The Prattler Pride in Putaruru Community Newspaper MARCH 2015 Issue 119 INSIDE THIS ISSUE • • • • • • Putaruru Local News Clubs, Schools and Services Reports Water Festival and A&P Show What’s Up? What’s Down? Rugby Club and Squash Club News Walkway Improvements THE WATER FESTIVAL & A&P SHOW There was rain on the Friday, but Saturday began mild and clear and continued on to be a great, hot Putaruru day. The Pride in Putaruru Water Festival and A&P Show, Saturday 28th February, at Glenshea Park proved to be a magnet for a large number of families. Organisers provided a wide variety of events and entertainment for this free entry carnival with its friendly atmosphere. There were plenty of activities and action to be enjoyed, from the large slides, riding events, business displays, demonstrations, food, art and craft competitions and of course, all the fun of the fair. A full programme of axemen competitions ran throughout the day, and a variety of Putaruru services such as St John, Fire Brigade and Guides contributed full displays, assistance and information. Free FM89 provided background music and commentary throughout the day. In the adjacent pool area, a top team event, run by Sport Waikato, was both challenging and entertaining for the those that entered into the water spirit of the day. There were plenty watching to cheer on the teams that competed. Local business, rides, entertainment, food and merchandise stalls were all kept busy. Ice-creams were very popular. The band Distraction provided quality entertainment to members of the crowd, in a specially set up shade area. About 3000 people enjoyed the day. This year, large numbers of extended family groups enjoying the festival, were noticeable. Although sadly for the A&P association it was their final show, next year, Pride in Putaruru will continue to bring you the Water Festival and a wide range of activities to enjoy. There will be more announcements about this as the year progresses. COPY DEADLINES FOR THE 2015 PRATTLER FRIDAY MARCH 27th for APRIL FRIDAY MAY 29th for JUNE FRIDAY JULY 31st for AUGUST OUT AND ABOUT AT THE WATER FESTIVAL AND A&P SHOW 2 THE MAYOR’S COLUMN PRIDE IN PUTARURU MANAGERS MEMO 2104 was a busy year for Council working with Fonterra, the road/rail hub, the Chinese dignitaries and other possible investors and the setting up of the Investment and Drive Trusts to look after our money. 2015 will be a year planning our future. Councillors have been spending many hours along with staff working on our long Term Plan. March already! How the first two months of 2015 have flown by! This plan is like the blue print for our future. We know that like all Rural New Zealand we have a declining population, aging demographics and youth unemployment. There is also the cost, particularly of providing the services we all need for a good life. Councillors have had to face the needs of our people and balance that with what Mayor Neil Sinclair are the ‘wants.’ It has been difficult and some hard decisions have had to be made. It is important that as many people as possible attend the public meetings when we present the Plan. Then it is over to you, the people, to make submissions on any of the ideas in the plan. Council has been striving to keep our rate increase to about 1%, lower if possible, but that means changes. We all want our District to be the best place to live and bring up families at the lowest possible cost, so together we must decide on our priorities. Oh for the Wisdom of Solomon! Then we still have our representation review to deal with. As there hasn’t been a petition seeking a poll on the concept of dedicated Māori seats, Councils decision will stand, but there are other considerations. How many Councillors should there be to serve on Council, how many wards, should there be Community Councils? Governance is important but there is a cost. Do you think there should be public meetings on this review? Your views are important to us. Now for some good news. The Fonterra factory construction is full bore and some of the workers are staying in our towns. Come the end of 2016 there will be more jobs, the rail/road hub is attracting interest from other parties, there is development taking place in Tirau, and Pride in Putaruru is working hard on promotion ideas for Putaruru. Watch for developments at the Te Waihou walkway and how we can leverage off that iconic feature in our District and of course The Generator event on the River Trails in April will bring many to the District. Within the Mayoral Forum, the Waikato Plan group and in the Bay of Plenty forums we are continually pushing the South Waikato’s place in the world. I don’t think we realise just how much the South Waikato contributes to the economy of the Region and indeed nationally and we have to get that message out. In the light of this, Council is looking at appointing a marketing manager. With our Dairy, our forestry, our engineering, our water our power generation, our quarries, we are a significant player in the Region’s economy and that is often overlooked. Let’s get the Positive message about our District out there. We all have a part to play - it’s not just a Council job. Already we have enjoyed another Festival Day in our great little town. It was sad to see the demise of our local A&P Show as we joined in with their 80th and final show on Saturday 28th February. The GOOD NEWS is that there will still be a major show every February because the Pride in Putaruru Water Festival will not only continue to happen each year but plans to expand and use the whole of Glenshea Park by including many more attractions. On that score, if you have an idea you would like to see incorporated into next year’s Water Festival please let us know. There is a drop box outside the Pride in Putaruru office, or you can email [email protected] We take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors who made this year’s show possible. Pub Charity were our major donor but also POWERco and Transpower made a significant contribution. Free FM89 have generously advertised for us and attended the show with their PA system. RJ Lincoln Transport supplied the truck for the stage. Thanks to each one of you. And we thank each and every one of the businesses who came along and showed their support for our community. Again this year Pride in Putaruru is planning to run a number of major events. In May we will run the “Quackers” retail promotion with a shoppers loyalty prize and a duck hunt to encourage you to get to know your town. Celebration and prize giving day will be on Saturday 23rd of May. On the 17th October we will recognise and celebrate our most successful businesses with the Annual Better Business Awards Dinner Evening. Our Annual Christmas Parade is planned for Friday 4th December, a little earlier than usual so as not to clash with another major event happening at the Plaza a week later. We will continue to hold our Business After Five meetings each month although it has been suggested these go out to every second month and that suggestion is being considered. Watch this space! There is a Business Woman’s Breakfast every second month as well. We will continue to publish The Prattler to share local successes and other news. Businesses wishing to advertise with us are offered very competitive rates. See our website for further details: Did you know that The Prattler is also available on our website for reading without having to download it? A great year is ahead of us with numerous opportunities. Embrace change! Be innovative! The best is yet to come! Lee Robertson: Manager, Pride in Putaruru Association. PRIDE IN PUTARURU THANKS THESE SPONSORS: 2015 will be our Year. COPY DEADLINES FOR THE 2015 PRATTLER FRIDAY MARCH 27th for APRIL ADVERTISE IN THE PRATTLER Simply email: [email protected] FRIDAY MAY 29th for JUNE Nicholson SHOW YOUR SUPPORT W E 3 PH: 07 883 3198 FAX: 07 883 3192 MOB: 0274 480 698 Surveying 43 ARAPUNI STREET Limited PUTARURU EMAIL: [email protected] FRIDAY JULY 31st for AUGUST RANGIURA HAPPENINGS: JANUARY - FEBRUARY Update on our new building: What an amazing transformation in just a few months. Our extension is moving forward at a rapid pace and we now have a roof, walls and windows! The interior is coming along with the first of the walls going in and it is all go in regards to getting quotes for hoists, beds and all the other essential items needed. The interior colours and designs have been finalised and whilst modern, the choice is classic and timeless, designed with the next twenty years in mind. If you are interested in finding out more about our extension please contact Suzanne at Rangiura and she will put you in contact with a person you can talk to. Accessing Services for your family member: Our New Build has certainly stirred up interest in the community and we have had a number of enquiries about accessing support for elderly family members, so it seems like an opportune time to inform people of the “How to access Aged Care Services,” and to try and demystify the process. DSL, (Disability Support Link), are the local Community based Needs Assessment agency that are funded by the DHB, (District Health Board), to assess people who are over 65 and require support. They will come to your home and discuss your needs with you and your family, completing an assessment and making recommendations in regards to your funding. This can range from home support, (home help), to Resthome, Hospital or Dementia care. At assessment you can specify which facility you would prefer, however this does not place you on the waiting list nor do DSL negotiate this for you. You may also be eligible for a Residential Care Subsidy or a Residential Care Loan and you can talk to DSL about this and fill in an application form. This is managed via Work and Income. It is normally up to you or your family to approach the Resthome of your choice and talk to the CNM, (Clinical Nurse Manager) about your needs. At Rangiura our CNM is Melanie Kingston and it is Melanie who manages the waiting list and keeps in contact with potential Residents. Melanie will ask you about your assessment and she will also negotiate with DSL if you have chosen Rangiura as your care provider. Please note if you are considering Rangiura as your care provider then you must contact Melanie to discuss your needs. Talking to Nursing staff, Board members, the General Manager and the like does not automatically place you on the waiting list. There is a process that everyone has to follow. You can phone to make an appointment with Melanie by contacting her on 07 885 1040. To avoid disappointment please do make an appointment as we cannot guarantee that we are always available if you ‘drop in.’ We are also happy to show families around Rangiura and this can be arranged by contacting Suzanne our Receptionist, also on the above number. Rangiura will keep in contact with you once you are on our waiting list and will update you on the likelihood of a placement. We will also assess whether your needs have changed whilst you are on our list so that we can advise you around the options you may have. When a placement at Rangiura becomes available, Melanie, the Clinical staff and General Manager hold a meeting to discuss who is waiting to access our Services and what requirements they have. We are contracted by the DHB to provide a number of Services for Aged Care and even when a room becomes available it may not necessarily mean that it is suitable for your family member. You will then be contacted by us if we can provide a placement. The liaison between yourselves and Rangiura, especially with our CNM and Nursing Staff is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. If you plan to fund yourself or family member privately and do not want to access DSL then please contact our CNM directly at the number given above. The basic steps are: Contact DSL and discuss your needs with them and they will arrange for an assessment to be carried out. DSL phone number 0800 55 33 99 or 07 839 1441. Once the assessment is completed and you know what your funding level and requirements are, then contact Rangiura on 07 885 1040 and make an appointment with the CNM. What we provide: Unfortunately Aged Care Services are not fully funded and often that is just not something that people have thought about. There is an assumption that once you or your family member are accepted into a Resthome, Dementia care or Hospital care, then all your needs are taken care of. Rangiura Resthome, Hospital and Dementia Unit, receives it’s funding through the individual assessments that have been discussed. The amount of funding varies per person according to need, but what Rangiura is contracted to provide is: Appropriate Staff Support: as per the Residents requirements on assessment. Services: this includes but is not limited to - meals, laundry, linen, cleaning. Routine Doctors Visits: Routine Prescribed Medication: please note this only covers government funded medications. What we are not funded to provide: Transportation: costs to specialist appointments Podiatry, Dentistry, Hairdressing, Optometrists... RANGIURA 4 2015 TRUSTEES Henry Van Dyk Chairperson 021 774 340 Gaye Lamb Vice Chairperson 07 883 2875 Gordon Blake Trustee 07 883 4824 Debbie Gisby Trustee 07 885 1022 Specialist Equipment: wheelchairs, specialist seating requirements, walking frames, air mattresses, sensor mats... Jim Howland Patron Specialist Medication: or wound dressing requirements. Trustees Eileen Barker Jeff Dixon Sue Heslop Sandra Wallace Marjorie Roberts Neil Sinclair Jan Tarrant Stu Edmeades The items mentioned in both categories are by no means exhaustive. To avoid embarrassment for all parties, it is important that you and your family member are aware that not all services are funded. A number of these items are very expensive and we are very open to discussing how we can access these in a way which suits all parties. You are always consulted prior if we have identified that you require any specialist purchase or if we are aware that the service you require will incur extra costs. 5 Melanie Kingston Clinical Manager 0275 978 713 Fundraising: Our Fundraising Team continues to work tirelessly in Ellie Davies the background to raise money for our new build and General Manager 021 760 638 also to support the extra needs of the Residents at Rangiura. They have an action packed year planned, but some dates for your diary for the upcoming months are: Friday 20th March 2015: Night Market/Gala, 5:00pm to 8pm - Glenshea Park FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY - A NIGHT NOT TO BE MISSED Stalls, Music, Lots of food! Tractor rides, Horse rides, Donkey rides, Mini Jeeps plus much more. If you are interested in having a stall, there are some places still available. Stalls cost $15 and can be booked by contacting Sandra on 021 510409 or emailing [email protected] or alternatively contacting Suzanne on 07 885 1040. Golf Tournament: Sunday 24th May 2015: Back by popular demand, the Rangiura Golf Tournament and Auction to be held at the Putaruru Golf Club. Tee off from 9:00am onwards. The auction will be held at approximately 4:00pm. Entry fee $25 per person. Register directly with the Club or contact Sandra on 021 510 409. If you would like to Sponsor this event then please contact Sandra on the above number. “Striving to be the best we can in a caring and safe learning environment.” Upcoming Events Set aside these important dates: 18th Feb: School Triathlon 19th Feb: Looking to Lead course Yr 6 23rd Feb: Learning Leaders Assembly 26th Feb: Rm 1 Assembly 5th March: School Swimming Sports 9th March: Teacher’s Only Day 12th March: Deep Water Safety Rm 5 12th March: Rm 5 Assembly 17th March: Olivia teaching Nutrition Term 1 Our schools theme this year is “Conserving Our Earth” (Being a Global Citizen). As part of “Conserving our Earth” this term we are looking at how water is a precious resource. This terms school wide Big Learning Idea is “Ko Au” – Creating a positive learning environment. The teacher’s are working hard on supporting students with writing, and as part of this development they will be attending a two-day writing conference run by the University of Waikato. We see our school as a Learning Community based on shared values and expectations. As part of this we focus on our school mission statement “Striving to be the best we can.” Part of this is acknowledging our students who demonstrate our Kura Kid values. Welcome This term we are lucky to welcome Juliette Gilmour to our teaching team. Juliette is teaching our junior class, years 1-3. Juliette comes to us with a wealth of teaching experience. She is a very bubbly and enthusiatic lady who has a strength in Art. I’m sure she will enjoy her time with us. We also welcome a number of new students and their families to our school this year. Logan, Thomas, Maddison, Cove, Olivia and Teina. (Teina absent for the photo) It is great to see so many new faces joining our wonderful school. Playground Fundraising The school is working towards upgrading our current playgrounds. This is a very big project which will require significant fundraising. The P.T.A. have worked hard and so far they have raised $15,000 towards this. The P.T.A. have decided that this will be their main fundraising focus for the year. I’m sure the community will get behind us and support us with this goal J A Huge Thank You We would like to say a huge thank you to the “Tirau Vets” for sponsoring new Touch/Rugby shirts for our students.They look amazing as I’m sure you will agree. The students said they are “So light, really nice to wear!”I’m sure it will make them even faster!! See photo to the right. 66 Waiomou Road RD2, TIRAU 3485 Phone/Fax (07) 883 4866 e-mail: [email protected] website: Putaruru Community Resource Centre Newsletter Duke Street Putaruru - Phone 07 883 8045 THE ISSUE OF PRIVACY Given the degree to which big brother, and even little brother, can trace our every action nowadays it could be said that we have lost all right to privacy. Then again, it could also be said that we are simply in the same situation as in days gone by when everyone lived in a small village or settlement where everyone knew everyone’s business. Any notion of privacy didn’t exist then - so does it matter if it doesn’t exist to any great degree now? Is it the fact that strangers can now know our business that is a concern - or the fact that we don’t know when information about us is being collected, or how it will be used? Only a few short years ago, organisations like ours were told that our client intake forms must explain to clients why each piece of information was required. It seems that, where electronic transactions are concerned, organisations are able to meet this obligation by requiring users to sign a declaration stating that they agree with all of the ‘conditions’ attached to the application. Unfortunately, the ‘conditions’ invariably consist of pages and pages of legal-speak presented in print so tiny as to be unreadable without the aid of a magnifying glass. This week, report, (on their Facebook page,) that Facebook is being taken to task by Belgium’s Data Protection Authority for a number of its practices. One concern is the fact that users of the mobile Facebook app cannot ‘opt out’ of location tracking. No point texting the ‘other half’ from the local watering hole and saying you’re at the office if you have this application! 6 They also mention another app, Facesin, which will deliver alerts telling you where your contacts will be in the near future, based on their posts, so that if you want, or don’t want, to ‘bump into’ a particular person you’ll know where to go, or where not to go, as the case may be! ARAPUNI BOWLING CLUB 80TH JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS 1935 - 2015 25 YEARS TAOIST TAI CHI IN NEW ZEALAND The club is holding its 80 year celebration at the Arapuni Club Rooms on the 7 of March this year. The Arapuni Bowling Club formed in 1935 and had its green in the area behind the school in the village. In 1949 it moved to the present site down by the swing bridge, where the club has great facilities, thanks to those early members whose efforts and hard work have provided this. th Meanwhile, points out this week that it is not illegal for people to record their phone calls with businesses without the business’s knowledge, as long as you are doing it in your private capacity, that is to protect yourself. Businesses and agencies however must disclose the fact that calls are being recorded. PUTARURU COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE •Free and confidential budget advice: phone 07 883 8045 for an appointment •Feel free to like our Facebook page: A&P SOCIETY SHOW RESULTS This year marks the arrival of Taoist Tai Chi in New Zealand 25 years ago. It was started in Canada by Master Moy Lin-Shin and since then has spread to 25 other countries around the world, with 40,000 people practising this gentle form of exercise. 