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For more detailed information about any story in this bulletin; or for tailored sector-specific monitoring contact: [email protected]; [email protected]) Local Daily News March 02,2015 *Media is an important partner of the State, says President TMR *Suara Timor Lorosae, March 2, 2015 Language source: Tetun Media is an important partner of the Government because media could transmit information to people in the country and in the world, therefore, the State is obliged to support and pay attention to the media, President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak says. President TMR made the comment in his speech during the ceremony of Timor Post Daily’s 15th anniversary at Timor Post Office in Mandarin of Dili on Saturday 28 of February. “Congratulations to Timor Post because you have had good idea to support Timor-Leste’s state building, in Timor-Leste media is big partner and the State is obliged to support the media to transmit the information to the public ,” TMR said. *PM Araujo supports KAK’s efforts of fighting against corruption *Televizaun Timor-Leste, March 2, 2015 language source: Teun Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo last Friday made a short notice visit in the office the Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK) to take a look closer at conditions and difficulties which the institution faces. During his visit PM Araujo said the Government supported and backed KAK to fight against acts of corruption in the country. “There is an impression that KAK is afraid of combating corruption; therefore from the perspective of the Government we would like to manifest our concerns how we can be together with KAK to fight corruption in the country,” he said. Mr. Araujo added that the Government continued supporting the process of drafting the anticorruption law and said the Government would to take it to the Parliament for approval after KAK reviewed it. *GOPAC TL produces suggesting box for anti-corruption *Televizaun Timor-Leste, March 2, 2015 language source: Tetun Group of Anti-Corruption Parliamentarian (GOPAC) Timor-Leste has produced a box for advises and suggestions regarding acts of corruption in the country. The suggesting box was made to ask for all parties’ contribution to give their ideas in relation to preventing and combating corruption in the country. President of GOPAC, Francisco Branco called on all citizens and civil society organizations to put their suggestions in this box, relating to issue of corruption in the country. “I would like to let our society know that now we have produced a suggesting box, aiming to get suggestions on the issue of corruption in the country,” he said. *Suai court holds mobile court to try pending cases *Televizaun Timor-Leste, March 2, 2015 language source: Tetun Suai District court has held another mobile court to try and resolve all its pending cases in the area. Judge Alvaro Moniz Freitas said the mobile court was held to help reduce numbers of the pending cases and said it would cover all municipals which was the responsibility of Suai court. Mr. Freitas said there were more 30 pending cases that were being heard in this mobile court. *Water supply is very important for hospitals and health centers *Televizaun Timor-Leste, March 2, 2015 language source: Tetun Deputy Minister for Health said the clean water supply was very important for medical staffs and patients; therefore she had pledged to resolve the water supply issue at the Hospital of Suai. The minister said the Hospital of Sui was facing the water supply shortcomings; therefore the Ministry of Health (Ms) wanted to address the issue. “The clean water supply is very important in supporting heath facilities for medical treatment,” she said after visiting Suai Hospital. In response, Administrator of Covalima Municipal said the water supply at Suai Hospital was good and said no problem with health facilities in the area. *Communities call for ambulance *Televizaun Timor-Leste, March 2, 2015 language source: Tetun Communities of Lurba village, the Administrative Post of Bobonaro have called on the Ministry of Health (MS) to provide them with ambulance as sometimes they only carry patients to hospital and health centers. The communities made the call during the official visit of deputy minister for health in the Municipal of Bobonaro. TVTL journalist reported that there was a health center in the area, but there had been water supply for medical staffs and patients. *CPLP entrepreneurs unite to build CPLP countries’ economy *Suara Timor Lorosae, March 2, 2015 Language source: Tetun Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo calls on the Portuguese-Speaking Countries’ (CPLP) entrepreneurs to unite to improve economy in CPLP’s countries to promote business development. PM Araujo is proud of Timor-Leste’s Entrepreneurs’ representative who could assume