No. 18 5 November 2014

No. 18
5th November
In the last newsletter, the process for class allocations for 2015 was outlined. In this
article, there was an invitation for parents to forward any issues and or hopes, for
consideration as one part of the process. If you are looking to take up this option,
we would ask that you do this ASAP, as this process will commence in the next two
weeks. You are welcome to either email or write a note to Toni Ballard or myself.
This information will be treated confidentially. Parents are asked to note that we do
not take individual teacher requests.
Diary Dates &
Food Safety Week
9th – 16th November
Materials & Services Meeting
Monday 10th November 7:15pm
EHA Food Safety Visit
Thursday 13th November
[email protected]
[email protected]
We have planned a school orientation program for students who are transitioning
from kindy to school. This program is a series of three visits that will occur over
consecutive weeks in the latter part of the term. We are hopeful that we have
identified all of the siblings of existing students and that they have received a letter
informing them of these visits and to provide further details. If however, you have a
student who is going to start school in 2015 and have not received a letter, it would
be appreciated if you could contact the school office ASAP.
Pupil Free Day
Friday 14th November
Orientation Visit #1
Wednesday 19th November
Premier’s Be Active Forms to the
Front Office by
Wednesday 19th November
We have three visits planned for the new Reception students of 2015. These will be
on Wednesday 19th and 26th November, and 3rd December from the start of the
day until 12 noon. The logistics of maintaining current classes, the single intake and
not having spare rooms has created some organisational issues. Ms Marika,
Ms Penny and Ms Addle will be the teachers of the kindy students for these
mornings in their existing rooms. Their existing classes in Rooms 1, 2 and 11 will
therefore be relocated to another space on these days. The three teachers have
spent some time planning for the kindy visits as well as their own classes on these
days ensuring that the kindy students can be welcomed into school, while our
existing students can maintain their programs in another space.
Closing date for Skipathon Money
Friday 21st November
It was my first Skipathon, and I loved seeing the students engaged and enjoying a
period of active fun. It was obvious that they enjoy this annual event with groups of
students jumping in a single rope being very popular. Thank you to all parents and
community members for being prepared to sponsor the students and chasing up
the outstanding funds very promptly.
Orientation Visit #3
Wednesday 3rd December
The PFA of our school do a great job bringing in some much appreciated extra
dollars into school funds, as well as creating fun activities that students enjoy. At
the most recent PFA meeting it was agreed that their 2014 funds together with the
Skipathon proceeds would be allocated to the purchase of a class set of net book
computers that will be shared in our senior classes. Thank you to everyone who has
contributed in any way to our fundraising efforts. This purchase will enable us to
build up the IT access across the school in 2014/15 as a valuable learning tool.
Orientation Visit #2
Wednesday 26th November
Music Concert
Thursday 27th November
Sausage Sizzle
Friday 28th November
Whole School Assembly
Friday 5th December
Governing Council Meeting
Monday 8th December
Year 7 Graduation
Tuesday 9th December
End of Term 4 Early Dismissal
Friday 12th December 2:05pm
Nailsworth Primary School 2 Balfour Street Nailsworth SA 5083
Phone: 82694622 Fax: 82695330 Email: [email protected] Web:
This Thursday, will be Challenge number 4 with the last
challenge to come in the following week. We have been
keeping the weekly results and at the end of Challenge
number 5, will aim to recognise those students who have
displayed great spelling results. At the current time, there
are a number of students who are yet to make an error,
and I look forward to seeing if they can make it a perfect
score over the five tests. Thank you to the parents who are
assisting their children learn these core spelling words.
In marking, I would ask parents to note that the only
criteria we have considered in this challenge is the actual
spelling, therefore punctuation such as capitals has been
I hope that all parents received the letter around the 2014
Be Active Challenge. If not, it might be alongside that
squashed banana! In short, the letter outlined missed
communication around how students could enter in the
Premier’s Be Active Challenge in 2014. If you would like
your child to receive recognition this year, you are asked
to collect a challenge form from the Front Office and
return it by Wednesday 19th November at the latest. I
would like to apologise for the lack of communication that
occurred around this great initiative in 2014.
Sharron Ward, Principal
Swimming (Continued…)
Reception - Year 3 (Rooms 3 & 5) Students
Adelaide Aquatic Centre
Swimming Week 6 : November 17th - November 21st
Lesson Time
1, 9A & 12
9:30 – 10:10
2, 7A & 17
10:15 – 10:55
4 & 11
11:00 – 11:40
7 & 18
11:45 – 12:25
1:00 - 2:25
Year 3 (Rooms 10 &14) – Year 5 Students
Parks Sports and Fitness Centre
Swimming Week 8 : December 1st - December 5th
Lesson Time
16 & 20 (Year 5 only)
9:30 – 10:55
6 & 15
11:00 – 12:25
10 & 14
1:00 – 2:25
Toni Ballard, Deputy Principal
Wow! The event was such a success. We had the whole
school out in the grounds skipping, jumping and having
lots of fun. It was such a visually spectacular event. Thank
you to the many parents who assisted with the turning of
ropes and the encouragement of active student
participation. Skipathon is the school’s major annual
fundraiser and we are always grateful for the community’s
generous financial support for this event. To date,
Skipathon has raised over $5000.00 – thank you so very
much. Donations and sponsorship will close on Friday 21st
November. Prize winners will be finalised and announced
during the following week. Once again, thank you for your
Food Safety Week
Food Safety Week (9th – 16th November) is a food safety
scheme co-ordinated by SA Health and this year’s theme
is ‘Temperature Danger Zone’. The Eastern Health
Authority is visiting schools during this week to promote
lunch box food safety and temperature control of food in
warmer weather. They are visiting our site on Thursday 13 th
November at recess. Eastern Health Authority personnel
will be present to discuss food safety with the students and
to distribute promotional materials and brochures for
students to take home. Each item given out will carry a
food safety message on how to keep food in a lunch box
safe. Be on the lookout for such giveaways as jute
shopping bags, sandwich containers and plastic pizza
cutters and graters in your child’s bag next week.