7 Putaruru is lucky enough to have a class that meets from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Putaruru Primary School Hall every Tuesday evening. When asked why they keep coming, class members listed the following reasons: • for overall health benefits, both mental and physical • to reduce tension and calm their mind • to increase flexibility and mobility of joints • to improve balance • to increase blood circulation The bottom line is, it pays nowadays to assume that all business telephone calls, and electronic transactions, are being monitored to some degree. Credit card and loyalty card transactions, for instance, are regularly used to analyse marketing and distribution options. So, is it a problem? Depends on your point of view. Milan Kundera, author of The Incredible Lightness of Being, has been quoted as saying, “When a private talk over a bottle of wine is broadcast on the radio, what can it mean but the world is turning into a concentration camp.” Sun Microsystems co-founder Scott McNealy, on the other hand, says, “You already have zero privacy. Get over it!” th These benefits creep up on you subtly after you have been doing Tai Chi for a while and of course there is also the social reason as we are a great bunch of people. Anyone can participate no matter their age or level of fitness. Why not join us this year at the new beginner course starting March 10th. If you want to know more, please contact Lesley Fitzgerald 07 883 5763 or look on the website and click on the Putaruru location. Arapuni Bowling Club in earlier days. The last celebration was our 60th in 1995 which was a great success, with many old members attending. Te WAIHOU WALKWAY IMPROVEMENTS A new entry path, from the enlarged car-park to the walkway, has been constructed, making the entrance safer for walkers. The celebrations are planned to have as many old members and guests enjoy the day, recalling old memories and catching up with friends who have had involvement with the Club and Arapuni Village. Harness section: Champion: J McGough Reserve champion: J Flintoff Miniature horse section: Supreme champion A: W & T Schroeder Supreme champion B: C & P Meyers Hacks & Ponies: Champion led in horse: T Drinkwater Reserve champion: M Insch Laing Champion pony: M Peart-Anderson Champion ridden horse: D Insch Reserve champion: M A Tylden At the spring end of the walkway, a new toilet block has been built that provides a convenient facility for visitors, especially those coming to the Blue Spring from Lesley Road. Donkey section: Champion: J Mitchell Reserve champion: P & M Van Dijk kids plus literacy coach Give your child the creative edge advantage right here right now... •we can extend your gifted child •coach your slower learner •work individually with your child •develop deep creative skills •encourage self motivation and inquiry [email protected] 0274 80 30 88 Give your child wings... Arapuni Bowling Club today. As some of these people have moved away from the area, (to all parts of New Zealand and overseas), over the years, this will be a great time for them to revisit Arapuni and reminisce. The day will consist of bowls, mixed in with some fun games, speeches by Invited Guests and Members, with Lunch and refreshments to follow. Anybody interested in attending please contact Jim Bain 021 493 022 or Peter Fryer 027 360 4113 WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT AT YOUR PUTARURU RUGBY CLUB? Yes it’s that time of year again! Rugby season is upon us, and at the Putaruru Rugby Club we have been hard at work preparing for the oncoming season. The fields are mowed, the lads are into pre-season training and now it’s time to kick off! The Boys in Action against Tokoroa - a great win it must said! BE PROUD STAND TALL AND PLAY FOR THE ROYAL BLUE AND RED! Club Signage Boards 8 There is an opportunity for businesses wanting to get a sign at the club to do so now! This is due to a high demand from businesses. We are now in the process of commissioning a new signage board that will run parallel to the No.1 Field Try Line. Contact Mike White 027 694 4839 for details. Farmers your support is needed! With the kind support of Ecolab, we have a store credit for product. This could cover your detergent supplies for the balance of the season. Get in touch with Mike White 027 694 4839 to discuss. Donating a Cull Cow to the Club. If you have not donated stock to the PRFC previously, we have run a cull cow fund-raiser annually which we operate over the Summer and Autumn. If you are a farmer and are interested in supporting the Club, please contact Eddie White for further details on 07 883 8942. Rugby Club Hireage Holding an event? Get in touch with us! The Rugby Club is regularly used throughout the year to host, Wedding Receptions, Birthdays, 21st parties, Family Events and Hireage of the grounds. We have also held the Putaruru Better Business Awards at the club. To enquire about hireage, please contact the club through Kimberly Crocker on 027 275 6082. WHAT’S UP? HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW PUTARURU? • extended families enjoying the Water Festival and A&P Show at Glenshea Park - an enhanced WATER FESTIVAL will be on in 2016 • the kids are back at school Where would you find this object? Who would assemble here? Email your details of the location to: [email protected] WHAT’S DOWN? • some advance warning on the nights that roadworks will continue close to the midnight hour, would be good • being so dark in the morning when it’s time to get up MARCH THOUGHTS! • March is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. • March, I’m gonna march you down the aisle... [Calendar Girl, Neil Sedaka] • It can only lead to trouble if you break my heart if you accidentally crush it on the ides of March I’d prefer you were straight forward you don’t have to go through all of that I’m a New York city man, baby, and say “go” and that is that [NYC Man, Lou Reed] Mission Statement: To be Better than Before. Management and Players have set some ambitious goals for the 2015 season and share the vision that Putaruru Rugby Club in the 2015 season will be Better than Before. The result will be better performances out on the park. There is a real sense of pride in what Putaruru Rugby can achieve. Pre-Season Matches! We head up the Coromandel on our Annual Pre Season Camp on the 7th and 8th of March, to play the Tairua RFC. The competition kicks off away from home against Pirongia on the 13th of March, 1:00pm. We would love to have your support this rugby season. Players Wanted All are welcome at the Club, the training schedules have been well structured and are run twice weekly, Tuesday and Thursday, running from 6:15pm until 7:30pm at the Putaruru Rugby Club. Recognition The Club is thankful for all of its Sponsors and supporters, none more so than the ones in this article featuring Tirau Earthmovers. Tirau Earthmovers are long standing supporters - we are proud to call them our major sponsors. If you require any Earthworks, Roading or Demolition, be sure to drop in and see Steve, or contact them on 0800 TEMCON. “Supporting PRFC since ages ago.” Rural Support - Our Farmers! 2014 saw our Biggest Year yet for farmers donating bull calves! We are so grateful to have such a generous rural community sponsoring Bull Calves to the club. THANKYOU! Your Free Tickets and Sponsors Day Invitation will be hitting your mailbox shortly! Would you like to support the Club? Fundraising Initiatives set for 2015: The Rugby Cub is always looking to raise funds through creative ways. This season we will again run a number of great raffles. To be in to win, make sure you make all the home games. Need a great idea for a Present? Entertainment Book - drop in and see Jas and the team at Laser Plumbing to get the 2015 Entertainment Book, stacked with lots of cheap deals, don’t miss out! Our well received PRFC Supporters Hoodies and Singlet’s are back in 2015! Be sure to get your orders in! Become a Social Member in 2015! Membership is $25.00 and includes a gate pass and members draw at all Senior home games. If you wish to become a member, please contact Kimberly Crocker on 027 275 6082 or by email [email protected] To the Sponsors and Supporters - You’re Legends! Players and Management would like to thank the sponsors supporting The Putaruru Rugby Club, their support is greatly appreciated. You will notice their names on the sponsor’s board and on the bill boards across the park. Do support these firms who support your local club rugby. If you would like to follow the Club’s progress throughout the season, go on and ‘like’ the Putaruru Rugby Club Face Book page @ Putaruru Rugby Club. We are looking forward to the 2015 season, and we are certain you will enjoy the fantastic display of aggressive, running rugby that will be on show soon. 9 [Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare] The December Mystery Object was part of wall signage on the Hammer Hardware building in Princes Street. THE SOUTH WAIKATO COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB The squash season is well underway and there is always something exciting for the whole family to enjoy here at Putaruru Squash Club! We have our junior coaching groups each week, our annual Business House league starting up this month and our first major tournament of the year for members, which is our B - J grade tournament 17th - 19th April. The club is looking fantastic with our newly renovated changing rooms and our bar is always stocked up with refreshing beverages for everyone. So keep an eye out for our upcoming events and come on down for a try with the racket or to just chill out with a couple of beers and great company! 10 The South Waikato Country Music Club is holding a concert with proceeds going to the Westpac Helicopter. This is to be held at the Putaruru Plaza on Sunday March 29th starting at 11:00am. There will be singers from many clubs around the Waikato. Entry fee is a gold coin donation, which also gives you afternoon tea. A sausage sizzle will be available at lunchtime at $2 and also tea and coffee. Come and join us for a day of variety and country music and maybe win one of our raffles. JUNIORS Squash coaches are hard to come by around here, lucky for us we still have two local coaches, Sandra Ogle and Rick Cook, who are keen to stay on board and teach our young ones the basic skills of squash. TINY TOTS (5 - 7yrs) Monday afternoons 3:30pm - 4:15pm with Sandra starting 9th February JUNIORS (8 - 1 2yrs) Wednesday afternoons 4:00pm - 5:00pm with Rick starting 18th February SENIORS (13yrs & up) Wednesday afternoons 5:00pm - 6:00pm with Rick starting 18th February All rackets and balls are supplied. Please phone/text Janelle for more information on 021 333 973. LADIES SQUASH Calling all ladies! If you’re at home on Fridays wondering what to do, then come on down to the club for a bit of fun, meet some great people and even get on the court if you wish! There is ladies squash every Friday 12noon - 2:00pm. Members are free, non-members gold coin entry. If you are interested please contact Nicola, 027 734 8010. BUSINESS HOUSE This is one of our most popular leagues throughout the year. Held annually, Business House is made up of teams of four players, with at least one nonmember per team, most teams are from local businesses. If you have not got a team but still want to play, just turn up and we will place you in a team. It’s a great opportunity to try squash out in a social atmosphere with the family or with your work colleagues, and a great chance to meet new people and members of the club. After your game, enjoy a relaxing shower in our newly renovated changing rooms, then grab something