CPLP’s Entrepreneurs Confederation Presidency and this is the first CPLP Entrepreneurs Confederation that has ever held to organize CPLP’s entrepreneurs to improve economy and promote business between CPLP members. “What we are doing now with a fundamental basic that is inspiring us to achieve poverty eradication and promote sustainable development among the CPLP countries,” PM Araujo said in CPLP Entrepreneurs Confederation Meeting at Hotel Novo Tourismo in Lecidere on Saturday 28. *TL to walk forward, it needs to combat corruption *Suara Timor Lorosae, March 2, 2015 Language source: Tetun Timor-Leste could walk forward if it could combat corruption because currently corruption is still flourishing in Timor-Leste, EQ Company Director, Rogerio de Araujo Pereira says. Rogerio de Araujo Pereira said the new Government that led by Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo had shown good will to combat corruption because PM Araujo had did a lot of sudden inspections into the state institutions. “We hope that the Sixth Government could have a good policy to combat corruption to develop the country forward because our New PM had ever said that corruption is not good and people who commit corruption should be responsible for their actions, therefore, I think this government has good will to combat corruption,” Pereira said at his office on Friday 28 of February. *TL maintains to resolve maritime boundaries before gas and oil exploration *Independente, March 2, 2015 Language source: Tetun The National parliament (PN) Committee A Deputy President, Arao Noe de Jesus said Timor-Leste continued maintaining its position of resolving the maritime boundaries issue with Australia first before oil and gas exploration in Timor Sea. He said according to Certain Maritime Arrangements on the Timor Sea (CMATS) if Greater Sunrise Oil and Gas Field in Timor Sea could not develop in six years or the production of this oil and gas field could not be done for ten years, then CMATS would be annulled and CMATS had been annulled in February 2013. “Because CMATS has been annulled, now there is a way to begin negotiation about maritime boundaries of the two countries, therefore, PN created a resolution to establish Maritime Boundaries Delimitation Definitive Council to discuss about maritime boundaries and Timor-Leste’s position now is to determine maritime boundaries first before oil and gas exploration in Greater Sunrise Field,” Arao Noe said at PN on Friday 27 of February. *Timor-Leste’s infant and maternity mortality rate high *Independente, March 2, 2015 Language source: Tetun According to the data from the Health Research and Demography, infant and maternity mortality number is highest if comparing with other countries in South East Asia. Health Research and Demography Director, John Seong said in 2009 – 2010, Timor-Leste was in high risk of infant and maternity mortality because each year there were 557 of infant and mother died. “Infant and maternity mortality number is highest in South East Asia followed by malnutrition,” John told journalists in a meeting at USAID Office on Thursday 26 of February this year. February 27,2015 *F-FDTL withdrawn from military operations *Radio Timor-Leste, February 27, 2015 language source: Tetun The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Commands has withdrawn its soldiers from the ongoing military operation of hunting down Mauk Moruk and his followers. F-FDTL Deputy Commander, Brigadier General Filomeno Paixao said F-FDTL was in the joint operation, but the Government had made decision to withdraw it from the operations. “If the Government makes decision to withdraw the defense force means there is something good, so the Government need give you information why it withdrew F-FDTL,” he said. There were 50 soldiers of F-FDTL deployed to help boost the National Police Force to hunt down Mauk Moruk and his followers who have been on the run. *Fretilin MP calls on govt to improve condition of facilities in HNGV *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 27, 2015 language source: Tetun Fretilin MP, Francisco Miranda Branco has called on the new Government to help improve condition of facilities, such as sanitation at the National Hospital of Guido Valadares (HNGV). The MP made the call after holding a short notice visit to HNGV to take a look closer at the conditions of the hospital. Mr. Miranda said he was very concerned about bad conditions and lacking sanitation in HNGV and said such condition had to be improved as the Government had allocated large amount of money to the Ministry of Health. “Please look at this, the situation which is abashing us and the State. I am calling on the 6th constitutional government to improve this condition,” he said. *State secretary for SEFOPE and Minister Silva talk on aquaculture *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 27, 2015 language source: Tetun Minister of