Term 1 Week 5 Friday 27 February 2015 Newsletter Sutherland Shire Christian School Puppet Club - Page 4 Celebrating Karneval - Page 6 Year 11 Textiles students with their very creative “Paper Dress” designs. They are from left: Bronte Lang, Eleanor Spence, Casey Askew, Laura Hackshall-Clarke, Alison Vanmidde and Brittany Davis. SSCS introduces same-day SMS to inform parents of student absence By Mr David Stonestreet, Deputy Principal Chinese New Year - Page 8 To better meet our charter of partnership with parents, SSCS is currently finalising a system which will see parents receive an SMS on the day their child is absent, and up to two automated emails as follow-up. be at school, please phone Reception immediately so we can act. Since the Education Act also requires parents to confirm the reason for a student’s absence from school within seven days, SSCS has designed a system of three reminders to help parents fulfil this legal requirement, with the SMS being the first. The SMS will not only serve to confirm your child is not at school, but also help parents to officially verify such an absence, as required by the Government. Edumate will send an automated Should you receive this SMS on a To page 2 day that your child was expected to Parents must verify absence within seven days From page 1 SMS to parents each day for any student marked absent. The SMS will remind parents to verify the absence either through the Edumate portal or by sending in a written note. This will be followed by an email at the end of the day. If the absence is still unverified three days later, a final email reminder will be sent. After seven days the Government requires of the school to close the absence as “unexplained”. This status can then not be changed, even if parents send a note later. The preferred (and easiest) method to verify a student absence is to log in to Edumate and view the page for your child. There is a section entitled “Recent Absences” where you can click to enter the reason. No more Absentee Line The new system means parents will not have to phone the Absentee Line anymore. This line will be shut down when the system is implemented. Parents can still phone or email the school (on the normal number) to inform of a child’s absence in the case of formal exams or assessment. However, parents will still have to officially verify that absence on Edumate or through a written note. It is hoped that the SMS and email reminder system will go live sometime before the end of the term. Vacations now ‘absence’ A change has been made by the Minister for Education for 2015 where any student absent from school for the purpose of a vacation now must be marked as an absence (“leave”), rather than an exemption, from school. These absences appear, along with absences for sickness, on the official student record and school reports. The Education authorities are encouraging families to holiday or travel during school vacations rather than school time. Parents are reminded that such periods of leave must be applied for in advance and in writing to the Principal, who has to authority to approve or refuse leave from school attendance. Weekly Digest for Secondary The Weekly Digest sent to all Secondary parents continues to receive positive feedback. We are pleased that it is helping to inform parents of upcoming assessments while providing other relevant information. I have received a few reports of parents receiving two copies of the digest – the reason is that the report is sent to both parents, so if parents share a common email address in our database, two copies will be sent to the one address. The only solution would be to provide the school with a second unique email address for the other parent. - Mr David Stonestreet Bus bay a No Parking zone Please remember that no parking is allowed in the Bus bays when dropping off or collecting children. Cars parked in these lanes cause backups and dangerous situations. Page 2 SSCS’ fundamental purposes Before school starts in the morning I spend time praying about specific issues in the school, for two staff members and for families and individual children who may have particular needs. From the Principal Mr Brett Hartley Principal I’m thankful for members of our community who are committed to praying for the school and those in need, whether they do this privately or in groups such as our monthly prayer group, which I attended recently. The book of Acts in the Bible provides helpful insights into the establishment of the early church where Christians related to one another through the apostles teaching, fellowship meals and prayer: “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 Reading the book of Acts I develop a picture of Christian people seeking to relate to each other with the purpose of making wise decisions so that they might grow in holiness and further God’s kingdom. As the Christian community sought to do this, they experienced persecution from those outside of the community and tensions within it. SSCS is not a church as described in the book of Acts, and therefore I need to be cautious in drawing direct parallels to how the school should operate. However, there are some helpful principles for our school. Raison d’être Firstly, the school needs to hold fast to its raison d’être, to the fundamental reason it exists. Just as the early church held fast to the truths of the Gospel, our school needs to remember why we are here. The school website provides two key purposes for SSCS. 1. To honour God in providing affordable, high quality education that is founded on the Bible. These Scriptures are the foundation of all reason and underpin true knowledge and learning, and therefore are inherent to Christian schooling. 