THE GOOD NEWS! From Park Manor Christian Church Volume XIX - No. 3 March 2015 LENT - A TIME TO RESET - REBUILD - RESTORE A TIME FOR EVERYTHING There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; A time to be born and a time to die, A time to plant and a time to uproot, A time to kill and a time to heal, A time to tear down and a time to build, A time to weep and a time to laugh, A time to mourn and a time to dance, A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, A time to embrace and a time to refrain, A time to search and a time to give up, A time to keep and a time to throw away, A time to tear and a time to mend, A time to be silent and a time to speak, A time to love and a time to hate, A time for war and a time for peace. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 11& 12 The Good News! a publication of: Park Manor Christian Church 600 E. 73rd Street Chicago, IL Rev. Dr. William E. Crowder Senior Pastor Rev. Montee T. Akers Assistant Pastor Office Phone - 773-483-2115 Office Fax - 773-483-2431 e-mail: parkmanorchristianchurch HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MARCH MEMBERS! 1 - Estella Chapman 2 - Andrew Clark 3 - Darnyece Gates 3 - Ollie Walker 7 - Minnie Owens 7 - Beverly Egonmwan 7 - Sarah Fastoff 7 - Jeanette Washington 9 - Amiah Chrisler 9 - William Thomas 10 - Mark Anglin 10 - Tiana Bowden 11 - Richard Boykin, Sr. 13 - James Harris 14 - Louise Macker 14 - Autherine Wilson 15 - Unique'ka Nettles-Bey 18 - Theresa Miller 19 - Richard Beckwith 19 - Ninah Moore 20 - TaShara Edwards 22 - Barbara Allen 23 - Mary LeFlore 24 - Darryl Matthews 25 - Belinda Livingston 26 - Rochelle Borden 26 - Winston Simmonds, Jr. 27 - Arthur Brown 29 - Rachel Borden 31 - Bernice Tate The next issue of: "The Good News!" will be in the mail before the first of April. Thank You notes, announcements of coming events, etc. must be in the church office by the 2nd Monday, which is March 12th. Editor Elizabeth Jones Assistant Editor Rosa Jackson Staff Writer Rev. Montee Akers, Jr. This issue of the Good News! was printed by Annette Montgomery, the church secretary IN THIS ISSUE p. 1 - A Time for Everything p. 2 - March Birthdays p. 3 - A Time for Prayer p. 4 - News from the Pews p. 5 - News from the Pews p. 6 - News from the Pews p. 7 - March Calendar p. 8 - Events The Good News! Page 2 March 2015 A TIME FOR PRAYER by Rev. Montee T. Akers, Jr. JOYS AND CONCERNS Please continue to keep Mary Washington, the sister of Deacon Ronald Brown in your prayers. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS NEW QUARTER Beginning on Sunday, March 1st, the Sunday School Classes begin their Spring Quarter. The study from March 1st to May 31st covers three units. Unit I, the Pledge of God's Presence; Unit II, The Community of Beloved Disciples and Unit III, One in the Bond of Love. We invite all to attend at least one 8:00 Sunday Morning Bible Class during this Lenten season. Our four adult classes and our three children/youth classes all use the United Sunday School Lessons, which means that the family is able to discuss the scriptures covered with one another as well as with neighbors, relatives and friends who also use the Unified Lessons. Park Manor Christian Church also has a Men's Bible Class which meets on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 a.m. OUR SICK AND SHUT-IN Bless our sick and shut-in with phone calls, cards, or gifts. Please visit only when prearranged. Minnie BIbbs Winifred Brown Georgia Carter Andrew Clark Albert Daniels Celeste Daniels Fannie Dixon Marlene Edwards Hazel Ford Joseph German, Jr. Robert Gordon James Harris Delores Haynes Anna Hunter Marcella Johnson Theresa Miller Sarah Nix Bertha Simmons Mary Stevenson Mamie Suggs Mary Thomas Barbara Williams The Good News! Page 3 March 2015 NEWS FROM THE PEWS To My Park Manor Christian Church Family: My thanks to each of you for your prayers and concerns for me during my travel to Honduras in South America. The experience was truly an awesome experience. I was able to live totally dependent on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Not only was I blessed to be a vessel chosen by God, I was blessed with divine opportunities to evangelize to the people of Honduras. There are many false Gods in Honduras and when I cared for the people, I was careful to express that I, and the group, believed in Jesus Christ, the beloved son of the living God. Honduras, a place of extreme poverty, left me with a renewed appreciation of the many blessings God has given me here in the United States. This experience has inspired me to make plans to go to other third world countries with a heart to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I encourage each of you to continue to pray for those who take the time, whether here in the United States or overseas, to share God. Again, I thank you: Jovita Peppers To Rev. Crowder, Rev. Akers, Rev. Brown, Rev. Bowden, Rev. Simms, the Service Guild and my PMCC Family: I could never tell you how much I love and appreciate each of you. The outpouring of love, payers, cards, donations, cakes, and genuine concern you displayed to our family during our loss was truly appreciated. I know that many of you had fond and special memories of my sister Mattie. Annette Montgomery and Lillian Taylor you were my right and left hands and helped me find my way. My sister Ollie and I, along with the entire family of Dr. Mattie Claybrook Williams thank you and pray God's blessings on each of you. With much love, Elder Guernia Flenoy To Rev. Crowder, Rev. Akers, and Our Family at the "Park": Our thanks to the many of you who helped to make this year's African American History Program an event to remember. We thank you for your suggestions of persons to be honored as "Phenomenal Woman," thanks for bringing food for our Village Feast (for once, we had more than enough of everything), we thank you for writing the biographies for our honorees, our thanks