From the Principal Governing Council 2015 On Tuesday evening this week we held our Annual General Meeting to determine our new Governing Council for 2015. I wish to announce the following appointments Chairperson: Geoffrey Aplin Vice Chair: Emma Brown Secretary: Sandra Gale Treasurer: Andrew Leunig and Kate Harvey All parent positions on Governing Council were filled with new and existing members offering to convene or participate on our subcommittees. Staff representatives include Andrea Curtis and Tony Probert and our Community Representative is President of Parents and Friends, Lee Walker. There are 7 subcommittees of Governing Council - Education, Finance, Assets, Sports, Canteen, OSHC and Community Events. Convenors will contact existing and new members to inform you of first meeting dates and times. Please let Alison Bibby know if you are still interested in participating on any of our committees, [email protected] Meetings generally occur at school unless otherwise stated. A member of the school leadership team attends all subcommittee meetings. First Meeting dates Sports Committee -Week 2 and 6 of term, Wednesday at 8am- next meeting 4th March Finance - Weeks 2 and 7 of term, Tuesday at 7:00pm- next meeting 17th March Asset Management - Thursday mornings at 8am- first meeting TBA OSHC meeting will be held Monday at 6pm, first meeting TBA Canteen is held at 8am Thursday 5th March Community Development - first meeting Wednesday 11th March at the Feathers Hotel Education - first meeting 3rd March at 5:30pm We look forward to a successful year of working together for the benefit of our children. Principal’s speech to AGM Burnside PS is fortunate to have such an enthusiastic and committed parent community and our staff appreciates your consistent dedication to develop a school community that supports every child to belong. 2014 was a year of organisational change as we moved from a school region into a smaller Partnership. With 5 local preschools, Rose Park, Marryatville and Norwood Primary Schools along with Marryatville High School , Marden Senior and Open Access we became part of Central East Partnership . The focus of the partnership model is to build a community of schools focused on achieving highest possible outcomes for student learning across school sectors. During the year principals collaborated to develop an action plan defining our common purpose as To develop a community of powerful learners who can effectively embrace complex and unfamiliar situations. Our partnership work in 2015 will also be determined by the DECD priority for us to Track and monitor every learner’s growth, have a numeracy and literacy improvement cycle enact changes in teaching approaches that engage and intellectually stretch learners identify and enact clear intervention processes. For Burnside Primary this agenda is about constantly reflecting and improving our processes to ensure best practice and having an open mind to change, that may provide greater lift academically through sharing with local primary schools. I will keep Governing Council informed as this agenda is progressed. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on 2014 as a highly successful year that has been documented and distributed to all families in the 2014 Annual Report last week. The data analysis identified areas for growth and areas that will require further change this year. The four annual action plans will include Kids Matter Numeracy and Literacy Pedagogy and Innovation From the Principal…. continued Assessment and Reporting. This last one has us focussed on developing a systems approach to data collection and its analysis. The system will support consistent use of data to inform learning. In 2014, 17 staff members attended Edutech. Innovative practises continue to transform the classroom learning environment. Our learning gave focus to many discussions with the community, Governing Council, teachers and students about what 21 st Century skills are required for Burnside PS graduates. We wish to develop self-efficacy for all students- for them to know that their effort, commitment and resilience leads to lifelong success. In addition we collectively believe students need Critical thinking and problem solving skills, including the ability to ask the right questions Collaboration and leadership skills so that they can influence their world and others Agility and adaptability Initiative and entrepreneurial skills Effective oral and written communication skills The ability to access and analyse information And to foster curiosity and imagination As part of this learning journey Governing Council started the development of a new school vision. We have a number of options and this will be the work our new Governing Council to finalise. 