2. To assist Christian parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility to teach their children. As the Principal given the privilege of leading our school community, I want to not just hold on to these fundamental purposes, but also to make them a tangible reality in the life of the school. Best quality education From this firm foundation, I also am excited to work with our staff to help them to provide the best quality education they can for our students. I am persuaded that the best way to achieve this with our team is through collaborative professional learning and development. At the beginning of the year, I conducted two surveys with all SSCS staff to hear their thinking on areas of need in the life of the school and some practical suggestions on how to meet those needs. Over the next few weeks teachers and support staff will be working collaboratively in small groups to discuss the survey responses and come up with practical solutions to the needs they perceive exist. I am looking forward to seeing what the staff come up with and then communicating some of these ideas with the broader school community through the newsletter. In turn, I will be very interested to hear the thoughts of parents on these ideas. Hear more from students Finally, the staff survey responses overwhelmingly noted that the school needs to hear more from our students. Over the next few months we will be taking some initiatives to hear the views of students about their learning and their involvement in the broader life of the school. I am very committed to doing this, believing that it will make a substantial positive difference to student learning outcomes. Page 3 Focus on learning A school is a learning community where we all can learn new and wonderful things. Facebook page. You may want to discuss or reinforce these at home. To help encourage each other in our learning, we have two learning focuses each week in the Junior School. The remaining Be’s for this term are Be Respectful of Property, Be Safe, Be an Upstander, Be like a Tree (Ps 1), Be Full of Hope. One Learning focus is the “Be” Focus. We also have a Learning Focus each week for all students to focus on. This week was punctuation! These are usually related to our Rainbow Reminders or a particular Christian value that we are looking to understand and grow in. These are usually introduced at the Monday morning assembly and regularly appear on our The remaining Learning Focuses for this term are Maths Problem Solving, Wrasse (silent “e”), Thinking Routine, Reading Fluently and an Easter Bible Verse. Junior School By Mr Paul Carter Head of Junior School Bronze Award Winners Grace Summers (1R) Harper Leong (2D) Maxwell Taplin (6D) SSCS starts own Puppet Club This week we began our lunch time “Puppet Club”. We have begun with Year 6 students, but will be offering it to other grades later in the year. The students chose their puppets and began writing and rehearsing Puppet Plays to perform for the Junior School during Week 10. - Mrs Christine Wright Page 4 For Prayer and Praise “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!” - Psalm 119:9-10 (ESV) • Pray that all students in the school will live according to God’s great word and seek Him with all their heart. • Pray for students to encourage each other in their studies and in their faith. • Praise God for the wonderful world he made and that we can learn so much about it and the way things work. • Pray for students who are unhappy and struggling with friendships. • Give thanks for the whole school information night, and the wisdom and skill God has given to the staff at our school. Students must use SSCS school bags By Mrs Sharon Abrahams, Secondary Coordinator Parents this is a reminder that your child needs to be using their SSCS Laptop backpack each day at school. This applies to all year 7 - 11 students. Parents of Year 12 students, please be aware that your child also needs to be using the regulation SSCS backpack each day. This is the old style that was used prior to the laptop backpacks being introduced. If your child’s school bag isn’t able to be used due to wear and tear and you don’t want to purchase a new backpack, you have the option to purchase a second-hand SSCS backpack via the second-hand uniform card system in the School Office. Another