tasty from our kitchen. Business House is every Wednesday from 5:30pm starting 25th February and will run through until 27th May. To register a team or for more information please contact one of our club captains, Kim Saunders 021 100 0798 email [email protected] or Grant McKinnon 027 296 3777 email [email protected] B - J GRADE TOURNAMENT This is the clubs first major tournament of the year which will be held over 2 - 3 days, 17th - 19th April. There are cash prizes up for grabs in the open divisions. This draws in many local players as well as players from around the Waikato and Bay of Plenty. The kitchen will be open throughout the tournament with plenty of scrummy food on offer as well as the bar, so feel free to come on down and watch some great squash being played. For more information please contact our club captain Kim 021 100 0798 email [email protected] MEMBERSHIP We welcome anyone into the squash club, as long as you follow the rules. You can play three games with a fellow member, then you must either join as a member, or pay $5 into the honesty box each time. 2015 fees are: Ungraded Junior $50 Graded Junior $80 Ungraded Senior $180 Graded Senior $230 Family Ungraded $400 (2x ungraded seniors + 2 ungraded juniors) Family Graded $500 (2x graded seniors + 2x ungraded juniors) There are payment options available. For more information please contact our membership coordinator Jo, 021 237 9239 [email protected] If you have any queries or would like to know more about anything happening at the club please contact one of our club captains: Kim Saunders 021 100 0798 [email protected] Grant McKinnon 027 296 3777 [email protected] We look forward to seeing some new faces at the club! Antenatal Classes Ideal for all new expecting Parents! 10 Fabulous Reasons to Join PUTARURU PARENTS CENTRE 1. Free Antenatal Classes 2. Playgroup 3. Fabulous bi-monthly Newsletter & Magazine 4. Parent Education Courses 5. 10% Discount at Unichem Pharmacy Putaruru & more Discounts at other local stores 6. Discounted Sheepskins & Woollen Baby Blankets 7. Baby Capsules & Loan Items 8. Wonderful events for everyone & opportunities to meet others 9. A Library with a huge range of wonderful resources 10.Opportunities to learn new skills and be part of a terrific team. Would you like to join? Contact Chrystal on 07 886 7945 for more information, or email [email protected] Come along and check out our weekly Playgroup sessions… Great Activities for the kids… Meet other parents… Visit our amazing library… Fun trips and outings… Make new friends… Have a fun morning out… Area especially for babies… Very informative and useful! O n l y 4 c ou r s e s p e r y e a r , so b e in quick! Classes will be held 16 & 23 May 15 & 22 August 14 & 21November These is now a weekend class, 2 Saturdays 9:00am-3:00ish Register today by phoning Chrystal on 07 886 7945 P L A Y G R O U P Wednesday Mornings (During school term) 9:30am – 11:30am Bridge Clubrooms - Overdale Street Everyone Welcome! Free for members $2 for non-members Baby Capsules These are in excellent condition for a really good price. Our capsules all come with a base and wheels. Phone Jan on 07 883 7229 to book. Join our Committee… Volunteering can be so rewarding… Give it a go today… Meet new people… Learn new skills… Get out of the house… Have heaps of fun! Committee Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm. We would love to have you as part of our team. Come along and help us to run such a valuable and worthwhile organisation. If you’re interested or want to find out more - phone Chrystal on 07 886 7945 PUKEATUA SCHOOL SURF TO SCHOOLS. On Wednesday the 11th the school was buzzing with excitement as two lifeguards Eden and James from Whangamata and Waihi Beach unloaded their gear into the multi-‐ purpose room. They were going to teach us how to be sunsmart this summer, how to recognize a rip and how to get out of one if you get stuck and we also played a few games. The following is a rap that most of the school learnt. SLIP – On a shirt SLOP – On some sunscreen SLAP – On a hat WRAP – On sunglasses SLURP – On water SLIDE – Into the shade STOMP – Into jandals SMEAR – On lip balm or zinc INTRODUCTION Haere Mai and welcome. We have already had a great start to the year. The kids are excited for the upcoming events such as Triathlon, Swimming Sports, Camp in Napier, a Leadership day for the year for the year 7&8 and the whole school is going to Auckland for a very special day at the Volvo around the world yacht race. Leadership Day This Wednesday the 18th the Yr 7&8s in the School are travelling to Albert Park in Te Awamutu for Leadership day. This involves playing games to for positive teamwork. The last years contributors (7&8) came back smiling from ear to ear sharing the good feedback for the day. This year the kids are looking forward to contributing. Volvo Ocean Race On the 4th of March the whole school will be going to Auckland to visit the Volvo around the world yacht race. There is now 6 boats due to arrive in Auckland because one of the boats Team Vestas Wind crashed into a reef near Madagascar. The school is now following team Alvimedica because they have two New Zealanders on board. Triathlon Every year the entire school does a triathlon, Swimming, Cycling and running. The event is held on the schools ground on the 25th of February and only our school participates. Most mornings leading up to Triathlon our Principal Mr Macca sends us to the pool at 9:00 to and run for our practice. Adventully the kids bring their bikes to school to start the practicing the whole thing together. All the kids are excited for the day. Pukeatua School Mission Statement Encouraging Learning in a Safe And Caring Way MALVINA MAJOR: WOODLANDS WORLD OF OPERA This charity concert is being presented at 5:00pm, Sunday March 15th at Woodlands and is organised by Huntly Rotary. This Rotary branch is a small group of very enthusiastic and dedicated people who have seen this as an opportunity to boost our funds which we use to support local and international needs. Presently, we are supporting a young High School student, we have donated funds to Bellyful, an organisation that assists mothers who need help with providing meals for family for whatever reason, such as a new baby, recuperating from illness, in fact for a myriad of reasons - donated new cooking appliances to the Huntly Primary School to aid in the preparation of school breakfasts for their pupils - helped to raise money for Rotary International, providing the vaccine and qualified people to immunise children in third world countries with the aim of total eradication of Polio world wide. Rotary is a non profit Charitable Trust that endeavours to assist with funds or people power where and when ever needed. Tickets for Woodlands World of Opera can purchased from PUKETURUA HISTORY BOOK This 164 page book includes really interesting stories of local families from Puketurua from the pre 1900s, history, photos and lively interesting tales. It’s a great read into a bygone era. Originally published in 1986 for the School Jubilee, it had an update following the school closure in 2003. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy please phone Sally Burnett 07 883 5860 or Carla Bernhard 07 883 3488. Got an event or community function coming up? Email details for the Pride in Putaruru website diary to: [email protected] 11 2015 PRIDE IN PUTARURU WATER FESTIVAL ARTS AND CRAFTS RESULTS 12 One Cupcake Decorated 1st Pre Loren Knight 2nd Pre Nadia Jeffares 1st Yr1-3 Vineta Liaina Canvas - Any Medium 1st Yr4 Rebekah Coop 2nd Yr4 Dhiammara Gillespie 1st Adult Dawn McRae 2nd Adult Te Aroha Watene Loren Knight: Cupcake Vineta Liaina: Cupcake Tylah Willcox: Scrapbook Three Identical Handmade Cards 1st Yr4 Nyssa Sowerby Scrapbook Page 1st Yr4 Rebekah Coop 1st Yr6 Tylah Willcox 1st Adult Heather Coop Moria Lendeh: Stitched Anna Bongers: Knitted Stitched Item 1st Adult Moira Lendeh Knitted Item 1st Adult 2nd Adult Anna Grace Bongers Moira Lendeh Three Identical Cupcakes 1st Yr4 Eleanor Burgoyne-Smith 2nd Yr4 Ruby Ogle 1st Yr5 Conrad Simpson 1st Yr6 Kristian Phillips 2nd Yr6 Michaela Ward 1st Yr7 Georgia Mundell 2nd Yr7 Daley Nicholls 1st Yr8 Jay Henry 2nd Yr8 Greta Simpson 1st Adult Adele Ashton Coloured Mounted Photograph 1st Yr1-3 Thijs Clements 1st Yr4 Ruby Ogle Dhiammara Gillespie 2nd Yr4 3rd Yr4 Sophie Dowd 1st Yr5 Conrad Simpson 1st Yr6 Tylah Willcox 2nd Yr6 Amber Mundell 3rd Yr6 Michaela Ward 1st Yr7 Kyle Corrin 2nd Yr7 Georgia Mundell 3rd Yr7 Amy Todd Ben Bidois 1st Yr8 2nd Yr8 Patrick Burgoyne-Smith 3rd Yr8 Jame Medley 1st Yr 9-11 Courtney Duncan 1st Adult Eddie Gray 2nd Adult Eddie Gray 3rd Adult Eddie Gray Rebekah Coop: Canvas Eleanor Burgoyne-Smith: Cupcakes Rebekah Coop: Canvas Conrad Simpson: Cupcakes 2015 PRIDE IN PUTARURU WATER FESTIVAL ARTS AND CRAFTS RESULTS Black & White Mounted Photograph 1st Yr1-3 Thijs Clements 1st Yr4 Sophie Dowd 1st Yr6 Kristian Phillips 2nd Yr6 Michaela Ward 3rd Yr6 Moses Ogle 1st Yr7 Daley Nicholls James Medley 1st Yr8 2st Yr8 Ben Bidois 1st Yr 9-11 Courtney Duncan 1st Adult Adele Ashton 2nd Adult Te Aroha Watene Tylah Willcox: Colour Photo Ruby Ogle: Colour Photo Conrad Simpson: Colour Photo Ben Bidois: Colour Photo Thijs Clements: Colour Photo Sophie Dowd: B&W Photo Adele Ashton: B&W Photo Fruit and Vegetable Variety Display 1st Yr4 Lucy Barker 2nd Yr4 Bonnie McConnell 1st Yr5 Cisco McConnell Vegetable and Fruit Animal/Figurine Courtney Duncan: B&W Photo 1st Pre Loren Knight 1st Yr3 Will McConnell 2nd Yr3 Vineta Liaina 3rd Yr3 Deacon Chauval-White 1st Yr4 Bonnie McConnell 2nd Yr4 Dhiammara Gillespie 1st Yr5 Cisco McConnell 2nd Yr5 Emma Knight 3rd Yr5 Amber Mundell 1st= Yr6 Tylah Willcox and Sophie Putt Kristian Phillips: B&W Photo 1st Yr8 Patrick Burgoyne-Smith 1st Adult Te Aroha Watene Decorated Cake 1st Yr1-3 1st Yr5 1st Yr7 1st Adult Jay Henry: Cupcakes Thijs Clements: B&W Photo 13 Nellie Jeffares Emma Knight Kyle Corrin Heather Coop Vegetable: Large and Best 1st Yr4 Texas Henare Will McConnell: Veg/Fruit Figurine Bonnie McConnell: Veg/Fruit Figurine Heather Coop: Decorated Cake School Lunch-boxes 1st Yr1-3 Vineta Liaina 1st Yr4 Texas Henare 2nd Yr4 Eleanor Burgoyne-Smith 3rd Yr4 Lucy Barker 1st Yr5 Conrad Simpson 1st Yr6 Caleb Barker 1st Yr8 Greta Simpson 2nd Yr8 Jay Henry After School Snack 1st Yr4 Bonnie McConnell 2nd Yr4 Eleanor Burgoyne-Smith 1st Yr5 Cisco McConnell 1st Yr5 Emma Knight 1st Yr6 Moses Ogle 1st Yr8 Patrick Burgoyne-Smith 2nd Yr8 Jay Henry James Medley: B&W Photo Vineta Liaina: Lunchbox Hannah Putt: Decorated Cake Kyle Corrin: Decorated Cake Conrad Simpson: Lunchbox Sophie Putt: Veg/Fruit Figurine Texas Henare: Lunchbox Tylah Willcox: Veg/Fruit Figurine PUTARURU THEATRE PLAYERS NEXT PRODUCTION 15 Putaruru Theatre Players next production is a Youth Theatre Show. Cast members will be aged 10 years and older. It will be directed by Rachel