St. Joseph Parish and School and our lady of lourdes grotto PARISH Since 1831 School Since 1832 Fr. Thomas S. Acker, S.J. Administrator Miss Beth Frank Principal ACE Director (Advanced Catholic Education) Deacon Steven Gies Mrs. Sandra Blazewick Parish Executive Assistant Mrs. Julie Miller Administrative Assistant Parish Office Hours Mon – Fri 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM School Office Hours 7:30 AM to 2:45 PM School Phone 330/628-9555 School Fax 330/628-9942 Rectory Phone 330/628-9941 Rectory Fax 330/628-9942 The Church Website: School Email [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: 2643 waterloo rd. mogadore, Ohio 44260 The Generations of Faith Program Sacrament of Baptism Call Parish to Schedule SIXTH SESSION Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM St. Joseph. Sunday, March 8th, 5:00 PM in the school hall. Theme: TBA GOF website: Welcome! Sacrament of Matrimony Consult Pastor Six Months Prior Sacrament / Anointing of the Sick Call Parish Any Time February 15, 2014 St. Joseph Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday 5:00 PM 8:00 & 10:30 AM Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Wed. 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Welcome! ST. JOSEPH CHURCH MOGADORE, OHIO Weekly Offertory February 8, 2014 Offertory (Church & School) ……………… Solemnity of Mary …………………………. Easter Flowers ………………………………. Gaudete Campaign …………………………. Grotto Fund & Candles …………….. ……… Funeral Dinners …………………………….. Cemetery Care ……………………………… Church Overseas ……………………………. Haiti Collection ……………………………. $ 7,528.00 80.00 25.00 1,175.00 65.00 40.00 75.00 220.00 50.00 201 Envelopes & on-line giver donations Thank you for your Sacrificial Offerings. Total parishioner offering this week…………. $9,258.00 Mass Intentions Saturday, February 14 5:00 PM People of St. Joseph Parish Sunday, February 15 8:00 AM Ben Duffy (Pam & Charlie Wise) 10:30 AM Living & Deceased of Victor Horning Family (Bill & Patty Eichler) Monday, February 16 8:30 AM Living & deceased of Earl Mudd Family (Buck & Angie Mudd) Tuesday, February 17 8:30 AM Ron Wartko (Terri) Wednesday, February 18 8:30 AM Mass w/children Mike Smith (Dan & Alma Wartko) 6:00 PM Bill Wise (Andy Hughart) Thursday, February 19 8:30 AM Richard Wise (Lowell & Cathy Stover) Friday, February 20 8:30 AM Florence Trares (Family) Saturday, February 21 5:00 PM Dolores Riedinger (Rosalind Begue) Sunday, February 22 – First Sunday in Lent 8:00 AM Don Titko Sr. (Don & Patty Titko) 10:30 AM People of St. Joseph Parish Prayers for the Faithful Departed: Larry Schrader, Margaret Capes, and Tom Hermann. This Week In Our Parish Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Annual Bishop’s Appeal Collection Grotto Collection Last Chance for Bringin’ in the Palm Presidents Day 6:30 PM TOPS Meeting Topic: "KALE Packs a Healthy Punch" (Meeting Room) 8:00 PM K of C Meeting (K of C Hall) Ash Wednesday – Fast & Abstinence 7:30 PM Contemporary Choir Practice Thur: 7:30 PM Fri: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Choir Practice First Fish Fry (School Hall) 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Sun: First Sunday in Lent Food Shelf Sunday 9:15 – 10:15 AM Parent/student Meeting for First Reconciliation (School Hall) Please Keep in Your Thoughts and Prayers The Ill of the Parish: Arthur Coughenour, Marilyn Horning, Jane Bedard, Edith Knapp, Emma Wages, Johnny Wise, Rosemary Kehner, Roger Begue, Gary Warner, Dianna Knapp, Doug Campbell, Lydia Cunduff, Carol Rufener, Charlie Wise, Barb Seli, Norma Wanchick, Fr. Jim Lang, Nancy Klauka, Marji Horning, Geraldine Morgan, Ray Knapp Sr., Christopher Hamad, Richard Knapp, Paul Warner, Bob Waples, and Bill Hamilton . Rectory Office Closed Tomorrow, Monday, February 16th, is President’s Day…a National Holiday and following suit with the Diocese and surrounding parishes our office will be closed. Thank you. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Holy Season of Lent A remainder during this Holy Season that Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the days when adults (age 21 – 60) abstain from meat and limit themselves to one full meal a day. Of course, all Fridays of Lent are prescribed meatless meals. Lent begins this Wednesday with the distribution of Ashes during the 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Masses. All are encouraged to attend one of these Masses. You will find several booklets on Lenten Reflections for adults, young adults, and children located at the back of church. All these booklets are free so please pick up one or two to enhance your Lenten understanding and experience. The Word Among Us - Prayer Fasting and Almsgiving A Wondrous Love by Henri Nouwen & C.S. Lewis Living Lent With Passion – Pope Francis Lent – A Moving Experience by Jerry Welte 40 Windows for Lent – Activities for Lent & Holy Week Let’s Follow Jesus – Thoughts, Activities, & Prayer What We Do in Lent – Living Faith Kids … and One Happy Easter Morning Consider walking the Via Dolorosa with Jesus by attending the Stations of the Cross which will take place every Friday evening of Lent in the church at 7:00 PM. Benediction will immediately follow Stations of the Cross. First Lenten Fish Fry This Friday The Lenten Season begins this Wednesday and while we all know Lent is about self-control and sacrifice; it is good to know we don’t have to sacrifice a good meal on Fridays! For six weeks we can have a delicious fish dinner with all the ‘fixins’ prepared for us. Check out the menu insert in today’s bulletin complete with prices. Put it on your fridge for easy reference. Fish Fry Desserts We could use some help with our desserts for the fish fry dinners. Our students’ parents provide desserts, but we have been blessed enough in the last couple of years to have an increase in the patronage of our fish frys. Therefore, we could use some extra desserts for our dinners so that all diners may enjoy a sweet ending to their meal. Desserts may be taken to the school office Fridays or when you come to the fish Fry Friday evenings. Thank you for your consideration. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 First Reconciliation Parent/Child Meeting Parents of children, and the children, making their First Reconciliation on March 7th, need to attend the meeting this Sunday, February 22nd, 9:15 to 10:15 AM in the school hall. St. Joseph Cookbook is Here! Our St. Joseph Family “Tried and True” Cookbook is now available! They are $10.00 each. You don’t want to miss out on getting these delicious recipes! All proceeds go towards our St. Joseph 7/8th Grade trip to Washington DC this spring. Thank you to all who sent in recipes, they are fabulous! We will be selling after all masses in the upcoming weeks. Contact Krissy Moore 330-603-7855 to buy one if you miss us at the masses. The Grotto Store has Lenten Items Don’t forget our own Grotto Store has many items for the Lenten Season. Perhaps a statue of the Pieta would do for your home or a specific piece of literature is what you are looking for. Of course, after Lent is Easter and the Store has many items for Easter giving also. Stop in to the store and see what is available for you. The Store will be open from 5:00 to 6:45 PM during the Fish Fry, or by appointment for a specific time. Catholic Education Scholarships The Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union is offering fifty families in Ohio $1,000 each to assist in paying for their student’s Catholic grade school or high school tuition for the 2015-2016 academic year. For Families wishing to find out more information or to apply for the scholarship go to to fill out the necessary forms. Deadline for scholarship applications is February 28, 2015. February is Catholic Press Month The Catholic Exponent, first published on January 7, 1944, about six months after the founding of the Diocese of Youngstown, is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Youngstown and an award-winning member of the Catholic Press Association. We provide “a Catholic Window on the World,” offering news, features and commentary at the diocesan, national and international levels.. To instruct, inform and unify the members of the Catholic Church in the six counties of northeast Ohio. We seek a balance of local news with the news of national and international scope. If you are not currently receiving The Exponent and would like to, please call the rectory at 330/628-9941. “The Gospel is the real antidote to spiritual destitution: wherever we go, we are called as Christians to proclaim the liberating news that forgiveness for sins committed is possible, that god is greater than our sinfulness, that he freely loves us at all times and that we were made for communion and eternal life. The Lord asks us to be joyous heralds of this message of mercy and hope!” Pope Francis - - Message for Lent 2014
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