option is to enquire in the school community if there are any SSCS backpacks available for donation. Donate or Sell SSCS backpacks (non laptop backpacks) to current Year 12 students All parents of Secondary School students, if you have any of these bags available for sale, please fill out a card in the Second-Hand Uniform box in the School Office. If you would like to donate a bag, please send them in to Mrs Haralambou or Mrs Abrahams. Thank you for your support. Still space to enrol for Piano, Strings, Trumpet lessons The Peripatetic instrumental program is up and running with 10 tutors coming to SSCS throughout the week, to teach our students. vacancies for tuition in Piano, Strings (violin, Viola, Cello) and Trumpet. See Reception for an application form to join our exciting team of tutors! Most tutors have reached their maximum Mrs Bronwyn Irvine, Peripatetic number of enrolments, but there are still Coordinator Page 5 German students have fun making masks for Karneval Secondary Sn i p p e ts By Mrs Gemma McWhirter, Teaching Staff In Week 4 the students of German celebrated Karneval (or “Goodbye Meat!”). This is a traditional Christian celebration to mark the time just before Lent. Many people around the world observe Lent for 40 days before Easter, when they will give something up (traditionally meat, but now often other things like lollies or chocolate) as a way to be reminded of the enormous sacrifice that Jesus made for us at Easter. So, Karneval is a celebration to use up all the rich foods before going into this time of fasting. In German classes we made masks, a German Karneval custom, and ate lots of lollies while we sang and danced to modern German folk music. Crazy Karneval fun was had by all! Page 6 Christianity: a different way The world has always been rather bewildering, but it is tempting to think that it has recently become more bewildering. The Islamist attacks in France have led to mass demonstrations of people, including European political leaders, proclaiming “Je suis Charlie”. In one sense, that is understandable Rev Dr Peter Barnes after the brutality of the terrorists. Yet, given the decadence and anti-Christian blasphemy of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, there needs to be a cry: “Je ne suis pas Charlie”. The Christian gets the impression that we are obliged to choose between being terrorised by crazed Islamists or swept along by degenerate pornographers. This has been coming for a while, and it is more than a simple choice between two options. Westerners believe in democracy - or they think they do. However, there are essentially two reasons for embracing something that resembles democracy. The first one is that one believes in humanity, and there is nothing higher to which one can appeal. This was the view of JeanJacques Rousseau in The Social Contract, published in 1762. Rousseau declared that “Whoever refuses to obey the general will shall be compelled to do so by the whole body. This means nothing less than he will be forced to be free.” The second approach is the Christian one, as presented by C. S. Lewis: “I am a democrat because I believe in the Fall of Man.” This difference is crucial and is increasingly coming to the fore. Rousseau’s version of democracy is prevailing over Lewis’. Many Westerners who do not know what is going on still think that democracy equals freedom. We may well find that, having assaulted decency, democracy will take away our freedoms. Blaise Pascal noted back in the seventeenth century that “It is odd, when one thinks of it, that there are people in the world who, having renounced all the laws of God and nature, have themselves made laws which they rigorously obey.” This explains, for example, the growing virulence and confusion of the political Left. It sees itself as expanding freedoms when in reality it is taking them away. Those who stand in the way of the juggernaut will have to undergo compulsory counselling programs in equality. The West, having embraced Rousseau’s version of democracy, is trampling all over Christian freedoms. The mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, dismissed his fire chief, Kelvin Cochran, in January 2015 because Mr Cochran published a book which condemns homosexual acts as “vile, vulgar and inappropriate”. This dismissal, of course, was done in the name of tolerance and equality. Back in October of 2014, the mayor of Houston, Annise Parker (who is a lesbian), issued subpoenas to five local pastors who had preached against the homosexual lifestyle. She was eventually forced to rescind the order, but it is a straw in the wind - not so much an indication of where we are going, but where we already are. Spurgeon once commented that “Truth lies between two extremes, and man, like a pendulum, swings either too much this way or that.” Actually, we are living in dangerous times where two fiercely anti-Christian world views are feeding off each other. Indeed, like the Herodians and Pharisees of old (Mark 3:6), they sometimes find