2014 saw further improvements to our school grounds. We now boast an outdoor stage and play area in the Junior Primary play space, on outdoor learning amphitheatre for the primary students, a new sound system that offers more than compliancy with Work Health and Safety requirements, a boom gate to the Stuart Street staff car park to improve student safety, new fencing along most of High Street and upgraded bathroom facilities for adults. Our school oval was further improved. We look forward to the issues with the top basketball court being resolved in 2015 as a result of persistence on the part of the assets committee. I have strong belief that our staff is our most valuable resource and that quality teaching and leadership is critical to improving student achievement. Staff engaged in extensive learning, particularly in Australian curriculum for planning, assessment and reporting in geography and in looking at pedagogies that develop deep levels of engagement for rigorous learning, consistency across year levels. Burnside students have high expectations of their learning and goal setting is an important aspect of becoming a lifelong learner. I am delighted to report on the broad range of learning opportunities offered by the school, many documented in the Annual Report. I have very much enjoyed working with students, staff and parents and focusing on continuous improvement through discussions and openness to feedback. Academically our students continue to strive for their personal best and have achieved in all areas of study- in classroom and extracurricular areas. We have a great deal to look forward to in 2015. For the first time last year we were able to advertise for 6 new teachers and an Assistant Principal. Panels were diligent in their work and we are very pleased to appoint Jen McEvoy, Abby Mac Pherson, Cindy Karlis, Daniela Coscia, Dionne Kelly and Athena Ladas as permanent teachers at Burnside. We welcome Angela Elkin back to Burnside as an Assistant Principal in a tenured position for the next 5 years. Angela will be responsible for student’s services and Kids Matter across the school. Some unforseen vacancies have led to other new staff being appointed for whole years or terms including Kellie Di Maria, Tony Probert, Gavin Halliday and Malita Wilkinson. I trust they will all be valuable team members in our engaging school community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Governing Council members for your contribution to our school and children. Thank you to Louise Butler for her leadership of our governing council in 2014 and her involvement both prior to and since her return from overseas. She has further supported our focus on improving all aspects of school life for the benefit of student learning. Louise’s last child left Burnside PS at the end of last year. Thank you also to Mel Petrus for her leadership of Parents and Friends and for the positive energy she always contributes. Governing Council convenors contribute significantly to our learning and decision making. Thank you to Patricia for Asset Management Committee, Emma who convenes the Education Subcommittee, Andrew and Kate for the Finance Committee, Paul for Community Development, Cathy for OHSC, Elaine for Canteen and Sandra and Fazan for the Sports committee. In addition I wish to acknowledge and thank all community members who generously give their time to ensure our subcommittees achieve their goals. Sharon Broadbent Bonjour tout le monde ! CARNAVAL ET MARDI GRAS Our action-packed Term 1 French programme has already included discussing and viewing footage of various festivals or fêtes in France, such as Mardi Gras (translated as ‘Fat Tuesday’), which fell on 17th February, and Carnaval (our Junior Primary students made some lovely masques last week). Hopefully your children spoke to you about making ‘les crêpes’ for Mardi Gras ‘homework’, (a fun way to learn about the cultural tradition in many countries, including France, of using up fats and animal products before Lent.) CORRESPONDANTS/CULTURE Most of our Year 6 students have been thrilled to receive pen-pal letters from France recently, and our Year 7s are hard at work on cultural and language revision, and will be given the chance to create French artworks later this semester. ALLIANCE FESTIVAL DE FILM FRANCAIS (5-24 MARCH) The Annual French Film Festival, sponsored by the Alliance Française is taking place early next month at the Palace Nova cinema in the city. As well as many French films to interest adults, there will be THREE children’s films featured, with session times as indicated below. Visit www.affrenchfilmfestival for further details, pricing, etc. Nicholas On Holiday Sat 7th (12:00), Sat 14th (11:45) Astérix - The Mansions of the Gods Sun 8th (2:00) Mon 9th (1:15) Sun 22nd (1:45) Moomins on the Riviera Sun 15th (1:45) Sat 21st (12;15) A great opportunity to share some French movie entertainment with your children! USEFUL WEBSITES FOR FRENCH In class, we use a range of excellent, pre-viewed online resources to aid your children’s language and cultural learning. Feel free to try these sites at home to extend your French enthusiasts’ overall knowledge, or to help them with pronunciation, speaking and listening skills. primaryfrenchgames Youtube is also a wonderful resource for anything from basic counting in French to holding more complex