MASSES & SERVICES THIS WEEK Sunday 1st March— Second Sunday of Lent - B (Missal p644) 08.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 16.30 18.00 St. Edmund’s St. Edmund’s Our Lady ‘s, Lawshall ‘Montana’, Gt Barton St Edmund’s St Edmund’s Peter Lamont † Margaret McCarthy † Dan Lacy Scott’s Intention Adoration & Benediction For the Parish Monday 2nd March 07.30 St Edmund’s Lent Feria Anthony Mitchell † Tuesday 3rd March 09.30 Our Lady ‘s, Lawshall Lent Feria Mr O’Meara † Wednesday 4th March 10.00 St Edmund’s 10.30 St. Edmund’s 12.00 noon Lent Feria Mary Henry † Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Benediction Thursday 5th March 09.10 St Edmund’s School 18.30 St. Edmund’s 19.30 St. Edmund’s Lent Feria Special Intention Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Peter F Hennessey † Friday 6th March 06.30 St Edmund’s 10.00/11.00 St. Edmund’s 10.15 Our Lady’s, Lawshall 18.00 St Edmund’s Lent Feria John Gooch † Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Kate Tilbrook † Stations of the Cross Saturday 7th March 10.00 St Edmund’s Lent Feria Bernardette Booker † WEEK DAY MASSES AT ‘MONTANA’, GT BARTON Mon - Thurs 08.15; Fri 11.00; Eucharistic Service Sat 08.15; SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday after 10.00 Mass; Saturday 10.30 – 11.00 & by appointment. FORTHCOMING SPECIAL LANGAUAGE MASSES Saturday 7th March (1st Sat of month) Malayalam Mass at 16.00 Saturday 21st March (3rd Sat of month) Polish Mass at 16.00 St Edmund’s Newsletter 21 Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1QG Tel: 01284 754358/07511 852161 email: [email protected] Registered Charity No. 278742 Twinned with St John’s Parish, Siem Reap, Cambodia Sunday 1st March 2015 Second Sunday of Lent - Year B ...Remembering the mercies of God … let the renewing of your minds transform you, so that you may discern for yourselves what is the will of God— what is good and acceptable and mature.’ cf Romans 12: 1-2 As you leave Mass today you will be offered a copy of a Letter from the Catholic bishops of England and Wales as we approach the General Election. It is a letter that has been criticized in this week’s issue of the Tablet for being too weak, especially in comparison with the document issued recently by the Anglican House of Bishops. However, I believe that criticism is unjustified—after all the responsibility to choose as our Member of Parliament the candidate whom we judge to be the most committed to the Common Good is ours as voters—not the bishops’. The bishops’ role is to remind us that our choice must informed by the Gospel in which we profess to believe and from which we ourselves draw dignity and hope which is what they set out to do. ‘As Catholics, we are called to work for a world shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel proclaims the mercy of God and invites us steadfastly to love God and our neighbour. Our relationship with God leads to the desire to build a world in which respect, dignity, equality, justice and peace are our primary concerns.’ The Letter places before us some of the salient issues and questions which concern society at this time. In the period leading up to the Election, it is our responsibility to question our candidates on these issues. We, not they, have the privilege of communicating and contributing to the kind of society in which we wish to live and which we offer to our children and grandchildren. It is also our duty to use that privilege well. The Common Good cannot be discerned without our involvement. So let us take the bishops’ Letter for what it is—and encouragement to participate in the electoral process, mindful of the privilege of having a say! with every blessing, Fr Mark PRAYERS FOR OUR PARISH FOR OUR SICK: Sheila Bedingfeld, Jane Corbett, James Couper, Stephen Crotty, Marie Therese Cunningham, Pat Dowson, Nicolette Finch, Janis and Malcolm Fincham Jacques, Robert Fleming, Des Greene, Monica and Pauline Gittings, Teresa Gleeson, Roy Herbert, John Higgins, Ursula Hennessey, Frank Hibbert, Fr Chris Hogan, Janet Jarman, Johann Hopfensperger, Veronica Leech, Fr Bill Mason, Peter Matthews, Brendan McMullen, Gerry McNamara, Fr Paul Mercer, Leonora O’Hanlon, Tony Sumner, Norah Richardson, Katrina Rowland, Etty Smith, Evelyn Stirling, Jason Stronza, Jim Tinley, Tim Udall, Francis Watts, Ken Warner, Peter Whelan, Romayne Wright. May the Lord bring them comfort. FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARY ARE AT THIS TIME: John Gardner, David Copping, Michael Beaman, Anne Collinson, Anthony Mitchell, Marion O’Sullivan, Hildegard Kiekopf, Kitty Hannan, Tom Studd, Francis Dobbyne, Enid Mitchell, John Willmott, Peter F Hennessey, Kate Tilbrook, Mary Lawlor. May they rest in peace. THANK YOU for your generosity last week. You gave £1298.75 in the collection and £480.00 by standing orders and £203.15 from Lawshall. There will be a collection at all Masses for CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Please return your envelopes as soon as possible. GOING INTO HOSPITAL? If you are, PLEASE let us know other-wise the Chaplain will not know you are there; the only way we can find you is if you tell us, so please let us know if you would like a visit. If you or one of your relatives needs a priest in emergency, i.e. imminent danger death, please ask a member of staff to ring the switchboard & bleep the Catholic Chaplain. We have the pager with us at all times. HELPING HANDS’ GROUP if you are, or know of anyone who is housebound, lonely or in need of practical help, shopping, changing