Harper with Musical Director, Tina Ward. Olivia, by Malcolm Sircom. You may think this is a typing error but no, you will see a strong similarity to the well known show Oliver! The beginning of 2015 sees some wonderful concerts and events at the Plaza. Here is a synopsis of the show: NZ Chamber Soloists Sunday 15th March 2:30pm, Adults $30, Students Free The South Waikato Music Society starts its concert series for 2015 with the return of the NZ Chamber Soloists from the University of Waikato. This brilliant and innovative show, set in Victorian times, traces the steps of Olivia, from downtrodden orphan to star of the stage. On her journey to the bright lights of London, she is befriended by Eliza Doolittle (from My Fair Lady) and, after a series of adventures becomes a singer in a new Gilbert and Sullivan show, thanks to the unlikely assistance of Fagin and The Artful Dodger. The internationally acclaimed trio of Katherine Austin (piano), James Tennant (cello) and Amalia Hall (violin), will present a programme including Beethoven and Rachmaninoff. Eliza and the flower-sellers are joined by other major female roles, and with orphans, ‘Poor School’ girls. lyrical, and full of gusto. Central Kids Glenshea Wearable Arts Extravaganza 2015 Friday March 20th at 6:00pm, $5 per person, Pre-schoolers Free Door sales available on the night, cash only. [See the advert on Page 17.] Phone 07 883 8503 to purchase tickets. The boys, however, are not overlooked, with splendid cameos for George Bernard Shaw, Ebenezer Scrooge, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. This feel-good show abounds with Malcolm Sircom's wellknown wit and humour, both in the script and the songs which are catchy, Movie Screening 22nd March at 2:00pm Belle Based on a true story of love that defied convention. Dido Elizabeth Belle, (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), is the illegitimate mixed race daughter of Royal Navy Admiral John Lindsay, (Matthew Goode). Raised by her great uncle Lord Mansfield, (Tom Wilkinson), Belle’s lineage affords her certain privileges, yet the colour of her skin prevents her from fully participating in the traditions of her social standing. Left to wonder if she will ever find love, Belle Since 1 884 our school falls for an idealistic young vicar’s son bent on change who, with her help, has s erved t he L ichfield shapes Lord Mansfield’s role as Lord Chief Justice to end slavery in England. “Fantastic for cast and audience. The best show I've directed; better than Joseph,”said the Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond, North Yorkshire. This Production will be on stage from 29th April to 3rd May at the Kensington Theatre. Tickets will go on sale early April from Van Dyks. We look forward to seeing you there for a fabulous night of entertainment. Hei akoranga -‐ i naianei, apopo, mo ake tonu Serving t he c ommunity s ince atu! 1884 Lichfield Learners start the 2015 year! Ph 078836816 [email protected] Lichfield School is a small rural school of around 80 pupils. The School is one of the first schools established in the South Waikato area, we date back to 1884! Today we can boast being a modern, well-equipped school, right up to play with information technology and learning! Lichfield School’s Vision is Learning - today , tomorrow , always! If there is one thing we know about life, it is that every minute of every day we are learning, no matter if we are one day old or 90 years old. Our vision points out that all members of our school learning community are lifelong learners! Since 1884 our school has served the Lichfield community. We continue to preserve our history by cataloguing and caring for items of interest to our community. If you would like to look at our collection please visit us. If you have anything of historical interest, please consider donating it to the school. We w ill add it to our diverse collection. Karen Care i s the teacher of Room 1. Room 1 has our youngest pupils, Year 1. Indira Hodges is the teacher of Room 2. Room 2 has our Year 2 pupils. community. We continue to pYOUTH reserve our history PUTARURU ST JOHN GROUP by cataloguing and caring for items of Putaruru St John Youth have temporarily relocated to the St Aidan’s interest to our Presbyterian Church Hall on Overdale community. If you Street. would Activity times are Wednesday from 6:15pm to 8:00pm, for all of the first term. like to look at our collection please visit us. If you are in years 1 toIf 13 at school, you are warmly invited to visit your local you have anything of St John Group and take part. Stinterest John is pfor boys and girls between 5.5 years historical lease and 18.5 years. Parents are most welcome consider donating it to also. the school. We will add it We have 4 categories:to our diverse collection. Penguins: school years 1-3 Green: school years 3 - 6 REGULAR EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY Bible-‐in-‐schools -‐Tuesdays @ 12.25pm Kapahaka -‐ Wednesdays @ 11:45am House Time -‐ Fridays @ 11:45am Assembly -‐ Fridays @ 2:00pm Term 1 Term 2 2015 Term dates 2 February to 2 April (Waitangi Day 6 February, Good Friday 3 April) 20 April to 3 July (ANZAC Day 27 April, Queens Birthday 1 June, Putaruru Schools Teacher only Day 12 June) Blue: school years 8 - 10 2014 Term dates Gold: school years 11 - 13 Monday, 3 February 2014 Term 1fun starts St John offer young people and friendship, while they develop leadership 17 April 2self 014 confidence, self esteem, self and life skills, togetherThursday, with increased Term 1 ends reliance, self respect. Monday, 5 May 2014 Term 3 20 July to 25 September Term 4 12 O ctober to 16 December (Labour Day 26 O ctober) Coming up …. Tina Biddick is the teacher of Room 4. Room 4 has o ur Year 5 & 6 pupils. Putaruru Schools TRYathlon (Wed. 25 February), Putaruru Schools Swimming Competition (Thurs. 5 March), Lichfield School Swimming Sports (Wed. 11 March). A great suggestion for Mother’s Day. The long-running and much-loved tribute show Queen - It’s A Kinda Magic will tour throughout New Zealand with it’s updated production and brand new international cast. Recreating Queen’s 1986 World Tour concert, Queen - It’s a Kinda Magic features all of the band’s greatest hits performed live, including We Will Rock You, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are the Champions and Fat-Bottomed Girls. Painstaking attention has been paid to all the music - the iconic voice of Mercury, the amazing guitar solos of May and the ground breaking Rock harmonies. And with state-of-the-art sound, lighting and authentic costumes, this is as close as you’ll ever get to the real thing. In fact the show is good enough to have attracted the attention, endorsement and eventual involvement of Peter Freestone, Freddie Mercury’s personal assistant and best friend for 12 years. Tickets available from The Plaza, iSITE’s Putaruru and Tokoroa and The Story Teller Matamata. $39 per person. SOME PLAZA DATES FOR YOUR DAIRY Sunday 15th March: The South Waikato Music Society at 2:30pm Friday 20th March: Central Kids Glenshea Wearable Arts Extravaganza at 6:00pm Sunday 22nd March: Movie Screening BELLE at 2:00pm Sunday 29th March: Free County Music concert at the Plaza [See the article on Page 10.] Saturday 25th April: 100 Years ANZAC Civic Service at 9:00am Above: Joanne White helps younger members with emergency phone call procedures. Below: Craig White demonstrates the correct way to turn. Term 2 starts Our training programmes are available for any adult who wishes to join our team. A Blast from the Past … 2014 Year 6! Henri Ong i s the teacher of Room 3. Room 3 has our Year 3 & 4 pupils. QUEEN - IT’S A KINDA MAGIC CONCERT: May 10th $39 Per Person Friday, 4 July 2014 Term 2 ends For further information please call 07 883 7132 Craig and Joanne White. Monday, 21 July 2014 3 starts PUTARURU DIARYTerm DATES FOR 2015 Friday, 26 September 2014 Term 3 ends th •Business Awards: Saturday Monday, 13 October 17 2014 October Term 4 starts Tuesday, 16 December 2014 •Christmas Parade: Friday 4th December •Quackers in May: Saturday 23rd of May COPY DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT PRATTLER FRIDAY MARCH 27th for APRIL PUTARURU LIONS Putaruru Lions members have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather, some out fishing, visiting friends and family and a few members working through the Christmas period. We have now started organising for a busy 2015. On Friday 13th February Lions members were collecting for the “Heart Foundation” outside of Countdown and also walking the Business area with collection buckets. All members throughout the Waikato and BOP areas have been asked again to help with “Balloons over Waikato,” that is taking place on Wednesday 26th to Friday 29th of March. This is a big event and the Putaruru Lions are helping with raffles, security, and assisting balloonists at Innis Common, Hamilton. Last year $32,000 was raised for The Waikato BOP Cancer Societies Lions Lodge. This year funds will be split evenly between The Ronald Mc Donald Family Retreat and Waikato BOP Cancer Society. Saturday night with the “Night Glow” at the Waikato University will need approximately 200 Lions Members to help. This event is Lions biggest role. Hot weather has seen us put a roster in place to water and weed the flower pots in Main Street. Filling large bottles and containers and complete with garden tools, we are well underway. It is always pleasing to get a smile, wave or toot from passing residents. Traveling over the last few weeks, and passing a bad road accident, I was reminded how much we owe our Fire Department and Ambulance Services. Volunteers give up so much at a moments notice to serve our community. A Big Thank You. Lions are a very sociable group, on Monday 26th January we enjoyed joining Tirau Lions Club for a Dinner Meeting. We had a wonderful night of fellowship and an excellent meal. Thanks to Tirau Lions for your hospitality. If you are interested in joining our Club, getting involved with other Lions, having fun working to help our community, call Elaine Mitchell 07 883 7134. The Putaruru Lions wishing everyone a Happy and Safe New Year. PUTARURU SCHOOL OF MUSIC ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN 16 All schools in the Putaruru District have enrolment forms for the 2015 school year. The Putaruru School of Music is continuing to offer low cost tuition in the following instruments, Brass, Electronic Keyboard, Guitar, Flute and Recorder. Classes are held on Monday afternoons at Putaruru College and the fee for most instruments is $70 per year. The School of Music has some instruments available for students to learn on, particularly brass. Any inquiries phone Leah Butler-Haumaha pictured with Richard Heslop and Adrienne Bell. Patricia Niland 07 883 1181. RECENT CHANGES AROUND TOWN Are you a new business in Putaruru? Has some feature of your business