conversations. Just try typing in what you want to learn! Amicalement, Marianne Aardenburg et Lydia Herman Happy Birthday Dr Seuss! Let's celebrate Dr Seuss's birthday on March 2nd by visiting Seussville online or just picking up a Seuss book to share with someone. Most families have shared one of his great zany adventures in prose somewhere in their childhood or their own child's life. Besides the books, his works have provided the source for eleven children's television specials, a Broadway musical and a feature-length motion picture. Other major motion pictures are on the way. This year they are releasing a new book found from unpublished notes and in July his new book "What pet should I get?" will be published. Websites to visit: history.htm Read on…..Melanie and Maria Hi! The school year is well under way and it’s been great to see so many class reps organising functions for their classes. It’s a great way to get to know the other parents within your child’s class and helps build on that wonderful sense of community that we have here at Burnside. Keep your eye out for our first fund raiser of the year, order forms are in this week’s newsletter. Order Kytons HOT CROSS BUNS online by Wednesday 18th of March and every order will raise funds for new playground equipment follow the link http:// to order! Our next meeting will be held on Week 8: Friday 20th March at 2pm. I look forward to seeing you there in the staff room. Lee Walker - President TERM 1 CALENDAR 01.03.15 Clean Up Australia Day 05.03.15 SAPSASA District Swimming 09.03.15 Adelaide Cup Holiday 10.03.15 PUPIL FREE DAY 12.03.15 Year 3-7 Swimming Carnival 20.03.15 Kids Matter Community Breakfast 20.03.15 P&F Meeting 2pm 25.03.15 Christian Options Easter Program Week 10 3 Way Interview Week 31.03.15 School Photo Day On Friday 20th March the KidsMatter Action Team are holding a Community Breakfast from 7:30 a.m. There will be a coffee van and food available for purchase (cold food only - probably fruit and rolls). Each child will also have a flag displayed which they have completed that represents their family heritage/cultural background. March 20th is “Bullying - No Way Day” and Saturday the 21st is Harmony Day so we are highlighting these two events with the Community breakfast. Angela Elkin - Assistant Principal Monday (pm) 3.00pm - 3.30pm Friday (am) 8.30am - 9.15am Friday 27th February Kelly Kitching, Vanessa Size & Kate Woodcock Monday 2nd March 27.02 Sarah Stewart Rattray 04.03 Meagan Vartuli 05.03 Jill Gregory 06.03 Sarah Stewart Rattray Angely Bolzon, Nikki Manning & Christine Peterson Friday 6th March Meagan Vartuli, Shelley Morton & Kirsty Carruthers Monday 9th March Adelaide Cup Holiday Janine Thompson - Manager Beth Dally & Alison Bibby The Student Representative Council or otherwise known as the ‘SRC’ is a student led action council. At Burnside Primary School we have both a Junior Primary (Reception to Yr 2) SRC and Primary (Yr 3-7) SRC. Both the Junior Primary and Primary SRC meet weekly with a range of tasks and items being discussed, recommendations made and information being shared back through class meetings. The SRC is made up of 5 Sub Committees, including; The Executive Committee -“ We lead and organise the SRC, write the SRC newsletter, run and record minutes of every meeting, promote SRC across the school and attend leadership meetings to discuss what’s happening across the school.” The Student Welfare Committee - “We deal with canteen suggestions or issues, playground initiatives, ongoing yard play issues and building general student wellbeing across the school.” The Social Events Committee - “We organise special school day events such as Casual Clothes Day, Wheels Day and Teddy Bear Picnics.” The Safety Assist Committee- “We consider the safety of all children at the school, for example, safe routes to school, promoting Safety Week and reporting ongoing safety concerns across the school.” The Environment Committee – “We are in charge of recycling, yard clean ups and the presentation of the Gnome Award. We are talking to classes about keeping our school environment clean. “ In 2015, Mel Hicks and Sheila Chehade will be working with the Primary SRC and Malita Wilkinson and Sheila Chehade with the Junior Primary SRC on Tuesdays. We would like congratulate all students who prepared speeches or wrote applications to be part of the SRC. Two students from each class, both a boy and girl have been elected to participate in the SRC for Term 1 and 2. PRIMARY SRC Reps Term 1 and 2 2015 New SRC representatives will be elected for Term 3 and 4. Year Representative Room Representative The aim of any SRC is to make a ‘real’ difference within the school and wider community, ensuring they have a positive influence that leaves a legacy for future students at Burnside. We look forward to hearing from our SRC students throughout the year. There are 6 executive members who will be working together to lead this year’s SRC. We would like to congratulate the following students. Loban Mihda ~ Illyah Mirzaei Nancy Zhang ~ Thomas Carrig