Coordinator for Economic and Agricultural Development, Estanislao da Silva and State secretary for Professional Training and Employment Policy (SEFOPE), Elidio Ximenes yesterday talked on aquaculture and school feeding program. Mr. Silva said this was his first meeting with the state secretary and directors in SEFOPE to see their prioritizing programs. “It was our first meeting with the directors here and see what their programs are and can say that we will focus on aquaculture, relating to school feeding program,” he said. *Komité 12 Novembru calls on civil society organizations to continue controlling govt *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 27, 2015 language source: Tetun Komité 12 Novembru has called on civil society organizations in the country to keep up with their mission as social controller to continue watching acts of corruption, engaging the Government members. “We are calling on civil society organizations to continue controlling the process of the governance from acts of corruption,” President of 12 Novembru Comité, Gregorio Saldanha said. The committee also publically declared their supports for the leadership of newly-appointed Prime Minister Rui Maria Araujo as he is capable of managing the Government. *Customs Officers should not meddle in political party’s interest *Suara Timor Lorosae, February 27, 2015 Language source: Tetun Customs officers call on Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo to revise Public civil servants law and all customs officers not to meddle in political party’s interest. Custom officer, Rodolfo Ximenes raised up the issue when Prime Minister Araujo held a short notice inspection into Customs Office at Dili Sea Port on Thursday 26. “I want Public Civil Servants law to be revised and I am calling on all public civil servants not to meddle in political party’s interest from directors until lowest level of public civil servants because if they meddle in political party’s interest, sometimes they boycott the work if their political party lost,” Rodolfo Ximenes said. *Govt should invest more in agriculture sector for income generation *Suara Timor Lorosae, February 27, 2015 Language source: Tetun Civil society organizations suggest the Sixth Government to invest the State Budget more in agriculture sector to generate more revenues for the country besides the revenue from the petroleum sector. “We suggest the Government to invest more in agricultural sector. The key of the development of economy in the country is agriculture because most people are farmers, therefore, the Government should find a way to invest more in agricultural sector,” Human Rights Association (HAK) Director, Manuel Monteiro said on Thursday 26 at his office. He added that the Government should invest more in other productive sectors like agriculture to get more revenue for the country because each year the State Budget depended on petroleum fund. *PM Araujo finds illegal car entering Dili Sea Port *Independente, February 27, 2015 Language source: tetun Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo found an illegal excavator engine between electronic equipments in Dili Sea Port when he did a sort notice inspection into the customs office at DIli Sea Port on Thursday 26. An entrepreneur was in red-handed caught during PM’s visit as he illegally imported the excavator engine imported from abroad and is now at Dili Sea Port and it was filled as electronic equipments, but it was actually an excavator engine. “Today, Customs loads a container which is filled as car’s equipments, but it is a bulldozer and Customs and Dili Sea Port should take an action against this matter,” PM Rui said. *PN Committee B wants Govt to have dialogue with Mauk Moruk *Independente, February 27, 2015 Language source: tetun The National Parliament (PN) Committee B suggests the Government to have a dialogue with former President of Maubere Revolutionary Council (CRM), Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk to resolve the current situation in the country. Mauk Moruk and his members committed acts of crime against the Timorese National Police (PNTL) on January 15, 2015 and in the incident, they seized two PNTL’s pistols and detained two PNTL Officers and burnt down a PNTL’s car. Currently Mauk Moruk and some of his members are still on the run where the police and the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) are hunting down them. “Mauk Moruk’s is a continuation of the problem when we were still in guerrilla, therefore, it is better to sit together in a round table to discuss about this problem ,” PN Committee B President, David Dias Ximenes said. *MAP and GIZ support Laklubar Communities to plant coffee *Independente, February 27, 2015 Language source: tetun The Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery (MAP) and its partner from Germany GIZ offers 3000 coffee trees to communities in Kalohan Village of