changed? Are you offering new services? Email details to The Prattler for this free notification service: [email protected] 17 March Sunday 15th Putaruru Street Markets on Princes Street 9:00am - 12 noon. Thursday 26th Monthly Club Quiz Night. Register teams by 7:15pm. 4 per team. $10 per team. Friday 27th Last day to place an order at the club for Anzac T Shirts. April Monday 7th Anzac T Shirts will be available to purchase. $20 per T Shirt. Sunday 19th Putaruru Street Markets on Princes Street 9:00am - 12 noon. Saturday 25th Anzac service Breakfast - $5 per person. After the Civil Service at the Plaza there will be morning tea available - gold coin donation. th Thursday 30 Monthly Club Quiz Night. Register teams by 7:15pm. 4 per team. $10 per team. PUTARURU HOTEL UPDATE It has been a slow road with the Putaruru Hotel. The building is certainly showing her age in some areas, but slowly and surely things are being tidied up. It is a long term project, not an overnight quick fix. On the 30th November last year the School of Music held its annual prize giving and recital. Major Prize Winners were: Recorder Beginner/Most Improved: Heidi Baldwin Recorder Best in Class: Charlotte Poole Keyboard Beginner/Most Improved: Ruby Robertson Keyboard Best in Class (Keown Trophy): Leah Butler-Haumaha Brass Best Effort (Toos Habraken Memorial Trophy): Pierce Winter Brass Best in Class: Pierce Winter Guitar Beginner/Most Improved: Shaya Shine Medina Guitar Best in Class: Shaya Shine Medina Flute Beginner/Most Improved: Jessica Hale Flute Best in Class: Imogen Poole Lions Trophy (Most outstanding student): Charlotte Poole (Recorder) Haumaha Family Trophy (X factor student): Charles Winter (Recorder) Larsen Trophy (Best Senior Student): Leah Butler-Haumaha (Keyboard) David Bell Scholarship: Cameron Bartley (Guitar) Gairdner Cup (Best 1st year student): Jessica Hale (Flute) Heslop Family Trophy (Best overall music student): Leah Butler-Haumaha (Keyboard) PUTARURU DISTRICT SERVICES MEMORIAL CLUB The large compost dump at the back of the building has been removed and the site now is flat and levelled. The new signage is on the outside of the building and looks great! The Public Bar is fully operational and getting good patronage. The backpacker accommodation is being well utilised as well, and the Hotel rooms are still being upgraded. We will shortly have Wi-Fi in the Hotel rooms as well as TV’s. This will certainly add to the appeal. ROADING UPGRADE There has been continual action on the upgrade to Tirau Road at the Northern end of the Putaruru 50kph zone leading up to the bridge. Above: The difference in road levels is clear here. Below: Long queues often stretch back into town. Nearby residents certainly know there are substantial earthworks in place that sometimes continue to the midnight hour. Our restaurant, the Te Waihou Bistro is certainly being well received with visitors coming from all over the Waikato to enjoy the unique cuisine that Chef Logan Murray is presenting. Logan spent four weeks over summer down in Arrowtown at the renown Saffron Restaurant, and has come back to Putaruru full of new ideas and flavour combinations. Customers are certainly writing positive reviews about the style of food and the overall restaurant experience, and saying it was not they would expect in Putaruru. Our function rooms will be available for hire from the 1st of March, so we look forward to getting that component of the business functional. The Putaruru Hotel will be slowly but surely upgraded and refreshed over the next two to three years, and become a star attraction and destination for Putaruru. PUTARURU ROTARY CLUB Our meetings are held fortnightly and we have enjoyed supporting and trying out our local eateries as venues for these. We continue to seek donations of used vehicle/machine batteries. Contact Martin on 07 883 5630 to arrange for battery collection. This is a valuable fund-raiser for the club with all money raised by recycling batteries going back into the community through Putaruru Rotary Club projects. We always welcome interested people who are keen to get involved in helping our community. Are you interested in joining us in helping your community? Our meetings are fortnightly. Ring Boele 021 506 286 for further information on meeting times. BRIDGE BABE TUTORS AT PUTARURU AND TOKOROA BRIDGE CLUBS bridge. Don’t be like me and think it’s a game for old folks and If you had said to me a few years ago I would be hooked by a game of cards, I would have laughed in your face. Bridge? Visions of Hyacinth Bouquet and a pink rinse brigade appeared before my eyes. But my friend was keen to go, and two of my closest friends near my age urged me to try, and every time my window cleaner arrived, he extolled the virtues of the game. So I thought I would go along to the lessons at the local Bridge Club with a vague notion that I might acquire a social skill. As I signed on for my ten weeks I was somewhat bemused. For goodness sake - how long can it take to learn a card game? My dad had taught me cribbage as a child in one afternoon, and I was fully proficient by the following evening. As the weeks progressed, my eyes were opened. This was a step up from Snap! This was a step up from 500. This was a different world where I had to force myself to concentrate for every minute of every lesson to grasp even the very basics of the game. First there would be theory, then practical, with hands of cards made up so that we could apply the theory we had just learned. This transition from theory to practical was often impossible, and even with the cards fixed and loaded so that I could achieve my contract, I would still have routinely failed had not my teacher been observing and giving me his regular comment of, “I wouldn’t play that one if I were you Jane...” And so it went on. 18 Hyacinth Bouquet wannabes. Yes, there are members double my age - and they are better bridge players than me, sharper than me, with a better mental arithmetic capability than me, and they regularly wipe the floor with me. If your ego can withstand being pummelled to a pulp by an octogenarian, you will find they are also encouraging, friendly, and you will learn a lot from them. You certainly do not have to be old to enjoy this game. If you once played cards as a child and enjoyed it, and the last time I could remember playing was in my teens, then you would probably enjoy Bridge. Do give it a try. The lessons are free and entertaining - so you really have nothing to lose, and you might, like me, end up hooked. Lessons begin on Tuesday 21 April at 7:00pm at the Putaruru Bridge Club Rooms at 3 Overdale Street, opposite the Library and on Wednesdays at 10:00am in Tokoroa. Enquiries to Jane Stearns 07 827 6061 or email [email protected] or the Putaruru Club President, Eileen Barker, 078831839 or 0274163165. More details on lessons can be found on the clubs joint website at st TE WHAREKURA O TE KAOKAOROA O PATETERE .... Whangai te iti kahurangi .... H E A D L I N E S : F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 Upcoming Events Bring on 2015 A BIG thank you to the Board of Trustees who have donated bucket hats to all year 5 to year 13 students as part of keeping ourselves safe from the heat of the sun when we are outside playing. Swimming Mondays & Wednesdays. Our junior students received their bucket hats last year so we should all feel protected when outside having fun. 26th Feb School Swimming sports 4th Mar Secondary schools Ki o Rahi On top of this, each class has been through the wharenui to collect their Back to school stationery packs which are fully subsodized each year by the Board of Trustees. Nga mihi nui ki te Poari o Te Wharekura. 2015 Student Leaders Thank-you to everybody who attended a wonderful prizegiving at the end of last year. It was standing room only as we celebrated our many achievements at kura. The leadership team for 2015 follows; Heads of Kura: Bradey Toetoe & Angel Whare Academic Prefects: Cartryte Hemana & Ramarihi Ngere Cultural Prefects: Javahn Amopiu & Gabriel Anderson Sports Prefects: Bradey Toetoe & Angel Whare School Council: Tamatea Ngapo-Lipscombe, Kjahn Senior, Terea Kaitai, Ashanti Tahitahi, Maia Armstrong, Te Kawa Paora, Pania Morrison, Kauri Tepana, Manaia Morrison, Te Pua A Wai Jefferies-Dalgleish, Ahumai Kingi, Cahrydge Hemana, Sharni Kelly. Sanket Patel and his whanau at K Beez on Princes Street in Putaruru have very generously surprised us this year with a huge koha. They have thoughtfully decided to give us a different food item each term. This term it is bread each day to help out with breakfast! So we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the whanau at K Beez, this will really help out in the wharekai. To my delight, at the end of the Bridge year, my efforts were rewarded when I won the Best New Player of the Year award. A small trophy of which I am immensely proud stands on my dresser. Truth be told, some of my classmates were much better than me, but I am guessing the committee must also award points for the ‘attempting to triumph through adversity when so obviously handicapped’ category, as well as skill, and it is so nice to be recognised for ‘trying.’ I decided to brave it into the serious night of bridge for a three week session to play with the ‘big guns.’ Needless to say, we sank without trace on our first week, finishing bottom, and then some. A whole new game emerged, and frankly we would have had more luck trying to bid for the clock on the wall of the club rooms than our failed attempts to bid for a contract that night with cards. Everyone appeared to know who held which cards, except for me. The only time I was confident of what my partner had in his hand that night was when he nipped to the loo. But we went back, and managed to come third the next week, and the joy of this result was probably out of all proportion to the actual achievement - but boy it felt good. It is my pleasure to be taking the lessons at the Putaruru and Tokoroa Bridge Clubs in 2015. What I lack in skill I make up for with enthusiasm and I promise to inspire my students into learning the best game of cards ever, School Leaders Dinner 20th Feb Y1-4 Waikato Rivers trails Immunisations 5th Mar Interschool swimming sports 6th Mar Y1-4 Mitai Trip Y5-6 School of Zen 9th Mar Poukai ki Parawera (Y1-4) 11th Mar Waikato Ki o Rahi Meet the teachers Top: Head of school & Prefects Above: Head of school with year 9 school council members. Bottom left: Year 7 & 8 School council members Bottom right: Year 11 School council members 16th Mar Assessment week 25th Mar Y1-4 Waiouru Trip 27th Mar Y1-4 Orakau trip 31st Mar Manu Korero a Kura 1st Apr Y1-4 Rewards Trip 2nd Apr Last day of term 1 3rd Apr Good Friday Contact Information House Leaders: TAUTOKO: Javahn Amopiu & Angel Whare MANAAKI: Cartryte Hemana & Gabriel Anderson MAHITAHI: Nikera Cherrington & Parekura Baker PONO: Bradey Toetoe & Ramarihi Ngere PUTARURU CCTV CAMERAS The Putaruru CCTV cameras have been in place for a number of years now and have been a useful investigative and preventative tool for the Police. Most people are aware of the cameras and their locations and this has gone some way to ensuring that the safety of people in public places is enhanced and the chances of being caught committing crimes is significantly higher in these locations. COPY DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT PRATTLER FRIDAY MARCH 27th for APRIL 18th Feb Y9-13 Te Waihou Good news at the wharekai A good time is always on the cards. At the end of our lessons, we were welcomed into the Bridge Club and to the social bridge sessions. We were told we would complete each hand of bridge in seven minutes. My previous record prior to first night at Bridge Club - half an hour. It’s a long time since I have been so nervous of anything, but sitting down on that first club night, I found to my horror that my hands were shaking as I picked up my first set of cards. To my relief I found I had a weak hand so would not have to say anything for the first game, and I drew a very wobbly, shaky little line to show I was passing. And so my bridge life began. I was assigned a ‘buddy’ to look after me. A good friend who had urged me to come, stepped forward bravely. A true test of our friendship then followed, as I regularly bid incorrectly, played the wrong cards, dumped her in impossible contracts to try and make the best of, and made the same mistake at least six times before it sunk in what I was doing wrong. But my ‘buddy’ and the majority of members were very kind, understanding and encouraging. Enough so that I would keep going back, and try again. 19 Still images from a CCTV camera in Putaruru. The incidents of public place violence has decreased since the cameras were in place, the reassurance and public safety factor is very important and assists in reducing crime, therefore reducing the amount of re-victimisation. A number of crimes have been solved over the years, we have had assaults caught on camera, we have reviewed footage to see people loitering in town prior to and after burglaries, that have resulted in arrests. We have been able to use the cameras to direct staff to wanted persons and vehicles that are present in town or are passing through. Another benefit of the cameras that is worth further investment is that we have all of the main thoroughfares covered allowing us to review footage to assist other towns in crime investigations. Serious crimes have been committed elsewhere and we have managed to track vehicles travelling through Putaruru. The cameras are a valuable asset and something that needs continued maintenance and investment to ensure an added ability to prevent and to investigate crime. Currently Pride in Putaruru is seeking information about upgrades to the Putaruru CCTV system. Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O Patetere A Charles Crescent, Putaruru P 117 Buckland St, Putaruru, 3411 PH (07) 883 3780 FX (07) 883 3784 E-M [email protected] !!!!! !!!!!!!! ! ! Welcoming new families T he n ew T erm h as sta rte d very we ll at St Mary’ s with a large n u mb er o f p rog ra mme s alread y un d erw ay. Cricke t Wo rld Cu p F ever is gripp in g t he Sc ho ol. Ou r fu tu re Blac k Ca ps in a ction ! Our AGM will be on: 30th March at the Toy Library. This is an enjoyable committee to be part of and new members are needed as we enter our 23rd year. Sw im ming is in fu ll sw ing with Swimm in g F it ne ss bef ore sch o ol fo r the co mp eten t swim mers; lea rn to swim at lu nc ht im e fo r t he Ju n io rs an d th e n orma l sw immin g lesso ns d uring th e sch oo l day f o r th e d iffe ren t classro om s. St ud en ts are ma king th e mo st o f th e fin e we ath er a nd th e p oo l a s th ey p rep are fo r the Swimm in g Spo rts later in t he m on th . F rid ay Sp orts T ime – A W inn er T he c la sses h ave resu med th eir u su al sp orts h ou r on Frida y afte rn o on . A n ew g ame in ven ted by o ne of t he stu de nt s c alle d sh ap es an d in volving wo rkin g in te ams to fo rm d if feren t sh ape s, h as b een p op ular. !!! ! Need tyres? Call us now. Whatever it is you need, you’ll receive our best price, service and care. Tyres Puncture repair Wheel alignment Wheel balancing ! ! St ud ent s e njoying a ct ivi tie s in t he p ool in pr ep ar ati on for t he Sw imm ing Sp or ts . WAOTU PUKETURUA GARDEN CIRCLE Waotu Puketurua Garden Circle began the year with visits to 3 local gardens. Our March outing will be to 2 large country gardens in the Matangi district. Putaruru Tyres t tS an rch Me PUTARURU COLLEGE FILM FRAME SEQUENCE y Martin Dr zie en ck Ma We recommend: St on int ns Ke St nd la St ck le Bu da er Ov The correct sequence of the frames from the December question is revealed below. The Putaruru Woodcrafters Club held another successful Wood turning Collaboration in January at Putaruru College. The public were invited to the Check out this film and others at open day on January 10th and a steady stream of people visited. rr 1 Dr 103 Tirau St, Putaruru. Ph: 883 7496. St Ha In Religious Education, students are thinking about how they can help others in preparation for Lent. Students from Room 4 are pictured above, with the food items they have contributed to the Food Bank basket this week. PUTARURU WOODTURNING COLLABORATION Come along to the Toy Library, (opposite the Bunnings’ entrance.) Open Tuesdays: 9:00am - 11:00am and Fridays: 12:00noon - 2:00pm. We have an amazing array of toys and games. You can borrow toys for a 2 week period. Great for your children’s education and entertainment. New members always welcome. I n th e first we ek o f th e T erm , th e S cho o l h eld a sp ecial Mass in th e Ch urch to pray fo r a h app y term. At t his Mas s o u r sc ho o l lea ders ! a nd Fa th er J on es receive d th eir b ad ges p res ent ed t he n ew f amilies with a can dle. Ou r Sch o ol L ead ers f or 20 15 20 St ret rga Ma ! ! ! ! !!! Great Start to the School Year at St Mary’s TOY LIBRARY 2015: PLAY IS THE WAY Tir au ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!! ! 20 Tirau St ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 St Neal WORKSHOP: BEING THE BOSS OF WORD PROCESSING PROGRAMMES 7585_BDS BTC Puaruru Business flyer_v3b.indd 1 19/09/12 11:34 AM A short series of free interactive workshops is available that focus on how to best layout your text and graphics for a publication such as The Prattler. Come along and learn, enjoy fellowship, be amazed by the expertise of others. Enquiries to Judith: 07 8835 630. DISNEY FILM CREW COMING The whole Putaruru College Hall was alive with action. A very successful public auction was held on the last afternoon. The Club wishes to thank the South Waikato District Council for their continued support of this event. The Putaruru Woodcrafters Club meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm in the club rooms at the Timber Museum. Got an event or community function coming up? Email details to the Pride in Putaruru website diary to: [email protected] There is a Disney Film Crew coming to Putaruru to film scenes for a remake of the movie, Pete’s Dragon. The advance crew has already been out and about exploring the area. Filming will involve lots of trucks and extra people in and around the town. This will be good for Putaruru businesses. The main actors are not staying locally but many of the crew are. Pete’s Dragon will blend live action and CGI to tell the story of the special bond between an orphaned boy, Pete, and his best friend, Elliott, who just happens to be a dragon. No prior skills are required and these relaxed workshops will encourage success through creative problem solving using any laptop or desk-based computer. Enrolling with a friend is an ideal way to join these workshops. Learn how you can take control of text and graphics rather than your word-processing program making these personal decisions for you! These free interactive sessions are run by Mike who has conducted adult workshops in a variety of communication literacy methods at schools, conferences and seminars in New Zealand. If you have a background in typing, learn why a computer is not a typewriter! Tame your word processing program to do what you want with it, not the other way round. Mike, digitally painted by a 5 year old. For details and times, (arranged to suit), leave a message with your contact number on 027 4 803088 or email [email protected] @ JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION The accommodation with the best Trip Adviser reviews in the South Waikato! Some guest comments: •a great place for families •we used your ensuite ideas for our new home •a refuge in our time of stress •appreciated your DVD, music and book selection 9 Junction Street, Putaruru 07 883 3377 HAVE YOUR SAY... ON COUNCIL’S LONG TERM PLAN 22 The LTP will be available for consultation from 18th March to 20th 23 April. Any person or organisation can make a submission telling Council what they would like to see for the district for the next 10 years. The range of Council activities, services, projects and assets is wide and varied. We regulate dogs, manage landfills, maintain roads, provide libraries, support economic development, hold events, and much more. In order to do all of this as efficiently and effectively as possible we have to plan. One of our main plans is the Long Term Plan (LTP) which looks out 10 years at what projects we are doing, the costs and how we’re going to pay for them. Wow what a fantastic start we’ve had to our new school year – we are all so happy to be back at school after the long hot summer holidays. We have started our swimming lessons and every child is really enjoying a cool d ip in the middle of the day. In celebration of such good behaviour over the first week all our students participated in Green Day where for one hour they are able to choose from the wide variety of activities offered to them in our school. Art&& Ddrawing Art rawing Sand play Council reviews its LTP every three years. The 2015 - 25 LTP is a long document and contains detailed budgets for the next 10 years. To make it easier for our community we are also producing a shorter consultation document that includes our strategic direction, key projects and changes and asks questions we want your feedback on. Outdoor play and gardening. Computer play Swimming, water play and riding bikes. PUTARURU ROTARY EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Two young men from Putaruru have been awarded major scholarships for 2015 by the Putaruru Rotary Education Trust. They are Connor Gullett and John Motion, both of whom have demonstrated enthusiasm and a drive to succeed in their particular areas. John has already begun a two year long course in 3D animation at the South Pacific TV and Film School in