Kan Janthet ~ Haruka Yanadori The ‘SRC Executive’ are a highly motivated and organised team of Year 7 students, who play an important role in our school. Their duties include managing primary SRC meetings, speaking at special events, reporting to Governing Council and Parents and Friends, as well as speaking at assemblies. The primary aim of the SRC at Burnside Primary School is to clearly represent and take action on student voice across the school. The SRC Executive must work together to ensure that this process is successful. We are confident that each of these students will make a valuable contribution and model high quality leadership skills for their peers and the wider school community. Mel Hicks and Sheila Chehade Primary SRC Coordinators 7 11 Javad Hamidi Jillian Oxlade 7 10 Dylan Thredgold Antonia Muscat 7 9 Karl Bolzon Poorvi Kundu 6 12 Finn Singleton Kenechi Achusiogu 6 6 7 8 Thomas Carson Hiyo Wantanabe Zhengqin Ouyang Tatyana Gooding 5/6 5 17 15 Kieran Kemal Skye Mumford Kirk Creswell Caitlin Walker 5 14 Thomas Bateman Maya Kemal 5 16 Luca Ferravant Latecia Coxon-Thiele 4 29 Henry Maerschel Lilli Maerschel 4 30 Joseph Elliott Alysha Routley 4 33 Jake Gill Jamilla Starr-Brooks 3/4 34 Daniel Spiby Vicky Lee 3 4 Harry Glasson Ruby Adams 3 5 Fred Vartuli Alicia Dayori 3 6 Max Ashurst Lottie Thwaite Junior PRIMARY SRC Reps Term 1 and 2 2015 Representative Year Room Representative Niamh Flanagan Nicholas Whyte 2 3 Peter Zhang Eliza Woodcock 2 27 Darcy Tape Emily Wildman 2 25 1/2 26 Beverly Hii Dongming Liu 1 28 Michael Christou Ava McLaughlin 1 24 James Scrymgour Indira Louey-Chaseling 1 23 Luke Scarce Jessica Walker R 22 Xavier Lehmann Francesca McGowan R 21 Thomas Cope Lyla MacPherson R 20 Alex Dinmore Cadence Parkinson R 19 Charlie Williamson Isabel Huynh Marryatville High School 2015 Open Day Wednesday 25th March 2015 Morning Session 9.30am - 11.30am Afternoon Session 2.00pm - 4.00pm Bookings Essential Phone 8304 8420 and press 1 for Reception Which High School? URRBRAE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL A caring, enterprising school, recognised as a centre of excellence in student learning, with a focus on agriculture, horticulture, technology and the environment. URRBRAE COULD BE THE SCHOOL FOR YOU To find out what Urrbrae has to offer, come along to one of our Information Sessions on Tuesday 17th March, 2015 Meeting at the Farm Shed. Two hour visits to the school will include: Information about the Application Process, Farm Tour and School Tour The Open Day Programme runs from: 9.30am - 11.30am and will be repeated at 1.00pm - 3.00pm and again at 6.00pm - 8.00pm Applications for Year 8 2016 will close at 5.00pm on Wednesday 29th April 2015 Collect a brochure from your School Office for more details. SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. A small fee may apply for children who are not eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. Free Keeping teens and pre-teens safe online seminar for parents and carers of children aged 10–15 years Parenting SA is providing a free seminar for parents and carers of children and young people aged 10–15 years. Internet safety experts and a child and adolescent psychologist will discuss how teens connect online, how to talk about safety, make agreements and set limits, and how to deal with cyberbullying. The event will be held on Tuesday, 17 March from 7–9pm in the Panorama Room, Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide. Register online to attend in person, or email [email protected], phone 8303 1660. Register for the webcast only. When you register you will receive login details. For more information contact Senior Health Promotion Officer, Parenting SA Dorian Marsland-Smith, ph 8161 7159. All dental care provided is FREE for preschool children. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please visit KYTONS BAKERY Easter Fundraiser The items listed below are available for order as part of the Kytons Bakery Easter Fundraiser being held by the Burnside Primary School Parents and Friends. For more information on the products please view the Easter Range at Orders must be received by Wednesday, 18th March 2015. Please place your order online via the Burnside Primary Website using Trybookings: Item Cost HOT CROSS BUNS TRADITIONAL FRUIT 12 Snack Size $9.50 HOT CROSS BUNS Fruitless 12 Snack Size $9.50 KYTONS MENZ FRUCHOCS BUNS 6 Large $10.50 LIFESTYLE BAKERY’S HOT CROSS BUNS – Gluten Free 4 Pack $7.50 LAMINGTONS TRADITIONAL 800g 12 Pack $10.50 LAMINGTONS CHOC-RASPBERRY 6 Pack $6.50 LAMINGTONS CHOC-ORANGE 6 Pack $6.50 LAMINGTONS CHOC-COFFEE 6 Pack $6.50 CHOC CHIP KOOKIES 200g box 200g Box $6.50 MACADAMIA WITE CHOC BITES 200g Box $6.50 APPLE CRUMBLE 650g FAMILY SIZE $9.00 APRICOT CRUMBLE 650g FAMILY SIZE $9.00 ROCKY ROAD 230g GIFT BOX $10.50 Goods will be delivered to the student’s classroom on Tuesday, 31 st March 2015. By making an order you are helping to support our school! Thank you on behalf of the Burnside Primary Parents and Friends
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