themselves making common cause against the hated Christians. The violent Islamists attack the decadent West, and the decadent West replies by promoting more decadence. Both sides have adopted the tactic of “Playing the victim and acting the bully.” Motivated by a different affection, and seeking a different way, Christians will press on as sojourners and exiles in this world (1 Peter 2:11), seeking a better country (Hebrews 11:16), and serving a heavenly king (John 18:36-38). • Rev Dr Peter Barnes is the minister of Revesby Presbyterian Church. He was a member of our School Board for a number of years. This article first appeared in The Pulse. We are reprinting it with Dr Barnes’ Page 7 Year 1 learns about Chinese New Year Written by the children of Year 1 On Wednesday 18 February, Mrs Tan came to our classroom and taught us about celebrating Chinese New Year. The first thing we learnt was how to say “Happy New Year” in Mandarin. Mrs Tan told us it is the Year of the Goat and that the colour of Chinese New Year is red. We looked at a video of a lion dance. There were two people in each costume, and there was a red lion, a gold lion and a white lion. We saw pictures of celebrations including firecrackers that were really loud. Some of us had to close our ears! We made red envelopes that have money in them. Children get these for Chinese New Year. We got to eat yummy biscuits that Mrs Tan made us. We sang a song. We learned how to write Happy New Year in Chinese characters. We loved learning about Chinese New Year, and we want to say to “xie xie” (thank you) to Mrs Tan for coming in and teaching us! Page 8 Secondary Zone Swimming Mr Phil Askew, Head of PDHPE/Sport Congratulations to all those Secondary School students who attended the Zone carnival on Thursday at Engadine Leisure Centre and participated to the best of their ability. It is great for staff, parents and fellow students to see everyone having a go. I would like to encourage those students who qualified, but didn’t participate this year, to reflect on their reasons and to step-up next opportunity they get. Having said that, we should acknowledge the strong performances of some of our swimmers on the day. So, congratulations to Samuel Zhang for achieving Age Champion 12 Years boys, and the following students for high rankings in their age groups: Luke Marre: 2nd 16 year boys Larissa Butler: 3rd 17 year girls Paige Clifton: 3rd 14 year girls Sport is not just about the winning. If it were, it would be of little value indeed. Julia Jacobson: 4th 14 year girls Bijou Fawcett: 4th 15 year girls Left: James Waters, Jono Priestley and Luke Marre congratulate our 12 years Age Champ! Right: Second place! Going to State are Paige Clifton, Amelia Sara, Julia Jacobson and Abbey Baker to compete in the Girls 12-14 4x50 LC Metre Freestyle and Medley Secondary Relays. Secondary CSSA Football (Soccer) Trials Over the last few weeks some of our talented students have taken the initiative to trial for the State soccer teams, with the added bonus that if selected, they will get to participate in the National Christian Schools games at Brisbane in Term 2. So it is fantastic that we have no fewer than six players representing SSCS at the Games. Congratulations to Mitchell Ward, Deborah Ann de la Harpe, Marrissa Drury, Shaelee Ibbotson, Lara Dipple, and Bijou Fawcett for gaining selection in their respective divisions. From all reports the Games will be a great experience. Special mention goes to Deborah Ann who has also gained selection in the Combined Independent Schools team to play in the All Schools Championship. Deborah is an outstanding young talent. - Mr Phil Askew Page 9 P to 12 What’s on P-6 Secondary Mon 2 March CSSA Secondary Touch Football Gala Day Year 12 Modern History Seminar - Versailles Tue 3 March AFL Auskick Clinics (After School) Wed 4 March Year 11 Drama & Year 12 Advanced English to “The Crucile” Performance Year 11 Biology Ecosystem Field Trip - Kurnell Year 10 Career Testing Year 12 D&T to Design & Tech Exhibition Thu 5 March Year 11 & 12 Textiles to TexStyle Exhibition Secondary Assembly@ 11am Fri 6 March Year 12 Business Studies Excursion to Jamberoo Mon 9 March CSSA Junior School State Swimming Carnival Tue 10 March AFL Auskick Clinics (After School) Wed 11 MArch Fri 13 March Year 10 WHS White Card for Work Experience Knox House Gala Day Fundraiser Community Corner Film Competition to raise awareness about mental health Headspace Miranda is a free mental health service for young people, and is inviting YOU to enter an exciting film competition to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health. Entries close 21 April 2015, applicants must be between 12-25 years old. Enter on the Headspace website: headspace. org.au/miranda or contact Brodie on 9575 1500. First prize is a camera! Items in Community Corner of the newsletter are placed at the discretion of the School. However, the School does not endorse any such item. Page 10
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