Auckland. He is one of only 17 people to be accepted on the course. He is keen and excited about his course and absolutely committed to a career in the media. He has already enjoyed considerable success in this area as a key member of the Putaruru College team which won the secondary schools’ Fair Go Ad Awards in 2012 and a number of other awards at national level since then. John grew up in Putaruru and completed all his schooling here. Connor is training to be a paramedic and is about to begin the third year of a Health Sciences degree at AUT in Auckland. He grew up in Putaruru, completed his primary schooling here and attended John Paul College in Rotorua. He currently has a holiday job at Rangiura Home. He has greatly enjoyed the practical aspects of his training such as working on ambulance crews. Connor has a proven record of success and real commitment to health care. In addition, four other students also received smaller amount of money to assist them in their studies. They were Shannon McGregor, Alana McConnell, Katelyn Schick and Alex Zhi Zhang. Shannon, Alana and Katelyn are embarking on teacher training at early childhood, primary and secondary levels and Alex is going to Otago University to study commerce. The trustees were greatly encouraged to see that all these young people, who have grown up in Putaruru, were so confident, positive and keen to do well in their study and careers. The Putaruru Rotary Education Trust was set up by the Putaruru Rotary Club in 1992 to provide assistance to young people from the Putaruru district in undertaking tertiary education. Assistance is given not only to top academic students but also to those who have demonstrated a determination to succeed and who might have a particular need of assistance. Over the years many thousands of dollars have been allocated to a wide range of young people who have gone on to achieve notable success. Each year one or two main scholarships are awarded and smaller amounts are given to other applicants. You can contact our Strategic Policy Planner on 0800 DRAFTS (0800 372 387), get in touch with your local Councillor or phone Council on 07 885 0340. Council needs to make sure that we are financially responsible and that we future-proof our assets and services. We have to balance affordability with the need to grow and enhance our district, facilities and services. We consider demographics, the economy, legislative requirements, amongst many other factors. It is also our job to look at the strategic issues facing the district. These include but are not limited to: • Declining population, aging population and fewer jobs - how do we stimulate economic development, continue to afford services with a declining ratepayer base and cater for an aging community? • Council focus - there are several activities and services that we are legislated to do, such as animal control, environmental health, waste management and others but there are also a large number of activities and services that we are expected to do, services that provide leisure, social and cultural richness to our community. What should we do? What shouldn’t we do? • Land use and water quality - both regionally and nationally there are concerns over the availability of water. In some areas of the district, water is ‘fully allocated,’ making it increasingly difficult for new forestry to dairy farm conversions to happen and for businesses that use a lot of water to establish in our district; and ever-increasing costs and issues with water quality compounds this. Should we play a more proactive role in the field of water allocation and quality? Copies of the full plan and consultation document will be available at the Council offices, all libraries, the SW Indoor Pool and the Sport and Events Centre. They will also be available on our website: - click on the Our Council tab - then the Consultation tab. Submission forms will be enclosed in both documents and there will be an online submission form on our website. We will also be holding public meetings across the district - details are below. All public meetings will start at 7:00pm. Date Monday 23rd March th Wednesday 25 March Thursday 26th March Monday 30th March st Tuesday 31 March Town Tokoroa Tīrau Putaruru Arapuni Atiamuri Venue SW Sport & Events Centre Tīrau Hall The Plaza Arapuni Hall Upper Atiamuri Hall Kerry Fabrie: Communications Manager, Executive Group, South Waikato District Council, Torphin Crescent, Tokoroa 3420 Telephone: 07 885 0720 Fax: 07 885 0718 Mobile: 027 447 2664 Our VISION: Healthy people thriving in a safe, vibrant and sustainable community. YOGA AND RELAXATION CLASSES For beginners and beyond: Wednesdays, 11:00am to 12:30pm and Thursdays, 6:00pm to 7:30pm above The Crazy Cow. Contact Michelle on 07 883 2807. KIAIDO RYU MARTIAL ARTS All ages welcome at the Hodderville Gym, Mondays 6:00pm to 7:30pm -‐ Contact D’Arcy or Michelle on 07 883 2807. 2014 NCEA High Achievers Congratulations to the students above. From left: Shannon McGregor, Conon Brolly, Brittany King and Katelyn Schick who all achieved NCEA Level 3 Endorsed with Merit, Melanie Crosbie who achieved NCEA Level 2 Endorsed with Merit and Liz Stegen who achieved NCEA Level 1 Endorsed with Merit. Nelson Block Upgrade Work began on the renovation of the Nelson Block early in January. The top level is being removed and the bottom level will be totally refurbished. It is expected to be complete at the end of Term 2, and we are all very excited to see the progress COPY DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT PRATTLER FRIDAY MARCH 27th for APRIL 24 BUSINESS AFTER 5 THINKING FORWARD FOR PUTARURU In February, a meeting between Visitor Solutions, Council Representatives and Pride in Putaruru members was held at the Plaza. Earlier in the day a team of two from Visitor Solutions walked around the business areas of Putaruru gathering impressions about what they saw and heard. The purpose of the meeting was to move forward from the submission Pride in Putaruru made to the South Waikato District Council for special funding earlier in the year and the subsequent response from the council to engage in moving forward dialogue. This initial meeting allowed Visitor Solutions to ask questions and make comments, rather than produce a completed plan. It was thought that targeting those who are not stopping in Putaruru should be a first priority. To achieve this means putting a value proposition in front of drivers that makes them want to stop. Once this is happening, we can then focus on how we get even more people stopping. The present water feature area by the roundabout is still an ideal location for an engaging feature and Visitor Solutions felt that having a icon like many other towns would be like using a model from the past - there are many such examples in New Zealand. They suggested that a feature for the future should be engaging and interactive. It needs to be like a paid employee working for Putaruru. The Pride in Putaruru, SWDC submission in 2014 was based on developing a concept plan and an engaging, interactive feature. At the February meeting, Visitor Solutions strongly reinforced the idea of developing a Putaruru plan and exploring an interactive feature as key initial steps. Visitor Solutions suggested that this three way dialogue continues in a planned strategic way. We want to be the best service town in the South Waikato. Putaruru should be open to change, but we need a clearly established fixed starting position. The first stepping stone is the planning - we all agree with that. PUTARURU LADIES BREAKFAST A message last week started, “thanks so much for organising the Putaruru Ladies Breakfast and for asking me to join.” Nearly three years ago as part of Pride in Putaruru, we began to meet bi-monthly on a Tuesday for breakfast at local cafés. At the last meeting held at the Pride in Putaruru Office in early February, the guest speaker, Renee Hedley, spoke about the experiences she had before taking ownership of Moos, Baas & Oinks. Renee is busy expanding her market and product range with recent National sausage awards providing a great incentive to achieve even more. Having her dad as an apprentice was also a unique and great experience Renee explained. Phone Lee on 07 883 7272 to find out more about Business After 5. PUTARURU iSITE Kia ora from the Putaruru iSITE. Welcome to 2015 and to those of you who are new to the district. The Putaruru iSITE is located at 6 Main Street Putaruru, across from Van Dyks. If you are unsure of what we do at the iSITE, here is a list of the services we happily provide: • Local information • Bus, train and ferry bookings • Internet access • South Waikato News advertisements • South Waikato News Paper (every Wednesday from 8:30am) • Attractions throughout New Zealand • Walks, tramping and cycleway information • Hunting and fishing licences, including the Lake Taupo district • Free maps and travel guides • Postcards, magnets and Waikato River Trail merchandise • Passport application and renewal forms • Post Haste courier tickets • Camping permits The Easter Holidays will soon be here so get in early if you are wanting to travel by bus or ferry, to secure your booking. We have heard a variety of speakers, (usually local), taken part in a few interactive sessions, had some great breakfasts, enjoyed meeting new people and hearing about new businesses, and of course there's lots of absolutely essential general ‘chat.’ A gold coin donation has resulted in money being given to St Johns and Paws. Numbers vary between 12 and 25, some stay on for a second coffee but generally we arrive at 7:00am and are on our way by 8:00am. There is a great list of speakers lined up for this year but we also take the opportunity to feature anyone who might be in the area. We have some wonderful woman in our local community doing interesting things that we often do not hear about. So back to the message at the beginning. We all appreciate knowing that others value what we do, so “thank you.” If you would like to join us please contact Raewyn on 027 281 0342. Our next meeting will be in April at the Wooden Farmer. PRIDE IN PUTARURU “encouraging pride in our community” Manager: Lee Robertson PO BOX 155 PUTARURU 3443 Phone: 07 883 7272 Fax: 07 883 7272 Email: [email protected] Web: Prattler: [email protected] Views expressed in The Prattler are not necessarily those of Pride in Putaruru. PRIDE IN PUTARURU ASSOCIATION Stu Edmeades: Chairman (Rural Representative) Doug McGregor: Deputy Chairman (McGregor Construction Ltd) Richard Heslop: Treasurer (Heslop Pharmacy) Sheryl Van Dyk: (Van Dyks Furnishing & Over the Moon Cheese) Wayne Bullott: (Putaruru Electrical) Andrea Shaw-Thorpe: (Body Ease) Levana Webb: (Unichem Pharmacy) Raewyn Whiteman-Thorne: (@Junction Accommodation) Anne Edmeades: (Edmeades Jewellers) (SWDC Representative)
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