Laklubar Sub district to be planted in their fields. “MAP and its partner, GIZ really appreciate communities who have good will to cooperate to develop the coffee plantation,” MAP National Direction for Agricultural Community Director, Fernando Soares said at his office on Thursday 22. He said GIZ set farmers development as it first priority, therefore, it continued supporting MAP to build MAP’s staffs’ capacity in rural areas to help facilitate the farmers including technical supports for the farmers and vocational schools in the country. February 26,2015 *49% mothers and children in malnutrition: President TMR *Indepedente, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) affirmed that according to the collected data, 49% of mothers and children of the country were in malnutrition. The president of the republic made the comments during a dialog with the local residents of Madabeno, Municipal of Aileu. President TMR called on the communities and each family in the area to pay attention to the health of their family members. “I visited all the villages throughout the country, I called on all the communities to pay attention to the health as 49% of mothers and children in Timor-Leste are in malnutrition,” he said. *JICA and UNDP support MCIA to make industrial policy *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun Japan International Corporation (JICA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) are currently supporting the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment (MCIA) to produce an industrial policy of the country. Minister for MCIA, Antonio da Concecao made the comments regarding the discussion of the draft law of the promotion of economic and industrial diversification in the country. Mr. Concecao said this law would be presented at the Council of Ministers’ meeting for a profound discussion before applying it. “It is actually an alternative as we are depending much on the petroleum fund; therefore we need to seek for other activities which can help generate incomes for the country,” he said. *Govt begins implementing agreement with World Bank on road constructions *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun The Government of Timor-Leste has begun realizing its agreement with the World Bank regarding the road constructions of Dili-Laulara which will spend US $ 11 million. Minister for Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication, Gastao de Sousa said the Government had started implementing the road construction package project of Dili – Ainaro. This project is financially funded by the World and the Government, using the country’s state budget. “The first package of road construction from Dili-Laulara is financially funded by the World Bank,” Mr. Sousa said. *USAID identifies communities’ concerns and priorities in rural areas *Televizaun Timor-Leste, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun The US’ International Development Agency (USAID) has held a research to identify communities concerns and priorities in rural areas, so that they can get involved in the country’s development. USAID yesterday presented its research findings on the increase of institutional and human capacity at local level for the effective and efficient works. Chief of USAID’s Municipal Project Team of Counterpart International, Caroline Downer said the research was conducted by the social dimensional system in Baucau, Covalima and Ambeno-Oecusse in order to strengthen the communities’ needs. “This is an important step for the projects in districts in order to strengthen the communities’ knowledge in rural area,” he said. *SEAPSEM to cooperate with Rede Feto *Televizaun Timot-Leste, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun State Secretariat of Women’s Economy Strengthening (SEAPSEM) is planning to build a future cooperation with Timor-Leste’s women network, Rede Feto to improve economy of the country’s women. President of Rede Feto, Ivete Oliveira said Rede Feto was ready to cooperate with SEAPSEM in promoting gender equality and women’s economy in Timor-Leste. “It is good as the state secretary wants to hear from us, in this case we are not alone, but I think it is better for us to make an MOU for establishment of the future cooperation,” Ms. Olievita told the media after meeting with the state secretary for SEAPSEM, Veneranda Lemos. Ms. Lemos said the Government would focus on women of the country’s economy; therefore it needed to cooperate with NGOs that worked on women issue. *L-7 wants Xanana and Mauk Moruk’s problem to be resolved *Radio Timor-Leste, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun The ex Member of the National Parliament, Cornelio “L-7” Gama who is also an ex-guerilla fighters commander said he wanted the ex-Prime Minister Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and Mauk Moruk’s problem in the past to be resolved. L-7 affirmed that his younger