a light bulb etc, or just a visit, or a lift to the doctors etc., contact Sue Fullman 488147 or Mike Sinnott 764236. CHURCH CLEANERS always needed. If you can spare an hour, please turn up after 07.30 Mass on Mondays or after the morning school run. STOREHOUSE FOODBANK Donations can be placed in the special box in the Narthex of the Church, Bury St Edmunds. Thank you for your support. USED STAMPS to raise money for Guide Dogs for Deaf. Please put your used stamps in the box in the church porch. In 2013 £9,620 was raised from stamps. TOWN PASTORS: Please consider becoming a Town Pastor. It is an amazing opportunity to take the love of Jesus onto the streets of Bury St Edmunds by caring for people on a Friday and Saturday night. As part of the team you would be asked to be on duty one night a month. Contact Jo Copsey to arrange to come out with the Town Pastors for an hour or two and see for yourself the difference you could make 07594 334215 or 07870 340344. Or . . . . . .Could you join the Prayer Team, praying for the Town Pastors and the people of the town? Contact Jo Copsey for further details. TEACHING & POST-GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES. The Western Area Pyramid of Catholic Schools is a teaching alliance of six schools in the west of Suffolk. There are opportunities for teacher training initially but with a longer term commitment to developing teachers and leaders for our schools in the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia. For more details please visit the Diocesan Website DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE wishes to appoint three people to join the new Diocesan Mission Team. These are full-time residential positions, sharing the Gospel Message in schools and parishes, in a way young people can relate to including using music, drama and tech. For more information please see and click on the ‘Ignite Team’. Bacon Rolls – For those who feel hungry after 10.30 Mass, Bacon Rolls will be on sale in the crypt next week 8th March and the first Sunday of each month thereafter. OUR THANKS to Fr Mark for his guidance and support, and to all who attended Colin’s Requiem Mass, sent cards and had Masses said for Colin—and thanks to those who supported CAFOD in his memory. Your prayers and kindness have given us such strength in our sadness. Olive Greenstreet & Family. ‘THANK YOU’ from the Doswell Family to those who sent messages of sympathy, Mass cards or phoned after our recent bereavement. These were a great source of comfort and support. Mass will be offered for your intentions. FORTHCOMING EVENTS FLAME 2 — National Catholic Youth Event at Wembley Arena on 7th March, 11.00 for noon finishing at 17.30, for year 10 and above. Contact Hamish at the Diocesan Office on 07812 004934 for details. LENT STATION MASS celebrated by Bishop Alan Hopes at Our Lady and St Etheldreda, Newmarket on Tuesday 10th March at 18.00, (preceded by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions from 17.00). FR ANTHONY FOREMAN will celebrate his 50th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood on Thursday 12th March, and invites you to a Mass of thanks -giving at noon at St Etheldreda’s, Newmarket, followed by refreshments. FR GERRY QUIGLEY will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary Mass on Thursday 26th March here in St Edmund’s. All friends and parishioners are invited to the Mass and then to join him down in the Crypt for light refreshments. If you would like to donate towards Fr Gerry’s gift, please put it in and envelope marked ‘Fr Gerry’s Anniversary Gift’ and hand it in at the Presbytery or in the collection plate. MUSIC FOR LENT WITH THE AQUARIUS SINGERS: A performance of spiritual and religious music along with some readings on Saturday 21st March at 19.30. Tickets will be available from the office soon £7. BISHOP ALAN HOPES would like to invite you to the annual Celebration of Marriage & Family Life on Saturday 20th June, at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich. Certificates will be awarded to those celebrating their 1st or significant anniversaries and for the birth of children. A lunch reception will follow. Further details from Kerry Urdzik: [email protected] ST EDMUND’S SOCIAL CLUB will be celebrating 40 years this year. Please forward the contact details of any past members, volunteers or committee members . We would also welcome any photos of the original building work back in 1975 or pictures of any social club events over the years. (all photos will be returned). Please contact Yvonne 07718 047684 or [email protected] GENERAL ELECTION 2015 The Bishops have written a joint Letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies are available from the back of church today and can be obtained with other information from Please read the Letter and encourage others to do the same. THIS COMING WEEK SUNDAY 1st MARCH SPUC White Flower Appeal at all Masses. FAIR TRAID stall selling Fair Traid goods in the Crypt after 10.30 Mass. JOURNEY IN FAITH. There will be an informal introductory meeting for anyone interested in exploring the Catholic faith or perhaps becoming a Catholic in the Presbytery at 19.30. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC FAMILIES invite you to a Family day in the Crypt 14.30—17.00. There will be a talk on the Papal Document Familiaris Consortio. There will be teen and younger children Catechism. Please bring a plate for a shared tea. Further details from Emma on 01359 240181. ST EDMUND’S CLUB: Bar open 12.00—14.00 & 19.30 – 22.30. MONDAY 2nd MARCH FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS SESSION in St Edmund’s School, 19.30. ST EDMUND’S CLUB: Bar open 20.00 – 23.00. Crib 20.00. TUESDAY 3rd MARCH ST EDMUND’S LADIES CLUB meet in the Crypt at 19.30, when Horry Parsons will present the second part of his talk about the building of St Edmundsbury Cathedral Tower. Guests (£2.50) and new members (£10/year) always welcome. Further details from Pat on 762252 or Maggie on 767526. WEDNESDAY 4th MARCH CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meet in the Presbytery. LENT COURSE ‘Gospel of Mark’ continues in the Crypt, 19.00. FRIDAY 6th MARCH LENT EARLY MORNING MASS at 6.30am followed by Breakfast. LENT SOUP LUNCH in the Presbytery 12.00—13.30. All donations to Projects in Siem Reap. All welcome. STATIONS OF THE CROSS at 18.00. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER arranged by women from the Bahamas. The Day of Prayer begins at dawn in Tonga, then people participating all round the world till the last service of the day is held on an island off the coast of Alaska. Services in Bury are 10.30 at Trinity Methodist Church and 19.30 at St George’s Church, Anselm Avenue.. All are welcome—men, women and young people. THE WORD OF GOD Mark 9:2-10 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured: his clothes became dazzlingly white, whiter than any earthly bleacher could make them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus. Then Peter spoke to Jesus: 'Rabbi,' he said, 'it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.' He did not know what to say; they were so frightened. And a cloud came, covering them in shadow; and there came a voice from the cloud, 'This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.' Then suddenly, when they looked round, they saw no one with them any more but only Jesus. As they came down from the mountain he warned them to tell no one what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. They observed the warning faithfully, though among themselves they discussed what 'rising from the dead' could mean. to be the beloved Son of God. There the Father had commended him as Jesus, the sinless one, began his ministry by sharing in the baptism 'for the forgiveness of sins'. Now the Father again approves of the Son as he courageously begins his journey to the place of martyrdom. What does this story teach you as the season of Lent progresses? What is the most important feature of the story in your understanding? Let us pray for all Christians that we may keep sight of the hope of resurrection. Let us pray for all those preparing to be baptised at Easter. Reflections on the Sunday Gospels, written by Fr. Adrian Graffy are available each week on the Diocesan Website: VOLUNTEERS TO LEAD STATIONS OF THE CROSS Each Friday evening of Lent, we will be walking the Way of the Cross, contemplating the Lord’s journey from the Praetorium to Calvary and the Tomb and the relevance this journey has in our lives and those of our fellow human beings. If you would like to help lead this favourite Lenten devotion, either choosing from the reflections that Fr. Mark has, or you have a series of reflections of your own, either written by you or someone else, then please let Fr. Mark know as soon as possible. It may be that your choice is geared to children, young adults, older people, men, women, the sick, the married or divorced, issues of justice and peace. Reflection It is an ancient tradition that the story of the transfiguration of Jesus is read on the Second Sunday of Lent. This mysterious story tells of a strange transformation in the appearance of Jesus which profoundly affects the three chosen disciples. In addition, they see a vision of Moses and Elijah and they hear the voice of God. SEEKING WORTHY RECIPIENTS OF LOVE To understand this gospel and its place in the early days of Lent we need to observe that this experience comes as Jesus begins his journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. All three 'synoptic' gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke highlight this journey of Jesus and relate how, even though he foresees his death and resurrection, he remains determined to go to Jerusalem where he will face arrest, trial and crucifixion. The disciples accompany him in a state of reluctance and bewilderment. This year we are also looking for YOU to nominate people to receive a special sign of God’s love and ours as part of that Liturgy. If YOU would like to nominate an elderly, sick, housebound person, or a person with a disability, or a person young or old who has shown God’s compassion to others, then please either e-mail the name/s to Fr Mark ([email protected]) or place it in a sealed envelope and drop The strange vision gives the disciples a glimpse of the future which lies beyond suffering and death. Both Moses and Elijah are said in ancient writings to have been taken up to live in the presence of God. Their testimony confirms the hope of the resurrection. God's voice recalls the baptism scene as once again Jesus is proclaimed As always we are looking for 12 volunteers, male or female, young or old, to have their feet washed on Maundy Thursday. Please be generous and volunteer now. FR ANTHONY FOREMAN. The second volume of Fr Tony’s memoirs ’In at the Deep End’ is now printed. It covers his time in Sudbury, Newmarket, Stowmarket and afterwards. It costs £10. If you would like to order a copy please sign the list in the porch.
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