Swimming Foundation - Year 5 students
The timetables for the lessons have been finalised. They
are as follows:
If you would like to receive the newsletter via email
please register your details at:
[email protected]
Please include the names and year levels or room
numbers of your child/ren. Many thanks.
The Website of Wonder (WOW) for this newsletter is a
Maths WOW:
Maths is fun have organised their website into particular
maths categories such as number, decimals,
percentages and fractions. Each section has a ‘how to’
area. These areas come with instructions in simple easy
to understand language about how to perform certain
maths skills.
This fortnight’s LApp is a Maths app for students:
Quick fractions allows kids to practise in their own time
without unnecessary pressure. It has an emphasis on
self-improvement. Students can focus on four important
areas to provide a comprehensive start to developing
strategies for algebra and other higher order maths
concepts. It provides visual feedback on progress so
your children (and you!) can see how they improve over
time. Different difficulty levels mean students of all ages
and abilities can find something that works for them.
I hope you find these useful. Enjoy!
Jade Watson, ICT Co-ordinator
Please be reminded that the
Uniform Shop is open
on Monday and Friday only.
Someone will be able to assist you with
your uniform purchases on this day.
Parents are invited to attend a
meeting to be held in the Staff Room
on Monday 10th November at 7.15pm where the
Materials and Services charges for 2015 will be discussed
prior to approval being sought.
In lieu of attendance at the meeting, parents/caregivers
and students can express their views in writing to the
Chairperson of the Governing Council prior to the
Mary Dunton, Finance Officer
SRC - Disco
What a fantastic night! The Hallowe’en-themed disco
was a monstrous success – and the hall filled with an
amazing range of spooky, gruesome and pure fantasy
characters! Congratulations and thanks from SRC to all
the parents and students who went to so much effort
with costumes. And the dancing – no problem at all to
monster mash, bust ghosts and thrill each other!
Readers’ Cup (Continued…)
The winning team in each category will be awarded a
perpetual Cup and receive book prizes. All entrants will
receive a small participation reward.
Book Whisperers
A reminder that all Book Whisperers need to get their blue
form to me by 28th November (at the end of Week 7).
Although the aim is to read 40 books, please return all forms
regardless, so that your efforts can be acknowledged!
Happy reading!
Nicole Le Mesurier, Teacher/Librarian
Both the SRC and then Footsteps ran action-packed
sessions of the disco that included popular current hits,
Hallowe’en-themed music and a range of games and
competitions. Congratulations to those who not only
bent under the witch’s broomstick in the Hallowe’en
Limbo, but were also lucky enough to be judged one of
the best dancers, wearing an outstanding costume
(both incredibly hard to choose) or to have guessed
closest to the correct number of ‘Gruesomes’ in the lolly
A huge thank you to the PFA who volunteered a great
amount of time and effort to plan, organise and run and
clean up the canteen. In addition to a range of delicious
treats to buy, the rings and glow sticks were really
popular and added to the atmosphere of the hall.
All funds raised will be used for the benefit of students
from Foundation to Year 7. Once costs and income is
calculated, the final amount raised will be included in a
future newsletter.
Friday was also World Teachers’ Day and the SRC
organised badges and expressions of thanks for their
teachers and specialist staff. SRC thank them for their
efforts to assist with decorations and supervision on Friday
SRC Co-ordinators, Nicole Le Mesurier and Toni Ballard
Readers’ Cup
The Readers’ Cup has begun! Students have formed
teams of four that will read as many of the novels in their
Cup as they can by the end of Week 7 ready for a quiz in
Week 8.
Most of the books were selected by the students and
participants are also invited to write a question and
answer to be included in the quiz.
See Parent Notice Boards for more information on:
Carols in the Park – Lions Club & Prospect Council
Rachel Sanderson Parliament House Tours
A reminder to those people wishing to submit articles
for the school newsletter that they need to be handed
in to the Front Office or emailed to
[email protected] no later than 3.30pm
on Monday of the week of publication (even weeks of
the school term). This ensures that the newsletter can
be typed, printed and distributed by the Wednesday
of that week. Your assistance with this matter would
be greatly appreciated.
Nailsworth Primary
Music Concert 2014!
Thursday November 27
Where: School Hall
Time: 7pm
Recorder, Fife, Flute, Guitar, Keyboard, Violin, Voice
Junior Choir and Senior Choir
Drama Club
Special Nailsworth Staff Performance
**Please note: Seating available for 200 then standing space only. No interval.**
Room 7A and their light
holders at Assembly