of the individual photos will occur on the premises. Only learners who have paid will receive their packages. Payment should be made directly at the photographers, therefore parents are requested not to transfer the money into the school’s account. 4.2 FIRST TEAM COACH: SOFTBALL Applications for the first team softball coach are awaited. Please send a complete CV to [email protected] . The closing date is 20 March 2015. 4.3 PARENTS MEETING: 11 MARCH 2015 Time: 18:00 Place: Assembly hall Theme: BETTER ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN HALF OF THE FORMAL LEARNING TIME – GUARANTEED Kind regards MR P.J. NEL PRINICIPAL 5 JOHAN SCHOLTZ OOGKUNDIGE * OPTOMETRIST Zambesi Rylaan 200 Sinoville Tel: 012 543 2275 / 2714 Fax: 012 543 2714 Ce;; (w): 082 491 3495 E-pos: [email protected] HOËRSKOOL OVERKRUIN TROTS GEBORG DEUR MECEDES-BENZ WONDERBOOM
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