brother, Mauk Moruk did not cooperate with the country’s judicial sector as Xanana and Mauk Moruk’s problem in the resistance time in the jungle had not yet been resolved. “The Parliament should contact Xanana and Mauk Moruk to sit to gather for resolving their problems in the past, but not to issue resolution to capture him,” L-7 said. *MAP directors suspected of transferring money to their bank accounts *Timor Post, February 26, 2015 language source: Tetun The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP)’s district director and director-general are suspected of transferring money to their bank accounts. Therefore, Montana Company has made its claims to the National Parliament. MP Antonio Bianco from the Fretilin Party said the company had completed administrative office building constructions in Manufahi, such as Turiskai and Alas and said MAP’s two directors had transferred money for the project to the company’s account, but then both asked for the company to return the money. Mr. Binaco said both district and the director-general of MAP were suspected to have transferred the money to their own bank accounts. *Emilia Pires’ trip to abroad arise pro – contra *Independente, February 26, 2015 Language source: Tetun Dili District Court’s (TDD) authorization to suspect Emilia Pires, former Minister for Finance, lets her free to go anywhere even abroad raises concerns from civil society about Timor-Leste’s judicial system. Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Human Rights Association (HAK) considers Government and TDD’s decisions of authorizing the suspect Emilia Pires continues doing her mission as State special envoy to g7+ which requires her to travel abroad is not fair. According to HAK Director, Manuel Monteiro, the Government and TDD should not authorize the suspect Emilia Pires to travel to abroad because she had been notified as a suspect of a corruption case that is on trial in court and according to the existing law she should not do any trip to abroad. “his is not fair because according to the law that being applied everyone who has been notified as a suspect should not go abroad because first, justice cannot reach her or him when she or he has gone to abroad or it can cause a delay in justice process,” Manuel Monteiro said at his office yesterday. *MOP starts discussing Tibar Sea Port construction *Independente, February 26, 2015 Language source: Tetun The Ministry of Public Work, Telecommunication, and Transport has been scheduled to discuss Tibar Sea Port construction today (Thursday 26, 2015) with International Fan Corporation (IFC). Deputy Minister for Public Work, Telecommunication, and Transport, Inacio Moreira said they had met with Minister for Finance and Minister for Planning and Strategic Investment to discuss about Tibar Sea Port Construction. “I have got several documents and we work intensively, so tomorrow (today, red) we are going to meet with IFC to discuss about Tibar Sea Port construction and if it was possible, the construction could be started shortly,” Inacio Moreira said at his office on Wednesday 24. *Empowering Local Govt, USAID launches comprehensive studies *Independente, February 26, 2015 Language source: Tetun The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launches a comprehensive study to empower local government in districts. USAID’s Ba Distritu Project Chief, Carolyn Tanner said the comprehensive study would create coordination line for Ba Distritu Project to reinforce local authorities and improve assistance for access to justice in Timor-Leste. Ba Distritu Project has done survey in three districts namely Baucau, Covalima, and Oecusse started from March until May 2014 and the result becomes basis for Ba Distritu Project for four years. “USAID’s Ba Distritu Project’s baseline survey provides base for four-year project to pay more attention to involve marginalized people such as women, youth, and disabled people,” Tanner told journalists in Fatuhada of Dili yesterday. *Canadian Embassy Representative: it is important to build women-children’s capacity *Independente, February 26, 2015 Language source: Tetun Canadian Embassy to Indonesia’s representative, Helene Viau says it is very important to build and empower women and children’s capacity in the context of development so that sustainable development could go forward. In the development context, it is important to build and empower women and children’s capacity because if there is no gender balance, then sustainable development could not be developed,” Viau said when participating in Feto Fantastiku Film’s launching at Cineplax, Timor Plaza, Dili recently. Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Ba Futuru collaborated with Pixel Asia Production and supported by Canadian Government launched new episode of Feto Fantastiku ba Dame film series on Wednesday 28 of January, 2015.
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