to all of you who participated in the program and our thanks for the many of you who stayed to attend our program. Our thanks also to the three honorees who allowed us to share their lives by highlighting their activities. We are blessed to have wonderful people in our lives like you. Elizabeth Jones, president The Golden Heirs The Good News! Page 4 March 2015 NEWS FROM THE PEWS JOINT LENTEN BIBLE STUDY FRIDAY LENTEN SERVICES 12:00 Noon Each Friday beginning February 27th and Ending on Good Friday April 3rd, 2015 10:00 a.m. Each Wednesday Beginning February 25th and ending on April 1st GOOD FRIDAY LENTEN SERVICE April 3rd, 2015 12:00 Noon The book being used this year is: "24 Hours That Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton "The Seven Last Words of Christ" Kelly-Woodlawn United Methodist Church 6955 S King Drive Chicago, IL 60637 See Rev. Montee Akers for your copy WEDDING BELLS RING PARK MANOR CHRISTIAN 2015 Prayer Vigil GOOD FRIDAY, April 3rd 9:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. You are invited to sign up for a 30 minute period of prayer as an individual, with a partner, or as a family. (The family that prays together, stays together.) The Good News! Renee Kelly Nickson and Anthony Marshall Whisby were united in Holy Matrimony with a beautiful and prayerful service held at the church on Saturday, February 21st. Rev. Dr. William E. Crowder, Jr. officiated with the assistance of Rev. Montee T. Akers, Jr. Our congratulations to the happy couple. May God continue to bless them. Page 5 March 2015 HOLY WEEK ACTIVITIES Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week - It commemorates the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem. A few days before the feast of the Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem to the acclamation f the crowds; "Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord." You are invited to attend Sunday School 9:00 a.m. as well as our 10:30 Worship Service. Jesus at the Temple (Bible Study) Jesus drove out all those who were conducting business in the Temple. In the following day, He continued to teach in the Temple. This will be the final week of Bible Study. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP Agony in the Garden - After the final meal with His disciples, Jesus and his chosen followers went to the garden on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. While the disciples slept, Jesus prayed. Betrayed by Judas, Jesus was arrested and taken to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. He was tried, condemned and sentenced to death. The Crucifixion - Soldiers scourged and mocked Jesus, crowned Him with thorns and led Him away to Calvary. There He was crucified between tow thieves. After Jesus Died, he was buried in a tomb. A large stone sealed the door. Saturday - Jesus remained entombed. RESURRECTION SUNDAY - Early Sunday morning women came to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. To their amazement, they found the stone rolled back. In the tomb was an angel, who announced that Jesus had risen. Celebrating the Passover - In celebration of the Passover, Jesus shared a final meal with His twelve disciples. He blessed bread and wine and gave it to them, telling them that it was His body and blood. He commanded them to love one another. This year's Passover Service will be held at : Kelly-Woodlawn United Methodist Church April 2nd - 7:00 p.m. The Good News! Page 6 March 2015 MARCH 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 7:30 Early Service 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 8 9 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 15 16 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 22 7:00 Elders Meeting 23 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 29 Palm Sunday Tuesday Wednesday 5 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service The Good News! Friday 4 10:00 Bible Study Noon Golden Heirs 7:00 Trustees Meeting 10:30 Bible Study (KellyWoodlawn) 10 11 10:00 Bible Study 10:30 Bible Study (KellyWoodlawn) 10:00 Choir Rehearsal 2:00 Friends 5:45 Bible Study 6:30 Marr. Couples 12 18 10:00 Bible Study 10:30 Bible Study (KellyWoodlawn) 19 13 20 25 10:00 Bible Study 10:30 Bible Study (KellyWoodlawn) 14 21 8:00 Men's Breakfast 10:00 Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Ser. Guild 5:45 Bible Study 24 7 10:00 Choir Rehearsal 11:00 Diaconate Meeting Noon - Pull Over for Prayer 5:45 Bible Study 17 Noon Golden Heirs 6 Saturday 3 26 6:30 Worship Department 5:45 Bible Study 30 Thursday 27 28 10:00 Choir Rehearsal 12:00 Holy Hunt 31 10:00 Bible Study Golden Heirs Outing Page 7 March 2015 Park Manor Christian Church 600 E. 73rd Street Chicago, IL 60619- NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO, IL PERMIT NO. 5658 Address Correction Requested ADDRESS EVENTS March Sunday, March 1 - Early Service 7:30 a.m. Sunday, March 1 - Sunday School begins New Quarter Wednesday, March 4 - Joint Bible Study/Kelly -Woodlawn 10:00 a.m. Saturday, March 7 - Pull Over for Prayer Noon (Weather permitting) Wednesday, March 11 - Joint Bible Study/Kelly-Woodlawn 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 18 - Joint Bible Study/Kelly-Woodlawn 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 25 - Joint Bible Study/Kelly-Woodlawn 10:00 a.m. Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday - Intergenerational Service 10:30 a.m. April Thursday, April 2 - Maundy Thursday Worship Service 7:00 p.m. (Kelly-Woodlawn United Methodist Church) Friday, April 3 - Final Good Friday Lenten Service "The Seven Last Words of Christ" - Kelly-Woodlawn United Methodist - Noon Sunday, April 5 - Resurrection Sunday/Sunrise Service (84th & King Dr.) 6:30 Sunday, April 5 - Sunday School Easter Program & Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Sunday, April 5 - Resurrection Sunday/Intergenerational Service 10:30 a.m.
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